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Information captured by point-of-sale software


Part A Questions (working all rounder in café)

  1. List three (3) types of financial transaction.


  1. List three (3) types of reconciliation records which are likely to be subject to organisational procedures.


  1. List three (3) types of information captured by point-of-sale software.


  1. Explain why the reconciliation process is important for all businesses.


  1. List three (3) security procedures that a business may instigate.


  1. What is GST, to which goods and services does it apply and how does it affect the cost of those goods and services?


  1. List the four (4) steps involved in providing the correct change for cash payments.
  1. What is a cash float?


  1. List three (3) responsibilities you have when it comes to checking customer payments.


10. List the steps involved in counting and calculating customer



Part B Questions (working all rounder in café)

  1. Outline four (4) sources of information on food, including what type of information you can get from them.


  1. Name two (2) past trends and two current or emerging trends in the Australian food industry.


  1. Explain the meaning of the following:
  • Drug-food interactions
  • Food allergy
  • Food intolerance
  • Genetically modified foods.


  1. What information may you need to share with colleagues regarding menu development?


  1. What special dietary requirements might exist for customers?


  1. What business considerations in the provision of information and advice on food do you have? Give a brief description of each and why you need to consider them.


  1. What are the main research methods you can use to update your knowledge about food? Give both informal and formal methods. Which of these have you used?


  1. What are the health and legal consequences of not addressing special dietary requirements?


  1. What are the dietary guidelines for older Australians, children, and adolescents?


Part C Questions (working all rounder in café)

  1. Within your job role, provide details of the organisational information that is applicable to you.


  1. Provide an overview of the information applicable to customers, as applicable to your organisation and/or area of hospitality.


  1. What common operational tasks do you need to participate within?


  1. What are end of shift procedures and what do you need to do to fulfil these in your role?


  1. Explain the roles and responsibilities at your organisation/or within your area of hospitality for the following:
  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Your team members and/or work colleagues.


  1. Relay your organisation’s policies and procedures for three of the following:
  • Administration and reporting, e.g., completing financial transaction, completing work plans and schedules and work handovers
  • Hygiene, health, and safety requirements
  • Security requirements
  • Customer service
  • Complaint handling.


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Prove that the vector from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction of the parallel lines

1   (Camera Models- 20 points)  Prove that the vector from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction of the parallel lines. Please show the steps of your proof.

Hint: You can either use geometric reasoning or algebraic calculation. 

If you choose to use geometric reasoning, you can use the fact that the projection of a 3D line in space is the intersection of its “interpretation plane” with the image plane.  Here the interpretation plane (IP) of a 3D line is a plane passing through the 3D line and the center of projection (viewpoint) of the camera.  Also, the interpretation planes of two parallel lines intersect in a line passing through the viewpoint, and the intersection line is parallel to the parallel lines.

If you select to use algebraic calculation, you may use the parametric representation of a 3D line: P = P0 +tV, where P= (X,Y,Z)T is any point on the line (here  T denote for transpose),   P0 = (X0,Y0,Z0)T is a given fixed point on the line, vector V = (a,b,c)T represents the direction of the line, and t is the scalar parameter that controls the distance (with sign) between P and P0.

If you want to use the determinant formed by three 3D points, you will need to explain details of both the meaning of the determinant, and the steps to arrive your conclusion. Finding a solution somewhere online and copy it in your submission doesn’t work for you.

2. (Camera Models- 20 points) Show that relation between any image point (xim, yim)T of a plane (in the form of (x1,x2,x3)T in projective space ) and its corresponding point (Xw, Yw, Zw)T on the plane in 3D space can be represented by a 3×3 matrix. You should start from the general form of the camera model (x1,x2,x3)T = MintMext(Xw, Yw, Zw, 1)T, where M = MintMext is a 3×4 matrix, with the image center (ox, oy), the focal length f, the scaling factors( sx and sy),  the rotation matrix R and the translation vector T all unknown. Note that in the course slides and the lecture notes, I used a simplified model of the perspective project by assuming ox and oy are known and sx = sy =1, and only discussed the special cases of planes.. So you cannot directly copy those equations I used. Nor can you simply derive the 3×4 matrix M.  Instead you should use the general form of the projective matrix (5 points), and the  general form of a plane nx Xw + ny Yw + nz Zw  = d (5 points), work on an integration (5 points), to form a 3×3 matrix between a 3D point on the plane and its 2D image projection (5 points).

