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review the political speech regarding the construction of the proposed factory.


Your assignment for this unit involves two parts. In the first part, you will be identifying rhetorical devices used to persuade an audience. In the second part, you will identify premises used to build a logical argument devoid of rhetoric.

Using the  Unit VII Assignment Template , review the political speech regarding the construction of the proposed factory. Identify the rhetorical devices, ethos, and pathos in the template. Next, review the additional relevant information that was omitted from the speech. Using this information, identify premises for a logical argument based on relevant information in the template.

View the  Unit VII Sample Assignment for an example of how your completed assignment should look. APA Style is not required for this assignment, and no outside resources are required.

Unit VII Assignment Template is here:


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What were some of the main features of Mongol political practice and ceremony?

Discussion Board: 

200 words each

1- POST (or respond) with your thoughts/ideas/comments in the discussion forum: What were some of the main features of Mongol political practice and ceremony?

2- Post (or respond) your thoughts/comments/ideas in the discussion forum: How close were cultural and political relations between early Japanese and Chinese societies?

3- POST (or respond) with your thoughts/ideas/comments in the discussion forum: Comment on the idea of humanism as an important part of the Renaissance and Reformation


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UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

Unit 2 Paper Assignment: UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

Instructions Write a 450-500 word paper using the Bargaining Model of War to support your conclusions about whether the parties to one of the following three armed conflicts are ready to accept outside proposals for resolving their conflict or want to continue fighting (background items below): 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan war over Nagorno-Karabakh 2. The Ethiopian government – Tigray People’s Liberation Front conflict 3. The new round of peace talks in Libya Remember that war continues even if only one wants to continue fighting. When prearing your paper, include all citations as footnotes; format the footnotes according to the APA guide section on how to prepare the list of references, adding the pape numbers at the end. Footnotes do not count in the word limit.

Background Items 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained What you need to know about the deadly clashes over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. By Zia Weise, Jan Cienski and David M. Herszenhorn Politico September 28, 2020 7:51 pm [Note: as is common in foreign policy reporting, names of capital cities are sometimes used as shorthand for the government. Hence “Ankara” = Turkish government, “Baku” = Azerbaijan government, “Yerevan” = Armenian government.]

Violence flared up in a long-running conflict on Europe’s eastern edge [in August 2020] as Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed over the embattled region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The ongoing fighting has left more than 100 people dead — the most serious escalation in years.

The two former Soviet states have clashed over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian- controlled enclave internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, for three decades. But the conflict is more than a Cold War-era relic. Both sides enjoy the support of powerful backers and with the South Caucasus occupying a strategic position in the global energy market, the fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan could end up reverberating beyond the region.

Here’s what you need to know about the latest escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 2

What happened?

Armenia says that on the morning of September 27, Azerbaijan launched air and artillery attacks on Nagorno-Karabakh, while Baku says it was conducting a “counter-offensive in response to military provocation.” As the fighting turned deadly, Armenia declared martial law and general mobilization. Azerbaijan announced a state of war in some regions.

The death toll is disputed. As of October 2, Armenia has reported 158 fatalities among troops; on the second day of fighting, Azerbaijan claimed it had killed 550 Armenians, which Yerevan denied. Armenia, meanwhile, claimed at the time that it had killed 200 Azerbaijanis, but Baku has not reported any military casualties. Both sides have accused each other of killing civilians: Armenia has reported 13 civilian deaths, while Azerbaijan has reported 19, according to Agence- France Presse.

During the so-called Four-Day War in 2016 — to date the worst breach of a 1994 cease-fire agreement — more than 200 people died.

What’s the bigger picture?

The Nagorno-Karabakh clashes have the potential to draw in larger powers — in particular Russia and NATO member Turkey, two countries that already support opposing sides in Syria and Libya.

Turkey has long been a staunch supporter of Azerbaijan: Ankara and Baku share close cultural ties, given their shared Turkic heritage. Meanwhile, Turkey and Armenia have a long history of tensions, exacerbated by Ankara’s refusal to recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide as well as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The latter prompted Turkey to seal its border with Armenia in 1993, which has remained shut ever since. The two countries do not have diplomatic relations.

Russia plays a more ambiguous role in the region, maintaining close economic ties with Armenia and Azerbaijan and supplying weapons to both. Its relationship with Yerevan is deeper, however — Armenia hosts a Russian military base and is part of the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union.

Then there’s the region’s role in the global energy trade: The pipelines connecting Azerbaijan with Turkey are crucial for the European Union’s oil and natural gas supply — and pass close to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?

