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plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration

For your course project you are tasked with designing and carrying out a research project on plant transpiration of your own design using the Vernier instruments (see Transpiration Lab Student Guide for directions). Transpiration is the process by which moisture moves through a plant. The process is broken down and explained in chapter 30, section 30.5 of the text book. The purpose of this assignment is to help you plan and design an experiment investigating the factors that impact plant transpiration. After this assignment is complete you will be able to conduct your experiment, collect data and prepare for the experiment analysis. During week 14 you will submit an experiment report using information from your design plan and experiment results. Please note that experiments that do not use the Vernier sensors will receive a grade of 0 so make sure you have your sensors ordered and available by week 14 when you must turn in your experiment report.

The Experimental Design Plan assignment is Due Week 6. Submit the attached experiment design sheet with answers as an attachment.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.


Look through the directions in the transpiration lab student guides. Before performing an experiment or lab, you must design and plan what is going to be tested and how you are going to test it. You must be organized and be able to communicate your results effectively. This assignment is designed to help you organize your experiment design. Use what you have learned about the scientific method from your lab assignments to help you design an experiment on plant transpiration. You will need to conduct some background research on plant transpiration to help you design your experiment. The research will be used to help you write the introduction portion of your experiment paper.

An experiment is a research method in which you manipulate a variable or variables under very controlled conditions and examines whether any changes occur in response to the manipulation of the variable.

It is a cause and effect relationship

1. Experiment introduction & background research with references in APA format (50 pts)

Before you can design an experiment you need to have a good understanding of the current research. You need to summarize what research is currently known about your experiment question in the introduction of your report. This part of the assignment allows you to get a jump start on that task while building valuable knowledge that will help you in your experiment design.

1) Visit the APUS library and internet to research information on plant transpiration. The program guide for natural sciences is a good starting place to begin your APUS library research: Natural Science

2) Look through these examples of how to share background research in an introduction: Example of Introduction section

Collect background information for your research experiment and use references and in text citations to back up you research. Explain any ideas or techniques that are necessary for someone to understand your experiment. At the minimum you should cover what transpiration is, what role/influence your independent variable has on enzymes, why this is important, your testable question and hypothesis. The introduction is generally 1 page long. You need to use APA formatted in text citations and references and this should be written in the 3rd person. You need to use at least 4 different academic references for your background research.

The grading in this section of the assignment is broken down as follows:

Coverage of topic including scientific question and hypothesis: 30 points

4 academic references and APA reference and citation technique: 15 points

Grammar/spelling/voice:5 points

Need tips on APA in text citations? They can be found here: In Text Citation

Need tips on APA reference formatting? They can be found here: Reference List

Want a handy tool that formats your references in APA for you? Visit this website: KnightCite

2. Identify the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and Constants (10pts)

Independent Variable is the variable that is manipulated. It is the variable that you change on purpose. (The CAUSE) There are many variables that can change transpiration. You will choose only 1 independent variable to test. You can choose from temperature, light, humidity, plant species, or air flow.

Dependent Variable is the variable that we measure in response to the manipulation of the independent variable. It is a measurable change. State what are we measuring to gauge transpiration in our experiment here(The EFFECT)

Constants are all the other variables in the experiment that must remain the same so we can see what effect the independent variable has on the dependent variable.

The Control is used as a standard of comparison. The control is a level of the independent variable that has been changed the least or not at all.

3. Write a Title (5pts)

Use the following pattern when writing a title…

The Effect of the (Independent Variable) on the (Dependent Variable)

4. Write a Testable Question (5pts)

Not all questions are testable!!

A testable question asks. . .

“What is the effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable?”

5. Write a Hypothesis (5pts)

A hypothesis is a prediction of the outcome of the lab. Your prediction is based on your understanding of the scientific concept.

It answers your testable question. Use the following pattern:

IF the (IV- how it is changing), then the DV- how you think it will change), BECAUSE (why do you think this is happening.

Example- If the IV increases, then the DV will decrease because….

6. Write your Procedures (20pts)

Procedures are a list of materials used in the experiment and the steps in performing the experimental part. Procedures are the recipe you follow in order to perform the experiment. Write these in order, in paragraph form, and using your own words. Do not simply copy and paste from the student lab guide.

