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Performance Management Plan Portfolio to enhance staff/trainee improvement in a given environment

For this assignment, you will use your knowledge of performance management, supervision, teamwork, and communication to develop a comprehensive 3-6  page Performance Management Plan Portfolio to enhance staff/trainee improvement in a given environment. You are on ABA team of professionals working within a system that requires assessment and training to maximize the performance of the staff or stakeholders within that system. Your team has an opportunity to choose a case study to work from to complete this assignment:

Case Study 2: School Program (includes teacher, class aides, and one-on-one)

Edgardo is a fifth-grade student in an inclusion classroom with a regular education teacher, a special education teacher (who is only in the classroom for half of the day during math and language arts), and two paraprofessionals (a classroom aide and Edgardo’s one-on-one aide). Edgardo has a diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder and exhibits frequent noncompliance and occasional physical disruption of the classroom (swipes materials from tables/desks, pushes furniture around, and dumps materials). As a result, Edgardo does not complete much of his schoolwork during the day because his behaviors impede his task completion, and the district is considering a more restrictive classroom environment if Edgardo’s behaviors are not improved. Edgardo’s special education teacher has some basic knowledge of applied behavior analysis; however, the general education teacher and paraprofessionals have never been trained in ABA.

After reviewing the case study, you  should discuss and develop the following aspects for your Performance Management Plan Portfolio:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a hypothetical diagnostic assessment of the system to determine the needs of the staff in terms of skills. Describe how the assessment analyzes the specific environment you are supporting. Then, hypothesize the assessment results that will be used to pinpoint behaviors for desired staff performance.
  2. Pinpoint (and define) the desired performance outcomes and the target behaviors for staff. Discuss whether these are individual target behaviors or behaviors targeted for the group, and provide a rationale to explain why the targeted behaviors are necessary to meet the performance outcomes.
  3. Training: Develop a set of training procedures for staff. Be sure to provide a discussion of why your outlined procedures were selected and how they will be implemented. This rationale should be grounded in evidence-based literature.
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Southwest Airlines Way: The Power of Relationships for Superior Performance

Review Chapters 5 through 14 of Southwest Airlines Way: The Power of Relationships for Superior Performance which can be found in the attachments section.

· Choose two Southwest Airlines’ practices for building high-performance relationships that you believe will serve you well as a successful international aviation manager. Present a summary of your findings from the document and analyze why you find these two practices useful. Be specific within your reasoning. 

· Be sure to include additional research and resources to support your case study.   

· The assignment should be 2 to 3 pages and written in current APA format with intext citations.  




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Develop and manage performance-management processes

Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 2B

  BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance-management processes

Participant Assessment

Need Help with your Assessment?

Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum – Need Help with Your Assessment? Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Alternatively, post your query to the Facebook Study Group for your course.

Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources.

Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your assessment here and ask your fellow participants for a constructive and supportive review.

Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions. Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is

the one that remains unasked!!!


Assignment Activities

There are 3 parts to this assignment.

Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 2 is an Activity. Read through the activity carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 3 is the Project. Read and follow the instructions provided.


You are responsible for developing and monitoring KPIs for a staff member who is responsible for recruitment in your unit.

a.   Provide examples of at least four possible key performance indicators (KPIs)

that are specific, measurable and align with business goals.

b.   Explain how you would monitor these KPIs.

c.   How frequently would you meet with the employee regarding the KPIs? Explain

your rationale for this.

d.   find the employee is not meeting their KPIs, describe briefly the steps you would take to deal with the situation?


a.   Provide a sample learning and development plan for a junior manager whose training needs have been identified by their manager as managing people and delegating effectively.

b.   Part of your suggestion for the manager is to enrol in a Certificate IV in

Leadership and Management which can be undertaken on the job. What process would you use to select the sup plier to satisfy the needs of this manager?

c.   How would you monitor the success rate of the training and notify his/her


d.   The manager has come back to you during his/her training and expresses concern about the training provider in particular the l ack of support being provided. How would you manage this?


Assume you have recently joined a tech company “High Tech Pros” (simulated, not a real business) that has grown rapidly from a small start -up to now employing over 200 staff. Of the 200, 125 are full-time staff and 75 are contractors (who are hired as required). Most are technical officers (analysts, programmers etc.) with 16 being administrative staff looking after accounts, marketing, sales, HR and general administration.

