Writers Solution

Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic

A Case Analysis of AMC

AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters.

Construct a five-page analysis of AMC Theaters using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how the pandemic affected the movie theater industry.

  • Explain price discrimination in the movie theater market.
  • Movie theater employees are generally paid hourly. Design an incentive pay structure for AMC Theaters and explain how it would work.
  • Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to AMC Theater’s business model
  • Apply the concepts of game theory to short selling and meme stocks as it relates to AMC Theaters
  • Assess AMC Theater’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
  • Explain the asymmetric information issues that lead to short selling and meme stocks.
  • Apply the concepts of moral hazard to short selling and meme stocks, using AMC as an example.

Your essay must be at least five pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources, at least one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.


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Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your Name RP Dr. Fayez Shriedeh

Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your name


School of Hospitality@ LTUC



1.0 IntroductionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is challenging industries around the world. Preventative measures to combat the spread of the virus, such as mandated business closures, physical distancing, reduced community mobility and travel restrictions, have been especially devastating to the hospitality industry (Gossling et al., 2020). Perhaps one of the more vulnerable subsectors has been wellness -related hospitality businesses. These businesses often rely on tourism and international air travel and many of resorts’ verticals, are synonymous with gatherings of large groups of people in close proximity (Shivdas, 2020). Unfortunately, these features, within which this industry thrives, also abet the spread of the virus (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).Wellness centers stock price closed at an all-time high on Friday, a sign that these centers’ fleet-shrinking strategies are paying off financially — even as they leave consumers fuming. Major Wellness centers last two years dropped off more than 52% sales as the pandemic crushed demand (MOTA, 2021), according to MOTA (2021), more than 1 of every 3 wellness centers that were in service before the pandemic are no longer available.The industry backfire illustrates that the post-pandemic recovery, while strong, may not be entirely smooth. As more wellness businesses reopen, many report trouble hiring enough workers to cope with surging demand. “The covid shock was unlike anything we have experienced before. As we go into the recovery phase, we’re going to see friction and disruption in the normal flow of economic activity,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist for Oxford Economics. “It’s going to be a bit erratic and disrupted, but the pace of growth will be very strong.” (Torbati and Lynch, 2021)This paper offers a methodology for studying and implementing micro-level practices of crisis management in the wellness centers in Amman. In the conclusion, suggestions for future research and useful information for managers of wellness facilities are provided.1.1 Aim and Objective of the ResearchThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Therefore, the objective research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman.1.2 Research QuestionWhat are the crisis management practices used by wellness center in response to Covid-19?1.3 Rationale of the StudyGiven the importance of Hospitality for the world economy and the sector’s impact on social and environmental issues, the damage caused by a crisis threatens not only the national economy but also the livelihoods of many tourist destinations. Therefore, it is worth monitoring crisis management strategies to minimize the negative effects.The study results will provide a valuable addition to the knowledge obtained from other studies on the crisis management practices that are used by wellness center in Amman. The study is valuable because it adds to the literature on crisis management.The decision maker in the wellness center ………also might have a deep insight into which practices managers actually use during an industry crisis and which practices consider important.1.4 Research ScopeThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Accordingly, the study targeted the supervisory, middle and executive level of management to answer the survey questions. Wellness center …were chosen due to the lack of studies on crisis management practices during Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan.1.5 Research StructureThe whole research will be completed by following proper structures. The overall structures of the research are given below using a table:SectionsDescriptionsIntroductionThis section will provide a basic overview of the research topic “ ………………………………..”Literature ReviewSeveral literature has been reviewed to understand and implement the research question properly. The literature review will give a deep idea about the wellness center.Research MethodologiesThe most common research methodologies are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methodology is used for implementing the research on the particular topic perfectly.Primary and secondary researchThe most relevant information for the research purpose will be collected from the primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire will be used for primary data collection. And, published articles, newspapers and websites will be used for secondary data collection.Data analysis and findingsThe collected data will be analyzed by using particular procedures so that appropriate findings can be generated from the research. The findings will be represented using numerical information.The efficiency of the research methodologies and other alternativesThis section will show whether the research methodologies appropriate identified and captured the goals and objectives of the research (Jankowicz, 2007).Conclusion and recommendationsThis part will conclude the overall research and provide some recommendation for the business owners. The overall findings from the report will be given here in a summarized form.

