Writers Solution

Compare and contrast the ways in which the victim’s characteristics are the same or different for physical and sexual abuse

PSYN:295 Family Violence

There are 3 question blocks (with Question A and Question B). Please choose one question to answer from each question block (for a total of 3 essay questions answered for the exam). Please plan on a 300 word minimum for each answer.

PSYN:295 Family Violence

There are 3 question blocks (with Question A and Question B). Please choose one question to answer from each question block (for a total of 3 essay questions answered for the exam). Please plan on a 300 word minimum for each answer. 

Set One (pick one)

1A. Compare and contrast the ways in which the victim’s characteristics are the same or different for physical and sexual abuse. Please give your interpretations as to why these similarities or differences may exist.

1B. Compare and contrast the ways in which the perpetrators’ characteristics are the same or different for emotional/ psychological child abuse and neglect. Please give your interpretations as to why these similarities or differences may exist.

Set Two (pick one)

2A What is a macro theoretical approach to explaining abuse? Please discuss two macro theoretical approaches to explaining family violence (be sure to discuss the good points and bad points of each approach).

2B. What is a micro theoretical approach to explaining abuse? Please discuss two micro theoretical approaches to explaining family violence (be sure to discuss the good points and bad points of each approach).

Set Three (Pick One)

3A. What are some of the good points and bad points of using different methods of data collection to report on the prevalence of child abuse? Be sure to discuss government substantiated, NIS-4 and the self-report national parent survey (Straus) methods.

3B. Discuss the link between corporal punishment and physical child abuse. Discuss a macro theory or micro theory prevention program you think might prevent corporal punishment used by parents from escalating into physical child abuse (be specific about apply concepts to your designed program)


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upholding and pro- moting compliance with the current American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) position on Procedural Interventions Exclu- sively Performed by Physical Therapists

Physical Therapists and Direction Of Mobilization/Manipulation: An Educational Resource Paper





INTRODUCTION This white paper outlines the importance of upholding and pro- moting compliance with the current American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) position on Procedural Interventions Exclu- sively Performed by Physical Therapists. This position impacts all aspects of the physical therapy profession, including clinical practice, regulation, licensure, and education. Historical and sup- porting information related to Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists address the patient safety, practice, education, and legislative/regulatory implications of this position on the physical therapy profession.

BACKGROUND Since 1998, APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice1 has defined mobilization/manipulation as “a manual therapy technique comprised of a continuum of skilled passive movements that are applied at varying speeds and amplitudes, including a small ampli- tude/high velocity therapeutic movement.” To achieve a common language for describing this area of the physical therapist’s scope of practice, the terms “thrust” and “nonthrust” manipulation were established to replace the previous terms “manipulation” and “mo- bilization,” respectively. The APTA Manipulation Education Manual for Physical Therapist Professional Degree Programs further defines thrust manipulation as a “high velocity, low amplitude therapeutic movement within or at the end range of motion” and nonthrust as manipulations that do not involve thrust.2 These defini- tions emphasize that these procedures are applied on a continuum, which requires ongoing examination and evaluation to determine how to proceed along the continuum with modification of speed, amplitude, and direction of forces for optimal clinical outcomes.

In response to longstanding concerns expressed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) that physical therapist assistants (PTAs) were receiving instruction in and administering mobilization/manipulation, a skill set requiring ongoing examination and evaluation, AAOMPT adopted the follow- ing positions at the 1998 AAOMPT membership business meeting:

1. Any joint manipulation/mobilization techniques into a restricted or painful range should be performed by the physical therapist and not delegated to supportive personnel including physical therapist assistants.

2. The AAOMPT is opposed to the teaching of joint manipulation/ mobilization to all supportive personnel including physical therapist assistants.

The AAOMPT leadership collaborated with the Orthopaedic

Section and APTA Board of Directors in bringing similar motions to the APTA House of Delegates. As a result, the APTA House of Delegates (House) heard discussion in 1999 and in 2000 passed the position statement: Procedural Interventions Exclusively Per- formed by Physical Therapists (HOD P06-00-30-36),3 which states the following (emphasis added):

The physical therapist’s scope of practice as defined by the Ameri- can Physical Therapy Association Guide to Physical Therapist Practice includes interventions performed by physical therapists. These interventions include procedures performed exclusively by physical therapists and selected interventions that can be performed by the physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist.

Interventions that require immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention are performed exclusively by the physical therapist. Such procedural interventions within the scope of physical therapist practice that are performed exclusively by the physical therapist include, but are not limited to,

• spinal and peripheral joint mobilization/manipulation, which are components of manual therapy, and

• sharp selective debridement, which is a component of wound management.

The support statement for this position presented to the House stated: “the Association should delineate those interventions which, due to their clinical complexity and the sophistication of judgment required to perform them, precludes delegation to paraprofessionals or others. This position is consistent with the House of Delegate’s endorsed Guide to Physical Therapist Practice and A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Education.”

This position statement did not represent a change in philosophy for the association.4 APTA policies and positions have long maintained that the physical therapist assistant’s scope of work did not include examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis. Those elements of practice are to be performed exclusively by the physical therapist.4,5,6,7 The purpose of the position was to more clearly specify which interventions should never be directed to the physical therapist assistant due to their inherent requirements for skill and ongoing clinical decision making.


In 2002, in collaboration between AAOMPT, the Orthopaedic Section, and the APTA Board of Directors, the House adopted a position statement addressing clinical continuing education, Clinical Continuing Education for Individuals Other Than Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants.8

Physical therapist assistants may participate in continuing education that includes and teaches subject matter and interventions that differ from the description of entry-level skills as described in A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Assistant Education. Physical therapist assistants may use the interventions taught in continuing education only as consistent with the American Physical Therapy Association [policies, positions, guidelines, standards, and the Code of Ethics] and under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist.

During the 2005 AAOMPT Business meeting, AAOMPT member- ship voted to adopt the APTA House positions on delegation and continuing education. These positions have remained in place within AAOMPT and APTA for over 10 years to enhance patient safety and treatment effectiveness.

There are also legislative and regulatory reasons for these positions that cannot be underestimated. For example, health professions such as chiropractic that would like to limit physical therapists’ scope of practice in mobilization/manipulation can bolster their argument by pointing out that physical therapists may potentially instruct and direct skilled procedures to supportive personnel. APTA has been able to argue successfully in legislative and regulatory battles with chiropractic that physical therapists have the education and training in professional physical therapist education to effectively and safely provide mobilization/manipula- tion. It is easy to demonstrate that the master of physical therapy (MPT) and doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degrees compare favorably to the doctor of chiropractic (DC) degree in time, scope, and content to effectively train manual therapy practitioners. Conversely, PTA education results in a technical degree and is not comparable to MPT, DPT, or DC education. Acting outside this posi- tion not only magnifies liability for the physical therapist but also places the physical therapist profession at risk of being challenged or of losing manipulation as part of the physical therapist scope of practice when physical therapy is criticized in legislative hearings for delegating mobilization/manipulation.

In summary, these consensus-based positions provide important clarity relevant to best clinical practice including patient safety, education, and regulatory and legislative arenas. These positions clarify the practice competency and latitude within the scope of practice for the physical therapist and constraints within the scope of work that can be directed to the PTA.

RATIONALE FOR THE CURRENT POSITION Immediate and Continuous Examination and Evaluation Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists is based on the principle that “immediate and continu- ous examination and evaluation,” critical components of clinical reasoning, are inherent to the effective and safe provision of joint mobilization/manipulation. It is understood that the implementation of these procedures may produce new findings that must be evalu- ated simultaneously as the interventions are implemented. Hence, examination, evaluation, clinical reasoning, and intervention are continuous and immediate.

Although many physical therapy tests and measures as well as interventions are performed at the body systems and functions, activity, and participation levels, there are elements of selected physical therapy procedures that require careful evaluation of tissue/organ and patient response. For these interventions, body systems and functions response usually are qualitatively measured by observation or palpation, applied clinical cues clinicians use as decision points to continue or adjust the treatment. The data gathered through the observations or palpations often are supple- mented with the patient’s subjective reports.

In some physical therapy interventions, the treatment can be divided into distinct phases, gathering data on new findings produced during provision of the intervention, evaluating the data, and using clinical decision making to determine the appropriate action of continuing, reducing, or progressing further intervention. PTAs, working under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist, are generally expected to respond to any negative patient responses immediately to ensure patient safety. In contrast, PTAs generally are expected to continue or modify treatment in the presence of a non-negative response to treatment only within the boundaries established in advance by the physical therapist.

However, joint mobilization/manipulation is an example of an intervention that does not easily lend itself to being segmented into distinct sequential phases of evaluation and implementa- tion. Clinical judgments about the amount of force to apply to create or progress an arthrokinematic change cannot be made on a “stop-evaluate-decide-proceed” linear time sequence. The implementation of the procedure, by its very nature, produces new findings that must be evaluated simultaneously as the intervention is implemented. Examination, evaluation, intervention, and clinical decision making are inseparable in the performance of mobiliza- tion/manipulation.

