Writers Solution

Analyze the nature of the various posts. Are they emotional memories? What figures were typically present? Parents and grandparents? Animals?

Each student must post (1) substantial initial post at minimum of 270 words per topic by 1/15/2020. Then, reply to at least (2) of your classmates’ initial posts by 1/17/2020. Each reply post should be a minimum of 120 words per reply. All replies in the discussion forum should enhance the discussion. Non-informative messages posted in the discussion forum will not be counted towards the required number of posts.

​Discussion Topic

You were once an infant, so you too have probably experienced infantile amnesia. In this assignment, you will identify your earliest memories, possibly with a little help from a photograph.

1. Review this unit’s required readings.

2. Identify your earliest memory, and consider the questions below. Then, post your responses to the Discussion Board:

● Describe how old you were in your earliest memory, and what you remember. ● Has anyone who was older ever actually recalled the event to you? If so,

what did the person tell you? Is the description the same or different? ● Do you have any pictures of the event? If so, post the picture and identify

people and things you recall.

3. Be sure to read others’ posts and respond to at least two posts by adding clarification, asking questions, or adding constructively to the discussion. To guide your responses, consider the following questions:

1. Analyze the nature of the various posts. Are they emotional memories? What figures were typically present? Parents and grandparents? Animals?

2. Do you think memories are clearer when you have other recollections or a photograph to draw from? Or do these data obscure the pure memory you have?

3. What do you think conditioning has to do with the nature of these memories, if anything?