2.0 Literature Review

The current literature on crisis management in tourism and Hospitality focuses primarily on general prescriptive models (techniques) that provide general guidelines for coping with different crisis situations such as terrorism (Baxter & Bowen, 2004), and natural disasters (Pforr & Hosie, 2010). The majority of research efforts were primarily directed to violence activities relevant to the tourism industry and recommendations for preparations for times of terror. Pizam and Mansfeld (1996) analyzed different occurrences of terrorism in the tourism context whereas Blake and Sinclair (2003) detailed the reaction of the USA hospitality industry to the terroristic events of September 11, 2001. In addition, Ritchie (2003) stressed the importance of a holistic approach to crisis management in hospitality, as hospitality crisis management can be vastly improved through the application of crisis and disaster theories and concepts from other disciplines.

Alternative models generally focus on business crises, although the scientific literature barely mentioned the economic crisis effects on tourism prior to the financial crisis of 2008. The majority of studies (published before 2008) present crisis management from a historical, descriptive, or comparative perspective. Lerbinger (1997) categorized crisis according to external and internal factors that generated different business crisis types. Mansfeld’s (1999) historical review suggests that one method for coping with crisis is by using extensive marketing. Other studies have sought to improve theoretical models to forecast sudden major changes in economic systems and business cycles that could potentially lead to crisis situations (Puu, 1991).

Nevertheless, to date almost no research has examined specific micro-level practices in the wellness industry with focusing on a health pandemic. No similar studies have been conducted in Amman. The only studies that have addressed the specific operational activities to manage crisis situations and evaluate their usage in the hospitality industry are those conducted by Israeli and Reichel (2003) and Israeli (2007) on the Israeli hospitality industry and Okumus and Karamustafa (2005) on the Turkish hospitality industry. Therefore, this study will focus on the management practices of wellness centers in response to health crisis of Covid-19.

The study used Israeli (2007) techniques to develop four major categories of crisis management: marketing, maitenance, government assistance, and human resources. This model can aid in evaluating different crisis management techniques. As the selection of specific techniques in a given industry is crucial (Yoon & Hwang, 1995), the list of techniques with general guidelines can also be assembled for specific problems in different areas of hospitality industry.

Reference List

MOTA (2021). Statistics 2022. [online] Available at:

Baxter, E., & Bowen, D. (2004). Anatomy of tourism crisis: Explaining the effects on tourism of the UK foot and mouth disease epidemics of 1967-68 and 2001 with special references to media portrayal. The Inter- national Journal of Tourism Research, 6(4), 263–273.

Pforr, C., & Hosie, P. (2010). Crisis management in the hospitality industry: Beating the odds? Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (1996). Tourism, crime and in- ternational security issues. Michigan, UK: Weily.

Torbati, Y. and Lynch, D. (2021). How the COVID pandemic led to a rental car crisis just as Americans are ready to bust loose. [online] The Seattle Times. Available at:

Gossling, S., Scott, D. and Hall, C.M. (2020), “Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Blake, A., & Sinclair, M. (2003). Tourism crisis management: US response to September 11. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 813–832.

Ritchie, B. W. (2003). Chaos, crises and disasters: A strategic approach to crisis management in tourism industry. Tourism Management, 25, 669–683.

Lerbinger, O. (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Mansfeld, Y. (1999). Cycles of war, terror and peace: Deter- minantsandmanagement ofcrisisandrecoveryofthe Israeli tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research, 38, 30–36.

Puu, T. (1991). Chaos in business cycles. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 1(5), 457–473. Israeli, A. A. (2007). Crisis-management practices in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(4), 807–823.

Israeli, A., & Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. Internatio- nal Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353–372.

Okumus, F., & Karamustafa, K. (2005). Impact of an economic crisis: Evidence from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 942–961.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020b), “Considerations for travelers-coronavirus in the US”, available at:

Shivdas, S. (2020), “Shut casinos hit Caesars as COVID-19 puts gambling industry in survival mode”, Reuters, 11 May, available at:

Jankowicz, A.D. (2007). Business Research Projects. [online] Thomson. Available at:


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The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in


I. What are the Objectives of this plan and key actions?

II. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

III. What are resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies, platform

development, courses development, among others).

