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Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style

In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change.

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. Since we are focusing on communication and leadership theories in this unit, the literature you select for your literature review should cover the following topics:

Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style. 

Compare and contrast behavior attributes of your chosen leadership theory with a contingency leadership theory. 

If your chosen theory is a contingency theory, compare and contrast your theory with another contingency theory. Explain effective communication strategies for leaders. 

Your literature review should be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least four outside sources, three of which must come from the Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

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Applying theories of personality

Project One Guidelines and Rubric Competency

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Analyze theories of personality


For this project, you will write a theory application paper; you will apply theories of personality to yourself, someone you know, or someone you have read about in a biography or autobiography. The Project One Milestone you completed in Module Four helped prepare you for this assignment. Use the Project One Template Word Document to complete your paper.

Please note: This paper will contain nonclinical analysis. Your task is not to diagnose or assign clinical labels to yourself or others. That would require licensure beyond the scope of this course.

Consider visiting the Academic Support module before submitting your paper. Resources in that module include writing tutoring, written feedback for writing assignments, and citation help from the Shapiro Library.

You must address the rubric criteria listed below:

  1. Identify who you are applying theories of personality to and explain why. Your response should be about 3 to 5 sentences in length.
  2. Describe how components of a personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following:
  3. Describe how components of a second personality theory of your choice relate to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include the following:
  4. Describe the limitations of each of the two theories you related to your subject. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length and include at least one limitation for each theory.
  5. Explain why taking a holistic approach and applying multiple theories to a subject is better than applying only one. Your response should be about 6 to 10 sentences in length.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Theory Application Paper Submit your completed Project One Template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


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How can you observe personality?

First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below. My name is Katherine my major is psychology constration in mental health  

In this module, you will begin to explore the psychological study of personality. As you begin this course, you likely have a lot of thoughts and reflections about your own personality and the personality of others. Before we dig into the work of prominent theorists, let’s begin by creating a theory of personality.

For your initial post, create your own theory of personality. By theory, we mean a set of interrelated principles based on your observations and experiences. The questions provided below will help you shape your answer. Your theory should be about 6 to 12 sentences and include examples or observations about yourself or others to back up your assertions. Address the following questions in your theory:

  • How can you observe personality?
  • Does nature or nurture play a larger role in personality development? Justify your response.
  • What is the value of studying personality in yourself and others?
  • Is personality changeable? Does it shift over time? Does it depend on the situation?

Next, describe how studying personality connects to one of the following programmatic themes:

  • Self-care
  • Social justice
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Career connections
  • Ethics

Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

  • Post an article, video, or additional research to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
  • Engage in conversation with your peers around their theory of personality. Consider asking a question or sharing your own personal experience.

To complete this assignment, review the Psychology Discussion Rubric.


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Effects of Culture on Personality Development

The Effects of Culture on Personality Development [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 4]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 16 and 17 in the textbook, Are Indigenous Personality Dimensions Culture Specific? Philippine Inventories and the Five-Factor Model (Links to an external site.), and Culture and Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation (Links to an external site.). In addition, review Discover Yourself: Cultural Implications on Personality Types (Links to an external site.), review Cultural Understandings of Personality (Links to an external site.) and watch the film Psychology of Religion.

Psychologists who study culture and personality claim that the culture in which we are raised has a big impact on how our personality develops and is expressed. Choose a concrete example from your life of from the life of someone you know well that illustrates this phenomenon. The cultural influences can be ethnic, religious, political, social, and so forth. In this discussion,

  • Describe the cultural influence and detail how it has impacted the personality of the individual you are profiling. Use concepts from the various theories you have studied in this class. Samples of elements that can be explored in this discussion include:
    • Was the dominant culture of your childhood or your subject’s childhood individualistic or collective?
    • Did you or your subject grow up in a very religious home? A commune? A rural or urban area?
    • How has your family’s ethnicity impacted your or your subject’s personality?
    • Did your or your subject’s family and culture value education? Did they value it equally for both genders?
    • How does your or your subject’s gender impact your role in the culture? Did you have any personality traits that were out of synch with the dominant culture of your childhood?

There are many ways to address this discussion forum. Your initial post should be a minimum of 450 words

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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality

Read each thread and apply with 250 words minimum.

