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There is an association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing

Suppose you are interested in whether participation in extracurricular activity is associated with higher academic achievement. In a sample of 250 students who participated in 2 or more extracurricular activity 147 kids were high achievers (scored 80% or more on the Standardized test) while among 350 students who did not report to participate in any extracurricular activity 168 were high achievers.
Which of the following are the most appropriate null and alternative hypotheses?
A H0: There is an association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing.
HA: There is no association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing.
B H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is less than or equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is greater than the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
C H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is not equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
D H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is greater than the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.

[2 marks]

A parallel-group randomised control trial of a new infertility treatment is being trialled. Women undergoing treatment for infertility were invited to participate and were randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the standard treatment or the intervention (PICSI).
The primary outcome is term live-birth ( = 37 weeks gestational age) within the study follow-up period of 2 years.
The expected term live-birth rate is 24% using the standard treatment. The study aims to detect a 5% increase (from 24% to 29%) in the term live-birth rate in the PICSI treatment group with power 90% and alpha 5%, allowing for a 10% drop-out rate.
Calculate the minimum total recruitment target that will sufficiently power the study.
Note: the numbers below indicate targets that have been rounded up to the nearest 50. Select the best option based on to your Stata/PSPower calculation.
A 1650
B 2750
C 3300
D 3650
If the observed difference between groups is larger than expected (i.e. greater than 5%), will the recruitment target still provide the analysis with sufficient power?

Burr et al. (1976) tested a new procedure to remove house-dust mites from the bedding of adult asthmatics in attempt to improve subjects’ lung function, which was measured by PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate). The trial was a two period cross-over design; the control treatment was dust removal from the living room. The means and standard errors for the continuous variable PEFR in the 32 subjects were:
Treatment group Mean Standard Error
Control 329 litres/min 20.8 litres/min
New procedure 335 litres/min 19.6 litres/min
Differences (Treatment – Control) 6.45 litres/min 5.05 litres/min
The researchers decide to perform a one sample t-test on the differences with a significance level of 5%. Which of the following options is correct?
A The test statistic is 1.3 and the associated p-value is statistically significant.
B The test statistic is 1.3 and the associated p-value is not statistically significant.
C The test statistic is 7.2 and the associated p-value is statistically significant.
D There’s not enough information.
A cohort of students of a certain age underwent standardised tests in Maths and English. The top 2.5% of students in each subject were awarded medals.
The scores on the Maths test were normally distributed with mean 55 and standard deviation 10. The scores on the English test were normally distributed with mean 60 and standard deviation 13.
Chloe’s marks were 77 in Maths and 85 in English. Will she receive any medals?
A Chloe will receive a medal for English
B Chloe will receive a medal for Maths
C Chloe will receive a medal for Maths and a medal for English
D Chloe will not receive any medals.

The Apgar test is used to evaluate the health of a newborn at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. Each of five items is scored between 0 and 2. A total score between 7 and 10 is considered normal, a total score between 4 and 6 indicates the infant requires medical attention, and a total score between 0 and 3 indicates the infant requires immediate resuscitation.
The distribution of Apgar scores of a sample of 100 babies with low birth weight has descriptive summary:
n mean sd min p25 median p75 max
100 6.25 2.43 0 5 7 8 9
Which of the following is NOT true?
A The interquartile range is 3
B The distribution is symmetric
C The range is 9
D There were no infants with a score of 10

Brown et. al., Morbidity and mortality in patients randomised to double-blind treatment with a long-acting calcium-channel blocker or diuretic in the INSIGHT study, Lancet 356, 29 July 2000.