The essential arthrokinematic motion applied to the joint in mobilization/manipulation is not under voluntary control of the patient, and the practitioner must produce this motion through skilled manual techniques.9,10 This skill requires a detailed under- standing of joint surface anatomy and kinesiology and a continu- ous use of examination with clinical decision making to modulate


the technique throughout the treatment session.9,11 The negative responses to application of mobilization/manipulation techniques may include but are not be limited to worsening and/or peripher- alization of symptoms, tissue damage, promotion of inflammation leading to chronic pain and/or proliferation of scar tissue, spinal or joint instability, and neurovascular compromise. Failure to properly evaluate responses during the course of examination or intervention could result in adverse responses from the intervention, ranging from increased pain and deformity, to loss of function, to death.12-19

Since the safe application of mobilization/manipulation requires the practitioner to apply an advanced understanding of arthrokinema- tic principles simultaneously with ongoing examination, evaluation, and clinical decision making during the intervention, the PTA would not be an appropriate provider. In 2007, the APTA’s Departments of Education, Accreditation, and Practice produced a “Problem Solving Algorithm Utilized by PTAs in Patient/Client Intervention.” The application of mobilization (nonthrust manipulation) requires dedicated consistent monitoring and evaluation of the patient/ client response. The algorithm clearly indicates that evaluation is not among the controlling assumptions of PTA practice.20 This is in contrast to osteokinematic range-of-motion interventions in which patients have more voluntary control and are within the PTAs’ scope of work.

Efficacy and Effectiveness of Mobilization/Manipulation Published peer-reviewed research on the efficacy and effective- ness of mobilization/manipulation interventions provided by physical therapists has repeatedly demonstrated the effectiveness of such interventions for a variety of conditions and regions of the body.21-30 However, there are no research studies available that address the efficacy of the practice of mobilization/manipulation provided by PTAs. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that a similar level of effectiveness of manual therapy interventions can be produced when the mobilization/manipulation is directed to PTAs.

Legal and Safety Implications of the Current Position At least 35 state practice acts are silent on the issue of direction of mobilization/manipulation to the PTA. Even so, there is a liability risk when physical therapists choose to practice contrary to the current APTA position on delegation of mobilization/manipulation procedures to PTAs. According to Welk, “A clinically inappropriate decision to direct physical therapy services increases the PT’s risk of professional liability claim. It is important to realize that while APTA policies may in fact require more than the absolute legal requirements of state or federal law, a court still may look to APTA policy in a professional liability action to determine if a physical therapist acted within an acceptable standard of care in delegat- ing physical therapy services.”31

If injury occurs at the hands of a PTA performing mobilization/ma- nipulation procedures in these states, the standard of care may be determined by APTA policy. The current policy will make it difficult

to defend the practice of a PT who directed a PTA to perform these procedures. According to Welk, “In the unfortunate event that a professional liability claim arises that includes issues of delega- tion, the supervising PT will be required to support the delegation decision. This can put the PT in a difficult if not impossible position if the delegation decision was not in compliance with the state practice act and/or APTA policies, or was inconsistent with what a reasonable PT would have done under similar circumstances”31

The analysis also indicates risk for injury when a PTA performs mobilization/manipulation techniques. It reports that the top 3 severities by allegation claims related to PTAs 2001–2010 were:

1. Improper use of equipment

2. Improper management over the course of treatment

3. Improper performance of manual therapy 32

In addition, CNA found that failure to monitor the patient during treatment accounted for the highest percentage of PTA claim.32 To protect the public, state physical therapy licensing boards should consider adopting regulations consistent with the APTA position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

CHALLENGES TO THE CURRENT POSITION At the 2006 APTA House, the Texas Chapter delegation proposed RC-12, which would have rescinded Procedural Interventions Ex- clusively Performed by Physical Therapists. At the motion’s presen- tation to the 2006 House, the parliamentary procedure “object to consideration” was made and sustained by more than the 2/3 votes required to sustain the motion. This was a strong endorsement by the 2006 APTA House in support of the current position.

In spring 2012, the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) published the results of its recent PT and PTA practice analyses.33 FSBPT conducts surveys every 5 years to develop the blueprints for both the PT and PTA national examinations. Of note were 2 items in the manual therapy intervention category that had previously not been included on the PTA exam but did meet the threshold in this survey administration:

• Item 62, Perform peripheral mobilization/manipulation (non-thrust) • Item 64, Perform spinal mobilization/manipulation (non-thrust)

An item equivalent to item 62 reached threshold in the 2006 survey, but the FSBPT exam policy committee decided against recom- mending that this content be added to the exam, a determination the FSBPT Board accepted. In the 2011 survey process, the policy committee recommended that these items appear on the exam, resulting in a decision by the FSBPT Board to include them on the content outline.


The item numbers related to peripheral and spinal mobilization/ma- nipulation reached the critical threshold of 25% of the respondents indicating they performed the activity, and so these items are now eligible to appear on the exam. Of additional note is the frequency with which these respondents reported performing these items. The frequency reported for Item 62 (peripheral) is 1.26 (1 = “a few times a year” and 2 = “once a month”). The frequency reported for Item 64 (spine) is 0.78 (0 = “never” and 1 = “a few times a year”).33

On September 6, 2012, the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), the national accreditation organization for physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs, released a statement regarding the inclusion of mobilization in PTA curricula, which was amended on November 7, 2012, to read (emphasis added):

PTA Education and Peripheral Joint Mobilization

As the preferred extender of physical therapy services, physi- cal therapist assistants (PTAs) are educated and licensed to deliver physical therapy interventions within the plan of care designed by the physical therapist (PT). To safely and effectively fulfill this role, the PTA must possess knowledge of the rationale for all components of the treatment plan as directed by the physical therapist. The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) believes that the knowledge of the entry-level PTA should include the rationale for manual therapy procedures such as soft tissue and non-thrust joint mobilization techniques. Furthermore, the Commission believes that it is not inappropriate to train PTAs to perform soft tissue mobilization or to manually assist the PT in the delivery of peripheral joint mobilization procedures (ie, assist with patient positioning, stabilization, or grade 1-2 movements). CAPTE does not support the inclusion of educa- tional objectives or learning experiences in the entry-level PTA curriculum that are intended to prepare the PTA to perform grades 3-5 (thrust) procedures.

CAPTE is responsible for ensuring that all accredited programs meet a minimum set of educational standards in physical therapy. CAPTE’s recognition agencies (the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation) require that all accrediting agencies have independent authority, free from in- terference by sponsoring organizations, for their decisions related to standards and to the accreditation status of programs. As such, APTA did not have a role in the decision by CAPTE on this issue. CAPTE’s statement is about curricular content only; it does not address the appropriateness of the PT in directing and supervis- ing the PTA in the application of such techniques. Further, it does not require that physical therapist assistant education programs include this content; it does, however, open programs that include the content to increased scrutiny by CAPTE regarding the quality of relevant student outcomes.

Prior to the September 2012 statement, CAPTE documents were quite clear and consistent with APTA policy in that only physical therapist training included didactic, psychomotor, and clinical training in thrust and nonthrust mobilization/manipulation for the spine and extremities. The design and implementation of physical therapist professional education curriculum are supported by both A Normative Model for Physical Therapist Professional Education and the CAPTE Evaluative Criteria for Accreditation of Education Programs for the Preparation of Physical Therapists. Both the normative model and CAPTE evaluative criteria are specific that both thrust and nonthrust manipulation techniques are taught exclusively in physical therapist professional education programs 34,35 A Normative Model for Physical Therapist Assistant Education and the CAPTE evaluative criteria for PTA education exclude the exami- nation and evaluation skills and the interventional skills required for safe and effective implementation of mobilization/manipulation.

In response to the above FSBPT and CAPTE actions, APTA Presi- dent Paul Rockar provided the following statement in a September 18, 2012, letter to APTA component leaders: “As the organization that represents physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students, APTA creates and communicates professional standards to which members should aspire. The current standard for the intervention of manual therapy is in part expressed in the APTA House of Delegates position on the issue of delegation of joint mobilization/manipulation to PTAs, which remains in place and unaffected … .” As noted in Rockar’s letter, APTA holds firm to its support of the Position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

At its April 2013 meeting, CAPTE rescinded its statement PTA Education and Peripheral Joint Mobilization. At the same meeting CAPTE adopted a new position paper titled Expectations for the Education of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Regarding Direction and Supervision,36 which states the following (emphasis added):

CAPTE expects educational programs to prepare PT students to determine those components of interventions that may be directed to the physical therapist assistant. These consider- ations should include the level of skill and training required to perform the procedure, the level of experience/advanced competency of the individual PTA, the practice setting in which the procedure is performed, and the type of monitoring needed to accurately assess the patient’s response to the intervention. In addition, acuity and complexity of the patient’s condition and other clinical factors should be considered when directing PTAs to safely and competently perform any intervention. CAPTE also expects PTA educational programs to prepare PTA students to recognize components of interven- tions that are beyond their scope of work. (see PTA Criteria through


Likewise, CAPTE expects education programs for the PTA to select the appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge and skill needed to perform interventions that are consistent with the PTA’s responsibilities. These skills not only include specific intervention procedures but also the data collection skills needed to monitor and assess a patient’s response to an intervention. These data collection skills are outlined in the evaluative criteria. Regardless of the relative simplicity or complexity of the procedure itself, CAPTE also believes that those interventions which require more extensive founda- tional knowledge, manual skill, and/or complex monitoring than a PTA is educated to provide should only be performed by the physical therapist.