Both the owners and the managers they have employed are highly skilled technically but have little true management experience. The owners have plans to grow by up to 100% over the next 12 months and know they need processes to ensure they manage their staff. They have read about Google’s success in motivating and managing staff and have asked you to complete Parts A  to D below in order to:

        Put a performance management process in place for all staff

     Help their managers transition from being competent technicians into being great managers

Read the following case study about the real company “Google” (no need to google

this, ha ha):

Sourced 13/10/2016 from European CEO magazine, (15/06/2015 ed .): talent-retention-success/

This March, Fortune named Google, already the world’s biggest search engine, the number one employer for the sixth year in a row, making the tech company the ultimate talent magnet.…

The capabilities of IT systems allow a more sophisticated and analytical approach to HR than was possible in the past”, says Mark Thompson, Head of Reward Consulting at management firm Hay Group. Thus, cold hard facts are employed in order to keep the chances of unexpected outcomes to an absolute minimum.

At Google, employees are considered the company’s most valuable asset – the backbone of the organisation. They are given freedom, a healthy work-life balance, incredible perks, and even the chance to have fun at work. There are many who maintain that such radical practices are a waste of money and time, and some may find them simply absurd. And yet, the results speak for themselves.

What HR should and must focus on is understanding the relationship between the things which motivate and engage people as individuals”, says Laurence Collins, Director of HR and Workforce Analytics at Deloitte. “The environment, work, growth, reward and flexibility it offers, [are] part of the employee proposition.”…

Each year, two million people apply for around 5,000 vacancies at Google. With better odds of being accepted into Harvard or even of being struck by lightning, many hopeful candidates turn to unorthodox means to make themselves stand out. Lazslo Bock, Head of People Operations at Google, told Forbes in a recent interview that he often receives pleas, bribe offers and even threats from applicants. …

During the recruitment process, Google uses an algorithm to make predictions regarding which candidates have the best chances of succeeding at the role in question. Those with a very high IQ are often chosen, although the ability to learn and absorb information is considered more important. Riddles and brainteasers are no longer used, as analysis carried out by the department has found that those who do well in such exercises are not necessarily the best candidates. Traditional interview questions have thus made a comeback in Google’s interview process. …

The people operations team also looks for those who will fit into the firm’s unique culture. Namely, they are looking for ‘Googleyness’ or, in plain English, intellectual humility. … So as to prevent shortsightedness, verdicts, such as whom to hire and fire, how performance is rated and which promotions are given, are never made unilaterally. “Each of these decisions is instead made either by a group of peers, a committee, or a dedicated, independent team”, writes Bock in his book Work Rules.

Generally, people spend most of their lives at work. It is, therefore, vital for it to be as pleasant as possible. Furthermore, an infinite budget or worldwide status is not necessary to create such a setting, as many cynics often claim in response to Google’s style of management. Considering employees as the most precious commodity within a business is how it can be achieved. Creating an environment in which employees want to get up and go to work can enable them to reach their full potential – to the benefit of their employers and all those around them. To s ome, this may seem like an unmanageable task, but it really isn’t – Google proves that it is possible.

Part A

Based on what you have read so far in this “Google” case study, plus other research and your experience, develop recommendations for:

a.   A performance management process that would suit the company you joined “High Tech Pros”, keeping in mind that some employees are part -time or contracted.

b.   Organisational timeframes for formal performance management sessions. c.   A quality improvement plan for the performance management process.

Part B

Explain who you would consult with at “High Tech Pros” and outside that company,

to ensure there is agreement on the new formal performance management

process you recommended in Part A.

Part C

Develop a series of short lunch-time sessions for the “High Tech Pros” management team (use a few bullet points for each session) to train them on: a.   How to develop KPIs for their staff.

b.   How to provide feedback to under-performers c.   Basic staff coaching techniques

d.   Dispute resolution and mediation processes e.   How to conduct a performance review

f.    Recording information and storing documents relating to performance reviews and performance management sessions.

Note: You should be mindful of maintaining the attention of managers given their different learning styles and may use PowerPoint, video, Word documents or any other technology that is accessible and appropriate for this task.