3.  (Calibration- 20 points )  Prove the Orthocenter Theorem by geometric arguments: Let T be the triangle on the image plane defined by the three vanishing points of three mutually orthogonal sets of parallel lines in space. Then the image center is the orthocenter of the triangle T (i.e., the common intersection of the three altitudes. (1)    Basic proof: use the result of Question 1, assuming the aspect ratio of the camera is 1. Note that you are asked to prove the Orthcenter Theorem, not just the orthcenter of a triangle (7 points)(2)    If you do not know the  focal length of the camera, can you still find the image center using the Orthocenter Theorem? Explain why or why not (3 points).  Can you also estimate the focal length after you find the image center? If yes, how, and if not, why (5 points)(3)    If you do not know the aspect ratio and the focal length of the camera, can you still find the image center using the Orthocenter Theorem? Explain why or why not. (5 points)

4. Calibration Programming Exercises (40 points): Implement the direct parameter calibration method in order to (1) learn how to use SVD to solve systems of linear equations; (2) understand the physical constraints of the camera parameters; and (3) understand important issues related to calibration, such as calibration pattern design, point localization accuracy and robustness of the algorithms. Since calibrating a real camera involves lots of work in calibration pattern design, image processing and error controls as well as solving the equations, we will use simulated data to understand the algorithms.  As a by-product we will also learn how to generate 2D images from 3D models using a “virtual” pinhole camera.

  • A.Calibration pattern “design”. Generate data of a “virtual” 3D cube similar to the one shown in here of the lecture notes in camera calibration. For example, you can hypothesize a 1x1x1 m3 cube and pick up coordinates of 3-D points on one corner of each black square in your world coordinate system. Make sure that the number of your 3-D points is sufficient for the following calibration procedures. In order to show the correctness of your data, draw your cube (with the control points marked) using Matlab (or whatever language you are using). I have provided a piece of starting code in Matlab for you to use. (5 points)
  • B. “Virtual” camera and images. Design a “virtual” camera with known intrinsic parameters including focal length f, image center (ox, oy) and pixel size (sx, sy).  As an example, you can assume that the focal length is f = 16 mm, the image frame size is 512*512 (pixels) with an image center (ox,oy) = (256, 256), and the size of the image sensor  inside your camera is 8.8 mm *6.6 mm (so the pixel size is (sx,sy) = (8.8/512, 6.6/512) ). Capture an image of your “virtual” calibration cube with your virtual camera with a given pose (rotation R and translation T).  For example, you can take the picture of the cube 4 meters away and with a tilt angle of 30 degree. Use three rotation angles alpha, beta, gamma to generate the rotation matrix R (refer to the lecture notes in camera model – please double check the equation since it might have typos in signs).  You may need to try different poses in order to have a suitable image of your calibration target. (5 points)
  • C. Direction calibration method: Estimate the intrinsic (fx, fy, aspect ratio a, image center (ox,oy) ) and extrinsic (R, T and further alpha, beta, gamma) parameters. Use SVD to solve the homogeneous linear system and the least square problem, and to enforce the orthogonality constraint on the estimate of R.

        C(i).      Use the accurately simulated data (both 3D world coordinates and 2D image coordinates) to the algorithms, and compare the results with the “ground truth” data (which are given in step (a) and step (b)).  Remember you are practicing a camera calibration, so you should pretend you know nothing about the camera parameters (i.e. you cannot use the ground truth data in your calibration process). However, in the direct calibration method, you could use the knowledge of the image center (in the homogeneous system to find extrinsic parameters) and the aspect ratio (in the Orthocenter theorem method to find image center).  (15 points)

      C(ii).      Study whether the unknown aspect ratio matters in estimating the image center (5 points), and how the initial estimation of image center affects the estimating of the remaining parameters (5 points), by experimental results.  Give a solution to solve the problems if any (5 points).