SUMMARY This white paper provides an historical overview and clear ratio- nale for upholding and promoting the APTA position on Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists (HOD P06-00-30-36). This issue has an impact on all aspects of the physical therapy profession including clinical practice, educa- tion, patient safety, and regulatory and legislative arenas. APTA has concluded that, based on education, efficacy, and safety, it is inappropriate for a physical therapist to direct the manual therapy procedures of mobilization/manipulation to the PTA under any circumstances. Further, beyond the specific interventions of mobilization/manipulation, any procedure within physical therapist practice that requires immediate and continuous examination and evaluation throughout the intervention should not be directed to the PTA.

As the principal membership organization representing and promoting the profession of physical therapy,37 APTA encourages state licensing boards to establish rules, regulations , or position statements congruent with the position on Procedural Interven- tions Exclusively Performed by Physical Therapists.

REFERENCES 1. Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Revised 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: American Physical

Therapy Association; 2003. 2. APTA Manipulation Education Manual for Physical Therapist Professional Degree

Programs. Alexandria, VA: APTA Manipulation Task Force; 2004. 3. APTA House of Delegates. Procedural Interventions Exclusively Performed by Physical

Therapists. (HOD P06-00-30-36.) Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2000. 4. APTA House of Delegates. Briefing Paper RC 12-06-1. Alexandria, VA: American Physical

Therapy Association; 2006. 5. APTA House of Delegates. Direction and Supervision of the Physical Therapist Assistant.

HOD P06-05-18-26. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2005. 6. APTA House of Delegates. Continuing Education for the Physical Therapist Assistant. HOD

P06-01-22-23. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2001. 7. APTA Board of Directors. Minimum Required Skills of Physical Therapist Assistant

Graduates at Entry-level. BOD G11-05-09-18. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2005.

8. APTA House of Delegates. Clinical Continuing Education for Individuals Other Than Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants. HOD P06-02-26-49. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2002.

9. Maitland GD. Peripheral Manipulation. London: Butterworth; 1984. 10. Kaltenborn FM. The Spine Basic Evaluation and Mobilization Techniques. Oslo, Norway:

Olaf Norlis Bokhandel; 1964.

11. Olson KA. Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine. St Louis, MO: Saunders, Elsevier; 2009. 12. Hurwitz EL, Morgenstern H, Vassilaki M, Lu-May C. Frequency and clinical predictors of adverse

reactions to chiropractic care in the UCLA neck pain study. Spine. 2005;30(13):1477-1484. 13. Rivett DA. The vertebral artery and vertebrobasilar insufficiency. In: Bouling JD, Jull

GA. Greive’s Modern Manual Therapy, The Vertebral Column. Third ed. London: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2004:257-273.

14. DiFabio RP. Manipulation of the cervical spine: risks and benefits. Phys Ther. 1999;79(1):50-65. 15. Rivett DA, Milburn P. A prospective study of complications of cervical spine manipulation. J

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causing vertebrobasilar artery dissection after cervical trauma and spinal manipulation. Spine. 1999;24:785-94.

17. Hurwitz EL, Aker PD, Adams AH, Meeker WC, Shekelle PG. Manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine: a systematic review of the literature. Spine. 1996;21:1746-1760.

18. Bronfort G, Haas M, Evans R L, Bouter LM. Efficacy of spinal manipulation and mobilization for low back pain and neck pain: a systematic review and best evidence synthesis. Spine J. 2004; 4(3):335-356.

19. Danish Institute for Health Technology Assessment. Low Back Pain: Frequency, Management and Prevention From a Health Technology Perspective. Copenhagen: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database; 1999.

20. A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Assistant Education: Version 2007. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2007.

21. Bang MD, Deyle GD. Comparison of supervised exercise with and without manual physical therapy for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. JOSPT. 2000;30(3):126-137.

22. Bergman GJ, Winters J, Croesier KH, Pool JM, Jong B, et al. Manipulative therapy in addi- tion to usual medical care for patients with shoulder dysfunction and pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 141(6):432-9; 2004.

23. Cleland JA, Fritz JM, Kulig K, Davenport TE, et al. Comparison of the effectiveness of three manual physical therapy techniques in a subgroup of patients with low back pain who satisfy a clinical prediction rule: a randomized clinical trial. Spine. 2009;34(25):2720–2729.

24. Deyle GD, Henderson NE, Matelkel RL, et al. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132(3):173-181.

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26. Hoeksma HL, Dekkar J, Ronday HK, et al. Comparison of manual therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the hip: a randomized clinical trial. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2004;51(5):722-729.

27. Hoving JL, Koes BW, de Vet HCW, et al. Manual therapy, physical therapy, or continued care by a general practitioner for patients with neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136:713-722.

28. Walker MJ, Boyles RE, Young BA, et al. The effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise for mechanical neck pain: a randomized clinical trial. Spine. 2008;33(22):2371-2378.

29. Whitman JM, Flynn TW, Childs JD, et al. A comparison between two physical therapy treatment programs for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: a randomized clinical trial. Spine. 2006;31(22):2541-2549.

30. Vermeulen HM, Rozing PM, Obermann WR, Cessie SL, Vlieland TPMV. Comparison of high- grade and low-grade mobilization techniques in the management of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder: randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2006;86(3):355-68.

31. Welk P. Considerations for physical therapy service delegation. PT: Magazine of Physical Therapy. 2008;16(11):18-21.

32. CNA HealthPro Physical Therapy Closed Claims Analysis, Part One, 2001–2010. Control/Medical%20Services/PhysicalTherapyLiability2001-2010-01-2012.pdf. Accessed April 15, 2013.

33. Analysis of Practice for the Physical Therapy Profession: Entry-Level Physical Therapist Assistants. Alexandria, VA: Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy; 2011.

34. A Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education: Version 2004. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 2004.

35. Evaluative Criteria for Accreditation of Education Programs for the Preparation of Physical Therapists. Alexandria, VA: Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education; 2013.

36. Expectations for the Education of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Regarding Direction and Supervision. Alexandria, VA: Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education; 2013.

37. APTA House of Delegates. Mission Statement of APTA. HOD P06-93-05-05. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association; 1993


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SACR-2150. Principles of Physical Anthropology

Physical Anthropology is the study of humans as biological beings in a cultural setting. This class introduces students to the key concepts, fossil discoveries, and underlying theories that define the field. The course looks at Homo sapiens from our biological variation to our evolutionary development. Topics include: Primates – Evolution and Behavior, Paleoanthropology and Hominid Evidence, Human Osteology and Forensic Anthropology.

A biocultural perspective of human genetic and phenotypic variation in an evolutionary context including but not limited to: comparisons to other primates; identifying sources and nature of variation in living humans and critique of race; investigations of illness in the past and present; and the study of extinct species


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER SACR-2150. Principles of Physical Anthropology


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Briefly explain the underlying physical principle and exactly what you want to test.


  • It is a group project
  • Each group will submit a Final Project Report
  • Each person in a group should contribute equally to get the same grade. You have to mention the Percentage contribution of each person in your Project report.


Rubrics /Grade breakdown:

Report (100pts) 

Theory, Procedure, Data, Analysis, and conclusion

THEORY (10pts):
Briefly explain the underlying physical principle and exactly what you want to test.

PROCEDURE (30pts):
Explain what you did, at a level such that someone in your class could reasonably reproduce your results. Include at least one diagram.

DATA (20pts):
Include data tables (can be LaTeX’d, word doc’d, excel’d, pictures of hand-drawn tables, etc – as long as they’re legible, we’re happy). Explain the meaning of any variable you introduce. Include uncertainties. (Note that having poor data and explaining what went wrong is much, much, much
better than fudging your data. One is a reasonable thing to do, and the other is academic dishonesty.)

ANALYSIS (20pts):
Explain how you got from your data to your result. No need to show every step of your derivations, but give enough explanation that a classmate could reproduce your results.

What did you find? Numbers should include uncertainties. What went wrong? What might have affected your results (sources of error)? How could the experiment be improved?




Force and motion is a universal concept that applies to all matter in the universe. Motion is the changing of position or location which requires a force to cause that change. Forces influence objects that are at rest or that are already in motion. In the three laws of motion proposed by Isaac Newton, it involves the notion of inertia, mass, velocity, and momentum. These laws and factors contribute to the driving force that helps apply the concept of force and motion that we experience everyday. Using the online simulation provided by the Phet website, we will be conducting experiments involving force and motion.


In lecture as well as additional readings from our textbook, we have been introduced to the different aspects and rules that apply to the world of physics. There are three important notions that Isaac Newton proposed when he first studied and introduced the motion of objects. He stated that (1) a stationary object will remain stationary unless an external force acts on it, (2) the change in an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it, and (3) every force has an equal and opposite force. 

