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Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years

To measure the financial performance of any company, it is important to analyze its four key financial statements: balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and shareholders’ equity statements. In this assignment, you will:

  • Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years.
  • Visually present the income statement to depict how much money a company made and spent over the past three years.

The visual presentation and analysis will help you understand and compare the performance of both the companies to be acquired and eventually will help you build your recommendation for the acquisition.


Use the provided data sets of Company A and Company B to create data visualizations of their financial performance in Power BI. Then, based on the visualizations, write an executive summary interpreting the financial performance of Company A and Company B. Include screenshots from your data visualizations as needed in your summary. Follow the directions in the Power BI Executive Summary Assignment User Manual.

To complete this assignment, you will use Power BI software that is located within the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

  1. Assets, Liability, and Equity: Summarize how the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity have changed over three years for Company A and Company B. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company A as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company B as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
  2. Revenue and Earnings: Use the provided income statements to summarize the gross revenue and net earnings for Company A and Company B over three years. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize your observations about the financial performance of both companies. Include any insights you may have about their performance trends or how they have performed compared to each other over the past three years.

What to Submit

Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations

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present enough information about the proposed work so that the reader understands

the general context or setting. It is also helpful to include a summary of how this document is


Chapter 1- Introduction (3 – 4 pages)

In this section, present enough information about the proposed work so that the reader understands

the general context or setting. It is also helpful to include a summary of how this document is


In the research report, each chapter should begin on a new page


This section introduces the reader to the structural content of your Research Report.

Problem Statement and Purpose of Research

In this section, present a concise statement of a research-worthy problem to be addressed (i.e., why

the work should be undertaken – don’t state “it was a requirement of the professor”). Follow the

statement of the problem with a well-supported discussion of its scope and nature. The discussion

of the problem should include: what the problem is, why it is a problem, how the problem evolved

or developed, and the issues and events leading to the problem. Your problem statement must be

clear, concise, to the point and able to be articulated in no more than three sentences.

Chapter 2 – Review of the Literature (6-8 pages)

In this section, it is important to clearly identify the major areas on which you will need to focus

your research in order to build a solid foundation for your study in the existing body of

knowledge. This section requires that you review at least 5 peer-reviewed literature sources to

be used in the research.

The literature review is the presentation of quality literature in a particular field that serves as the

foundation and justification for the research problem, research questions or hypothesis, and

methodology. You will develop a more comprehensive review of the literature as part of your


For each of the 5 articles, write a paragraph each for the following sections

The following topics are intended to serve as a guide:

 Description of the research including who the target population was (if available)

 Research Method used to conduct the research (describe what the researcher(s) did to

gather data for the research)

o Was survey distributed? How many questions? How many participants?

o Was it a focus group? Was it a case study? Be explicit

 Findings: Indicate the findings as reported in the article

 Conclusion: What was the conclusion of the research

Chapter 3 – Research Methodology (3 – 4 pages)

This section is the core of your research. You are required to describe how to the research problem

will be addressed and the stated research goal will be accomplished. Based on the literature,

elaborate on the major steps that must be taken to accomplish the goal and include a preliminary

discussion of the methodology and specific research methods you plan to implement. Provide

adequate discussion of the general process you will follow to implement your research


Chapter 4: Findings, Analysis, and Summary of Results (2 – 4 pages)

Chapter 4 includes an objective description and analysis of the findings, results or outcomes of the

research. Limit the use of charts, tables, figures to those that are needed to support the narrative.

Most of these illustrations can be included as part of the Appendixes.

The following topics are intended to serve as a guide:

 Data analysis

 Findings & discussion

 Analysis

 Summary of results & discussion

Chapter 5: Conclusions (2 – 4 pages)

 Conclusions – Clearly state the conclusions of the study based on the analysis performed and

results achieved. Indicate by the evidence or logical development the extent to which the

specified objectives have been accomplished. If the research has been guided by hypotheses,

make a statement as to whether the data supported or rejected these hypotheses. Discuss

alternative explanations for the findings, if appropriate. Delineate strengths, weaknesses, and

limitations of the study.

 Implications – Discuss the impact of the work on the field of study and its contributions to


Follow the most current version of APA to format your references. However, each reference should

be single-spaced with a double space between each cited entry. Make sure that every citation is

referenced and every reference is cited.

Research Report Structure

 White space added to the report will negatively affect the final grade of your report. Do not add

extra space to your document in an effort to extend the page count.

 Times New Roman Font style should be used throughout the paper

 Font color should be black throughout the paper


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The past and present impact of colonisation is the reason for the ongoing high rates of family violence throughout Indigenous communities across Australia

A3 Instructions:

TOPIC  First Nations

Statement: The past and present impact of colonisation is the reason for the ongoing high rates of family violence throughout Indigenous communities across Australia.

