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Teaching position for ninth grade special education students taking both English and Math.

You are a first year special education teacher and have been assigned a teaching position for ninth grade special education students taking both English and Math.

Students meet with you for 50 minutes each day to get help with homework, to finish classwork, and to get extra support in each subject area.

You will need to structure the class so that student needs in both subject areas will have time to be addressed. Use the provided information about your students, found in the attached “Class Profile.â€

With the information provided, compose a two-part 750-1,000-word essay addressing the following:

Part 1:

Questions about your teaching assignment before it begins, including any requests for additional information;
Questions of fellow teachers and administration; and
Information needed before the end of the first week of school.

Provide a rationale for each item citing both the text and “Class Profile†as appropriate.

Part 2:

Provide a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting.
Provide a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.
Provide a minimum of three instructional strategies, to include accommodations and/or assistive technology, to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English and Math classes.
Use the text and a minimum of two scholarly resources to support your essay.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required




Special education teaching preparation

This paper discusses preparation for teaching of a ninth grade special education lass that involves remedial sessions for math and reading. The preparation encompasses establishing appropriate questions that the teacher needs to ask the school administrators, fellow teachers and the parents of the students. It also covers classroom and period setup as well as appropriate strategies.


Prior to starting teaching the special education class, it is important to answer the following questions:

  • What curriculum is followed?

This will help ensure that the teacher knows the level of the grade, and the requirements of the various students; whether they are below the grade, at grade level or above grade level.

  • What choices do the students have regarding the curriculum?

It is important to establish whether the students can be able to choose the level of a subject to pursue. For example, for math, can they be able to choose advanced, remedial or average math depending on their capabilities?

  • Who are responsible for developing the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)?

IEPs are used to set goals for individual students and measure progress towards achievement of these goals. The parents/guardians and the teachers are usually involved in setting the goals. It is important to determine the teachers and other staff members involved in setting up the IEPs and monitoring progress. The teacher should also determine who are responsible for updating the IEPs and how often are the updates.

  • What support does the teacher get during class time?

Some schools offer teacher assistants to assist the special education teacher. The teacher should establish what human and other resources are available from the school to support teaching and learning. The teacher should also establish the role of the support staff and their supervision.

  • How is student progress communicated to parents and other teachers?

To ensure effective learning, it is imperative for the teachers and parents to monitor the academic and behavioral progress of the students, with appropriate interventions being employed. The teacher should establish a way of engaging other teachers as well as the parents, including parents who have low involvement. This could be through group and one-on-one meetings with the parents and colleagues at the start to establish the student academic and behavioral goals and plans as well as the modus operandi between the teacher and the parents. The sessions also establishes the special support needed for each student, especially important for students with special physical needs e.g. those with ASD, diabetes, traumatic brain injury, etc.

  • Where can the teacher get support and are there any extra training?

Teaching special education students for the first time can be daunting. The teacher will most likely need consulting with other professionals from time to time. Therefore, the teacher should have support from experienced teachers, administrators and or superintendents who can then guide or mentor them. The school may also have additional training to ensure that the teaching conforms to established school norms. Further, the teacher may need to determine suitable, affiliated professional associations.


  • Who are the other people who have worked or are working with the student? What exactly works for the student?

There are teachers, counselors and superintendents who are involved with the students. The teacher should determine who the people are and collaborate with them for holistic and rapid development of the students. It involves determining whether accommodation or modification is more effective for a student.

  • What are the school’s basic rules and regulations?

These should be established at the start and communicated to the students. They set out the expectations of the school and the teacher regarding behavior such as punctuality, communication, discipline, etc.

Classroom, period and instructional strategies

The students can be in groups that would best address their academic needs. For example each group could constitute students of different abilities so that those with greater ability can help those with lesser ability, with those taking the lead acquiring even more advanced skills. Each group can then be allocated appropriate resources, such as books or geometrical sets, to support their needs. For the reading groups, instructional strategy would be for the students to discuss and analyze a text and write their analysis. The w…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ninth grade special education students ………………………………………………………….


