Writers Solution

Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results

Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
§ Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results
§ Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the research evidence.
§ UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
§ UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
§ UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and realworld problems
§ UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – evaluate and adopt new technology.
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
§ What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?
§ Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?
§ How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?
§ What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?
§ Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in what ways?
§ Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:
§ What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?
§ What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your goals?
§ Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to current working conditions?
§ Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the research.
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor: a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following questions to guide your proposal:
§ The purpose and scope of the mentorship.
§ Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking particular insights to guide you for the future?
§ Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate? Was this a skill reflected in your survey?
§ How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
§ 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
§ Minimum of 5 references are required ? Use Harvard or APA 7th reference style
§ Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts
§ Include page numbers and your name
§ Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings
§ Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.
§ The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a relative or partner.
§ Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? ?How does this relate to the research evidence of effective leadership approaches?
Consider various personality types and what they mean for contemporary leadership performance and the survey results. Links to research.
(25%) Considered interrogation of various personality types and leadership performance analysed closely to survey tasks and underpinned by high level research findings.
Thoroughly researched exploration of personality types. Leadership performance analysed and discussed against survey tasks. Some sound research analysis of personality types and leadership performance/survey Well referenced. Develops scholarly links between personality types and leadership performance, however, needs further elaboration and links to survey. Missing or no consideration of various personality types. Unreferenced or unclear links to leadership performance and survey.
A clearly articulated reflection of students’ individual approach to leadership situated in relational to learnings from research on contemporary leadership models
(25%) Articulate and nuanced reflections on both current and aspired leadership practice. Examples given represent high levels of analysis informed by research. Articulates reflection of both own current and aspired leadership practice. Provides considered examples linked to research evidence. Solid reflection of both current and aspired own leadership practice, with some examples drawn from research. Documents student approach to leadership but needs further exploration and linkage to research. Missing or undeveloped student reflection and aspired
approach to leadership as per the research.
Considered mentor selection and rationale provided that refers to personal skills and
traits as a basis for a particular style of leadership. Link to student survey and the research
(25%) Reflections reveal a deep understanding of selected leadership competencies. Profile choice is very well situated in relation to survey and research evidence. A very considered review of leadership competencies assessment, and considered choice of profiles matched to survey and research evidence Solid outline of leadership skills/competencies and linked to profile selection, survey results and research evidence. Some discussion of chosen leaders’ skills/competencies
Lacks clarity of links to profile choice with survey data and research evidence. Lacking connection to survey, or research, results and minimal coverage of profile choice.
Structured proposal considering mentorship potential outcomes expressed through professional language, sound structure and referencing.
(25%) A highly considered submission; regarding both mentorship scope and
practicalities. Highly professional language expression, structure and referencing. Thorough consideration of mentorship
practicalities. Well structured, professional presentation and referencing. Some mentorship
practicalities are considered but require extension. Submission is appropriate in terms of professional language, structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities require further elaboration and detail. Submission requires refinement of professional language, more structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities not considered. Lacking in professional tone and structure. Minimal or absent referencing.KEY INFORMATION
Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
§ Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results
§ Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the research evidence.
§ UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
§ UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
§ UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and realworld problems
§ UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – evaluate and adopt new technology.
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
§ What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?
§ Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?
§ How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?
§ What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?
§ Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in what ways?
§ Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:
§ What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?
§ What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your goals?
§ Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to current working conditions?
§ Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the research.
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor: a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following questions to guide your proposal:
§ The purpose and scope of the mentorship.
§ Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking particular insights to guide you for the future?
§ Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate? Was this a skill reflected in your survey?
§ How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
§ 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
§ Minimum of 5 references are required ? Use Harvard or APA 7th reference style
§ Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts
§ Include page numbers and your name
§ Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings
§ Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.
§ The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a relative or partner.
§ Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? ?How does this relate to the research evidence of effective leadership approaches?
Consider various personality types and what they mean for contemporary leadership performance and the survey results. Links to research.
(25%) Considered interrogation of various personality types and leadership performance analysed closely to survey tasks and underpinned by high level research findings.
Thoroughly researched exploration of personality types. Leadership performance analysed and discussed against survey tasks. Some sound research analysis of personality types and leadership performance/survey Well referenced. Develops scholarly links between personality types and leadership performance, however, needs further elaboration and links to survey. Missing or no consideration of various personality types. Unreferenced or unclear links to leadership performance and survey.
A clearly articulated reflection of students’ individual approach to leadership situated in relational to learnings from research on contemporary leadership models
(25%) Articulate and nuanced reflections on both current and aspired leadership practice. Examples given represent high levels of analysis informed by research. Articulates reflection of both own current and aspired leadership practice. Provides considered examples linked to research evidence. Solid reflection of both current and aspired own leadership practice, with some examples drawn from research. Documents student approach to leadership but needs further exploration and linkage to research. Missing or undeveloped student reflection and aspired
approach to leadership as per the research.
Considered mentor selection and rationale provided that refers to personal skills and
traits as a basis for a particular style of leadership. Link to student survey and the research
(25%) Reflections reveal a deep understanding of selected leadership competencies. Profile choice is very well situated in relation to survey and research evidence. A very considered review of leadership competencies assessment, and considered choice of profiles matched to survey and research evidence Solid outline of leadership skills/competencies and linked to profile selection, survey results and research evidence. Some discussion of chosen leaders’ skills/competencies
Lacks clarity of links to profile choice with survey data and research evidence. Lacking connection to survey, or research, results and minimal coverage of profile choice.
Structured proposal considering mentorship potential outcomes expressed through professional language, sound structure and referencing.
(25%) A highly considered submission; regarding both mentorship scope and
practicalities. Highly professional language expression, structure and referencing. Thorough consideration of mentorship
practicalities. Well structured, professional presentation and referencing. Some mentorship
practicalities are considered but require extension. Submission is appropriate in terms of professional language, structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities require further elaboration and detail. Submission requires refinement of professional language, more structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities not considered. Lacking in professional tone and structure. Minimal or absent referencing.

