Writers Solution

company in Ukraine outsourced me as a freight broker

Problem Solving Skills and must include my topic of a company in Ukraine outsourced me as a freight broker. Two weeks after the war started the entire company seems to have disappeared. I tried my boss and human resources and even authorities over in Ukraine but did not have any luck or advice on what to do.  but I still get weekly checks deposited into my account. I am also struggling because I loved that job and I really want to stay with the company, but do I need to move on?

Semester Project

Sending this out early so as you begin to shape your project, you will have a better expectation of the requirement.


In Module One, you selected a problem which affects you directly.  Throughout the semester, by continually working on your journal entries, you have applied problem solving skills learned in this class in working towards a solution.  This problem should have had potential solutions within your control and have had the opportunity to see results within the first seven modules of this class.

At this point all research and application of material applied from this course should be complete.  Now is the time to use your Project Journal posts as your notes to compose your Final Paper.     

This project has been an ongoing assignment for Modules 1 – 7 consisting of individual journal assignments in Modules 1 – 6.  This project applies problem solving skills learned throughout this course.  Your final submissions (paper) is in essence your final report to your stakeholders.  

This final project assignment is due no later than 11/14/2022 22 11:59 pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted.  Please plan accordingly. 


Create a title page and a reference page for your final semester project (paper).  Your semester project must be in APA format.  Your final semester project must include the following sections:

  • Part 1- State the problem (Problem Statement)
    • Recognize the problem
    • Select an approach for solving the problem
      • Intuitive or systematic
  • Part 2- Identify the problem owners and stakeholders
    • Solicit input from problem owners
    • Recognize opinions and assumptions
    • Communicate your progress/ Do your homework
    • Provide choices
    • Promote your solution
  • Part 3- Determine the causes
    • Differentiate between symptoms and causes
    • Look for more than one causes
    • Consider cost
    • Use the 5 Whys technique
    • Create cause- and- effect diagram-Fishbone diagram
  • Part 4- Identify potential risks and how to manage them
    • Be aware of potential risks
    • Assess risks
    • Develop a back-up plan
  • Part 5- Gather and analyze your data
    • Define your data needs
    • Document the data and its sources
    • Examine existing information first
    • Rely on people as your most important resource
  • Part 6- Evaluate options
    • Choose an evaluation method
    • Select and weight criteria
    • Rate the alternatives
    • Make a decision
  • Part 7- Implement the solution-Add
    • Develop a Implementation plan
    • Determine what the decision is
    • How the solution will be put into place
    • Outline how solution will be monitored and evaluated
  • Part 8- Discuss any obstacles you encountered in your process

Grading Criteria:

The semester project must include all 8 parts listed in the “Assignment” section above.  Ten points will be deduct for each missing part.  

All submissions are required to be written in a professional manner and communicated effectively using American Standard English.

Place your name, course and section number, and the assignment title at the top of the document.

Use one-inch margins.

Use a 12-point Times New Roman or Courier font. 

Use double line spacing in the document.

To Submit: 

Prepare your submission in a document and save as either MSWord (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) and submit using this assignment link.   Assignments are required to be submitted in appropriate document files and NOT typed directly into the comments box of the assignment link.  




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