Writers Solution

Meaning of positive social change

Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.

· Explore the Walden Social Change website and locate an additional document, video, or webpage that will inform your understanding of the meaning of positive social change. Reflect on any additional sources you find.

· Next, write field notes based on the information you gathered from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites that might inform your changing impressions about the meaning of positive social change.

· Finally, review the media programs related to coding and consider how you will use this information to support this Discussion. Note: In your Excel Video Coding template there is a tab for your website data. Use this tab to place your content and codes for the website.

· BY DAY 4

· Prepare a brief explanation of your understanding of the meaning of positive social change thus far. Refer to the additional sources you have reviewed this week, and comment on how they are shaping your experience. Use the data you gathered from your analytic memo to support your explanation.

· Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.


The following articles are examples of literature reviews on the aspects of social change. Choose one of the articles for this week’s Discussion 2.

· Ashoka. (2017).  My changemaker toolkitLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Tackling Heropreneurship. (n.d.).  The impact gaps canvasLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Thomas, E.F., MCGarty, C., & Mavor, K.I. (2009).  Transforming “Apathy Into Movement”: The Role of Prosocial Emotions in Motivating Action for Social ChangeLinks to an external site. Personality & Social Psychology Review, 13(4), 310-333.

· Kezar, A. (2014).  Higher Education Change and Social Networks: A Review of ResearchLinks to an external site. Journal of Higher Education, 85(1), 91-125.

· Aguinis, H. & Glavas, A. (2012).  What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda.Links to an external site.  Journal of Management, 38(4). 932-968.

· Walden University. (2015).  Social ChangeLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

As you review this website, think about Walden’s meaning of social change and how this website will guide you as you consider positive social change for your Major Assignment 2.

· Document:  Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet) Download Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet)

Review this Excel template as you view this week’s media programs. Also, you will use this template for organizing your transcripts and preparing them for coding.


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The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The development and the progression of internet usage are one of the most vital advancements made in the history of human civilization. Every facet of modern contemporary society is connected to and integrated with internet usage, including education, medicine, and news, among other essential aspects of society. The internet has reduced the world into a global village, connecting even the remotest part of the world. The proliferation of social media usage, especially among the young generation, is a notable feature of the internet that has changed crucial aspects of life. Similarly, the internet has equally changed how business and entrepreneurship work in the modern day. Online transactions, business advertisements, and deals have been integrated into technology to increase efficiency and productivity. Likewise, politics revolutionized through the internet with increased participation among the public. However, the internet is also associated with numerous negative impacts, mainly linked to addiction and overreliance on the internet. Opposers of the internet argue that it affects the social and mental well-being of addicted users (Quaglio 8).

Similarly, opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous information detrimental to young users’ growth and development. Nonetheless, internet usage is valuable if the use is controlled and monitored. The internet has positively impacted society as it has enhanced communication and social connectivity improved commerce, and provide tools for learning and development.

The growth of internet usage has hugely impacted how people communicate and interact by enhancing social connectivity. The internet ensures effective and faster communication among users from around the globe. Instant messaging through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and other messaging applications like e-mail has enhanced communication. Faster and more efficient communication improves productivity by reducing the time spent on other traditional forms of communication and interaction (Huizer et al. 5). Similarly, the internet enables users to meet and interact with new people, thus enhancing the social network (Castells 136). Social media platforms give users opportunities to create new relationships and connections. In this digital age, networking is crucial for improving knowledge and experience in various fields. Likewise, interacting with people with varied outlooks on life improves users’ understanding of the people around them and the world in general. The internet offers a seamless communication medium that is crucial for understanding the vital aspects of one’s environment, including what is happening in other parts of the world that have global impacts (Diomidous 1). Social relations formulated online translate to the physical world because people become more aware of their surroundings and other people’s experiences. With the internet, users are more likely to meet people with the same insights and outlooks on life. Similarly, the internet has also enhanced the likelihood of formulating romantic relationships through dating applications and digital platforms. The internet has enhanced work-life balance as users preoccupied with other commitments, such as work and family, can still interact and connect with new people faster and efficiently.