Christian-majority Armenia and Muslim-majority Azerbaijan have had frictions for centuries, but religion does not play a major role in the modern-day conflict. A lot of the blame rests with Joseph Stalin. The former Soviet leader placed the majority-Armenian region of Nagorno- Karabakh (known as Artsakh to Armenians) into Azerbaijan after the Caucasus was conquered by the Red Army in the early 1920s. Neither side was pleased, though for decades it didn’t matter much.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 3

But when the USSR began to collapse in the late 1980s, powerful nationalist forces on both sides turned Nagorno-Karabakh into a powder keg. The enclave’s ethnic Armenians declared independence in 1991. War erupted between Azerbaijan, which insisted on the inviolability of its borders, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians, who received support from Armenia itself. By 1994, the Armenians had succeeded in driving the Azerbaijani army from the enclave and large surrounding swathes of land. Hundreds of thousands of people had to flee.

These days, the United Nations still recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan’s territory; no country considers the enclave an independent country — not even Armenia, which also hasn’t formally annexed it but supports the region financially and militarily. Since then, the two countries have hunkered down on either side of a line of control marked by landmines and snipers.

Why did things escalate now?

Armenia’s 2018 “velvet revolution,” which toppled its longtime leader Serzh Sargsyan, briefly raised hopes that long-stalled peace negotiations could resume. But Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the opposition politician who rose to power after the mass protests, largely ended up sticking by his predecessor’s rhetoric.

An election organized this spring by the self-declared Armenian government in Karabakh was viewed as a provocation in Azerbaijan and drew international criticism. And in July this year, tensions started surging after a series of clashes killed more than a dozen people, with the catalyst still remaining unclear. The fighting prompted thousands of Azerbaijanis to demonstrate for war with Armenia; at the same time, Turkey ratcheted up its rhetoric in support of Baku.

What’s been the international reaction so far?

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has urged “an immediate cessation of hostilities,” a call echoed by the U.S. State Department and the United Nations.

Turkey sided firmly with Azerbaijan, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan describing Armenia as “the biggest threat to peace” in the region. Russia took a more cautious approach: In a phone call with Armenia’s Pashinyan, President Vladimir Putin said it was important to “halt military actions,” according to the Kremlin’s account of the conversation.

Iran — an ally of Armenia — offered to mediate, saying Tehran was “ready to use all its capacities to help talks to start between the two sides.”

Have there been prior efforts to mediate?

For more than a quarter-century, an international peace initiative, known as the Minsk Process, has tried and failed to bring a resolution to the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh after the cease- fire in the region in 1994.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 4

Chaired by France, Russia and the United States, under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Minsk Group has sought to prevent military clashes and to implement a peace settlement.

But years of diplomatic meetings and various missions to the region, as well as to the capitals of Armenia and Azerbaijan, have come to naught.

There were brief flickers of hope after Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met formally for the first time in March 2019, and later in February 2020 for a public debate at the Munich Security Conference. For years, Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders had refused to even appear in the same room. But the coronavirus pandemic interrupted diplomatic efforts earlier this year.

On October 1, the Minsk Group called for a cease-fire, which was rebuffed by Erdoğan.

What’s next?

It’s too early to say how long the fighting will continue or whether it could escalate into a full- blown war. Both the 2016 clashes and the skirmishes in July lasted only a few days.

The picture would change significantly if a major power were to enter the conflict, but even Turkey has so far limited its official involvement to rhetoric. Armenia, however, has accused Ankara of deploying Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan and downing a plane, allegations denied by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels Current Fighting

The Ethiopian army has launched co-ordinated attacks on all fronts against forces from the northern Tigray region. The rebels say the government was using artillery, tanks, jets and drones in an attempt to “reinvade” the region.

A senior rebel source said Tigray forces were holding their ground.

The Ethiopian government has not confirmed any fighting, and a communications blackout makes independent verification impossible.

A senior member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Getachew Reda, said the government offensive launched last week was now in “full swing”.

Asked if a ground offensive had been launched, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s spokeswoman Billene Seyoum said the government had a responsibility to protect its citizens across the country from acts of terrorism but gave no further details.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 5

The 11-month conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations warning that about 400,000 people were living in famine-like conditions in Tigray in July.

Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict, and another two million have been forced to flee their homes.

Difficult to justify an offensive Analysis by Kalkidan Yibeltal, BBC News, Addis Ababa

The Ethiopian government has not confirmed reports of a major offensive against the Tigray rebels, but a mobilisation of the country’s forces and allied militia over the past few months left no doubt that a huge operation was in the offing.