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Writers Solution

On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression.

A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a
sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet
‘assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse
the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
? The focus is clearly on the relationships between

  • On-line game addiction
  • Narcissistic personality traits
  • Self-control
  • Aggression
    ? State what you are going to do to investigate this
  • Descriptives
  • Scatterplots
    ? Pearson Correlations Produce a table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Skew
  • Kurtosis
  • N
    ? Comment on any observed deviations in skew or kurtosis (Z-scores that are greater
    than +/- 1.96) but indicate that no transformations will be performed. Indeed, there are
    few options for kurtosis and it is not generally seen as a big problem anyway.
    ? Present scatter plots between all pairs of variables with lines of best fit added.
  • Could be individually or in a matrix.
  • Comment on what the relationships look like.
  • Do there seem to be any outliers, and if so, do they look like they are going to make an unacceptable impact on the relationship observed?
    ? Present correlations matrix.
  • Comment on the strength, significance and direction of the correlations.
    Following the initial analysis conducted in Q1 the researcher goes on to look at which of the
    variables (On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, and self-control) are the best
    predictors of aggression. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA
    conventions. (30 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? It requires multiple regression
    ? Briefly indicate whether the variables would be expected to be good predictors based on correlations reported in question 1
    ? R Squared
    ? Anova – significance and what it means
    ? Individual Predictors
    o Beta coefficients and confidence intervals
    o T-tests for the beta coefficients § Part correlations (compare to zero order)
    o Collinearity
    ? Indicate which appears to be best predictor, second, third.
    ? State the regression equation
    The researcher also thinks that it is possible that there are sex differences for these variables. You
    will also find codes for males and females in the data set. Analyse the data using SPSS to investigate
    this, and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed Independent Sample t-tests to identify if sex differences exist.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean, SD, N
    ? Report each t-test separately:
    The 31 participants in the rosemary condition (M = 15.90, SD = 2.45) performed significantly better on time based prospective memory than the 34 participants in the no aroma condition (M = 14.41, SD = 2.451), t(63) = – 2.59, p = .012. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a medium effect size, d = .64, 95% CI [.14, 1.14].
    ? Draw an overall conclusion. Are there sex differences? Which variables? How big? Consistently in the same direction?
    As I further investigation, the researcher wants to see if playing a violent video game increases
    levels of aggression. She runs a study in which aggression levels are measured in 40 participants
    before and after playing a violent video game. Use SPSS to compare the variables Aggro_pre and
    Aggro_post in order to answer this question. (10 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed a Paired samples t-test to see if aggression after playing the game is greater than before.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
    o Means, SD, N
    o Report t-test.
    The results from the time based prospective memory test (M = 15.12, SD = 2.42) and the event based prospective memory test (M = 15.75, SD = 1.64) revealed significantly better performance for event based prospective memory, t(64) = -2.11, p = .039. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a small effect size, d =.26, 95%CI [.01, .50].
    ? Draw a conclusion. Is the effect potentially important?
    QUESTION 5 (Needs bibliography review)
    Explain the advantage of reporting effect sizes in addition to significance levels. (20 marks)
    ? What is statistical significance?
    ? What is effect size?
    ? The distinction between statistical significance and scientific (or practical)
    ? Give an example.
    ? Factors that affect significance
    ? Problem with effect sizes eg many different types
    ? Value of effect size in addition to statistical significance
    ? Overall summary/conclusion
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style