Introduction The Covid19 pandemic significantly impacted the education sector. It resulted in

reforming education strategy, remote learning, and using online tools. The virtual campus is

adapted to promote awareness and manage education in various courses in the American regions.

It is a great platform but needs changes to make trainees more attractive and accessible.

A. Objective to Improve and Key Actions

The design of the home page needs some changes. It needs:

• Outline website goals.

• Gathering project specifications, like budget, timeline, and site content (images and

written copy) prepared helps designers provide accurate quotes.

• Submit a brief.

I. Designing a website can be a lot of work, but it’s essential to take it seriously for an

educational institution to succeed. Here is some suggestion that the web design is up to par for

today’s internet users.

1. User-Friendly Navigation

A design architecture should be in order and categorized according to different subjects, not

confusing and frustrating users. It allows for easy navigation throughout the rest of the website.

It would be better if the menu bar moved to the top of the page and menu options contained

different subcategories, such as various languages.

It also should have a summary explanation about virtual campus, activities, and goals with an

image or video that shows or explain it shortly.


If the courses were categorized into different topics, according to sectors of intervention, they

would be easier to access; for example, we can organize them into the following topics:

1. Microsoft and social media,

2. Prevention (a. communicable diseases (Zika virus), b. non-communicable diseases)

3. Emergency intervention (Online fundamentals course for the management of emergency

operations centers).

2. Keep Website Design Simple and Easy to Process

Too many features and items of content on a single page can be overwhelming for the modern

user. If a visitor gets consistently distracted by an overload of information on a single page, they

might not be able to comprehend the primary purpose of the content anyway.

There are 40 courses at the virtual campus that are classified into three languages. It would be

great to have a translator at the menu options that makes all the courses available in other

languages (many people can not take the courses due to language issues).

3. Make Site Responsive

It needs to be interactive with the user to keep readers engaged on-site for a more extended

period, and other basic courses need to be added to this platform, such as first aid or safety in old


4. It should contain Plenty of Images

Plenty of high-quality, relevant images on each page is crucial for website design to make it

more interesting and attractive. Each course topic can have a new and more exciting picture next

to them and doesn’t need to have the whole subject at the bottom; it can come as the background

of the short title of the topic.


Using new images pertinent to the information next to them helps break up the amount of

informational text on a page and attract more users. It will help the user’s experience remain

engaging and comfortable.

5. Keep the Loading Time for Pages low

A very significant part of any website is its functionality. If educational website design is

burdened with too much information for its data capacity, it will likely be slow. It is essential to

think about because a user might not wait around for a page to load. It requires keeping them

engaged with the site by ensuring it’s quick to load.

6. Don’t Over Explain Informational Text

Most users will appreciate a genuine sense of simplicity in the site’s tone.

The content should be simple and to the point so that users aren’t left behind in the flow of


7. Make it Colorful and Exciting

IFRC is a well-known organization. It can use this thoroughly for website design to impress the

organization’s values upon the user. From the institution’s logo, draw a sensible color scheme

throughout the website’s landing pages. From the institution’s mission statement, incorporate

short, simple messages throughout the pages.

8. Hire Professionals to Design the Perfect Site

Designing a website is the best way to ensure new students can find and relate to the institution.

There are professional services available to assist with a WordPress website design today.

II. Organizing the catalog of available courses according to sectors of intervention,

III. Global or regional training, according to language and availability.


IV. Courses updated according to specific training needs in the region and transition the courses

using Adobe Flash Player to another functional and interactive application.

V. Promotion and dissemination strategy; a campaign and awareness plan through social

networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), radio, TV programs, and the website through

informative material and descriptive videos explain the different courses and how to access them

and their benefit (increase public health and reduce health issues).

It can also encourage people to donate for educational programs promotion.

It could be used to change the design, update, or add more courses.