With elections out of the way and the rainy season at its end, Prime Minister Abiy seems focussed on a military solution to the long-drawn out conflict.

The war has already taken its toll on the country: thousands have been killed, millions displaced and hundreds of thousands are facing famine.

But both sides have sent mixed signals about their willingness to accept a peaceful resolution.

The Ethiopian army took control of most of Tigray in November 2020, after TPLF forces seized a military base.

In June 2021, the rebels recaptured Tigray in a surprise attack, and then moved into parts of neighbouring regions like Amhara.

Ethiopia has declared the TPLF a terrorist organisation, but the TPLF insists that it is the legitimate government in Tigray.

Tigray – the basics

• Since 1994, Ethiopia has been divided into states, now numbering 10; they are defined on ethnic grounds by the constitution and described as largely autonomous, but with central institutions

• In 2018, following anti-government protests, Abiy Ahmed took over as prime minister and introduced reforms

• Powerful politicians from Tigray, Ethiopia’s northernmost state, accused Mr Abiy of trying to increase federal power

• Relations worsened and, after the government accused Tigrayan rebels of attacking military bases, the Ethiopian army moved in in November, backed by Eritrean troops

• Mr Abiy declared the conflict over in late November, but fighting has continued

Rebel leader Getachew Reda said the current offensive was taking place in towns in Amhara region, and also involved Amharan regional forces fighting alongside the army.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 6

The Tigray forces’ statement says “hundreds of thousands of regular and irregular fighters” have been fielded in the current assault.

[background item 3 starts on next page]

3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

The U.N. says forces from Libya’s rival sides have reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation

By Samy Magdy Associated Press October 10, 2021, 4:23 AM

ABOARD GEO BARENTS1 — Libya’s rival sides reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation, the United Nations said. It is a key step toward unifying the violence-wracked country.

The dispute over mercenaries and foreign fighters has long been an obstacle, particularly ahead of Libya’s landmark general elections due in December.

Libya has been engulfed in chaos since a NATO-backed uprising toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. The oil-rich country was for years split between rival governments, one based in the capital of Tripoli and the other in the eastern part of the country. Each side is backed by different foreign powers and militia groups.

The U.N. mission mediating between the rivals said a 10-member joint military commission, with five representatives from each side, signed a “gradual and balanced” withdrawal deal Friday, at the end of three days of talks facilitated by the U.N. in Geneva.

The plan would be “the cornerstone for the gradual, balanced, and sequenced process of withdrawal” of the mercenaries and foreign forces, the mission said.

Jan Kubis, the U.N. special envoy for Libya, welcomed the move as “another breakthrough achievement.”

Libya’s split came into the forefront in 2019, when self-styled military commander Khalifa Hifter, allied with the east-based administration, launched an offensive to take Tripoli from armed militias loosely allied with the U.N.-supported but weak government in the country’s capital.

Hifter was backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and France. But, his 14-month campaign and march on Tripoli ultimately failed in June 2020, after Turkey sent troops to help the U.N.-supported administration, which also had the backing of Qatar and Italy.

1 A Norwegian seismic surveying ship converted for search and rescue operations currently chartered [leased] to Médecins Sans Frontières for rescue efforts in the Mediterranean Sea.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 7

After the fighting largely stalemated, subsequent U.N.-sponsored peace talks brought about a cease-fire last October and installed an interim government that is expected to lead the country into the December elections. The cease-fire deal also included the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries within three months – something that was never implemented.

Friday’s deal “creates a positive momentum that should be built upon to move forward towards a stable and democratic stage, including through the holding of free, credible and transparent national elections on 24 December, with results accepted by all,” Kubis said.

The sides said they would now go back discuss this with their base and concerned international parties “to support the implementation of this plan and the respect of Libya’s sovereignty.”

The deal also called for the deployment of U.N. observers to monitor the cease-fire before the implementation of the withdrawal plan.

In December, then U.N. acting envoy for Libya Stephanie Williams estimated that there have been at least 20,000 foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya over the past few years, including Russians, Syrians, Sudanese, and Chadians.

Though the agreement on mercenaries is seen as a step forward, earlier this month, Libyan lawmakers in the east dealt a setback to the peace process by voting to reschedule the parliamentary elections for January, a month later.

It wasn’t immediately clear how the lawmakers’ move would translate into a postponement of the vote.