    C(iii).      Accuracy Issues. Add in some random noises to the simulated data and run the calibration algorithms again. See how the “design tolerance” of the calibration target and the localization errors of 2D image points affect the calibration accuracy. For example, you can add 0.1 mm (or more) random error to 3D points and 0.5 pixel (or more) random error to 2D points. Also analyze how sensitive of the Orthocenter method is to the extrinsic parameters in imaging the three sets of the orthogonal parallel lines. (* extra points:10)

In all of the steps, you should give you results using either tables or graphs, or both of them


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Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

Complete a limited, focused Business Impact Analysis (BIA) related to a specific organization. In 5 or more pages in APA style with appropriate references. The (BIA) will identify a mission critical business process for a specific industry or individual company. In five pages or more, describe the information and system, the impact on the company if an interruption or incident should occur, and the risk of such an event. “The goal of the (BIA) is to define objectives for the recovery of host computing systems that run the applications that support the business processes. These objectives are stated as the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO).”–Bahan. (2003).

FYI! If you choose to use a company you are familiar with or work for, even though this is a private assignment read only by me, do not disclose any specific information that might compromise that company’s infrastructure. Disguise the nature of the defenses in place and thus create a realistic but fictional case study. A second way to do this is by finding a case study of a specific company (post breach perhaps). A third way is to use your imagination and experience to create an imaginary company for this study.


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A thesis is “a specific point that you are trying to establish – something that you are trying to convince the reader to accept

papers will follow similar directions. This first one will probably be the hardest, even as we dive into more advanced material. This is not an English paper. This is not a history paper. Please give me full effort and trust that it will reflect in your grade. We’ll do a draft first, I will give you feedback, and then we’ll submit a final paper later. Don’t plagiarize. If you’d like even more details for how to write a philosophy paper, here’s a very helpful link: are your directions:The rough draft will be 2.5 pages. The final draft will be 4 full pages.Write an intro with three sentences or less. One sentence must be your thesis. A thesis is “a specific point that you are trying to establish – something that you are trying to convince the reader to accept”. The thesis is your conclusion, and your job will be to defend the thesis. The entire point of the intro paragraph in a philosophical paper is simply to present your thesis. You honestly want as short of an intro as possible since it is the meat and potatoes of the paper are in the argument. For this paper, you have two options, Innate Ideas are true or they’re not. Your thesis statement also needs to state the fundamental reason(s) that make(s) you correct. For example, if I want to argue that cereal is a better breakfast food than eggs, I need to say, “Cereal is a better breakfast food than eggs because cereal is faster to prepare and I’m a horrible cook.” In that thesis, the entire paper is already given away. It gives two reasons, and that will be my argument. That’s what you want. A good thesis awards 20 points. Do not “fence-sit”. And for the record, eggs are great.After stating your thesis, you will need to immediately define your terms. This is absolutely the most fundamental problem in most arguments: no one knows what people are really talking about. In my cereal vs eggs example, I actually imply that cereal is not “cooked” even though they are both “prepared”. Little things like that matter A LOT when we talk about more important topics. You will describe Descartes/Socrates’ philosophy as they describe it, then explain it in your own words. Include examples. Good description awards 40 points.Now that your topic has been well described, you can argue. You will be evaluating the claims of Socrates and Descartes, and supporting whatever reasons you’ve given for your claim. Support can be all sorts of things, but in general, the supports should be more obviously true to help walk the reader to the truth of your thesis. Do not use a shotgun approach to argument, where you take a thousand little reasons and hope they are strongest. The simple argument is the strongest, and you should build up to your conclusion from a strong foundation. In my cereal vs eggs example, I would cite that cooking eggs takes longer, I would tell you why time is so important (maybe because we’re all rushing to start our day), I would need to say why my poor cooking skills matter, etc. Good argumentative form awards 20 points.The next step is done for integrity and logic both. You’ll need to respond to objections and offer concessions. In my cereal vs. eggs example, I would need to expect a reader to think “What if I have lots of time? What if it’s a Saturday? Why does your bad cooking mean I shouldn’t cook eggs for me?”. At the end of a good philosophical paper, these kinds of things are addressed. Sometimes, this is actually the longest section. Concessions are valuable because, if you identify the limits of your logic, it helps people understand your claim. Moreso, it might help you realize that you need to beef up your reasons or change your claim entirely. Specifically, in this section, I want you to focus on objections. Say why someone might disagree with you, and why their reason is mistaken. This means you have to anticipate a point of disagreement and address it immediately. This strengthens your reasons for your position. In a full book, you would address any and all possible objections, but I really only need you to pick one or two that you think are most common. Good objection anticipation awards 20 points.If you would like, you may have a concluding paragraph to summarize everything, but honestly, philosophical papers don’t always need these. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.Don’t plagiarize. Don’t even get close. Put quotes on anything that needs quotes