Part D

Design a coaching/mentoring program to support managers at “High Tech Pros” in their role. You may choose to use internal or external providers (or both), but must provide a rationale for your choice and explain the process of introducing the program including consultation with key stakeholders.

discuss. If you are not currently working in HR, consult your tutor/assessor about work experience or an alternative task.

Upload your completed work on your MyUpskilled portal.




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reasons that have little to do with job performance or organizational commitment


Of course, job satisfaction is important for other reasons as well—reasons that have little to do with job performance or organizational commitment. For example, job satisfaction is strongly related to life satisfaction, or the degree to which employees feel a sense of happiness with their lives. Research shows that job satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction. Put simply, people feel better about their lives when they feel better about their jobs. This link makes sense when you realize how much of our identity is wrapped up in our jobs. What’s the first question that people ask one another after being introduced? That’s right—“What do you do?” If you feel bad about your answer to that question, it’s hard to feel good about your life. The connection between job satisfaction and life satisfaction also makes sense given how much of our lives are spent at work. Presents the results of one study that examines time spent on daily activities, along with reported levels of positive and negative feelings during the course of those activities. The participants in the study spent most of their day at work. Unfortunately, that time resulted in the highest levels of negative feelings and the second-lowest levels of positive feelings (behind only commuting). Home and leisure activities (e.g., socializing, relaxing, exercising, intimate relations) were deemed much more satisfying but took up a much smaller portion of the day. The implication is clear: If we want to feel better about our days, we need to find a way to be more satisfied with our jobs.

Indeed, increases in job satisfaction have a stronger impact on life satisfaction than do increases in salary or income. It turns out that the adage “money can’t buy happiness” is partially true.

3.3 Test your knowledge:(Questions)


3.4 Instructions

Read this paragraph carefully and try to understand, how does job satisfaction is strongly related to our life satisfaction, write your (Comment) view few lines in your words. Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below




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Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance

These topics will be used from experiences recorded in your journal and what you have learned.  Include how they may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals.  You should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and business course experience. 

Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 

  • Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an off-campus work environment. 
  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 
  • Examine aspects of the company’s Organizational Development (OD).


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Correlation between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance

An Annotated Bibliography is a summary or evaluation of sources. The summary typically contains a discussion on the point of the book or article, an evaluation of the source, and finally a reflection. For this assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography of 6 research articles from peer-reviewed or scholarly sources that relate to your topic as defined in the Unit 1 assignment. The topic is (Correlation between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance).   You will be able to use this assignment to write your literature review which is due at the end of this Unit.

To get started on this assignment first read Chapter 2: Types of Sources, Chapter 5: Search Tools, Chapter 6: Evaluating Sources, and Chapter 8: How to Cite Sources from your Citing Sources (2020) textbook. As you read through the chapters, be sure to view the embedded video clips within the chapters. For a sample of an Annotated Bibliography refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab (n.d.) Annotated Bibliography Samples. Be sure to scroll down to the APA example.

Next, (if you have access) watch the optional video from UWlibraries which will provide you an explanation and examples of what a scholarly article includes.

Note: there are two parts to this assignment.

Part One: Conduct a scholarly search for 6 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources based on your chosen topic from Unit 1.

Part Two: Create an Annotated Bibliography (should be in list format) of 6 sources related to your topic from Unit 1. Your Annotated Bibliography should include:

1. The full APA citation for the source including the web link.

2. In one paragraph, for each source

  • Discuss the point or main thesis of the source.
  • Evaluate the source for reliability and how it compares to other sources in your Annotated Bibliography.
  • Analyze the source for its relevance to your study.

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 450 words. Please include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources. 


Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.

Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab.

Reading Assignment. 

Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  Pubrica Academy. (2019, August 8). Why is it important to do a literature review in research?  3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 4. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  University of Washington Libraries. (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them


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Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth

Overview: You have recently joined a branding team where the objective is to increase brand sales.

Part One: Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth (estimate 400 words):

Your first task is to provide a brief introduction of your brand that outlines key brand milestones, such as how long it has existed, its current owner and markets it operates within both inside and outside of Australia.  

Identify key competitors for the brand and present in a table that shows their brand share. Justify your choice of two to compare and contrast with your brand.

Identify the current challenges to growing brands in the allocated market and the performance of your brand based on industry data available via the library’s marketing guide.

Briefly explain how to build Mental Availability for the brand.  

