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Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Back to Module at a Glance (

Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.

The Assignment (1-2 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics. Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples. Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations. Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.

Submit your revised paper.

Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK3Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.


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Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following: Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and a

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following:

  1. Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.
  2. Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and are not, manifested in current correctional settings in the United States.
  3. Explain different ways to improve rehabilitative services to make them more readily utilized within the criminal justice system, and better aligned to the theoretical best practices you identified.

Provide five to seven peer reviewed resources to support your explanations.

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Importance of ethical research practices

Refer to the resources in the Reading Assignment and the instructions in the template and complete the following sections of your Applied Research Proposal:

                                                              Ethical Considerations

Start this section by explaining the importance of ethical research practices.

                                                  Considerations During Intervention

Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention. BE SURE to back up your writing with the APA formatting of research you have reviewed. This is a MUST in this area.  

                                               Considerations During Data Collection

Explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm. Just briefly tell me how you plan on ensuring your participants are kept “safe” during your data gathering procedures.

                                                    Considerations of Researcher Bias

Explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results. How will you ensure that your results, data gathering, and overall involvement with the participants will not be bias?


Summarize the methodology section.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor. Your paper will be assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.

      Reading Assignment

1. Belmont Report. (n.d.). 

  • This is a complete list of all ethical concerns discussed when conducting research.

2. Everheart. J. (2004) A study of kindergarten and first-grade special education students’ recall of color words. Download the PDF.

  • The above is a complete Master’s thesis that you will be reviewing in your PLC




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Realigning HR Practices at Egan’s Clothiers

Case Study Assignment

Please read this document carefully before submitting your case study report.

Selected Case:

“Case 6: Realigning HR Practices at Egan’s Clothiers” from Integrative Case on pp. 596-8

– Cengage Unlimited purchasers also have access to the integrative cases included at the end of the textbook. If you cannot find the case, ask other students or Cengage.

Case Study Questions:

Answer the following in order.

· Why was there no single formal complaint about Egan’s performance evaluation system? (100-word limit, three points)

· Was Egan’s retail selling skills training effective or not? Please support your argument with evidence (100-word limit, three points).

· Explain about the perplexing results regarding employee absenteeism and turnover (150-word limit, five points).

· Draw your conclusion about the effectiveness of Egan’s performance evaluation system and suggest a solution to improve such system (250-word limit, nine points).

Submission Window:

Jul 25 – Jul 29, 2022. No early or late submissions allowed.

Word Limit, Format & Proofreading:

The case should be analyzed in approximately 600 words. Papers with less than 500 words or over 750 will receive a five-point penalty.

The report should be written double-spaced, using 12-pt Times New Roman with normal margins. If you do not follow the format, five points will be deducted as it reflects your inattention to this document.

Do not use bullet-point styles or number your sentences. Write your paper with multiple paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not ever submit a one-paragraph paper. You will receive five points total if you do not comply with this very basic rule.

Avoid using vague pronouns to make your writing clear. Rephrase clearly to reflect your ideas. The following examples are from actual student submissions in previous semesters.

“Egan’s Clothier staff established contradictions in their Human Resource practice that if you are seeking to hire experienced individuals then you should not require so much training, thereafter. It presents itself as counterintuitive.”

“Instead of posting feedback daily, they might consider providing feedback on a monthly basis. This gives workers enough time so that the sales process is not rushed. It also opens opportunities for the company to invest in other aspects of the business. This could include going online to lower labor costs.”

– All students, whether you are a native speaker or not, are strongly advised to install Grammarly on your MS Word. Each typo, basic grammatical error, and punctuation mis- (or non-) use will lead to one-point deduction from your total score after the second one.

General Advice:

The things you MUST avoid (Don’ts) are as follows:

1. Do not waste your word count by introducing the summary of the case at the beginning of your report. Do not attach cover pages, headers, footers, appendices, tables or figures; they all count toward the word limit.

2. Do not cite other sources. Do not search for answers on the internet. Do not cite the textbook, either. It is completely unnecessary.

Write your own report as if you were doing it in the classroom with no other recourse except the textbook.

