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What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?

Sociological theory
Read & consider
To have a sociological perspective is to look at your social world in terms of the major sociological theories.
There are three main Sociological theories:
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
(there are also subgroups and combinations of these)
To this we are also going to add: Feminist theory.
Sociologists generally examine social interactions and social structures in terms of power (who has power over others, who controls what,
who doesn’t have it) and how these social factors shape behaviours. A sociological perspective looks at the impact of social factors such
as age, gender, ethnic group, socioeconomic group, cultural group, national group, geographical location, occupational group, education
To develop a sociological perspective we need to break down the assumptions we have about our social world. We need to be able to stand
outside our own ideological frameworks and see the everyday and the ordinary as unfamiliar and the object of scientific study. This can be
difficult!17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 5 of 13
3. Major social theories
Watch & consider
This video follows on from the crash course in sociology video we watched in week 1. It looks at theoretical paradigms or theories of
sociology, macro and micro distinctions and the 3 major paradigms in sociology.
Watch: Major sociological paradigms: Crash course sociology #2 (YouTube 9:39)
Major Sociological Paradigms: Crash Course Sociology #2
CrashCourse. (2017, March 21)
Major sociological paradigms: crash course sociology #2 [Video} YouTube,
Page 6 of 13
4. Activity: Durkheim
Watch, consider & post
Emile Durkheim is considered a founding thinker of sociology. He focussed on how a society is formed and how it functions, or how a society
maintains order and stability. He is attributed with the creation of the functionalist perspective in sociology. His work remains very relevant
today as we explore culture and what holds a society together as well as what creates division and our response to that division in a
Watch: Sociology – Emile Durkheim (YouTube 7:47)
SOCIOLOGY – Émile Durkheim
The School of Life (2015, May 22)
Sociology – Emile Durkheim [Video] You Tube
Structural-functional theory is often criticised for focussing too much on the stability of societies and its inability to explain social change.
For these reasons, many sociologists now believe that functionalism is no longer useful as a macro-level theory.
Activity: Emile Durkheim did extensive research on suicide during the latter part of the nineteenth century. His theory as to why people
commit suicide focuses on the condition of social cohesion present in a society and experienced by the individual.
To help us understand Durkheim’s theory of social cohesion, let’s undertake a critical analysis of Australia’s welfare and health.
Go to Australia’s Welfare 2019 or the Australian Bureau of Statistics and find either some welfare or health statistics that support Durkheim’s
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.
Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019).
Australia’s welfare 2019 : in brief.
welfare/australias-welfare-2019-in-brief/contents/table-of-content17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 7 of 13
5. Activity: Marx
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Political theory – Karl Marx (YouTube 9:27)
The School of Life (2014, December 19)
Political theory – Karl Marx [Video] You Tube
Activity: Conflict theory has been criticised for focussing on conflict to the exclusion of recognising stability. Can you think of any social
structures that are stable or have gradually progressed over time rather than changing abruptly as conflict theory would suggest?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 8 of 13
6. Activity: Weber
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Sociology – Max Weber (YouTube 7:22)
The School of Life (2015, February 20)
Sociology – Max Weber [Video] You Tube
Activity: Weber also recognised that in addition to class, society can be stratified by groups who have different status. Which groups in our
society have a status that is viewed with prestige and something to be desired and which groups have low status and prestige and as a
result may experience scorn, disadvantage or discrimination? How much power do these groups wield?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 9 of 13
7. Activity: Feminist theory
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Theories of Gender: Crash course sociology #33 (YouTube 10:37)
Theories of Gender: Crash Course Sociology #33
CrashCourse (2017, November 14)
Theories of gender: Crash Course Sociology #33 [Video] You Tube
Activity: Some feminist theorists identify the following 5 major issues of feminism today:
!. The division of domestic labour
“. The media
#. The glass ceiling
$. Social inequality
%. Violence against women
Yet often these issues are surrounded in controversy and heated opposition. Why? How can a sociological perspective affect social
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 10 of 13
8. Sociological Theory Today
Read & consider
These three approaches are still the main foundation of modern sociological theory, but some evolution has been seen. Structural-
functionalism was a dominant force after World War II and until the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, sociologists began to feel that structural-
functionalism did not sufficiently explain the rapid social changes happening in the United States at that time.
Conflict theory then gained prominence, as there was renewed emphasis on institutionalised social inequality. Critical theory, and the
particular aspects of feminist theory and critical race theory, focused on creating social change through the application of sociological
principles, and the field saw a renewed emphasis on helping ordinary people understand sociology principles, in the form of public
Postmodern social theory attempts to look at society through an entirely new lens by rejecting previous macro-level attempts to explain
social phenomena. Generally considered as gaining acceptance in the late 1970s and early 1980s, postmodern social theory is a micro-level
approach that looks at small, local groups and individual reality. Its growth in popularity coincides with the constructivist aspects of
symbolic interactionism.
Read:1.3 theoretical perspectives from
OpenStax. (2016).
Introduction to Sociology (2nd ed.). OpenStax CNX., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 11 of 13
9. Activity: Sociological perspectives on the family
Consider & post
Later in this subject we will be looking at the topic of gender equality and will be exploring the family further. However, in this activity we are
going to consider how each of the sociological perspectives view the family.
Click on the Google doc link below to post your responses
Additional resource
The following video is an additional resource if you have some extra time. It’s not very interesting to watch so just put your headphones on
and listen to it next time you are on the train, bus, in a waiting room…
Video: (YouTube 16:47)
Marshall, D. (2013, July 8).
Sociology of the family [Video]. YouTube., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 12 of 13
10. Activity: Applying the sociological perspective everyday
Read, consider & post
Benefits of applying the sociological perspective to our daily lives:
assess the truth of community held assumptions ie common sense, taken-for-granted, status quo: Are these commonly held beliefs
true? Why are they so widely held? For example where do differences in gender, ethnicity or class come from?
assess both the opportunities and the constraints that characterise our lives – how can we pursue our goals?
empowers us to participate actively in shaping our society
helps us recognise diversity and confront the challenges of living in a diverse world
Read this article which takes a sociological view on the tearing down of statues of racist historical figures: We see history more clearly after
tearing down statues of racist colonisers
Savoulian, R. (2020, July 9).
We see history more clearly after tearing down statues of racist
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! Share “
What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?
Click on the wall or on the icon below.!
Yuliya Y
Yuliya Y
Career opportunities
Louise Anderson
Louise Anderson
Where i go shopping for
clothing household goods and
the weekly groceries.\
What my work wardrobe
consists of
Where and when my
leisure/social time is spent17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 13 of 13
11. Activity: Marginalisation
Consider & post
“What is marginalisation? Marginalisation describes a state in which individuals are living on the fringes of society because of their
compromised or severely limited access to the resources and opportunities needed to fully participate in society and to live a decent life.
Marginalised people experience a complex, mutually reinforcing mix of economic, social, health and early-life disadvantage, as well as
stigma.” (Cruwys et al., 2013, p.4)
Consider a group in Australia that can be identified as marginalised based on the definition above, for example, Indigenous Australians,
unemployed people and welfare-reliant single mothers. The sociological perspective provides a way for us to analyse and explain
marginalisation. We can analyse the social structures that shape society at a macro-level or we can look at the social interactions that
occur in a specific situation at a micro-level.
In the following activity think of the social structures in Australian society and the social interactions in a specific situation that might
contribute to the marginalisation of that group. Then consider what social changes need to be made to ensure social inclusion.
Post your response in the Google doc by clicking on the icon below.
Additional resource
Cruwys, T., Berry, H.L., Cassells, R., Duncan, A., O’Brien, L.V., Sage, B. & D’Souza, G. (2013).
Marginalised Australians: Characteristics and
predictors of exit over ten years 2001-2010. University of Canberra.
Korff, J. (2020, 17 July).
Aboriginal prison rates. Creative spirits.




