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Environmental Regulatory Organizations

Assignment 1 Environmental Regulatory Organizations

Read the article and write a 1-2 paragraph statement as to your pro/con

view of the article. Remember you are free to express your feelings. There

are no right/wrong answers.


Assignment 2

Read the article and write a 1-2 paragraph statement briefly summarizing

what the authors are trying to convey in this study. Remember you are free

to express your feelings. There are no right/wrong answers

Artical In PDF

Assignment 3

After reading the article write a short pro/con statement about your

feelings. Limit writing to 1-2 paragraphs. There are no right/wrong

answers only opinions.




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Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity

Discussion response


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

Discussion response 2


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

 Discussion 3

Response 1 paragraph

Thanks for the post. Is it unethical for someone not to get required immunizations? Explain


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Different global organizations and regional integrations Mexico belongs to

Countries participate in international and regional organizations for a variety of reasons including to leverage and benefit commerce as well as for security. Understanding the underlying dynamics of why these organizations have been selected and their impacts is an important aspect of the business environment. 

– Identify the different global organizations and regional integrations Mexico belongs to 

– Explain the purpose of regional integration and a global organization to which the selected country belongs


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The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout

Put into a Power Point

Executive Summary

The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout. Call center agents are among the leading service providers who have experienced a high rate of employee burnout. Different research studies have been conducted to determine the most effective strategies that can be implemented to reduce burnout among call center agents. Burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. Emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. Luckily, strategies such as the use of the Human Resource (HR) department play a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. The use of modern forms of technology such as call center technology also helps to reduce employee burnout. General participation and active collaboration among all the stakeholders will help to reduce burnout among call center agents. 


Call Center Burnout is a psychological condition that negatively affects the performance of an individual at work. It is also one of the leading medical and psychological conditions that have undermined the performance of healthcare systems in different countries. It is important to note that ineffective management of workplace situations leads to Call Center Burnout. Workers with call center burnout often experience weakness and exhaustion at work. They also experience increased mental distance from their job, accompanied by cynicism or negativism towards the job. All the effects of Call Center Burnout reduce an individual’s performance at work since it reduces professional efficacy. Work-related stress leads to burnout if it occurs for a long period. It manifests as feelings of dread or helplessness, which causes huge problems to both the individual and the organization. In addition, chronic stress at work can lead to other mental conditions such as anxiety and depression that manifest in physical form or symptoms such as heart disease. Most victims of Call Center Burnout are customer care services providers since their job is fast to keep up with, and it requires a lot of emotional labor. However, all experiences Call Center Burnout due to the changes that occur in all organizations. It implies that Call Center Burnout is a condition that is contributed by an external environmental factor. Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper examines Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. 

Literature Review

A research article published by Molino et al. (2016) claims that emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. The article defines emotional labor as the process where workers regulate their expressions and feelings at work while serving the customers with high-quality services. The process of interaction with customers in a call center requires an indevotional to portray certain emotions that are acceptable by the organization. Labor emotions must not be necessarily similar to a worker’s true feelings. The same is defined as emotional dissonance. It represents a vital job feature, especially for call center services. The study’s main aim was to determine whether emotional dissonance arbitrates the relationship between work demands and job resources, such as job autonomy and support from colleagues and supervisors. Also, a job demands-resources model was used as a framework to determine another affective discomfort at work. The findings from the study indicate that call center agents experience a great emotional dissonance and customer verbal aggression as compared to information service agents. The results also show a full arbitration of emotional resonance among the call center workers. Luckily, the article states that suggestions for practitioners in originations came up with suggestions that will help them reduce burnout and promote the health, safety, and wellbeing of their workers. As a result, it is recommended that the findings in the research article should be used to further study to understand the causes and mitigation measures for Call Center Burnout.

According to Ogrysko (2021), burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. For example, The Department of Veterans Affairs has experienced low employee turnover, making it difficult for the organization to have a clear sense of the exact number of workers needed to complete a specific task. The inspector general of the organization stated that their organization has not been able to appropriately determine the number of workers needed for direct patient care roles as a result of low employee turnover. The findings from the article also discovered that other challenges that contribute to burnout include recruitment challenges and other challenges such as non-competitive payment. It explains why the organization experienced a shortage of staff. Fortunately, the organization has established a model called the validated staffing model to help support workers and reduce burnout among the workers. The model supports that all workers should be engaged in the process to determine the appropriate personal needs of the workers since they may have different options or definitions of their work needs. It explains how the use of different staffing models to determine individual needs may help to prevent the occurrence of burnout and increase employee turnover. Thus, it is recommended that the information published in the article should be used to study how employee turnover and burnout can be reduced.