Correspondingly, the internet has revolutionized how businesses operate and reach out to target customers. The development of electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, has enhanced the interaction between customers and entrepreneurs. Customer satisfaction is a vital aspect of business success enhanced by the internet through feedback and direct communication with business providers (Dentzel 16). Through data collection, organizations determine the preferences of their customers and feedback on the services provided by certain enterprises. Through such communication, a business can easily customize its services and products to meet specific and unique customer requirements. Likewise, business models, including small enterprises, can monitor how customers interact with their products by monitoring traffic data and customer reviews. Huizer and his colleagues point out that through the internet, enterprises can reach out to customers in other parts of the world faster and more efficiently (4). Online shopping has modernized customer experience, as seen with the success of large corporations such as Amazon and Alibaba. Local businesses and small corporations’ benefit from the internet by advertising their products and services, leading to the growth of their customer niche (Dentzel 17). Online transactions, including online banking and payment methods, have equally increased the growth of businesses, ranging from small to medium enterprises, improving a country’s economy. Similarly, the growth of internet commerce has created new employment opportunities, especially for the youth, who comprise the most significant percentage of internet users. Internet content creators and influences play a crucial role in the growth and success of e-commerce.

The internet provides tools for learning and development by providing access to an array of information. The internet gives users access to various information sources, including resources and study materials that widen their knowledge and experiences. Through the internet, users can access online libraries and sources that would be costly and time-consuming. Users conduct comprehensive research on the internet on various subjects within a short duration and more efficiently by comparing data and information across verifiable internet sources (Alam et al. 622). Traditional learning institutions have incorporated online resources and classes that increase access to education and information for people worldwide. Students nowadays do not have to physically attend an institution to access courses in a given institute, as they are available online. Therefore, the internet increases access to information and education that enhances users’ growth and development in various fields of learning (Dentzel 10). According to Poushter and his colleagues, the internet broadens students’ learning experience as they access various fields, which helps them choose a specific field of interest. For young learners, the internet improves their creativity and innovative skills by offering an array of data and resources (Fatema et al. 73). Such learning experiences are vital for improving an individual’s autonomy and self-expression as they become more confident and expressive. With the internet, users can express their opinions and participate in discussions of critical issues, including political, social, and economic debates (Castells 143). Individuals feel value in sharing insights and information about specific vital societal issues through social networks. Social media campaigns increase awareness and information about social and political issues, influencing individuals to call for change and improvements.

Conversely, opponents of the internet argue that it harms users’ social and mental well-being, especially the youth and young children. Opponents argue that the internet affects the development of individuals’ intellectual and social skills as they become addicted to the internet (Alam et al. 626). Such a viewpoint bases its argument on the issues connected with addiction to the internet, primarily social media usage. Critics of increased internet usage believe it interferes with a person’s psychological and interpersonal connection skills as they get accustomed to online interaction, reducing physical activity and interaction (Quaglio). Fatema and her colleagues reiterate that social media addiction affects users’ physical and mental health, who gradually become lazy and withdrawn from society (76). Opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous content such as pornographic material and discriminatory information (Quaglio 6). Also, antagonists argue that the internet spreads false information that ostracizes specific populations. Diomidous points out that the internet has also inadvertently promoted antisocial traits such as cyber terrorism, cyberbullying, cyber suicide, and cyber racism (2). However, such negative impacts of the internet are mitigated through controlled and monitored internet usage, especially for young users. Parents can limit the time and the content their children access the internet. Older adults can equally control their access to specific sites and improve their safety through security features that prevent information theft. Through self-evaluation and self-care, social media addiction can incorporate habits and practices that complement online interactions with physical activity.

