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What are the pros and cons from a staffing perspective that an organization will face if it chooses not to engage in HR planning and staff planning?

Topic: What are the pros and cons from a staffing perspective that an organization will face if it chooses not to engage in HR planning and staff planning? Please provide a minimum of two outside academic sources (not including your textbook) to support your response.







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Hired as a consultant for a skilled nursing facility to help with its strategic planning process

Assume that you have been hired as a consultant for a skilled nursing facility to help with its strategic planning process. The organization has never made a strategic plan, and many of the employees are resistant to take part in the process. They have hired you to help walk them through the process and guide them through each step. Before you can begin the process, you will need to plan out how you will guide them through it. Identify and discuss how you will prepare the nursing facility’s staff to go through the strategic planning process. For example, who will you involve, and what steps will they take, etc.? In addition, what will you say to them to get them to understand the importance of the strategic planning process?






Healthcare: Strategic Planning Process

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Strategic Planning Process


            The U.S healthcare is complex, facing numerous challenges, ranging from funding complexities, healthcare practitioner shortages, physician variability and conflict of interests among the healthcare providers. The healthcare providers and the workers in the healthcare institutions view the industry as being complex and this is made worse by the changes in the external environment. The complexity of the U.S healthcare will increase further with the implementations of the patient protection programs and the introductions of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Reed, 2013). To foresee future trends and make a good response, a healthcare organization must embrace and adopt a strategic plan. The turbulence caused in the healthcare sector due to changing government policies, reforms, cuts in the government reimbursements, the effect of the external pressure, increased consumerism and market consolidation makes it inevitable to adopt strategic planning.

Guide for Organizing the Strategic Planning Process          The introduction of new organizational initiatives often face resistance, and this forms one of the areas that failed strategic process fails to focus. According to (Rodríguez Perera & Peiró, 2012), a change steering committee should be formed to oversee the development and the implementation of the strategic plan. The steering committee should represent all the interests and include individuals with leadership skills. The steering committee should be under the leadership of an expert in strategic planning (in this case is the strategic…………………………………….







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Emergency Response Planning For Airports

write an article on Emergency Response Planning For Airports. It needs to be at least 2500 words. In this regard, responsibilities for workers in an airport and within its vicinity should be clearly defined to avoid confusion during operations.

Apparently, the rapid response department in an airport must ensure that all the necessary equipment and the personnel required are present when the need arises. Different airports have varied emergency response techniques subject to the nature and scale of the disaster. Emergency response planning involves structuring the airport in such a way that the impact of an emergency is minimized. It includes establishing procedures to be followed when attending to an emergency. This essay is meant to critically analyze the equipment used, and Procedures followed when attending to emergencies, training and Practices of the emergency response department and policies adopted for effective response to emergencies.

We focus on Dubai International Airport to learn more about emergency response including the procedures and equipment employed when handling emergency cases. The airport is administered in accordance with the United Arabs Emirates legal requirements for airports operations. The emergency response docket is headed by the chief emergency coordinator. The chief emergency coordinator is entitled with the responsibility of overseeing the reaction to emergency cases. The airport has a well-structured system of command which outlines who reports to who during an emergency.

The rapid response department is stratified into several subunits to facilitate effective management and division of labor. Each subunit is given a certain responsibility and head by a commander, who reports to the chief emergency coordinator. The emergency department handles several cases such as health, fire, and security threats among others.



EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING 2 The meaning of the statement “Human exposure to a chemical hazard is measured only in terms of the amount of chemical to which one is exposed” The statement basically implies that the level of humane exposure to chemical hazards is directly proportional to the amount of chemical available within the environment of that particular individual. This statement implies that over 60,000 chemicals that have been placed under daily commercial use can only be considered hazardous based on their degree and nature of exposure to human beings (Erickson, 2006). So long as human beings are exposed to these chemicals, they remain hazardous chemicals that may cause harm to human beings. Based on the degree and nature of exposure, the level of hazard of each chemical differs. Conversely, some chemicals will exposure severe hazards to human beings upon exposure as compared to other chemicals. Therefore, regulatory agencies will always mark the more hazardous chemicals to denote the need for special attention during storage, shipping, and






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strategic Planning Assignment, Program

strategic Planning Assignment, Program: MBAAll points are to be discussed in 2000 to 2400 words.Plagiarism (copy and paste from the internet or other resources) should not exceed 20%.$$$$$$$$$The company in the three tasks is different you must answer for tasks 1 and 2 and 3 as three different companies in real life with talk about its strategy.