The findings from the study by Ogrysko (2021) correspond to the information provided by an article by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019). The two studies examine how burnout is caused by job dissatisfaction among Registered Nurses. The study by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019) was conducted among registered nurses in hospitals across Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California. 687 RNs were interviewed on how job dissatisfaction contributes to employee burnout across the four states. The findings from the study indicate that 30% of RNs across the states exhibited a low level of burnout. It was also discovered that 31% of RNs are dissatisfied with their job. In addition, 72% of the workers miss one or more tasks during their last shift. Due to work pressure and lack of adequate time and resources leads to job dissatisfaction that contributes to burnout. The study also determines the difference in performance rates of RNs who are satisfied and those who have job dissatisfaction. It was discovered that RNs with a high level of job satisfaction portray a high performance that is not associated with low burnout. On the other hand, RNs who portrayed job dissatisfaction performed poorly since they registered high medical errors, especially during their last shifts. The article provides a solution to job dissatisfaction by suggesting that the working environment should be improved for effective reduction of dissatisfaction rates and to reduce burnout.

Klint et al. (2021) state that Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. The leading factors that contribute to the condition include community fairness, values, reward, and control. Other factors include stressful conditions at work and ineffective management of work conditions. The article also states that there are different dimensions of Call Center Burnout. One of the dimensions is emotional exhaustion which includes physical exhaustion and emotional stress. Another dimension is cynicism and depersonalization, which is caused by the first dimension of burnout. The last dimension is low self-esteem or decreased sense of self-accomplishment. People with a low sense of personal accomplishment feel like their efforts are not enough or do not contribute to the performance and growth of the organization. It explains why the symptoms of burnout are similar to those of other mental conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. High burnout is related to increased medical errors and poor patient safety for healthcare workers. 

A study by Castanheira and Chambel (2010) illustrates how the Human Resource (HR) department plays a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. It is important to note that HR practices are related to job dissatisfaction, discomfort, and stress. All these are interlinked, and they can lead to burnout both collectively or independently. A theoretical framework known as the Job Demands-Control (JD-C) was used to examine job demands such as quantitative demands and emotional dissonances to appropriately determine the role played by HR practices in reducing employee burnout. The study has also made it easy for HR managers to reduce burnout through HR practices by distinguishing between HR involvement systems and HR control systems. HR involvement systems include practices that involve monitoring of performance and practices. On the other hand, HR involvement systems include practices relating to training, performance-related pay, and employee participation. Generally, the findings from the study support that the use of various HR practices will help improve job satisfaction, commitment to reducing burnout among call center agents. The findings discovered that the HR systems could reduce burnout by verifying that they lead to more emotional dissonance among the workers. For instance, the HR involvement system alleviates the workers’ quantitative demands and emotional dissonance to help reduce burnout. The two HR systems help to decrease cynicism and exhaustion among its workers to reduce burnout. 

According to a study by Kwon and Yoon (2011), social support and emotional labor help to reduce burnout and increase employee satisfaction at work. The study was conducted among call center agents in the airline industry. The article is relevant for this study since it examines the impacts of mention on emotional labor and the differences in levels of emotional labor. It also provides recommendations for the improvement of the competitive power of call center agents in airline companies. It was discovered that emotional labor affects the rate of burnout.  


Call Center Burnout is a global health problem that affects call center agents’ health, well-being, and performance. It arises due to many reasons, such as external and environmental factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Thus, all organizations must provide a safe and conducive working environment for their workers to avoid cases of burnout and low employee turnover. Most employees who experience job dissatisfaction face all the work pressure and challenges, such as a lack of adequate support from their colleagues or supervisors. Lack of adequate resources, such as financial resources, has been noted as contributing to the increase in burnout among employees. As a result, all organizations should ensure that active participation and collaboration are upheld among all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that measures that promote the well-being and safety of employees are implemented. Research is one of the best tools that organizations and individuals have used to find the most relevant solution to various problems since it enhances accuracy during decision-making. It explains why this research article should be used to find the best solutions to employee burnout among call center agents. Similarly, the article makes it easy for organizations to identify and implement the most appropriate strategies to solve the issue since it outlines the procedure for the implementation of such measures. 