7. Create your Data Table (5pts)

Data is recorded during the procedures. You need to create your data collection table for your experiment. Below is an example Data collection table. Create your own collection table using labels with the names of your variables and the correct units you are measuring. Do not collect data yet! You are just setting up the table so you are ready to collect data when it is time to run your experiment. Wait until you get feedback from this assignment to begin any data collection.

*Repeated Trials——Why repeat the experiment more than once?

Mistakes happen no matter how careful you are so if you repeat the experiment you will get more reliable data. The more repeated trials the more likely you will reduce the effect of chance errors and the more reliable your data becomes and the more confidence you can place in your data. Generally a minimum of 3 trials is acceptable for experiments with more being better.

This is a great video that walks you through the setup steps involved in conducting the experiment:

AP Biology Investigation

Read through the attached documents to understand how you will customize the experiment and make it your own.

*Note: additional instructions for determining leaf surface area by hand have been added to the documents for this week’s assignment.

~Adapted from the Hudsonville Area School District Experiment Design Cheat Sheet




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A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

Work the following problems:

a.    A unity feedback control systems for a robot submarine has a plant with a third-order transfer function

                        G(s) = K / (s(s + 10)(s +50))

We want the overshoot to be approximately 7.5% for a step input and the settling time (with a 2% criterion) of the system be 400ms.  Find a suitable phase-lead compensator by using root locus methods.  Let the zero of the compensator be located at s = -15, and determine the compensator pole.  Determine resulting Kv.

b. system of the form below with unity feedback has G(s) = K / (s+5)^2

b.We desire the steady-state error to a step input to be approximately 5% and the phase margin of the system to be approximately 45 degrees.  Design a lag network to meet these specifications. 

Please see attached sheet for diagram No chegg answers please!! Need Matlab code for all parts!




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You have invested $6,000 in plant improvements and financed $6,000 Long-Term debt to pay for it.

You have invested $6,000 in plant improvements and financed $6,000 Long-Term debt to pay for it. You have also elected to retire $6,000 of Long-Term Debt. Now, your closing cash position reads -$3,000.

How can you fix the current financial decisions so that you have a healthy cash position at the end of the year?





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Plant trees and shrubs

Student Name: _
Student Number: _
Assessment Number: 35327/03

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Instructions to the learner
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your file should be named and saved to your computer hard drive using your:
[Student number]_ [assessment] _ [assessment number].docx
For example: 12345678_21850a_01.docx
If, for any reason such as size of file, you need split one document into several different documents ensure you identify them as Part A, Part B etc. This will ensure the Assessor can mark sequentially.
For example:
12345678_21850a_01_Part A.docx
12345678_21850a_01_Part B.docx
Assessment submission
Prior to submitting your assessment ensure that your name and student ID are included on the front cover page as well as in the footer of each page. If this is not done the assessment may be returned to you for authentication.
If there is a video or audio recording as part of this assessment you must have an introductory statement stating your name, student ID, Qualification and assessment number, along with task you are undertaking.
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file to OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant study period of your course. The ‘Support’ tab provides further assistance. Uploading assessments to OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges.
Competency Details
The assessments have been designed to provide evidence that demonstrates your competence in the unit AHCPGD201 Plant trees and shrubs.
Your trainer will:
• answer any questions that you have about the assessment
• assess your competence as stipulated in the unit of competency by making judgments about the evidence you have presented in line with the rules of evidence – validity, authenticity, currency and sufficiency.
• provide feedback on the outcomes of the assessment process.
The knowledge and skills to plant trees and shrubs are a key competency for horticulturalists. You are required to complete three assessments for AHCPGD201 Plant trees and shrubs. This assessment is designed to gather evidence through videos showing you at work and demonstrating your competence, specifically:
• preparing for planting operations
• preparing trees and shrubs for planting
• inspecting plants and reporting problems
• installing trees, shrubs and/or other plants
• completing work
Assessment Description
35327/01 Online auto-marked multiple choice quiz (8 questions)
35327/02 Project
• Task 1: Short-answer questions
• Task 2: Equipment checklist
35327/03 Video demonstrations
• Video 1: Demonstrating planting a tree
• Video 2: Demonstrating planting a shrub
• Video 3: Demonstrating after care of tree/shrub

