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Organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization

Discuss the organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization.


2.Analyze your leadership and followership characteristics, including your leadership style, your delegation skills, and your conflict management strategies.


3.Discover more about yourself: Are you creative? Do you use reflection in your critical thinking? Do you have a mentor? Do you network? Do you use emotional intelligence when interacting with others? How do you respond to change? Do you use evidence-based interventions in your nursing practice?


4.What are your leadership strong points? What are your areas for personal improvement?


5.APA format: References (uses 3-4 different references from the literature), citations, grammar, spelling, punctuation, spacing, margins, title page, page numbering, headings, etc






Nursing: Self-Discovery Paper

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Leadership Self-Discovery Paper

Organization Structure, Culture and Position

Organization Structure

            Organizations can have smooth operations and effective workload arrangements if they have good structure in place. The arrangement of workload in any organization can be done based on functions, clients, geography or event the services being rendered. According to (Dalton, Hoyle & Watts, 2010) organization structures originally develop around the chains of command. Moreover, the authors point that the organizational authority can be decentralized or centralized. Depending on the size of the organization, the organization structure enables the employees to understand the chains of command.

            In a hospital setting, where I work, there are different levels of management that determined the type of organization structure currently in place. Our hospital entity is big and we have a complex organization structure that consists of the hospital board of directors, head of billing, the hospital administrators, departmental heads and nurse leaders. The roles of all the employees within the organization have been grouped to create a horizontal organizational structure.  The groupings have created five major categories; administrative, informational, diagnostic, therapeutic and support services.

The administrative services include the hospital chief executive officer, the vice presidents, executive officers and head of departments. Their roles include the creation of procedures and policies and public relations duties. The informational services include the admissions and billing, health information records and health education. The therapeutic services are concerned with the patient care, while the diagnostic services deals in the causes of illness with services in categories such as imaging, emergency medicine and laboratory services. Lastly, the support services provide the entire hospital with support, with roles including housekeeping and maintenance, processing of supplies and design, building and repair of medical equipment.

The Organization Culture

            Organization culture has been defined by (Ashkanasy, Wilderom & Peterson, 2011) as the combination of assumptions, beliefs and values, which determines the actions and rationales that organization leaders use in justification of their actions. They are subject of the influence of the values of the society and those of organization members. In the era where healthcare accountability and population management is critical, a culture of accountability and engagement is important in the healthcare systems. The organization that I work has a strong culture, which is full of accountability and employee engagement. The hospital top management has been at the center of the creation of the strong culture of engagement and accountability.

            The healthy organizational culture in the hospital has clearly defined the expectations of individual caregivers on important outcomes such as patient safety, efficiency, quality of care and experience of the patients in course of treatment. The strong culture is also defined by the presence of two-way conversations between the hospital employees and their leaders. The hospital management has realized that having such strong engagement is critical towards achieving success. This is mainly because an engaged workforce possess high commitment, which offers the highest possibility of delivery of quality, compassionate and efficient care. The two-way communication helps in realization of high levels of engagement and its sustainment. The organization culture has encouraged a cross-sectional communication between the staff, departmental heads and the organization management, which has been critical in the delivery of healthcare outcomes and meeting of the organization goals and objectives.

Position in the Organization            

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Ethics: The key to organizational culture. Canadian Manager, 36(3), p. 4

Bart, C. (2011). Ethics: The key to organizational culture. Canadian Manager, 36(3), p. 4. Using the knowledge gained from this article, your reading on culture, the Competing Values Framework, and your understanding of ethics, respond to the following questions: Using the Competing Values Framework, how would you categorize the culture in your organization or an organization for which you have previously worked and was it effective? Why or why not? What do you think is your primary ethical perspective when making decisions? How do you think organizational culture impacts ethics and how do the ethics exhibited by an organization impact the organizational culture?






Ethics and Organizational Culture

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Culture in My Organization

            Using the Competing Values Framework, I can categorize the culture in the organization I worked as being effective. This could be attributed to two major types of cultures that were inherent in the organization, the market compete and collaboration culture. The organization was friendly and an open environment where people created a shared value. The organizational leaders were respected and held as mentors, with friendly environment with group faithfulness and good judgment of customers. Moreover, the organization was results oriented, where the focus was on job completion. The organization leadership showed hard drive, were challenging and helpful to the employees. The common two concerns within the organization setting were company reputations and success.