  • Instructions
  • Background Items
    • 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained
      • What happened?
      • What’s the bigger picture?
      • Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?
      • Why did things escalate now?
      • What’s been the international reaction so far?
      • Have there been prior efforts to mediate?
      • What’s next?
    • 2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels
      • Current Fighting
      • Difficult to justify an offensive
      • Tigray – the basics
    • 3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

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Why political scientists argue that public speaking, speeches could be powerful to influence society as a whole?

Please watch the following video and answer the following questions. 

American History: The Greatest Speeches (1933-2008)

Reflect on the video , “America’s greatest speeches ,” Write a brief Political Science summary , be sure to include the following questions:

  1. Why political scientists argue that public speaking, speeches could be powerful to influence society as a whole?
  2. Give 2-3 examples: discuss America’s greatest speech

Please watch the following video and answer the following questions. 

American History: The Greatest Speeches (1933-2008)





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Pat Buchanan is an arch-right political commentator and three-time presidential candidate who is considered well to the right of the Republican Party


Pat Buchanan is an arch-right political commentator and three-time presidential candidate who is considered well to the right of the Republican Party. He opposes NAFTA. Ralph Nader is a political activist and perennial presidential candidate who is considered well to the left of the Democratic Party. He also opposes NAFTA.

These guys don’t like each other much, at least politically.

Why, then, do they agree on so important an issue? Is it for the same, or for different, reasons?

Write two pages on this issue. There is plenty of information on the background information page.

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SLP Assignment Expectations

The SLP assignments in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of the involvement of US interests in the nation being studied. In addressing SLP questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of that involvement





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Political – Existing or potential government policies; and ways in which government does, or is likely to, impact on the business.