By using the online simulation, we aim to demonstrate the concept of force and motion with the provided resource. The simulation should be able to provide results that would mimic the experiment if we were to do it in person. The data and calculations taken from the experiment will be able to showcase the theory behind force and motion and give us a better understanding behind it. With both concepts, we will learn all the factors that play a part in force and motion and it will give us a deeper understanding behind what is needed to put something into motion as well as what type of force and how much force is needed to create that motion.


With respect to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, we can understand the significance of the relation between force, mass, and acceleration. Under the circumstances of the experiment and in real life situations, force is simply a push or pull that acts upon an object. Furthermore, force is a vector quantity, in which it accounts for magnitude and direction. Newton’s Second Law regards the function of such objects for which all prevailing forces are not balanced. 

As forces become unbalanced – another vector quantity – acceleration emerges. Acceleration directly depends on the net force which is the sum of all forces acting upon an object. As the net force increases, so does the acceleration. As the net forces decrease, so does the acceleration. On the other hand, acceleration inversely depends on an object’s mass in which the acceleration decreases as the mass increases. If the mass were to decrease, then acceleration would increase.

As Newton’s Second Law may be expressed verbally, it can also be explained mathematically. As force has direction we may find different forces along the experiment, the first equation will be used to find the net force:

FNet = F1 + F2 + F3+…

The second equation will be used to find the weight of such object:

Fw = mg

The magnitude of the weight is equivalent to the magnitude of the normal force, this can be expressed in the equation:

Fn = Fw

We will not only be calculating with equations but also graphs. We will be using google excel to make graphs and the slope in the graph will identify the coefficient of friction (μ). In the case of using the equation (shown below) we can find static and kinetic friction:

(Static Friction) Fs = μsN

(Kinetic Friction) Fk = μkN

Experimental Apparatus & Setup:

Due to unfortunate circumstances of the COVID19 pandemic, our experimental setup was affected. Providentially, we were able to continue with the help and efforts of the Phet Colorado website. For this project, our experimental apparatus and setup consist of a virtual simulation from the website mentioned. This virtual simulation allows us to experiment and collect data that pertains to forces and motion, hence, the title of the project. In addition, we used our knowledge from this course, while applying “Chapter 4: Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion” and “Chapter 5: Applications of Newton’s Laws.” The equipment needed to perform the experiment is all provided in the simulation. 

Within the simulation setup, there are four selections to choose from:

  1. The first selection is titled Net Force, in which the simulation consists of a “tug of war” between a number of figures. There are four blue figures and four red figures, with both colored teams having different sizes of figures. The number of figures that go on the left and right of the rope is adjustable, as it will eventually be the forces applied onto the object. The purpose of this simulation is to explain how objects will remain stationary unless external forces act on it. 
  2. The second selection is in regards to Motion, in which the figure model will be exerting force on an object that is mounted on a skateboard. The purpose of this simulation explains how the change in an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it with or without the application of mass(s) from the objects and figures provided. 
  3. The third selection focuses on friction. It’s similar to the Motion simulation, except that the crate isn’t mounted on the skateboard. Therefore, a friction force will affect the object in motion. The purpose of this simulation is to explain how an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it as well as how it can also come to terms with how every force has an equal and opposite force.
  4. Finally, there’s an Acceleration simulation, where we can calculate the acceleration, based on the mass and friction that is applied on the crate. The figure model will push and launch the crate at a given amount of force, with and without applied mass on the crate, in which the acceleration will be given and calculated. The purpose of this simulation ties the whole notion of Newton’s Second Law of Motion together and explains the relationship between acceleration, mass, and all forces.

For all four selections of the simulations, we can insert various inputs to each simulation, such as a figure(s), a box, a trash bin, a gift box, a refrigerator, and a bucket of water, all providing different quantities in mass, speed, direction, and force. 


Part 1

This part concludes Newton’s Second Law of Motion in which the concerning object will remain stationary unless external forces act on it. In this case, we add force to the right and left side of the cart to make it either move or remain stationary. We will find out how the forces affect the magnitude, the velocity, and the direction of the resultant force as well as the object (a cart).

  1. Start the simulation by clicking on “Net Force”
  2. Click on all the checkboxes on the upper righthand corner that indicate “Sum of Forces, Values, and Speed”
  3. There are 8 stick figures located on the bottom; 4 blue figures and 4 red figures, drag the figures to the left and right side of the cart
  4. After dragging the figures, make sure that the left rope has a force of 200N and the right rope has a force of 150N
  5. Note the magnitude, direction of the resultant force and direction of where the car moved
  6. Observe the velocity of the car, this can be found on the speedometer 
  7. Click on “Go” to start the simulation
  8. Repeat steps 3-7, but this time, make sure that the left rope has a force of 200N and the right has a force of 200N

Part 2 

This part concludes Newton’s Second Law of Motion in which the change in an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it. In this case, we are introducing mass and applying a force to the object (crate on skateboard) so it will start moving. We will find out how mass affects the motion of the object as it will cause it to either decelerate or accelerate.

  1. Start the simulation by clicking on “Motion” 
  2. Click on the checkboxes located on the upper righthand corner that indicate “Forces, Values, Masses, and Speed”
  3. There are objects with masses located on the bottom, drag such objects on top of the skateboard (we will be using a 50kg crate)
  4. After dragging the object, set the “Applied Force” to 500N as it will start to push the crate on the skateboard 
  5. The simulation will start
  6. Note the mass
  7. Note the magnitude and the direction of the resultant force
  8. Observe the velocity of the car, this can be found on the speedometer 

Part 3 

This part concludes Newton’s Second Law of Motion in which an object’s motion is proportional to the force acting on it. In this case, frictional force will be a part of the net forces. It can also come to terms with how every force has an equal and opposite force. In this case, friction force may be equal to the applied force. We will find out if frictional force is strong enough to either keep the object (a crate) at rest or moving.

  1. Start the simulation by clicking on “Friction”
  2. Click on the checkboxes located on the upper righthand corner that indicate “Forces, Sum of Forces, Values, Masses, and Speed”
  3. There are objects with masses located on the bottom, drag such objects onto the simulation (we will be using a 50kg crate)
  4. Apply force and increase it until it moves
  5. Record the maximum force that keeps the object at rest
  6. Record the force needed in order to make the box move
  7. Note the masses, magnitude and direction of the forces and the resultant force

Part 4

This part concludes Newton’s Second Law of Motion in a similar way to all 3 parts above. We will be applying force and mass, as this experiment includes friction. We will find out how all these factors affect acceleration. 

  1. Start the simulation by clicking on “Acceleration”
  2. Click on the checkboxes located on the upper righthand corner that indicate “Forces, Sum of Forces, Values, Masses, Speed, and Acceleration”
  3. There are objects with masses located on the bottom, drag such objects onto the simulation (we will be using a 50kg crate)
  4. Apply force and increase it until it moves
  5. Record the maximum force that keeps the object at rest
  6. Record the force needed in order to make the box move
  7. Note the masses, magnitude and direction of the forces and the resultant force
  8. Repeat steps 3-7, but add mass each time


One equation that is needed is one to find the resultant forces:

F =  F1 + F2 + F3 . . .

Another equation used was one to find the weight:

Fw = mg

Another equation we used was to find the magnitude of the normal force:

Fn = Fw

To find the slope we used:

m = y2 – y1 / x2 – x1

The formula we used to find the forces of static and kinetic friction are:

Fs = ????sN  and   Fk = ????kN

  1. This first table is the data of an object with certain mass values to start moving the object

Mass (kg)

Weight (N)

Normal Force (N)

Force of Static Friction (N)





















  1. This second table is the data of an object with certain mass values to keep the object moving

Mass (kg)

Weight (N)

Normal Force (N)

Force of Kinetic Friction (N)





















Analysis: (Explain how we got the data)

Insert here 


In our lab experiment, there was definitely room for error. We used a website to conduct our experiment. Therefore, some of the things that may have gone wrong may occur due to technical, human, and instrumental error. An example of technical error would be how sometimes the object would move on its own without any force applied to it. A human error is not being able to read the results that we got or putting the right units. An instrumental source of error was that we could not see what speed our object was going. If this experiment was conducted in real life, an error would be how environmental factors such as the wind changes the direction or speed of the object.

In this experiment we explored the notions of Newton’s Second Law of Motion. The law formally states that acceleration occurs when a force acts on a mass and the greater amount of force on an object is needed when that mass of an object is greater. In our lab we conducted it into three parts; net force, motion, and  friction. In terms of force, the experiment simply shows that if we move an object with force it will move. In terms of motion, the experiment explains with graphs, that if we put force over time the velocity would increase rapidly over the time. In terms of friction, the experiment illustrates in the graphs that friction increases when the object has motion; we can conclude that the opposing force is the friction force. Overall the results of the lab experiment exemplified the principles of Newton’s Second Law of Motion. 


Phet Colorado simulation – Forces and Motion: Basics 


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Talk about the physical changes associated with adolescence in terms of social and emotional development

Assignment 1

Biological Transitions:

Talk about the physical changes associated with adolescence in terms of social and emotional development.  For example, is being a taller adolescent girl advantageous from an emotional stand point? (You don’t have to discuss my example, you can apply your own ideas to the discussion.)  Define the term eating disorder and differentiate between anorexia and bulimia.  In addition, refer to the article listed in read/review and discuss adolescent behaviors as they relate to disordered eating.  Why is prevention critical and how do societal standards impact eating, health and physical development?

