Writers Solution

Criminal Justice Policy Analysis and the Socio-Cultural System

Discuss different drug-control policies. How effective have these policies been? Did they achieve their desired outcome? Did they have an unintended impact on the criminal justice system?
 Your response must be a minimum of 500 words. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced as necessary. Use APA style to format your response, proofread your work, and then submit your assignment for grading in Blackboard.






LAW: CRJ 6800, Criminal Justice Policy Analysis and the Socio-Cultural System

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Drug-Control Policies in the United States

            The United States is the only country to enforce one of the fiercest drug-control policies in the world (Des Jarlais, 2015). Throughout the history of the country, numerous leaders have made many attempts to outlaw addictive drugs and put in place the laws that protect consumers and public health. As a result, many drug-control policies have been developed albeit with mixed successes.

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970           The prevalence of abuse of recreational drugs in the United States in 1960s saw the enactment of Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 by the Congress. The laws that existed prior to this…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

In November 2003 the U.S. Congress passed a controversial health policy bill that President George W. Bush signed into law.

Assignment: Individual project

3-4 pages (references and first page are not included)

In November 2003 the U.S. Congress passed a controversial health policy bill that President George W. Bush signed into law. The new legislation makes the most far-reaching changes to Medicare since the program was created in 1965. Please address the following questions:

  • Why were changes to Medicare deemed necessary?
  • What are the main provisions of the new legislation? Do you think they accomplish the desired goals?
  • Who was involved in setting the agenda for this policy change? Discuss the roles and interests of specific agenda setters and their influence on the development of the legislation.
  • Why was the legislation controversial? Discuss the claims of the law’s supporters and detractors. Who will benefit from the changes?
  • Do you think having electronically stored data (such as costs and access to individual patient files) played a role in the decision-making process?





Healthcare: The Controversial Health Policy Bill That President George W. Bush Signed Into Law

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

The 2003 Medicare Plan by President Bush


            The US healthcare system is perhaps one of the healthcare systems in the world with rich history. Most of the present reforms in US healthcare sector started after the Second World War. Since then, almost every American president has made an effort to bring forth reforms in the healthcare sector (Graham & Wood, 2011).  President Bill Clinton made unsuccessful attempt to bring healthcare reforms, when his controversial bill, the American Health Security Act of 1993, did not pass in the Congress. In contrast, Bush succeeded in ensuring healthcare reforms bill was passed in Congress before the 2004 election. However, there were general feelings among the analysts that the reforms included many provisions that had far-reaching consequences in the US healthcare sector.

Why the Changes to Medicare Deemed Necessary           There were many reasons that pushed the government into making changes to the Medicare plan that was eventually signed into law……………………………………







Writers Solution

IT security policy

 Collaborate and discuss with the team’s Security Specialist about the security and privacy of the software and hardware solution for Verbania. Provide best security practices and guidelines to implement and follow, as well as the creation of formal security policies and a security plan. Include the following policies in your IT security policy:

  • Disaster recovery
  • Password creation and protection
  • Remote access
  • Routers and switches security
  • Wireless communication
  • Server security
  • Acceptable encryption
  • E-mail

Document the team’s security plan, security policy and security solution.

Within the template, prepare 5-7 pages of content addressing the team’s System Design. Insert content into the template document under Section Three.

Read also CMGT 400 Intro To Information Assurance and Security – Individual Assignment Help

Sample Security and Privacy of the Software and Hardware Solution for Verbania

Software and hardware security of the computer system has presented a bigger challenge on the current pattern of technology. The software and hardware used in the present computer systems have been designed to handle important information from clients with complete transparency to the user. Normally, the storage, transmission and the recipient or who access the data is beyond the control of the user (Chess, & Arkin, 2011). Typically, hardware security is perceived as most basic feature since it is a physical device that host and secure networking system. While seeking for solutions to the security and privacy issues affecting hardware, the engineers and designer need to ask themselves how the social networking should be structured in order to provide secure services. The major security concerns associated with hardware are location of the servers and handling of data. These challenges are addressed using security policies which were designed to bring uniformity and standard throughout the world.

Read also Cybercrimes Development Chronology – Hacking, Email Wiretapping, Phishing And Vishing

            Software security solution focus on design and development of software to function properly and correctly even under attack (Dent, et al., 2015). Some of the security and privacy of the software solutions that are handled using security policies include access control, confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. In order to address the challenges of hardware and software security issues, Verbania should adopt IT security governance from ISO 38500.

