Writers Solution

Own personal philosophy of sport in terms of social responsibility

a 5 page research paper outlining his or her own personal philosophy of sport in terms of social responsibility. Reference to appropriate text books, articles and materials covered in class should be included with independent research findings.
please relate to sport trends and read outline provided
will email rest of notes






The ideology of gender plays a big role on the way that sports is carried out throughout the years. This is based on the idea that men are supposed to be aggressive, fast, strong and competitive which is reproduced in many sports. In the same way, women are usually not encouraged to play sports since the traits above are not naturally associated with women.  This shows that a woman who exhibit these traits will be seen as going against the ideology of gender that most people in the community will not view her as being feminine. In today’s world of sports, a woman has to deal with the lack of resources or financial support since her politicians also carry the same ideology and will not support a woman in sports. It is only recently that the situation is considerably improving in various spheres of sports.

Current situation of gender discrimination in sports

Admittedly, sports has a huge impact on culture, and most people even use sports  as an excuse to bring families together or share some quality time with one another. Whether there are there to just hang out, some people have even used sports to engage in meaningful conversations with a lot of fervid passion in the time that they discuss memorable plays, coaches and athletes(Cooky&Lavoi, 2018).  However, these are just positive traits that are discussed which sports is associate with, it is important for one to be informed  about the various issues  that sports faces(Chattopadhyay, 2017). These are issues which keep the practices of sports from being what it is meant to be, that is free from malice, discrimination and ill treatment due to one’s gender. There needs to be a peaceful collaboration which is perpetuate by authentic equality in addition to proclaiming the love for the game(Ferretti&Mariani, 2017).

Sports also plays a very important role in the country’s culture. According to theUnited States youth sports statistics, about 40,000 kids between ages 5-28 will take place in organized sports each year(Chattopadhyay, 2017).  This means that sports continues to grow especially due to the modern advancement in technology. Things continue to change in the world of sports, this is because sports as it continue to change, and there is a social norm around the country(Cooky&Lavoi, 2018). With this being said and done, it was in the 1800 that sports was not socially acceptable for women, as it was seen as a man’s activity(Chattopadhyay, 2017).  This was viewed for all sports types including football, baseball, hockey and everything else that required a vigorous physical activity.  In the recent years, women are allowed to play in the prototypical ‘man’s sport’ however, there is still a lot of discrimination against women in various manner that might be seen as less obvious. Generally men have a lot of leagues that women(Cooky&Lavoi, 2018). Even though the leagues associated with men sports exist, those of women are far less and ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..  own personal philosophy of sport in terms of social responsibility


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Ultimate consumer for personal, nonbusiness use

Assignment Details: Retailing has an impact on the daily lives of each individual all over the world. Retailing is “all the activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, nonbusiness use” (Lamb et al., 2014, p. 231). After reading Chapter 14, you will obtain a foundation for understanding the importance of retailing within distribution channels, and differences in retailing strategies. To better understand the relationship between strategic retailing factors and consumer perceptions, you will conduct a simple observation exercise.

Follow these three steps to successfully execute this Discussion: Step 1. Make a Product Decision: Identify a product to shop for, and then identify two stores as places to look for your product. The two stores must be different types of retailers. For example, you can shop for a new HDTV at Best Buy® and at local electronics stores (specialty retailer). Once you have identified what you are looking for and where you are going to look, visit each store and record your observations of specific strategic retailing factors. Step 2. Make Observations: Visit two retail store locations and record your observations by taking notes on the following topics (NOTE: You do not need to include your observations in your answer post on the discussion board): Location: Where is each store? How congested is the area of town where each store is located? Does the neighborhood influence your perception of the retail store? Would you travel to this store under normal circumstances? Write a detailed paragraph on the location of each store. Exterior atmosphere: How convenient is parking? Is parking adequate? How are other issues concerning parking (cleanliness and size of the lot, size of spaces, well-lit, etc.)? What kinds of stores are around the store you are visiting? Do you think being located next to them increases traffic at your store? Are direct competitors nearby? Is the building modern or historic? Is it attractive, clean, and appealing? Is the entrance inviting to shoppers? Interior atmosphere: Compare the following attributes at each store: aisle width; lighting; number of customers; noise (background music, loudspeakers, etc.); store layout; signage; accessibility of the cashier; number of products available (depth and width of assortment); ability to inspect the product before purchase; quality of the fixtures (shelves, lights, etc.); availability of salespeople and their knowledge about the product; willingness of salespeople to help. Product: Discover if your product is available. If not, can you locate a satisfactory substitute for your product choice? What is your perception of the product quality being offered? Why do you think as you do? Step 3. Answer the following questions based on your observations: Identify the retailer from which you would decide to purchase the product. Discuss why you chose the specific retailer over the competitor. Discuss ultimate consumer for personal the factors that helped you make the decision to purchase the product from the retailer. What are the top three factors that are most important to you in this purchase decision? If your decision is not to purchase the item from either store, explain why not. Identify and discuss the three most significant differences you observed in comparing the two retail stores.