Since Call Center Burnout is a serious issue that undermines call center agents’ performance, health, and safety, it is vital to establish or identify the best solutions. One of the solutions to Call Center Burnout is the investment in call center technology. The rise in the use of modern forms of technology has reduced work overload among workers in various industries. Similarly, implementing a call center technology system will help reduce call center burnout among employees since it reduces burnout. For instance, call center software can enhance collaboration among call center teams and empower employees by displaying relevant information at a fast rate. Another solution to Call Center Burnout is the recognition of burnout among the employees. The first step toward finding the appropriate solution to a particular problem is the acceptance that the problem exists. However, detecting or recognizing burnout among call center agents takes empathy and a keen eye. It explains why identifying burnout at its initial stages is a step toward recognizing and finding an early solution. Addressing unfair treatment is another solution that can help keep employees committed and motivated hence reducing burnout. Most cases of employee burnout are caused by unfair treatment at work. Addressing unfair treatment is similar to providing a conducive working environment for all employees regardless of the hierarchy levels. The same can also be achieved by sorting out unreasonable demands and unmanageable workloads in the workplace. 

Governance of Quality Assessment

Another important stage when solving the issue of employee burnout is the practical implementation of the solutions that will help reduce Call Center Burnout. The best way to implement the identified strategies is through active participation and general indolence among all stakeholders, such as the workers and the supervisors. In other words, everyone’s option should count during decision-making on the best strategies to implement to reduce call center burnout. The implementation of these strategies should reduce employee stress and increase job satisfaction. Appropriate manager support will ensure that burnout is reduced since it helps to reduce workloads and remove unnecessary workplace demands. Changing management expectations and work environment reduces stress to reduce the rate of burnout among the call center agents. Another step toward the implementation of Call Center Burnout is the provision of safe working environments by eradicating works risks and other hazards that may cause physical or emotional damage to the workers. It is similar to creating a working environment that is from all physical, psychological, and emotional hazards. Implementing incentives such as cash incentives among the call center agents has been one of the best ways to implement employee burnout since it keeps employees motivated.  


In conclusion, Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper has examined Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. It is among the leading issues that have undermined the ability of all organizations to provide a safe working environment for their call center agents. It has also led to work-related stress that has contributed to low employee turnover in many organizations. Luckily, different strategies and measures have been implemented to reduce employee burnout and stress. One of the solutions is the implementation of call center technology since it helps make work easier for the call center agents. Another solution is the provision of a safe working environment for the employees. Adequate support and resources such as financial resources also help provide a solution to employee burnout. Finally, it is essential to note that research is another critical tool that can be used to find the best solution to problems such as employee burnout


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Callie Sanchelli, community pertaining to criminal organizations

#1 Callie Sanchelli

I don’t believe there is any issues within my community pertaining to criminal organizations, I don’t believe there is a need for one or multiple in my community, I live in such a small town that there really wouldn’t be any reason to have a criminal organization. With such a small population where everyone minds their own business, I don’t think there is any need of concern for having criminal organizations happening around us. I believe my perception is very closely aligned with reality, I trust that if things like criminal organizations within my community were happening that I would hear about it, that it would be put in town newsletters or have the police speak on the matter. A misconception that may lead to an inaccurate perception would be that criminal organizations need to be this elaborate group always creating issues and committing crimes within the community and that potentially the size of a population may not matter at all. Along with that misconception would be that these organizations are robbing and stealing from community members and businesses that they are a more prominent negative means within the community and is well known for their destruction.



STUDENT REPLY #2 William Kellogg


Well I guess, it is a problem in my community because many people live in fear that they will be robbed, they will be threatened if they do something against the gang’s rules etc. and I have seen such extreme measures taken by the gang’s just because people did something which was against their favor, and apart from that police is also involved in these type of crimes and we, the people cannot do anything.


It is very high because we should be pro-active and accurate too because the gangs are very dangerous, and it would have been less if the police will not be involved in these crimes and that’s what I am worried about the most.