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Writers Solution

On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits

A researcher is interested in the relationships between the following four variables: On-line game
addiction, narcissistic personality traits, self-control, and aggression. Data are collected from a
sample of 226 individuals. The data can be found in the assessment SPSS spreadsheet
‘assessment.sav’. For each variable, higher values indicate greater levels of the variable. Analyse
the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
? The focus is clearly on the relationships between

  • On-line game addiction
  • Narcissistic personality traits
  • Self-control
  • Aggression
    ? State what you are going to do to investigate this
  • Descriptives
  • Scatterplots
    ? Pearson Correlations Produce a table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Skew
  • Kurtosis
  • N
    ? Comment on any observed deviations in skew or kurtosis (Z-scores that are greater
    than +/- 1.96) but indicate that no transformations will be performed. Indeed, there are
    few options for kurtosis and it is not generally seen as a big problem anyway.
    ? Present scatter plots between all pairs of variables with lines of best fit added.
  • Could be individually or in a matrix.
  • Comment on what the relationships look like.
  • Do there seem to be any outliers, and if so, do they look like they are going to make an unacceptable impact on the relationship observed?
    ? Present correlations matrix.
  • Comment on the strength, significance and direction of the correlations.
    Following the initial analysis conducted in Q1 the researcher goes on to look at which of the
    variables (On-line game addiction, narcissistic personality traits, and self-control) are the best
    predictors of aggression. Analyse the data using SPSS and report the results using standard APA
    conventions. (30 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? It requires multiple regression
    ? Briefly indicate whether the variables would be expected to be good predictors based on correlations reported in question 1
    ? R Squared
    ? Anova – significance and what it means
    ? Individual Predictors
    o Beta coefficients and confidence intervals
    o T-tests for the beta coefficients § Part correlations (compare to zero order)
    o Collinearity
    ? Indicate which appears to be best predictor, second, third.
    ? State the regression equation
    The researcher also thinks that it is possible that there are sex differences for these variables. You
    will also find codes for males and females in the data set. Analyse the data using SPSS to investigate
    this, and report the results using standard APA conventions. (20 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed Independent Sample t-tests to identify if sex differences exist.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
  • Mean, SD, N
    ? Report each t-test separately:
    The 31 participants in the rosemary condition (M = 15.90, SD = 2.45) performed significantly better on time based prospective memory than the 34 participants in the no aroma condition (M = 14.41, SD = 2.451), t(63) = – 2.59, p = .012. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a medium effect size, d = .64, 95% CI [.14, 1.14].
    ? Draw an overall conclusion. Are there sex differences? Which variables? How big? Consistently in the same direction?
    As I further investigation, the researcher wants to see if playing a violent video game increases
    levels of aggression. She runs a study in which aggression levels are measured in 40 participants
    before and after playing a violent video game. Use SPSS to compare the variables Aggro_pre and
    Aggro_post in order to answer this question. (10 marks)
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style.
    ? State that you performed a Paired samples t-test to see if aggression after playing the game is greater than before.
    ? Table of descriptive statistics
    o Means, SD, N
    o Report t-test.
    The results from the time based prospective memory test (M = 15.12, SD = 2.42) and the event based prospective memory test (M = 15.75, SD = 1.64) revealed significantly better performance for event based prospective memory, t(64) = -2.11, p = .039. Calculation of Cohen’s d indicated the presence of a small effect size, d =.26, 95%CI [.01, .50].
    ? Draw a conclusion. Is the effect potentially important?
    QUESTION 5 (Needs bibliography review)
    Explain the advantage of reporting effect sizes in addition to significance levels. (20 marks)
    ? What is statistical significance?
    ? What is effect size?
    ? The distinction between statistical significance and scientific (or practical)
    ? Give an example.
    ? Factors that affect significance
    ? Problem with effect sizes eg many different types
    ? Value of effect size in addition to statistical significance
    ? Overall summary/conclusion
    ? All needs to be referenced according to APA style