Disaster recovery

The designers of the social networking should ensure that backup and database recovery process meets the security requirements. Disaster recovery is necessitated by a phenomenon that leads to destruction of networking components. Natural disasters that can destroy networking components include storms, earthquakes, floods and landslide. The backup and recovery processes must comply with legal, regulatory, legislative and policy obligations (OCIO, 2016). The security policies that must be considered in disaster recovery include access controls, environmental and physical security, use of digital signature and encryptions. The disaster recovery plan ensures that network continues to function properly even in the event of interruption or IT emergency. This allows for the restoration of the vital services and resource in a reasonable time.

Read also Backup Strategies and Use of Cloud Backup Strategies

            The backups and recovery of the users as well as essential data system must be identified and protected in offsite location. The technical and physical measures must be considered in order to enhance recovery after the failure, compromised or disruption of networking components. The security measures include configurations, firmware installation, software and operating systems.

Read also CIS 523 – Disaster Recovery Plan And Critical Success Factors

Password security policy

The main objectives of password policy is to establish a standardize methods of setting up and managing strong passwords by network administrators and network users. Passwords are important aspects of information security especially in the social networking. This is the first line of protection for the user accounts (Chess, & Arkin, 2011). The social networking system should be designed and developed to encourage the users to set up a strong password that composed of alphabets, numerical and symbols in order to ensure that social networking applications are not compromised. It is the responsibility of the social networking users to create strong passwords while opening their accounts.

Read also CIS 523 – Password Management Tips

            The password security policy applies to all Verbania employees which include the end users and system administrators. Also, agents, vendors and business partners are required to create their own personalized passwords. Some of the baseline password policy include requiring all the users to have authentication and identification such as one-time passwords or pass-phrase to permit access to the services (OCIO, 2016). The passwords must be confidential and the users cannot reveal to anyone except under specific circumstance outline in social networking IT security policy. It is the responsibility of the account holders and social networking user to be liable to all the actions such as use of their password to communicate and carry out transaction. The critical system password must be changed immediately whenever the network administrator leaves Verbania.

Email security policy

The objectives of email security policy is to define an acceptable use of email infrastructure and protect the security of information exchange over the email. The email security policy will be applied in two aspects: the employees of Verbania and those having social media accounts with Verbania. The policy should specifically accept the email usage on specific conditions (Chess, & Arkin, 2011). These include access to the email service only based on business requirements. Also, network administrators who are responsible for managing email servers must adhere to password policy.  User receiving spam emails via the Verbania social networking should be encouraged to report or forward such emails to the Information Security department through help desk. The creation of user account must follow a formal approval process. Lastly, anonymous and spoofing should be strictly forbidden.

            The security controls put in place to ensure protection of the information and data transmitted via the email include blocking of any suspicious emails, all email servers must have security appliance installed such as AV Scanners and spam filters, private and public key infrastructure must use encrypting emails, only approved mail infrastructure shall be permitted to transit through the network by using unauthorized mail relays for explicit protection.

Access control policy

The main objectives of access control policy is to implement control measures that ensures only authorized persons access the information. The access control policy ensures that the network operates under acceptable level of protection and meet the security requirements. The access control policy restrict the individual accessing hardware, software and infrastructure (Dent, et al., 2015). These include making sure that all systems have a user access lifecycle, the access of information by the user be restricted to base on security requirements and business requirements. Also, all the operating systems and application within the network are access only through login with user ID and password. In addition, all the devices and equipment used in the network must be authorized, registered and identified.

Read also Confidentiality, Access Control and Data Integrity – Network Security Policy

            In the case of end-user, access control policy requires the end users to have unique ID that identifies them. The network system must be configured to disable or remove all user accounts after a specified period of inactivity. The network system must be designed to approve end-user account before created and enabled.

Cryptographic usage policy           

The main objectives of cryptographic usage policy is to protect integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the information transmitted and stored. Normally, cryptographic policy is used when protecting information considered as sensitive. The security measures of encryption control include ensuring that data transferred via WAN between stakeholder and Verbania through the internet must be protected using appropriate encryption (Chess, & Arkin, 2011). All the emails that contain sensitive and confidential information must be encrypted. All the business data that contain vital information about the business operations must be stored encrypted. Lastly, the network administrators must determine a standardize encryption methodology that works well with all the users

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Writers Solution

In your opinion and based on your readings, should foreign policy be based on ethical/moral principles, self-interest, power capabilities, or some mixture?

 ANSWER these:

  • In your opinion and based on your readings, should foreign policy be based on ethical/moral principles, self-interest, power capabilities, or some mixture?
  • How should we consider, if at all, conflicting value systems between nations (including our own) when making foreign policy decisions?
  • What do you think should be the code of ethics for international relations and why?