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various options you have to choose from when deciding on the right Point of Sale (POS) system for you and your business

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to explore the various options you have to choose from when deciding on the right Point of Sale (POS) system for you and your business.


First, watch this video (Links to an external site.), which guides you through a basic transaction on a POS System. Most all systems work this way. You can add all the bells and whistles you’d like once you know what your business needs.

After you watch the demo, take a look at what this guy says are the top 5 POS systems (Links to an external site.) in today’s market and learn why he thinks so.

Then, go to each of their websites and take a look around –> Upserve (Links to an external site.) – Touchbistro (Links to an external site.) – Toast (Links to an external site.) – Square  (Links to an external site.) – Revel (Links to an external site.)

Look at things like:

  • Products – hardware and software, cloud-based or not?
  • Pricing – you won’t find many actual prices, just FYI
  • What you get for your money – what aspects of your business can you manage from the system to save time and effort?
  • Customer Service – will they be there for you if your system goes down during a busy weekend dinner period?
  • Is it user friendly? Easy interface? – How much time will you be fiddling with it?


Based on what you find, tell me about some of the technologies you find very useful and what you probably could live without, and tell me why.

  • Remember, a large part of whether or not this is a good idea for the business has everything to do with return on investment. That means you should have some idea of cost.
  • The Web sites are not forthcoming about pricing without talking to a sales rep, but using judgment will help. For example, a fingerprint scanner for time and attendance functions for a 12-person deli hardly makes sense.

Who do you think will be responsible for the upkeep and management of the data for the technology you choose?

Share some “Aa-ha!” moments. What will be your biggest takeaway(s) from your research?

Your Submission:  The points you make and the reasoning behind them should be well-informed and reflect some degree of research and understanding of each of the systems and how they can support a business while being financially responsible. I would expect least 500 words to fully make a case about any or each of these systems.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. various options you have to choose from when deciding on the right Point of Sale (POS) system for you and your business

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explore the various options you have to choose from when deciding on the right Point of Sale (POS) system for you and your business

The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to explore the various options you have to choose from when deciding on the right Point of Sale (POS) system for you and your business.


First, watch this video (Links to an external site.), which guides you through a basic transaction on a POS System. Most all systems work this way. You can add all the bells and whistles you’d like once you know what your business needs.

After you watch the demo, take a look at what this guy says are the top 5 POS systems (Links to an external site.) in today’s market and learn why he thinks so.

Then, go to each of their websites and take a look around –> Upserve (Links to an external site.) – Touchbistro (Links to an external site.) – Toast (Links to an external site.) – Square  (Links to an external site.) – Revel (Links to an external site.)

Look at things like:

  • Products – hardware and software, cloud-based or not?
  • Pricing – you won’t find many actual prices, just FYI
  • What you get for your money – what aspects of your business can you manage from the system to save time and effort?
  • Customer Service – will they be there for you if your system goes down during a busy weekend dinner period?
  • Is it user friendly? Easy interface? – How much time will you be fiddling with it?


Based on what you find, tell me about some of the technologies you find very useful and what you probably could live without, and tell me why.

  • Remember, a large part of whether or not this is a good idea for the business has everything to do with return on investment. That means you should have some idea of cost.
  • The Web sites are not forthcoming about pricing without talking to a sales rep, but using judgment will help. For example, a fingerprint scanner for time and attendance functions for a 12-person deli hardly makes sense.