Overall, the internet benefits contemporary society by increasing communication and social connectivity, enhancing commerce, and improving access to information and learning resources. The internet gives users access to various tools and features that improve their connection and interaction with others, enhancing their independence and expression. Similarly, the internet enables increased public participation in discussing critical social, political, and economic issues affecting people from various parts of the globe, fostering change and improvements. With technology, people can connect with their loved ones, including friends and families, faster and more efficiently, irrespective of location. Although the internet may also be associated with negative influence that affects a person’s social and meant well-being, controlled usage mitigates the graveness of harmful impacts. Numerous lifestyle changes have proven beneficial in countering the adverse effects of internet usage, including isolation, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, and mental health problems. The discovery of the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized all aspects of modern society, and thus its usage cannot be avoided but controlled.

Work Cited

Alam, Syed Shah, et al. “Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empirical study in Malaysia.” Intangible Capital 10.3 (2014): 619–638.

Castells, Manuel. “The impact of the internet on society: a global perspective.” Change 19 (2014): 127-148.

Dentzel, Zaryn. “How the internet has changed everyday life.” Change 19 (2013).

Diomidous, Marianna, et al. “Social and psychological effects of the internet use.” Acta informatica medica 24.1 (2016): 66.

Fatema, Kaniz, et al. “Impact of using the Internet on students: A sociological analysis at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman science and technology university, Gopalganj, Bangladesh.” Open Journal of Social Sciences 8.12 (2020): 71–83.

Huizer, Erik, et al. “A brave new world: How the internet affects societies.” Internet Society (2017).

Poushter, Jacob, James Bell, and Russ Oates. “Internet Seen as Positive Influence on Education but Negative on Morality in Emerging and Developing Nations.” Pew Research Center (2015).

Quaglio, Gianluca. “Potentially negative effects of internet use.” European Parliamentary Research Service (2020)




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A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Please ensure you follow the submission instructions at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.

Question 1 (7 marks)
A good customer experience strategy (from a traditional view), may not equate to a positive digital customer experience. Discuss why this situation could arise, and what must an organisation do, to ensure a positive digital customer experience. Use peer-reviewed referencing support to justify your solution (200-250 Words)
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
How and why are KPI’s used as a tool to measure the success of an organisation’s digital presence. Use examples of digital KPI’s used by digital or internet organisations to support your solution. Furthermore, your solution should be supported with appropriate peer-reviewed support referencing (200-250 Words).
Question 3 (7 marks)
Why would a business re-engineer their information system? Furthermore, identify and discuss some positive aspects of re-engineering, but also the potential pitfalls of undertaking such a major infrastructure change. Use peer-reviewed support to justify your solution (200-250 Words).
Question 4 (7 marks)
How can an organisation use their information system to prevent employees from making inappropriate procurements or fraudulent purchases? Discuss and justify your answer with peer-reviewed support (200-250 Words).
Question 5 (11 marks)
Identify and discuss the key change management issues that an organisation should address when undertaking a major structural change to a business operating model or changes within their information system or technology processes. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution, to justify (450-500 Words).
Question 6 (11 marks)
When organisations need to develop a need idea or product, they may establish a project management team to complete the task. What are the problems or pitfalls they can develop, that ultimately leads to the project not being completed, and becoming a financial burden to the organisation. Using examples to discuss potential issues that can develop, and measures that may reduce these risks. Use peer-reviewed support within your solution to justify your answer. (450-500 Words).
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. WTG8650 HC3152
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD format only
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• You have two attempts to submit your assessment with only the final submission being marked.
Please ensure your submission is the correct document as special consideration is not given if you make a mistake.
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The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welfare Reform


From the choices provided by the instructor, select a peer-reviewed article that most closely aligns to your interests. You will utilize the article to assist you in formulating an argument. Choose at least three other peer-reviewed/academic resources (use JSTOR through the library’s website) from your selected subject area or discipline in tandem with your selected article to prepare a critical analysis of the topic being discussed. Please prepare a somewhat detailed outline similar to the one below to help get your thoughts in order. After preparing your outline and selecting subtitles and appropriate information, you are ready to write your paper. When you submit your materials, please include your outline separately from your final paper but submit them at the same time to the same link. The purpose of an outline is to create a working document that you can then use to compose your paper. The more detailed the outline, the more easily you can write your paper. Make your outline as detailed as you can, so you can almost write your paper entirely from using your outline. It is a good habit to get into.


