Writers Solution

create an assessable podcast to teach the general public about your chosen topic related to disability

Option 2: Podcast with transcript

For this option you will create an assessable podcast to teach the general public about your chosen topic related to disability. 

What you will turn in:

· Podcast

o Required to be a minimum of 15 minutes if completed individually, 25 minutes minimum if created in a group of 2

o Blackboard supports the following audio formats: AIFF, MP3, MIDI, MP, WAV, WMA

· Transcript of the podcast

· Annotated bibliography of all sources you used to create the content of the podcast

o You are required to use a minimum of 8 scholarly sources if completed individually, 16 scholarly sources if completed in a group of 2

§ A minimum of 2 sources are required to be from the course content


resources from the class 

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class



Writers Solution

create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition

For your mid-term examination, you will create “something” creative (such as a podcast, painting, poem, song, play, theatre performance, interpretive dance or other form of dance, musical composition, etc) that interrogates the main theoretical contributions of at least TWO authors that we have discussed thus far this semester. Your artistic creation can be anything of your choosing. Bring your two chosen authors into conversation (not necessarily literally) with one another through your artistic expression. Your artistic expression may be a dedication to the authors, the concepts they discuss, or how you relate to the materials. After creating your artistic item/expression, you will write a TWO-page single-spaced (or 4-page double-spaced) write up that does the following: Describes what the artistic piece is doing, is inspired by, or reflecting on If a poem or song, break down line by line of the poem and explain what it means (See for an example of this) If a painting, describe the painting in vivid detail. Imagine you are describing it to someone that cannot see. Describe the colors, textures, visuals. If a theatre performance, explain who are the major characters in your piece and what the main plot, climax, ending of the story is If dance, you would be recording yourself for me to view, and then you would explain how each movement connects to your expression For musical composition, instrumentals, etc, describe the emotions in the music and how the tempos connect to what you’re expressing. Imagine you’re describing it to someone that cannot hear. Explains how the artistic piece connects to the authors you have chosen Explains the theoretical contributions the two authors have made and how those speak to your artistic creation Brings the two authors theories and contributions into conversation with each other and explain how you brought them together in your creative expression