Draw on the text, course references and library sources (use the Marketing guide Company and Industry information to search for relevant information to support your discussion.

Part Two: Brand Audit (estimate 800 words):

Draw on industry publications and conduct an online brand audit of campaigns and other activities that could build Mental Availability for your brand and the two chosen competitors. Industry publications can help with your critique of marketing campaigns or branding efforts, e.g. B&T, Advertising Age or articles from the WARC database. The brand’s website, YouTube and social media sites should also be examined as part of the brand audit for Part Two. Please note that social media is only one aspect of a brand’s integrated marketing campaigns, so it is important to consider activities in all media channels for a review of Mental Availability. Add examples into an Appendix (not included in word count) and in the report consolidate details into a summary that covers the following points:

Begin the audit with a brief overview of marketing efforts of the brand to grow Mental Availability, critique efforts against evidence on how to grow brands (refer to examples in your appendix of all three brands reviewed – at least five examples of marketing activities for each brand to give a minimum of 15 examples across all brands).

Next, focus specifically on the messaging and branding execution in relation to building Mental Availability. Examine brand messaging across the market for three brands (your brand and two others).  Clearly label examples in your appendix to indicate timing of use and media used for campaigns.

Discuss the type of links being built in the minds of category buyers? Are these being built only with your brand? Write from the perspective of your allocated brand and discuss how successful they are likely to be based on your knowledge of what is needed to build Mental Availability.

Provide a summary table that visually shows potential Distinctive Assets. In the table use rows to group different potential types of DA’s. In columns add in visual examples of their use. The first column shows potential DA’s for your brand, then repeat the same information for the two chosen competitors. Add in examples from any other brands from the category that look similar to DAs being used by your brand.

Reference the DA table in a discussion of the uniqueness of DAs. Explain what research is required before making changes to the brand’s identity and why having consistent execution of branding is important.

Conclude with a recommended DA Palette that identifies existing DAs to test.  Identify if there are any DA types missing that would be useful to build and explain why.

Part Three: Recommendations (estimate 400 words):

Conclude with recommendations on how the brand can improve its Mental Availability.  Explain how strategies suggested can help the brand to grow.

Highlight anything considered essential for successful execution and include specific metrics suggested to evaluate if Mental Availability has changed following execution of your recommendations.

Length: 1600 words, plus a minimum of 15 references and 15 brand examples (across all brands in the sector critiqued). There is no ‘magic number’ of articles or references to use but any claims you make require sources to strengthen your argument. Use the submission template and add headings, because this will provide clarity in the assignment


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The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout

Put into a Power Point

Executive Summary

The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout. Call center agents are among the leading service providers who have experienced a high rate of employee burnout. Different research studies have been conducted to determine the most effective strategies that can be implemented to reduce burnout among call center agents. Burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. Emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. Luckily, strategies such as the use of the Human Resource (HR) department play a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. The use of modern forms of technology such as call center technology also helps to reduce employee burnout. General participation and active collaboration among all the stakeholders will help to reduce burnout among call center agents. 


Call Center Burnout is a psychological condition that negatively affects the performance of an individual at work. It is also one of the leading medical and psychological conditions that have undermined the performance of healthcare systems in different countries. It is important to note that ineffective management of workplace situations leads to Call Center Burnout. Workers with call center burnout often experience weakness and exhaustion at work. They also experience increased mental distance from their job, accompanied by cynicism or negativism towards the job. All the effects of Call Center Burnout reduce an individual’s performance at work since it reduces professional efficacy. Work-related stress leads to burnout if it occurs for a long period. It manifests as feelings of dread or helplessness, which causes huge problems to both the individual and the organization. In addition, chronic stress at work can lead to other mental conditions such as anxiety and depression that manifest in physical form or symptoms such as heart disease. Most victims of Call Center Burnout are customer care services providers since their job is fast to keep up with, and it requires a lot of emotional labor. However, all experiences Call Center Burnout due to the changes that occur in all organizations. It implies that Call Center Burnout is a condition that is contributed by an external environmental factor. Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper examines Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. 