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Demetria applies for a position

Demetria applies for a position with her local police department. When the department sees that she is applying for a position as a police officer, they refuse to take her application, stating that she does not meet the department’s requirement of being at least 5 feet 4 inches tall and at least 130 pounds (Demetria is 5 feet 2 inches and 120 pounds). Is the department’s policy legal? Why or Why not? Support your answer with research using both your textbook and credible outside resources.


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Discussion Question on the Case of Demetria

Name of Student

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Name of Instructor

Discussion Question on the Case of Demetria

            The height requirement in job application in police that barred women that do not meet certain height requirement is considered the greatest form of discrimination. According to Gupta (2008) height and weight requirements has been one of the factors that is considered during the recruitment process. However, such a requirement in employment recruitment is considered illegal. In the case provided, the requirements of at least 5 feet and 4 inches in height and 130 pounds represent an illegal policy. Such a policy, which barred Demetria from being recruited, is discriminatory. According to the author, such police requirements that set certain height and weight requirements against women are a form of systematic racism. The local police department policies adversely affect women and exclude them from fair chance of getting employed.             The local police department policies that excluded Demetria from being employed on basis of her height and weight are also illegal and not capability related. Dempsey et al. (2018) points out that any standards that prevent people from accessing job opportunities on basis of weight and height do not measure skills and qualifications needed to perform functions as police officers. The author point out that such standard is not job related and amounts to form of discrimination against women. Besides, the height and weight requirement in police recruitment is illegal based on numerous court rulings. The Mieth v. Dothard ruling of 1976 against Alabama Department of Public Safety outlined that height and weight did not prevent recruits from performing arrests and responding to emergencies. The Vanguard Justice Society v. Hughes of 1979 also ruled that the height and weight requirement…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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What are some of the things you are looking for in a potential advanced practice position?

1.)What are some of the things you are looking for in a potential advanced practice position? What other benefits in addition to salary would you be sure to include in any negotiation discussions? What are some negotiation tactics to use to ensure you receive the salary/benefits you desire? Are there any “deal breakers” that come to mind when negotiating an employment package? What does the job market look like for FNPs in Arkansas?

2.) Do you have any interest or current plan to pursue the DNP or other doctoral degree? Why or why not? What are the benefits or additional opportunities afforded to those with a doctoral degree in advanced practice or elsewhere? Are there particular things that you would be looking for in a DNP or other doctoral program? What is the current percentage of doctorally-prepared nurses in the Southern United States.
Do you think it is important that nurses as a whole pursue terminal degrees? Use potential advanced practice position

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The advanced nurse practice has been my dream position and some of the things that I look forward into in this position are the ability to engage in specialty practice. I look forward to making diagnosis and management of patients with chronic illnesses, being patient advocate, and developing patient care plans. When making negotiation for the APN position, other than salary I would include benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, continuing education allowance, and professional liability insurance. Before beginning salary and benefits negotiation, I would need to prepare by researching the average salary and benefits and then propose them to my potential employer. During negotiation I would outline my professional competence including my education levels, state licensure, work experience, certification, flexibility, and enthusiasm. Then I will show how I will contribute to the patient outcomes and the overall organization objectives. The potential “deal breaker” that comes into my mind is a lack of educational and professional growth. The Arkansas healthcare market is expected to grown and demand for nurses is going to increase (, 2020). The healthcare industry in Arkansas is expected to experience a growth of about 36% by the year 2026. I have an interest and a plan to continue advancing my nursing education. This is because with advanced education, I will be prepared more to handle diverse and advanced patient care needs. The nurses with in advanced practice or those with doctoral degrees enjoy opportunities such as possibilities of assuming nursing leadership roles. In pursuing DNP, I would be particularly concerned with ensuring I get specialty in area of chronic illnesses. Less than 1% of the registered nurses in Southern United States are doctorally-prepared. Although nurses need to pursue advanced education, not all nurses should pursue terminal degrees such as PhDs in nursing. The terminal degrees prepare nurses to………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization

Discuss the organizational structure and culture of your organization and your position/role in the organization.


2.Analyze your leadership and followership characteristics, including your leadership style, your delegation skills, and your conflict management strategies.


3.Discover more about yourself: Are you creative? Do you use reflection in your critical thinking? Do you have a mentor? Do you network? Do you use emotional intelligence when interacting with others? How do you respond to change? Do you use evidence-based interventions in your nursing practice?