Which of the following best describes the type of primary outcome?
A) Continuous
B) Categorical
C) Binary
D) Count

A group of 11 patients were recruited for a new weight loss diet regimen. Patients were weighed at baseline before the start of a new diet regimen. At the end of 6 weeks patients were weighed again. The mean and variance of the change in weight after 6 weeks were 0.7 and 1.44. Assume that the change in weight is normally distributed. Researchers are interested in whether there was a significant change in weight from baseline to 6 week followup.
What is the most appropriate hypothesis test for the above scenario?
a) Two sample independent t-test
b) Wilcoxon ranked sum test
c) Chi-squared test
d) One sample t-test

If a statistical test fails to show a statistically significant test statistic, what would be the most feasible way to obtain a statistically significant result in a subsequent study?
A) Decrease the mean weight change
B) Increase the sample standard deviation
C) Increase the sample size
D) Decrease the sample size

QUESTION 17 [3 marks]
A study was conducted to understand the effect metoprolol on lowering the heart rate among men and women with atrial fibrillation. A sample of 30 men and 25 women were given the drug and heart rates were measured after 48 hours. The mean heart rate for men was 89 with standard deviation of 10 whereas the mean heart rate was 95 with standard deviation of 12 among women.
Which statistical method you would use to test whether the effect of the drug on heart rate is different for men and women? Explain your choice of test and specify any assumptions that need to be satisfied.
QUESTION 18 [2 marks]
Regardless of your choice of test in Question 17, perform the appropriate parametric test and write conclusion. Make sure you refer to the p-value and confidence interval for the effect in your answer.
QUESTION 19 [3 marks]
‘Standard deviation’ and ‘Standard error’ are two statistical terms that are often confused. Explain in your own words what the difference is between them


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Support community participation and social inclusion

 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)E1320
CHCDIS003 – Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS001 – Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Case study

All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2019
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.