Literature Review

A research article published by Molino et al. (2016) claims that emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. The article defines emotional labor as the process where workers regulate their expressions and feelings at work while serving the customers with high-quality services. The process of interaction with customers in a call center requires an indevotional to portray certain emotions that are acceptable by the organization. Labor emotions must not be necessarily similar to a worker’s true feelings. The same is defined as emotional dissonance. It represents a vital job feature, especially for call center services. The study’s main aim was to determine whether emotional dissonance arbitrates the relationship between work demands and job resources, such as job autonomy and support from colleagues and supervisors. Also, a job demands-resources model was used as a framework to determine another affective discomfort at work. The findings from the study indicate that call center agents experience a great emotional dissonance and customer verbal aggression as compared to information service agents. The results also show a full arbitration of emotional resonance among the call center workers. Luckily, the article states that suggestions for practitioners in originations came up with suggestions that will help them reduce burnout and promote the health, safety, and wellbeing of their workers. As a result, it is recommended that the findings in the research article should be used to further study to understand the causes and mitigation measures for Call Center Burnout.

According to Ogrysko (2021), burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. For example, The Department of Veterans Affairs has experienced low employee turnover, making it difficult for the organization to have a clear sense of the exact number of workers needed to complete a specific task. The inspector general of the organization stated that their organization has not been able to appropriately determine the number of workers needed for direct patient care roles as a result of low employee turnover. The findings from the article also discovered that other challenges that contribute to burnout include recruitment challenges and other challenges such as non-competitive payment. It explains why the organization experienced a shortage of staff. Fortunately, the organization has established a model called the validated staffing model to help support workers and reduce burnout among the workers. The model supports that all workers should be engaged in the process to determine the appropriate personal needs of the workers since they may have different options or definitions of their work needs. It explains how the use of different staffing models to determine individual needs may help to prevent the occurrence of burnout and increase employee turnover. Thus, it is recommended that the information published in the article should be used to study how employee turnover and burnout can be reduced.

The findings from the study by Ogrysko (2021) correspond to the information provided by an article by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019). The two studies examine how burnout is caused by job dissatisfaction among Registered Nurses. The study by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019) was conducted among registered nurses in hospitals across Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California. 687 RNs were interviewed on how job dissatisfaction contributes to employee burnout across the four states. The findings from the study indicate that 30% of RNs across the states exhibited a low level of burnout. It was also discovered that 31% of RNs are dissatisfied with their job. In addition, 72% of the workers miss one or more tasks during their last shift. Due to work pressure and lack of adequate time and resources leads to job dissatisfaction that contributes to burnout. The study also determines the difference in performance rates of RNs who are satisfied and those who have job dissatisfaction. It was discovered that RNs with a high level of job satisfaction portray a high performance that is not associated with low burnout. On the other hand, RNs who portrayed job dissatisfaction performed poorly since they registered high medical errors, especially during their last shifts. The article provides a solution to job dissatisfaction by suggesting that the working environment should be improved for effective reduction of dissatisfaction rates and to reduce burnout.

Klint et al. (2021) state that Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. The leading factors that contribute to the condition include community fairness, values, reward, and control. Other factors include stressful conditions at work and ineffective management of work conditions. The article also states that there are different dimensions of Call Center Burnout. One of the dimensions is emotional exhaustion which includes physical exhaustion and emotional stress. Another dimension is cynicism and depersonalization, which is caused by the first dimension of burnout. The last dimension is low self-esteem or decreased sense of self-accomplishment. People with a low sense of personal accomplishment feel like their efforts are not enough or do not contribute to the performance and growth of the organization. It explains why the symptoms of burnout are similar to those of other mental conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. High burnout is related to increased medical errors and poor patient safety for healthcare workers. 

A study by Castanheira and Chambel (2010) illustrates how the Human Resource (HR) department plays a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. It is important to note that HR practices are related to job dissatisfaction, discomfort, and stress. All these are interlinked, and they can lead to burnout both collectively or independently. A theoretical framework known as the Job Demands-Control (JD-C) was used to examine job demands such as quantitative demands and emotional dissonances to appropriately determine the role played by HR practices in reducing employee burnout. The study has also made it easy for HR managers to reduce burnout through HR practices by distinguishing between HR involvement systems and HR control systems. HR involvement systems include practices that involve monitoring of performance and practices. On the other hand, HR involvement systems include practices relating to training, performance-related pay, and employee participation. Generally, the findings from the study support that the use of various HR practices will help improve job satisfaction, commitment to reducing burnout among call center agents. The findings discovered that the HR systems could reduce burnout by verifying that they lead to more emotional dissonance among the workers. For instance, the HR involvement system alleviates the workers’ quantitative demands and emotional dissonance to help reduce burnout. The two HR systems help to decrease cynicism and exhaustion among its workers to reduce burnout. 

