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How would you expand on the principle of doing no harm to ensure that people of diverse populations (cultural, racial, and economic) are not subjected to the same conditions as experienced by Henrietta Lacks?

In 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) created a global pandemic. By 2021, vaccines were available; however, many people of color, particularly African Americans, refused to get vaccinated. The history of African Americans and health care in the United States contributed to the mistrust that carried into the 21st century.

Although Henrietta Lacks died in 1951 at the age of 31, the lawsuit surrounding the biotechnology company earning millions off her cells settled in 2023. As biotechnology advances, consider what safeguards are available for diverse people and those without health insurance to avoid what happened to Mrs. Lacks.

The idea to do no harm has been used in medical practice for years. For this assignment, create a biotechnology ethics policy. Consider a diverse workforce in your policy.

Address the following:

  • How would you expand on the principle of doing no harm to ensure that people of diverse populations (cultural, racial, and economic) are not subjected to the same conditions as experienced by Henrietta Lacks?
  • Develop 2 ways your policy will create safeguards for people in the face of biotechnological advance. Give examples of how the safeguards will work.
  • Discuss how the failure of upholding ethics can contribute to a similar situation such as the development of the HeLa cell.

Use 6–10 scholarly resources to support the provisions of your policy. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are not scholarly sources. Look at federal and state legislation and court cases.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.


Martinez, I. (2023, August 1). Who was Henrietta Lacks? Here’s how HeLa cells became essential to medical research. PBS.

Vibert, F. (2022, April 2). The ‘do no harm’ principle: So simple? So easy to misunderstand!. Oxford Global Society.


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An objective from Healthy People 2030

Choose an objective from Healthy People 2030 and create an outline of the full presentation that will be due in Week 4.

This assignment is an outline only, it is due this week, and it must follow the APA format for outlines. Please refer to the APA textbook for assistance.

This assignment should only contain 2-4 slides maximum.

The outline must address the following:

1. Identify Healthy People 2030 objective chosen by you.

2. List the problem addressed in the chosen objective.

3. List the epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, and cost-burden of the problem.

4. Provide a description of a specific population or problem.

5. Discuss how the policy is intended to improve the specific population.

6. List the specific legislators involved with/working on the problem and policy development related to the problem.

7. Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes.

8. Examine how the policy can be used by the inter-professional team to improve the problem.

9. List three (3) references with one (1) peer-reviewed article.

Include in the outline headers of each of the above requirements.  You must also include a list of three (3) references you will refer to when completing this project. 

Work on developing your writing skills using APA 7th Edition.

 Please note that your week 4 PowerPoint Presentation will be based on this outline.


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issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South

Choose one question from the list below and respond. Identify to which question you are responding. Submit your 2-3 page response to the Discussion Area. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) By the end of the week, please comment substantively on two or more classmates’ assignments and to any questions left to you by the instructor in his or her feedback. Leave comments that raise salient points and stimulate discussion. Focus on the topic and its historical context. Be respectful, helpful, clear, and concise. Always utilize constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of further learning.

Question 1:

Discuss the various issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South such that peaceful compromise became less and less a possibility in the election of 1860. Do you ever foresee a time when America might reach a similar impasse that could lead to another Civil War? What issues would likely create this situation?

Question 2:

In the eyes of many historians, Reconstruction failed. Explain your view on this question using specific information to support your position




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issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South

Choose one question from the list below and respond. Identify to which question you are responding. Submit your 2-3 page response to the Discussion Area. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) By the end of the week, please comment substantively on two or more classmates’ assignments and to any questions left to you by the instructor in his or her feedback. Leave comments that raise salient points and stimulate discussion. Focus on the topic and its historical context. Be respectful, helpful, clear, and concise. Always utilize constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of further learning.

Question 1:

Discuss the various issues confronting the nation in the 1850s that so inflamed the passions of people in both the North and the South such that peaceful compromise became less and less a possibility in the election of 1860. Do you ever foresee a time when America might reach a similar impasse that could lead to another Civil War? What issues would likely create this situation?

Question 2:

In the eyes of many historians, Reconstruction failed. Explain your view on this question using specific information to support your position.




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Cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks

Tavel Photo Essay
Pretend you are a travel writer. Your assignment is to write a travel photo essay highlighting some of the important natural or man-made landmarks unique to a particular location. Your essay will include two different landmarks (man-made or natural) from the same area or region. The two different landmarks can be from a local, national, or international location. Your travel photo essay will include an introduction, two photos with descriptions, and a conclusion.

The first page of your essay will be a title page, presented using APA 7th edition formatting.

The next page will contain a 100-word introduction. The introduction should include why you picked the tourist location and what impact visiting the landmarks had on you.

Insert two photos (from the web or your own photographs) into the essay. Write a 100-word description of each of the landmarks. Place each description below the corresponding image.

Write a 200-word concluding paragraph (summary) about the cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks. What impact does each of these landmarks have on the shared identity, beliefs, economics, environment, and/or activities of the people living in that community? Are the local people impacting the landmarks positively or negatively? How?