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Write a letter from the perspective of a company manager who must communicate the bad news to one of the characters in the scenario you selected

Assignment – Block Business Letter


In this assignment, you will use the scenarios from our Week 2 assignment as the basis for a block business letter in which you communicate bad news to the recipient. Note that this is an ongoing situation, and the recipient has previously requested a review via email, letter, or personal meeting with management. Refer to your textbook for clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and style guidelines.


  • Choose one of the professional scenarios outlined in this document:
  • Write a letter from the perspective of a company manager who must communicate the bad news to one of the characters in the scenario you selected.
  • Use the guidelines outlined in Chapter 7 “Delivering Bad-News Messages” in your BCOM text to help you structure your message, shape your language, select your content, and format your message.
  • Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language and style requirements.
  • Content:
    • Address the communication issue from your chosen scenario.
    • Provide bad news from the company to the recipient.
    • Concentrate on the facts of the situation.
    • Use either the inductive or deductive approach to structure your message.
    • Address the current and past context of the situation considering your recipient has previously requested a review of the situation.
    • Include the proper introductory elements of the sender’s address, date, recipient’s address.
      • You may create any details necessary in the introductory elements to complete the assignment.
    • Provide an appropriate and professional greeting or salutation.
  • Format:
Writers Solution

Transportation A Global Supply Chain Perspective

Transportation  Logistics Class Formula Questions…Must have to check the no plagiarism box and agree to have your work checked for it. So must not have plagiarism 

Please see attached info for login information if you need it 

The textbook is Transportation A Global Supply Chain Perspective 


Chapter 5

Case 5-2 Cyclone Transportation

The Assignment: Answer the three (3) questions at the end of Case 5-2

Resources: Course Textbook, 

Acceptable Length: Show your work for a solution to questions.