The instructions have stated that i use Vista company, you supposed to use three different companies for every task.

Every task with a different company name in real life.

he Name of the companies it’s Optional you can get any three famous company but the answer should be in( strategic planning course only) .Files: Strategic Planning Assignment .docx

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strategic facility planning through a real life scenario.

This presentation looks at the ins and out of strategic facility planning through a real life scenario. This presentation offers much valuable insight to this topic.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Please internet reference only. Thank you 

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Describes why planning is so important in professional messaging

assignment in 1000 words.
Option 1. Individual Assessment
The assessment is to,
? Create a 1000 word brochure / handout that,
? Describes why planning is so important in professional messaging
? Explains the communication process and the detailed steps and guidance of the 6 stage planning process
? Describes the act of reviewing, improving, and seeking feedback
? Gives practical advice and examples of how to ensure effective professional messaging
? Uses images / multimedia in support of the words
? Is well structured and easy to read and understand

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Apply project planning, technical skills and methods to develop and implement an appropriate solution

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HS3052
Unit Title Capstone Project (Design and Implementation)
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
Assessment Title Individual Assignment – 5: Journal and Self Reflection
Purpose of the assessment (with
ULO Mapping) Each member should briefly summarize key aspects learned from this unit and how this knowledge can help you with your future career.
1. Apply project planning, technical skills and methods to develop and implement an appropriate solution
2. Apply and evaluate project management skills and concepts in problem solving
3. Present the knowledge, skills and ideas acquired through results and discussion with different audience levels
4. Critically analyse and synthesise complex information into a business proposal
5. Communicate using effective oral and written communication tools to a diverse range of stakeholders
6. Demonstrate ability to be an effective, autonomous team member or team leader and to be creative and innovative
7. Review and describe the major privacy, legal, ethical and societal issues with respect to managing digital information and information systems
8. Understand the ICT profession and professional expectations in the researched topic
Weight 15% of the total assessments
Total Marks 15
Word limit 1000 – 1500
Due Date Week 12 Friday 5pm.
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 11-pt Times New Roman font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard style.
Assignment 5 Specifications
This assignment is intended to extend and explore students’ ideas about requirement analysis and modelling, project management and teamwork, whilst simultaneously determining the current limits of students’ knowledge, skills and understanding.
Some of the topic areas, which may give you some ideas as to what you could discuss over the life of the assignment in your reflection.
• Understanding, establishing and defining the problem or opportunity within the organisational context regarding information system analysis, design and development;
• System Requirements (how to identify functional and non-functional requirements; why it is important);
• Importance of requirement analysis and modelling for system analysis, design and development project in an organization;
• Modelling skills and techniques, such as structured, OO and Agile approaches, how to select and when should use them.
• Investigating requirements, what should be considered when selecting right techniques?
• Recommendations and consideration of how the organisation will be affected by any proposed system development solutions.
• System development approaches; How to select a correct methodology?
Discuss a wide range of issues related to the project and teamwork, such as:
• Briefly reflect upon your own experience of participating in the group until now. Did it help you?
Was it worth the effort? How could it be made to work better for you?
• What went right or wrong? If asked to do it again, would you change anything to make the group work more enjoyable and of benefit to your study?
• Briefly discuss how, if you were a member of a discussion and support group, what strategies and methods you think you could use to minimise or overcome misunderstandings that might occur within your group, as a result of language or cultural differences.
• Briefly discuss how, if you were a member of a discussion and support group, what strategies and methods you think are more useful to overcome difficulties that might occur within your group because one or more of your group members is not participating in an appropriate manner, for example, insufficient work or inappropriate behaviour.
• Briefly describe and discuss one topic, issue or question where you think that your knowledge and understanding was clarified, expanded or improved by contributions from other members of your group.
• Briefly describe and discuss one topic, issue or question where you think you made a significant contribution to the knowledge and understanding of other members of your group.
Your assessor expects that you will seek guidance on any uncertainties you may have in completing this assessment to the best of your ability. It is expected that you embrace the opportunity to develop a new skill and explore a creative way of representing your experience in studying this unit and working with group members. It is also expected that all work submitted has already been edited for spelling, grammar, clarity and conciseness.
Marking criteria
Detailed marking rubric is available on Bb.
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analyzes the key components of a strategic planning framework, assesses the value of using a strategic planning framework, and explains the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.

