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Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures


ANTH-12 Osteology Research Assignment/Essay

Prompt: Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures. Since hominin are only discovered as fossilized remains, the study of their bones and skeletons is very important for our understanding of human evolution! For this assignment, each student will write a short research paper on a hominin osteological feature (i.e. a bone or skeletal structure) of their choice. Students should pick a feature that is both interesting to them and important for our evolution. Look for skeletal features that aid in things like locomotion, bipedalism, and tool making etc. In the paper, students should describe the bone or skeletal trait in detail and explain how and why it is important to human evolution. Students may also want to include a discussion of key fossil hominin finds that feature their chosen subject. In addition, students are expected to include a detailed hand drawing of their chosen osteology feature to accompany their research paper. This drawing can be embedded in the submitted word document or included as a separate upload. A minimum of 3-4 scholarly references are required; non-academic sources are categorically not appropriate references. All references should be parenthetically cited and included in a works cited page at the end. Example of a topic: hyoid bone, calcaneus, non-opposable hallux, foot arch (tarsal and metatarsal bones), pelvis, knee joints, femur, vertebral column, thumb metacarpal, dentition/molars, wrist bones, clavicle, finger phalanges, hip joints, sagittal crest, bone density, etc. Due: Saturday, April 10th by 11:59pm PT. Submission: Online on Canvas Requirements: About 3 pages (approximately 600-650 words, not including bibliography page) Works Cited Page/Bibliography (3-4 citations) Drawing of bone (can be embedded in word document) Total Points: 20 points How to structure an essay: Introduction Thesis statement (A thesis statement is composed on three parts: context, subject and claim!) Body Paragraphs Conclusion How to Research: Website based internet sources are not a legitimate basis of information for this paper. Instead, try these sources: SJSU Library: Google Scholar:

Ø Example search: “human evolution hyoid bone”




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