4.What are your leadership strong points? What are your areas for personal improvement?


5.APA format: References (uses 3-4 different references from the literature), citations, grammar, spelling, punctuation, spacing, margins, title page, page numbering, headings, etc






Nursing: Self-Discovery Paper

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(Student’s Name)


Leadership Self-Discovery Paper

Organization Structure, Culture and Position

Organization Structure

            Organizations can have smooth operations and effective workload arrangements if they have good structure in place. The arrangement of workload in any organization can be done based on functions, clients, geography or event the services being rendered. According to (Dalton, Hoyle & Watts, 2010) organization structures originally develop around the chains of command. Moreover, the authors point that the organizational authority can be decentralized or centralized. Depending on the size of the organization, the organization structure enables the employees to understand the chains of command.

            In a hospital setting, where I work, there are different levels of management that determined the type of organization structure currently in place. Our hospital entity is big and we have a complex organization structure that consists of the hospital board of directors, head of billing, the hospital administrators, departmental heads and nurse leaders. The roles of all the employees within the organization have been grouped to create a horizontal organizational structure.  The groupings have created five major categories; administrative, informational, diagnostic, therapeutic and support services.

The administrative services include the hospital chief executive officer, the vice presidents, executive officers and head of departments. Their roles include the creation of procedures and policies and public relations duties. The informational services include the admissions and billing, health information records and health education. The therapeutic services are concerned with the patient care, while the diagnostic services deals in the causes of illness with services in categories such as imaging, emergency medicine and laboratory services. Lastly, the support services provide the entire hospital with support, with roles including housekeeping and maintenance, processing of supplies and design, building and repair of medical equipment.

The Organization Culture

            Organization culture has been defined by (Ashkanasy, Wilderom & Peterson, 2011) as the combination of assumptions, beliefs and values, which determines the actions and rationales that organization leaders use in justification of their actions. They are subject of the influence of the values of the society and those of organization members. In the era where healthcare accountability and population management is critical, a culture of accountability and engagement is important in the healthcare systems. The organization that I work has a strong culture, which is full of accountability and employee engagement. The hospital top management has been at the center of the creation of the strong culture of engagement and accountability.

            The healthy organizational culture in the hospital has clearly defined the expectations of individual caregivers on important outcomes such as patient safety, efficiency, quality of care and experience of the patients in course of treatment. The strong culture is also defined by the presence of two-way conversations between the hospital employees and their leaders. The hospital management has realized that having such strong engagement is critical towards achieving success. This is mainly because an engaged workforce possess high commitment, which offers the highest possibility of delivery of quality, compassionate and efficient care. The two-way communication helps in realization of high levels of engagement and its sustainment. The organization culture has encouraged a cross-sectional communication between the staff, departmental heads and the organization management, which has been critical in the delivery of healthcare outcomes and meeting of the organization goals and objectives.

Position in the Organization            

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The Balance Sheet, or as it is sometimes called The Statement of Financial Position

 For week two research and post the following financial statements of a healthcare provider:

  1. The Balance Sheet, or as it is sometimes called The Statement of Financial Position
  2. The Income Statement, which is also referred to as the Statement of Operations
  3. The Statement of Cash Flows

The statements should and normally do show at least two years of comparable data.  

Note these may be contained in extensive multi-page documents.  So as we can better learn from each other please excerpt or scan just the statements above.  As required by the article paper grading rubric, students should not use the same data from the same provider. Answer the following questions about the financials posted:

  1.  Share the following from the financials, what is the organizations… 
    1. Total assets and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    2. Total liabilities and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    3. Total revenues and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    4. Total expenses and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
    5. Operating profits and the change, increase (or decrease) in percentage from the prior year.
  2.  Given the above report on what you believe to be the provider’s financial health.  Is it improving or not? What strengths or challenges do you observe?

Everything should be 1-2 pages long






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Private sector criminal justice position.

After completing the assigned readings, identify a private sector criminal justice position. 

What are the requirements to apply for this position? 

What are the duties of this position? 

Discuss whether you would be interested in this position. Why or why not?

350-450 words excluding reference, APA format and a minimum of 3 references

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