I. Title of Paper – Your paper title should be descriptive of your topic: For Example: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welfare Reform

II. Introduction to paper – Your subtitle to this section of the paper should be Introduction. Your introduction should indicate something similar to the following: Utilizing the article “The End of Welfare as I knew It,” (Spatz, 2013), and selected sociological literature, this paper will conduct a critical analysis of the welfare system past and present followed by recommendations of how to best revamp the system.

III. The End of Welfare as I Know it (Your subtitle for this section could be Article Summary or the name of the article you selected). Be sure as you write the summary, you cite the author of the particular article that you have selected intermittently within your review.

In this section, provide a summary of the contents of the article to be analyzed.

IV. Literature Review

In this section you will discuss your literature from your field or fields of choice to discuss the issue. Be sure that you cite (using APA formatting or whatever the appropriate formatting is for the discipline that you have selected…research your discipline to determine the appropriate formatting). Cite each of the three sources that you have selected each time that you them in the body of the paper and be sure that you include a reference page as well with the full citation at the end. Please use Purdue Owl for details on how to cite appropriately. The website is:

V. Critical Analysis

In this section, you will use your literature (at least three separate resources) to discuss the points made by the article mixing in your own point of view (but professionally and not directly). That means, do not use personal pronouns. Do not say I, we, etc. Explain how the literature that you found discusses, agrees with, disagrees, with etc. the points made by the article that you selected from the text. When discussing the text, do not refer to it as text, refer to it by the name of the author of the article (not the editor ‘Finsterbusch’ but the author of the particular article that you selected). Do not use the first name of authors. You should references them using only their last name(s) and the year (and pages) in your paper.

VI. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

In this section, provide a summary (two to four paragraphs) of the entire paper and then provide conclusions and recommendations based on the argument you have made substantiated by your sources.

Additional Writing Directions

After you complete your outline and all of your facts and details are in order with citations, you are ready to write your paper. Since the Social Sciences Master’s degree is composed of a variety of disciplines each with their own selected writing format, you will want to look up the appropriate writing style for your discipline. In general, Anthropology and History tend to follow the Chicago style writing format while Sociology, Political Science and Psychology tend to follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Whichever style you select, please look up the details and be consistent. I am particularly interested in appropriate citations used in the body of the paper (to avoid plagiarism) and your reference/bibliography page.

Please read the attached document to refresh your memory and clarify plagiarism. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in the academic community and especially so in graduate school. There is no leniency when it comes to plagiarism; it is considered stealing property. In brief, plagiarism means using any information other than your own without giving appropriate credit to the source. Even if you paraphrase (put materials into your own words), if this material was composed by someone else, you must provide the citations. Most citations should include author of article, date of publication, website, journal, book, etc. that it came from. Please see your appropriate discipline’s documentation on proper citations. The internet contains excellent documentation for all popular writing style formats.

In beginning your paper, please include a separate cover sheet with your name, date, name of course, assignment and title of paper. On the first page of your paper please provide the title of your paper and then jump into your introduction. As you write your paper, follow your outline, providing the information that you indicated you would be providing in each section. I have a preference for use of subtitles, so please use subtitles as indicated in the outline. Citations should be included in the body of the paper each time information is utilized from publishes sources. Additionally, you are to have either a Reference page, Bibliography page or whatever citation page is used by your selected style format.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding your paper.

You must follow these directions, to get the full amount of points. If you do not follow the directions, I will not grade the outline/paper and will return it to you immediately. In graduate school as in the career world, the most important thing is following directions. It can make all the difference


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Positive Social Influence of Deceased Rapper XXXTentacion

Cameron Cooper


Positive Social Influence of Deceased Rapper XXXTentacion

On June 18, 2018, American rapper XXXTentacion was fatally shot in Deerfield Beach, Florida. He was 20 years old. XXXTentacion (born January 23, 1998), whose real name was Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, was a rising star in the rap world. His debut album, 17, debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 chart and his second album released earlier this month, debuted at No. 1 (Hitt). He was also known for his controversial lyrics and history of domestic violence. Onfroy’s death sent shockwaves through the music world and sparked a debate about his legacy (Hitt). Some fans mourned him as a young talent taken too soon, while others celebrated him as a controversial figure who pushed the boundaries of music. XXXTentacion’s death is a devastating loss for the music community and for young people everywhere who looked up to him. His short life was full of both incredible talent and great tragedy. This paper aims at discussing the positive social influence of deceased rapper XXXTentacion.