Answer those questions after completing the assigned readings for the module, please respond to the mentioned above questions:

READ these:


  • M8D1: Ethical/Moral PrinciplesNote: Please contribute one original post in response to each discussion question, and post at least one substantive reply to a fellow student.

M8D1: Ethical/Moral Principles3333 unread replies.3333 replies.

This activity addresses module outcomes 1 & 2. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the ethical/moral principles of international relations. (CO3);
  • Summarize the implications of conflicting value systems among nations and the long-term consequences of such differences. (CO4)

Please contribute at least one original post in response to the discussion question and post at least one substantive reply to a fellow student. Your original post is due by Thursday, at 11:59 pm Eastern time, with reply posts due by Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern time.  Keep in mind that if reply posts come in Sunday evening, this is not a robust discussion. I reserve the right to ask you to contribute sooner or more frequently if this will enhance learning.


After completing the assigned readings for the module, please respond to the following questions:

  • In your opinion and based on your readings, should foreign policy be based on ethical/moral principles, self-interest, power capabilities, or some mixture?
  • How should we consider, if at all, conflicting value systems between nations (including our own) when making foreign policy decisions?
  • What do you think should be the code of ethics for international relations and why?


Your replies to classmates must be substantive; posting “I agree” is a start, but you also need to explain why. Replies should contribute to the discussion as a whole by integrating what you have learned from your required readings. When participating in the discussion forums, be both honest and respectful of ideas and comments from your classmates. Please remember the board discussions take place in an open forum, so refrain from vulgar language and racial, sexist, or any other comments that an individual might find offensive.  

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. This is a “post first” discussion forum, which means you must submit your initial post before you can view other students’ posts.  When you are ready to make your initial post, click on the “Reply”. Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click “Post Reply.” 


This discussion will be graded using the SPS Default Discussion Rubric. Please review this rubric, located on the Rubrics page within the Start Here module of the course, prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the criteria in place for this discussion. All discussions combined are worth 20% of your final course grade

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Supreme Court of Canada say about the role that an organization’s computer use policy and practices

  1,What does the Supreme Court of Canada say about the role that an organization’s computer use policy and practices may play in the assessment of whether there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in a work laptop computer where employees are permitted to use the laptop computer for personal matters? What do you recommend to an organization should be done to address this situation? 

2,  You are the IT systems security manager of the organization. Your organization in based in Edmonton but does share some employee data with a benefits service provider in Toronto. A breach has occurred affecting both customers and employee information held by your organization. Discuss and contrast your organization’s obligations to report a breach under Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and under the Personal Information Protection Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Discuss the circumstances when the company is subject to report a breach under each of these laws and the variables that should be considered in making the assessment. 





Writers Solution

EU policy, either proposed or currently in force

Identify one EU policy, either proposed or currently in force. Identify at least four (4) harms and four (4) benefits of the policy/law for EU citizens, businesses, or other stakeholder groups. 

Argue for either the thesis that the benefits outweigh the harms for this policy, or the other way around: the harms outweigh the benefits.  

Conclude by briefly making a recommendation for future policy. 

-MS Word format 

– 1.5 to 2 page essay 

–  12 point font 

–  Single Spaced 

–  Use citations (in-text) and references (bibliography) 

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expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy

 The annual association meeting of your selected industry will take place soon. You have been asked to present a report regarding the current status of the federal budget and fiscal policies in place in the United States. For your presentation, write a report (in essay form) in which you consider and explain how the current status of the federal budget and fiscal policy will impact your chosen industry over the next 2 years, using economic theory to support the conclusions you draw.

Do not write your report based just on textbook theory—address current policy and how it will impact your industry, based on theory.

Address the following in your report as appropriate:

  • expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy,
  • fiscal policies used to close a recessionary gap and an expansionary gap, and
  • the rationale for budget deficits.

Your report must be a minimum of four pages (1,000 words, double-spaced).

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. 

The United States Government Publishing Office website is a helpful website for finding information for this assignment.

Writers Solution

Your research topic has come from an issue, problem, or policy of law enforcement, corrections, or the court system

Key Assignment

In the previous assignment, you developed a position paper for the research topic that you have identified and explored. You have recommendations for change, revocation, modification, and addition to the research topic. Your research topic has come from an issue, problem, or policy of law enforcement, corrections, or the court system. In this assignment, you will revise your Key Assignment Draft based on instructor and peer feedback and you will evaluate an alternative position to your selected topic that was not addressed in your original Key Assignment Draft.Assignment GuidelinesFirst, revise your Week 4 Key Assignment based on instructor feedback and peer responses.  Next, add to your final Key Assignment draft by addressing the following in 4–5 pages:  Select 1 alternative to your position addressed in the Week 4 Key Assignment regarding your selected topic:  What major points are argued by proponents of this alternative position? Explain in detail.  Conduct research on this alternative position and evaluate the arguments.  Do the arguments hold any merit? Why or why not?  What policies currently exist that support these arguments? Explain in detail.  Which position is more significant for improving the current state of the criminal justice system? Explain in detail. Remember to use academic and scholarly sources to support your arguments.  Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. 