According to a study by Kwon and Yoon (2011), social support and emotional labor help to reduce burnout and increase employee satisfaction at work. The study was conducted among call center agents in the airline industry. The article is relevant for this study since it examines the impacts of mention on emotional labor and the differences in levels of emotional labor. It also provides recommendations for the improvement of the competitive power of call center agents in airline companies. It was discovered that emotional labor affects the rate of burnout.  


Call Center Burnout is a global health problem that affects call center agents’ health, well-being, and performance. It arises due to many reasons, such as external and environmental factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Thus, all organizations must provide a safe and conducive working environment for their workers to avoid cases of burnout and low employee turnover. Most employees who experience job dissatisfaction face all the work pressure and challenges, such as a lack of adequate support from their colleagues or supervisors. Lack of adequate resources, such as financial resources, has been noted as contributing to the increase in burnout among employees. As a result, all organizations should ensure that active participation and collaboration are upheld among all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that measures that promote the well-being and safety of employees are implemented. Research is one of the best tools that organizations and individuals have used to find the most relevant solution to various problems since it enhances accuracy during decision-making. It explains why this research article should be used to find the best solutions to employee burnout among call center agents. Similarly, the article makes it easy for organizations to identify and implement the most appropriate strategies to solve the issue since it outlines the procedure for the implementation of such measures. 


Since Call Center Burnout is a serious issue that undermines call center agents’ performance, health, and safety, it is vital to establish or identify the best solutions. One of the solutions to Call Center Burnout is the investment in call center technology. The rise in the use of modern forms of technology has reduced work overload among workers in various industries. Similarly, implementing a call center technology system will help reduce call center burnout among employees since it reduces burnout. For instance, call center software can enhance collaboration among call center teams and empower employees by displaying relevant information at a fast rate. Another solution to Call Center Burnout is the recognition of burnout among the employees. The first step toward finding the appropriate solution to a particular problem is the acceptance that the problem exists. However, detecting or recognizing burnout among call center agents takes empathy and a keen eye. It explains why identifying burnout at its initial stages is a step toward recognizing and finding an early solution. Addressing unfair treatment is another solution that can help keep employees committed and motivated hence reducing burnout. Most cases of employee burnout are caused by unfair treatment at work. Addressing unfair treatment is similar to providing a conducive working environment for all employees regardless of the hierarchy levels. The same can also be achieved by sorting out unreasonable demands and unmanageable workloads in the workplace. 

Governance of Quality Assessment

Another important stage when solving the issue of employee burnout is the practical implementation of the solutions that will help reduce Call Center Burnout. The best way to implement the identified strategies is through active participation and general indolence among all stakeholders, such as the workers and the supervisors. In other words, everyone’s option should count during decision-making on the best strategies to implement to reduce call center burnout. The implementation of these strategies should reduce employee stress and increase job satisfaction. Appropriate manager support will ensure that burnout is reduced since it helps to reduce workloads and remove unnecessary workplace demands. Changing management expectations and work environment reduces stress to reduce the rate of burnout among the call center agents. Another step toward the implementation of Call Center Burnout is the provision of safe working environments by eradicating works risks and other hazards that may cause physical or emotional damage to the workers. It is similar to creating a working environment that is from all physical, psychological, and emotional hazards. Implementing incentives such as cash incentives among the call center agents has been one of the best ways to implement employee burnout since it keeps employees motivated.  


In conclusion, Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper has examined Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. It is among the leading issues that have undermined the ability of all organizations to provide a safe working environment for their call center agents. It has also led to work-related stress that has contributed to low employee turnover in many organizations. Luckily, different strategies and measures have been implemented to reduce employee burnout and stress. One of the solutions is the implementation of call center technology since it helps make work easier for the call center agents. Another solution is the provision of a safe working environment for the employees. Adequate support and resources such as financial resources also help provide a solution to employee burnout. Finally, it is essential to note that research is another critical tool that can be used to find the best solution to problems such as employee burnout


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You are a newly appointed county manager of Brown County, which is large suburban jurisdiction covering 1500 square miles. Reviewing the county budget by department you notice that infrastructure costs for water utilities comprises a large percentage of the public works department’s annual budget. 