It’s no secret that XXXTentacion had a rough life. He was born into a broken home, dealt with mental health issues, and was involved in gangs and violence. Despite all of this, he found solace and healing in music. His music has helped countless other people who are struggling with similar issues. XXXTentacion’s music is raw and honest (Sisario). He did not shy away from discussing the darkest parts of his life, and this vulnerability resonates with many people who are struggling. His openness about his mental health issues has helped destigmatize these topics and start important conversations. His willingness to talk about the pain he’s experienced has helped others feel less alone.

Additionally, XXXTentacion’s music is incredibly catchy and powerful. His songs are filled with emotion, and they have the ability to get stuck in one’s head for days. But more importantly, they make one feel something. They can make one feel happy, sad, angry, or motivated, and that’s part of what makes them so special. Moreover, XXXTentacion’s music has had a huge impact on the hip hop community (Sisario). He was one of the first artists to blend different genres like rock and metal with hip hop, and his unique sound has inspired other artists to push the boundaries of what hip hop can be.

When XXXTentacion first came onto the music scene, he was immediately an outsider. His music was different from anything else that was out there, and it showed that it was okay to be different. He gave a voice to those who felt like they didn’t fit in, and his music helped to change society’s perspective on what was considered “normal” (Sisario). XXXTentacion showed that it’s okay to be yourself and that one can still be successful even if they are not like everyone else. He is a true inspiration to those who feel like they don’t belong, and his music will continue to inspire people for years to come.

XXXTentacion was a highly influential rapper who impacted the music industry in a positive way. His unique style of music often pushed the boundaries and challenged the status quo, which is something that many artists admired. For example, his song “Look at Me” was extremely controversial due to its graphic and violent content, but it also sparked important conversations about mental health and suicide (Bennett). This is just one example of how XXXTentacion used his platform to make a difference. Furthermore, the rapper gave hope and a reason to live for many of his fans who were struggling with mental health issues. His music was often very personal and honest, which served as a form of therapy for many people.

The late rapper XXXTentacion was known for his philanthropic work, which often went unnoticed by the public. For example, he regularly donated to charities, including one that provided free lunch for children in need (Bennett). He also worked with an organization that helped domestic violence victims. His work has had a positive impact on society, and he will be remembered for his generosity. Some of the organizations that XXXTentacion worked with include:

The XXXTentacion Foundation – The XXXTentacion Foundation was created in memory of the late rapper XXXTentacion, who passed away tragically in June 2018. The foundation’s mission is to “provide financial assistance and support to mental health charities, suicide prevention organisations, and homeless shelters”. In the short time since its inception, the foundation has already made a significant impact, donating over $1 million to various charities (Guerrero). One of the foundation’s major achievements has been partnering with the United Way to create a statewide crisis text line in Florida. The text line provides 24/7 support for people in crisis and has already helped countless individuals in need (Guerrero). The foundation has also donated to multiple suicide prevention and mental health organisations, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) (Guerrero). In addition to its charitable work, the XXXTentacion Foundation also provides scholarships to students who have been affected by gun violence (Guerrero). The foundation has awarded over $40,000 in scholarships to date and continues to support students who are striving to better their lives despite significant challenges. The XXXTentacion Foundation is making a difference in the lives of many people and is helping to create a more compassionate and supportive world. If you are interested in supporting the foundation’s work, please consider making a donation.