3. Do not make groundless assumptions. Read the case carefully multiple times before you begin to write your paper. Use the facts in the case only and do not fabricate your own facts. If you make an untrue statement, one point will be taken off per each statement.

Examples are as follows:

– The company should use incentive plans at all levels of employees (This is not accurate if the case does not have information on whether executives and upper management do not have incentive plans).

– Training is a total waste of money (Unless the case clearly indicates so, you cannot make this kind of strong statement).

4. Do not suggest or recommend solutions excessively generic or obvious. All suggestions should be specific to the case and related to the question. Avoid the following examples:

– Suggestions that are so obvious and needless to say

– The company should align their HR practices with its values.

– The company should train its employees.

– The company should comply with laws.

– The company should adopt incentive plans along with a base pay.

– Suggestions without details

– They should change to team incentive – If you argue like this, state a reason, a type and a target of team incentive plans.

– They need other indicators to measure performance – So, what measure?

– Suggestions that do not make sense

– Experienced employees do not need training – Why are so many firms establishing training & development programs?

– Outside the scope of HRM (These are AWFUL suggestions.)

– They need a budget cut.

– The company should focus other aspects of business, except for HR.

– This company needs to reset firm strategies to save costs.

Here are the do’s:

1. Thoroughly read the case and questions more than twice.

2. Use terms and names consistently and correctly. If you address a person as Mr. Smith, keep calling him Mr. Smith. If you prefer Paul, introduce him as Paul. However, it is less desirable to switch back and forth between Paul and Mr. Smith. Also, Mr. Paul sounds awkward.

3. Spell out the term first and indicate the abbreviation. Then use the abbreviation afterwards.

E.g., I love the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC is the guardian of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (CRA). The CRA is the cornerstone of equality in American society.

4. Write correct sentences. Grammar software may not catch supra-segmental errors. For example, independent clauses should be connected by a coordinating conjunction, which forms a compound sentence. Dependent clauses cannot constitute a sentence by themselves and must accompany an independent clause with a subordinating conjunction to make a complex sentence. Please use appropriate conjunctions or, if you can, divide your clauses and make them separate sentences. In particular, do not write two independent clauses without a conjunction; it never reflects well on you (e.g., I came to work at seven, she was already there).

5. Use appropriate transition words. Indicate whether you are ordering (first, second, third, finally), adding (moreover, additionally, in addition), contrasting (however, on the other hand, in contrast), or reasoning (thus, therefore, so, as a result). Clearly show relationships between sentences or paragraphs.

6. Write clear paragraphs. One paragraph should have only ONE main idea. Your idea should be stated clearly in a topic sentence, not asking the reader to rely on guesswork. In addition, other sentences in the paragraph should support your main idea. When the paragraph is argumentative, you should provide evidence and reasons for your claim. When your paragraph is descriptive, you should add more flesh to the bone of your main description.

7. Please proofread your writing before you hit ‘submit’ for the sake of both of us.


1. Do not search the internet for answers. Do not ever pay to get answers from study guide websites. The questions I ask are different from what you find in the textbook.

2. If you copy even one clause verbatim, it is also plagiarism. As specified in the welcome document, if you plagiarized your assignment, not only do you receive zero points on the case study, but your letter grade will also be adjusted.

Final Words:

1. Spend a good amount of time and try to answer the questions on your own. Have faith in yourself.

2. Again, do not search for answers on the internet. Questions in the textbook are not identical to the ones I provide. Plagiarism will take a heavy toll on your grade.

3. I do not accept additional explanations of your paper via BB messages or extenuating circumstances unless they are extraordinary. I grade yours based only on what I read.

4. Ask questions, if you have, through BB. I will answer as quickly as possible. Good luck with the assignment




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Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Discussion: Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue (nursing burnout) and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.


Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor (nurse burnout) you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples


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Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding.

Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding. It means being willing and flexible enough to find ways to adjust what you teach and how you teach to keep your students engaged and excited to learn. It is also creating a safe place for them to make mistakes, take risks, and ask questions.

