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Student Preparation for Distance Education

Read these articles located in the Topic 3 Resources before responding to this DQ.

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What strategies do you currently use, or have used in the past, to try to practice good time management? Are there any strategies mentioned in the articles listed above that you use or have used? Are there any strategies from the articles that you will try to use going forward to improve your time management? What time management strategies do you think work best to ensue you have adequate time for studying and school work?


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  • Student Preparation for Distance Education

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    Discussion of partnership processes and preparation of Accounting entries

    Assessment Assessment 2
    (Part A: Business Report, Part B: Discussion of partnership processes and preparation of Accounting entries)
    Individual/Group Individual Assignment
    Length Part A—1500 words
    Part B— 300 words for requirement 3.
    Learning Outcomes b) Apply Accounting principles and standards when accounting for non-current assets, revenue and liabilities. c) Prepare statements of cash flows.
    d) Prepare Accounting entries and processes for partnerships.
    Submission Week 10 (Detailed information is provided below)
    Weighting 30%
    Total Marks 100 marks (Part A: 75 marks and Part B: 25 marks)
    Individual Assignment Specifications
    Assessment Task Description
    The assignment is to be completed individually. Listed below is the overview, instructions, marking criteria and rubric for Part A and Part B outlining the specific questions to be addressed in your report.
    1. Overview
    The total marks available for this assessment task are 30. The assignment has an allocation of 100 marks, final mark on the assignment will be a weightage of 30% of the marks awarded out of 100. The assignment requires you to:
    (i) directly address Part A & Part B worth a total of 100 marks, and
    (ii) “to do so with academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence”, worth 15 marks (see Instructions, Item 4)
    2. Instructions
    1. Select a company from Table 1 listed under pt.5.
    2. Obtain the recent annual report preferably financial year ending 30 June 2020.
    3. Students are not allowed to select the same company; therefore, your lecturer must approve the choice of your company.
    4. In terms of ‘Academic Quality’ worth 10 marks for Part A and 5 marks for Part B, a combined total of 15 marks out of 100 marks.
    5. Selected list of ASX companies is provided below, that need to be selected for your choice of Part A
    Table 1: Selected list of ASX listed companies
    ASX Code Company name
    1 CSL CSL Ltd
    2 STO Santos Ltd
    3 RIO RIO Tinto Ltd
    4 TCL Transurban Group
    5 LLC Lendlease Group
    6 ALX Atlas Arteria
    7 ORI Orica Ltd
    8 OZL OZ Minerals Ltd
    9 OSH Oil Search Ltd
    10 MIN Mineral Resources Ltd
    6. The requirements for Part A of this assignment must be written/structured in the form of a ‘business report’. That is, it must have a/an:
    (i) Word limit: 1,500 words
    (ii) A proper report format is expected (title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body of the report with headings and subheadings, conclusion & recommendations, appendices, list of references)
    (iv) Students are strongly advised to avoid plagiarism or collusion in doing the assessment. General rule: If the similarity, detected and reported by Turnitin report, comes from the original assignment questions, table of contents, table of numbers and data, diagrams and charts, calculations, reference list, appendix…, then it is not an indication of plagiarism. However, if the similarity comes from the discussion or analysis or interpretation or recommendation parts of the assignment then it is an indication that the student has “copied and pasted” from the original source. This is not the student’s own work and therefore it will negatively affect the quality of the student’s answers in the submitted report.
    (v) A minimum of 3 different academic reference sources are required. Remember that Wikipedia, Investopedia and other similar websites are not academic sources and must not be used as a reference source.
    (vi) The marking rubrics for the business report is provided under Assignment marking criteria and Rubric.
    Part A: Discuss and interpret various Accounting Standards covering non-current assets, revenue recognition, liabilities, and cash flow statement. (75 Marks) For your selected/approved Company, comment on the following:
    1. Knowledge and understanding of the accounting principles and standards for non-current assets, revenue, and liabilities.
    a. Discuss why the selected company has prepared the general purpose financial statements. Your discussion should include the reference to the objective of conceptual framework (6 marks)
    b. State the basis of preparation of these statements. (3 marks)
    c. Refer to the following items from statement of financial position/ Balance sheet of the selected company: ? Property, Plant& Equipment (PPE)
    ? Intangible assets
    ? Right of use of asset
    ? Deferred tax assets
    ? Deferred tax liabilities
    ? Provisions
    Review the information provided in notes to financial statements about each of the above items. In your written report identify the following for each of the above item:
    ? accounting standards used for reporting. (6 marks)
    ? measurement basis used. (6 marks)
    ? key judgements and estimates applied. (6 marks)
    d. Identify selected company’s sources of revenue and the accounting standard applied for reporting revenue. (3 marks)
    e. Explain the revenue recognition criteria applied to each of the revenue source identified in (d) and further assess whether it satisfies the recognition criteria as stated in the Conceptual Framework. (6 marks)
    2. Preparation, presentation, and analysis of cash flow statement.
    a. Outline the two different methods of preparing the statement of cash flows. Examine the selected company’s statement of cash flows and report on its method used. (6 marks)
    b. Assess how each section in the statement of cash flow of your selected company relates to the statement of financial position. (6 marks)
    c. Examine the selected company’s statement of cash flows and compare the cash from operating activities with operating profit after tax. Are they similar? If not, suggest why. (6 marks)
    d. What financing activities were undertaken by the selected company? Compare the borrowings from the previous year and suggest reasons for any major changes. Were there any payments made to shareholders? (3 marks)
    e. Generate an opinion about the selected company’s cash position and its usefulness to shareholders, lenders, and creditors. (3 marks)
    3. Developed recommendations in line with the evidence available in the annual report.