Recent Question/Assignment

please read the case study and apply the case fact into the questions asked in the analysis document.
PESTEL analysis
? ? Economic
? ? Social
? ?
? ? Environmental
? ? Legal
? ?
A PESTEL analysis focuses on the external environments in which a business operates. You should be able to describe the potential impact(s) that each identified factor may have on the business now and in the future. Analysis should focus on the factors that are most likely to change and the factors that are likely to have the greatest impact on the business.
• Political – Existing or potential government policies; and ways in which government does, or is likely to, impact on the business.
• Economic – Key economic factors that impact on the business.
• Social – Demographic characteristics, societal norms or trends and applicable attitudes and values.
• Technological – Technological changes, innovations or advancements, and cross industry/market adoption or adaption.
• Environmental – Environmental factors or changes that may impact on the business.
• Legal – Existing legislation that impacts on the business. Potential changes to legislation are considered to be political factors as governments drive changes in legislation through policies.
For the factors listed above, consider which factors are most likely to change and their impacts on the business.
Swot analysis
S Strengths
W Weaknesses
3. 1.
O Opportunities T Threats
3. 1.
Internal perspective – Factors that the business can directly control. They are considered important to its long-term success.
Strengths – Internal features of the business that allow it to operate more effectively than its competitors.
Consider the following:
• What the business does better than its competitors.
• The advantages it has over its competitors.
• What differentiates it from its competitors.
Weaknesses – Internal aspects of the organisation that could be improved.
Consider the following:
• Whether the business has any features that do not meet the industry standard.
• Whether the business can increase performance in any underperforming aspects.
• Any features of the business that cause problems or complaints.
• What its competitors can do better.
External perspective – Factors that the business cannot control.
Opportunities – Factors in the business external environment that it can use to its advantage, such as new or changing trends.
Consider the following:
• Any developments or changes in relevant technologies or markets.
• Any changes in relevant government policy or regulations/legislation.
• Any major local or global events that may have occurred.
• Any potentially new uses of the business’ products and/or services.
Threats – Factors in the business external environment that could adversely affect the business or its strategic intent. Examples include inflation, new legislation or a new competitor in the market.
Consider the following:
• Any obstacles the business might face from external factors.
• What the business’ competitors are doing.
• Any changes in products, services or technology that could threaten the business.
• It is possible for something to be considered as both an opportunity and a threat.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces analysis considers the external environment in which a business operates to determine the intensity of competition that exists within an industry. The higher the overall intensity rating of the various forces, the higher the intensity of competition. The level and source of intensity should have a direct impact on a business’s strategy.
• Threat of new entrants – How easy is it for new competitors to enter the industry? Competitors may come from another market (eg overseas) or another industry. Assess the different barriers to entry.
• Threat of substitute products or services – Can other products/services be used in place of the products/services the business provides? How similar are the other products in terms of cost, quality and functionality?
• Bargaining power of suppliers – In negotiations, who has the greatest influence on the relationship? Who is more dependent on the other? Who has the greater market presence, and are their supplies unique?
• Bargaining power of buyers – In negotiations, who has the greater influence on the relationship? Who is more dependent on the other? Who has the greater market presence?
• Rivalry amongst existing competitors – How many businesses operate in the market? How fragmented is the market? What is the key basis for competition? How are industry growth levels? What stage of the growth lifecycle is industry currently experiencing? What are the barriers to exiting the market?
Value chain analysis
Primary activities Margin
Inbound logistics
? ? Operations
? ? Outbound logistics
? ? Marketing and sales
? ? After-sales services
? ?
Support activities Administrative infrastructure
? ? ?
Human resources management
? ?
Technology development
? ?
? ? ?
Task 2.
1. Fill in the template by describing 10 different risks in the case study. Include a range of both financial and non-financial risks in your answer. For each risk you need to answer the following questions:
o What could be the source or underlying cause of the risk?
o Why is this a risk?
o What would be the consequences of failing to address the risk?
o How can the risk be managed?
2. Update the strategic analysis you completed in Topic 3.1
3. Open your strategic analysis documents.
4. Compare the analysis documents to the risks you identified.
o Are there any risks you didn’t initially include in your strategic analysis?
o Do you have any new insights that may impact on your strategic analysis?
5. Amend your strategic analysis by adding in any relevant information from your risk identification. Include justification for these changes.
Risk identification
Risk Name and description of the risk Source or underlying cause of the risk Explanation of
why this is a risk Potential consequence(s)
of failing to address the risk Can the risk be managed?
If yes, how?
Analyse the financial ratios.
1. For each ratio, complete the analysis column. Compare each ratio over time and to the benchmark, referring to the financial statements and the company information.
2. Write a brief analysis for each ratio which includes the following:
o How the company compares to benchmark ratios.
o The reason why a ratio might differ from a benchmark.
o Whether the ratio is considered reasonable.
o Ratio trends over time.
3. Update the strategic analysis and risk identification you completed
4. Open the strategic analysis documents and the risk identification document.
o Compare these documents to your ratio analysis. Does this provide any new insights that may impact your strategic analysis and identified risks?
5. Amend your strategic analysis and risk identification documents by adding any relevant information from your ratio interpretations. Include justifications for these changes.
Interpret ratios
Jun-21 Jun-20 Jun-19 Jun-18 Jun-17 Australia Benchmark US Benchmark Financial ratio analysis
Profitability ratios
Gross margin 35.09% 34.70% 35.66% 35.99% 35.68% 40.00% 35.00%
EBIT Margin 5.86% 3.87% 7.51% 7.43% 7.72% 5.00% 7.50%
Return on assets (ROA) 4.80% 3.33% 5.32% 5.00% 5.15% 6.00% 7.00%
Return on shareholders equity 4.45% 1.38% 5.51% 4.74% 4.83% 10.00% 12.00%
Activity ratios
Debtor days 55.21 45.09 47.30 48.27 47.50 45.00 60.00
Inventory days 178.00 148.92 160.42 164.50 195.19 150.00 180.00
Creditor days (based on COGS) 200.19 187.53 211.06 198.24 176.64 90.00 175.00
Working capital days 33.01 6.48 -3.35 14.52 66.05 105.00 65.00
Asset turnover 0.82 0.86 0.71 0.67 0.67 0.75 0.80
Fixed asset turnover 1.39 1.44 1.18 1.13 1.14 1.40 1.40
Liquidity ratios
Current ratio 1.35 1.20 1.30 1.34 1.66 1.50 1.25
Quick ratio 0.50 0.44 0.66 0.66 0.91 0.65 0.55
Financing ratios
Return on equity (ROE) 4.55% 1.45% 5.64% 4.83% 4.92% 10.00% 12.00%
Return on capital employed (ROCE) 7.22% 4.99% 7.61% 6.86% 6.77% 12.00% 15.00%
Debt ratio 0.47 0.46 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.50 0.50
Debt-equity ratio 0.88 0.85 0.64 0.60 0.57 0.75 0.75
Interest coverage ratio 5.05 3.51 10.23 8.01 6.73 3.50 4.50
Other ratios
Dividend payout 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 40.00% 50.00%
Return on investment (ROI) 4.66% 2.99% 5.14% 4.85% 4.99% 10.00% 12.00%
Operating cash flow ratio 0.05 0.05 0.28 0.34 0.65 0.25 0.25
Operating cash flows to net profit 0.67 2.16 2.68 3.29 5.41 1.20 1.20
Current liability coverage 0.04 0.05 0.26 0.32 0.62 0.20 0.20
Self-generation -$8,650 -$6,148 $4,346 -$4,321 $14,806 positive positive

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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Political – Existing or potential government policies; and ways in which government does, or is likely to, impact on the business.

