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Proficiency in the Canadian Constitution and Canadian Politics

This is a Political Studies Assignment. The course is The Canadian Constitution: Proficiency in the Canadian Constitution and Canadian Politics required

Assignment: An argumentative essay of 1500 words on any topics explored in the text on the Constitution and the Charter, 

  • Topic: Racism 
  • There should be a specific direction for example Issues racialized people face in Canada or how police training in Canada should include race and bias training for indigenous and black communities. It should not be just be a general essay on Racism. 
  • Then connect the Charter of Canadian Rights and Freedom to the topic. (Section 15)
  • You need to include and reference section 15 of the Canadian charter
  • Make sure to only academic sources (both primary and secondary)
  • 7-8 citations required
  •  APA style 


Does the paper have a strong thesis statement?

Does the paper have a Works Cited page?

Does the paper utilize APA citation style (in-text citation, not footnotes)? Please note that APA intext citations means that page numbers are used to tell us what page you are referencing.

Are there page numbers and is there a proper title page with a title, name, and student ID?

Are there indications that the student properly engaged with academic resources, both primary (example: Statistics Canada) and secondary (example: academic journals) to underscore the research analysis?

Did it make deadline?

Is it the appropriate length?

Is it on topic (relates to the constitution and charter)?


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Proficiency in the Canadian Constitution and Canadian Politics


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Politics & International Relations Internship

This is a copy of an excellent student report. The student engages very effectively

with a before and after SWOT Analysis. However, there is one major weakness. The

student did not include subheadings. You should finesse these subheadings from the

assessment criteria for the student report.

Politics & International Relations Internship Module – Student Report

In early February of 2020, I found a unique internship at a highly rated enterprise

college in [Area], This was [Institute]. Upon joining, I was given a timetable that

would allow me to partake in many different roles within the school to broaden my

scope of the workings of this college. [Institute] is a very well-known for the outcome

of their students as they often prosper very well in life and being a one gender

school, it meant that they constitute to creating confident and fearless women who

are firm believers of their rights. This secondary school/ college caters for ages from

11-18 meaning that they have a wide variety of subjects and extracurricular activities

that would interest all types of girls. This is very important when creating an

environment for students as this allows them to find out where their interests arise

and work with that to build their character and maybe career in the future. Upon

starting this internship, I worked within the economics, government and politics and

citizenship department as that is where I would consider my strong suit. With a lot of

staff and mentors who were very skilled at what they did, this was a very pleasant

and enjoyable department to intern in. In this report, I will be reflecting on the

development I believe that I have made and the challenges and growth that I have

gained from this experience.

Before starting my internship at [Institute], I completed a SWOT analysis to see how I

would be able to prosper in this professional environment. Firstly, when I evaluated

my strength, I understood that I would be at an advantage as a school setting would

not be something very new to me alongside this, I often took up leadership roles

within my school which allowed me to gain confidence and not shy away from being

assertive. As well as this, I have previously tutored which followed the same student

teacher relationship which was required at the college I was to intern at thus that

aspect helping to ease a nervous feeling I would have towards teaching.

On the other hand I had to look at my weaknesses that would have to tackle before

working at a school these being my communication skill, time management as it

often required very strict schedule, as well as my lateness as that would not be

something that would be appreciated in a professional environment as well as

somewhere where there are students depending on you to be there on time. These

were the weaknesses I highlighted to myself before starting this internship.

Regarding opportunities that I would receive, I related this back to the possibilities of

myself becoming a teacher in which it is recommended that you work within a school

before doing your training to see if that is an environment in which you would feel

comfortable working. Doing my SWOT allowed me to gage what areas I would be

able to work efficiently and impress my mentor however also the issues that would

work against me potentially being the best I can therefore this was a very important

consideration before starting my internship.

As stated previously, within my internship at [Institute] my mentor set out to complete

many different job roles within the college to help broaden my understanding of the

school. These job roles included assistant teacher, department assistant, secretary,

substitute teacher as well as shadowing other professionals. Throughout this

experience I believe that these roles contributed a lot of experience and knowledge

into professional working as well as the eagerness to learn and advances in my

professionalism. I worked within economics and politics classes mainly in which the

subjects being covered included the likes of the European Union as well as current

political situation i.e Brexit. This is where I believe to have contributed massively as I

was able to help simplify the situation to a level in which the students could

understand then work back up to help them understand the full spectrum of these

issues. The teacher I was working with also relayed this back to me saying that me

coming from a similar age group and understanding youth worked as a great

advantage for them to see as like their mentor that would help them with their studies

when they shy away from their teachers.