Well, there are some myths and misconceptions. Those myths and misconceptions which might lead to inaccurate perceptions of criminal organizations in my community are as follows:

They will kill EVERYONE.

They will rob you every time when they see you

Some criminal gangs actually work for the welfare of their community which is a great thing but sometimes they forget the laws and takes extreme measures. The reason behind that is whenever people have power in their hands, they think that they are indefeasible and took the wrong turns




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Cybersecurity help organizations to mitigate threats/risks, reduce financial loss and safety violations

Subject Code and Title MIS607 Cybersecurity
Assessment Mitigation Plan for Threat Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
b) Explore and articulate cyber trends, threats and staying safe in cyberspace, plus protecting personal and company data.
c) Analyse issues associated with organisational data networks and security to recommend practical solutions towards their resolution.
d) Evaluate and communicate relevant technical and ethical considerations related to the design, deployment and/or the uses of secure technologies within various organisational contexts.
Weighting 45%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
For this assessment, you are required to write a 2500 words mitigation plan for threat report based on knowledge you gained about threat types and key factors in Assessment 2. You are required to use the Assessment 2 case as context to write a report to address or alleviate problems faced by the business and to protect the customers. In doing so, you are required to demonstrate your ability to mitigate threat/risks identified in Assessment 2 through the strategy you recommend (STRIDE).
Cybersecurity help organizations to mitigate threats/risks, reduce financial loss and safety violations, decrease unethical behaviour, improve customer satisfaction, and increase efficiency, as well as to maintain these improved results. Threats can be resolved by Risk Acceptance (doing nothing), Risk Transference (pass risk to an externality), Risk Avoidance (removing the feature/component that causes the risk) and Risk Mitigation (decrease the risk). This assessment gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of cybersecurity and your capability to explain Risk Mitigation strategies for such threats. Mitigations should be chosen according to the appropriate technology and resolution should be decided according to the risk level and cost of mitigation.
Task Instructions
1. Read the Assessment 2 Case Scenario again to understand the concepts discussed in the case.
2. Review your subject notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Reread any relevant readings that have been recommended in the case area in modules. Plan how you will structure your ideas for the mitigation plan for threat report.
3. The mitigation plan for threat report should address the following:
• Setting priorities for risks/threats
MIS607_Assessment_3_Brief_Mitigation plan for threat report_ Module 6.1 Page 1 of 4
• Analyse the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios
• Apply standard mitigations
• Discuss specific resolutions for improvement, and justify their significance
• Provide recommendations for mitigating risk based on an assessment of risk appetite, risk tolerance and current risk levels (Choose techniques to mitigate the threats)
• Make recommendations to the CEO on how to conduct risk management, key issues involving your process improvement model, including a road map, the identification of appropriate technologies for the identified techniques, communicating the strategy, and a suggested timeline.
4. The report should consist of the following structure:
A title page with subject code and name, assignment title, student’s name, student number, and lecturer’s name.
The introduction that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report. This means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in mitigation plan report. You will need to inform the reader of:
a) Your area of research and its context (how to mitigate or manage threats)
b) The key concepts you will be addressing
c) What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
The body of the report will need to respond to the specific requirements of the case study. It is advised that you use the case study to assist you in structuring the report. Set priorities for identified threats from assessment 2, analyse the case in terms of identified risk categories and discuss specific resolutions and recommendations for improvements in the body of the report.
The conclusion (will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.
5. Format of the report
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
6. Referencing
There are requirements for referencing this report using APA referencing style for citing and referencing research. It is expected that you used 10 external references in the relevant subject area based on readings and further research. Please see more information on referencing here:
7. You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading the assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.
Submission Instructions
Submit Assessment 3 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS607 Cybersecurity. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
MIS607_Assessment_3_Brief_Mitigation plan for threat report_ Module 6.1 Page 2 of 4
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard)
0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Visual appeal and presentation of content
Title page included. Adheres to the font, spacing, format, word count requirement. Appropriate use of paragraphs, sentence construction, spelling, and grammar.
No title page. Incorrect font and size with poor line spacing and large gaps in pagination, tables, or diagrams.
Report is written as a block of text with no breaks in between ideas. Separate ideas cannot be clearly discerned.
Many errors in spelling or grammar. Does not adhere to the word count requirement.
Title page is included. Missing most information. Incorrect font and size is used or poor line spacing and large gaps in pagination.