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personality traits:- extraversion, agreeableness, opennness, conscietiousness and neuroticism

Describe the five personality traits:- extraversion, agreeableness, opennness, conscietiousness and neuroticism. The personality traits exhibit a person’s characteristic patterns in terms of thinking, feeling and behaviours. 

When we look at people around us we find that everyone is different from the other in terms of how we talk, being a worrier or unable to communicate in public. 





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Borderline Personality Disorder in Gorenstein and Comer

Case Analysis at Treatment Format
Prior to beginning work on this weeks journal, read the PSY650 Week Four Treatment Plan ,Preview the document Case 15: Borderline Personality Disorder in Gorenstein and Comer (2014), and Borderline Personality Disorder in Sneed et al., . (2012). Please also read the Rizvi, et al. (2013), “An Overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Professional Psychologists,†Harned, et al. (2013), “Treatment Preference Among Suicidal and Self-Injuring Women with Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD,†Miller (2006), “Telehealth Issues in Consulting Psychology Practice,†and Luxton, et al. (2011), “mHealth for Mental Health: Integrating Smartphone Technology in Behavioral Healthcare†articles.

Assess the evidence-based practices implemented in this case study. In your paper, include the following.

Explain the connection between each theoretical orientation used by Dr. Bank’s and the interventions utilized in the case.
Describe the concept of dialectical behavior therapy, being sure to include the six main points of this type of treatment.
Explain Dr. Banks’s primary goal during the pre-treatment stage and how Dr. Banks related this to Karen in her initial therapy sessions.
Describe the two formats that Dr. Banks told Karen would be part of her treatment program.
Describe the focus of the second and third stages of treatment.
Assume the role of a consulting clinical or counseling psychologist on this case, and recommend at least one technology-based e-therapy tool that would be useful. Explain liability issues related to delivering e-therapy consultation, supporting your response with information from the Miller (2006), “Telehealth Issues in Consulting Psychology Practice†article.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment interventions implemented by Dr. Banks supporting your statements with information from the case and two to three peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library, in addition to those required for this week.
Recommend three additional treatment interventions that would be appropriate in this case. Use information from the Sneed, Fertuck, Kanellopoulos, and Culang-Reinlieb (2012), “Borderline Personality Disorder†article to help support your recommendations. Justify your selections with information from the case.
The Case Analysis – Treatment Format

Must be 4 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must use at least two peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library in addition to the article required for this week.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.





Evidence-based practice: borderline personality disorder

Theoretical orientation of interventions

Oneintervention used by Dr. Banks is dialectical behavior therapy(DBT) which is based on biosocial theory. This theory posits that disorders, disabilities and mental illnesses are personality traits determined by biology reacting to environmental factors. Developed by Marsha Linehan, DBTis evidence based treatment approach that combines cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, reality testing and Buddhist meditative concepts for cognitive and emotional regulation.

Dr. Banks also utilizes behavioral skills training (BST) to equip Karen with the skills necessary to cope with the BPD and to improve her life. BST has the steps of instructions, modelling, rehearsal and feedback to teach the learner new skills. It is based on applied behavior analysis that assesses the functional relationship between a targeted behavior and the environment so as to develop a desired alternative behavior.

The doctor also applies individual psychotherapy with a psychodynamic slant as posited by Sigmund Freud where the doctor developed a close therapeutic relationship with Karen with a view to exploring and positively influencing the latter’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Another psychodynamic approach employed by the doctor is imaginal exposure where the doctor made Karen confront her feared childhood memories regarding physical and sexual abuse. This approach can be traced to the behavioral psychologists James Taylor and Joseph Wolpe who employed it with response prevention for such situations as anxiety and phobias.

