Writers Solution

Access to Student Records by a Parent


You are the new leader of Millwood Middle School. You have only been in the position for one month, however you feel you have a firm grasp on the duties and the operational challenges of the school. As the new school leader you have many challenges that you are responsible for including the supervision of your staff. One of the staff members in particular is Mrs. Pine who has been Millwood Middle school secretary for more than 20 years. Mrs. Pine knows everyone in the school and the community and she tends to take matters into her own hands when making decisions at the school. The majority of her decisions are without your knowledge.

Today you received in the mail a certified letter from a very upset parent, Mr. Bridges who had requested all of his son’s records more than three months ago. The records he requested were to include educational, medical, attendance, and behavior. The letter was very clear in the respect that he made the request per the policy of the school board. The request was in writing and that he even called the school to follow up on the request several times. Mr. Bridges’ letter indicated that he was very concerned with his son’s attendance and health, he went on to say how disappointed he was in the school for not allowing him to receive a copy of the records requested. Mr. Bridges wanted to let you know that he was contacting an attorney and was going to file a lawsuit against you and the school district.

As the leader of the school you were honestly caught off guard with this letter due to the fact that this is the first you have heard about this request. You immediately asked Mrs. Pine if she knew about the request and she, without hesitation, said yes, of course I know about it. Mrs. Pine explained that she had received the request a few months back and decided not to provide the records to Mr. Bridges because she called Mr. Bridges ex-wife and she explained that she had total custody of her son and not to give her ex-husband anything. Mrs. Bridges assured Mrs. Pine that she had court order barring Mr. Bridges from any contact with his son and he did not have any permission to get any records from the school.

You then asked Mr. Pine a few other questions and you found out that Mr. Bridges son’s attendance was in fact irregular and that he often goes to the school nurse. Mrs. Pine said that she had personally reviewed the son’s records and it was shown in the nurse report that there were visible bruises on his arms and legs from time to time. Mrs. Pine told you that she handled this request because she knew the background and did not want to bother you.

As the school leader it is your responsibility to investigate this matter. As you consider the next steps please respond to the following questions:

How does this scenario apply to a student’s right to privacy?
What responsibility does the school district have to provide student records to non-custodial parents?
Who, within the school district has the right to review school records?
Are there any timelines for responding to a legitimate request for student records?
What are certain procedures that a school leader should have in place regarding student record requests?
Does the school have any legal liability in this situation?
What rights does the custodial parent have in denying the non-custodial parent’s request to view student records?
What actions if any, would you take with Mrs. Pine and why?

Discussion 5
Discipline and Students


Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.

James is a 9th grade student at Alma High School, which is a small rural school in the south. In 6th grade James was diagnosed as learning disabled and he was referred to as a potential special education student by his reading teacher. James has also been treated medically since the 4th grade for attention deficit disorder.

James had a Unit Science test in 5th period which he was not prepared for and he knew he was not going to pass. By not passing the test this would drop his overall grade and this would not allow him to remain on the football team. James talked to a few of his friends and they came up with a plan to get them out of the test as they all knew they would fail. They decided that if they called in a bomb threat that they would not have to take the test today, and they would have a few extra days to study. James took out his cell phone and called in the threat to the local police. As a result of the call, school was dismissed for the day and authorities came to the school for further investigation.

Another student, Elizabeth, who had seen James and his friends making the call about the threat decided to come to you as the Principal and tell you what she saw and heard. You were able to question James and his friends about the incident and they all admitted to what they did. For consistency purposes and per the handbook, you immediately suspended all of the students for 10 days pending and expulsion hearing as this was a very serious matter.

As the School Leader, you understand that your district has a zero tolerance policy for those involved in making a threat of this magnitude. Expulsion from school is required. While you were reading each student’s file, you notice that James has ADD and he is receiving services from your special education staff. No one else involved in the incident was identified as having any disabilities.

How does the discovery of James disabilities impact the decision to suspend the students for 10 days, pending a school hearing?
How does James being classified as a Special Education student change the discipline process for him compared to his friends?
Should the Discipline for each student involved be different? If so, how?
Can zero tolerance policies be applied to special education students? What case and law should you refer to when considering discipline for James?
Is there grounds to refer all the students to the local prosecutor for criminal action?
What problems do you see with the parents of the students




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between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review.  First, be sure you have completed all your readings and watched the videos assigned in this unit.