Paragraphs are used but large blocks of text with long sentences make it difficult to understand the ideas being conveyed.
Spelling or grammar has errors but meaning remains clear. Does not adhere to the word count requirement.
Title page is included but is missing key information. Some errors in font use and line spacing. Some pagination problems. One idea or concept per paragraph. Some paragraphs could be more succinctly written.
Minor spelling or grammar errors. Adheres to the word count requirement. Title page is included with most required information. Minor errors in font, spacing and format. One idea or concept per paragraph with 3–4 wellconstructed sentences per paragraph.
No errors in spelling or grammar. Adheres to the word count requirement. Title page is included with all required information. Font, spacing, and format are in accordance with the requirements of the assignment brief. Expert use of paragraphs with 3–4 well-constructed sentences per paragraph that follow logically from each other.
No errors in spelling or grammar. Adheres to the word count requirement.
Knowledge and
Understanding of the key concepts, principles of cybersecurity, Analyse the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios and apply standard mitigations.
30% Lack of understanding of the required concepts and knowledge. Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Lack of analysis of the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios and no application of standard mitigations.
Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge. Some of the key components of the assignment are not
addressed. Limited analysis of the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios. Limited application of standard mitigations.
Adequate understanding of the required concepts. A reasonable capacity to explain and apply relevant key concepts. Supports opinion and information substantiated by evidence from research to analyse the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios.
Adequate application of standard mitigations.
Thorough understanding of the key concepts. Welldemonstrated capacity to apply and analyse relevant information to analyse the case in terms of identified risk categories and scenarios and application of standard mitigations.
Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s and key concepts.
Expert analysis of case in terms of identified risk categories and application of standard mitigation.
MIS607_Assessment_3_Brief_Mitigation plan for threat report_ Module 6.1 Page 3 of 4
Evaluation and
Discuss specific resolutions for improvement. Evaluation and justification of resolutions to provide recommendations for mitigating risks
Lack of discussion on specific resolution for improvement. No evaluation of resolutions for improvement to provide recommendations for mitigating risk.
Limited discussion on specific resolutions for improvement. Lack of evaluation of resolutions for improvement to provide recommendations for mitigating risk.
Adequate discussion of specific resolutions for improvement. Provide
resolutions for improvement and recommendations for mitigating risk.
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and discuss specific resolutions for improvement. A comprehensive evaluation and justification of resolutions to provide recommendations for mitigating risk. Expert discussion of specific resolutions for improvement.
Comprehensive and high level of evaluation and justification of the significance of resolutions to provide recommendations for mitigating risks.
Use of academic and
discipline conventions
Formal tone. No use of first-party perspective. Meets the assignment brief regarding introduction, body, and conclusion. Appropriate use of credible resources. Correct citation of key resources using APA style of referencing.
20% Does not adhere to the assignment brief requirements. Poorly written with informal tone using first person pronouns. No introduction attempted. Conclusion not attempted. Inconsistent and inadequate use of goodquality, credible resources. No use of intext references, or no reference list at the close of the report. Many mistakes in using the APA style. Written according to academic genre. Minor errors in the use of first-person pronouns.
Introduction attempted but very generic. Does not clearly state the purpose of the report and what the reader should expect to find in the report. Conclusion attempted but does not include summation of key concepts and/or recommendations. Consistent use of credible sources but these are not always explicit or welldeveloped. Little use of intext referencing. Mistakes in using APA style. Written according to academic genre. Sound use of the introduction but does not clearly state either the purpose of the report or what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report.
Sound use of the conclusion and succeeds in either the summation of key concepts discussed or recommendations, but not both. Consistent use of credible sources. Good use of in-text referencing. Minor errors in using the APA style. Well-written and adheres to the academic genre. Good use of the introduction, which clearly states the purpose of the report and what the reader should expect to find in the body of the report.
Good use of the conclusion and succeeds in summation of key concepts discussed and key conclusions or recommendations. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible sources. Very good use of in-text referencing. No mistakes in using the APA style. Expertly written. Adheres to the academic genre. Excellent use of introduction. Secures the attention of the reader, clearly states the purpose of the report and what the reader should expect to find in the report. Excellent use of the conclusion. Succeeds in confident summation of key concepts and recommendations. Expert use of credible and relevant sources. Excellent use of in-text referencing. No mistakes in using the APA style.
MIS607_Assessment_3_Brief_Mitigation plan for threat report_ Module 6.1 Page 4 of 4

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Companies and organizations must adhere to multiple employment laws and regulations and HR professionals must be aware of these laws

Portfolio Paper

The portfolio paper covers the array of topics discussed and presented in the course.