Thread 1

“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” (Jung, Aion, 1951)

Carl Jung wrote the above statement among many other perspectives on human “darkness” or “shadow”. For the Western-Christian perspective, this darkness could be called the sin-nature. For the non-religious, perhaps simply recognized as immoral or unethical. Regardless of one’s particular positioning of morality within an ethical framework of thought; Jung’s “shadow” is a concept well understood by anyone with a sense of conscience and who has considered themselves and their fundamental (often unspoken) motivations. 

While internal, psychological self-work certainly doesn’t have anything to do with an aviation or an airplane, it remains obvious that ethical actions as aviators operate as markers of quality in decision making and the results proceeding such decisions can be monumental in result. This is why ethics are constitutional in forming consistent, positive outputs into the world. In a sense, the ethical boundaries an individual, company or society maintains is the functional basic code for one’s life.

That said, the positive effects of shared-ethics within a culture are clearly beneficial. This is why I believe it is important for virtually any institutional education to be completed, a sense of ethics must be introduced. In fact, it is known that even teaching ethics increases the likelihood that individuals will act ethically. Consider our courseworks material: “Disagreements between Greek philosophers on some aspects of knowledge of ethics and behavior were indicated by Irwin (1995); however, general agreement that the individual who is more knowledgeable on the subject of ethics tends to demonstrate more virtuous behavior…”

Ethics, as a psychological function in the mind and heart, obviously remains something belief based, often tied to circumstance, the individual, and the strength of the general social contract that the individual feels they are in contingency with. Ethics, or the lack thereof, could even be seen as a form of individual identity and values expressed in actions. It is fundamental to who people are, and the cornerstone point of judgment for an aviator or anyone forced to trade in high-stakes work where the realities of life or death are at a singular decision’s manifestation. These concepts tie into the given course work details concerning Behaviorism Ethics Systems and Evolutionary Ethics System. 

For reference, evolutionary ethics systems seek to correlate ethics as adjacent or stemming from evolutionary systems like natural selection. Behaviorism on the other hand traditionally refers to the study of human behavior and why humans make decisions, in this case the context is ethics. Our course work takes the concept a step further in the following.

“Behaviorism rejects the idea of a mind or soul at the outset, because it seeks to adopt a strictly scientific approach to human existence. This approach considers only what we can confirm with our senses.” (Wilkens, 2011)

While arguments can be made for the connections and motivations of natural selection at play for aviation students (desire for survival while flying, avoidance of pain and injury, etc). A more nuanced reality presents itself in the practice of education. Considering that possible death, pain and loss are not the natural occurrences of foolish or unethical decision making when attending to ones education (unlike the natural selection of flying), punishment and reward must be manufactured so that motivation remains intact. In this sense the aviator experiences some degree of the theory of evolutionary ethical systems and behavior. 

Consider the biblical story of Ananias and Sapphira. Their death was not a natural result of their actions, but rather a decision and judgment by a higher power for their actions. This decision to end their lives struck fear in those around them and clearly manufactured a reward and punishment boolean. It is for similar reasons children are punished and rewarded for their actions. At some point in their lives they will be faced with higher-stakes natural ethical issues, or social-ethical elements that will deeply inform their behavior. Adherence to an ethical code generally positions individuals and societies for positive outcomes in all walks of life making reward and punishment systems necessary.

Thread 2

Although I find the variation of ethical theories to be somewhat confusing and often contradictory to their own core claim, I think the efficacy of each ethical approach hinges on the theory’s determination of morality; what and who determines right from wrong. For behavioral ethics, the moral standard is defined by the “processes of environmental influence” (Wilkins, 2011) dictating acceptable behaviors within society, not from God. Evolutionary ethics suggests morality hangs on the idea that instinctual choices are aimed specifically for survival derived from genetic encoding in every living thing (Wilkins, 2011). When considering these two ethical systems as applied to aviation students’ attitudes and practices, studies show students are not immune to the problematic aspects of both moral views (R.Cole, 1988).