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[Student number]_ [assessment] _ [assessment number].docx
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Assessment submission
Prior to submitting your assessment ensure that your Name and Student ID are included on the front cover page as well as the footer of each page. If this is not included the assessment may be returned to you for authentication.
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file to OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant module of your course. The Student Lounge provides a ‘Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments’ if you need further assistance. Uploading assessments to OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges.
If there is a video or audio recording as part of this assessment you must have an introductory statement stating your name, student ID, Qualification and assessment number, along with the task or question you are responding to.
Competency details
CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting clients with disability in community participation and social inclusion using a person-centred approach. This involves enabling clients to make choices to maximise their participation in various community setting, functions and activities to enhance psychosocial well-being and lifestyle in accordance with the client’s needs and preferences.
CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting the ongoing skill development of clients with disability. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan and using a positive, strengths-based approach.
This document is Assessment 3 of the three assessments you are required to complete, together with structured workplace learning, CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion and CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This assessment is designed to gather evidence of competence, specifically to:
• Identify opportunities for community participation and social inclusion
• Implement strategies for community participation and inclusion according to the individualised plan
• Identify, address and monitor barriers to community participation and social inclusion
• Contribute to skills assessment
• Assist with ongoing skills development according to individualised plan
• Support incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development
Assessment 3
35131/03 Case study
You must complete and submit the following:
Assessment 3
Question 1 (a – e) 0
Question 2 (a – d) 0
Question 3 (a – d) 0
Question 4 (a – b) 0
Question 5 (a – b) 0
Ensure your name and student Id are on the front page and in the footer of each page. 0
Assessment 3 – Demonstrate your knowledge
Question 1
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module.
Emma, female, 47 years, and originally from Denmark.
Emma has progressive multiple sclerosis and uses an electric wheelchair for mobility. She is unmarried and doesn’t have children. Most of her family is based in Denmark, but she has a brother who lives in NZ who visits often. Emma’s multiple sclerosis has progressed over time and this has limited Emma’s life. Some effects are:
• Emma would like to go to NZ to visit her brother but is unsure how this might work given her level of support requirements.
• Emma used to have a wide social circle and had an active social life in cafes and restaurants. It is more difficult for Emma to access the community on her own now, so she has less opportunities to catch up with her friends.
• Emma had a friend who spoke Danish, but her friend moved away. Emma misses the opportunity to speak Danish. She also misses Danish food her friend would bring her.
• Emma used to attend a Roman Catholic church with her Danish friend, who supported her. She attends infrequently now that her friend has moved away.
• Emma is reliant on community supports provided by CareShore to enable her to continue living in her own home, including personal care, transport, domestic support and meal preparation.
1a. Suggest at least one way that you could collaborate and communicate with Emma on how to overcome any barriers and empower her to make her own decisions. How would you involve your supervisor in this process? (approx. 50-100 words)
1b. Identify three (3) of Emma’s barriers to community participation and social inclusion. (approx. 20-50 words)
Barrier to participation & inclusion
Emma is reliant on transport from CareShore to get around and access the community.
1c. As Emma’s recreational worker, you need to assist Emma to find ways to overcome these barriers. (approx. 20-50 words)
Write down two (2) questions you could ask Emma to help her find solutions to be reliant on transport from CareShore to get around and access the community. Explain how Emma’s situation relates to the social model of disability.
Questions to ask to help Emma find solutions to this barrier How Emma’s situation relates to the social model of disability
‘Emma, if you wanted to go into town on your own, without using the CareShore bus, how do you think you could go about doing this?”
Person centred
1d. For Emma’s goal of visiting her brother in New Zealand, Emma has stated that she’d like to do some research about how to get there and places she could visit while there. Identify two (2) ways you could assist Emma to do this, while allowing Emma to make her own choices. An example has been done for you. (approx. 20-50 words)
I could ask if Emma would like to go to the local travel agent and if she would like to me to accompany her.
1e. For Emma’s goal of attending church more frequently, Emma has stated that she’d like to find some local Roman Catholic churches and visit them. Identify two (2) ways you could assist Emma to do this, while allowing Emma to make her own choices. (approx. 20-50 words)
Question 2
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Emma wanted to plan a holiday to NZ to visit her brother, however things are not going well. The travel agent is not supportive of Emma going on the plane and starts asking questions and making statements to discourage Emma. The support worker attempts to advocate for Emma however the travel agent is not changing their attitude.
Another goal Emma had was to attend the women’s group at church. A woman from church comes to Emma’s home, picks her up and takes her to the group, takes care of her while she is there, and takes her home afterwards. Emma actively participates in the activities the women do to raise money for charity. She feels purposeful and a part of society.
2a. Emma has been devalued by the travel agent. Explain how being devalued in society might make Emma feel. (20-50 words)
2b. Imagine you are the support worker assisting Emma at the travel agent. Emma is angry at how she has been treated. How can you assist her to voice her anger at her treatment? (20-50 words)
2c. What would you do if you were the recreational worker and Emma has become extremely distressed by her treatment at the travel agent? (20-50 words for each)
Provide an explanation for this situation and include the following:
• What are your limititations?
• How would you recognise your own or potential limitations?
• What you would do in this situation?
• What advice would you seek, if any?
• How would you seek advice?
• Who would you seek advice from?
What are your limititations?

How would you recognise your own or potential limitations? •
What you would do in this situation?
What advice would you seek, if any?
Who would you seek advice from?

How would you seek advice?