Please keep in mind all discussion posts need to be a minimum of 200 words, written in a scholarly voice, and error free.

Assignment 2

In what ways did your high school classes take advantage of the advanced thinking abilities that develop in adolescence? In what ways were opportunities to do this missed? What might teachers do to stimulate more advanced thinking?

All discussion posts need to be a minimum of 200 words, written in a scholarly voice, and error free

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Develop and maintain an accurate and current physical assets register.

Unit Description 3
Knowledge 5
Skills 5
Application 5

    APPENDIX: 01 21
    Case study – Nara Business Hotel 21
    APPENDIX: 01 23
    Annual Year-end financial performance review form 23
    APPENDIX: 03 24
    Internal Memo Template 24
    SITXFIN005 Manage physical assets
    This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the physical assets of an organisation. It requires the ability to establish systems and practices for asset monitoring, maintenance and acquisition.
    It applies to senior managers who operate with significant autonomy and who are responsible for making a range of strategic management decisions.
    Element Performance Criteria
  2. Develop
    practices for systematic maintenance, repair and purchase of physical assets. 1.1.Develop and maintain an accurate and current physical assets register.
    1.2.Develop practices for managing physical assets that reflect overall business objectives.
    1.3.Establish and implement maintenance and repair regimes that minimise disruption and loss of revenue.
    1.4.Integrate practices to support environmental sustainability into use of physical assets.
    1.5.Evaluate current and potential financial ability to acquire physical assets.
  3. Monitor the condition and performance of physical assets. 2.1.Establish and implement regular reporting practices to ensure effective performance of physical assets.
    2.2.Identify physical asset problems promptly and take appropriate action.
    2.3.Assess long-term physical asset performance.
    2.4.Evaluate need for, and access, specialist assistance.
  4. Coordinate financing and purchase of physical assets. 3.1.Prepare accurate equipment specifications to guide acquisition process.
    3.2.Estimate acquisition costs based on evaluation of current, accurate and relevant data.
    3.3.Make decisions on replacing and acquiring physical assets.
    3.4.Select methods of financing to meet current financial objectives.
    3.5.Finance acquisitions in consultation with financial specialists.
    3.6.Keep accurate records of all financial agreements.
    Performance Evidence
    develop a plan for the acquisition, maintenance and replacement of at least three different types of physical assets listed in the knowledge evidence
    demonstrate procedures to:
    • monitor the utility of above assets to meet business needs
    • provide regular financial reports on the assets
    • record formal and informal customer and staff feedback
    • integrate day-to-day condition reports
    • schedule internal or external inspections or audits
    • schedule management reports
    • develop and maintain a current register for the above assets.
    Knowledge Evidence
    business objectives relevant to the management of physical assets:
    • profitability
    • growth
    • providing quality products and services to customers • adhering to: o codes of conduct
    o environmental sustainability philosophies and practices • industry accreditation schemes
    types of physical assets required by tourism, hospitality and event organisations and the organisation in particular:
    • buildings
    • computer systems
    • equipment fixtures, fittings and furniture in one of the following: o accommodation establishments o commercial kitchens o restaurants and bars o storage areas
    o tourism, hospitality and event offices o transportation depots
    • gardens
    • pools
    • rides and games
    • vehicles
    • vessels
    maintenance requirements for different types of physical assets
    considerations for long-term assessment of physical assets:
    • ability to meet business objectives
    • cost of maintenance over a period of time
    • customer and staff feedback
    • input from specialists where required
    • operational efficiency
    • safety
    equipment specifications to guide acquisition process:
    • budget parameters
    • environmental sustainability policies for the business
    • floor plans
    • numbers and types of required equipment fixtures, fittings and furniture • operational performance requirements: o efficiency o customer traffic o staff usage
    • types of products and services offered by the business
    formats for and inclusions of asset registers specified in performance evidence
    features and benefits of different financing options for asset acquisition:
    • hire purchase
    • lease
    • purchase
    • rent
    depreciation that can be applied to different types of physical assets
    data used in the estimation of asset acquisition:
    • current maintenance contracts
    • estimates and quotations from suppliers
    • previous contracts and costs
    • published or advertised prices
    practices to support environmental sustainability using different types of physical assets
    Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or event operation for which physical assets are monitored and maintained. This can be:
    an industry workplace a simulated industry environment.
    Assessment must ensure access to:
    ? current commercial purchase specifications, supplier product and cost information, and contractual documentation used for the purchase of assets.
    AQF Specifications for Assessments in Advanced Diploma Qualifications:
    This assessment is set in accordance with the criteria for AQF Level 4. As stated in the AQF specification for the Advanced Diploma qualifications must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed as knowledge, skills and the application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 5 criteria and the Advanced Diploma descriptor.
    Students at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for skilled/paraprofessional work and/or further learning.
    Students at this level will have broad theoretical and technical knowledge of a specific area or a broad field of work and learning.
    Students at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:
    • analyse information to complete a range of activities
    • interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems
    • transmit information and skills to others
    Students at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in contexts that are subject to change and within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions.
    The term ‘Foundation Skills’ is currently used to include the core skills defined in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) as well as the employability skills identified by employers as critical for effective performance in the workplace.
    Foundation skills encompass both the core skills of reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning as described by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and the Employability Skills/Core Skills for Work. They exist on a continuum from very basic skills to highly-developed and specialist skills. The foundation skills for this unit are located in the Unit Outline Booklet and have been addressed in the assessment as part of the performance criteria for this unit.
    Students should submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.
    Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by the Academic Manager in writing.
    The student will have access to the following:
    • AIE Student Workbook
    • PowerPoint presentation
    • Learner Assessment Pack (LAP)
    • Access to a computer, the Internet and word-processing system such as MS Word and MS Excel
    To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment part.
    Evidence recorded
    Evidence Type/ Method of assessment Evidence Submitted
    Unit Assessment Part 1 Unit Knowledge Assessment (UKA) Yes / No
    Unit Assessment Part 2 Unit Skills Assessment (USA) Yes / No
    You are required to demonstrate the knowledge you have gained from undertaking SITXFIN005 Manage physical assets unit of competency.
    • All questions must be answered correctly to be completed satisfactorily.
    • All knowledge assessments are untimed and are conducted as open book (this means student can refer to textbooks or any resources).
    • Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
    • This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, at home, learning management system (i.e. Moodle), or independent learning environment.
    • You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as needed.
    Submission details
    • The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
    • Fill out and attach the Assessment Submission form to the documents you are submitting to be marked.
    • Please answer each question on a separate page provided and clearly indicate the question number at the top of the page.
    • The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification is required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.
    Answer all of the following questions.
  5. How can the following business objectives influence the methods used for managing physical assets in an organisation? Provide 1 example for each:
    Providing quality products and services to customers
    Adhering to: o codes of conduct
    o environmental sustainability philosophies and practices
    Industry accreditation schemes
  6. Provide 8 examples for different types of physical assets required by tourism, hospitality and event organisations:
  7. List 5 physical assets relevant to your workplace or training and provide the maintenance details typically required for each:
    Physical asset Maintenance requirements
  8. List 6 key aspects which must be considered for the long-term assessment of physical assets in terms of nature of requirements and necessity of acquisition. Who could be typically involved in this in terms of feedback and specialist advice?
  9. The following are parameters which are used to guide the acquisition of physical assets. Provide examples and details for what should be considered, for each aspect.
    Budget parameters
    Environmental sustainability policies for the business
    Site plans
    Auxiliary items
    Performance requirements
    Suitability to products and services offered
  10. Which details need to be recorded in an asset register for each physical asset?
  11. Provide an overview of the features, advantages and disadvantages of each of the following financing options when acquiring assets:
  12. Hire purchase
  13. Lease
  14. Purchase
  15. Rent
  16. Explain the methods for calculating the depreciation of assets using each of the following methods:
    a) Prime cost method
    b) Diminishing Value Method
  17. Go to the ATO website link provided below and source the information for the current simplified depreciation rules which apply:
  18. Provide 4 examples of sources for data to enable you to estimate reliable acquisition costs. What does this need to consider in terms of contractual obligations and ongoing maintenance?
    Aspects to consider
  19. List 3 examples for environmental sustainability that applies to physical assets and outline the environmental and financial benefits as applicable:
    Example Environmental and financial benefits
    The project consists of 3 parts, Part 1, 2 and 3 based on simulated business – ‘Nara Business Hotel.
    • If you are not sure about any aspect of the assessment or would like to discuss your particular needs, please speak to your trainer.
    • Your trainer will tell you the date you need to submit your assignment.
    • You need to complete all parts and submit them together by the due date.
    • This project assignment is to be completed using the “Nara Business Hotel” case study. It is included in the “Appendix”.
    • The checklist table will identify the records that you are required to prepare and submit (as a single submission).
    • Your assignment must be typed (in 12 point type on A4 paper) and you need to complete an Assessment Cover Page.
    • Make sure you keep a copy of your assignment before you hand it in to your trainer
    Note :
    Any Role Play or Presentation needs to be completed in the class with your Trainer / Assessor on the date specified by your trainer.
    This project assignment is to be completed using the “Nara Business Hotel” case study. It is included in the “Appendix”. The assessment has three parts and the details are provided below:
    Part 1
    Requires you to develop a resource acquisition plan for the acquisition of 3 different resources from the following main categories:
    • buildings
    • computer systems
    • equipment fixtures, fittings and furniture in one of the following:
    • gardens
    • pools
    • rides and games
    • vehicles
    • vessels
    Part 2
    Requires you to develop an asset register which needs to list the details for the 3 new physical assets you have determined in Part A. You must include the maintenance requirements and schedule of maintenance for each asset.
    Part 3
    Requires you to develop a resource management strategy which provides details on how the efficiency of each asset is monitored
    Part 1. – Acquisition Plan
    You are working as a manager at the Nara Business Hotel. You have been informed of the hotels expansion plans by the senior management. You are required to choose 3 different physical assets, relevant to Nara Business Hotel, which may include any of the following:
    • buildings
    • computer systems
    • equipment fixtures, fittings and furniture in one of the following:
    o accommodation establishments o commercial kitchens o restaurants and bars o storage areas o tourism, hospitality and event offices
    o transportation depots
    • gardens
    • pools
    • rides and games
    • vehicles
    • vessels
    ?Task 1
  21. Provide an overview of the business activities of the hotel relevant to the physical assets selected.
  22. List the purpose of the acquisition or replacement of the physical assets, providing detailed information what informs the decision to acquire these new assets.
  23. Write an overview of specifications for each asset which clearly outline what requirements each asset needs to fulfil in terms of capacity, performance, size, location requirements and maximum budget for each or for the overall budget parameter.
  24. Obtain 3 prices or quotes from different suppliers or sources for each asset. Attach the correspondence and final quote received for each asset to this project.
  25. Contact a financial institution and at least 2 different suppliers and obtain information on 3 different financing options available and costs (attach copies of your correspondence).
  26. Calculate the finance variants offered to you and determine the best options for each asset. Your options need to include potential factors for depreciation, consideration for technology changes and financial impacts on the organisation and financial aspects for which you will seek specialist advice. (Your depreciation calculations must consider the current regulations published on the ATO website).
  27. Based on your calculations in Q.6, explain the official process that now needs to be followed to finalise the acquisition of each asset. This may include processes in your existing workplace or common industry standards and needs to provide:
    • details for detailed specifications,
    • legal contracts,
    • requirements and documentation applicable to different acquisition and financing methods,
    • preparation of documentation for disposal of assets that are being replaced including tax obligations.
    PART 1: Your assessor will be looking for:
    Before you hand in the Part 2 assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the activities and have included all relevant information.
    • Provided an overview of the business activities
    • Listed the purpose of the acquisition or replacement of the physical assets
    • Overview of specifications for each asset clearly outlined
    • Prices or quotes from different suppliers taken
    • Contacted a financial institution
    • Calculated the finance variants offered to you
    • Explained the official process that needs to be followed to finalise the acquisition of each asset.
    Part 2. – Asset Register
    ?Task 1
  28. Develop an asset register which lists the 3 assets determined in Part A. Your asset register needs to include the following details:
    • Asset Details
    • Asset description/model/type
    • Serial Numbers
    • Purchase date
    • Cost
    • Depreciation amount (from when you undertake this assessment to the end of the financial year). If you have no current value, then base this calculation on the approximate price you have determined using the ATO guidelines.
    • Closing Written Down Values (at the End of financial year where you undertake this assessment)
  29. Develop a maintenance register and identify the maintenance requirements for each asset accordingly. For some assets that might be determined through lease clauses or service contract agreements. If so, include these including the details. For the remaining assets consult the user manuals or manufacturer’s recommendations with consideration to frequency of use relevant to your organisation.
    For example if a post-mix machine or coffee machine is connected to water filter then this needs to be reflected in the maintenance requirements.
    PART 2: Your assessor will be looking for:
    Before you hand in the Part 2 assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the activities and have included all relevant information.
    • Developed an asset register which lists the 3 assets determined in Part 1.
    • Developed a maintenance register and identified the maintenance requirements for each asset
    Part 3 – Resource management strategy
    Continuing from Part 1 and 2 complete the following:
  30. Develop a maintenance regime for each asset based on the maintenance requirements you have determined in Part 2.
  31. The maintenance regime needs to include the following details and outline how each aspect is affected and as a result addressed:
    a) Reporting and monitoring mechanisms to ensure assets are functioning effectively and issues are reported by using correct and suitable procedures including provisions for specialist advice for complex issues.
    b) Provisions for collecting feedback from customers and reports from staff.
    c) Types of maintenance required including common routine maintenance based on the organisation’s activities for example adjusting doors, fixing furniture, cleaning airconditioning filters in guest rooms, etc.
    d) Location of maintenance, e.g. can it be done off-site or away from heavily-trafficked areas?
    e) Expected duration of maintenance works
    f) Timing of scheduled maintenance, e.g. slow periods such as during the day for a nightclub, or during the night in high frequency areas.
    g) Likely disruption to operations – what are the disruptions and what are the expected impacts?
    h) WHS issues
    i) Legal and regulatory requirements which apply for the physical assets during the course of the financial year (for example for vehicles carrying passengers, electrical equipment or as relevant to the specifc assets)
    j) Summary of cost impacts for human resources (for examples where maintenance would,
    e.g. require penalty rates for maintenance staff) or the costs where contractors are engaged for specific maintenance requirements
    k) Costs of scheduled maintenance in terms of parts, required equipment to perform the maintenance and consumables
    l) Provisions for monitoring of financial performance of the assets over the budget period.
    m) Occurrences based on the details outlined in the questions above which would inform to review or audit the performance or viability of the assets.
    PART 3: Your assessor will be looking for:
    Before you hand in the Part 3 assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information.
    • Developed a maintenance regime for each asset based on the maintenance requirements
    • The maintenance regime that includes the details mentioned and outlined how each aspect is affected and as a result addressed