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The product to purchase is the HDTV. I chose the efficient Specialty Retail Store. The decision to buy at the retail store is because it focuses on the selling of the particular product range and its associated items. The decision, therefore, was fundamental as a result that the firm is actively related to the sale of modern HDTVs (Sadun, 2015).  It was further as a consequence of the expertise and guidance of the use of the product associated with purchasing it. The very good edge- lighting systems of the HDTV makes it most efficient and appear the best. Moreover, that the screen has excellent pictures and its large array of LEDs directly behind the panel. The product is lighter and more energy efficient.

The HDTV is easily accessible and cheap compared to the other commodities in the market. The product is effective and it is of high quality in the industry. The HDTV is durable and has guarantee of two years. The HDTV………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………ultimate consumer for personal……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Sadun, R. (2015). Does Planning Regulation Protect Independent Retailers? Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(5): 983-1001.


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How change and/or stress can impact a personal life

Normative and non-normative events help us understand how change and stress may impact our quality of life. Using the South University Library, locate 2 scholarly journal articles written in the last 5-6 years on how change and/or stress can impact a personal life. Look especially for how sudden, unanticipated (non-normative events) events can impact a person’s quality of life.

Write a summary.
Describe the main points of the article and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings.
Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic and should be original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.
I have attached articles from the library that’s within the last 5 to 6years for reference on how stress can impact our life.





Stress is described as a process by which a person or individual react when encountered internal or external challenges and problems. Studies have showed that all living organism have several systems to coordinate including the adaptive responses to changes both at the cellular and systematic levels. This means that stress has a direct effect on the whole anatomy of the body(Shields, et al., 2016). Therefore, a failure by an individual to adapt to both normative and non-normative stressful changes can lead to brain malfunction and physiological problems in the form of burnout, pain, anxiety and depression. Normative and non-normative changes people encounter in their daily life such as conflict with friends, health challenges issues or financial difficulties exerts varied pressure or force on the spirit and mind. Some of the changes be as a result of environmental factors or personality such as low confidence, discouragement, regrets, anxiousness and worry. To understand, the concept of stress from change perspective, two articles were analyzed.

            The first article was published by Shields et al. (2016), which focused on the “Stress-related changes in personality: A longitudinal study of perceived stress and trait pessimism.” The main point of the study was to established the relationship between change in pessimism and perceived stress. The findings showed that there was significant correlation between perceived stress and change in pessimism(Shields, et al., 2016). The findings were consistent with previous studies which showed that due to dynamics of personality, there is major life transitions and stressor which can be used to predict change in personality overtime. Furthermore, the findings from this article added knowledge to the existing literature by indicating that experiences of non-severe stress also have significant correlation with personality change. However, non-severe stressors occur more frequently and the effects are of smaller magnitude on personality change as compared…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Read about stress can impact a personal life

Writers Solution

plan for building your personal brand

Create a 700- to 1,050-word plan for building your personal brand. In your plan, include:

What skills you will need for your future career.

What strategies you will employ to gain the required skills needed for your career choice.

How you will project a professional image to potential employers.

What strategies you will employ to search for, find, and get a job.

How you will know your brand and strategies are effective.

Format any references according to APA guidelines.

Research professional organizations that may help support you in your current career or future career in the field you wish to enter – (Clinical research P

roject Manager). Some examples of professional organizations include: American Public Health Association (APHA), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), American Medical Association (AMA), etc.

Explore the resources and benefits the organization has to offer. Look for options to join as a student.

Choose one of the organizations you believe would be most beneficial for you.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Summarize the professional organization.
  • How do you believe membership in the organizations could benefit your career?
  • Read plan for building your personal brand for the assignment





Fundamentals of Electronic Health Records


Grade Course:

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Date of Submission:


            Personal branding can be described as an undertaking whereby an individual creates an image with the objective of making a specific impression in the minds of others through acquiring the desired techniques and skills. In other words, personal branding involves shaping personal image to meet market demands and gain competitive advantage over the competitors in the same field(Montoya, et al., 2002). Therefore, good planning of personal branding is key in excelling in professional growth and development and analysis have showed that many employees are keen personal branding.

