Writers Solution

notion of moral permissibility, not just preferred behaviors.

1. Roughly 1500 -1800 words double-spaced (MINIMUM). It is permissible to go over the 1800 words if needed (no excuses about not knowing you could write more to fulfill the tasks)

2 In presenting this topic, you should consider the notion of moral permissibility, not just preferred behaviors.

3. You must tie your applied topic into a previously covered theory of ethical evaluation. In other words, take a position. You can make it a mixture of positions (eg, Rule Utilitarianism) but that is definitely a more difficult project. Examples: Kant’s deontology, Mill’s utilitarianism, Ethics of Care, Virtue Ethics, Social Contract Morality (Hobbes or Rawls and his egalitarianism), or even one of the other theories (but they would need to do an additional reading for clarification of the ideas). 

4. You must use an objection that both applies generally to the theory and the situation. You must also attempt to meet/answer the objection.

5. You must include one secondary source and provide a full MLA/APA/WHATEVER works cited page. (This means citing the articles we used IN CLASS)