            The most dominant perspective while making decisions is altruism. According to (Nadelhoffer, Nichols & Nahmias, 2010) altruism can be regarded as the act of being unselfish but showing devotion for others. In an ethical organization, altruism is the principle that places the welfare of others above personal interests. The principle plays a huge role in decision making process as others within an organization are given a priority.             The culture within any organization has great influence on the organizational ethical perspectives. An organizational culture that can be considered as positive provides confidence to employees to be accountable to their decisions and to be ethical, which creates a healthy workplace, promotes group association and empowerment………………………………………………………………………………

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Organizational structure and conduct research on Volkswagen (VW)

For the Assignment, you will apply what you have learned concerning organizational structure and conduct research on Volkswagen (VW). You will respond to the three (3) questions listed below the Assignment instructions in an APA formatted 2–3 page paper . Please view the rubric icon below for the full Assignment details. If one were to chart the growth spurts of Volkswagen over the past three decades, the chart would look like a roller coaster. Plans were for former BMW boss Bernd Pischetsrieder to fix ailing VW when he came aboard in 2002. However, best-laid plans often go astray. VW’s share price is down almost 50% and profits fell by 36%. What is wrong at VW? First, VW has always been able to charge more for its cars because of quality, innovation, styling, and an implied lifetime guarantee. In recent years, however, consumers have decided that the company is going to have to come up with more value for the dollar if loyalty is to be retained. Second, sales in China’s booming market (VW was one of the first car makers on the scene in this giant economy) have plummeted and GM has driven VW from its number one ranking. Third, cost-cutting moves have not worked. Fourth, VW uncharacteristically has labor pains. The CEO has had little luck in reversing these problems because his consensus management techniques are having little impact on VW’s change-resistant bureaucracy. Over half of the company’s 100 managers are not used to making their own decisions. This spells even more trouble for the company in the year ahead. Checklist: Address the following questions in your 2—3 page essay adding an additional title and references page: There are three parts to an essay: Introduction, body, and summation. The first paragraph* or two introduces the reader to the topic of your paper. The body of the paper will address the questions in this particular assignment paper Finish your paper with a final paragraph or two regarding a summary of what you determined and explained in the body of your paper. * Remember to use at least 3 to 4 sentences in each paragraph. Using a search engine of your own choosing, investigate Volkswagen’s performance over the past two years. Write a brief summary of their fortunes and misfortunes. Visit the Volkswagen Investor Relations Web site, then use the search box on the right and search for “organizational structure”. In particular be sure to look at the Corporate Governance Report. Alternately, you can perform an internet search for “Volkswagen organizational structure.” From information supplied, characterize the company’s existing structure. Based on what you have observed in “1” and “2” above; suggest a new organizational structure for the company. Cite any assumptions that you made when you developed your structure. Volkswagen case information instructions You can also go to the Internet and type in “Volkswagen organizational structure”. Some great content there as well. Access the rubric. Source: Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.






A Case of Organizational Structure in Volkswagen

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            The automobile industry is one of the most competitive business environments in the world. The once renowned automobile industry leaders have shown struggle in the market over years. This has been blamed on a number of reasons including the recent recession, entry of new manufacturers into the market and internal organizational factors. Volkswagen provides a perfect example of a once industry leader in automobile manufacture, yet now struggles to impose itself in the market. The paper will provide an analysis of Volkswagen’s performance over the past two years, provide a summary of the company’s fortunes and misfortunes and then provide a suggestion of the alternative organizational structure for the company.

The Performance of Volkswagen over the Past two Years

            In the 2015, Volkswagen (VW) performance was poor and the company was struggling to make sales in the U.S market. According to (Trefis Team, 2016) the company had low operating margins going into 2015 and things became even worse with the development of the emission scandal. Although 2014 was a good year in terms of sales, the company witnessed a slump in sales in 2015, declining by about 2% owing to the slowing sales in China and the company’s inability to take advantage of the increased demand in its SUV product. In the third quarter, the company recorded a net loss of $1.83 billion.             Although the emission scandal has made major headlines over the past two years owing to the economic ramifications to the company, the company’s operating structure has been a subject of great discussion. The company has around 119 factories, employing over 600,000 employees over the world, with over twelve separate brands of vehicles. The company has less than 6% operating margin compared with T…………………………………..