    Analyse the measurement basis, key judgements and estimates identified in Part A 1 (c), discuss whether this provides relevant, reliable, and faithful representation to stakeholders. For this analysis you may look at qualitative characteristics mentioned in the conceptual framework and look at an annual report of another company in the similar sector and compare the approach adopted with your selected company. (5 marks)
    4. Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence.
    Report Layout and Content (i.e., title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body of the report (this is where you will address the above 3 questions) with headings and subheadings, conclusion & recommendations, appendices, list of references (10 marks)
    Part B: Partnership processes and accuracy of accounting entries (25 Marks)
    On 1 July 2019 Patrick and Patricia decided to join forces and form a partnership (P&P Partners). Their contributions to the partnership were: Patrick – Cash: $160,000, Accounts Receivable: $75,000, Equipment: $85,000 Patricia – Cash: $240,000, Inventory: $200,000, Accounts payable: $75,000 Their agreement has the following conditions:
    • Patricia’s inventory has a market value of $180,000
    • Patrick’s equipment has been valued at $80,000
    • The partners receive 5% interest on their capital balances • Salaries Patrick – $90,000 and Patricia – $75,000
    • The remaining profit is split equally.
    • Any drawings attract an 10% interest rate for the financial year. Required:
    1. Prepare journal entries for the formation of the partnership. (4 marks)
    2. During their first year they made a profit of $204,000. Both partners have drawings Patrick $25,000 and Patricia $30,000. Prepare a schedule for the distribution of profit for the year. (6 marks)
    3. As the business is growing, partners are curious to know if company structure would be beneficial for the business. Provide a brief advise to the partners stating whether they should consider registering the business as a company. In your advice comment on the aspects of company structure, such as regulatory compliance, taxation, continuity and if these aspects provide any advantage over partnership structure. (10 marks, 300 words)
    4. Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence. (5 marks)
    Assignment Marking Criteria and Rubric
    The following summarizes the key marking criteria that will be used to assess how you have addressed the assignment requirements of Part A and Part B, academic and discipline conventions, and sources of evidence.
    Marking Criteria
    Marking Criteria Marks Allocated Marks Awarded
    Part A: Discuss and interpret various Accounting standards covering non-current assets, revenue recognition, liabilities, and cash flow statement
    Knowledge and understanding of the accounting principles and standards for non-current assets, revenue, and liabilities. Discuss why the selected company has prepared the general purpose financial statements. Your discussion should include the reference to the objective of conceptual framework (6 marks)
    State the basis of preparation of these statements. (3 marks)
    Refer to the following items from statement of financial position/ Balance sheet of the selected company: ? Property, Plant& Equipment (PPE)
    ? Intangible assets
    ? Right of use of asset
    ? Deferred tax assets
    ? Deferred tax liabilities ? Provisions
    Review the information provided in notes to financial statements about each of the above items. In your written report identify the following for each of the above item:
    ? accounting standards used for reporting. (6 marks)
    ? measurement basis used. (6 marks)
    ? key judgements and estimates applied. (6 marks)
    Identify selected company’s sources of revenue and the accounting standard applied for reporting revenue. (3 marks)
    Explain the revenue recognition criteria applied to each of the revenue source identified in (d) and further assess whether it satisfies the recognition criteria as stated in the Conceptual Framework. (6 marks)
    2. Preparation, presentation, and analysis of cash flow statement.
    a. Outline the two different methods of preparing the statement of cash flows. Examine the selected company’s statement of cash flows and report on its method used. (6 marks)
    b. Assess how each section in the statement of cash flow of your selected company relates to the statement of Financial position.
    (6 marks)
    c. Examine the selected company’s statement of cash flows and compare the cash from operating activities with operating profit after tax. Are they similar? If not, suggest why. (6 marks)
    d. What financing activities were undertaken by the selected company? Compare the borrowings from the previous year and suggest reasons for any major changes. Were there any payments made to shareholders? (3 marks)
    e. Generate an opinion about the selected company’s cash position. (3 marks)
    3. Developed recommendations in line with the evidence available in the annual report.
    Analyse the measurement basis, key judgements and estimates identified in Part A 1 (c), discuss whether this provides relevant, reliable, and faithful representation to stakeholders. For this analysis you may look at qualitative characteristics mentioned in the conceptual framework and look at an annual report of another company in the similar sector and compare the approach adopted with your selected company. (5 marks)
    4. Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence. 10
    Part B: Partnership processes and accuracy of accounting entries
    1. Prepare journal entries for the formation of the partnership. (4 marks)
    2. During their first year they made a profit of $204,000. Both partners have drawings Patrick $25,000 and Patricia $30,000 drawings. Prepare a schedule for the distribution of profit for the year. (6 marks)
    3. As the business is growing, partners are curious to know if company structure would be beneficial for the business. Provide a brief advise to the partners stating whether they should consider registering the business as a company. In your advice comment on the aspects of company structure, such as regulatory compliance, taxation, continuity and if these aspects provide any advantage over partnership structure. (10 marks, 300 words)
    4. Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence. (5 marks) 5
    TOTAL Marks 100
    TOTAL Weight 30%
    Final Mark
    Marking Rubric (Business report: 75 marks (Part A) and Partnership processes and Accounting entries: 25 marks (Part B)). Assessment Attributes for Part A and Part B have been clearly labeled in the table below. Please note that the last Attribute of Academic and discipline conventions apply to both parts, where Part A has been allocated 10 marks and Part B allocation is 5 marks.
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinctions (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
    Knowledge and understanding of the Accounting principles and standards for non-current assets, revenue, and liabilities.
    (36 marks)
    Part A •