2d. Emma has been treated as an active citizen who has a right to participate in society while at church group, but not at the travel agency. What would active citizenship look like for Emma at the travel agent? (20-50 words)
Question 3
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Preparation: Emma has made friends with her neighbour and the two have agreed to go to a local café once a week together. A skill building plan has been developed by Emma (with the assistance of her support worker). Emma has begun to get tired more these days and finds it harder to think and to problem solve. The outing therefore is well planned to make it as easy as possible. The support worker assists Emma by organising her purse so that the money is easy to access, and to put the purse in her electric wheelchair where Emma can reach it, but where it is still safe. Julie goes with Emma to show her the way from her home to get to the café. She assists Emma to locate the most accessible seat in the café, which is conveniently located, is out of the way of people walking, and is easily accessible with a ramp that blends in well with the rest of the café.
The Outing: When the neighbour arrives, Julie assists with the conversation so that the neighbour can understand Emma’s impaired speech. Once the neighbour begins to understand Emma’s speech independently, Julie stops providing social support, and only contributes to the conversation if asked a question. While observing the conversation, Julie makes mental notes on Emma’s skills and competencies. During the outing, Julie maintains a quiet distance and observes in a non-obtrusive manner.
Completing the Outing: When it was time to leave, Julie did not assist with the payment, but allowed Emma to be independent with paying. Emma went to pay the bill and the wait staff asked if the bill was separate or together. Emma looked at the support worker for support. Julie told Emma that the wait staff were asking if Emma was paying for just herself or for her neighbour also. Emma then turned to the wait staff and said, “Just me.” And then paid her bill.
Going home: On the way home, Julie asked Emma to see if she remembered the way home. Julie mostly observes and gave support only when Emma went to go the wrong way. Julie pointed out landmarks along the street to support Emma to know the right way.
Reviewing: When they got home, Julie asked Emma how she thought it went. They had a discussion and Julie took on board Emma’s comments, and they agreed how they might improve the outing for next time. Julie thanked Emma for a nice day and left. In the car, Julie completed her case notes by logging onto CareShore’s intranet from her telephone and making electronic notes. She also called her supervisor to let her know how the outing went and to get permission to make changes for next time, as requested by Emma.
3a. Describe how Julie did the following: (10-50 words for each section)
Planned the outing with Emma to make it as successful as possible.

Observed and interacted with Emma in a respectful manner

Used strategies to create independence and develop skills for Emma

Withdrew support to encourage experiential learning

Assisted Emma to identify how things went with the outing and how to improve things

Observed Emma’s competencies and skills and made a record of the outing

Monitored Emma’s strategies to determine their effectiveness and how engaged Emma is, in consultation with a supervisor
3b. What assessment processes might the organisation have gone through to assess Emma’s support needs to go to the café? How you would explain your limitations to Emma? (20-50 words)
Assessment process for Emma’s support needs
Your limitations to Emma
3c. Describe how the café supported Emma’s rights to access and equity. (20-50 words)
3d. While at the café, what might have been some opportunities for incidental learning? (20-50 words)
Question 4
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Emma is gaining confidence with attending the café with her neighbour. She has requested to go to the outing on her own, without any support worker assistance. Julie calls her supervisor to discuss the situation. She tells her supervisor that Emma is very good now at the café with all of the things that need to be done, but every now and again when she is tired, still loses track of the way home and can go the wrong way. Julie reads back on her notes from each visit to discuss with the supervisor.
4a. Describe the conflict between a support worker’s duty of care, and the client’s right to dignity of risk, and how you would consult your supervisor, as seen in this case study. (20-50 words)

4b. Read the United Nations Conventions on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which can be accessed at the following link:
In your own words, provide a summary of what the document is about. (20-50 words)
Question 5
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Ji-yoon, 7 years old.

Ji-yoon was born with Cerebral Palsy. She has severe impairment of her motor movements and uses a wheelchair for mobility. She has some learning difficulties (but these are mild) with good language development. Her English skills are good. Recurrent seizures are a part of Ji-yoon’s life as she also has Epilepsy.
5a. Do some research on special services that could support Ji-Yoon, a child with a disability, in the community. Complete the information below on what you have found. (approx. 20-50 words)
The name of the service:
Contact details:
What the service does:
5b. Once again access the United Nations Conventions on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in your own words, provide a short summary on what it says about children with disabilities – Article 7. (20-50 words