As an aviation student, I can testify to the level of dedication and discipline that it takes to become a well-rounded and respectable pilot. Although there are many study guides and tools for guaranteed success in testing available to student pilots, I can understand the temptation to cheat because it was incredibly difficult to become a professional pilot. However, falling into the trap of temptation, cheating, is likely to cost the individual their license, career, and possibly their lifelong dream (R.Cole, 1988). This example is why higher levels of academic programs have begun integrating ethical training (a form of expressed behavioral ethics) into the school’s curriculum, setting a moral standard of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Since behavior ethics has been adopted into aviation academics, aviation students are fully aware of what is determined to be right and wrong and understand that their peers are likely to exercise and exhibit compliance to the prescribed acceptable behavior. Knowing so, other students are willing to follow suit, ultimately reducing unethical behaviors like cheating (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011). Academic programs without the adoption of behavioral ethics applied to their curriculum experience a higher level of cheating among their students; the lack of thereof fails to enforce honesty and integrity among its students (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011), along with other factors that influence the student’s behavior such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and financial support (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011).

What can be learned from the example found in the life and biblical account of Ananias and Sapphira is that leaders do not cheat and do not follow to gain success or advancements. Leaders act in ethical ways that would support the evolutionary ethics system; they are often self-sacrificing for the benefit (or survival) of others so that those followers can carry on. Ananias made a mistake that cost him and his wife their lives; as stewards of property sales, they knew and willingly mismanaged the profits, which were not theirs to reap. This behavior is unacceptable in the moral environment of its time and now. This behavior is also inappropriate from the perspective of evolutionary ethics because Ananias and Sapphira’s actions did not promote survival, at least not for themselves. However, their actions influenced others in their community to fear repeating such behavior (


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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Assessing and Analyzing your Personality with the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA

Assessing and Analyzing your Personality with the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA Assessment (20%)
Individual assignment
Please read the guidelines thoroughly else it will cost you grades.

For this assignment, refer to your own personal Indigo TriMetrix DNA assessment report.
Write a paper starting with an introduction and then for part one, comment on your DISC style and on your top two or three Skills, Driving Forces and Motivators (refer to these sections of the assessment report). Explain what your awareness of these results means for you. What will you do differently? What do you want to improve upon or work on? Describe what you believe to be the two strongest and weakest areas of your personality, with reference to the assessment results?
If you have work experience, please use your past professional experience to provide examples of those skills, motivators and driving forces in action. If you do not have work experience, then refer to examples from school or family interactions.
In part two, explore how those traits of yours may impact your career and work performance based on your current or aspirational career path. Which traits are likely to be key to your success? Which traits will you have to be careful to work on, improve upon or regulate? How will you do this?
Finally, in part three, develop a written action plan (with actual concrete steps you’ll take) to improve in those areas you identified above as needing your attention.
At the end of the paper include a short conclusion.
Organise your paper with proper APA headings.
No abstract nor table of contents is necessary.
Support your paper with 6-8 scholarly research sources, with one being your textbook.
The paper should be between 1,600 and 1,800 words (not including cover page and references) and written using APA format. Adhering as closely as possible to the word count target is part of the exercise, requiring you to be selective with the information you include and ensuring everything you include adds value.
Submit your paper to the Turnitin dropbox on the course Moodle page.
Before you get started, please carefully review the marking rubric below.
Appendix – A
Assessment Rubric for TriMetrix DNA Assessment
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score 0-59 60-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Weigh
t Studen
t Score Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Subject Matter
Answering questions and results of research 50 Key elements are not adequately covered. Content is not comprehensive, has inaccuracies and is not persuasive. Displays lack of understanding of relevant theory. Points not adequately supported by references. Research is lacking in content and quality. No use of TriMetrix results. Key elements are mostly covered. Content is mostly accurate but lacks persuasiveness. Displays some understanding of relevant theory. Points mostly supported by references. Research is lacking in content and quality. Some use of TriMetrix results. Key elements are adequately covered. Content is accurate and persuasive. Displays adequate understanding of relevant theory. Points supported by references. Research is adequate in content and quality. Fair use of TriMetrix results. Key elements are completely covered. Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Displays superior understanding of relevant theory. Points fully supported by specific references. Research is superior in content and quality. Substantial use of TriMetrix results.
Organization & Critical Thinking
Demonstration of thought process and analysis of problem and resolution using own thoughts and ideas 20 Introduction provides poor level of background of paper
Structure of paper is not clear and is difficult to follow train of thought process
Conclusion does not follow logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is lacking: missing logical
argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides background of paper missing some key elements
Structure of paper is not clear and it is not easy to follow train of thought process Conclusion follows from body of paper but misses key points
Critical Thinking is not fully present: missing key points of logical
argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides good level of background of paper
Structure of paper is clear and train of thought process is understandable Conclusion mostly follows logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is present: logical argumentation & reasoning shows, reasonable examples & valid inferences are made Introduction provides superior level of background of paper
Structure of paper is very clear and easy to follow train of thought process
Conclusion follows logically from body of paper
Critical Thinking is present through: logical
argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences
Style & Mechanics
Application of the requirements of the 7th APA manual to create a standardized formatted report 10 7th Ed. APA Manual is not followed or there are significant errors in: title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are quite inadequate but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with significant errors in: title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are lacking but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with minor errors in:
formatted title page, formatted references pages, in-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are adequately used in the correct context 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with no errors including: properly formatted title page, properly formatted references pages, in-text citations are correctly used, paraphrasing and direct quotes are properly used in the correct context
ion/ Spelling
Use of proper English language grammar, spelling and punctuation to create a readable paper. 10 Grammar and sentence structure has major problems following standard English rules and reads with difficulty with major errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure has problems following standard English rules and reads with some difficulty with errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure mostly follows standard English rules and reads reasonably well with few errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure follows standard English rules and reads well with excellent punctuation and spelling
Readability & Style
Clarity of thought and appropriate level of language use that brings the author’s thoughts and ideas to the reader. 10 Sentences are lacking in completeness, clearness, conciseness and are not wellstructured. Transitions do not maintain flow of thought. Words are ambiguous. Tone is inappropriate to audience/assessm ent. Colloquial language or inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used.
Sentences need to be more complete, clear, concise and well-constructed. Transitions do not maintain flow of thought well. Words are not precise and have some ambiguity. Tone is not appropriate to audience/assessm ent. Colloquial language or inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used too much. Sentences are mostly complete, clear, concise and well-constructed. Transitions mostly maintain flow of thought.
Words are mostly precise with little ambiguity. Tone is mostly appropriate to audience/assessm ent. Colloquial language or inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used sparingly. Sentences are consistently complete, clear, concise and wellconstructed with strong, varied structure. Transitions consistently maintain flow of thought. Words are quite precise and unambiguous. Tone is completely appropriate to audience/assessm ent. No colloquial language or inappropriate use of paraphrasing used.
Marks 100




