Writers Solution

practice setting and the typical patient population.


The nursing process is utilized in a variety of nursing roles and health care settings. Whether you are working in direct patient care, telehealth, or in a leadership role – the basic model is the same! Take this opportunity to share how the nursing process is utilized in your own practice settings! Hint: Your assigned readings will be helpful in formulating your answers.

Please answer the following question in your initial post:

Describe how you apply the first step (assessment) of the nursing process in your current practice setting. If you are not currently practicing as an RN, you may use an example from a prior clinical or work experience. Include the following information:

  • Briefly describe your practice setting and the typical patient population.
  • Provide examples of key subjective and objective data points you collect.
  • Describe how you document your findings. Is there technology involved?
  • Describe your process of data analysis. What is the end result of this process? (i.e., Do you formulate nursing diagnoses and care plans, collaborate with others and/or make referrals?)
Writers Solution

Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points about how the Registered Nurse maintains the capability for practice

3806NRS Professional Nursing Practice
Trimester 1, 2020
Assessment 1 (A1)
Written Assignment (Individual):
Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio
1,500 words
Weighting 50%
Due Date: Monday 16th March 2020 at 17:00hrs
According to the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (2016), to provide safe, effective nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and professional development.1
In this assessment task, you will develop the skills required to create a Professional Practice Portfolio (PPP) in which you can document the evidence of capability for practice as a Registered Nurse in the future and how the Standards for Practice are applied.
This assessment item will address course learning outcomes 1 and 3.
This assessment task has two components.
1. Professional practice portfolio use
· Describe a PPP and discuss the recommended components (approx. 100 words);
· Present an argument that supports the use of a PPP to demonstrate professional nursing practice. Your argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of why PPPs should be used and the benefits and challenges of using a PPP to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice (approx. 350 words);
· Discuss and differentiate between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ concepts, and describe how development of leadership and management skills could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio (approx. 400 words).
· Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.

2. Application of Professional Standards
Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points about how the Registered Nurse maintains the capability for practice. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).
· Choose an example from a previous or current clinical placement where you were delegated an action/responsibility by an RN/Clinical Facilitator and describe this example2. Your description should include: The context of nursing practice and health care delivery (i.e. where this occurred); who was involved; what you were delegated to do; how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility, and; the outcome of the delegated action/responsibility (approx. 200 words);
· Critically discuss how you demonstrated the application of a professional standard (within your student nurse scope of practice) and reflect upon the accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities (approx. 450 words);
· Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.
· Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide
· You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion to this written assessment.
· Use a heading for each of the two components of the written assessment.
· Do not exceed the word limit – the word limit does not include the reference list BUT does include in-text references and quotations;
· Examine the Turnitin report for your draft assignment. If you have text-matching identified in the written section of the assignment, this may be used as the basis of reporting an academic integrity concern.
· Submit your FINAL assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions on your Learning@Griffith course site. [Submit in the ‘Assessment’ tab]. Keep your Turnitin receipt as evidence of successful submission. Check you have submitted the correct assignment file.
· Email yourself a copy of your final assignment file so you have a contemporaneous record of your submission.
2 Note: The Standards document describes how the seven standards are interconnected (see Figure one, page three). Your clinical example may incorporate a description of you applying one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard 4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating care outcomes (Standard 7).

A1 Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio MARKS
1. Professional Practice Portfolio
Describes a PPP and discusses the recommended components supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards; (100 words) 5
Presents an argument supporting the use of a PPP to demonstrate professional nursing practice. Argument demonstrates a critical thinking and analysis of why PPPs should be used and the benefits and challenges of using a PPP to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards; (350 words) 10
Discuss and differentiate between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ concepts, and 10
describe how development of leadership and management skills could be evidenced in a PPP supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards. (400 words)
2. Application of Professional Standards
Describes an example of a delegated action/responsibility describing the context of nursing practice and health care delivery (where this occurred); who was involved; what you were delegated to do; how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility, and; the outcome of the delegated action/responsibility; (200 words) 5
Critically discusses how a professional nursing standard was applied and reflects upon the accountability for decisions made, actions, behaviours and responsibilities supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards. (450 words) 10
3. Academic Writing and Presentation
Assignment is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, well constructed sentences and appropriate paragraph structure.
Uses academic language throughout.
Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines. 7
Meets the 1,500-word length requirements (excluding reference list).
4. Referencing
Referencing (in-text citations and reference list entries) as per APA Style 7th Edition
Provides at least 10 references from scholarly literature, in alphabetical order, in one list which starts on a separate page.
Reference list starts on a separate page 3
Total marks / 50

Writers Solution

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case

Please review Chapter 5: ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case and provide response for following questions.1. Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organization’s reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity.2. Explain how improvement is measured with KPIs and give one example related to Human Capital and how this KPI might help you improve your organization.3. What do you think is the difference between traditional risk management and enterprise risk management?You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 250 -to-300 words for each question. Be sure to include at least three reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

Writers Solution

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case

Class – Please review Chapter 5: ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case and provide response for following questions.

1. Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organization’s reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity.

2. Explain how improvement is measured with KPIs and give one example related to Human Capital and how this KPI might help you improve your organization.

3. What do you think is the difference between traditional risk management and enterprise risk management?

You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 500 -to-800 words for each question. Be sure to include at least 4 reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

Writers Solution

Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice?

 Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

1. Your assignment should be written in APA style format.
2. Double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font and make sure to use headings.
3. Please answer all the questions at the end of Case Study in not less than 2 pages.
4. Separate title and reference page. 

Writers Solution

practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

The practice of project management has been with us for a long time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program. However, the ability of the project management profession to remain viable in an ever-changing world is dependent upon the members of the profession to recognize change, and to adjust to that change for the good of the organization.

Write a focus paper discussing the importance of aligning projects with the organization’s strategic goals. In your discussion, consider the advantages of having the leadership team support the project. Please be mindful that executives are interested in initiatives that promote the vision and mission of the organization.

Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary, commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis, compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable.

Criteria for the Assignment

● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or one that you would like to join).

● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project outcomes.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project organization reflects organizational strategies.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager, and the advantages of their support for the project.

● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and techniques.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and performance standards.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to communicate the project to the organization and stakeholders.


● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.

● A table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.

● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.

● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your paper to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.

GM591 Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

Points Possible

Points Earned

Content (50 pts)

Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.


Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.


Analysis (30 pts)

Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.


Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons and inferences.


Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.


Writing (20 pts)

Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.


Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).


Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

Writers Solution

Theory and Practice in Zen

The Relation between Theory and Practice in Zen. Write a 2250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Relation between Theory and Practice in Zen. Write a 2250 word paper answering; T’an-ching where the precise meaning of t’a that according to Hu Shih is an appeal for more systematic search in Japan for long-hidden T’ang dynasty source materials of the history of Zen Buddhism. It is believed that the monk shen-hui of Ho-use temple that is in the eastern capital would each month make a platform and give sermons to people. Before the platform sutra, there is no instance in that the work that was merely the record of career and sermons of a particular master that was recognised with the name sutra. However, according to Ta-chien bodhisattca monk and his teaching of the platform sutra, there is no difference from the Buddha’s preaching of a sutra. The monk-disciple recorded his words so that they may be used later in generations to come and offer benefits to students and make them have a pivot of teaching and transmit it among themselves. Connectively, master Hua-neng emphasised that the first thing to do is to purify one’s mind and then concentrate on dharma that has great perfection of wisdom. The master recounts how he was able to join the fifth patriarch in Huang-mei hsien in ch’i-chou that presently has a thousand disciples.

Though a commoner from ling-nan, he was reluctantly accepted, the master preached to them and told them that they had first to look into themselves and write a verse and if the master finds that one of them is awakened to the cardinal meaning them he shall be given a robe and the darma that will make him the sixth patriarch. The disciples gave up and refrained from writing the verse, the priest after much thought decided to write a verse in the midnight secretly without letting anyone see it. At dawn, the fifth patriarch saw the verse and decided for the pictures not to be painted after all quoting words from the diamond sutra that all forms everywhere are unreal and also false. The master burned the incense before the verse in the presence of all disciples. He ordered the disciples to recite the verse since it will enable them to see their own nature, therefore, preventing them from falling three evil ways.&nbsp.

Writers Solution

You are a secondary officer assigned to a call. You will use the same scenario from Milestone One for practice


Using the scenario from Milestones One, Two, and Three, submit a full draft of your incident report. Make sure to include all the elements in the final project document. Be sure the report is complete, concise, clear, and correct, and that it describes the incident and outcomes through the use of information that answers the six essential questions. The instructor will provide feedback in the next module.

In Module Seven, you will complete your final project. This final submission is based on a different scenario and video. Keep in mind that in Module Seven you will only be able to view this video once and that you will have to complete the Field Notes and Incident Report based upon this viewing. Use what you have learned from the milestones to prepare for this final assessment. 

Scenario One: You are the primary officer assigned to complete a report about this incident. Assemble a list of field notes based on your observations and on information that you consider to be necessary for the formulation of your report. Remember you will not be able to ask any questions, but keep in mind the information that you want to make note of. 

Scenario Two: You are a secondary officer assigned to a call. You will use the same scenario from Milestone One for practice. The primary officer is completing the original report and has asked you to take witness statements and complete the supplemental report section of the incident report, which details the information you have learned. 

Also, 100% free of plagiarism and completed on time!