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Writers Solution

Support community participation and social inclusion

 CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)E1320
CHCDIS003 – Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS001 – Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Written assessment
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 35131/02
All terms mentioned in this text that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalised. Use of a term in this text should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
© Open Colleges Pty Ltd, 2019
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your file should be named and saved to your computer hard drive using your:
[Student number]_ [assessment] _ [assessment number].docx
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Assessment submission
Prior to submitting your assessment ensure that your Name and Student ID are included on the front cover page as well as the footer of each page. If this is not included the assessment may be returned to you for authentication.
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file to OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant module of your course. The Student Lounge provides a ‘Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments’ if you need further assistance. Uploading assessments to OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges.
If there is a video or audio recording as part of this assessment you must have an introductory statement stating your name, student ID, Qualification and assessment number, along with the task or question you are responding to.
Competency details
CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting clients with disability in community participation and social inclusion using a person-centred approach. This involves enabling clients to make choices to maximise their participation in various community setting, functions and activities to enhance psychosocial well-being and lifestyle in accordance with the client’s needs and preferences.
CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This unit applies to workers who are required to assist with supporting the ongoing skill development of clients with disability. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan and using a positive, strengths-based approach.
This document is Assessment 2 of the three (3) assessments you are required to complete, together with structured workplace learning, CHCDIS003 Support community participation and social inclusion and CHCDIS001 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach.
This assessment is designed to gather evidence of competence, specifically to:
• Identify opportunities for community participation and social inclusion
• Implement strategies for community participation and inclusion according to the individualised plan
• Identify, address and monitor barriers to community participation and social inclusion
• Contribute to skills assessment
• Assist with ongoing skills development according to individualised plan
• Support incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development
Assessment 2
35131/02 Written assessment
You must complete and submit the following:
Assessment 2
Question 1 (a – e) 0
Question 2 (a – d) 0
Question 3 (a – f) 0
Ensure your name and student Id are on the front page and in the footer of each page. 0
Assessment 2 – Demonstrate your knowledge
Question 1
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Peter, 55 years, from a metropolitan city.
Peter had a fall from his roof and sustained paraplegia and an acquired brain injury. Since his accident Peter has had some further difficulties. He will go into the community on his own in his wheelchair and get lost. He has become prone to aggressive outbursts when he gets frustrated at not being able to do things he once did. His wife, Sue, who had been the primary carer, felt unable to cope any more on her own and arranged for Peter to live in a Supported Living home managed by CareShore. Peter’s dream is to get back into the workforce in some capacity, to play basketball as he once did, to manage his emotions, to access the community independently and not get lost, and to ultimately live back in his home with his wife.
1a. Imagine you are Peter’s support worker and are assisting Peter to identify some of his skills building and community participation goals. What might these be?
List a minimum of three (3) goals. (20-50 words)
1b. Imagine you are working with Peter to identify some services and networks in the community for a person with Peter’s needs and interests. Conduct some research on at least two (2) services in your state that would be of benefit to Peter and complete the required information in the table below.
Service 1 Service 2
The name of the service
Contact details
What the service does
1c. How would you help Peter to identify any further interests, abilities and requirements regarding Peter’s community participation and skills building? (20-50 words)
1d. Peter may or may not be interested in doing the activities you have identified. How would you present these different options to Peter for him to make decisions? (20-50 words)
1e. Explain why it is important to involve Peter’s wife in your planning. (20-50 words)
Question 2
Read the below case study and answer the following questions drawing from the learning in your module. You are required to answer all the questions based upon the scenario below.