The paper will be evaluated using the Unit Assignments and Portfolio Paper rubric (Appendix A).  Companies and organizations must adhere to multiple employment laws and regulations and HR professionals must be aware of these laws.  For your paper, you will need to choose one of these laws and regulations (see list below) and research the law by using a variety of resources (textbook, websites, etc.) to discuss the history of the law, to review any cases that companies violated or may have violated the law, to discuss any current issues or developments with the law, to discuss any personal experience you have had with the law/regulation (if any), and to forecast the future of the law based on your research.                        

Select one of the following laws:

  • Any law or regulation from Appendix C in the textbook
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  • Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
  • Another law or regulation may be chosen, but prior approval must be given by the instructor.

Specific Content Guidelines:

  • History of the Law/Regulation – Make sure to include the driving forces of the law, such as why the law came about and who were the major players pushing for the law (and against)
  • Court Cases involving the law/regulation – Find at least three (3) companies/organizations that violated or may have violated the law/regulation. Discuss the cases, what the companies did to violate or possibly violate the law, and what the outcomes were.
  • Current Issues or Developments – Discuss what is currently happening with the law, such as any amendments. For example, military provisions being added to FMLA.
  • Personal Experience – What kind of experience have you had with the law? For example, you may have been out sick or may have been pregnant and utilized FMLA.
  • Future of the Law/Regulation – Based on your research, what do you think the future of the law will be? How can it be improved?  Does it need to be updated or amended?  Is it still needed or relevant?  Include your explanations for your answers.

Prepare the portfolio paper using the following guidelines:

  • 2,500 – 3,000 words using APA formatting, including title and reference pages
  • Include biblical foundations application (500 – 750 words)
  • Minimum of 8 scholarly references

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Team-based organizations emphasize the value and importance of all employees regardless of their specific roles or the simplicity and complexity of the tasks that they perform

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Question 1 (7 marks)
Team-based organizations emphasize the value and importance of all employees regardless of their specific roles or the simplicity and complexity of the tasks that they perform. In your opinion, explain the benefits of team-based environment in an organisation. Answer this question in not more than 300 words.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
What are the Hofstede’s primary cultural dimensions. Explain with examples. Answer this question in not more than 400 words.
Question 3 (11 marks)
Given today’s risks because of Covid-19, keeping your global team motivated is challenging. In this situation, how a global manager can motivate employees according to the learning-base perspectives on motivation? Answer this question in not more than 700 words.
Question 4 (11 marks)
Decision making is a fundamental management function. In the light of this statement, explain how managers make decisions on the basis of rational approach? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of rational decision-making approach. Answer this question in not more than 700 words.
Question 5 (7 marks)
Organizations are looking for ways to have higher employee engagement and productive employees. A way that this may be accomplished is through employees’ positive organizational behaviour practices. With reference to the above statement, explain the possible responses to influence attempts with examples. Answer this question in not more than 400 words.
Question 6 (7 marks)
In organizing its human resources, an organization must identify who will do what and where; in some cases, they may also specify the how, why and when. Within any organization there is a need to divide, allocate, coordinate and control activities so that goals and organizational aims are achieved. In addressing such challenges, we may pose three related questions: what is the organization trying to do? How is it trying to do it? And why does it in that way? With reference to above, explain the characteristics of organisational structure with examples. Answer this question in not more than 400 words.
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV5497 HI6005
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity

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Organizations must stay up-to-date on their vulnerabilities and protection measures.

Project: Risk Assessment

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Organizations must stay up-to-date on their vulnerabilities and protection measures. Once vulnerabilities have been evaluated, the organization uses this information to develop a risk assessment plan. This plan should consider the perspectives of owners, shareholders, employees, policy makers, suppliers, and customers.