Formatting Requirements: 

  • Enter your name and date
  • Provide well-structured solutions/answers- incomplete answers will receive partial credit
  • Show your work

2. Answer case questions, using the attached word template or excel document.  Complete the assignment and submit it as an attachment using the assignment link when finished.




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functions of the Kadushin Model from both the perspective of the supervisor in their role and also the benefits for the supervisee

Assessment 1: Individual Written Report (20%) – Between 1500 – 1800 words

Written Report Due Date Week 6

Explain and examine the four functions of the Kadushin Model from both the perspective of the supervisor in their role and also the benefits for the supervisee: Address the four elements of supervision, Administration Function; Education Function; Support; and Mediation Function.

You are required to submit a written evaluation report on a topic area identified by your lecturer during classes.

Your written report should include at least 10 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. The format of your report will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.

Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment


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Assessment Criteria

Written report

CriteriaWeighting 100%HDDCPF
Analysis of literature on topic  35%     
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic and application  30%     
Use and depth of research  20%     
Presentation and referencing effective and organised essay structure with correct referencing of up-to-date resources15%     
  TOTAL  /20%     

Criteria for reportHigh Distinction 80% –Distinction 70%- 79%Credit 60-69%Pass 50-59%Fail 0-49%
Analysis of literature on topic  Provides accurate and complete explanations of how potential issues can be identified and drawing on most recent scholarly literature Provides accurate and complete explanations of how potential issues can be identified and drawing on relevant literatureExplanations of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on provision of supervision and often cites the relevant literature.Explanations of how potential issues can be identified and are not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature.Explanations of how potential issues can be identified, and research are inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature.
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topicShows a deep understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted populationShows an excellent understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted populationShows a good understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted populationShows a basic understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted populationShows poor, insufficient understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Use and depth of reflectionA comprehensive analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the researchA strong analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the researchA good analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows some insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the researchAnalysis is fairly well developed. It summarizes the overall information obtained from the literature reviews and synthesizes adequately the knowledge gainedAnalysis is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature  
Presentation of summary and correct references usedAll levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are madeHigh level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are madeAppropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are madeMost major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected References were basic and some errors of citationMajor sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
Writers Solution

Innovations and Constructivist Perspective

Discussion 3

Topic: Innovations and Constructivist Perspective

After completing the assigned readings and viewing this unit’s resources, consider the following scenario on the Discussion Board.

Your school system received a large grant and your middle school is one of the chosen grant recipients. The grant requires the school to restructure its educational program, use technology, and meet the needs of all students. Your middle school population is quite diverse. Most students with disabilities are in regular education classes; you have one self-contained class for students who have emotional disabilities. You know that it will be necessary to differentiate instruction.

Your colleagues have discussed various philosophies of education, including behaviorist perspectives, cognitive perspectives, and constructivist perspectives. As a member of the planning team, discuss a rationale for using a constructivist perspective as you design your new curriculum. Will there be times when you might need to use other perspectives? In your post, include a reaction to the Meyer article. How does it relate to your position? In your posts, be sure to explain and defend your position.

Next, you will explore the instructional technology that will be needed to be integrated throughout the curriculum. Identify a rationale for using and integrating technology. What are some of the tools that you believe should be included? (Be specific.) Are there times when computers should not be used? Can technology use have a negative impact on student growth? Why, or why not?

Discussion 4

Motivation and engagement are important elements of classroom management. For your ePortfolio assignment due in Unit 5, you will create activities that address classroom management. This discussion will help you get started.

Before you post to the Discussion, please review the following videos:

The classroom management strategies that are part of your ePortfolio will include an introductory activity (anticipatory sets) to motivate your students, and activities that address unique learning styles and the student diversity. They are aligned with specific learning goals.

During this week’s discussion, you will create one of the four activities required for the classroom management section of the ePortfolio.

Read the first paragraph (Teacher’s Casebook) in Chapter 12 (Woolfolk, 2013) and imagine that you are teacher in the under resourced school described.