The campaign can also ask volunteers to help design, reorganize, and update the platform and


Approximate amounts:

1. Image change $20,000

2. Platform maintenance $5,000

3. Reorganization of academic offerings $13,000

4. Updating of courses ($100 per course currently three courses outdated) $300

5. Promotion and dissemination strategy $2500 2,500 Total $40,800

B. What is the proposed timetable for the actions?

C. What are the resources that might be needed? (Human resources, consultancies,

platform development, courses development, among others)





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Many countries around the world now are facing third or fourth wave of the pandemic – COVID 19


You are required to write a 1000-word essay for each of the following questions. 

Question 1

Many countries around the world now are facing third or fourth wave of the pandemic – COVID 19. Discuss some recovery measurements that can be taken by a government to overcome this crisis.

(50 marks) 

Question 2

Explain how a government can use monetary & fiscal policies to strengthen its exchange rate.

 (50 marks)  


·      A well-referenced research should be carried out for this essay.

·      An appropriate essay structure is required. (Introduction, body and conclusion).

·      Format: Using font size 12, Times New Roman for writing style, line spacing of 1.5. Word count should not exceed more than 1,000 for each essay.

·      You are required to demonstrate good comprehension of the module. 

·      At least 4 different academic references must be used.  You are REQUIRED to use proper referencing methods for this assignment – Harvard system


Each ESSAY will be marked based on the following criteria: –

   Content & Facts – systematic & analytical ability

  25 marks

   Discussion & Recommendation 

  15 marks

   Referencing & Structure of Essay

   5 marks

   Overall effectiveness

    5 marks


  50 marks


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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Many countries around the world now are facing third or fourth wave of the pandemic – COVID 19. Discuss some recovery measurements that can be taken by a government to overcome this crisis.

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The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on property market values

 Subject Statutory Valuation
Semester 1 ? 2 ? 3 X 4 ? (Please Tick)
Value of Work 40%
Title The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on property market values
Word Length The report should be 1,000 – 1,500 words in length (include word count)

Semester 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 X (Please Tick)
Student Number
Submission Date
I declare that this work is the result of my own study and application. NO other person had any active part in the final production of this document. I have acknowledged all assistance and sources
STUDENT NAME:_____________________________ STUDENT NUMBER:___________________
Relevance to the brief / context 20
Understanding of issues &
Development of thought 30
Evidence of Research 20
Ability to arrive at conclusions 20
Presentation 10
TOTAL mark awarded 100
Exceptional awareness of issues, supported by reference, wide ranging, objective
Well organised, accurate, structured, not particularly broad
Competent effort, heavily reliant on sources, lacked specific information
General in nature, lacked depth, limited research, weak presentation
Superficial, poor quality information, restricted treatment, poor presentation
Please present this page as the 1st page of the coursework

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on property market values

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As many have noted, the pandemic did not start this trend but it was a catalyst that forced many industries to mainstream virtual teams

As many have noted, the pandemic did not start this trend but it was a catalyst that forced many industries to mainstream virtual teams. Now weighing the positives and negatives many are not going back to pure face to face. At the least, they are moving to hybrid teams dynamic for the foreseeable future. Motivations are many and range from cost savings on travel and commercial office space to cut commute time, environmental impact, and spending time with family.

Key dynamics often overlooked in virtual teams is building relationships. In those interpersonal communications, both in the team and individually, show appreciation (Roberts, 2012). As team members are challenged and struggle, a virtual team leader who has relationships with their staff can show empathy, which bonds virtual teams together. The process of building relationships is more difficult virtually, but there are a series of techniques for doing this. Some take several days in the team forming stage to focus on team-building activities. Software virtual team leads during CVD would do their daily stand-ups, then schedule virtual coffee breaks during the day. Another creative team leader had her team cook a meal together or do another activity. Another team leader made a point of being highly aware, empathetic, and supportive during the pandemic. She knew that results would come from her highly competent staff if they could stay focused. Another dynamic is to have virtual teams focus on process (Roberts, 2012). As virtual teams work with less immediate oversight an increased attention to process benchmarks can keep them satisfied as they are geographically independent.

In my field, education and leadership coaching, virtual teams are nothing new in the corporate learning and development arena. Training is often most effective face to face in groups with follow up coaching of implementation and turning knowledge into skills. People tend to be more engaged face to face as the distractions of multi-tasking are reduced. Perhaps the biggest emerging trends in education are taking place in intermediate and secondary education. The pandemic has accelerated rapid innovation in Microsoft Teams for education, expanded Google classrooms, and thousands more apps and sites for content. Thousands of teachers are now making instructional videos for virtual teaching online, making virtual classrooms more interactive. For example, using MS Note with Teams, teachers are now able to review students writing as they are doing it and provide live oral input over Teams.