What does innovation look, sound, and feel like in your situation? Investigate the types of changes that must be supported by educational leaders in order to satisfy the demands of global citizenship by examining in-depth the Innovation in education emphasizing your perception of it creatively described as, innovation:

  • Looks like…
  • Feels like…
  • Sounds like…


1. Guo, Y. (2006). Why Didn’t They Show Up? Rethinking ESL Parent Involvement in K-12 Education. TESL Canada Journal, 24(1), 80 – 95. doi:

This article inquires into “Why don’t they show up at school?” The absence of ESL parents from school is often misinterpreted as parents’ lack of concern about their children’s education. However, many ESL parents indicated that they cared passionately. Instead of assuming that ESL parents do not care, educators need to understand the barriers that hinder some parents from participating in their children’s education.

2. Juvonen, J., Le, V., Kaganoff, T., Augustine, C., & Constant, L. (2004). Whole-School Reform Models. In Focus on the Wonder Years: Challenges Facing the American Middle School (pp. 98-111). Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from

This text is concerned with innovations and programs designed to improve student outcomes and addresses other perceived problems at the middle school level. The following questions are addressed in this reading: (1) What are the major reform efforts at work in the middle school? (2) What are their goals and primary features? and (3) Do the reform show promise for addressing the challenges middle schools face today?

3. Hoover‐Dempsey, K., Walker, J., Sandler, H., Whetsel, D., Green, C., Wilkins, A., & Closson, K. (2005). Why Do Parents Become Involved? Research FIndings and Implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105-130. doi:10.1086/499194. JSTOR, JSTOR

This article inquires into “Why do parents become involved in children’s education?” Based on this review, the authors offer suggestions for (1) research that may deepen understanding of parents’ motivations for involvement and (2) school and family practices that may strengthen the incidence and effectiveness of parental involvement across varied school communities.

4. Pilegaard, M., Moroz, P., & Neergaard, H. (2010). An Auto-Ethnographic Perspective on Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(1), 46-61. Retrieved from

This paper offers insight into (a) how socio spatial contexts may be structured to better evaluate the entrepreneurial facilitation process and (b) why academic entrepreneurship in the social sciences and humanities may differ from that in the hard sciences. The findings illustrate the importance of bridging innovation using twin skills to balance research and commercial goals, and the need for codifying knowledge capacities and creating new or changing existing institutional structures to legitimize and facilitate entrepreneurial activity. The research also demonstrates the great value of auto-ethnographic techniques to bring fresh insight to the study of entrepreneurship


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Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your Name RP Dr. Fayez Shriedeh

Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your name


School of Hospitality@ LTUC



1.0 IntroductionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is challenging industries around the world. Preventative measures to combat the spread of the virus, such as mandated business closures, physical distancing, reduced community mobility and travel restrictions, have been especially devastating to the hospitality industry (Gossling et al., 2020). Perhaps one of the more vulnerable subsectors has been wellness -related hospitality businesses. These businesses often rely on tourism and international air travel and many of resorts’ verticals, are synonymous with gatherings of large groups of people in close proximity (Shivdas, 2020). Unfortunately, these features, within which this industry thrives, also abet the spread of the virus (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).Wellness centers stock price closed at an all-time high on Friday, a sign that these centers’ fleet-shrinking strategies are paying off financially — even as they leave consumers fuming. Major Wellness centers last two years dropped off more than 52% sales as the pandemic crushed demand (MOTA, 2021), according to MOTA (2021), more than 1 of every 3 wellness centers that were in service before the pandemic are no longer available.The industry backfire illustrates that the post-pandemic recovery, while strong, may not be entirely smooth. As more wellness businesses reopen, many report trouble hiring enough workers to cope with surging demand. “The covid shock was unlike anything we have experienced before. As we go into the recovery phase, we’re going to see friction and disruption in the normal flow of economic activity,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist for Oxford Economics. “It’s going to be a bit erratic and disrupted, but the pace of growth will be very strong.” (Torbati and Lynch, 2021)This paper offers a methodology for studying and implementing micro-level practices of crisis management in the wellness centers in Amman. In the conclusion, suggestions for future research and useful information for managers of wellness facilities are provided.1.1 Aim and Objective of the ResearchThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Therefore, the objective research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman.1.2 Research QuestionWhat are the crisis management practices used by wellness center in response to Covid-19?1.3 Rationale of the StudyGiven the importance of Hospitality for the world economy and the sector’s impact on social and environmental issues, the damage caused by a crisis threatens not only the national economy but also the livelihoods of many tourist destinations. Therefore, it is worth monitoring crisis management strategies to minimize the negative effects.The study results will provide a valuable addition to the knowledge obtained from other studies on the crisis management practices that are used by wellness center in Amman. The study is valuable because it adds to the literature on crisis management.The decision maker in the wellness center ………also might have a deep insight into which practices managers actually use during an industry crisis and which practices consider important.1.4 Research ScopeThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Accordingly, the study targeted the supervisory, middle and executive level of management to answer the survey questions. Wellness center …were chosen due to the lack of studies on crisis management practices during Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan.1.5 Research StructureThe whole research will be completed by following proper structures. The overall structures of the research are given below using a table:SectionsDescriptionsIntroductionThis section will provide a basic overview of the research topic “ ………………………………..”Literature ReviewSeveral literature has been reviewed to understand and implement the research question properly. The literature review will give a deep idea about the wellness center.Research MethodologiesThe most common research methodologies are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methodology is used for implementing the research on the particular topic perfectly.Primary and secondary researchThe most relevant information for the research purpose will be collected from the primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire will be used for primary data collection. And, published articles, newspapers and websites will be used for secondary data collection.Data analysis and findingsThe collected data will be analyzed by using particular procedures so that appropriate findings can be generated from the research. The findings will be represented using numerical information.The efficiency of the research methodologies and other alternativesThis section will show whether the research methodologies appropriate identified and captured the goals and objectives of the research (Jankowicz, 2007).Conclusion and recommendationsThis part will conclude the overall research and provide some recommendation for the business owners. The overall findings from the report will be given here in a summarized form.

2.0 Literature Review

The current literature on crisis management in tourism and Hospitality focuses primarily on general prescriptive models (techniques) that provide general guidelines for coping with different crisis situations such as terrorism (Baxter & Bowen, 2004), and natural disasters (Pforr & Hosie, 2010). The majority of research efforts were primarily directed to violence activities relevant to the tourism industry and recommendations for preparations for times of terror. Pizam and Mansfeld (1996) analyzed different occurrences of terrorism in the tourism context whereas Blake and Sinclair (2003) detailed the reaction of the USA hospitality industry to the terroristic events of September 11, 2001. In addition, Ritchie (2003) stressed the importance of a holistic approach to crisis management in hospitality, as hospitality crisis management can be vastly improved through the application of crisis and disaster theories and concepts from other disciplines.

Alternative models generally focus on business crises, although the scientific literature barely mentioned the economic crisis effects on tourism prior to the financial crisis of 2008. The majority of studies (published before 2008) present crisis management from a historical, descriptive, or comparative perspective. Lerbinger (1997) categorized crisis according to external and internal factors that generated different business crisis types. Mansfeld’s (1999) historical review suggests that one method for coping with crisis is by using extensive marketing. Other studies have sought to improve theoretical models to forecast sudden major changes in economic systems and business cycles that could potentially lead to crisis situations (Puu, 1991).

Nevertheless, to date almost no research has examined specific micro-level practices in the wellness industry with focusing on a health pandemic. No similar studies have been conducted in Amman. The only studies that have addressed the specific operational activities to manage crisis situations and evaluate their usage in the hospitality industry are those conducted by Israeli and Reichel (2003) and Israeli (2007) on the Israeli hospitality industry and Okumus and Karamustafa (2005) on the Turkish hospitality industry. Therefore, this study will focus on the management practices of wellness centers in response to health crisis of Covid-19.

The study used Israeli (2007) techniques to develop four major categories of crisis management: marketing, maitenance, government assistance, and human resources. This model can aid in evaluating different crisis management techniques. As the selection of specific techniques in a given industry is crucial (Yoon & Hwang, 1995), the list of techniques with general guidelines can also be assembled for specific problems in different areas of hospitality industry.