The Nara Business Hotel has been operating within the Sydney CBD as a boutique hotel for the past 20 years. In this time the NBH has built a reputation as a high quality boutique hotel which offers residents a unique and flawless stay in one of their 100 rooms. The hotel was initially founded by Greg Mathews who later sold the hotel to a group of investors who have given the hotels management to the Australian Hotel Management Group (AHMG). The AHMG is responsible for all matters related to the operation of the hotel and are required to meet strict financial performance objectives. The AHMG must therefore budget all hotel expenses and regularly produce reports which are presented to the Hotel’s investors.
The Nara Business Hotel’s mission is to consistently deliver an enjoyable and memorable accommodation experience for travellers visiting the Sydney CBD in a business context.
The Nara Business Hotel’s vision is to become an industry leader in boutique business accommodation.
Growth Objectives
The Nara Business Hotel has been known for its boutique size. However, over the past 5 years the demand for rooms in the NBH has been far greater than supply. As such, many residents are left upset when they cannot get a booking. The investors wish to overcome this problem, and have asked the AHMG to budget for the expansion of the hotel. Additionally, the investors wish to achieve a 50% growth in profits over the next 2 years.
In order to achieve these growth objectives the AHMG has decided to expand the hotel by introducing 50 new rooms. They believe that due to the high demand for rooms the full cost of the expansion will be recovered within a year, making the expansion a viable business opportunity.
Forecast Revenue Figures for 2019 and 2020
Number of Rooms Revenue Per Room Occupancy Rate
2019 150 $90,000 67%
2020 150 $90,000 91%
Note: the occupancy rate is lower in 2019 due to the time required to furnish the 50 new rooms early in the year.
Organisation Finance Policy and Procedures
Reporting Policy
The Nara Business Hotel requires its financial managers to report deviations between the forecasted budget and actual budget to the Hotel’s investors. The managers are only required to report upon deviations of 5% or greater.
Financing Policy
The Nara Business Hotel requires its financial managers to responsibly manage the cashflows of the hotel. If there is a need to raise cash for hotel operations or expansion the policy requires the financial management team uses short term loans from ANZ Bank. The loans are typically 1 year long and at an interest rate of 4% and the loan amounts are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.
Staffing Policy
The Nara Business Hotel prioritises excellent customer service and as such the policy requires employing 1 staff member per 5 rooms. For example, if the hotel has 100 rooms, 20 staff members will need to be actively working within the hotel at any given time.
Corporate Real Estate Policy
The Nara Business Hotel policy requires that its real estate assets are rented and not bought. The current hotel building is rented at the rate of $3,000,000 per annum and which equates to $30,000 per room per annum. The Hotel policy requires that any future real estate that is to be attained is negotiated to the same rate of $30,000 per room per annum.
Hotel Maintenance Policy
The Nara Business Hotel policy requires that every year 10 existing rooms are completely refurnished. The cost of completely refurnishing a room is $20,000 as per the Hotel’s contractor agreements. This policy ensures that the hotel’s rooms are up-to-date and the décor is of latest style. Additional rooms may be refurnished based on management’s requirements, however a minimum of 10 old rooms must be refurnished annually.
Australian Hotel Management Group Agreement
As per the agreement between the Nara Business Hotel and the Australian Hotel Management Group, the AHMG is responsible for the Hotel’s management for a 40 year period at the rate of $1,000 per room per annum.
Investor Returns Policy
The Nara Business Hotel policy requires it’s financial managers to provide a fixed return of $2,000,000 to its investors per annum. Any additional income/cashflow will be reinvested into the business in the next year.
NBH Annual Year-End Financial Performance Review Form
Name of Reviewer:
Year in Review:
What was the profit for the year in review? Please provide a short description and justification.
Was there any exceptional financial activity which has caused the year in review’s financial performance to be different from previous years?
Were there any deviations greater than 5% in the year in review from the budget?
Has the year in review met it’s investor return requirements of $2,000,000? If not, please explain.
Signature of Reviewer:
Nara Business Hotel – Internal Memo





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Physical Activity Resource Brochure

Part 2: Physical Activity Resource Brochure

After reading the websites cited in the Overview and your peer’s Discussion posts develop a one-page Physical Activity Resource Brochure/infographic. Imagine that your peers all live in the same general location. Research one fun and unusual but accessible activity that will meet the physical activity goals of you and your peers.