Dialectical behavior therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is based on a recognition that the failure to have stable and easily controllable emotions emanates from invalidation during childhood, where the thoughts and feelings of the person were not taken seriously or were not supported. Developed for borderline personality disorder and chronic suicidal thoughts, it has been successfully used in treatment of depression, substance use, binge eating, among other diagnosis. The evidence-based treatment intervention is employed to incessantlysteady and fuse acceptance and change-oriented strategies.

There are six main points that differentiate DBT from other behavioral therapies. These points include support where the psychologist assists the client to appreciate, develop and utilize their strengths and attributes. Another point is behavioral where the client learns to analyze problems and or negative behavior pattern, replacing such problem or behavior with positive and healthy behaviors. There is also the cognitive point where the client aims to change ineffective or unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and behavior. The fourth main point of DBP is the client learning new skill sets so that they are able to improve their life. Acceptance and change is a point that involves the client accepting themselves, their emotions and their lifein general. They are also able to make positive changes in their behaviors ad relationships. Collaboration is the sixth main point of DBP and involves learning and effecting communication and teamwork.

Pre-treatment goal

The aim of the pretreatment stage was to get Karen to commit to dialectical behavior therapy for a minimum period. This is because persons afflicted by borderline personality disorder are predisposed to “impulsive, premature terminations of therapy”.

Obtaining the commitment involved Dr. Banks gaining Karen’s trust so that thepatient can easily accede to the doctor’s recommendation. Consequently, Dr. Banks got Karen to narrate her history, with the doctor empathizing with the traumatic experiences and……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Personality disorders are socially constructed

Question on personality disorders are socially constructed? In Freudian psychoanalysis, the term “egosyntonic” refers to the behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one’s ideal self-image. “Egodystonic” is the opposite; thoughts, feelings and behaviors are in conflict with the needs and goals of the ego and inconsistent with one’s self-image.

The majority of the anxiety and mood disorders discussed this semester are considered egodystonic, and in fact, one of the primary criteria for a diagnosis of any disorder is that the individual reports some degree of psychological pain or distress. However, when considering the majority of personality disorders, these disorders are considered to be egosyntonic; for example, a person with narcissistic personality disorder has excessively high positive self-regard and will reject all suggestions to the contrary. An individual with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder usually perceives their obsession with orderliness, perfectionism, and control, as reasonable and even desirable compared to someone with OCD who is tormented by their obsessions. Furthermore, as you have read, treating these disorders is exceedingly difficult due to the fact that many of the “sufferers” do not perceive their problems to be a result of their rigid personalities and experience little distress due to them.

Answer This:

Do you believe that some of the personality disorders are socially constructed? That they are an attempt by not only researchers and clinicians but society at large to paint certain personalities as undesirable because they may conflict with societal norms in one way or the other? No citations are needed for this post





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I believe that some personality disorders are socially constructed. The society has a set of acceptable norms and behavior. As such, the society paints contrary norms and behaviors as undesirable and hence must be rejected by everyone within the context of that society. Social interactions within societies are in themselves intricate operations. They involve acknowledged rituals, coveted symbolic exchanges, tactical understanding and impression management. People use societal norms as a benchmark of behavior and as platform of managing self image when interacting with other people in the context of the society. The dynamic interaction between self presentation and critical audience discernment plays a key role on how people behave and present themselves to society. It is in this context of societal constructs that one can understand the impact of such constructs on personality disorders.

Societal constructs have a huge impact on egosyntonic disorders. These disorders are in line with acceptable norms within the society that create a positive self image for an individual. For instance, the narcotic personality disorder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Human human personality


Personality tests have a wide-range of uses, from help with finding a mate to employment to self-help and personal discovery. Have you ever had a job that just did not fit with your personality? You researched the company and even asked questions during the interview, but when you started working it did not fit? Imagine if there were a way to tell if your personality would align with certain careers or organizations. While some employers use personality tests in their hiring practices, not all psychologists believe this is an appropriate practice.

This week, you explore social psychology theory about how personality influences your behavior, and evaluate the usefulness of personality tests. You apply this information to analyze yourself as well as Pat.