Reference List

MOTA (2021). Statistics 2022. [online] Available at:

Baxter, E., & Bowen, D. (2004). Anatomy of tourism crisis: Explaining the effects on tourism of the UK foot and mouth disease epidemics of 1967-68 and 2001 with special references to media portrayal. The Inter- national Journal of Tourism Research, 6(4), 263–273.

Pforr, C., & Hosie, P. (2010). Crisis management in the hospitality industry: Beating the odds? Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (1996). Tourism, crime and in- ternational security issues. Michigan, UK: Weily.

Torbati, Y. and Lynch, D. (2021). How the COVID pandemic led to a rental car crisis just as Americans are ready to bust loose. [online] The Seattle Times. Available at:

Gossling, S., Scott, D. and Hall, C.M. (2020), “Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Blake, A., & Sinclair, M. (2003). Tourism crisis management: US response to September 11. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 813–832.

Ritchie, B. W. (2003). Chaos, crises and disasters: A strategic approach to crisis management in tourism industry. Tourism Management, 25, 669–683.

Lerbinger, O. (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Mansfeld, Y. (1999). Cycles of war, terror and peace: Deter- minantsandmanagement ofcrisisandrecoveryofthe Israeli tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research, 38, 30–36.

Puu, T. (1991). Chaos in business cycles. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 1(5), 457–473. Israeli, A. A. (2007). Crisis-management practices in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(4), 807–823.

Israeli, A., & Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. Internatio- nal Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353–372.

Okumus, F., & Karamustafa, K. (2005). Impact of an economic crisis: Evidence from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 942–961.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020b), “Considerations for travelers-coronavirus in the US”, available at:

Shivdas, S. (2020), “Shut casinos hit Caesars as COVID-19 puts gambling industry in survival mode”, Reuters, 11 May, available at:

Jankowicz, A.D. (2007). Business Research Projects. [online] Thomson. Available at:


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With leadership, as with most things in life, experience can be the best teacher, and it’s important to base our leadership practices on the best of what people do—the actions that represent our highest standards.

Leadership Reflection My Personal Best Leadership Experience

Refer to the Leadership Development Guidelines in the “Getting Started” module for expectations and grading rubric.

With leadership, as with most things in life, experience can be the best teacher, and it’s important to base our leadership practices on the best of what people do—the actions that represent our highest standards.

Purpose of the Activity

· Telling the story of a time when you did your best as a leader can help you think about your behaviors that embody exemplary leadership.

· To begin the process of learning from your own experience.

· Your story will also help your instructor to get to know you better.


Respond to the following items according to the Leadership Development Guidelines in the Getting Started Module.

Recall a time when, in your opinion, you did your very best as a leader. Your Personal Best leadership experience might have taken place recently or long ago; while you were the “official” leader or manager of a team or group, or when you emerged as an informal leader; when you were working for pay or as a volunteer. The experience might have taken place in the workplace, when you were part of a community group or professional organization, as a part of a formal or informal team, or when you felt you made a difference.

1) Set the stage. Provide the context by briefly describing the situation: the organization, the people involved, the nature of the project or undertaking, and the challenges you faced. Also describe how you felt at the beginning of the experience.

2) Describe what happened. Be specific. What did you do? What actions did you take to address the challenge? To engage others? To keep others motivated, especially when things did not go as planned? What were the results?

3) Describe how you felt at the end of this experience and the two or three major lessons about leadership that you learned




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Debate the effects of Culture and Human Resources practices within the workplace

 Discussion 1:

Culture and Human Resource Practices

The importance of Culture and Human Resource Practices. Get idea of the role culture and human resources practices play within organizations. The objective is to debate the use of culture and human resource practices within the workplace. 

Upon successful completion of this week’s lesson, you should be prepared to: 

· Debate the effects of Culture and Human Resources practices within the workplace

Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:

· Chapter 14 – (See attachment )

· W8 Lecture – Global Expansion (See attachment)

· Managing in a Global Economy Unit 5 International Human Resource Management – YouTube

Mello, J. (2015). Strategic Human Resources Management (4th edition). South-Western, Cengage Learning ISBN: 9781285426792


Respond to two or more colleagues, preferably ones that have yet to receive a response, in the following way:

· Propose two suggestions on something your colleague can do in the future to positively change the behavior they identified.