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Theories of Personality Start

Writing Assignment #7: Theories of Personality Start Assignment

The vast majority of personality theories make the argument that personality, by definition, is a stable characteristic that is enduring and changes very little across the lifetime, particularly for those who are in the age of young adulthood. But is personality really as stable as theories argue? For this assignment, re-examine some of the personality theories presented within the textbook (or outside the textbook from a peer-reviewed source) and provide an argument that personality may actually change after an individual reaches adulthood. Is there a common theme about the behaviors that may change with age according to the different theories to studying personality (e.g., trait, life narrative, etc.)? Or is there no consensus? There are no right or wrong answers, but do your best to provide a cogent argument that personality may not be a dispositional characteristic. Be sure to summarize specific theories presented in the chapter to support your argument.

Remember, your es

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say must be at least 250 words in length.

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Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of
contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course
content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use
Harvard or APA 7th
edition style. Minimum of five academic or research
references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:

Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the
research evidence.

UC graduates are professional -communicate effectively

UC graduates are professional -employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills

UC graduates are professional -use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and real-
world problems

UC graduates are global citizens -make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives

UC graduates are lifelong learners -adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with
new ideas

UC graduates are lifelong learners -evaluate and adopt new technology.
Page 1 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as
you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining
your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a
leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the
questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your
final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional
setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your
reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link
your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:

What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?

Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?

How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?

What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?

Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in
what ways?

Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant
to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the
effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation
and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:

What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?

What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your

Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to
current working conditions?

Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this
as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the
Page 2 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you
already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor:
a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This
requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your
proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for
the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and
objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following
questions to guide your proposal:

The purpose and scope of the mentorship.

Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking
particular insights to guide you for the future?

Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate?
Was this a skill reflected in your survey?

How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities
of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One -Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship
iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
Page 3 of 5

Assignment 1
Leadership Evaluation and Mentorship Proposal

1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)

Minimum of 5 references are required

Use Harvard or APA 7th
reference style

Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts

Include page numbers and your name

Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings

Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your
mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about
why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.

The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area
you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a
relative or partner.

Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you
seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? How does this relate to the research evidence of
effective leadership approaches?

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