    • Shows very little to no understanding of the Accounting principles and standards required to be discussed from the annual report of selected company. Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates little to no capacity to explain and apply relevant Accounting principles and standards. Has answered most parts incorrectly. •
    • Shows limited understanding of the Accounting principles and standards required to be discussed from the annual report of selected company.
    Has answered some parts incorrectly. • Thorough knowledge or understanding of the Accounting principles and standards required to be discussed from the annual report of selected company. • Highly developed understanding of the Accounting principles and standards required to be discussed from the annual report of selected company. •
    A sophisticated understanding of the Accounting principles and standards required to be discussed from the annual report of selected company.
    Preparation, presentation, and analysis of cash flow statement.
    (24 marks)
    Part A •
    • Shows no understanding of direct and indirect methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities.
    Demonstrates little to no capacity to explain the importance of cash flow from operating activities. •
    • Shows limited understanding of direct and indirect methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities.
    Demonstrates limited capacity to •
    • Shows good understanding of direct and indirect methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities.
    Demonstrates a good •
    • Shows highly developed understanding of direct and indirect methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities.
    Demonstrates a highly developed •
    • Shows sophisticated understanding of direct and indirect methods of presenting cash flows from operating activities.
    Demonstrates a
    • Has answered most parts incorrectly. • explain the importance of cash flow from operating activities.
    Has answered some parts incorrectly.
    understanding in explaining the importance of cash flow from operating activities.
    understanding in explaining the importance of cash flow from operating activities. sophisticated understanding in explaining the importance of cash flow from operating activities.
    recommendations in line with the evidence available in the annual report.
    (5 marks)
    Part A • No recommendations developed. • Recommendations developed but not broadly consistent with the evidence presented and generated in the case. • Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. • Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. • Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Knowledge and understanding of partnership processes and accuracy of Accounting entries
    (20 marks)
    Part B •

    • Shows very little to no understanding of the partnership processes Demonstrates little to no accuracy in recording Accounting entries. Has answered most parts incorrectly. •

    • Shows very limited understanding of the partnership processes Demonstrates limited accuracy in recording
    Accounting entries.
    Has answered some parts incorrectly. •
    • Thorough knowledge or understanding of the partnership processes
    Demonstrates good accuracy in recording Accounting entries •
    • Highly developed understanding of the partnership processes
    Demonstrates high accuracy in recording accounting entries •

    A sophisticated understanding of the partnership processes. Demonstrates perfect accuracy in recording
    Accounting entries
    Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence.
    (15 marks)
    10 marks for Part A and 5 marks for Part B •

    • Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are mistakes in using the APA style. •

    • Is written according to academic genre
    (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. •

    • Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary). Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. •

    • Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading.
    There are no mistakes in using the APA style. •

    • Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading.
    There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
    ACCT 2000 Financial Accounting |Page 9 of 9

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