Assessment workplace requirements

  1. Permission to Visit Workplace Form
    You must have submitted a Permission to Visit Workplace Form to Open Colleges and received approval from the Head of Program. Please note that you will need to complete a Permission to Visit Workplace Form for each workplace in which you complete your assessment projects and/or video presentation.
    The form can be downloaded from Additional Resources Assessment-related documentation on Open Space or click on the link.
    If you have not done this step, your assessment cannot be marked.
  2. Assessment Verification Form
    Learners will be observed completing practical tasks in the workplace by a workplace supervisor. This person will sign an Assessment Verification Form to verify (i) the learner, (ii) the assessment task (i.e. Project or Presentation) and (iii) the worksite.
    Note: Completing the form is not an assessment judgement of your work performance. The projects and presentations will be assessed by an Open Colleges assessor, who will judge competency based on your written tasks and visual evidence (e.g. photos and videos).
    There is an Assessment Verification form at Appendix A of this assessment.
    If you have not done this step, your assessment cannot be marked.
    Assessment Instructions
    The third assessment for this module requires you demonstrating your skills to the assessor. This will be done with three short videos (max 5 minutes per video).
    • Video 1 will ask you to demonstrate planting a tree
    • Video 2 will ask you to demonstrate planting a shrub
    • Video 3 will ask you to demonstrate after care of a tree/shrub
    Recording and uploading your video to Open Space
    Each video should be no longer than five minutes. Make sure you:
    • write down your questions/topics before you start
    • think about doing one question/topic at a time
    • do a practice run and time yourself before you start
    • check the audio before you start recording
    Please look at the OpenSpace video function by clicking on this link for instructions.

Video 1: Planting a tree
For this assessment, you need to demonstrate in a video how to plant a tree and explain the process. As you are carrying out the activity make sure to explain to your assessor what you are doing or have done and why.
Use the checklist below as a guide to the information you need to provide in the video.
Information to be provided in presentation Y/N
1.1 Introduction of self and the worksite and what will be covered in the video.
• Describe the species that you are planting and its specific needs.
• Describe the necessary planting technique.
• Include a description of the surrounding conditions and outline the impact this plant will have on the worksite.
1.2 Communicate in a clear concise and effective manner.
1.3 Identify any potential WHS hazards, and explain how you would record for a supervisor.
1.4 Assemble and describe the equipment to be used for planting. Explain how to maintain tools and equipment.
1.5 Describe PPE, use correctly and adjust to ensure correct fit.
1.6 Correctly name the species of plant using common and scientific names.
1.7 Mark site out as according to work plan
1.8 Excavate the planting hole (ensure that you have modified soil accordingly and controlled competing plants where required)
1.9 Water the plant prior to planting
1.10 Check and report on the condition and moisture level of the root ball and treat roots as required. Report on any pests or disease.
1.11 Remove tree from container.
1.12 Place plant in prepared hole, ensure that the best side of the plant is visible and that it is at an appropriate angle.
1.13 Back-fill planting hole and consolidate soil.
1.14 Water plant to eliminate air pockets
Office use only – Assessors feedback

Video 2: Planting a shrub
For this assessment, you need to demonstrate in a video how to plant a shrub and explain the process. As you are carrying out the activity make sure to explain to your assessor what you are doing or have done and why.
Use the checklist below as a guide to the information you need to provide in the video.
Information to be provided in presentation Y/N
2.1 Introduce self and the worksite and what will be covered in the video.
Describe the species that you are planting and its specific needs.
Describe the planting technique required.
Include a description of the surrounding conditions and outline the impact this plant will have on the worksite
2.2 Communicate in a clear concise and effective manner.
2.3 Identify any potential WHS hazards, and explain how you would record for a supervisor.
2.4 Assemble and describe the equipment to be used for planting. Explain how to maintain tools and equipment.
2.5 Describe PPE, use correctly and adjust to ensure correct fit.
2.6 Correctly name the species of plant using common and scientific names.
2.7 Mark site out as according to work plan
2.8 Excavate the planting hole (ensure that you have modified soil accordingly and controlled competing plants where required)
2.9 Water the plant prior to planting
2.10 Check and report on the condition and moisture level of the root ball and treat roots as required. Report on any pest or disease.
2.11 Remove tree from container.
2.12 Place plant in prepared hole, ensure that the best side of the plant is visible and that it is at an appropriate angle.
2.13 Back-fill planting hole and consolidate soil.
2.14 Water plant to eliminate air pockets
Office use only – Assessors feedback