Hello all, feel free to simply add the Unit 4 IP to the end of the Unit 5 IP to meet the requisite page numbers.  MAKE SURE AND PUT EDITS IN RED for the Unit 4 IP or make them easily visible.  Have a terrific weekend.

 Deliverable Length:  3-5 new pages (10-12 total pages)

Writers Solution

Current technological and policy shifts

DISCUSSION : Read current technological and policy shifts

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. In recent years, the psychology profession has been greatly influenced by various forms of technology. The prevalence of psychology professionals using technology to market themselves and engage, socialize, and interact with others has created new opportunities and challenges. This is particularly true with regard to potential interactions with clients via these technologies. Given the exponential growth with which these technological advancements are permeating our world, we expect to see the proliferation of new issues, challenges, and opportunities within the realms of psychological research and practice.

In your initial post:

Provide an overview of the relevant issues, ongoing trends, challenges, and future opportunities for psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in the ethical application of these technologies.
Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to explain how current technological and policy shifts may influence trends in psychological research and practice.
Evaluate potential work settings where the use of technologies promotes ease and convenience for both psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
What are the potential responsibilities of the psychology professionals as providers of care with regard to the use of these technologies? Does the increase in ease, convenience, and experience satisfaction for the parties involved outweigh any potential negative outcomes?


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team.  This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
How does this support health literacy?
What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?
In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?

WEEK 3 DISCUSSION (1) for current technological and policy shifts

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. The use of mandated, or legally coerced, treatment is widespread. Yet research demonstrating the efficacy of this type of treatment is limited, and mandating mental health treatment is one of the most contested issues in the field of psychology. To justify the continued use of mandated treatment, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers are obligated to demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of such treatment programs.

You have been called in to consult on cases that may require mandated treatment. After reviewing the PSY699 The ethics of mandated treatment scenarios (Links to an external site.), choose two to discuss in your initial post. Begin your research with the required resources for this week. Using the specific situations presented in each of the scenarios you have chosen, conduct further research to help inform your recommendations for each individual. A minimum of one resource per scenario, beyond those already required for the assignment, must be included in your initial post.

In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to present your recommendations as to whether or not treatment should be mandated for the individuals in each of the scenarios. As you write your recommendations, be certain to provide insights into the following questions.

What are the ethical principles and implications raised by legally mandating clients into treatment?
What evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of treatment with and without coercion for this type of situation?
What would be the challenges in evaluating the effectiveness of mandated treatment?
How might mandated treatment impact your clinical decision making as the mental health professional assigned to these cases?
What client factors might limit or augment the potential benefits of treatment if it were mandated?
Integrating concepts from your research and the required readings, offer insights across different content domains as to why you have reached these conclusions. Explain how you used the APA Ethical Code of Conduct to guide your decisions. Evaluate the generalizability of your specific research findings to the situations presented and provide a rationale as to why this research supports your recommendations also read current technological and policy shifts


Effective clinical innovations and the dissemination of research findings are key elements in the growth and development of the psychology profession. There are numerous avenues that enable authors to publish and present their work. Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods for communicating research findings and providing opportunities to meet with other researchers and clinicians to discuss the research being presented. Thus, these types of conference presentations play a key role in the proliferation of research.

In this week’s discussion, you will be submitting your proposal for the Week Five Virtual Conference. You may utilize relevant assignments from previous courses in this program or suitable projects from your professional life. See the PSY699 Call for Student Poster (Links to an external site.) Presentations document for specific parameters and instructions on how to create your proposal. Following the guidelines presented in the document, create your proposal and attach it to your initial post in the discussion forum. Evaluate the impact participating in conference presentations may have on potential work settings and/or doctoral programs and comment on the following questions in your initial post.

How are conference presentations professionally relevant?
What elements of the proposal process were most difficult for you, and why?
What positive outcomes do you anticipate will come from this process, which may be applied to potential work settings and/or doctoral programs?

Writers Solution

analyze the policy being considered using the analytical tools we have been developing in ECO200

In this writing assignment, you will be acting as an economic policy advisor. Your task is to read the scenario below, and do two things: 

1) analyze the policy being considered using the analytical tools we have been developing in ECO200, and

 2) write a brief, professional memo outlining your policy recommendation.