In this project, “Risk Assessment,” use the previous findings from Project 1, “Vulnerability and Threat Assessment Report,” to recommend an action plan for the risk assessment assigned in this project. The final assignment is a five- to seven-page review or summary of the risk assessment. Note that this is not a complete risk management report, but a “what if” report outlining potentials in both attacks and possible responses.

For this particular project, grades are based on the ability to clearly and accurately assess policies, processes, and technologies to identify and assess risk and articulate effective mitigation strategies to achieve the appropriate security needed for the enterprise.

This is the second of four sequential projects. There are 12 steps in this project. Begin below to review the project scenario.



Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

  • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.
  • 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.
  • 9.3: Risk Assessment: Assess policies, processes, and technologies that are used to create a balanced approach to identifying and assessing risks and to manage mitigation strategies that achieve the security needed.

·         Project 2: Risk Assessment

Step 1: Review the Risk Management Framework

·         As the first step in preparing the risk assessment, review the risk management implementation framework and the risk management technologies that you might use in your assessment.

·         In the subsequent sections of this project, you will write a risk assessment summary report that can be used in addressing cybersecurity threats through risk management.

·         When this first step is complete, move to the next step, where you will create a list of vulnerable assets

·         Step 2: Document Vulnerable Assets  

·         In the opening step, you considered the risk management implementation framework and the risk management technologies you might use. Now, it’s time to list the organization’s vulnerable assets.

·         In order to conduct effective information risk management, the vulnerabilities of the system must be understood and documented prior to starting the assessment, regardless of which of the risk assessment approaches is used.

·         Begin by conducting a thorough review of the recently completed Vulnerability and Threat Assessment report. During the review, pay particular attention to which security risks to information systems that might be relevant and consider varying types of risk assessment and analysis.

·         Using the Vulnerable Assets Template, identify and create a list of assets considered vulnerable. This is a simple list, not prioritized, not valued, simply identified, but complete. Pay particular attention to application software in both the acquisition and implementation phases. This list of vulnerable assets will also be used during the next step.

·         Submit the completed list of vulnerable assets for feedback.

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·         In the next step, you will take the vulnerable assets and use them to identify specific internal and external threats.

·         Step 3: Review the Vulnerable Assets List

·         In the previous step, a list of vulnerable assets was compiled from the Vulnerability and Threat Report in the previous project. Now, incorporate any feedback from the previous step and identify specific cybersecurity threats, including network access risk by devices to those assets.

·         Again, the Vulnerability and Threat Assessment final report is the starting point to fulfill this step in the Risk Assessment. Compiling a complete list of threats and vulnerabilities will act as a comprehensive review of your vulnerability assessment as well as potentially expand the list, now that you have greater input and a second look at your previous results.

·         Step 4: Document Internal and External Threats  

·         You’ve reviewed the list of vulnerable assets, and in this step, you will document threats. Recall that a threat is any event, action, or factor that has the potential to cause damage to the enterprise. Threats can come from a variety of sources, including people (a hacker stealing employee passwords) and natural events (a power blackout causing data loss).

·         Use the Internal and External Threats Template to add all threats and vulnerabilities—internal and external to the enterprise—and tie them to the itemized assets that will be affected. Note that external threats will include a comprehensive review by device type at network access, both direct and indirect, a view of the social media landscape as a threat.

·         Submit the itemized list of threats for feedback.

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·         In the next step, you will conduct research and report on inputs for threats and vulnerabilities.

·         Step 5: Research Relevant Environmental Factors  

·         This step continues to build on the internal and external threats as itemized in the previous step by researching relevant external inputs.

·         Since cybersecurity is a complex and multifaceted endeavor, an effective analysis of threats includes consideration of the threat landscape inherent within the context in which the enterprise operates.

·         Researching how the external context and environment contribute to threats and vulnerabilities is critical because no company or industry is an island, particularly as it pertains to cybersecurity. The very nature of cybersecurity is hyperconnectivity—across companies within the same industry and across industries with similar information demands.

·         Be sure to seek external input into the particular situation, specific threats and vulnerabilities, best practices, regulatory factors, government policy issues, previous industry issues, etc. Conduct thorough research in the industry and related industries about previous actions and activities that could affect your company.