The Division of Public Works is the largest department in Brown County and the water utilities department in the Division of Public Works serves approximately 41,952 water customers.  The utilities department currently operates 482 miles of water main with six water pump stations. The department also oversees 12 water storage facilities with a combined capacity of 67 million gallons.

You decide to embark on a performance measurement exercise of water utilities to help public works set a course to monitor operating efficiency and to justify potential capital expenses. 


As a first step toward performance assessment, you decide to examine the operating ratio of the water utility. This measure represents the total costs for operation and maintenance of the water distribution system as provided by the accounting division of Public Works divided by the total revenues generated from water purchased by the public from the county utility department. Therefore, costs are expressed as a percent of total revenue. Hence an operating ratio of .20, or 20% (move the decimal two places to the right) indicates that operating and maintenance costs comprise 20% of operating revenue. A higher operating cost percentage indicates that operating expenses are increasing relative to revenue. Conversely, if the operating ratio is decreasing, expenses are decreasing, or revenue is increasing, or some combination of both.


To establish if a performance measure is “good” it needs to be compared to a standard or best practice results established by an independent professional association within specific industries. In the case of water utilities, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) establishes bench marking guidelines. AWWA, using data gathered from suburban counties throughout the U.S. similar to Brown County, established the top quartile for operating ratio at 45%. According the AWWA, this benchmark indicates financial efficiency of water operations. 


The performance target goal for Brown County is .45 or 45%. Review the descriptive analysis of the operating ratios for FY 2019 and FY 2020.  Describe the trends and assess the utility’s performance


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The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter

Regression with neural networks

  1. Introduction
    The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter. The dataset consists of chemical properties (representation) of superconductors, and the parameter value to be predicted is their critical temperature in Kelvins (?K).
    Further information on the dataset is available at:
    The task is utilize the training dataset consisting of the properties of superconductors and their critical temperatures in order to learn a regression model. Then this model should be applied on the test dataset to predict the critical temperature of the superconductors in that dataset.
  2. Assignment
    Implement a simple neural network and the backpropagation algorithm in Java or Python! Use the trained model to predict the critical temperature for each test sample.
    2.1. Java
    The code must contain a Main class, and within this, a main() function. It will receive all inputs on the standard input, and should output the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped source code files of your application to the BME MIT HomeWork portal. (
    2.2. Python
    The code must be a single python file, that will be run and receives all inputs onto the standard input, and it should write the solution to the standard output. Upload the zipped single python file to the BME MIT Homework portal. Use Python3.x, and only standard libraries are available (e.g. no numpy!) (
    2.3. Input
    The program receives all inputs via the standard input. The input consists of the representation of training samples, the corresponding critical temperatures, and also
    VIMIAC10 2019 3rd Major homework
    the representation of test samples. The character ’ ’ is used as a line separator. The input is structured according to the following:
  3. The first 17011 lines each contain a representation of a chemical compound, that is 81 parameters as real numbers separated by the ’ ’ character. These are the training samples.
  4. These are followed by 17011 temperature values, i.e. the target value to be learned (i.e. a single temperature value in each row).
  5. Lastly, 4252 test samples (chemical compound representations) for which the critical temperature has to be predicted. These are the test samples.
    The solution should implement the backpropagation algorithm. The scaling/normalization of data is recommended before learning. Note that the available CPU time for the code is approximately 120 CPU secs.
    2.4. Output
    The output contains the predictions for the test samples, i.e. a predicted temperature for each sample. The output should be formatted such that each row contains only one prediction, the order corresponds to the order of test samples. Rows should be separated by the character, the output should be written to standard output.
  6. Evaluation
    The evaluation is based on RMSE (root mean squared error):
    where ???? is the real value, and is the predicted value. A solution reaching a RMSE lower than 17.0 gets 12 points, however a solution above 23.0 gets 0 points. Between these two endpoints the evaluation is linear (the score is rounded to the nearest integer)

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  • The task is to implement a simple neural network that achieves an adequate performance on a real data set for predicting a real valued parameter