End your essay with a references page that lists all of the sources you used in your essay, set up using APA 7th edition formatting.
The CSU Online Library has fantastic resources that can be used for this assignment. Additionally, the CIA World Fact Book website is a great source of information.
In addition to the two required photos, you are required to use at least one outside information source from the CSU Online Library. You can also use your textbook as a resource. All sources used, including the textbook, library resource, and photo sources (unless they are your own photos), must be cited and referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.




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virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection

Every brand has become so competitive due to the virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection. Consumers are now fully interested in understanding the concept of the brand name and what they actually sell For that it is important to understand woven labels are an essential element of your designing activities. You should implement catchy phrases and intellectual elements to your designs making the much more prominent on any product and giving the product the finishing it requires. There are multiple sellers/designers out there providing some incredible services in terms of design & development, you can easily hire them via many social platforms




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Dieting Makes People Fat

Assignment: Writing a rough draft of an academic essay “Dieting Makes People Fat”

In previous assignments and discussions, you selected a topic to write about, explored its exigence, audience, and purpose, and researched the topic using credible, scholarly sources. Now you will pull all the information together into a rough draft of an academic essay. 

The purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong but to objectively present differing viewpoints about your topic and contribute in a meaningful way to an ongoing conversation about the topic. You may think of your essay as an “argument of inquiry”; intended to lead your audience to a deeper understanding of an issue that affects them. The topic, purpose, and supporting points of your essay are stated in a thesis statement in the first paragraph of the essay. 

To get a feel for writing academic arguments, please review the following sample student essays. Each was written by a previous student in EN102. 

Sample Researched Argument 1

Sample Researched Argument 2

Sample Researched Argument 3

The textbook, Becoming Rhetorical (Chapter 13) has an example of an academic essay as well. Content and format requirements Content:  

  • A clear thesis statement in the first paragraph that states the purpose of the paper and supporting points
  • A minimum of one differing viewpoint (counterargument) that is supported by a source.  Refute (weaken or dismiss the counterargument or concede it (it’s valid, but the points presented in the paper outweigh the validity/impact of the counterargument).
  • A conclusion that effectively wraps the discussion.
  • Include quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from peer-reviewed sources (academic journal sources) representing more than one side of the issue.


  • Between 900 and 1200 words
  • Organized into paragraphs
  • Multimodal elements, such as photos or graphics, may be included at your discretion about Dieting Makes People Fat

Organization requirements

  • Information is presented in a logical, sequential order
  • Transitions link ideas within and between paragraphs to unify the discussion

Source/Support RequirementsFive peer-reviewed sources; other credible sources may be used in addition as appropriate

  • Authors qualified
  • APA in-text citation
  • APA Style References page

Technical requirements 

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Persuading People to Help Fund-Raise

Instructions: Read Case Activity: Persuading People to Help Fund-Raise on page 168 of your text. Answer the Writing Prompt questions.In the Assignment Submission area, click Write Submission to type your response, or copy and paste your response directly into the screen. You may also click Browse My Computer to attach a file containing your response.

Case Activity: Persuading People to Help Fund-Raise You have been elected philanthropic chair for your sorority or fraternity. Past fund-raising events have been well attended by your members, but lacked buy-in from alumni and community members. Your organization is planning to host a barbecue picnic during homecoming to raise money for the local Boys and Girls Club. Your task is to persuade not only students, but also alumni attending homecoming to participate in your fund-raiser. What persuasive techniques would you employ to encourage students to attend? What different techniques would you need to use to reach alumni? 


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Is it possible for Sage people to use MySQL, and let them decide what

With being a promising and extraordinary accounting software that is used and trusted over the world for its routine accounting features. In a layman’s language and to lay it out in a better way, Sage is accounting software which keeps hold of any firm’s enterprise’s financial sector. With all the concerned regulations and procedures it has to carry out. 

Sage offers a variety of versions of this popular programme, each with its unique set of trading capabilities. Users have a variety of options for picking the optimal version based on the program’s suitability. These versions are quite short and excel at organized set programming.

Now, one of the most prominent questions arises in the audience about the type of database Sage supports and uses. Is of utmost importance to know the answer to this question. If you are interested in knowing about the same, let’s stick through this entire article to get a full-fledged insight about the particular database Sage runs on. 

Find-: Sage 50 Could not Find a Printer Driver

Sage runs on which database?

Well, in case you are curious to know about the database that is used by Sage. Let’s dig deeper to find out. 

As per Sage’s description of the ZODB object-oriented database, ZODB is a Python object persistence system. It does away with the need for object information to be kept in relational databases. Hence, Sage is usually in support of MySQL, SQLite, and an SQLite-based Python interface as its database source. Sage is a proprietary database with transaction boundaries; customers frequently notice lower latency because most processing is done on a variety of servers.

SAGE Research Techniques is a database that focuses on research techniques while also giving a wealth of materials on research methods. The database contains over 800 ebooks, reference materials, journal articles, and videos. 