Engagement online of virtual teams is hard. Some companies have alienated employees by reducing salaries for people working remotely. This triggers people to seek new employment immediately. As stated above, rallying people around a shared purpose for task motivation and bonding them via relationships for interpersonal engagement is valuable. For building our virtual team at the beginning of last year, we met for two weeks face to face, then weekly as a team, and one on one with various tasks constantly across the year. This worked pretty well, but each of us made the extra effort to be relational and take an interest in each other’s personal concerns which were rampant across the CVD year, and look for ways to support each other.

Molinsky, A. (2020). Virtual Meetings Don’t Have to Be a Bore.

Stewart, L. (2012, Mar 30,). Building Virtual Teams: Strategies For High Performance. Forbes,

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. As many have noted, the pandemic did not start this trend but it was a catalyst that forced many industries to mainstream virtual teams

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During the global pandemic, digital technologies are playing a crucial role in supporting us in the fight against COVID-19 and keeping our society functional

Assessment 1: Report
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 2500
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3, ULO-5
Assessment Details:
During the global pandemic, digital technologies are playing a crucial role in supporting us in the fight against COVID-19 and keeping our society functional. Write a report on current trends on technological innovation that has helped in the fight against Covid-19 and build a resilient society. Identify five examples of current trends in technological innovation and then focus the report on one innovation in detail. In addition, identify one company that is using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage and discuss in detail its application. You must be able to identify and synthesise relevant information. You should examine and critically evaluate the most relevant, recent, and scholarly research on a topic (in this case, current trends on technological innovation to combat COVID-19 and continue business as usual). Write the report by following the structure: an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
In this assessment, you will have to complete the following tasks:
a. In the introduction, you will have to discuss about current pandemic crisis in brief and how the businesses are keeping our society functional with current and emerging technological. Identify FIVE examples of current technological trends and emerging technological trends and discuss their effect on how we do business, work, trade, learn, seek medical services or entertain for example.
b. In the body of the paragraphs, you will have to identify one current technological trend of your choice and discuss in detail about that technological innovation. Identify the source of technological innovation and type of technological innovation (whether it is incremental or radical; disruptive or sustaining etc). In addition, you will have to identify a company that uses that technological innovation for its competitive advantage and discuss in detail its application including its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, identify and discuss where in the technological cycles, does this technological innovation lies and why? (Refer to lecture 2 for technology cycles).
For this part of the assessments, you will have to conduct literature search from current and credible resources to describe one latest innovative technology useful for business information system.
c. In concluding paragraph, you will have to summarise and link the arguments presented in the body to form sound and logical conclusions.
For successful completion of this assessment, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the class discussion. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. Students are expected to discuss their work with lecturer and to seek support.
Marking criteria and Rubric: The assessment 2 – Report A will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark.
Marking Criteria Not satisfactory
(0-49%) of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
(50-64%) of the criterion mark Good
(65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good
(75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent
(85-100%) of the criterion mark
Identifies and discusses by giving examples on the current and emerging technological trends to keep society functional amid COVID-19 pandemic. (30 marks) Poor identification and discussion without any examples on the current and emerging technological trends to keep society functional during COVID19 pandemic. Partially identifies and discusses with only one example on the current technological trends to keep society functional amid COVID19 pandemic. Good identification and discussion on the current technological trends to keep society functional with two or more examples during
COVID-19 An excellent identification and discussion on the current
technological trends to keep society functional with five examples Outstanding identification and discussion on the current technological trends in business to keep society functional with more than five examples.
Critical analysis presented.
Discusses in detail about one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVIC-19 pandemic. (30 marks) Poor identification and discussion of one technological trend during COVIC-19 pandemic. Partially identifies and discusses one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation during COVIC-19 pandemic. Good identification and discussion of one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation during COVID-19 pandemic. An excellent identification and discussion on one technological trend in detail with example of a company of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVID-19 pandemic. Outstanding identification and discussion on one technological trend in detail with example of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVID-19 pandemic.
Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation (10 marks) Poor Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Basic Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Good Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation An excellent Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Outstanding Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation
Use of references
Integrates evidence-based literature throughout the report to support the discussion with correct referencing (Harvard Author Date system
(15 marks) No or very few sources have been used and they are of poor academic quality and not relevant to the themes of the unit and chosen topic Significant work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Inadequate sources have been used and they are of poor academic quality and not relevant to the themes of the unit chosen topic. There is little evidence of reading outside the unit. Significant work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Literature sources are not of high quality or current and not clearly relevant to themes of the unit and chosen topic. There is some evidence of reading outside the unit.
Some work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Literature is current and used from quality sources.
The student has reviewed widely on the chosen topic. There is an evidence of critical analysis of literature reviewed Intext citation and list of references mostly compliant with Harvard Author Date system Literature is current and used from quality sources. The student has reviewed widely on the chosen topic, beyond the unit resources. A critical analysis of literature is well integrated.
In-text citation and list of references compliant with Harvard Author Date system.
Written expression and presentation
Writes clearly and succinctly in an appropriate academic style. Quality of assessment presentation Demonstrates appropriate use of language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (15 marks) The paper lacks transition and therefore difficult to read and understand. Poorly formatted and presented. Inadequate use of language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation The paper lacks consistent transition. Some paragraphs appear unrelated to the preceding ones or to the topic. Fair formatting, acceptable presentation. There are few grammatical error and unintentional errors in acknowledging sources.
The report is written with some transition. Standard formatting, good presentation. The report exhibits appropriate use of language, grammar, spelling, punctuation
References are credited well and used appropriately.
The report is written with a good transition, which is evident from a structure that includes introduction, body and conclusion. Well formatted, attractive presentation. The report exhibits accurate use of language, grammar, spelling, punctuation. References are credited well and used appropriately.
This report is written with a good transition, in a persuasive, which is evident from a clear structure that includes introduction, body and conclusion. The report exhibits exceptional ability in use of correct language. grammar, spelling and punctuation. References are credited well and used appropriately.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. During the global pandemic, digital technologies are playing a crucial role in supporting us in the fight against COVID-19 and keeping our society functional