Peter has agreed to have a planning meeting around his activity citizenship and community participation needs and to formally agree upon some goals. Peter’s wife attended the planning meeting also and is supportive of his choices and keen to assist where she can.
2a. Prior to a formal planning meeting occurring, identify what kind of assessment the following professionals may conduct with Peter.
Professional What kind of assessment might they conduct with Peter?
Occupational therapist
Speech pathologist
2b. Why is it important for Peter to choose goals that not only teach him new skills, but that also provide enjoyment? (20-50 words)
2c. In this instance Peter has been able to clearly identify what goals he would like to achieve.
i. How might you support Peter if he was having difficulty identifying his goals for skills building and community participation? List a minimum of three (3) strategies.
ii. How could you assist Peter to access his goals once they have been identified? (20-50 words)
How might you support Peter if he was having difficulty identifying his goals for skills building and community participation?
List a minimum of three (3) strategies. 1)
How could you assist Peter to access his goals once they have been identified?
List a minimum of one strategy. (20-50 words)
2d. As Peter’s support worker, you have worked collaboratively with him and your supervisor to identify some goals he’d like to work towards. On the next page Peter’s goals have been put into the table. As his support worker, you will assist Peter to plan and achieve his goals. Think about possible ways this can happen. You will need to Include Peter’s wife, as an appropriate support person to enable Peter to achieve his goals.
In the column labelled ‘What resources do you need?’, ensure to list ideas for the following resources.
i. transport
ii. staff support
iii. finances
iv. mobility aids
v. any other resources to assist with skills building and Peter’s community participation.
You will need to be creative with some details to complete the form.
Remember that as a support worker, you won’t be simply giving these ideas to Peter, but you’ll be asking Peter questions to assist him in developing his own plan and his own way to achieve his goals. This planning sheet just acts as a prompt for you when you talk to Peter.
Client name Peter Simms Attendees of the meeting Peter Simms, Lorna Simms (Peter’s wife, Sue), Support worker
Date 16/04/2019
Community Access Goal How will you achieve it? Who will implement it? What resources do you need? What is the timeframe?
Developing a skill:
Peter would like to join a local wheelchair basketball team.
Community participation:
Peter would like to meet his wife and friends at the local RSL, travelling to and from the RSL independently.
Developing a skill:
Peter would like to re-learn some of the work skills he used to use in his profession, starting with how to type efficiently on a keyboard.
Question 3
Answer the questions below which follow on from Peter and his skills building goal in active citizenship.
3a. Select a skill building goal from the table in question 2. Use the template below to create a skill building program for Peter to learn this skill.
Client name Peter Simms
Skill to be developed
Resources/ equipment required
How the skill will be taught?
Reinforcers to encourage the person to do the task
Strategies for prompting and then fading the prompting
Techniques to encourage generalisation
Once the skill is learnt, how it will be maintained
Incidental learning opportunities
When the plan will be reviewed
Resources to complement strengths
3b. In the table there are some methods of monitoring whether skills building goals or community participation goals are being achieved or not. For each section of the table, briefly describe why each is important.
Monitoring skills building and community participation goals: Why this is important?
(50 words for each)
Getting feedback from the person with disability.
Seeking feedback from family and/or carers.
Seeking feedback from colleagues.
Getting feedback from supervisors.
Monitor level of engagement from the individual (in consultation with supervisor)
Regularly review strategies for skills building and community participation with the person with disability.
Regularly review strategies for skills building and community participation with supervisor.
Monitor success of strategies to address barriers (in consultation with supervisor)
3c. Imagine that your skills building program is going very well and Peter is learning the goal faster and better than expected.
Write a short script on how you would encourage Peter to choose a further goal to extend himself even more. (50-100 words)
3d. You are experiencing difficulties implementing the activities in the skill building program.
It will be necessary to discuss these challenges with Peter and his wife.
Write a short script on how you would give constructive feedback in an appropriate and respectful manner. (50-100 words)
3e. Outline why you need to follow CareShore’s documentation and reporting requirements when recording your support with Peter. (50-100 words)
3f. If at some point Peter decided he no longer wanted his wife involved or wanted her to be informed of how things were going, would the support worker adhere to this right to confidentiality, or would they continue to involve his wife, as they have a responsibility to include family as much as possible?
Explain your answer. (20-50 words)


