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Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process

1) Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process. You need to explain the details of each phase (who, what, when, where, why).PPBEEnactmentApportionmentExecution Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two page paper.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


2) Week 8 Research Paper(attached is the topic and abstract) 

Send in a 7–10 page report describing a significant initiative that has been overseen over the last ten years through the acquisition process. The paper’s content should show that you comprehend the program manager and acquisition procedures that have been covered during the last eight weeks. The abstract assignment turned in during Week 4 should serve as the basis for this essay.

Examine each and every learning objective. Look up the learning aim online and in the library.Together with the title page and reference page, write this 7–10 page paper.This implies that a document with seven pages would really have nine pages, while a paper with ten pages would actually have twelve pages. The title page and the reference page are never counted in a formal college paper.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages of 7 to 10 page paper (the content section).

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


3) Instructions. Each student is required to read a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issue related to this course. The journals must be research oriented, such as those found at Air University or APUS library related journals. The selected article should cite references and have a bibliography at the end of the article. After reading the article, you should prepare a one-page single-spaced abstract of the article and provide the abstract, not the entire article, to the professor. At the beginning of your abstract, please include the bibliographic citation. Your abstract should be succinctly written in a descriptive and informative manner and not exceed one single-spaced typewritten page in APA format.

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calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate

2) For a 0.46 wt%C Ni-Cr steel plate, show any calculations to support your responses to the following queries: 

  1. After pouring the melt into a refractory container and allowed to furnace cool to 728°C,
    calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate.
  2. For a steel with the attached time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram, give the processing of three steel items – one plate with a microstructure of 25% upper bainite, another plate of 100% martensite minimized for cracking, and the third plate with 75%
    lower bainite.
  3. For 2B and 2C, sketch carefully each microstructure expected for the four plates with
    all the phases identified with their corresponding temperatures.

3)  For high technological industries, you evaluate metals and ceramics beyond the Fe-C alloys to more costly applications.
A. For one process, elect three alloying components for Ti alloys to give alpha-gamma 

phase from an eutectoid reaction and another process, give three alloying components added to Ti to give alpha-gamma phases near a peritectoid reaction. Be sure to describe each process in not more than three sentences. 

B. What alloying elements should you seek for stainless steel to have a bar or plate with martensitic phase, as well as explain why? 

C. For a material of the hypersonic plane, liquid Hf-Nb-Ta alloy infuses into a B4C packed bed and reacts to form a HfB2-HfC-Nb3B4-Nb4C3-TaC-Ta3B2 composite or the same boride-carbide precipitates embedded in a Hf-Nb-Ta alloy matrix. Determine the mass of Hf, Nb, and Ta needed to give you 1 kg of Nb3B4 in metal matrix having 50at%Hf- 45at%Nb-5at%T a. 

D. What two refractories or ceramics (no metals) must you consider to hold a Hf-Nb melt at 2500°C in preparation for a proper Hf/Nb ratio and a refractory to eventually add Ta to the Hf-Nb alloy in a subsequent melting of the Hf-Nb-Ta alloy at 3500°C? 

E. A hafnium-niobium melt contained in a graphite or carbon crucible (1 cm thick and 5 cm inner diameter) reacts to form an internal layer composed of HfC and NbC between the Hf-Nb liquid and the internal, graphite crucible. The figure below gives the diffusion coefficients of carbon in cm2/s for HfC, TaC, NbC and ZrC. 

  1. Determine the carbon diffusion in HfC at 3600°C.
  2. Estimate the carbide having the larger thickness in twelve hours between the
    Hf-Nb liquid and the internal crucible wall?

F. From the Ta-C phase diagram, below, give the three-phase reactions for a eutectic, 

peritectic, peritectoid, congruent, and euctectoid reactions along with their respective temperatures at which they occur. 

4) . A Ta2O5 semiconductor at temperatures greater than 1000°C exists with doubly- charged, oxygen vacancies. Your engineering colleague argues strongly that these oxygen ionic defects convert the tantalate lattice into a p-type semiconductor – is he correct and give reasoning? 

B. Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type, if Al2O3 is added, instead of Ta2O5, to the NbO lattice and give your reasoning? 

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Bodybuilding training principles for one of the phases of a training program

Create a training script demonstrating your understanding of bodybuilding training principles for one of the phases of a training program (Foundational Training phase, Hypertrophy training phase, or Cutting training phase). The training script should be completed within the following guidelines:

  • 1. State your name, school, or association that you work for.
  • 2. State the training phase that you are designing the program for.
  • 3. Outline the layout of the training program for one training day. (NOTE: Training program should be specific to one of the aforementioned phases of training.) Provide an explanation describing how your recommendations are specific to the phase of training that you have chosen to design the program for.
  • 4. Provide thorough descriptions of the coaching cues you would use for each exercise that you recommend. For instance, if you recommend that the athlete should perform a front squat, state the coaching cues you will use to get the athlete to perform the movement properly. These coaching cues should be written in a narrative format. The reviewer should be able to read your script and get a mental image of what is trying to be relayed.
  • 5. The training script should be for one training day.
  • 6. Include both a warm-up and cool-down routine with coaching cue descriptions for each drill.
  • 7. The script should be 1500+ words typed and submitted in a Word (.DOC) or PDF format. For ease of review, please used Size 12 font in Black.

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