Not only do I think that I contributed within the classes, I believe that I contributed

outside especially when it came to planning these lessons. Sitting with their teachers

and helping them plan allowed me to give my input and inspiration for the lesson,

this was particularly useful when I suggested that the teacher use an interactive

game to help the student understand the positions in parliament which proved to be

a large success and was met with praise by the students. The teacher was very

happy with this and decided to continue using the interactive game in her other


Throughout this, I was very inspired to look more into ways to make lessons more

fun and educational at the same time which led to more research and eagerness to

learn which I believed to have inspired the routes that I would like to take after


Upon completing my internship at [institute], I once again completed a SWOT

analysis in which I found a major improvement from when I had completed it before. I

believe that my strengths have increased. I believe that I have learned to prioritise as

in a fast paced environment like a school, you won’t always be able to get everything

that you want to do done within the time frame you have. Another strength I have

gained would be the ability to influence and persuading as often student lose moral

and then lose the will to work and pay attention, persuasion was very important as

this would make or break what a student took away from the lesson which was

especially more important to the older ones who had exams coming along. Looking

back at the strengths I highlighted beforehand it was clear to see that they were very

useful within this environment as confidence was key for students to take you

seriously and respect you as their superior. This was very helpful when it came to

helping them as well as advising them.

On the other hand, looking at the weaknesses that I was worried about before

starting my internship proved to be unaffecting as the communication was a skill that

I picked up very quickly as the environment requires a lot of back-and-forth

communication to keep things operating smoothly. My communication skills also

improved while working with the students and a different more patient and

understanding nature is required when speaking to them. Lastly my last concern was

my lateness. This proved not to be an issue as the motivation to go to my internship

itself was enough to sort out this bad habit and hopefully make it a thing of the past.

The only threat that I had come across was that teachers often spent more than the

hours they are paid for doing work and preparation which often affected their private

lives as well as work-life balance, this was something that I would have to consider if

this was a path that I would like to take.

Looking back at the opportunity I believed I would gain; I was very right to think it

would inspire me to look into routes to become a teacher as combining my love for

politics as well as teaching and inspire thus this experience being a brilliant way to

look into future career paths. Not only did it give me this opportunity it also helped

me experience admin work and planning which also could inspire me to take a

different route as I surprised myself with how naturally these tasks were to me.

Overall, I believe my SWOT analysis was very useful for me to reflect how my

internship went and how it helped me experience and gain from a professional


When deciding on the avenues that I would like to do down when looking for an

internship, it was very important to me that I find a placement in which I could

potentially see myself within the future and teaching was one. This internship

allowed me not only to experience how a school works from the staff’s perspective

however also the first steps into actually training to become a teacher. However, this

position does not limit me to only teaching, I believe that the skills I have gained from

this internship will work in a professional environment. These skills include my

productivity which is very useful in any work environment, leadership skills that would

help me lead teams and projects within companies as well as the main element I

learnt, teaching. This could be applied in training and educating on important issues

as this takes a lot of patience and understanding to accomplish in the long run. This

internship also allowed me to make connections and possible future employment as I

made my mark and allowed myself to be seen as a valuable member or the

department which also helps teach me the importance of connecting and networking

in future as this helps you stand out amongst other possible employers.

With relations to the contribution to my academic studies, working within politics and

economic lessons I had to be on top of the news as students would often ask you

and quiz you on these issues. This helped me appreciate the continuous influx of

political news as I often came across subjects that I was not aware of which could

have been proved useful within my earlier academic years. It also helps me

understand the politics behind colleges and the education system as it made me

aware that there are many flaws that work to stop student achieving the best, they

could possible get which was a big shock for me and inspired me to keep

researching further into legislations and improvements that would work to make a

education system in the UK up to par with other countries in the world. Lastly, the

skills and strengths that I gained throughout my experience are also now being

applied to my academic studies as I have committed to being more present and

assertive with my studies.

To conclude, this experience was a very rewarding and inspiring as it allowed to

delve deeper into my future career path and decide whether this teaching is a route

that I would like to go down, It also meant that I was able to pick up a lot more

professional etiquette which could possibly put me at an advantage for when I go out

into the working world. I also believe that it would benefit my academic work and that

with the skills I have gained see an improvement within my effort and grades.

Overall, this experience helped me grow as an individual and helped me find a new

appreciation for both politics and the education system that I would not have gained

without doing this module.




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UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

Unit 2 Paper Assignment: UMass Amherst Political Science 121 World Politics Fall 2021

Instructions Write a 450-500 word paper using the Bargaining Model of War to support your conclusions about whether the parties to one of the following three armed conflicts are ready to accept outside proposals for resolving their conflict or want to continue fighting (background items below): 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan war over Nagorno-Karabakh 2. The Ethiopian government – Tigray People’s Liberation Front conflict 3. The new round of peace talks in Libya Remember that war continues even if only one wants to continue fighting. When prearing your paper, include all citations as footnotes; format the footnotes according to the APA guide section on how to prepare the list of references, adding the pape numbers at the end. Footnotes do not count in the word limit.

Background Items 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained What you need to know about the deadly clashes over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. By Zia Weise, Jan Cienski and David M. Herszenhorn Politico September 28, 2020 7:51 pm [Note: as is common in foreign policy reporting, names of capital cities are sometimes used as shorthand for the government. Hence “Ankara” = Turkish government, “Baku” = Azerbaijan government, “Yerevan” = Armenian government.]

Violence flared up in a long-running conflict on Europe’s eastern edge [in August 2020] as Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed over the embattled region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The ongoing fighting has left more than 100 people dead — the most serious escalation in years.

The two former Soviet states have clashed over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian- controlled enclave internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, for three decades. But the conflict is more than a Cold War-era relic. Both sides enjoy the support of powerful backers and with the South Caucasus occupying a strategic position in the global energy market, the fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan could end up reverberating beyond the region.

Here’s what you need to know about the latest escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 2

What happened?

Armenia says that on the morning of September 27, Azerbaijan launched air and artillery attacks on Nagorno-Karabakh, while Baku says it was conducting a “counter-offensive in response to military provocation.” As the fighting turned deadly, Armenia declared martial law and general mobilization. Azerbaijan announced a state of war in some regions.

The death toll is disputed. As of October 2, Armenia has reported 158 fatalities among troops; on the second day of fighting, Azerbaijan claimed it had killed 550 Armenians, which Yerevan denied. Armenia, meanwhile, claimed at the time that it had killed 200 Azerbaijanis, but Baku has not reported any military casualties. Both sides have accused each other of killing civilians: Armenia has reported 13 civilian deaths, while Azerbaijan has reported 19, according to Agence- France Presse.

During the so-called Four-Day War in 2016 — to date the worst breach of a 1994 cease-fire agreement — more than 200 people died.

What’s the bigger picture?

The Nagorno-Karabakh clashes have the potential to draw in larger powers — in particular Russia and NATO member Turkey, two countries that already support opposing sides in Syria and Libya.

Turkey has long been a staunch supporter of Azerbaijan: Ankara and Baku share close cultural ties, given their shared Turkic heritage. Meanwhile, Turkey and Armenia have a long history of tensions, exacerbated by Ankara’s refusal to recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide as well as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The latter prompted Turkey to seal its border with Armenia in 1993, which has remained shut ever since. The two countries do not have diplomatic relations.

Russia plays a more ambiguous role in the region, maintaining close economic ties with Armenia and Azerbaijan and supplying weapons to both. Its relationship with Yerevan is deeper, however — Armenia hosts a Russian military base and is part of the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union.

Then there’s the region’s role in the global energy trade: The pipelines connecting Azerbaijan with Turkey are crucial for the European Union’s oil and natural gas supply — and pass close to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?

Christian-majority Armenia and Muslim-majority Azerbaijan have had frictions for centuries, but religion does not play a major role in the modern-day conflict. A lot of the blame rests with Joseph Stalin. The former Soviet leader placed the majority-Armenian region of Nagorno- Karabakh (known as Artsakh to Armenians) into Azerbaijan after the Caucasus was conquered by the Red Army in the early 1920s. Neither side was pleased, though for decades it didn’t matter much.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 3

But when the USSR began to collapse in the late 1980s, powerful nationalist forces on both sides turned Nagorno-Karabakh into a powder keg. The enclave’s ethnic Armenians declared independence in 1991. War erupted between Azerbaijan, which insisted on the inviolability of its borders, and the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians, who received support from Armenia itself. By 1994, the Armenians had succeeded in driving the Azerbaijani army from the enclave and large surrounding swathes of land. Hundreds of thousands of people had to flee.

These days, the United Nations still recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan’s territory; no country considers the enclave an independent country — not even Armenia, which also hasn’t formally annexed it but supports the region financially and militarily. Since then, the two countries have hunkered down on either side of a line of control marked by landmines and snipers.

Why did things escalate now?

Armenia’s 2018 “velvet revolution,” which toppled its longtime leader Serzh Sargsyan, briefly raised hopes that long-stalled peace negotiations could resume. But Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the opposition politician who rose to power after the mass protests, largely ended up sticking by his predecessor’s rhetoric.

An election organized this spring by the self-declared Armenian government in Karabakh was viewed as a provocation in Azerbaijan and drew international criticism. And in July this year, tensions started surging after a series of clashes killed more than a dozen people, with the catalyst still remaining unclear. The fighting prompted thousands of Azerbaijanis to demonstrate for war with Armenia; at the same time, Turkey ratcheted up its rhetoric in support of Baku.

What’s been the international reaction so far?

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has urged “an immediate cessation of hostilities,” a call echoed by the U.S. State Department and the United Nations.

Turkey sided firmly with Azerbaijan, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan describing Armenia as “the biggest threat to peace” in the region. Russia took a more cautious approach: In a phone call with Armenia’s Pashinyan, President Vladimir Putin said it was important to “halt military actions,” according to the Kremlin’s account of the conversation.

Iran — an ally of Armenia — offered to mediate, saying Tehran was “ready to use all its capacities to help talks to start between the two sides.”

Have there been prior efforts to mediate?

For more than a quarter-century, an international peace initiative, known as the Minsk Process, has tried and failed to bring a resolution to the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh after the cease- fire in the region in 1994.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 4

Chaired by France, Russia and the United States, under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Minsk Group has sought to prevent military clashes and to implement a peace settlement.

But years of diplomatic meetings and various missions to the region, as well as to the capitals of Armenia and Azerbaijan, have come to naught.

There were brief flickers of hope after Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met formally for the first time in March 2019, and later in February 2020 for a public debate at the Munich Security Conference. For years, Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders had refused to even appear in the same room. But the coronavirus pandemic interrupted diplomatic efforts earlier this year.

On October 1, the Minsk Group called for a cease-fire, which was rebuffed by Erdoğan.

What’s next?

It’s too early to say how long the fighting will continue or whether it could escalate into a full- blown war. Both the 2016 clashes and the skirmishes in July lasted only a few days.

The picture would change significantly if a major power were to enter the conflict, but even Turkey has so far limited its official involvement to rhetoric. Armenia, however, has accused Ankara of deploying Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan and downing a plane, allegations denied by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels Current Fighting

The Ethiopian army has launched co-ordinated attacks on all fronts against forces from the northern Tigray region. The rebels say the government was using artillery, tanks, jets and drones in an attempt to “reinvade” the region.

A senior rebel source said Tigray forces were holding their ground.

The Ethiopian government has not confirmed any fighting, and a communications blackout makes independent verification impossible.

A senior member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Getachew Reda, said the government offensive launched last week was now in “full swing”.

Asked if a ground offensive had been launched, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s spokeswoman Billene Seyoum said the government had a responsibility to protect its citizens across the country from acts of terrorism but gave no further details.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 5

The 11-month conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations warning that about 400,000 people were living in famine-like conditions in Tigray in July.

Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict, and another two million have been forced to flee their homes.

Difficult to justify an offensive Analysis by Kalkidan Yibeltal, BBC News, Addis Ababa

The Ethiopian government has not confirmed reports of a major offensive against the Tigray rebels, but a mobilisation of the country’s forces and allied militia over the past few months left no doubt that a huge operation was in the offing.

With elections out of the way and the rainy season at its end, Prime Minister Abiy seems focussed on a military solution to the long-drawn out conflict.

The war has already taken its toll on the country: thousands have been killed, millions displaced and hundreds of thousands are facing famine.

But both sides have sent mixed signals about their willingness to accept a peaceful resolution.

The Ethiopian army took control of most of Tigray in November 2020, after TPLF forces seized a military base.

In June 2021, the rebels recaptured Tigray in a surprise attack, and then moved into parts of neighbouring regions like Amhara.

Ethiopia has declared the TPLF a terrorist organisation, but the TPLF insists that it is the legitimate government in Tigray.

Tigray – the basics

• Since 1994, Ethiopia has been divided into states, now numbering 10; they are defined on ethnic grounds by the constitution and described as largely autonomous, but with central institutions

• In 2018, following anti-government protests, Abiy Ahmed took over as prime minister and introduced reforms

• Powerful politicians from Tigray, Ethiopia’s northernmost state, accused Mr Abiy of trying to increase federal power

• Relations worsened and, after the government accused Tigrayan rebels of attacking military bases, the Ethiopian army moved in in November, backed by Eritrean troops

• Mr Abiy declared the conflict over in late November, but fighting has continued

Rebel leader Getachew Reda said the current offensive was taking place in towns in Amhara region, and also involved Amharan regional forces fighting alongside the army.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 6

The Tigray forces’ statement says “hundreds of thousands of regular and irregular fighters” have been fielded in the current assault.

[background item 3 starts on next page]

3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

The U.N. says forces from Libya’s rival sides have reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation

By Samy Magdy Associated Press October 10, 2021, 4:23 AM

ABOARD GEO BARENTS1 — Libya’s rival sides reached an initial agreement on the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries from the North African nation, the United Nations said. It is a key step toward unifying the violence-wracked country.

The dispute over mercenaries and foreign fighters has long been an obstacle, particularly ahead of Libya’s landmark general elections due in December.

Libya has been engulfed in chaos since a NATO-backed uprising toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. The oil-rich country was for years split between rival governments, one based in the capital of Tripoli and the other in the eastern part of the country. Each side is backed by different foreign powers and militia groups.

The U.N. mission mediating between the rivals said a 10-member joint military commission, with five representatives from each side, signed a “gradual and balanced” withdrawal deal Friday, at the end of three days of talks facilitated by the U.N. in Geneva.

The plan would be “the cornerstone for the gradual, balanced, and sequenced process of withdrawal” of the mercenaries and foreign forces, the mission said.

Jan Kubis, the U.N. special envoy for Libya, welcomed the move as “another breakthrough achievement.”

Libya’s split came into the forefront in 2019, when self-styled military commander Khalifa Hifter, allied with the east-based administration, launched an offensive to take Tripoli from armed militias loosely allied with the U.N.-supported but weak government in the country’s capital.

Hifter was backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and France. But, his 14-month campaign and march on Tripoli ultimately failed in June 2020, after Turkey sent troops to help the U.N.-supported administration, which also had the backing of Qatar and Italy.

1 A Norwegian seismic surveying ship converted for search and rescue operations currently chartered [leased] to Médecins Sans Frontières for rescue efforts in the Mediterranean Sea.

PolSci 121 Fall 2021 Unit Paper 2 assignment page 7

After the fighting largely stalemated, subsequent U.N.-sponsored peace talks brought about a cease-fire last October and installed an interim government that is expected to lead the country into the December elections. The cease-fire deal also included the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries within three months – something that was never implemented.

Friday’s deal “creates a positive momentum that should be built upon to move forward towards a stable and democratic stage, including through the holding of free, credible and transparent national elections on 24 December, with results accepted by all,” Kubis said.

The sides said they would now go back discuss this with their base and concerned international parties “to support the implementation of this plan and the respect of Libya’s sovereignty.”

The deal also called for the deployment of U.N. observers to monitor the cease-fire before the implementation of the withdrawal plan.

In December, then U.N. acting envoy for Libya Stephanie Williams estimated that there have been at least 20,000 foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya over the past few years, including Russians, Syrians, Sudanese, and Chadians.

Though the agreement on mercenaries is seen as a step forward, earlier this month, Libyan lawmakers in the east dealt a setback to the peace process by voting to reschedule the parliamentary elections for January, a month later.

It wasn’t immediately clear how the lawmakers’ move would translate into a postponement of the vote.

  • Instructions
  • Background Items
    • 1. The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Explained
      • What happened?
      • What’s the bigger picture?
      • Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting over that region?
      • Why did things escalate now?
      • What’s been the international reaction so far?
      • Have there been prior efforts to mediate?
      • What’s next?
    • 2. Ethiopia’s Tigray crisis: Army launches offensive on all fronts – rebels
      • Current Fighting
      • Difficult to justify an offensive
      • Tigray – the basics
    • 3. Libyan rivals ink initial deal on pullout of mercenaries

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promote awareness for enhanced learning of health policy and politics in nursing and healthcare

The purpose of this assignment is to promote awareness for enhanced learning of health policy and politics in nursing and healthcare. Health policy and politic issues identified can relate directly to nursing, such as the APRN Consensus Model, or to various healthcare disciplines including nursing such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. These issues can be on a local, regional, state, national, or international level

Web Sites

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Innovations Exchange Patient- and Family-Centered Care Video Series

US National Library of Medicine Health Care Reform, Health Economics, and Health Policy

National Center for Health Statistics

National Coalition on Health Care

U.S. Government Spending

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services





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During the 18th century (1701- Britain dominated European politics: french and indian war

French & Indian War KWL

During the 18th century (1701- Britain dominated European politics. Most of these wars dealt with European issues, such as who would be the next monarch to succeed to the throne. Although mainly fought in Europe, each of the wars had a North American connection. The French and Indian War was different. It began in the backcountry of Pennsylvania. The war eventually spread to Europe and other places throughout the world, including the Caribbean, West Africa, India, and the Philippines. In the sense that it was fought on four of the continents, it was the first world war. It demonstrated the increasing importance of North America to European politics. Young George Washington played a key role in the events leading up to the French and Indian War. His fame as a military leader began with his bravery in several important campaigns during this war. 

Know             Want to Know                                                             Learn

1) How does the outcome of the French and Indian War influence colonial power in North America? Britain won the French and Indian war. In the Treaty of Paris (1763) the French ceded much of its North American territory to Britain. This included French land in present day Canada and the states of Michigan down to Florida. This made Britain the dominant power in North America.

2) How does the relationship between the Iroquois Nation and the British affect British policy in North America? 

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French & Indian War KWL

Question One

                The triumph of British in the French and Indian War had a significant impact on the colonial power in North America. The first impact was the expansion of British territory in North America. The French ceded many of its territories in North America including the states of Michigan down to Florida as well as some parts in Canada(Griffith IV, 2020). Despite the gain in colonial territory by the British, the war had also increased the Britain’s debt. This led to significant resentment among the English leaders towards colonists, who were dissatisfied with the financial and military help.

These substantial changes made the British leaders to reach an agreement that London should be the central control over the government of the colonies. This could eventually lead to resentment towards British imperial policies and subsequently resulted into American Revolution(Griffith IV, 2020). The other significant impact was that the colonists appreciated the importance of working together to overcome a common foe. Prior to war, the three colonies in North America could not see eye to eye, lacked common ground and they lived in mutual distrust.

Question two

            The objectives of British policies towards Iroquois Nation were to recruit and supply native military allies, regulate the trade and diplomacy, and protect native people’s territorial integrity. The relationship between Iroquois Nation and British changed to give edge British Colony over the rival French(Puals, 2020). Analysis of these policies indicated that British needed the help of the Iroquois Nation to thwart the expansion of French territories(Encyclopaedia, 2020). It is evident that British ceded ground and enter into agreement with the natives to fought French and stop their advances.


Encyclopaedia. (2020). American Indians: British Policies. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia:

Griffith IV, W. (2020). The French and Indian War (1754-1763: Its Consequences. Retrieved from American Battlefield:

Puals, P. E. (2020, June 25). Native American. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia Britannica:





Writers Solution

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

The issues of politics and administration dichotomy first raised by Woodrow Wilson continue to generate debate among scholars of public administration in modern time. While some think Wilson’s idea was useful, others reject the idea as impossible. In a 2-3 page paper, and in your opinion, is that distinction practical and workable? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a dichotomy today as a way to advance that field of study? Support your case with examples.                   References






Business: Administration and Politics Dichotomy

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

            The concept of politics and administration and the role of public administration in a apolitical process has attracted widespread criticisms and discussions since it was introduced in the 1800s. According to (Neumark, 2011), the U.S president introduced the concept of separation of public administration from politics, termed as administration-politics dichotomy. However, the distinction between the two disciplines has a number of implications regarding its practicability.

The Practicability of Politics and Administration Dichotomy

            Although the initial efforts by Woodrow were to create distinction between the political office and the administrative units, the politics and administration dichotomy posses many practical challenges and is not practical. According to Woodrow, the political aspects of a state are concerned with policy formulation, while the administrative aspects are concerned with the execution of the policies. However, it is hard, even in the present governments to find a political office that is separated from its arm of the administration.

            The legislative arm of the government develops most of the political policies and the executive arm carries execution. However, there can only be continuity between the politics and administration (Demir, 2007). It would be impractical to shield completely the administration from the executive arm of the government. In fact, the initial objectives of the independence of the two arms were to shield the administrations from the politics. However, in practical realities, it is so hard to shield the administration, which is tasked with the purpose of implementing what the politics has designed. The most practical separation between the administrative and executive spheres would be in form of shielding of the administration from the partisan influence of the executive arm of the governments. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be impractical to completely separate politics from administration, but only a separation of partisan influence on the same is possible…………………………..







Writers Solution

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

The issues of politics and administration dichotomy first raised by Woodrow Wilson continue to generate debate among scholars of public administration in modern time. While some think Wilson’s idea was useful, others reject the idea as impossible. In a 2-3 page paper, and in your opinion, is that distinction practical and workable? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a dichotomy today as a way to advance that field of study? Support your case with examples.                   References






Business: Administration and Politics Dichotomy

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

            The concept of politics and administration and the role of public administration in a apolitical process has attracted widespread criticisms and discussions since it was introduced in the 1800s. According to (Neumark, 2011), the U.S president introduced the concept of separation of public administration from politics, termed as administration-politics dichotomy. However, the distinction between the two disciplines has a number of implications regarding its practicability.

The Practicability of Politics and Administration Dichotomy

            Although the initial efforts by Woodrow were to create distinction between the political office and the administrative units, the politics and administration dichotomy posses many practical challenges and is not practical. According to Woodrow, the political aspects of a state are concerned with policy formulation, while the administrative aspects are concerned with the execution of the policies. However, it is hard, even in the present governments to find a political office that is separated from its arm of the administration.           The legislative arm of the government develops most of the political policies and the executive arm carries execution. However, there can only be continuity between the politics and administration (Demir, 2007). It would be impractical to shield completely the administration from the executive arm of the government. In fact, the initial objectives of the independence of the two arms were to shield the administrations from the politics. However, in practical realities, it is so hard to shield the administration, which is tasked……………………………………………………….







Writers Solution

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

The issues of politics and administration dichotomy first raised by Woodrow Wilson continue to generate debate among scholars of public administration in modern time. While some think Wilson’s idea was useful, others reject the idea as impossible. In a 2-3 page paper, and in your opinion, is that distinction practical and workable? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a dichotomy today as a way to advance that field of study? Support your case with examples. References






Business: Administration and Politics Dichotomy

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Administration and Politics Dichotomy

            The concept of politics and administration and the role of public administration in a apolitical process has attracted widespread criticisms and discussions since it was introduced in the 1800s. According to (Neumark, 2011), the U.S president introduced the concept of separation of public administration from politics, termed as administration-politics dichotomy. However, the distinction between the two disciplines has a number of implications regarding its practicability.

The Practicability of Politics and Administration Dichotomy

            Although the initial efforts by Woodrow were to create distinction between the political office and the administrative units, the politics and administration dichotomy posses many practical challenges and is not practical. According to Woodrow, the political aspects of a state are concerned with policy formulation, while the administrative aspects are concerned with the execution of the policies. However, it is hard, even in the present governments to find a political office that is separated from its arm of the administration.           The legislative arm of the government develops most of the political policies and the executive arm carries execution. However, there can only be continuity between the politics and administration (Demir, 2007). It would be impractical to shield completely the administration from the executive arm of the government. In fact, the initial objectives of the independence of the two arms were to shield the administrations from the politics. However, in practical realities, it is so hard to shield the administration, which is tasked with the purpose of implementing what the politics has designed. The most practical separation between the adm……………………………………………………………………………………………..







Writers Solution

Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you

  1. Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you.
  2. If there were direct benefits, such as new equipment or additional personnel being granted, would you be willing and able to ‘swim with the sharks’?

300-350 Words



Currently working for a Sheriff who is an elected official there is quite a bit of politics involved. Even with just random traffic stops people want to strike up a conversation about the politics within the department. It can be rather annoying. I am not a fan of many of the higher ups within the department. Many got there for un-moral reasons and that does not sit well with me that they climbed so high in rank so quickly because they have “dirt” on someone else. It is why I do not have a desire to climb up in rank at this department. Recently I was chosen to be on the Firearms committee to aid in deciding what new pistol, holster and weapon lights we will switch too. For those who are curious we are transitioning from using the Glock 22 to the new G45. Being involved in this committee I have had to swim with the sharks and voice my opinion on many things they did not agree with to fight for what we on the road truly want (new outer level three vest vs out level two inner vest) instead of buying new guns because Glock came out with a new toy. But yes, I do think for good to win from time to time we must face the sharks and stand up for what is right. I lost in the battle for the new vest even though the majority of the committee agreed with me. We are getting shot more and more, if they are going to spend that kind of money why not give us better protection with it; plus solve out back pain so we can wear suspenders to take the weight of 20lbs off our hips, what we actually want. We are proficient with our G22’s and they work great. And eventually if the good sticks around long enough the sharks will have to retire and the department can turn around. Phil Student 2 Good Afternoon Class, 1. Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you. The more senior I become in the military the more I see the backside policy issues that leaders face. As a CBRN Marine there are aspects of the job that are lifesaving and have to be backed by an SOP as the approved process. There is a lot of risk to the force when operating in a CBRN environment. Not only is there the traditional threats (bullets and explosions), but now there is WMD or CBRN concerns that alter how a force operates and puts them at a higher risk level. The assumption of the risk comes from higher headquarters. Typically, if an objective has a CBRN risk associated to it, we will just avoid it as there is no reason to increase the likelihood of a casualty. If the objective is deemed necessary then the leadership is staying the juice is worth the squeeze and we are going in. Do go into these environments we issue PPE that protects the assault force. Ensuring none of the gear is expired, the mask properly fits the individuals, and everyone is familiar with the gear they are wearing and the hazards they may be exposed to is just the beginning of the politics. After operating in that environment the personal and their gear (weapons, NVG’s, radios) will be possibly be contaminated. To decontaminate a person they are essentially cut out of their PPE in a very precise manner to mitigate the spread of contamination. Their gear is also decontaminated. There is not a real high fidelity way to verify their cleanliness or their gear. There is detection equipment but to monitor a person head to toe and pick up the negligible amounts of contamination that can adversely affect a person is almost impossible as the technologies just aren’t there yet. A commander (or political leader) has to make judgement calls on possibly quarantine their assault force (bio contamination) or reissuing the gear after it has been possibly contaminated, and then decontaminated. Or deciding if it is not worth the threat to force to issue back prior contaminated stuff, or just destroy it in place if possible. There are a lot of discretionary calls the leadership has to make as to even go into a CBRN environment and some of the considerations after contamination. All of these have SOP’s that if followed to the T can mitigate some of the hard decisions and reinforce the decisions being made. I personally do not deal much with the policies, besides informing the commanders of the risk of the CBRN hazards, things we can do to mitigate the risk (PPE, and training), and additional considerations post assault or contamination. I also ensure the gear is not expired, detectors are up to date, and everyone has the appropriate gear to operate in that environment. 2. If there were direct benefits, such as new equipment or additional personnel being granted, would you be willing and able to ‘swim with the sharks’? If there was additional direct benefits from swimming with the sharks I think I would be willing to do so. I would try to be very prepared for anything and everything prior to swimming. I am not in the senior E8/E9 position yet so in my current position I would typically lobby for the senior leadership to vouch for the need. I have to inform them on why we need the personnel or gear and give them as much ammunition as possible to fight for it before they have their meetings. ……………………………………………………………………….




Writers Solution

Chapter 17 in American Government and Politics

 You must used this textbook  to do this assignment.

** Textbook title Bessette, Joseph M. and John J. Pitney, Jr. 2014 Or 2013 American Government and Politics. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

 In Chapter 17 in American Government and Politics.

In the twentieth century the government of the United States changed policy towards the public welfare and economy. How have these changes in policy altered the structure of government? In answering this question, you might consider the impact of this change on our national institutions, the Presidency, the courts, the Congress or the administrative state in modern times.

Please organize, edit and polish your essay as with any other submitted college paper.

Only refer to your readings in this course. You do not need a bibliography, cite a passage, put the text reference and page number in parentheses.