Who do you think will be responsible for the upkeep and management of the data for the technology you choose?

Share some “Aa-ha!” moments. What will be your biggest takeaway(s) from your research?

Your Submission:  The points you make and the reasoning behind them should be well-informed and reflect some degree of research and understanding of each of the systems and how they can support a business while being financially responsible. I would expect least 500 words to fully make a case about any or each of these systems.Hide

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Existentialist philosophers stress the point that human beings are free to fashion their lives and to determine what they will be in life. the existentialist philosophers

For this reason, existentialist philosophers stress the point that human beings are free to fashion their lives and to determine what they will be in life. the existentialist philosophers, therefore, stress the need to live authentically, which means, facing human existential challenges genuinely and boldly in an effort to develop one’s potentials fully and to become the best that one can be. One of the existentialist philosophers who strongly support this view is Paul Sartre. According to Sartre, human beings are condemned to be free.

By this Sartre meant that human beings are completely free to determine what they will be in life. Sartre also argued that existentialism is humanism, by this he meant that the existentialist approach to life helps one to achieve his full potentials and to be the best that he/she can be.This paper is an application of Sartre’s existential approach to life, tersely summarized by the phrase. existentialism is humanism, to the work of American art painted during the World War 11 period. The work of art interpreted existentially in this paper, through Sartre’s existentialist philosopher is the Sky’s the Limit!

Poster authored by Allen Courtney in 1944 (World War 11 Poster: The Sky’s the Limit!, web). The interpretation will show how the poster exemplifies the existentialist themes of facticity or throws, anxiety, and despair. These existentialist themes are central in Sartre’s existentialism.The SKY’s the Limit! The poster consists of three mechanics building/repairing an airplane. Two of the mechanics in the poster are men, while one of them is a lady. The lady in the poster has a bandana on her head, and she is presented as a strongly built lady.

Behind the working mechanics are military warplanes, clearly visible in the background

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. xistentialist philosophers stress the point that human beings are free to fashion their lives and to determine what they will be in life. the existentialist philosophers

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A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country


For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. Drawing from appropriate sources, develop a scenario that provides the business of the organization, identify how much expansion is taking place, and identify the countries in which the expansion is taking place.

  • A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country.
  • Will the organization need to establish a commissary (for grocery purchases), banking and currency exchange, and limited urgent-care stations?
  • Should the organization set assignment lengths of one year or two with families? What does research say is the optimal time period?
  • If there are families, what would be the children’s school arrangements?
  • How will the employees be housed?
  • Do they need an increased housing allowance, or does the organization need to procure its own compound of apartment housing?

Your homework assignment must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your homework assignment response should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

2. What managers’ decisions have you seen as a course of action or program in health or safety that upheld the value of “human capital,” or people in the organization? Do you recommend a different course of action in hindsight?





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Matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy

An issue is defined by Webster as “a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy.” This assignment provides the opportunity for you to think critically about an issue that is currently affecting the professional and to present your position in writing.
This assignment provides the opportunity to:
Demonstrate research abilities by locating pertinent and timely resources that present more than one side of the issue.
Critically analyze various viewpoints.
Formulate personal position that can be defended.
A.    Topics: Students will select a topic from the following list:
Should Nurses Join a Union?
Should Nurses Join the American Nurses Association?
Should the Entry level for Registered Nurses be the BSN?
Should Families be Allowed to Attend a Code?
Should the Terminally Ill be Admitted to ICU?
Do some Advanced Directives Limit Patients’ Rights?
Or, you can submit another ethical issue for approval.  Students are expected to read broadly about the assigned topic. The primary resources should be nursing journals.
B.    Paper:
1.    This is a formal paper and must follow APA format. To avoid plagiarism use correct APA format to cite references, especially direct quotes.
2.    The order of the paper is:
Title page (separate page)
Abstract (separate page, approximately 100 words)
Introduction to the topic. (i.e. Why is it important for nurses? What are the implications for nurses? 3-4 paragraphs)
Discussion of the pro side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Discussion of the con side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Personal opinion section (3-4 paragraphs)
Reference list (separate page).
3.    Important APA Guidelines (6th ed)
Margins: left margin — right, top and bottom – 1 inch.
Page numbers should appear in the upper right corner of page, 1 inch from top and side.
Use double spacing for entire paper.
Use headings.