Propose an activity that you would implement into your classroom. Be sure to address a specific learning goal, grade level, anticipatory set, ways to address diverse learners, and motivational strategies used.

The activity can be designed for the grade level and subject of your choice. The activity should help your students meet learning goals and address the needs of diverse learners in a positive motivational atmosphere. Draw on theories of motivation, instructional strategies that enhance motivation, and the characteristics of the learning environment as you create your activity. Write a brief paragraph explaining the types of motivational strategies you used and why you believe they will be successful with the group of students in the scenario.

The activity you proposed in the first part of the discussion provided a general overview of an activity, now you will focus on problem solving and critical thinking.
Attachments area Preview YouTube video Jeffrey Benson: Who Are Challenging Students?Preview YouTube video Jeffrey Benson: Students Grow, They Don’t Change


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Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care

write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:

  1. In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
  2. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
  3. In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:
    1. What is ultimate reality?
    2. What is the nature of the universe?
    3. What is a human being?
    4. What is knowledge?
    5. What is your basis of ethics?
    6. What is the purpose of your existence?

solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines





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From my perspective, the goal of education and knowledge is transformation – of how we see the world, how we act in the world

For the final discussion, an invitation to think of the future. From my perspective, the goal of education and knowledge is transformation – of how we see the world, how we act in the world, and how we understand ourselves as part of the human community. So, given that, for this discussion post:

  • Please reflect on what you have learned about yourself, the world and women in the religions of the world.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. From my perspective, the goal of education and knowledge is transformation – of how we see the world, how we act in the world

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Please argue from a utilitarian and an ecofeminist perspective, what the right thing to do is in this case.

each question around 100-200 words would do –

1.Please argue from a utilitarian and an ecofeminist perspective, what the right thing to do is in this case. Specifically, should DDT be banned worldwide because of its long- range ecological damage or should economically challenged (poor) countries racked by malaria where people die from the disease everyday be allowed to continue to use this toxic chemical?

2.Describe the difference between the way an ecofeminist might climb a mountain vs how one with a patriarchal view might climb the same mountain. Next, explain how Leopold might answer this question of how to climb a mountain and explain the significance of Leopold’s perspective in terms of how we should make ethical decisions.

3.Please review the case of the Great Ape Declaration that we looked at and apply Martin Schonfeld’s (“The Green Kant” reading) interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s Categorial Imperative to determine what the right thing is to do.

4. describes the “boundary conditions” of Karen Warren’s ethics. Next, apply these to the case regarding the Delhi Sand Fly so that you argue first for and then against the protection of the fly.

5. describes the central components of Utilitarianism. Next, articulate some strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Finally, discuss how this system of ethics was expanded by Peter Singer to support the case against eating animals. 

6. Describe in detail Richard Watson’s critique of Deep Ecology. Next, offer Watson’s alternative approach. Finally, apply Watson’s approach to the practice of testing on animals to insure the safety of makeup products on humans and drugs that might one day be used to cure people (You can look these two examples up on the web if you’d like to see more information on animal testing.) Finally, explain how Albert Schweitzer’s ideas might apply here.

7.Explain the significance of the phrase: “You don’t live on the Earth, you are the Earth.” Next, discuss what ethical theory we have looked at that most closely aligns with this and why. Lastly, explain how this phrase and theory help us better understand the content of the short video you watched called “The History of Stuff”.

8.If one is going to eat other animals, (9,000,000,000 chickens alone per year in the US) does it matter how we’ve treated them before we kill and eat them? Discuss the ethical implications bringing Singer, Leopold or Albert Schweitzer into the conversation.

9.Climate change is happening. Discuss how we know this and discuss the ways that this is connected to any two of the ethical systems/theories that we have looked at. The end product should offer us a guide on how to act.

10. write about which draws an ethical line from the actions of the folks at the original Boston Tea Party, to Leopold stealing the traps of trappers trapping out of season, to the work of the Reykjavík Raiders, to the actions of ELF, to the warning offered to us by Greta Thunburg regarding climate change, and to environmental justice. From what ethical theory can one argue that each of the above actors is acting ethically. Now do the reverse. From what ethical theory can one argue that they are each acting unethically.

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Evaluating Culture From the Nursing Perspective

Discussion: Evaluating Culture From the Nursing Perspective

Examine a case study about smokers in Poland. As noted in the Center for Global Development and Jassem, Przewozniak, & Zatonski (2014), prior to 1989, Poland had the highest rate of smoking in the world, with three-fourths of all men aged 20–60 smoking every day at a rate of 3,500 cigarettes per person per year. It should be noted that 30% of all women smoked every day, as well. This behavior resulted in a life expectancy of about 60 years due to the highest rates of lung cancer in the world and all-time high levels of smoking-related cancers and cardiovascular and respiratory disease.