The GiveBack Campaign – The Give Back Campaign is an organization that provides free lunch for children in need. XXXTentacion partnered with this organization to help make a difference in the lives of children who may not have access to healthy meals (Guerrero). Some of the children that have benefited from this campaign include those who have been affected by natural disasters, such as hurricanes.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline – This organization provides support to victims of domestic violence. XXXTentacion worked with them to raise awareness about the issue and to help those who are affected by domestic violence (Guerrero). The National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) is a 24-hour confidential service that provides crisis counseling and support to victims of domestic violence. The Hotline also offers information about shelters, legal services, and other resources in the caller’s area. Founded in 1996, The Hotline is the only national 24-hour domestic violence hotline in the United States (Richards et al.). Since its inception, The Hotline has answered more than 4 million calls from victims of domestic violence. The Hotline has also helped connect victims with more than 10,000 local shelters and resource centres across the country (Richards et al.). In addition to providing crisis counselling and support, The Hotline also provides educational resources on topics such as safety planning, financial abuse, and healthy relationships. The Hotline has been recognized as one of the most effective crisis counselling services in the United States. In 2009, The Hotline was ranked by Forbes magazine as one of the top 10 hotlines in the country (Richards et al.). In 2012, The Hotline received the National Domestic Violence Crisis Center Award from the National Association of Social Workers.

XXXTentacion’s philanthropic work has positively affected society, and he will be remembered for his generosity. His work has shown that even though he came from a difficult background, he was able to make a difference in the world. Many people have benefited from his work, and his legacy will continue to live on.

XXXTentacion was known for helping out other up-and-coming artists, and he was an important mentor to many. He would often invite them to his house and have talks with them about their music or simply just life in general. This led to better social lives for many of these artists, as they had someone to look up to who could relate to them (MacAdams). XXXTentacion also helped with their careers, giving them advice on how to make it in the industry. He was a big help to many aspiring artists, and his death is a big loss to the music community.

XXXTentacion was known for his activism, often using his platform to speak out against social injustice. He was an active supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and frequently spoke out against discrimination. The rapper was against social injustice and he displayed this through his music and actions. For example, in 2017 he helped to raise money for an elderly couple who were struggling to pay their rent (MacAdams). The couple had been living in their car before XXXTentacion stepped in to help them. He also donated money to various charities, including a children’s hospital in Florida. In 2018, XXXTentacion posthumously won the BET Humanitarian Award for his charitable work. As a member of Black Lives Matter, he was an active voice in the movement, using his platform to raise awareness about the importance of racial equality (MacAdams). He also frequently spoke out against police brutality and violence against black people. XXXTentacion’s commitment to social justice helped to inspire others to stand up against injustice and make a difference in the world.

XXXTentacion’s death sent shockwaves through the music world and beyond. The young rapper had amassed a large and devoted following despite a troubled past that included multiple felony convictions, stints in jail and accusations of domestic abuse. Despite his legal troubles, XXXTentacion’s music resonated with many fans who could relate to his struggles. His songs often tackled dark subject matter, such as mental health, suicide and depression. In the wake of XXXTentacion’s death, fans and fellow musicians paid tribute to the late rapper, lauding his impact on the music world. XXXTentacion’s short but impactful career has left a lasting legacy. XXXTentacion’s music has inspired many young people to open up about their own struggles with mental health. In a society that often stigmatizes mental illness, XXXTentacion’s willingness to discuss his own battles with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts was incredibly powerful. Fans have also praised XXXTentacion for breaking down barriers between genres. The young rapper’s unique blend of rap, rock, emo and trap was unlike anything that had been heard before. His music appealed to fans of all genres, uniting people from all walks of life. Finally, XXXTentacion gave a voice to the voiceless. His music often tackled social and political issues that are often ignored by the mainstream media. He was unafraid to speak out against injustice, and his words continue to inspire people around the world. XXXTentacion’s death was a tragic loss for the music world. But his short but impactful career has left a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire people for years to come. He will be remembered as a talented musician who was taken too soon.