Required Resources


  • Myers, D. G. (2014). Exploring psychology, in modules (9th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.
    • Module 34, “Classic Perspectives on Personality” (pp. 454–467)
    • Module 35, “Contemporary Perspectives on Personality” (pp. 468–487)


Personality Testing

Personality theory has evolved over time. In the classical Freudian perspective, human personality comes from a conflict between biological impulse and internalized social restraints. This conflict plays out in three connected structures: the ID, the ego, and the superego. The ID consists of instincts and seeks immediate gratification. The ego tries to satisfy impulses in more realistic ways and does not account for morality. The superego is the moral branch of personality. Consider the conflict between the ID, ego, and superego and how it impacts behavior and personality.

Contemporary perspectives on personality have progressed to include more than the hidden aspects of personality as suggested in the classical view. Modern-day personality theorists consider traits like the Big Five (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion) to better gauge personality. In an attempt to fully understand personality, a series of reliable tests like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the NEO-PI-R have been developed. While the MMPI is widely used to identify emotional disorders, the test is used for many other screening purposes, including employment screening.

Personality testing can help you learn more about yourself by highlighting subtle tendencies that you may not have noticed. In fact, an increasing number of employers use personality tests to evaluate candidates in hopes of hiring the best match. Not everyone agrees with the use of personality tests for personnel decisions, arguing that they can be inaccurate. Regardless of what side you agree with, it is clear that understanding the science of personality provides important information on behavior.

For this Discussion, you will take two personality tests and reflect on your results. Based on your experience and results, consider whether personality tests are an effective tool for hiring.

Week 4 Assignment

Application: Personality Testing and Pat

Your personality is a culmination of your biological predisposition, social and cultural background, and experiences. Objectively scored personality tests can highlight many of the hidden aspects of your personality, thus possibly predicting behavior. Review what you know about Pat in light of personality theory and hypothesize how you think Pat might behave in certain situations. The following are the results of Pat’s psychological tests.

NEO-PI-R (a personality model developed from Costa & McCrae’s Five Factor Model in which a 55 and above is a high score, 45–54 is average, and 44 and below is low).

Neuroticism = 75
Extraversion = 32
Openness = 35
Agreeableness = 41
Conscientiousness = 50

MMPI-2 (an atheoretical test of personality for clinical populations in which 65 is clinically elevated)

Validity Scales: No threats to validity.

Hypochondriasis: 55
Depression: 61
Hysteria: 57
Psychopathic Deviate: 45
Masculinity/Femininity:  32
Paranoia: 68
Psychastenia: 40
Schizophrenia: 75
Hypomania: 51
Social Introversion: 68

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Module 35, “Contemporary Perspectives on Personality.”  Focus on the social cognitive perspective and the underlying principles in the assessment of behavior.
  • Reflect on the information you have about Pat’s biopsychosocial development and social influences in light of personality theory.
  • Use the Five Factor Model of personality and Pat’s corresponding results to formulate your answer. Also, consider Pat’s results on the MMPI-2 when explaining her personality. Consider how the findings on the two tests match up with the information you have about Pat.

Submitby Day 7 a paper of 1–3 pages answering the following two questions:

  1. As you review Pat’s results from the NEO-PI-R, what would you expect Pat’s personality to be like? Use the Five Factor Model of personality and Pat’s corresponding results to formulate your answer.
  2. What additional insights can be gained from Pat’s results on the MMPI-2 to explain her personality? 






Psychology: Personality Testing and Pat

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

December 21st 2015.

Personality Testing and Pat

            Personality results from the interactions between the individual and their surrounding social contexts. Individual personality consists of traits that change over time but then stabilize, as one grows older. According to (Myers, 2014), the changes are more prominent at a younger age and tend to stabilize with older age. According to the author, social interactions include such aspects as learning through observations and modeling, whereas individual cognitive aspects include such factors as mental processes of paying attention and interpretation. Moreover, the author points the availability of a number of contemporary personality tests that can be used to analyse and understand individual personalities. Applying the Five Factor of Personality Test, the personality of Pat can be determined using the test scores.