· Provide a rationale for your suggestions based on your experience and the Learning Resources for the week.

· 3 – 4 paragraphs

· No plagiarism

· APA citing

1st Colleague – Tania Darders

Tania Darder  

 How can culture impact globalization and Human Resources practices, and what are the risks when conducting business in a foreign country?


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What are the “business cases” for implementing sustainability practices at Amazon?

ACCT 356v9: Assignment 2

Credit Weight:15% of your final grade

Due Date: After completing Lesson 11

Scope:Covers Lessons 6–11

·         Part 1: Case: Sustainability (30 marks)

·         Part 2: Performance Evaluation(20 marks)

·         Part 3: Customer Profitability Analysis (20 marks)

·         Part 4: Probabilities(20 marks)

·         Part 5: Nonprofits(10 marks)

Part 1: Case: Sustainability                                                       (30 marks)

Amazon is the largest internet-based retailer in North America. Amazon started as a book seller but quickly expanded into other household items such as electronics, entertainment, furniture, home décor, beauty, and other retail items. Amazon sells goods directly to consumers and, in Canada, ships itsproducts from warehouses across the country. In addition to direct sales, however, Amazon also offers its platform as a place where third-party retailers can list and sell their products. Shipping for these third-party sales may be handled by the external retailer, not Amazon. This means that items in a consumer’s shopping cart may be shipped by multiple shippers. It is not uncommon for an order of five items ordered throughAmazon at one time, for example, to arrive as five separate packages from five different locations.

Amazon Prime is a subscription service offered through Amazon that covers all shipping fees. Customers pay an annual fee that includes shipping and other customer perks like media streaming.


1.       What are the “business cases” for implementing sustainability practices at Amazon? Your Lesson 6 reading (Whelan, T., & Fink, C. The comprehensive business case for sustainability) discusses the business cases for implementing sustainability practices. Describe at least five reasons why sustainability would be advantageous to Amazon’s business. Discuss why each reason would be beneficial for Amazon specifically.                                                                                                              (10 marks)

2.       Discuss five challenges that Amazon might encounter with implementing sustainability practices.       (10 marks)

3.       Looking at Amazon’s sustainability report for the most current year, answer the following:

a.            Discuss three areas of sustainability that Amazon does well.           (6 marks)

b.            Discusstwo areas that Amazon could improve on in terms of itstriple bottom line.       (4 marks)

*Do not forget to provide references and citations (using APA) if you cite external information.

Part 2: Performance Evaluation                                               (20 marks)

Hightech Industries specializes in manufacturing medical equipment, a field that has become increasingly competitive. Last year, Pedro Rodriguez, president of Hightech, decided to revise the bonus plan (based entirely on operating income at the time) to encourage division managers to focus on areas that were important to customers and that added value without increasing cost. In addition to introducing a profitability incentive, the revised plan includes incentives for reduced rework costs, reduced sales returns, and on-time deliveries. The company’s new plan calculates and awards bonuses semi-annually on the following basis: a base bonus is calculated at 2% of operating income; this amount is then adjusted by the following factors related to rework, deliveries, and sales returns:


·         The bonus is reduced by excess of rework costs above 2% of operating income

·         No adjustment is made if rework costs are less than or equal to 2% of operating income.


·         The bonus is increased by $4,000 if more than 98% of deliveries are on time and by $1,500 if 96–98% of deliveries are on time.

·         No adjustment is made if on-time deliveries are below 96%.

Sales Returns

·         The bonus is increased by $2,500 if sales returns are less than or equal to 1.5% of sales.

·         The bonus is decreased by 50% if sales returns are over 1.5% of sales.

Note: If the calculation of the bonus results in a negative amount for a period, the manager simply receives no bonus, and the negative amount doesnot carry forward to the next period.

Results for Hightech’sWestand East divisions for 2021, the first year under the new bonus plan, follow. In 2020, under the old bonus plan, the WestDivision manager earned a bonus of $20,295 and the East division manager a bonus of $15,830 based on 2% of revenues.  The old bonus plan did not adjust for rework, on-time deliveries, or sales returns.