Using the articles, you found for your Annotated Bibliography from the Unit 2 assignment, write your Literature Review. Your Literature Review should include three main components: an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

  • Introduction: In two to three paragraphs:
    • Topic: Define your topic and provide context for the review (your main thesis).
    • Organization of Literature: Explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review;
  • Main Body: In two to three pages
    • Topic Review: Organize and discuss the literature you reviewed (a minimum of six sources). Your main body should be organized by topic using headings.  Within each topic, discuss multiple sources comparing and contrasting what the various findings of each study were.  DO NOT simply provide a summary of the study.
    • Wider Subject Area: Analyze the relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area (e.g. between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general)
  • Conclusion: In two to three paragraphs

Your paper will be peer-assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement: Use no less than six scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Reading Assignment. 

Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  Pubrica Academy. (2019, August 8). Why is it important to do a literature review in research?  3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 4. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  University of Washington Libraries. (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them


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Parent Education and Guidance -An understanding of how parents teach, guide and influence children and adolescents as well as the changing nature, dynamics and needs of the parent/child relationship across the lifespan

TOPIC: Parent Education and Guidance -An understanding of how parents teach, guide and influence children and adolescents as well as the changing nature, dynamics and needs of the parent/child relationship across the lifespan


Provide a description of program, including these topics:

  • What FLE content area are you addressing?
  • Of all the needs that families and individual have, why did you choose this topic?
  • Why do you feel there is a need for this kind of program?
  • Can you point to any similar existing programs? How will yours be different or better?
  • Goals of the Program: what do you hope participants gain by participating?
  • Target audience: families, kids, teachers, siblings
  • Why do you think this is the right audience?
  • Format: face-to-face meetings (one or more?), online, phone, booklet, blog, newsletter, video?
  • Why do you think this is the right format?
  • What topics will you cover? Why?
  • What kinds of people can you enlist to help you make this program stronger?
  • What kind of funding will you need? Who might provide that funding?
  • What do you think the strengths of your program will be? What will the weaknesses be?
  • After the program is over, how will you assess if it met its goals?

Be sure your paper is at least 1200 words, uses at least 3 academic (not internet) references, is formatted in APA style


Reflecting on elements presented in PART A of the assignment, create a brochure that highlights elements of what you have discussed in PART A and elements that will attract families to your program. This is your own family life education program. Share your vision for the program through the creation of a brochure that provides parents with an overview of what the program would entail. Review specific areas from PART A that you would want to include in the brochure to make it both informative and inviting for families.


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Directly with a teenage client and their parent.Imagine that the client has begun smoking or vaping and is in need of education regarding nicotine and the impact of nicotine on the brain and body.

Option 2: ScriptCr******e a 3-5-minute script that outlines a therapy session between a therap****** and one of the following options:Directly with an adult client. Directly with a teenage client and their parent.Imagine that the client has begun smoking or vaping and is in need of education regarding nicotine and the impact of nicotine on the brain and body. Be sure that your script outlines the two-way dialogue of a therapy session that indicates a dynamic conversation between the therap****** and client.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.





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Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

The Research Paper Topic Proposal
This week, you will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.
Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.
For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic, you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:
Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
Does -helicopter parenting- lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
How to Develop a Research Question
Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.
This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.
Why do adolescents commit suicide?
This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.
How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?
A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input.
What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?
(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)
Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.
The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment
Include the following in your topic proposal:
Your research question
Your thesis statement
A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)
Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.
Your topic proposal should be 1–2 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources





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Writers Solution

Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

The Research Paper Topic Proposal
This week, you will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.
Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.
For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic, you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:
Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
Does -helicopter parenting- lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
How to Develop a Research Question
Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.
This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.
Why do adolescents commit suicide?
This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.
How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?
A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input.
What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?
(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)
Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.
The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment
Include the following in your topic proposal:
Your research question
Your thesis statement
A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)
Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.
Your topic proposal should be 1–2 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources





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Writers Solution

Between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review.  First, be sure you have completed all your readings and watched the videos assigned in this unit.

Using the articles, you found for your Annotated Bibliography from the Unit 2 assignment, write your Literature Review. Your Literature Review should include three main components: an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

  • Introduction: In two to three paragraphs:
    • Topic: Define your topic and provide context for the review (your main thesis).
    • Organization of Literature: Explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review;
  • Main Body: In two to three pages
    • Topic Review: Organize and discuss the literature you reviewed (a minimum of six sources). Your main body should be organized by topic using headings.  Within each topic, discuss multiple sources comparing and contrasting what the various findings of each study were.  DO NOT simply provide a summary of the study.
    • Wider Subject Area: Analyze the relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area (e.g. between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general)
  • Conclusion: In two to three paragraphs

Your paper will be peer-assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement: Use no less than six scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.


1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  American University. (n.d.). Literature review tutorial: Why do a lit review. 3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. h 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  Uwlibraries.  (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Writers Solution

Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?

The Research Paper Topic Proposal
You will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.
Begin by exploring topics in developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research.
For example, you may find interest in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic, you could pose a number of questions to research, such as:
Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
Does -helicopter parenting- lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
How to Develop a Research Question
Your research question should enable you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question. Here are some examples.
This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.
Why do adolescents commit suicide?
This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.
How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?
A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writer’s unique input.
What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015?
(In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)
Once you have your research question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your paper.
The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment
Include the following in your topic proposal:
Your research question
Your thesis statement
A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)
Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.
Your topic proposal should be 1–2 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences

Essay must be between 6-8 pages in length, be double-spaced with standard (1-inch) margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.

In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences (i.e., most (or many) Republicans grew up in Republican-leaning households and most (or many) Democrats grew up in Democrat-leaning households). See “Attitude similarity in three-generational families: Socialization, status inheritance, or reciprocal influence?,” American Sociological Review , Vol 51, 685-698 (1986). You can access the article using the hyperlink below. You are welcome to read the article as part of your preparation for writing the essay, but you do not need to reference any details from the article, other than the author’s thesis (the article is very technical and quantitative in nature – my brief description of the author’s thesis, above, is all you need to start writing your essay).

1. In your opinion (and experience) did Glass correctly identify the primary source of our collective “political socialization?”

2. What other sources or factors influence our political preferences?

3. Glass’s article was published in 1986. In your opinion, is political socialization today largely similar to political socialization in 1986? If so, how is it similar? If not, how is it different? What implications do your observations have for political candidates, organizations, and/or institutions?

4. Finally, please identify (and briefly describe) at least two aspects or our course material (the citizen and government, the founding and the constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, public opinion, the media, political parties and interest groups, participation-campaigns-elections) that help you to understand political socialization differently than you did prior to beginning our class





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Privacy and safety. It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?

During a school field trip to a local orchard, 13-year-old Johnny Chapman fell out of a tree while picking apples. That evening, his parents took him to the emergency room at Woodville Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a fractured ulna. He was admitted and surgery was necessary. Johnny was discharged after a two-day stay. Johnny’s parents subsequently sued the school system and two of the three parent chaperones who had volunteered for failing to safeguard Johnny during the field trip and failing to seek emergency medical care.

Three months later, the health information department director at Woodville Hospital, Jay Forshall, was subpoenaed with directions to bring Johnny’s record to a deposition the following day. The deposition was being held in Columbia City, which was 125 miles away. Jay complied with the subpoena by preparing Johnny’s medical record. Woodville Hospital’s health record was hybrid, so Jay printed out the electronic components from the hospital’s electronic health record system and collected the remaining components that existed on paper.

Jay drove to Columbia City the following morning. During the deposition, legal counsel for the Chapmans proceeded to ask Jay about Johnny’s medical record. Jay was asked to verify that the record was Johnny’s and that it was prepared in the usual course of business. He was then asked about the contents of the record. One question posed to him was whether Tylenol, which had been administered to Johnny at the hospital, was given to lessen Johnny’s pain. Jay stated that he presumed legal counsel’s statement was true, as that is a common reason for Tylenol to be given. Jay was also asked to read an otherwise illegible note that the physician, Dr. Fogle, had written on the discharge instruction sheet. Dr. Fogle was a visiting physician, and Jay was not familiar with her handwriting. Nonetheless, he tried his best to assist legal counsel in deciphering the note.

Jay was not involved in the case any further following the deposition. Several months later, he read in the newspaper that the case had gone to trial. One of the parent chaperones who was initially sued never responded to the complaint and did not participate in any of the proceedings, including the trial. A jury rendered a verdict against the school system and the three parent chaperones, with all being required to pay money damages.

  1. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  2. Based on the facts, was Jay Forshall required to provide Johnny’s records in response to the subpoena? Why or why not? What factors did you take into consideration?
  3. Were all of the questions asked of Jay Forshall during the deposition appropriate? (Bloom’s Level: 4) If your answer is no, what questions were inappropriate and why?
  4. Identify other legal procedural issues associated with this case

Each question should be at least a paragraph





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