Skills needed for future career as healthcare administrator

            There are various skills that healthcare administrator needs to acquire to effectively deliver his/her duties in the future career. One of the skills that healthcare administrator needs to have include communication and relationship management. As an administrator in healthcare setting, effective communication is crucial since there is an interaction with healthcare professionals from different departments including the clients seeking healthcare services(Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). It is important to note that clients visit healthcare facility have varied educational background and social status in the society. Therefore, effective communication skills are needed to ensure that there is proper understand and smooth running of operations within the healthcare facility.             As a healthcare administrator, you have a responsibility to provide leadership in healthcare facility. Therefore, leadership skills are needed since you will be guiding diverse people in terms of culture and professionalism as well as level of education(Noon, et al., 2013). Only good leader will be able to effectively provide le…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Personal career development plan

You will be creating a paper outlining a personal career development plan. Career Management and Development (Chapter 12) is a complex topic involving an understanding of life stage (Erickson and Levinson Models), models of career development, individual and organizational approaches to career management, roles in career management (individuals, managers and organizations), career development practices and activities concluding with a review of career development issues. In order to simplify career development and provide a valuable personal deliverable, the Unit 6 Assignment on career development will address your personal career development. At the end of Chapter 12, you will find Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay. This exercise gives you an opportunity to review relevant concepts in Chapter 12 and make personal application. That application will help you better understand and apply chapter concepts of relevance to your situation. Remember, this assignment parallels Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay on page 436. Refer to that exercise as you complete the assignment. Your analysis of this section and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of this portion of the course project; integrate the material covered in the text and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take. Use Personal career development plan


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 


Career development is one of the important aspects in human development. It facilitates an individual to achieve career goals and make him/her to feel fulfilled. It is important to understand that career development is more than a job since it is a life commitment (Werner & DeSimone, 2012). Career development emphasize on assessment and KSAOs such as skills and knowledge for a position as well as the need for personal fulfillment and values. This career development worksheet reviewed the objectives required to achieve the ultimate career choice as human resource director.

Short Term Career Objectives: Describe your short-term career objectives.

            My short-term career objective is to complete my Human Resource degree and get SHRM certificate. By completing Human Resource degrees, I will have achieved my academic goals. It has been a long journey but I’m almost finishing and get my degree certificate. In addition, this I will obtain certification in the field of HR, which will take me a period of six months to study and seat for certification test. These short-term objectives will enable me to achieve my long-term career objectives.

Long-Term Career Objectives: Describe your long-term career objectives.             The long-term career objective is to reach the position of Director of Human Resources. This is the ultimate goal I strive to achieve in the long-term. After completing my degree in Human Resource and certification in HR field, I will start practicing as HR generalist until I ac…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

How much of your personal information and data are collected on a daily basis?

Take a moment to think about how much time you spend using the Internet each day. Think about your use of social media on a daily basis. Consider the shopping you complete using an online vendor. Think about how and where you use your smartphone or tablet each day.

Discuss the following:
•How much of your personal information and data are collected on a daily basis?
•How often are your data collected on a daily basis?
•What types of personal data are collected, used, and stored on a daily basis?
•What are the personal data used for once they are collected?
•Who knows where you are each day?
•Are we willing to give up certain types of freedom to have more convenience?
•Who is tracking your location data on a daily basis?
•In the aftermath of 9/11 and the changes to laws dealing with GPS on mobile devices, do you feel that Internet service providers (ISPs) should be able to turn on GPS to help find you in a disaster.

Once you have collected a few thoughts about your daily Internet use and your location data, share your thoughts with your peers. Discuss with your peers if you feel that individuals should embrace this new era of data sharing as a reality of a new data-based culture






Technology: Personal Data

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(Student’s Name)

The Risks to Privacy When Using Smartphones

            The revolutions in the mobile communications have led to creation of mobile phones that are virtually able to do anything. Smartphones come with various applications, which can be a source of threats to individual privacy (Gralla, Sacco, & Faas, 2011). Many people lose many data due to exposure of their personal data to unsuspecting individuals. The increase in the number of smartphone users has increased the amount of data, leading to an exponential growth in threats and vulnerabilities.