Remember to search for activities on Living Social, Groupon, Department of Recreation and Parks brochures, club and meetings sections of the newspaper, bulletin boards in your favorite neighborhood coffee shop or grocery store, etc. Develop a one-page infographic as the brochure which offers information on:

  • a description of the activity
  • cost
  • when and where
  • website or copy of the listing location

The activity should be described as above noted with the addition of photos or graphics to enhance the brochure. Pictures and graphics are required. 

You may submit your brochure/infographic in PowerPoint, PDF, Word or Microsoft Publisher format. View websites on how to create an 8 X 11.5 color infographic (one-page Word or pdf. document), but do not purchase formatting options. 


Assignment Expectations:

Length: One-page

Structure: One-page colored infographic/brochure

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.  A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment. Citations on infographic where used, references at the bottom of infographic





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Confirm physical health status

CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (Release 2)
HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
Written assessment
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 35123/02

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Competency details
HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
This unit applies to workers assisting in leisure and health activity programming in a range of contexts. It describes the skills and knowledge required to obtain and interpret information about client health status and to check a client’s physical health. It requires a detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

This document is Assessment 2 of the two assessments you are required to complete, together with structured workplace learning, for HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
This assessment is designed to gather evidence of competence, specifically to:
• Obtain information about physical health status
• Check physical health status
• Identify variations from normal physical health status
Assessment 2
35123/02 Written assessment

Assessment 2
For this assessment, you will need to read each case study below and address each question in detail, demonstrating your skills and knowledge when confirming the physical health status of clients, relevant to your own work role.
Case Study 1: Julio
Julio’s job role requires him to meet and obtain physical health status information before delivering a health service to his clients. Julio has several methods which he uses to obtain information on the health status of his clients and then enters his findings and notes straight into the computer program designed to record health information.
This morning, Julio has met with a female, aged 42, with very fair skin and freckles. She presented in reasonable physical health and as they discussed her health issues, Julio referred to the notes taken from the last appointment. During the process of obtaining information from the client, Julio is shown a small raised, rough area of skin on the top of her ear that was flaky and red. She has also asked Julio about skin cancer and how it develops.

  1. Provide an example of how Julio can obtain accurate information about the physical health status of this client while conducting his assessment using:
    • Observations (approx. 50-80 words)
    • Questioning (approx. 50-80 words)
    • A review of documentation (approx. 50-80 words)
    A review of documentation
  2. What could Julio ask to gather further information about the lesions on the ear? (minimum of three questions) (approx. 200-300 words)

a. List the necessary information should be recorded in a health and medical history document and why? (approx. 100-150 words)
b. Is it necessary for Julio to note the additional health issue he identified with the skin lesion – provide your reasoning. (approx. 100-150 words)

  1. Continuing from the client’s question regarding the small raised, and rough area of skin on the top of her ear that was flaky and red.
    How should Julio manage the conversation in relation to:
    a) What further assessment/s should be made to establish the condition and who should he refer the client to in this situation? (approx. 20 words)
    b) What happens to the normal functioning of cells when they turn into a cancer or tumour including the loss of normal control mechanisms? (approx. 50-80 words)
    c) Explaining two types of cell adaptions the body will perform when environmental changes occur. (approx. 50-80 words)
    d) Outlining the environmental hazards that can increase the risk of cancer. (approx. 50-80 words)

Case Study 2: Annemarie
Annemarie has a client in her care that has been recently diagnosed with atherosclerosis after experiencing some angina pain.
This client is a 55-year-old male, and from his health and medical history records, Annemarie can see that he is not an active person and is overweight.
Annemarie knows that she needs to setup an individual plan to encourage more exercise and health lifestyle to support her client.
He does not seem to have a clear understanding of his condition and how he can aid in the management of it.
Provide detailed responses to the following questions to assist Annemarie with this client

  1. Atherosclerosis is described as a ‘degenerative’ disease.
    Explain what a degenerative disease is. (approx. 50-100 words)
  2. To provide the client with the best care service, briefly outline the role of nutrition in preventing Atherosclerosis. (approx. 80-150 words)
  3. How might the client’s metabolism be involved in the physical health status findings in this case study? (approx. 80-120 words)
    Physical Health status What is the impact due to a low metabolism

Case Study 3: Antonella
Antonella has reacted badly to news from her doctor that she has contracted a health condition whilst overseas. The condition has some serious symptoms and will require long term treatment.
One of the symptoms includes a malfunction in Antonella’s ability to regulate temperature; for example, she may have sporadic sweating/fever like symptoms.
Her health care worker, Karen, is doing a physical health assessment for another intervention and Antonella is telling Karen about her concerns for her health.

  1. Antonella’s response to her diagnosis was very negative and angry.
    a. Explain why it is important for Karen to clarify the significance of Antonella’s health status. (approx. 50-80 words)
    b. Outline how you would help Antonella understand the importance of her health status.
    Ensure your response contains positive thinking patterns regarding her health to minimise trauma? Give at least two examples of how negative emotional responses can impact on health. (approx. 50-80 words)
  2. Provide two (2) examples of how negative emotional responses can impact on health. (approx. 50-80 words)

Case Study 4: Alex
Alex has had a lot of experience assessing the health status of people with health care needs. He has a current certificate in First Aid and has worked in the field for five years. He is always very thorough with recording information in documentation.
Alex maintains a high level of alertness when conducting an assessment conducting observations and using effective questioning techniques. He feels confident that his methods to obtain all the relevant information are sufficient, this based upon his professional development throughout his career. Alex regularly attends meetings and is up to date with the organisation’s policies and procedures.
Recently a person attended the clinic who was very unwell, he had a temperature, and felt faint, and Alex had to rely on his training in the organisation’s emergency procedures to be able to deal with the adverse physical health condition seen in the person.

  1. List the steps that should be taken before beginning the delivery of a health service or intervention.
    a. Explain why is it important to do this? (approx. 200-250 words)
    b. If Alex overlooked an important factor of a physical health assessment, what could happen if an intervention or delivery of a health service went ahead. (approx. 20 words)
  2. Why is it important for Alex to be familiar with his job role and scope of practice, to effectively assess and confirm the physical health status of this client? (approx. 80-100 words)
  3. Why is it important to undertake training in organisation’s policy and procedures for ‘emergency health situations’? (approx. 150-200 words)
    You must complete and submit the following.
    Assessment 2





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  1. Responses to questions 1-13 relating to Case studies 1-4 0

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Physical traits of this guy named Mal from show describing from his childhood friend/closest friend Alena’s point of view for this art course I am taking

An essay describing the physical traits of this guy named Mal from show describing from his childhood friend/closest friend Alena’s point of view for this art course I am taking. It was to be in detail to give the reader a clear understanding standing of his looks before actually seeing the drawing I did of him. Some physical traits that are important would be the shape of facial features like his eyes, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, cheeks, neck, body these are all important to include please, (he’s 6ft1 btw) the way he stares, his hands, legs, skin tone, tone of cheeks etc, how intense he could be anything that gives a clear description of how he looks from Alinas point of view. Some non-physical traits he is based off is doing whatever it takes to protect Alina, he can be described as bold, and courageous. He was an orphan with Alina and they’ve best friends since they were kids. He’s very caring towards her tends to puts her safety above himself or anyone he truly cares for He’s very gentle and sweet towards her and and puts his life on the line constantly to save hers thank you!   Files: 2254021A-97E4-4EE5-B573-A99D695E3A0D.jpeg, AC3A2CB4-1A89-4EFE-9B61-2D764A5F5931.jpeg, E8F58A93-9A71-4BF0-A5EC-5FF5BE29D7A3.jpeg, 4381D5BC-DE35-4FEA-A254-C6CA8A816B8F.jpeg, 3B405618-BD11-492D-A9EC-A8F1E817538E.jpeg, C7847BC5-7379-49D1-B31C-FD09EE2FFA27.jpeg, 54EEB82E-0061-4273-B9E2-A08EE2CF27CC.jpeg, 45E60EC7-2492-4DC0-8FEB-AE7875CB797B.jpeg, 29917ED6-EBBC-4058-921F-D70FD0908321.jpeg, 961E833F-F8CF-422D-91EF-9064D24134D4.jpeg





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How much physical change has occurred to our bodies in the last 10 to 20 years as it relates to skin, hair, and or weight?