Video 3: After care of tree and shrub planting
For this final video presentation, you need to demonstrate the aftercare you provided to the tree and shrub you have just planted. As you are carrying out the activity make sure to explain to your assessor what you are doing or have done and why.
Use the checklist below as a guide to the information you need to provide in the video.
Information to be provided learner presentation Y/N
3.1 Describe the use of fertilisers and other soil modification techniques.
3.2 Describe any presence of symptoms of pests or disease.
3.3 Apply mulch as needed and describe the type of mulch and why you have chosen this mulch
3.4 Dispose of/recycle soil and waste material from the site. Show how tidy and clean the site is and describe what has happened to waste materials.
3.5 Clean and store all tools and equipment where they belong
Office use only – Assessors feedback
The learner must complete and submit the following:
Task Evidence required Done
Video 1 Planting a tree
Video 2 Planting a shrub
Video 3 After care for planting of trees and shrubs
Appendix A Completed Assessment Verification Form (below)

Assessment Verification Form Appendix A
About this form
To successfully complete some of the assessment projects for your course, you will need to access horticulture worksite/s to demonstrate your skills. Each module will have assessment tasks that ask you to complete a project and demonstrate your skills to an assessor. For these assessments your worksite supervisor (or a delegate) will need to verify you as the learner, the activity and the worksite. The supervisor is not being asked to assess your competence. Assessment of your competence is done by an Open Colleges assessor who will judge competency based on the visual evidence (videos) and written tasks.
Instructions to Learner
Step 1: Complete the details in the following box.
Section A: Student details
Student Name
Student Number
Assessment Number
Assessment Title Presentations
Name of Worksite
Step 2: Ask your worksite supervisor (or delegate) to complete the following box.
Section B – Verification of learner and worksite
I confirm (please tick):
? 1. The learner in the video is the learner identified above in Part A.
? 2. The worksite in the video is the worksite identified above in Part A.
? 3. The assessment task in the video is the assessment task identified in Part A.





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The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Associated Objectives

  • Apply topics and concepts in the physical sciences to a given real-world scenario
  • Reflect critically on your ability to apply and connect topics and concepts in the physical sciences

The Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

In this exercise, you will connect and apply course topics and concepts to a real-world scenario. Then, you will critically reflect and articulate some thoughts about your perceived learning, which can be a powerful bridge in the learning process. After reviewing your submission, your instructor will provide you with personalized feedback to further your learning and contribute to your understanding and application of the concepts.

Activity Instructions

Spend some time reviewing the text and video information regarding the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 at the following links:

Then, formulate, using your own words and thoughts, a two-paragraph written discussion that concisely* fulfills the following requirements:

  • Paragraph 1: Outline connections between concepts and topics covered thus far in the course and the information you reviewed regarding the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Make clear but general connections between the information and specific topics and concepts; detailed explanation is not expected
  • Paragraph 2: Based on your discussion in paragraph 1, formulate a discussion that reflects on your learning thus far in the course. In doing so, consider answering the following questions
    • How did the knowledge you’ve acquired prepare you for developing paragraph 1?
    • How has the knowledge you’ve acquired affected your interest in the topics and concepts presented?
    • How will the knowledge you’ve acquired apply to ventures beyond this course?





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A double effect evaporator in a plant is used to remove water of an aqueous salt (NaCl and H2O) fresh feed solution from 50.0 wt% water to 5.0 wt% water

Question 1

A double effect evaporator in a plant is used to remove water of an aqueous salt (NaCl and H2O) fresh feed solution from 50.0 wt% water to 5.0 wt% water as shown in the Diagram 1 below. The evaporator unit is designed to process 6000.0 metric ton of the aqueous salt fresh feed solution yearly. Assume the plant is operating 250 days yearly and 10 hours daily. After exiting the second evaporator, the aqueous salt solution entered a splitter, where half of the solution was recycled to the stream and the remainder removed from the system.

Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif;}

i.           Redraw and label Diagram 1 completely with the known and unknown variables.

ii.         Calculate the feed rate (in kg/hr) of the aqueous salt fresh feed solution.

iii.        Solve the total mass flow rate (in kg/hr) of the aqueous salt solution exiting the evaporator number 2.

iv.        Determine the amount of water (in kg/hr) removed from the aqueous salt solution in Evaporator 1 and Evaporator 2





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Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the largest Phylum in the plant kingdom Plantae

Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the largest Phylum in the plant kingdom Plantae. (Note that the Phylum Angiospermophyta may also be called Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta in different classification systems.) 
These plants have true roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The roots grow into the soil to anchor the plant in place and take up water and nutrients. The leaves are above ground and act as the main organs for photosynthesis. Stems provide above ground support for the plant and operate as conduits to move nutrients and water throughout the plant. Flowers contain the male and female reproductive organs of the plant.
Assignment Details
Part 1
Plants develop specialized roots, stems, leaves, and flowers to make them better adapted to their environment. People exploit many of these modifications as vegetables. An example of this is the taproot of carrots. The carrot plant stores sugars in the taproot to supply energy for the formation of flowers in later development. People dig up and eat the taproots while the sugar content is still high. Complete the following:•Describe the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of a plant. Is the structure of your plant a modification from the standard root, stem, leaf, or flower?•Explain how this structure differs from the standard root, stem, leaf, or flower.•Compare the plant that you have chosen, its structure, and its function with 1 or more of your classmates’ choices. 
Part 2
Animals are important for humans in ways other than providing food. Medicines, clothing, beauty, fuel, air quality, building materials, and industrial products are a few of the ways in which humans exploit animals. Complete the following:•Choose 1 product or benefit that people get from animals (besides food), describe it, and explain how people benefit.•Which do you think is the most important benefit of animals? Select 1 benefit and explain.•List 3 adaptations that animals have that plants do not have. 
Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used throughout the assignment. 
In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board. Be sure to compare and contrast your choice to other plants presented by at least two other students by responding to their posts, using \”Reply to Message.\” You will be graded on the quality of your postings.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Please refer to the following. 
External Web links:•Unit 5: Plantae•Unit 5: Angiosperms: Flowering Plants






Angiosperms: Flowering Plants

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Part 1

Sugar cane

            Flowering plants have great variations in their shape, structure, mode of nutrition, habitat, size, and life span. Sugar cane for example, has a modified stems, which provides support to the plant and as storage for sugars for use in the later stages of the plant growth. The sugar cane plant consists of the root system, the stem, leaves and flowers (Bakker, 1999).

            Sugar cane plant is propagated vegetatively from the cuttings of a fully-grown stem with several buds (Bakker, 1999, p.2). The new plant grows from the buds from the primary stem, forming new plant. The sugarcane plant has fibrous root system. The stem grows into a succulent form to store sugars, which are exploited by human beings for the processing of sugar. The sugar stored in the stem is used by plant in the later stages of growth of the plant, for example during the flowering. The stem consists of several nodes and internodes, with buds that grow at the internodes.

            Growing at the internodes are the leaves, which consists of the sheath and the blade, separated by the leave joint (Bakker, 1999, p. 2). The leaves are alternatively attached to the stem and trap sunlight for the manufacture of sugars, through photosynthesis. Between the leave blades is the mid rib, which provides support to the green leaves of the plant.           Unlike most plant stems that are used chiefly to provide…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor

A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor. The minimum demand for each of these cleaning solutions is 1000, 3200, 2800 and 5400 litres, respectively. Two suppliers Chemic and Nevich, are supplying needed chemicals to the CleanCo for production. Due to safety reasons, CleanCo cannot buy more than %75 of the chemicals from the same supplier. Two suppliers’ chemicals have different rates to produce cleaning products. 1 litre of Chemic can produce 0,75 ltr of kitchen, 0,65 ltr of bath, 0,85 ltr of glass, and 0,72 ltr of floor cleaner. The corresponding rates from Nevich are 0,82 0,78 0,55 and 0,75 respectively. CleanCo needs to determine the minimum capacity of the new plant. Model the problem

Assignment status
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A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor.

  1. A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor. The minimum demand for each of these cleaning solutions is 1000, 3200, 2800 and 5400 litres, respectively. Two suppliers Chemic and Nevich, are supplying needed chemicals to the CleanCo for production. Due to safety reasons, CleanCo cannot buy more than %75 of the chemicals from the same supplier. Two suppliers’ chemicals have different rates to produce cleaning products. 1 litre of Chemic can produce 0,75 ltr of kitchen, 0,65 ltr of bath, 0,85 ltr of glass, and 0,72 ltr of floor cleaner. The corresponding rates from Nevich are 0,82 0,78 0,55 and 0,75 respectively. CleanCo needs to determine the minimum capacity of the new plant. Model the problem


Writers Solution

A scientist discovers a new plant that has vascular tissue and produces seeds

A scientist discovers a new plant that has vascular tissue and produces seeds. It has brightly colored, scented flowers. What type of plant did the scientist discover? How might this plant be pollinated, and what would lead you to draw that conclusion?