            We lose huge amount of data on a daily basis through our Smartphones. Smartphones are filed with numerous applications, such as online shops, social media applications, the location trackers and browsers (Boyles, Smith, & Madden, 2012). Most of these applications expose the smartphone users to data breach. Some of the data that is lost on the daily basis include personal identity, the unique identification number of the mobile device, one’s location, photos, access to contacts and our browser habits. Most of these information are accessed and stored by the applications and are combined by the ad networks to built strong profiles about the smartphone user and sell such data to the marketing companies. Sometimes, hackers in phishing, which often leads to lose of money, use the data that we lose, such as identity and financial data.           Most applications have a tracking system, where they are able determine one’s location. In addition, the government security agencies and telecommunication companies store huge amount of data regarding our location on a daily basis. However, I would be willing to give up some of the privacy in return for certain services such as security, which is offered by government security agencies. For instance in the aftermath of the September 9/11 attack, the changes in the laws has made it possible for the internet servic…………………………………….







Writers Solution

Your employer has asked you to work on a day that you have already requested off for personal reasons


For this assignment, you will write emails explaining a situation to both an employer and a friend.

Your employer has asked you to work on a day that you have already requested off for personal reasons. You are unable to change your plans and must therefore explain why you are unable to work (a family wedding or similar event is a possible choice for this). Your friend has asked you to assist him or her with moving on the same day. Again, you are unable to help because of the same prior engagement.

    1. Write an email to your employer explaining why you are unable to work on the day specified.    

  2. Write an email to your friend explaining why you are unavailable to help with his or her move.      

3. In a short, 1-page reflection, explain the differences between how you have communicated in the two emails. Familiarity with the other person, formality, type of language used, and other factors you may wish to include.       

  4. Keep in mind the audiences to whom you are writing. Ideas of grammar, formality, and word choice may be very different depending on your audience, but in both cases, clarity and succinctness are important.

Writers Solution

Katharine Graham’s excerpt from her memoir Personal History

 Around 250 words. 

To begin our discussion of Katharine Graham’s excerpt from her memoir Personal History, I have to introduce you to this idea of the imposter syndrome. I myself have and, at times, still find that I struggle with the impostor syndrome.

 sometimes called Impostor Phenomenon or Fraud Syndrome, is a syndrome where sufferers are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Regardless of what level of success they may have achieved in their chosen field of work or study or what external proof they may have of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced internally they do not deserve the success they have achieved and are actually frauds. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they were more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Rather than offering assurance, each new achievement and subsequent challenge only served to intensify the ever-present fear of being…. Found Out.

This syndrome is thought to be particularly common among women who are successful in their given careers and is typically associated with academics. It is also widely found among graduate students and transfer students. (All the information on Impostor syndrome comes from the work of Dr. Valerie Young, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes. You can find links to their work by clicking on the hyperlink.)

I call your attention to this phenomenon because in reading Graham’s excerpt it was apparent that she too was in part struggling with the impostor syndrome. Graham’s experience as a successful woman in a historically male profession, tells the story of many women who like Graham find themselves in positions that were not and are not considered women’s work. In our excerpt of Graham’s Personal History, she takes us through her journey from the time she inherits the position as publisher of the Washington Post to her new found identity as a feminist woman. I would like for you to discuss her journey by answering the following questions:

According to Graham, how did women of her generation become “somehow inferior” and why did she attribute her “problems” to “being new and untrained” rather than a woman?

How did Graham participate in reproducing sexism and inequality?

Writers Solution

Personal career development plan. Career Management and Development

You will be creating a paper outlining a personal career development plan. Career Management and Development (Chapter 12) is a complex topic involving an understanding of life stage (Erickson and Levinson Models), models of career development, individual and organizational approaches to career management, roles in career management (individuals, managers and organizations), career development practices and activities concluding with a review of career development issues. In order to simplify career development and provide a valuable personal deliverable, the Unit 6 Assignment on career development will address your personal career development. At the end of Chapter 12, you will find Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay. This exercise gives you an opportunity to review relevant concepts in Chapter 12 and make personal application. That application will help you better understand and apply chapter concepts of relevance to your situation. Remember, this assignment parallels Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay on page 436. Refer to that exercise as you complete the assignment. Your analysis of this section and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of this portion of the course project; integrate the material covered in the text and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take.


Writers Solution

Identify and describe a business problem with an IT solution from your work or personal experience

IT Business Application Case Study Identify and describe a business problem with an IT solution from your work or personal experience. Are there any specific artificial intelligence (AI) applications that can be considered as part of the solution? If you don’t have specific personal experience, select 1 management enterprise system (MIS) solution with a specific use case. Then, answer the following questions: What have you identified as the existing business problem? What is your expected deliverable of the business process? What specific IT application did you identify to provide an effective solution? What are the specific features and benefits of the new IT application? How does the new application provide long-term support to the business process by maintaining data integrity in cases of disaster recovery and continuity planning? Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following: Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals. Length: 5 pages minimum Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in the third person. Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.