Analyzing Pat’s Personality

Analyzing Pat’s Personality Using NEO-PI-R Test Results

According to the test results, Pat scored highly on neuroticism, averagely on conscientiousness, while scoring lowly on extraversion, openness and agreeableness. On average, the scores are low and according to (Myers, 2014), an individual that scores lowly on the five personality traits is often careless and disorganized. The results clearly depict the behaviour of Pat, who does not seem to mind time and arrives for work late, while smoking on her wish. Therefore, the results are consistent with the behaviors of Pat, with the way she handles her work and her smoking tendencies, which totally disregards the job etiquette. In addition, Pat is less open and this is reflected in her personality scores. She seems not to trust anyone as revealed by her reluctance to talk about her……………………………….

…………………………………Human human personality…………………………………………………………………….






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Self-Understanding and Personality

 Submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Self-Understanding and Personality. Over the years, I have come to terms with my identity, mostly by accepting the inevitable and changing what I can. Although the journey has not been easy, it has been worthwhile. I have a passion for art. I believe it is the embodiment of my personality. Art is unpredictable, and so am I. I always like to keep my options open, not being restricted to a particular system or routine, and ending up in a cul-de-sac. If I were to describe my personality and philosophy using one word, liberal would be the perfect summative interpretation of me. I believe that everybody should be given time and space to pursue their ambitions without being labeled, provided they do not interfere with others through their actions. I also trust that the world would be a better place if people learned to respect others’ opinions no matter how wrong they may seem because the expression is the basis of intellect. I am a staunch supporter of liberties, especially the freedom of expression and the right of choice.

I do not subscribe to any political ideology because my opinion is that they are all fronts for personal ambitions. Throughout my adult life, I have interacted with many people who swear allegiance to Marxism, Communism, or Capitalism, but the knowledge I have acquired thus far has led me to oppose the application of these individual concepts en masse. In the modern world, the illusion of freedom is so entrenched in us to the extent that people do not even know whether they are free or not (Cohen 54).&nbsp.For example, the electorate often thinks that electing presidents from certain parties is a democracy, but my opinion is that such actions are an infringement on the fundamental rights of human beings.&nbsp.We can do better than gravitating between two or three parties every few years, without understanding that underneath all this “change” lies politics and intrigues.

I am an outdoors person. an extrovert. I find it boring, discomforting even, to stay in one place longer than necessary. For example, I rarely spend time in my room during the weekends. every opportunity to go out to a different place and something different will be taken with relish. This trait informs one of my fundamental beliefs: dynamism

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Management personality style.

Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection

Due Week 5 and worth 100 points.

Instructions: Use your Everything DiSC Management Profile Assessment results to identify your DiSC management style and answer the questions below. Remember, this is a reflection of your personality and strengths, so there are no “right” answers. Just be sure to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.

DiSC STYLE: ___________

(insert style above ex: D, i, S, C, etc.)

1. Give a brief summary of what your style says about your management personality style. (Page 4 of your report.)

2. Did your results surprise you? Explain why or why not.

3. Go to Page 5 of your report. Identify your “priorities,” and write them in the space below. (These are the areas where you focus most of your energy.)

4. Describe two (2) situations where one or more of your “priorities” have helped you accomplish a task and/or helped you to be effective when working with others.

5. Locate the list of motivators and stressors on Page 6 of your report. Choose three (3) of motivators and three (3) of stressors that you most identify with. In the space below, write down why you chose these motivators and stressors and explain how you’ve experienced them before.

6. Locate the list of your strengths and challenges as they relate to directing and delegating. (Page 7 of your report.) Identify the three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that you identify with the most. Explain why you chose those strengths and challenges below.

7. After watching the Strayer Story: Discovering Your Purpose: Strengths and Personality and reading more about your DiSC management style, identify three (3) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Use the list of occupations in this week’s “Coach’s Huddle” to help you narrow down your choices. Briefly explain why you feel as though your personality would be a good match for these jobs/careers.

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Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment

Topic 1: Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment.” Once you complete the assessment, use the results to address the discussion question. What do the results of your personality assessment suggest are the kinds of projects which would best suit you? Include in your answer what it suggests your strengths and weaknesses are as a project manager, and how you intend to compensate for your weaknesses. Topic 2: Project Management Advantages and Disadvantages Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Vanlandingham, G. R., & Drake, E. K. (2012). Results first. Public Performance & Management Review, 35(3), 550–563. What does this article suggest are the advantages and disadvantages related to launching a major project in any organization where you have worked?