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Writers Solution

Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others

Country for Assignment is Portugal.

  1. 10-15 minute presentation to the class – need a power point presentation as well
  2. Referencing of material is a must!
  3. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group – this is important as well
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations
    Group Project
    Country – Portugal
    Intercultural and international communication has taken on a new role for students as well as career professionals. Knowing when the European and Asian markets open has become mandatory; so has awareness of multiple time zones and their importance in relation to trade, shipping, and the production cycle. Managing production in China from an office in Chicago has become common. Receiving technical assistance for your computer often means connecting with a well-educated English speaker in New Delhi. Communities are no longer linked as simply “brother” and “sister” cities in symbolic partnerships. They are linked in the daily trade of goods and services.
    In your line of work, you will be exposed to a variety of different cultures and language differences. These different cultures and language differences can bring about differences in how you interact with others.
    For this project, you will examine and explore the following from your assigned country:
  2. Primary languages spoken in your country
  3. Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  4. How teams interact and work together
  5. Define management styles
  6. Define how conflict is managed
  7. Any other relevant information
    Final Product:
  8. 10-15 minute presentation to the class
  9. Referencing of your material is a must!
  10. 3 page (double-spaced) reflection on your experience working with your group.
  • What did you learn from the experience? What do you think went well? What would you have done
    differently, given the opportunity? What are your goals for future group work?
  1. Self & Peer evaluations

Total: 76 marks
Topic accurately covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Language Material Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Management Style Covered: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Conflict Covered:
Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Referencing: Yes: 7-10/10 Partially: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Verbal Presentation:
Covered Well: 7-10/10 Partially Well: 4-6/10 Not Well: 0-3/10
Self & Peer Evaluation Completed: 5/5 Not Completed: 0/5
Reflection Page Requirements: 0-2/2
Reviewed Experience 0-2/2
Provided Future Goals for Group Work 0-2/2

Self and Peer Evaluation of Group Project
Please assess the work of you and your colleagues by using the following criteria. We will
consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the project. Please try to be as honest and fair
as possible in your assessment.
5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success
4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group
1 = Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group?
SELF Evaluation (Name: ________________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: ______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Phenomenon of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

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PEER Evaluation (Partner 2: ____________):
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 4: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 5: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material
PEER Evaluation (Partner 6: _______________
_ Participation in developing ideas and planning project Willingness to discuss the ideas of others
Cooperation with other group members
Interest and enthusiasm in project
Participation in leading/facilitating discussion
Ease and familiarity with discussion material

Writers Solution

What is one example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women?

 Part 1

In this unit, you have learned about human rights. What can we, as citizens of the United States, do about this? Is taking action against injustices our responsibility as citizens? Should it be?

For this activity, you will be exploring these difficult questions. In Part 1 of this activity, you will analyze how citizen participation can help achieve political and social change, specifically the treatment of women. You will need to find two different examples of e-mail campaigns, boycotts, blogs, podcasts, protests, demonstrations, or letters to editors in which the sole purpose has been to change the treatment and role of women in the United States. Next, you will analyze how effective or ineffective these efforts have been.

Use the following questions to guide your research and record your answers.

  1. What is one example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
  2. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.
  3. What is another example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
  4. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.

Part 2

For Part 2 of this activity, you will be exploring the roles of citizens on the local, state, and federal level. Do you feel that being an active participant in the equality of women (or any people for that matter) is the responsibility of citizens?

Though many people would answer ‘yes’ to this question, it is not a mandatory responsibility for citizens. But, what are the mandatory responsibilities of citizens?

Visit the suggested websites (or any others that you find useful) and fill in the chart below separating the responsibilities of citizens into either local, state, or federal. Find at least four for each column. Be sure to indicate if each responsibility is Mandatory or Voluntary (note that some responsibilities may fall into more than one category).

Suggested Websites:

Writers Solution

Discuss representation, participation, and voter turnout in local elections. What trends do you see, and what are their impacts?

Discuss representation, participation, and voter turnout in local elections. What trends do you see, and what are their impacts?