And, Sage2SQL retrieves all Sage 50 keys and extracts the data into a SQL database format, which may then be flagged up on, examined, and intertwined with third-party sources within your organization. Now, generally, To be used with Sage SQL Replicator, SQL Server 2016 SP1 or later is required. Because Sage SQL Replicator augments the original Pervasive data with views and indexes, the data size in SQL Server may grow.

Find More-: Sage 50 Journal Entries not Showing Up in Account 

Sage Database, provides thorough information on research methodologies as well as a large number of research method resource providers. This database comprises over 800 books, articles, reference works, videos, and other services.

Now that you know the above-listed information regarding the database on which Sage runs, let’s end some concussion with more related information. 

Does Sage support MySQL?

Usually in some cases where, When used as a relational database management application, Sage leverages the MySQL database for more than just data storage.

The technical evaluation team determined that MySQL was “the king of the hill” in terms of performance and satisfying Simply Accounting’s requirements. The moment has arrived. MySQL is already installed on my computer and ready to take the lead with its added and sufficient features. 

Thereafter, it is best proved that Sage runs on MySQL Database as its best and optimum resort. 

The above-mentioned information is best curated in a manner where the optimum and correct answer is given weightage and importance is not divided. The database that Sage runs on is best-opted and suitable. 


The above-presented information has effectively guided you through the entire concept of What Database does Sage Run On?.  All the optimum steps are listed here and also the step-by-step guide to processing the procedures. 

All required actions are supplied, as well as the whole step-by-step approach guide. The article covers all the required information for a detailed deeply involved information outlook. Follow this article Image of Article icon pngto avoid any unnecessary errors.

If you are still facing any issues or have any doubts concerning the above-listed information you can connect with our customer helpdesk ???? .

Find Also-; Sage Error 40036


1. Is it possible for Sage people to use MySQL, and let them decide what they want?

Well, the Sage accounting data is already saved and secured in a MySQL database. 

2. Where is the saved data in Sage?

Usually, Sage saves client data on Amazon servers that use 256-bit encryption (as do most big institutions). Data is kept in the United States of America, as is the case with the vast majority of other online solutions.

3. Does Sage run exclusively on SQL?

That is not true and is incorrect. Previously, Sage 300 users could choose between Pervasive SQL (PSQL), MS SQL, and Oracle programmes; however, with the introduction of Version 2016, Sage 300 now operates solely on MS SQL


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Start conversations with people at work about an idea you’ve been thinking about for awhile.

The SALES Essentials section was designed to introduce you to the concept of selling. To share information about the relationship between marketing and sales and to give you some insight into what’s involved in a sales career.

But the most important learning is to provide opportunities for you to practice some of these “beginning” selling skills in your own life–work or otherwise–to create change.

Your Final SALES Qiz is a one page “blog” that you will write about your experience applying what you’ve learned in Modules 7-9 to a personal selling situation. Choose wisely so you really give yourself the chance to feel how all of this works! You’ve only got 3 weeks so don’t make the personal selling situation too complicated but at the same time don’t make it so simple that it’s not all that interesting.

Great examples:

  • Start conversations with people at work about an idea you’ve been thinking about for awhile.
  • Using the skills and knowledge to interview for a job, internship, case competition.
  • Convincing your team (any course) to do something different that would improve your working relationship or your grade.
  • Talking to your parents about something that you want to do and they haven’t really been that excited to support you (and remember there is value to your parents if they allow you to do what you’re asking).
  • Anything that is innovative/disruptive where others have been resistant and you believe there is great value if things were to change.

Stay away from…..

  • Convincing your friends to do anything.
  • Change would only require 1 conversation.
  • Anything related or remotely related to politics.
  • Anything that is too personal for a teacher to read about you.

Step by Step Guidelines

  1. Choose your personal selling situation ASAP and submit via Canvas no later than 5/12 11:59PM.  All in Activity #3: Personal Selling Situation
  2. Use a journal and start writing down ideas every Monday and Wednesday (weeks 7-9) about how what you’re learning applies to your personal selling situation. Decide how to organize yourself–don’t wait until the last minute. This should be an ongoing activity during weeks 7-9.
  3. Start taking action as soon as you can and then immediately journal what happens–timing is key so you capture the real experience.
  4. Challenge yourself to make something happen during the 3 weeks–use what you’ve been learning to create some movement in your personal selling situation.
  5. Write a 1-1.5 page “blog” about what you have learned as a result of trying your “beginning” selling skills on a personal selling situation.

Some Ideas You May Want to Consider

  • Be very clear on what your personal selling situation is and why you care about it
  • Explain what the value would be to others if they decided to go along with your idea
  • Figure out who’s involved in making a decision
  • Have at least one discovery conversation
  • Pitch your idea if the timing is right–if not then at least explain what your pitch looks like “today”
  • Write this like a blog–engaging and story-like
  • Remember that you’re writing about your experience of trying something new and sharing what happened along the way
  • Make sure that you are applying skills and knowledge from all 3 modules–either doing it or explaining how you might do it moving forward


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