Work Cited

Bennett, Ryan. “Rappers’ Rhymes Are Not Admissions To Crimes: Eliminating The Unlawful Use Of Rap Lyrics Against Rappers In Criminal Proceedings”. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021. Elsevier BV,

(Add two paragraphs for each of these sources, 1 on credibility, 1 on info from source)

Guerrero, Jose. “Book Review Essay Of Zach Schonfeld’s Ghetto: Misfortune’s Wealth And Jarett Kobek’s Do Every Thing Wrong! Xxxtentacion against the World”. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, &Amp; Inclusion (IJIDI), vol 6, no. 1/2, 2022, pp. 85-93. University Of Toronto Libraries – UOTL,

Hitt, Tarpley. “The Real Story of South Florida Rapper Xxxtentacion”. Miami New Times, 2018, 10410980.

MacAdams, Torii. “The Cult Of Xxxtentacion: How Fans Pay Tribute To An Abusive Rapper”. The Guardian, 2018, to-an-abusive-rapper.

Richards, Tara N. et al. “Comparing 911 And Emergency Hotline Calls For Domestic Violence In Seven Cities: What Happened When People Started Staying Home Due To COVID- 19?”. Crimrxiv, 2021. Pubpub,

Sisario, Ben. “Hero Or Villain? Death Of Rapper Xxxtentacion Divides The Internet (Published 2018)”. Nytimes.Com, 2018,

(with the addition of the counterargument source, there will be 8 sources, please find 2 more and cite them along with the two paragraphs for each source)


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Power of collective action of SOCIAL MOVEMENTS as agents of positive social change in an Australian context

 Assessment: Descriptive Essay (30%)• Word Count: 1100 – 1300
This assessment is about the power of collective action of SOCIAL MOVEMENTS as agents of positive social change in an Australian context.
Define the purpose of Social Movements and identify the four (4) types of Social Movements as outlined by Aberle (1966) and then explain the four stages of Social Movements in relation to ONE of the following Australian Social Movements:
· The Women’s Movement
· The Climate Change Lobby
· Anti-Smoking Campaign
• A minimum of 5 scholarly journal articles are required. Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
• Students are to use APA 7 report format (with subheadings) and referencing, both in-text and reference list, and include excerpts from at least 5 (scholarly) journals and the unit textbook


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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Power of collective action of SOCIAL MOVEMENTS as agents of positive social change in an Australian context

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Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people

Assignment- Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.  Explain how advertisements, movies and children’s fairy tales play a role in this  and how they may be able to make some adjustment to facilitate positive feelings about unattractive people. 

Requirements Gordon Rule 

  • Please write in complete sentences and thoughts.
  • Use detail
  • it must be 1 page in length ( approx.250 words)
  • Double spaced.
  • This is a part of your Gordon  Rule requirement.
  • Must be submitted in APA format with citation and reference

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals.
  • Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people

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Writers Solution

Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.

Assignment- Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.  Explain how advertisements, movies and children’s fairy tales play a role in this  and how they may be able to make some adjustment to facilitate positive feelings about unattractive people. 

Requirements Gordon Rule 

  • Please write in complete sentences and thoughts.
  • Use detail
  • it must be 1 page in length ( approx.250 words)
  • Double spaced.
  • This is a part of your Gordon  Rule requirement.
  • Must be submitted in APA format with citation and reference

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals.
  • Research indicates that we form more  positive impressions of physically attractive people than we do unattractive people.

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What were some of the positive accomplishments of Reconstruction?

History 1306.

Discussion #1: Why did Reconstruction Fail?

Most historians agree that Reconstruction was generally a failure. What were some of the positive accomplishments of Reconstruction? What could have been done to have made the postwar period more effective in uniting the North with the South and establishing the freedmens’ citizenship? 

Due date: 29th August

Half page is enough for the answer

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals What were some of the positive accomplishments of Reconstruction?

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Why is it important for health care leaders to have a strong and positive mentor? Provide specific examples.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

  • Why is it important for health care leaders to have a strong and positive mentor? Provide specific examples. 
  • Do you have a mentor? If so, share your experiences. If not, how might you find one?

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Confidential- It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Why is it important for health care leaders to have a strong and positive mentor? Provide specific examples.

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