Due to the rise in popularity of nursing unionization, this paper looks at the phenomena and its implications on the nursing profession. The issue has been debated since the 1940s, through to the American Nurse Association’s (ANA) collective bargaining for better working conditions and the association’s consequent formation of United American Nurses (UAN) that was a precursor to National Nurses United (NNU), the biggest nursing union in the country. The paper lists down various advantages of unionization that include higher wages, job security and collective bargaining. It also lists down various disadvantages that include union dues, stifling working environment and deprofessionalization of nursing. Finally, the author offers an opinion on whether nurses should join unions or not.



Should Nurses Join A Union?

Unions are increasingly becoming relevant in the nursing profession, impacting on the financial, professional and personal welfare of nurses. Yet whilst some people view them as important to the profession, others view them as unnecessary impediments to the development of the profession (Dube, Kaplan and Thompson, 2016). Indeed since discussions about unionizing nursing emerged in the 1940s, there has been no agreement as to their importance.

Nursing union membership in the United States is estimated to be at 21% (Spetz, Ash, Konstatinidis and Herrera, 2011) with the largest union being the National Nurses United (NNU) that has 185,000 members. Other nursing unions are the National Federation of Nurses, Washington Nurses Association and Oregon Nurses Association. Some nurses are represented by non-nursing unions including the American Federation of Teachers, United Steelworkers and the Service Employees International Union (Koys, Martin, LaVan and Katz, 2015). There are also professional organizations that represent nurses, such as the American Nurse Association (ANA).

Often, the roles of nursing professional associations and those of unions overlap. ANA has in the past successfully lobbied for better working conditions for nurses (Staiger, Spetz and Phibbs, 2010) while present-day unions are advocating for more professionalism in the industry through funded training programs for nurses. Overall, nursing unionization should lead to better working conditions, more job satisfaction and better patient outcomes for unionized nurses. Whether A point of debate of controversy these goals are achieved is debatable.

Advantages of joining a union

The right to unionized membership is enshrined in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 that grants private sector workers the right to organize and form unions whilst reviewing and prosecuting unfair labor practices such as threat, unfair disciplining and refusal to bargain. NLRA further requires unions to represent employees and to bargain in good faith (Kany, 2007). Amendment to the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 allowed nurses in not-for-profit hospitals to unionize. Moreover unions are working towards laws that regulate hospitals and other healthcare institutions, especially with a view to requiring employers to protect nurses from harassment and violence in the nosocomial environments and creating government-funded programs for nursing education (Cherry, 2014).

Unions give workers a voice in collective bargaining with employers for better pay. They enable negotiation for fair wages for all unionized nurses, usually with a minimum wage and different rates for different shifts being agreed upon. It is noteworthy that nurses in unionized facilities generally earn 18.8% higher than…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. A point of debate of controversy


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A professor gives her students a 10 point quiz at the beginning of the semester and the same 10 point quiz at the end of the semester.

For each question, copy and paste the appropriate part of your Jamovi output into a Word document. Be sure to include an interpretation of the results which should include the needed statistical report.

Then, upload the Word document to Canvas to submit your assignment.

There are 2 questions in this assignment.

  1. A professor gives her students a 10 point quiz at the beginning of the semester and the same 10 point quiz at the end of the semester.

With α = 0.01, test if students are significantly changing in terms of understanding class material across the semester. 

Beginning of the semester

4          3          2          5          7          2          6          1          2          3          4

End of the semester 

10        9          8          7          7          5          7          6          9          7          3         

  1. A researcher wanted to find the effect of a special diet on blood pressure. He selected a sample of seven adults and put them on the dietary plan for three months. The following data is the blood pressure of these adults before and after the completion of the diet.

Before             After

210                  180

180                  186

195                  186

220                  223

231                  220

199                  183     

224                  233

With α = 0.05, test if the diet affected systolic blood pressure.