 West DivisionEast Division
Jan-Jun 2021Jul-Dec 2021Jan-Jun 2021Jul-Dec 2021
Operating income$346,500$330,000$256,500$304,500
On-time delivery95.4%97.3%98.2%94.6%
Rework costs$8,625$8,250$4,500$6,000
Sales returns$63,000$52,500$33,560$31,875


1.       Why is revenue alone not an ideal measure of performance? What specifically about the revised performance measures compels the managers of the East and West divisions to pursue the company’s goals?                                                                                            (6 marks)

2.       Calculate the semi-annual bonuses earned by each manager for eachsix-month period and in total for the 2021 year.                                                                               (10 marks)

3.       The managers were not advised of the new plan until after their first bonus in June 2021. What effect did the change in the bonus plan have on each manager’s actual behaviour in the second half of 2021? What changes, if any, would you make to the new bonus plan?                 (4 marks)

Part 3: Customer Profitability Analysis                                  (20 marks)

Mark’s Comedy Emporium provides entertainment for birthday parties. Over the last year Mark’s has entertained at over 150 birthday parties and it seems the Mark’s business is booming! Customers generally must book six to eight months in advance to secure a spot, and the company has parties booked solid for the next six months. Business is busy, customers are extremely happy, and employees are happy, but Mark is barely breaking even. He cannot understand, with his business being so successful, why he is barely able to pay himself a wage. Mark has asked you to help him figure out what he is doing wrong. 

The services provided at each party vary. Some customers only want a clown to perform, and they handle the other party details themselves. Other customers want a full package—clown, food, cake, entertainment, cleanup, party favours, decorations, and costumes for the kids. Mark’s can provide the following services at a party:

·         Clown: Most parties include a clown who performs for one hour at the party. Mark pays a clown $40 per party.  

·         Food (excluding cake): When customers order food for their party through Mark’s, he outsources this service to Carl’s Catering. Carl charges an average of $12 per child for food.  

·         Cake: Mark sources birthday cakes through his sister, Sarah, who runs a small bakery and makes custom cakes for Mark’s. Her smallest cake is 8” in diameter (serves up to 10 kids) and costs $40. She also makes a 10” cake for $60 (serves up to 20 kids). 

·         Cleanup: Mark’s provides cleanup service. Cleaning staff are paid $15 per hour, and cleanup averages two hours per 20 kids. Cleanup is a variable cost based on number of kids attending the party.

·         Party favours: Party favour bags can also be ordered through Mark’s. These cost $5 per bag to assemble.

·         Decorations: Mark’s will also fully decorate a party. Decorating staff are paid $15 per hour, and it takesone hour to decorate a party for 20 kids. Decorations cost an average of $50 for party of 20 kids. Decorating staff and decorations are fully variable based on the number of kids.

·         Costumes. Mark’s also provides costumes for parties so that kids can dress up based ona theme. On average, costumes cost $40 each and can be worn 25 times before they need to be replaced. Costumes are cleaned after eachuse at a cost of $5 each.   

Mark has set up a fee schedule for each service as follows:

ServiceFee charged to customer
Clown$60 per party
Food$15 per child
Cake$2 per child
Cleanup$2 per child
Party favours$6 per child
Decorations$2 per child
Costumes$6 per child

In atwo-week period, Mark catered six parties with the following services:

# of kids attended20254515512
Food servicesYYNNYN
Party favoursYYNNYN


1.       Calculate the customer-level operating income for each customer by preparing a customer profitability analysis. Rank the customers according to profitability.                                                    (10 marks)

2.       Mark would like to earn a return of 50% on costs. What price should he have charged per child for each customer to earn a 50% return on costs? How does this compare the original fee he charged per child? What are the main reasons for this variance?   Create a new fee schedule for Mark’s based on your analysis.                                                                                       (10 marks)

Part 4: Probabilities                                                                    (20 marks)

Jack Elementary has plans to build a new playground in 2021.The school received a $120,000 government grant to be used for building the playground. They hope to break ground in May 2021 and complete the project by the start of school in September. Before they can start the project, however, they must dismantle the existing playground that no longer meets current safety standards. They also plan to complete soil testing once the existing playground is dismantled, as several residential properties in the community have tested positive for soil contamination. Due to recent news articles, parents are concerned about the potential for soil contamination and are demanding a full test to ensure their kids are not playing on a contaminated playground. 