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Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy?

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

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Evaluate the dynamics of a performance-driven organizational culture.


Evaluate the dynamics of a performance-driven organizational culture.


You are a Human Resources Manager for a Fortune 500 company. Many articles have been written about your company because the company discontinued its use of traditional rating systems within its appraisal review system and immediately witnessed increased employee commitment, reduced turnover, and improved metrics related to organizational goals. Your company was asked to host a workshop to share the dynamics of your performance-driven organizational culture as well as the transition from your previous traditional rating system, options for non-traditional valuations, and organizational benefits that can result from the discontinuance of traditional rating systems.

Since you were a key champion involved in the discontinued use of the traditional rating system at your company, the Vice President of Human Resources has asked you to lead the workshop at the conference to educate attendees on the dynamics of performance-driven organizational culture and the use or nonuse of a ratings-driven appraisal system.


Develop a handout for workshop attendees that:

Writers Solution

How can managers create an organizational climate that fosters positive organizational behavior?

 1 There are varieties of theories of motivation, many of which are complementary. Of the main motivational theories described in the text, which theory or theories do you think would apply most fully to the people you know or work with? Why? 

How can managers create an organizational climate that fosters positive organizational behavior?

Discuss goal-setting’s effects on motivation

Discuss how leadership creates an organizational climate that fosters positive organizational behavior.

Analyze the various types of process and content theories of motivation

Please make sure you answer each one with at least 300 words and also use the reading material I have uploaded for you

Writers Solution

Organizational Culture and Values

 Organizational Culture and Values

Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that examines the significance of an organization’s culture and values. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the Topic Materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for References at the end.

1.      Outline the purpose of an organization’s mission, vision, and values.

2.      Explain why an organization’s mission, vision, and values are significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

3.      Explain what factors lead to conflict in a professional practice. Describe how organizational values and culture can influence the way conflict is addressed.

4.      Discuss effective strategies for resolving workplace conflict and encouraging interprofessional collaboration.

5.      Discuss how organizational needs and the culture of health care influence organizational outcomes. Describe how these relate to health promotion and disease prevention from a community health perspective.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as employees’ behaviours