·         When the research is complete, you will use it in the next step to create a list of external threats and vulnerabilities.

·         Step 6: Describe External/Environmental Inputs to Threats and Vulnerabilities  

·         Using your research from the previous step, create a list of external industry sources and best practices that might apply. Include one or two sentences for each input, commenting on why you think it would add value to your Risk Assessment.

·         Submit your list of external inputs of threats and vulnerabilities for feedback.

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·         Next, you will identify potential and actual business impacts.

  ·         Step 7: Identify Business Impacts and Probabilities  

·         Remember, cyber risk management and compliance is not just about the technology. It is also about the impact people, policies, and processes can have on the financial results of the company. After the previous step, in which you created a list of threats and vulnerabilities, now it’s important to consider the effects on business as part of risk assessment.

·         Each enterprise must identify and address its own unique threat issues because the most obvious threats are not always the most dangerous ones. Many common threats, such as fire, are already mitigated to a high degree through local building codes and modern infrastructure redundancies. These might not require any further action. However, obscure threats, such as disruptive actions taken by a malicious insider, may be completely unmitigated.

·         Any risk assessment should include a view of the business impact should an identified threat become a reality. Also consider the likelihood of occurrence for each threat so the list can be prioritized and appropriately managed.

·         For this step, use the external inputs of threats and vulnerabilities compiled in the previous step to consider the business (monetary) impact of any realized threats and the prioritization of these threats by potential impact to the enterprise. In the next step, you will create a list of the business impacts.

·         Step 8: List Business Impacts and Probabilities

·         You identified the potential financial impacts should identified threats become realities in the last step. Here, use your findings to complete the Business Impacts and Probabilities Matrix, listing each identified threat and the risk, the probability, and a potential mitigation to include all policies, processes, and technologies to be used in formulation of financially and logistically sound mitigation strategy.

·         After you’ve completed this step, you will document and prioritize risk responses. Submit your Business Impacts and Probabilities Matrix for feedback.

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·         Step 9: Consider Risk Response Strategies

·         Now that you have developed a comprehensive list of potential risks with probabilities and potential business impact, it is time to consider possible risk response strategies for these risks. In the next step, you will document and prioritize risk responses.

Step 10: Document and Prioritize Risk Responses

In this step, you will prioritize your selected risk responses from the last step based on several factors:

  • The economic impact to the organization should the assessed risk occur.
  • The likelihood (probability) of an event that would activate the risk.
  • The arrangement of assets ranked by priority based on the highest value of the following formula: (economic impact) X (probability) = risk


Risk Formula

Use the Prioritized Risks and Response Matrix template to submit your findings for feedback.

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After this process, you will be ready for the final step, the risk assessment summary report.

Step 11: Compile Your Work Up to This Point

You’ve prioritized your list of risk responses. It’s time to take a look at everything compiled so far for the Risk Assessment Summary Report. Keep in mind that a full risk management report is an intensive team endeavor that takes considerable time and resources to create. Remember that Maria has not tasked you with generating a full risk management report; rather, she has asked you to write a brief “what if” report outlining potentials in both attacks and possible responses.

In this step, take some time to review, make any updates, and compile your risk findings up to this point in preparation for creating the final report in the next step.

Step 12: Write the Risk Assessment Summary Report

Throughout this project, the necessary information has been assembled to provide your boss Maria with a risk assessment so that she may begin developing a long-term risk management strategy. This final step is compiling that information into a cogent “summary report” for presentation to company executives. This report will summarize the Vulnerability and Threat Assessment with the addition of the Risk Assessment just completed.

It is critical to provide recommendations to help the organization implement effective information risk management practices. Use findings in the previous steps to recommend risk management strategies such as least privilege, separation of duties, mandatory vacation, risk management technologies, and others you have found appropriate.

Remember, the recommendations included in the report should address all aspects of the research—business, economic, and technical reasoning for the conclusions.

Follow these Final Risk Assessment Summary Report requirements while writing the final risk assessment summary.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

  • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.
  • 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.
  • 9.3: Risk Assessment: Assess policies, processes, and technologies that are used to create a balanced approach to identifying and assessing risks and to manage mitigation strategies that achieve the security needed.

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Manage risk within organizations and enterprises

  The required article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.For your week 3 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements: