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Performance Management Plan Portfolio to enhance staff/trainee improvement in a given environment

For this assignment, you will use your knowledge of performance management, supervision, teamwork, and communication to develop a comprehensive 3-6  page Performance Management Plan Portfolio to enhance staff/trainee improvement in a given environment. You are on ABA team of professionals working within a system that requires assessment and training to maximize the performance of the staff or stakeholders within that system. Your team has an opportunity to choose a case study to work from to complete this assignment:

Case Study 2: School Program (includes teacher, class aides, and one-on-one)

Edgardo is a fifth-grade student in an inclusion classroom with a regular education teacher, a special education teacher (who is only in the classroom for half of the day during math and language arts), and two paraprofessionals (a classroom aide and Edgardo’s one-on-one aide). Edgardo has a diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder and exhibits frequent noncompliance and occasional physical disruption of the classroom (swipes materials from tables/desks, pushes furniture around, and dumps materials). As a result, Edgardo does not complete much of his schoolwork during the day because his behaviors impede his task completion, and the district is considering a more restrictive classroom environment if Edgardo’s behaviors are not improved. Edgardo’s special education teacher has some basic knowledge of applied behavior analysis; however, the general education teacher and paraprofessionals have never been trained in ABA.

After reviewing the case study, you  should discuss and develop the following aspects for your Performance Management Plan Portfolio:

  1. Assessment: Conduct a hypothetical diagnostic assessment of the system to determine the needs of the staff in terms of skills. Describe how the assessment analyzes the specific environment you are supporting. Then, hypothesize the assessment results that will be used to pinpoint behaviors for desired staff performance.
  2. Pinpoint (and define) the desired performance outcomes and the target behaviors for staff. Discuss whether these are individual target behaviors or behaviors targeted for the group, and provide a rationale to explain why the targeted behaviors are necessary to meet the performance outcomes.
  3. Training: Develop a set of training procedures for staff. Be sure to provide a discussion of why your outlined procedures were selected and how they will be implemented. This rationale should be grounded in evidence-based literature.
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How to write a placement contract and placement portfolio

Get assistance on how to write a placement contract and placement portfolio from our experts at The specific needs and placement objectives must be carefully taken into account while writing the placement contract and placement portfolio. Here are some basic principles to get you started:

Placement Agreement:

    Introduction: State the goal and nature of the placement in a succinct and unambiguous introduction at the start of the contract. Include the names of the people involved, such as the student, the school, and the provider of the placement, if applicable.

    Dates, hours, and timetable of the placement should all be specified, as well as its duration. Any specific phrases pertaining to breaks, holidays, or shifts should be defined.

    Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly state each party’s roles and responsibilities. Describe the responsibilities and activities the student will be expected to perform during the placement as well as any roles the placement provider may have, such as providing the necessary equipment, oversight, or training.

    Intellectual Property and Confidentiality: Discuss the relationship between intellectual property rights and confidentiality. Indicate ownership of any intellectual property produced during the placement and state that the student promises to maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive material they come into contact with during the placement.

    Specify the circumstances under which either party may cancel the placement contract in the “Termination and Dispute Resolution” section. Include a section describing the procedures to be followed in the event of any problems or disagreements.

    Stress the significance of health and safety throughout the placement. Describe the steps the placement provider has taken to guarantee a secure working environment and any obligations the student has to follow health and safety regulations.

Positioning Portfolio:

    Start the placement portfolio with a succinct introduction that defines the placement’s goals and purpose. Mention the time frame, the location, and an overview of the work done.

    Personal Information: Be sure to include any pertinent personal information, such as your name, phone number, and place of study.

    Clearly express the learning goals you hoped to accomplish throughout the placement in your learning objectives. These goals may be connected to certain abilities, information, or experiences.

    Give a thorough explanation of the activities you participated in during the placement in your description of the placement activities. Emphasize the duties fulfilled, projects finished, or any noteworthy contributions. Give specific instances and highlight your abilities and accomplishments.

    Evaluation and Reflection: Assess your own performance and reflect on your placement experience. Discuss your experiences, lessons learnt, and obstacles overcome. If your placement provider has feedback or evaluations accessible, think about including them.

    Include any supporting documents that verifies your efforts or accomplishments throughout the placement. This can include diplomas, project reports, pictures, or any other pertinent documentation.

Don’t forget to adjust the placement contract and portfolio to the demands of your particular placement arrangement and school institution. To learn about any special rules or templates your institution or placement coordinator may have available, it’s a good idea to ask them for advice.

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Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Writers

The term “project management” can be fairly vague to the layperson, covering any type of management job, from the most straightforward initiatives to the most complex implementations. Projects, programs, and portfolios are the “Three P’s” of project management, each of which is distinct from (though connected to) the others.
Management of projects, programs, and portfolios. We at have done enough research on this and here is a real definition of the terms

The best way to explain the connection between project, program, and portfolio management is as follows:

A project is a brief undertaking made by a business or organization. (such as the creation of a new product, service, or result)
A program is a collection of projects that are linked or comparable to one another and are frequently handled and directed collectively rather than separately.
A portfolio is a collection of various initiatives and/or projects carried out by the same company, whether or not they are related to one another.

In other words, larger programs fit within portfolios, and those larger programs fit within projects.

Project, program, and portfolio management activities are all connected but fundamentally very different from one another.

How Does Project Management Define a “Project”?

What does “project” actually mean in the context of project management? A project is often a brief activity with a defined beginning and finish that aims to provide a special good, service, or outcome.

There are projects of every size possible in almost every business, and project managers handle them regardless of these characteristics. However, neither the size nor the precise substance of a project are described in this description.
Project managers: What Do They Do?

The main responsibilities of project managers are to balance the deliverables, sometimes referred to as the scope of work, with the resources that are available within the project’s schedule and allocated budget. It is a difficult challenge for them to balance all of this while making sure the project adheres to the quality standards demanded by its clients.

Find Out More: What a Project Manager Does.

Application of the proper tools, techniques, and processes in a value-added manner is what project management is all about. As is well known, there is a vast body of knowledge in project management, and project managers can use a variety of abilities, resources, and methods to carry out these efforts. Understanding the project, its objectives, problems, and goals can help you select the appropriate project management tools and implement them correctly.

Building Your Project Management Career Path: More Information
In project management, what Exactly Is a “Program”?

In some circumstances, it’s crucial to manage a collection of projects in concert to guarantee that value is realized. This group of projects is referred to as a program in project management lingo. A program is a transitory organization, much like a project, and as such, when the associated projects are finished, the program is also over.

In its PMBOK Guide, the Project Management Institute (PMI) defines program management as:

“The use of knowledge and skills to accomplish program goals and to obtain advantages and control not possible by managing related program components separately.”
What Performs a Program Manager?

Program management is a little more strategic than just overseeing numerous tasks. Additionally, the program manager does not micromanage those projects; instead, he or she works to make sure that the correct work is being transferred between the right projects at the right times.

Starting very early at the program’s inception by looking at what benefits can be realized and then putting those into action, the program manager focuses on the business benefits throughout the entire program.

A project manager is still assigned to each project to carry out the aforementioned tasks. By confirming that the appropriate initiatives are included in the program, the program manager’s job is to make sure that the advantages anticipated are realized. Any project not giving value to the benefits is then repositioned or deleted from the program.

The program manager is in charge of managing project dependencies and developing plans at the program level to achieve this.

A program communication plan lays out the information flow within the program, while a master schedule is developed to manage project dependencies. A program risk management strategy is also created to manage hazards at the program level. Therefore, the program manager is not managing the projects but rather providing the oversight required to make sure that each project’s component parts are finished successfully and quickly in order to satisfy the requirements of the other projects.

The program manager is concentrated on achieving benefits, or more specifically, on knowing the benefits that can be realized from this group of initiatives and concentrating on obtaining them. The program manager is also working to manage organizational change and make sure that systems are in place to sustain the advantages after they have been transferred to operations.

Since the goal of program management is to guarantee that projects are in line with corporate strategy, the program manager must keep project teams informed about changes to the plan as well as what needs to be done to address them.
What Exactly Is a Project Management “Portfolio”?

A portfolio is a series of initiatives that are managed together to meet predetermined goals. All initiatives, programs, and operational activities carried out by an organization may be included in one portfolio. Additionally, it might create a number of portfolios for continuous investment choices and project selection.

A portfolio is defined as “Projects, Programs, Other Portfolios, and Operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives” by PMI and its PMBOK Guide.

Organizations need to pick which projects are the correct ones to focus on. They frequently have a cap on the number of projects they can complete depending on organizational capability, which begs the question, “Are we doing the right projects?”

Corporate Governance as a Subset of Program and Portfolio Management
Structures for project grouping in organizations include program and portfolio management. As a result, they are a component of the overall governance structure of a company. Program and portfolio management is a part of corporate governance known as the governance of project management since it is only concerned with project-related activities. In accordance with the Association for Project Management (2004), the portfolio direction effectiveness and efficiency, project sponsorship effectiveness and efficiency, project management effectiveness and efficiency, and disclosure and reporting effectiveness and efficiency make up the core elements of this governance structure for project management.
Both program and portfolio management approach the topic of governance from different angles. In order to maximize the accomplishments of the combined project outcomes, the first perspective considers how the numerous project objectives are interconnected. This resulted in the creation of programs, which the Project Management Institute defined as a collection of connected projects managed cooperatively to gain advantages and control that managing them separately would not have provided. (Project Management Institute [PMI], 2004, p. 368).
The second viewpoint looks at how these projects’ management requirements interact with one another in order to meet the organization’s overall business goals. In order to accomplish specific strategic business objectives, this has led to the development of portfolio management techniques, which PMI (2004, p. 367) defined as the “centralized management of one or more portfolios, which includes identifying, prioritizing, authorizing, managing, and controlling projects, programs, and other related work.” A portfolio is defined as “a collection of projects, programs, and other types of work that are grouped together to enable effective administration of that work in order to accomplish strategic business objectives. The portfolio’s initiatives or programs may not always be connected directly or interdependently. (2004, p. 367).
Portfolio management techniques are now being used in new areas, such as customer-delivery projects, as a result of the industry’s expanded usage of project-based organizational structures as a means of achieving corporate objectives. Additionally, it has been employed by organizations for smaller, less expensive initiatives. These projects are managed differently in portfolios.
Despite the fact that program and portfolio management are widely discussed in the literature, it is unclear how these governance frameworks are applied in various businesses or what the managers’ associated duties and responsibilities are.
Transaction Cost Economics and Governance
The governance structures of program and portfolio management were used to reduce the overall costs of transforming “input” to “output” through projects. These expenses, which represent the whole cost of managing projects, are referred to as transaction costs when looking at projects as transactions. According to Williamson (1985, p. 18), transaction costs can be reduced by discriminately allocating transactions to governance structures. From a related angle, transaction cost economics explains the equilibrium needed in organizational governance mechanisms to (1) provide a product’s “fit for purpose” by reducing maladaptation costs, as done through program management, and (2) lower the costs for the organization by making the most of existing scales and resources, as done in portfolio management. Williamson (1985) asserted, however, that several governance systems are necessary for various kinds of transactions. It follows that the degree to which organizations use program and portfolio management as governance procedures varies by project type.
Moreover, Williamson (1975) stated that the complexity of an organization’s environment will determine the governance structure to be used. According to the premise of humans’ limited but designed capacity for rationality, when making decisions, (Simon, 1957; Williamson, 1975, p. 22–23).
That brings up the initial research query:
Q1: How do the nature of the project and the complexity of the organization affect how project portfolio and program management are used in organizations?
Along with variations in projects and how program and portfolio management are used in organizations, there are variations in the roles and duties of the various managers. That brings us to our next research question:
How do middle managers in successful firms go about managing their programs and portfolios? What are their roles and responsibilities?
Through this study, the breadth and variations of these roles and responsibilities in connection to corporate governance systems are examined.
Practitioners will be able to strengthen program and portfolio governance as a result of the findings, which will benefit their companies, the economy, and ultimately society as a whole.
The research model and hypotheses are presented in the following section. A section on research techniques and the evaluation of the empirical data follows this. The conclusion of the study discusses the causes of various governance methods in program and portfolio management, the duties and responsibilities that go along with them, as well as the variations between low and high performing businesses.

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portfolio of analytics methods used of accounting, economics or finance

Create a slide deck which represents a portfolio of analytics methods used of accounting, economics or finance. This task is to be done as an individual. 16 slides, total 30 marks.

Assessment Description

You will discuss below five analytics methods and a financial or accounting or economics application for each one.

· Association rule learning · Classification tree analysis · Genetic algorithms · Machine learning · Regression analysis • Out of the five methods that you chose, investigate one in more detail. • Reflect on the limitations of the methods and possible ethical, legal or privacy issues. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. Slide format should be as follows: • Title, student name and ID [1 slide] • Discuss any 4 analytics methods from above. Create one slide for each analytics method and one for its application in accounting or finance or economics. [8 slides, 16 marks] • Discuss the remaining 1 Analytics method in detail and create three slides for the analytics method and one slide for its application in accounting or economics or finance [4 slides, 8 marks] • Reflect and list the limitations of the 5 analytics methods [1 slides, 2 marks] • Discuss in short sentences possible ethical, legal and privacy issues. Please refer to lecture slide week 11. [2 slides, 4 marks]


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Business Portfolio Analysis

As an individual assignment, you will be challenged to create a one-year Marketing Plan for an existingstore or company. The components that are critical to the assignment’s success (and should beaddressed in your paper) are: 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus 4. Situation Analysis 5. Business Portfolio Analysis 6. Market Product Analysis 7. Market and Product Goals 8. Marketing Mix 9. Implementation Plan 10. Monitoring and EvaluationWhen grading this assignment, the following issues will be taken into account (where applicable):** Format and presentation: This would cover the following areas: o Clarity in writing- clear, concise, writing style o Grammatical and spelling errors o Adhering to the prescribed format and page limit: a maximum of ten pages, double spaced (excluding the title page and a reference page), 12-point Times New Roman text and one-inch (2.54 cm) margins o Creativity in presenting results – creativity in writing, layout, graphs, etc.** Logical reasoning and analysis: This would cover the following areas: o Presenting logical and relevant arguments o Consistency – be consistent throughout the report o Show an understanding and application of marketing concepts discussed in the class o Thoroughness – cover all the important aspects of the project o Sufficient information collected (if applicable)** Recommendations/ conclusions: This would cover the following areas: o Relevance of recommendations/ conclusions o Recommendations supported by information given in the project o Practical implications of the recommendations- can be implemented and has relevance in the real world


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Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds

1)Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds. She has $1720,000 to invest, and he does not want the portfolio to include more than 75% stocks. Prem does not want the portfolio to include less than 45% bonds as well. The average annual return for the stock fund he plans to invest in is 28%, whereas the average annual return for the bond fund is 16%. He further estimates that the most he could lose in the next year in the stock fund is 25%, whereas the most she could lose in the bond fund is 15%. To reduce his risk, he wants to limit his potential maximum losses to $120,000.

Formulate a linear programming model for this problem that will maximize his returns on the portfolio.

2)Dorian Auto manufacturers luxury cars and trucks. The company believes that its most likely customers are high-income women and men. To reach these groups, Dorian Auto has embarked on a ambitious TV advertising campaign and has decided to purchase 1-minute commercial spots on two types of programs; comedy shows and football games. Each comedy commercial is seen by 7 million high income women and 2 million high income men. Each football commercial is seen by 3 million high-income women and 11 million high-income men. A 1-minute comedy ad costs $40,000, and a 1-minute football ad costs $90,000. Dorian would like the commercials to be seen by at least 25 million high-income women and 20 million high-income men.

Use linear programming to determine how Dorian Auto can meet its advertising requirements at minimum cost




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Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds

answer these 2 question in 30 minute

1)Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds. She has $1720,000 to invest, and he does not want the portfolio to include more than 75% stocks. Prem does not want the portfolio to include less than 45% bonds as well. The average annual return for the stock fund he plans to invest in is 28%, whereas the average annual return for the bond fund is 16%. He further estimates that the most he could lose in the next year in the stock fund is 25%, whereas the most she could lose in the bond fund is 15%. To reduce his risk, he wants to limit his potential maximum losses to $120,000.

Formulate a linear programming model for this problem that will maximize his returns on the portfolio.

2)Dorian Auto manufacturers luxury cars and trucks. The company believes that its most likely customers are high-income women and men. To reach these groups, Dorian Auto has embarked on a ambitious TV advertising campaign and has decided to purchase 1-minute commercial spots on two types of programs; comedy shows and football games. Each comedy commercial is seen by 7 million high income women and 2 million high income men. Each football commercial is seen by 3 million high-income women and 11 million high-income men. A 1-minute comedy ad costs $40,000, and a 1-minute football ad costs $90,000. Dorian would like the commercials to be seen by at least 25 million high-income women and 20 million high-income men.

Use linear programming to determine how Dorian Auto can meet its advertising requirements at minimum cost

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Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds

1)Prem Lam is establishing an investment portfolio that will include stock and bond funds. She has $1720,000 to invest, and he does not want the portfolio to include more than 75% stocks. Prem does not want the portfolio to include less than 45% bonds as well. The average annual return for the stock fund he plans to invest in is 28%, whereas the average annual return for the bond fund is 16%. He further estimates that the most he could lose in the next year in the stock fund is 25%, whereas the most she could lose in the bond fund is 15%. To reduce his risk, he wants to limit his potential maximum losses to $120,000.

Formulate a linear programming model for this problem that will maximize his returns on the portfolio.

2)Dorian Auto manufacturers luxury cars and trucks. The company believes that its most likely customers are high-income women and men. To reach these groups, Dorian Auto has embarked on a ambitious TV advertising campaign and has decided to purchase 1-minute commercial spots on two types of programs; comedy shows and football games. Each comedy commercial is seen by 7 million high income women and 2 million high income men. Each football commercial is seen by 3 million high-income women and 11 million high-income men. A 1-minute comedy ad costs $40,000, and a 1-minute football ad costs $90,000. Dorian would like the commercials to be seen by at least 25 million high-income women and 20 million high-income men.

Use linear programming to determine how Dorian Auto can meet its advertising requirements at minimum cost

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Diversified Risk Stock Portfolio

Unit III Case Study

DiversifiedRisk Stock Portfolio

For this case study, you will create a portfolio of five to eight stocks that demonstrate diversified risk. List the stocks along with their current price and previous 1-year and 5-year rates of return. Below the list of stocks, address the issues described below.

Explain the difference between portfolio risk and stand-alone risk. 

Briefly explain why you selected each stock and how this investment portfolio would have less risk than selecting just one stock. 

How does risk aversion affect a stock’s required rate of return? 

Explain the distinction between a stock’s price and its intrinsic value.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to cite and reference at least your textbook and stock data source. Use APA format to cite in-text and reference citations





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program should develop an e-portfolio

Each student throughout the program should develop an e-portfolio.  A Portfolio for a student would be a collection of your creative work and /or achievements you have completed while you are a student in the program.  The goal is to utilize these items to assist you in obtaining employment and/or advancing your education.  Examples would be certifications  and/or training accomplished such as HIPPA training and Blood borne pathogen training.





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