To prepare for this Discussion, you will be required to read Case 14 by the Center for Global Development and complete readings in Stanhope and Lancaster, then respond to the following questions:

  • What happened to change the culture of smoking in Poland?
  • Understanding that we all have bias when discussing health issues and precipitating factors, what social and political factors allowed cigarette smoking to become a part of the Polish culture?
  • Reflecting on your own practice, how do you overcome cultural bias? Do you find it more difficult to deal with some groups than others? How do people use the cultural information that they learn about others? Do you think this leads to stereotyping? Does cultural knowledge influence or change your practice and interaction with others?

Post your response to this Discussion.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old).

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Create a memo to Mayfield from Duvall that addresses the issues [from Duvall’s perspective]

Review Case 5.42 in your textbook. Using the questions provided as a guide, create a memo to Mayfield from Duvall that addresses the issues [from Duvall’s perspective].

Submit your assignment as a Word document (400-750 words).

You are required to utilize a Memo template format.At least two external sources should be cited on a separate page, not including the textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Case 5.42

5.42 (LO 1, 3, 4, 5) Ethics and budgeting Faced with three young children who were always complaining “I’m bored,” Ann Newton looked for an interesting after-school activity. Finding nothing available in the community, she decided to solve her problem by renting an old bakery and turning it into Kiddie Kitchen. Three afternoons a week, Ann, her children, and several other children gathered to learn the art of cooking. In less than five years, Ann’s business grew to over 30 franchised kitchens located throughout the state. In 2005, she retired from active management of the company and sold the majority of her stock to Bernice Mayfield, who now runs the firm.c05PlanningAndForecastingInAManufacturing Setting. Today, Kiddie Kitchen has 100 franchised locations and 50 corporate locations up and down the East Coast. The company is organized into five regional territories, each run by a director who reports to the vice president of operations. In addition to the vice president of operations, executive manage-ment includes the CFO, the vice president of marketing, and the vice president of human resources. All executive personnel work at the corporate headquarters, now located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Each director maintains a regional office, complete with an administrative staff. Shortly after taking over the company, Mayfield revamped the budgeting process, replacing a bottom-up process that had been in place since the early 1990s with a top-down process. Since the new budget process influences the bonus compensation a director can earn, directors have a great deal of interest in developing the budget. At the beginning of the budget cycle, regional directors receive corporate directives concerning the coming year’s budget. These directives include projected growth in locations and revenue, salary increases, and allocated corporate expenses. Directors prepare three budgets—one for franchised locations, one for corporate locations, and one for administrative costs associated with the regional offices. These budgets are passed up to the corporate office for consolidation into the corporate budget. Max Green is director of the southeast region. His approach to preparing the budget for the com-ing year budget is a typical example of budget preparation. He passed the corporate budget directives to his accountant, Henri Duvall, who prepared the first draft of the budget. When Green reviewed the draft, he did not like what he saw. Budgeted net income was too high—so high that his region would never meet the target. He asked Duvall to make some adjustments. The corporate directive had projected a general price level increase of 2–4%. The range was intended to allow higher cost-of-living areas, such as Boston and New York, to budget higher levels of cost increases than lower cost-of-living areas. But even though Green’s office was located in the lowest cost-of-living area in the country, he told Duvall to budget an across-the-board increase of 4%. Green knew that as long as he was within the directive’s guidelines, the corporate office wouldn’t question the increase. Green also told Duvall that the region would open ten new stores during the coming year and that the budget should reflect enough start-up expenses to cover the new locations. Green knew that no region had ever opened more than seven stores in a single year. In fact, he thought he would be lucky to open five new stores in the coming year. Since Green had a reputation for retaliating against employees who chose to ignore his requests, Duvall made the changes without questioning them. The result was a $250,000 reduction in budgeted net income. Duvall, a certified management accountant, had a wife and three children, and could not afford to lose his job and his generous benefit package. Besides, his wife was in line to become owner of one of the new franchised stores in the coming year.


a. Why would Green care about the level of budgeted net income? 

b. What do you think Mayfield’s reaction would be if she learned of Green’s actions? 

c. What does Duvall have to gain from his actions? Does he have anything to lose? 

d. Refer to the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice in Exhibit 1.8 (pages 1-20 and 1-21). What responsibilities does Duvall have in this situation? Did he violate the Statement? If so, how?





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