Rayna May, the principal, has compiled the following estimates for the new playground:

Cost for dismantling existing equipment$22,000
Salvage value from selling the metal from existing equipment$7,000
Soil testing$18,000
New playground equipment$45,000
Cost of installation$16,000
Cost of resurfacing play area in rubber$55,000
Cost of landscaping (including $5,000 for gravel)$22,000
Cost of removing and replacing soil$73,000

The costs for installation, resurfacing, landscaping, and soil removal are the costs quoted by professional contractors. Ms. May was approached by the president of the student council, JayWong, who has volunteered the council’s time for installing and landscaping the new playground. This will save the school approximately $25,000 in costs and Mayhas decided to accept this offer, as two of the council members who will be helping are journeymen carpenters. 

The school has two options for dealing with the potentially contaminated soil. The first option is to forgo the soil testing and simply resurface the play area with a poured-rubber matting that can cover the entire play surface. This will cost approximately $55,000—a significant portionof the playground budget. The other option is to perform the soil testing and address the outcome if needed. A municipal worker has estimated that there is a 40% chance that the soil is contaminated. If the soil proves to be contaminated, the school will either need to resurface the area with rubber matting for $55,000, or it can have the contaminated soil removed and replaced for $73,000 plus the cost of gravel. Rayna is wondering what they should do and has asked for your help.  


Prepare an analysis of the potential project costs for the following scenarios. Note: There is noneedfor gravelif the play area isresurfaced. However, if the soil is not contaminated or if they need to remove and replace the soil, the gravel will be needed.

1.       Resurface the ground without testing the soil.                                        (5 marks)

2.       Complete the soil testing. In this case there are two options:

a.       Complete the soil testing and remove/replace the soil if contaminated.

b.       Complete the soil testing and resurface if contaminated.

         Use the probabilities provided by the municipal worker to determine a weighted cost for each of these outcomes.                                                                                     (10 marks)

3.       What option would you recommend for the school? Why? What other non-financial considerations mightyou need to include in your decision?                                            (5 marks)

Part 5: Nonprofits                                                                        (10 marks)

The Peachland Research Centre is an agricultural research facility that is funded through provincial and federal grants. Most of the centre’s work is focused on developing new innovations that help produce higher yields in crops and better quality of food products.  Recently the centre has becomeinterested in biofuels. It plans to implement a new project that has the objective of growing switch grass, a crop that has potential to replace fossils and decrease dependence on them. 

In January 2020, the government has committed a one-time grant of $800,000 to the centre that will be restricted to purchasing land that will be used to produce biofuels. With this grant, the centre is planning to purchase a 200-acre plot of land for growing switch grass. They have estimated that they will require three workers to clear, plant, maintain, and harvest the crop. They anticipate that they will need these additional staff for eight months of the year. The staffing costs will be approximately $15 per hour for approximately eight hours per day, 20 days per month. Other costs will include seeds, water, and utilities at $3 per tonne, while accumulated depreciation on the equipment will total $10,000.

Once the crop has been harvested, they will send the grass to a facility that will manufacture fuel pellets. This will cost the centre approximately $10 per tonne of grass.  Each acre that is planted is expected to return two tonnes of switch grass. Once the fuel pellets are produced, the organization is planning to sell the pellets to local homeowners who have converted their standard gas furnaces to pellet furnaces. It is estimated that approximately two acres of switch grass will be required to heat an average-sized home for the winter. The cost to the homeowners will be $100 per tonne of grass.

Marty McGuire, the director of the Peachland Research Centre, has asked you to provide an overall budget for this venture. He is hoping that your report will support his belief that this project is viable and will be self-sustaining. He tells you that it is very important for the project to support itself through the sale of pellets.  


1.       Prepare a budget for the project. Does this appear to be a viable venture for the Peachland Research Centre? What changes, if any, need to be made to improve the project’s viability?  (7 marks)

2.       Every project comes with a degree of risk. What are the specific risks associated with this venture, and how can the centre mitigate these risks?                                               (3 marks)

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