Assessment Information
Subject Code: BUS 604
Subject Name: Business Research Methods
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Research Ethics Proposal
Weighting: 40 %
Total Marks: Length: 40
3000 (+- 10%)
COURSE: Master of Business (Research)
Unit: Business Research Methods
Unit Code: BUS 604
Type of
Assessment: Assessment 3 – Research Ethics Proposal
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: (a) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the major steps involved in conducting research.
(b) Demonstrate an extended understanding of various business research designs and methods, and be able to evaluate and explain their strengths and weaknesses in research designs for particular projects.
(c) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of ethical issues in research and an advanced understanding of appropriate procedures and protocols applicable to these issues.
(d) Critically review and evaluate research literature.
(e) Design research for a particular project, explaining the limitations, advantages, and technical and ethical implications of the techniques employed.
(f) Select, justify and design questions suitable for a survey instrument and be able to analyse survey data in relation to a particular research question.
(g) Prepare a formal research proposal investigating an innovative and/or unresolved research question.
Criteria for
Assessment: • Knowledge and Understanding
• Content and exploration of theories and ideas
• Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
• Technical skills and referencing
Submission Date: Week 13
Total Mark &
Weighting: 40 marks | 40%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 2- mark penalty per calendar day.
Assessment Task Description
Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as employees’ behaviours that are discretionary and -not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization- (Organ, 1988). That is, an employee’s favourable behaviour that is not specified in the person’s contract and is not an enforceable requirement of the employee’s role. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), leadership styles, and perceived justice are essential for organizational success. However, these constructs have not been adequately studied together within the small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) context. Thus, a research is being conducted to assess the effects of leadership styles and perceived justice on organizational citizenship behaviour of employee of SMEs in Sydney, Australia. This study will use the cross-sectional survey as the research design. The convenience sampling technique will be used to select a sample size of 305. Questionnaire will be used to collect the data. Data will be analysed using multiple regression.
Based on the scenario, develop a research ethics proposal to be submitted to the Excelsia College Ethics committee for approval. You must use the Research Ethics Proposal templates attached, for to this assessment.
You must;
1. identify a relevant title for the project
2. Identify and define the research problem
3. State 2 aims for the research
4. Explain the need for and value of the research.
5. List your research questions or hypotheses.
6. Outline the research design and methodology
7. Indicate whether the research is the first stage of a larger project.
8. Who will be approached or recruited to be research participants? How many participants will be involved in your study?
9. List the selection and, if appropriate to your study, the exclusion criteria for participants.
10. How will you recruit respondents for your research?
11. How will you provide detailed information about the study to potential participants?
12. Describe how you will obtain consent to participate from those volunteering as participants for the research.
13. Detail how will you ensure that participants do not feel under any obligation to assist you with your research as participants.
14. Describe how you will preserve participants’ confidentiality as you collect and analyse the data and when you report the results
15. If there are any potential risks (physical, emotional, social or legal) to individual participants’ wellbeing (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) as a result of their involvement in the research, detail the steps that will be taken to address these risks including any support facilities such as counselling, debriefings or referrals.
16. If there are any potential safety implications for yourself as the researcher (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) please indicate how these will be addressed.
17. If research participants will receive any payment, reimbursement, or other benefits from participation in the research, please detail this and provide a justification for the level of compensation.
18. Describe briefly how the research data will be recorded, for example, audiotape, videotape, or written notes.
19. Describe what you will do with the recorded data once it has been analysed.
20. Specify who apart from yourself (and your supervisors if applicable) will have access to the research data and results, and any conditions to be placed on that access.
21. Detail who will own the data and the results of your research.
22. Create Timelines of the research study
NB: You must use relevant sources to support your arguments where necessary.
Marking rubrics
Criteria HD (High
85%-100% DN (Distinction)
75%-84% CR (Credit) 74%-65% P (Pass) 50%-64% F (Fail)
Knowledge and understanding
5 marks Command of the topic,
creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum. Demonstrates
command of the topic by showing
perception and insight — a
serious contribution to the academic debate. Demonstrates
a well-
informed understanding of the topic by showing creativity and insight — a
serious contribution to the academic debate. Understanding
contemporary academic debate, with some creative input and insight, with a tendency
toward description. Limited/poor understanding demonstrated. Any creative input is somewhat off the point.
Content and exploration of theories and ideas
10 marks Outstanding selection that makes a
substantial contribution to academic debate. Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources. Selection from a wide and
range of
perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate. Relevant selection from a range of
perspectives and sources. Sources are
mostly integrated into the overall argument. Narrow selection, minimal use of sources, to support the argument.
Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
15 marks Outstanding use of source material. Excellent argument that is of the
highest academic
quality. Critical distance and
outstanding analysis of the question, to a high degree of excellence. Sources very well integrated into the overall argument. Clear well structured argument that is well crafted and cogent. Critical distance and
outstanding analysis of the question. Sources wellintegrated
into the
overall argument. Clear, cogent
and well-
structured argument.
distance and sound analysis of the question. Mostly clear, cogent and wellstructured argument. Demonstrates criticality and generally good analysis. Sources are not properly integrated into the argument. Absence of clear and cogent argument.
Incomplete analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value.
Technical skills and referencing
5marks Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing
clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in
grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate
conventions. Good grammar and spelling. Referencing sufficiently clear and using an appropriate convention. Adequate
grammar and spelling. References limited/inappropriate.
Many errors in grammar and spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

Writers Solution

Present three of the five types of organizational power

This assessment consists of 5 questions a minimum of 200 words for each question.  This is primarily a rewrite to make it free from plagiarism.  I am attaching the answers from a previous student. Proper English that makes sense please and don’t rely on a spinbot to rewrite.

1. Present three of the five types of organizational power. Provide a description of each type, a real-life example or scenario of a person with that power, as well as any potential abuses of that power. 

2,Describe the concept of organizational culture. Include how organizational culture can be used to effectively lead and what factors can contribute to that culture. 

3,Define four of the five leadership approaches. Give a real-life scenario or example for each approach. 

4.Illustrate three of the six ways of communicating supportive verbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration. 

5.Describe four of the eight nonverbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration.

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Organizational development

Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected.  

Research Paper Topics:

1. Organizational development

2. Organizational culture

3. Team development

4. Diagnostic models

5. Learning organizations

6. Lewin’s Change Model

7. Neuroscience in leadership

8. Organizational Change

You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project.   This assignment is worth 10% of your grade. To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries.

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