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Discuss using four specific examples how the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated

Discuss using four specific examples how the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated

the need for an efficient public sector particularly in small developing countries, given

the imperfections of the perfectively competitive market system





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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Discuss using four specific examples how the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated

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COVID-19 pandemic your labs transferred to an online lab simulation

 You are the lab instructor for Phys 1401 on ground class. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic your labs transferred to an online lab simulation. You must prepare a lab handout for an experiment that your students will perform following the instruction you are presenting in the handout. Your handout must contain:  PART ONE: 1. The theory of the experiment (about 20 lines).  2. All steps (Instructions) that the student must follow to perform all the sections of the experiment. Performing the simulation will enable the student to understand the physical concepts of projectile motion.  3. Conceptual questions that verify to you as an instructor that the student understands the theory and the experiment ( at least 7 questions).  PART TWO:  After preparing the handout, write your answers/ observations (assuming you are the student) following the Instructions prepared by you (the instructor) 





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. COVID-19 pandemic your labs transferred to an online lab simulation

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Technology and teen mental health during the pandemic

Research Assignment: Research Question, Hypothesis, & Variables 

Using your chosen contemporary social issue/research topic, discuss the following (your response must mirror the format on the example below):

Research Question:


Independent Variable(s): 

Dependent Variable(s): 

Constant/Controlled Variable(s):   

MY TOPIC: Technology and teen mental health during the pandemic 

*Hint: use previous relevant research to help with establishing your own hypothesis and variables, but do not plagiarize someone else’s article!  

EXAMPLE: Research Question: How does lack of sleep affect our mental state?

Hypothesis: I hypothesize that lack of sleep can cause a decline in one’s mental state.Independent 

Variable(s): Amount of sleep (1-3 hrs, 4-7 hrs, 8+ hrs) 

Dependent Variable(s): Mental health status (mild symptoms, medium symptoms, severe symptoms)

Constant/Controlled Variable(s): bedtime routine, lighting in bedroom, temperature 





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