Writers Solution

inmate or offender with antisocial personality disorder.

The powerpoint that will be used is attached below. Please only answer part with my name and assign a 

Assignment Content

  1. Create a case scenario describing an inmate or offender with antisocial personality disorder.
    Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on your case scenario. Include the following in your presentation:
    • Provide a brief summary of your case scenario.
    • Describe the behaviors associated with antisocial personality disorder that were shown in the case scenario.
    • Describe the relationship between the crime that the inmate or offender committed and antisocial personality disorder.
    • Describe difficulties you may face while working with this inmate, along with special strategies for management of this inmate or offender.
    • Describe possible ways that this inmate or offender may use manipulation in the correctional setting.
    • Describe possible treatment interventions for this inmate or offender, as well as the pros and cons of each.
    • Include a minimum of three sources.
      Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
      Submit your case scenario and presentation.
    • Center for Writing Excellence
    • Reference and Citation Generator
    • Grammar and Writing Guides
    • Learning Team Toolkit

Hi Team! We have 7 team members and 6 bullets for a 10 slide presentation. I will create the power point for us to work on, do the intro, conclusion, add pictures and proof read. Just add your name next to what bullet point you would like to do. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and I look forward to working with all of you.