How much physical change has occurred to our bodies in the last 10 to 20 years as it relates to skin, hair, and or weight? Where do some of the people on the “Ten Most Beautiful” Lists rank on the BMI scale?

Be sure to reference the textbook on your reference page. 

Project 4: System Development or Application Assurance

Start Here

It is critical that cybersecurity professionals be able to use all applicable systems, tools, and concepts to minimize risks to an organization’s cyberspace and prevent cybersecurity incidents. In this project, you will demonstrate your understanding of how to apply security principles, methods, and tools within the software development life cycle. You will also apply your knowledge of the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

This is the fourth and final project for this course. There are 13 steps in this project. Begin below to review your project scenario.



Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

• 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

• 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

• 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

• 9.4: Software Security Assurance: Demonstrate secure principles, methods, and tools used in the software development life cycle.

• 9.5: Software Security Assurance: Describe the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

Step 1: Assess Software Vulnerabilities

Project 2 outlined the steps involved to produce a final vulnerability and threat assessment, and Project 3 covered risk analysis and mitigation. Those assessments were across the entire enterprise and included numerous elements outside the realm of systems and technology. However, they did uncover opportunities for improvement in the application software processes.

For this step, return to the vulnerability and threat assessment from Project 2 and focus on all areas of application software that were itemized. Give additional thought to uncover software that perhaps did not make the list or were assumed to be secure and simply overlooked.

The assignment is to create a more comprehensive list of application software that could place the enterprise at risk of a breach, loss of data, loss of production, and/or loss of brand confidence.

The assessment should include the application of secure principles, development models such as the maturity model or integrated product and process development (IPPD), software development methods, libraries and toolsets used in the software development life cycle or systems development life cycle.

Use the Software Vulnerability Assessment Template to submit your results for feedback.

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In the next step, you will review your organization’s software procurement policy.  

Step 2: Review Software Procurement Policy

Upon completion of the software specific vulnerability assessment, conduct a review of the organization’s software procurement policies for software development methods.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. Your review will be used in the submission for the following steps.

When the review is complete, move to the next step, where you will create a table or spreadsheet that lists recommended policies for software procurement that address certain questions or concerns.

Step 3: Create a Software Procurement Policy List

You’ve reviewed the organization’s policies for software development methods. Now it’s time to create a policy list for software procurement. The following are some sample questions to be included in a software procurement policy:

• Does the vendor provide any cybersecurity certifications with the product?

• Does the vendor provide access to the source code for the product? Are there other security issues in source code to be addressed?

• What is the guaranteed frequency of security updates to be provided for the product?

• What is the implementation process for software updates/upgrades?

What are additional questions or concerns that should be included in the procurement process? Create a table or spreadsheet that lists recommended policies to properly address these questions or concerns.

Use the Procurement Policy Template to list the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management and submit your results for feedback.

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In the next step, you will generate assurances or controls to address each of the policy issues identified here.

Step 4: Document Relevant Software Acceptance Policies

Now that the procurement policies have been identified in the previous step, what assurances or controls should be established as policy that would evaluate the security implications during the software acceptance process? The objective is to provide a one-page overview of security testing that would be included in the acceptance of a vendor’s application.

The next step in this project will document the actual testing and validation. This step is simply to verify the congruence between the procurement process and acceptance process. In other words, do the procurement policies establish the correct cyber security framework for software purchase and do the acceptance policies match?

In considering the security implications of the in the software acceptance phase of the development cycle, use the Software Acceptance Policy Template to document recommended tests and assurances for the procurement policies identified in the previous steps.

Submit your results below for feedback.

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In the next step, you will research software testing and validation.

Step 5: Research Software Testing and Validation Procedures

Based on the software acceptance policies created in the previous step, consider what testing and validation procedures could be used to assure compliance.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. You will submit the final list of recommended testing and validation procedures in the next step.

Step 6: Document Software Testing and Validation Procedures

You’ve completed the research, and it is now time to create testing and validation procedures that follow a specific process to assure compliance. The key to the success of this step is to document exact procedures to be followed by a testing team prior to installation.

At a minimum, the procedures should address the following questions:

• What are potential vulnerabilities inherent in the application platform?

• How well does the vendor document preventive measures built into the application?

• Are there alternative solutions provided by the vendor or in the application in case of a breach?

• What additional safeguards can be added to ensure the security of the software environment?

The testing and validation procedures should address each of these concerns.

The executive team will want to see specific steps for the testing team to follow as the team members complete the tests and assurances you recommended in the previous step.

Document your specific testing and validation recommendations from a cybersecurity policy standpoint in the Test Script Procedures Template and submit for feedback.

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In the next step, you will consider procedures for upgrading software.

Step 7: Review Software Upgrade Procedures

In the last step, you documented testing and validation requirements. In this step, it’s important to review software upgrades. Installation of a software upgrade has similar, yet unique requirements from the previous steps. In most enterprise environments, software updates and upgrades follow a specific change management routine. However, complete reliance on this procedure can lead to unintended oversight of cybersecurity issues. The change management process is generally focused on detecting errors and the auditing and logging of changes in the operational environment after the upgrade has been performed.

From the cyber perspective, this is not enough. As demonstrated in previous steps, significant effort is required to ensure a secure environment, not just an operational one. The question to be answered is “when” should the upgrade be performed during an application or system change. Should it be performed multiple times during the update?

Think through this issue thoroughly and make notes on your thought process. It is important that the risk analysis associated with an application or system change is conducted at the optimal time.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. However, the research and corresponding notes related to this step will be applicable to the final report for Maria and the other executives. When this is complete, move to the next step, where supply chain risks will be considered.

Step 8: Review Supply Chain Risks

Following the previous steps relative to the supply chain and previous projects, it is time to thoroughly review risk within the supply chain.

Like many companies, your organization is dependent on a supply chain, so the software development process must include a supply chain risk management (SCRM) plan to minimize the impact of supply chain-related risks on business operations and the security of the infrastructures and data.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. The identified supply chain risks will be reported in the next step.

Step 9: Document Supply Chain Risks

After review, it’s time to document supply chain risks. This portion of the overall report requires a two- to three-page narrative that addresses the following supply chain concerns:

1. Describe cybersecurity implications related to the procurement process.

2. Provide recommendations that would address these concerns.

3. Include appropriate supply chain risk management practices.

Where appropriate, cite references to support the assertions in the recommendations and conclusion.

Submit your report on supply chain concerns here for feedback.

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Then, move to the next step, in which you will consider how the procedures of acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing line up in the organization.

Step 10: Consider Alignment Issues

Based on the review and recommendations on the supply chain described in the previous step, consider how well the policies and procedures regarding the acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing of software in your organization are aligned.

Outline a strategic approach to getting all the functions in alignment. There is no submission for this step. The alignment recommendations will be submitted in the next step.

Step 11: Develop an Acquisition Alignment Report

Keeping the alignment issues in mind from the previous step, prepare a one-page plan to align acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing of software applications for the enterprise. This should be a strategic approach to getting all the functions in alignment. Start with a request for information, proceed through acquisition, testing, and implementation, and finish with ongoing maintenance of the application.

All the work has been done in the previous steps. This step is designed to “bring it all together” in one easy-to-understand approach. The approach will be used in the final step to complete the supply chain analysis with a mitigation plan as it applies to software acquisition and maintenance.

Submit your one-page plan to align acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing efforts with your organization’s information security goals here for feedback.

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In the next step, you will consolidate all your work thus far.

Step 12: Consolidate Your Work

The acquisition plan alignment is complete. For this exercise, collate all the material presented in the previous steps into a cohesive presentation that describes the entire software risk analysis processes and articulates specific supply chain cybersecurity threats and the technologies and policies that can be used to mitigate them.

You will use your consolidated results in your final project submission in the next step.

Project 4: System Development or Application Assurance

Step 13: Write the Risk Analysis/Supply Chain Threats/Mitigation Report

Management is always interested in solutions, and Maria Sosa and the other executives at your company are no exception. In the case of cybersecurity, there are no absolute solutions to an ever-changing environment. However, there are steps to mitigation that might eliminate or minimize the results of certain vulnerabilities. This final step is to describe the mitigation strategies recommended as a result of all previous steps in the project.

The final report for the executive meeting should be five to seven pages, only one to two of which will have to be written in this step. The remainder is from all the previous steps in the project.

Use the Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Final Report Template to submit your specific testing and validation procedures.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

• 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

• 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

• 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

• 9.4: Software Security Assurance: Demonstrate secure principles, methods, and tools used in the software development life cycle.

• 9.5: Software Security Assurance: Describe the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

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Length:  2- 3 Pages (excluding reference page)