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Writers Solution

Pat Buchanan is an arch-right political commentator and three-time presidential candidate who is considered well to the right of the Republican Party.


Pat Buchanan is an arch-right political commentator and three-time presidential candidate who is considered well to the right of the Republican Party. He opposes NAFTA. Ralph Nader is a political activist and perennial presidential candidate who is considered well to the left of the Democratic Party. He also opposes NAFTA.

These guys don’t like each other much, at least politically.

Why, then, do they agree on so important an issue? Is it for the same, or for different, reasons?

Write two pages on this issue. There is plenty of information on the background information page.

Upload your papers for grading.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The SLP assignments in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of the involvement of US interests in the nation being studied. In addressing SLP questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of that involvement

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Pat Buchanan is an arch-right political commentator and three-time presidential candidate who is considered well to the right of the Republican Party.

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Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance

 research paper on the require in the accessory. Needs to be 10 pages.

Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance. As it has been observed change has gained increased emphasis in an organisational context along with the life of an individual therefore it is considered that change management is a vital tool for controlling change and using it in an effective manner. Broadly speaking, change management is a method that supports change and understand the requirement for change which helps an organisation in overcoming any issues being faced in their business activity (The State of Queensland (Public Service Commission, 2014).

Change-hypocrisy is the challenge being faced in the contemporary environment by organisations that involves challenge in initiating change that might be quite important for the organisation. Employees in an organisation have the tendency to resist change as there is a difference in attitude and perception of the people towards change (Urhuogo &Williams, 2011. World Federation of Personnel Management Associations, 2005). The study is primarily focused towards identifying the causes of change hypocrisy along with discussing the causes of change.

The study further provides recommendation for the implementation of change management in an organisation.

Tesco is a multinational company (MNC) which is specialised in selling groceries and merchandises across various countries. The company was formed in the year 1919 by Jack Cohen and actually came into existence in the year 1924 after Cohen bought a cargo of tea from T. E. Stockwell. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom and is regarded as one of the leading retailer across the globe.

The company has been subjected to many changes from its initial establishment to its present business activity and to be precise change has helped the company to gain greater heights and sustain in the global competitive market.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance.

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Identify a current political topic of interest to you that has an impact on health care or nursing.

1. Identify a current political topic of interest to you that has an impact on health care or nursing. The topic  an be one identified in your textbook, a current Assembly bill in Wisconsin legislature, or other      political topic affecting health care or nursing.

2. Research the topic, clarify your point of view, and choose a federal or state legislator to whom you will address your opinions and request for political action.

3. Write a letter to the legislator (example in your textbook) to include:

  • Your name and address 
  • Legislator’s name and address
  • A single topic of concern to you
  • Your request or points of view stated in the first sentence
  • A brief rationale for your point of view or request




    • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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    • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
    • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Identify a current political topic of interest to you that has an impact on health care or nursing.
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In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences

Essay must be between 6-8 pages in length, be double-spaced with standard (1-inch) margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.

In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences (i.e., most (or many) Republicans grew up in Republican-leaning households and most (or many) Democrats grew up in Democrat-leaning households). See “Attitude similarity in three-generational families: Socialization, status inheritance, or reciprocal influence?,” American Sociological Review , Vol 51, 685-698 (1986). You can access the article using the hyperlink below. You are welcome to read the article as part of your preparation for writing the essay, but you do not need to reference any details from the article, other than the author’s thesis (the article is very technical and quantitative in nature – my brief description of the author’s thesis, above, is all you need to start writing your essay).

1. In your opinion (and experience) did Glass correctly identify the primary source of our collective “political socialization?”

2. What other sources or factors influence our political preferences?

3. Glass’s article was published in 1986. In your opinion, is political socialization today largely similar to political socialization in 1986? If so, how is it similar? If not, how is it different? What implications do your observations have for political candidates, organizations, and/or institutions?

4. Finally, please identify (and briefly describe) at least two aspects or our course material (the citizen and government, the founding and the constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, public opinion, the media, political parties and interest groups, participation-campaigns-elections) that help you to understand political socialization differently than you did prior to beginning our class





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent’s political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child’s future political preferences
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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