Assessment 1 The Strategic Process

Write a 3-4-page academic paper that analyzes the key components of a strategic planning framework, assesses the value of using a strategic planning framework, and explains the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.


This portfolio work project asks you to analyze the strategic process using the AFI framework. This analysis will clearly demonstrate your ability to think critically and strategically, and to use evidence to support your thinking.

The Scenario

You work for a management consulting firm that makes regular contributions to a national publication created to help new businesses and entrepreneurs. Your boss has asked you to write an article on the importance of strategic planning for an upcoming issue. 

Your Role

You have decided to focus your article on the strategic planning process and the use of a strategic planning framework.


To complete this assessment, be sure you understand the AFI framework. Conduct your own research to find recent articles on the value of strategic planning and the role of leadership in the strategic planning process. Now write your article and include:

· Analyze the key components of a strategic planning framework. 

· Assess the value of using a strategic planning framework for long-term success and sustained competitive advantage. 

· Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process. Be sure to address the ethical responsibilities of leaders in the strategic planning process. 

Deliverable Format

· The Strategic Process is an academic document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, which can be found in the MBA Program Resources in the courseroom navigation panel.

. Read about APA formatting and citing references under “Writing Skills.”

· In addition to the analysis, include:

. Title page.

. References page.

. APA formatted references from at least two sources.

· 3–4 pages in length, in addition to the title and references pages.

· Written for new businesses and entrepreneurs. 


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 1: Assess the importance of strategic management for supporting long term success and sustained competitive advantage.

. Analyze the key components of a strategic planning framework.

. Assess the value of using a strategic planning framework for long-term success and sustained competitive advantage.

. Explain the role of leadership in the strategic planning process.

· Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.

. Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.

. Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Your faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were the editor of the publication. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.

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Project procurement planning details how the procurement process will be managed effectively to achieve the project’s objectives.

13. Procurement MRAnsAnedanagement

Answer question 150-200 word response

 Project procurement planning details how the procurement process will be managed effectively to achieve the project’s objectives. As such, the procurement planning has to be tailored specifically to meet the needs of various projects. Clinker Consultancy has a large internal project to be initiated. To staff this project, Clinker Consultancy is working with People Consultancy to provide three resources for six months. The resources will be part of the team managed by Clinker Consultancy for six months. How would you justify the contract type to be used by Clinker Consultancy for the project? 

Reference article paper  

Reference text book notes below 

Procurement management follows a logical order. First, you plan what you need to contract; then you plan how you’ll do it. Next, you send out your contract requirements to sellers. They bid for the chance to work with you. You pick the best one, and then you sign the contract with them. Once the work begins, you monitor it to make sure that the contract is being followed. When the work is done, you close out the contract and fill out all the paperwork.

You need to start with a plan for the whole project. Before doing anything else, you need to think about all of the work that you will contract out for your project. You will want to plan for any purchases and acquisitions. Here’s where you take a close look at your needs to be sure that contracting is necessary. You figure out what kinds of contracts make sense for your project, and you try to define all of the parts of the project that will be contracted out.

Contract planning is where you plan out each individual contract for the project work. You work out how you’ll manage the contract, what metrics it will need to meet to be considered successful, how you’ll pick a seller, and how you’ll administer the contract once the work is happening.

The procurement management plan details how the procurement process will be managed. It includes the following information:

  • The types of contracts you plan to use and any metrics that will be used to measure the contractors’ performance
  • The planned delivery dates for the work or products you are contracting
  • The company’s standard documents you will use
  • The number of vendors or contractors involved and how they will be managed
  • How purchasing may impact the constraints and assumptions of the project plan
  • The coordination of purchasing lead times with the development of the project schedule
  • The identification of prequalified sellers (if known)

The procurement management plan, like all other management plans, becomes a subsidiary of the project management plan. Some tools and techniques you may use during the procurement planning stage include make-or-buy analysis and definition of the contract type

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strategic workforce planning, in order to align a company’s workforce to their overall strategic goals.