You have been asked by a community based organisation advocating for victims of family violence to critically review the state, territory or federal government’s response to family violence and make recommendations for change.

Building on the research you have done for your A2 (FIRST NATIONS)  you are now going to go one step further: to build and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic you are focusing on; presenting the key issues (in terms of its impacts) and making subsequent recomendations for how NSW could be working towards addressing this issue better (via policies, updates to services, challenging norms, etc.). To do this you are going to have to narrow your focus and choose a specific area/ issue within the topic you are workin in. This will require RESEARCH

You are to prepare a 1200-word report in which you develop one to three recommendation/s for reducing family violence. In order to make these recommendations, you must first critically evaluate relevant policies and/or practices.

The purpose of this evaluation is to identify issue/s or gap/s in the state, territory or federal government response to family violence to which your recommendation/s will respond. Recommendations may include making suggestions for development of current policies or practices or for new and innovative, policies, programs, tools or services.

Steps to take in completing your report:

1. Review the relevant domestic violence literature and decide what aspect of the state, territory or federal government response to family violence you will examine in your report. It is important that your focus is narrow to the specific issue identified and that you examine either the state, territory or national response as you only have 1200 words to write your report.

2. Once you have narrowed your focus, read more widely on the area of policy or practice you have decided to examine for your report. Be sure to review the most recent literature so that you can assess the current situation in relation to the topic.

3. Next, critically evaluate relevant policies and/or practices about which you have read, with the view of identifying gap/s or issue/s in the government response. Evaluate these policies or practices within a critical context for understanding family violence and consider, in consultation with the unit readings, such elements as gender, the nature of family violence and the social structures and cultural attitudes that underpin it. Use the literature to demonstrate that the gap/s or issue/s exist.

4. Come up with one to three recommendation/s for change or improvement at the state, territory or national level. Your recommendation/s must respond to findings from the critical evaluation and may include making suggestions for development of current policies or practices or for new and innovative laws, policies, programs, tools or services to prvent family violence.

5. Develop a set of arguments for why your recommendation/s is/are the best way forward for addressing the gap/s or issue/s highlighted in your report.

A3 FV Report TemplateUse headings and sub-headings that reflect the contents of each section.

Title Page: Report title, student name and name of organisation (optional).

Executive Summary: The executive summary is a snapshot of the contents of the report.

It should be no longer than one paragraph. In the opening sentences, introduce your

topic. Next, briefly discuss the findings from your critical evaluation of relevant laws,

policies or practices (that is the gap/s or issue/s you identified during your critical


Recommendation/s: List recommendation/s. A minimum of one recommendation is

required. You may make up to three recommendations. Recommendations should be

numbered, and you should write no more than two sentences per recommendation.


– Introduce your topic, ie. prevalence of the issue, who is impacted and how, etc.

– Briefly outline the report’s structure.


– Critically review relevant laws, policies or practices. Remember to keep your focus

narrow and to examine either the state, territory or national response as you only have

1,200 words to write your report. Use the research to demonstrate the gap/s or issue/s

that exist in relation to these laws, policies or practices, who is impacted, and why this

area of law, policy or practice requires change.

– List your recommendations.

– Provide evidence to show how your recommendation/s will help to address the

identified gap/s or issue/s and why they are the best way forward.

Conclusion: Outline the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion.

References: List of references cited in your A3 report. Must be WSU Harvard.


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Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot.

Identifying Data & Reliability

Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot. Her speech is clear and concise and well- structured. Throughout the interview, she maintain eye contact while freely sharing information.


General Survey

Ms. Jones is stting upright on the exam table, alert and oriented x3, friendly and well nourished. She is calm and appropriately dressed for the weather.


Chief Complaint

“I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!”


History Of Present Illness

One week ago, Ms. Tina was going down her steps with no shoes and stumbled scratching her right foot on the edge of the step and was taken to the emergency room by her mother where an x-ray was performed and the site showed no abnormality. They cleaned her injuries and Tremadol was reccomended for pain and she was told to remain off of her foot and to keep it very clean and dry at all times as she was realeased home. her foot became swollen 2 days aglo as the pain exacerbated and she saw grayish whte pus draining from the wound and that is when she started taking Tramadol. She rated her agony of pain as a 7 out of 10 on her wounded foot nevertheless; she says it emanates to her whole foot and that there was drainage initially when the episode previoulsy began. Ms. Tina has been cleaning the injury with cleanser and soap and applying Neosporin to the wound two times each day and occasionaly applied peroxide. The pain was depicted as throbbing and very still and sometimes sharp shooting pain or torment when she puts weight on her foot. She can not accomadate her tennis shoes on her right foot so she had been wearing flip tumbles or slippers everyday. The pai pills have eased the excruciating pain for few hours and she reported having fever. She has lost 10 pounds in barley a month accidentally and has work for two days as she reported. She denied any ongoing sickness and feels hungrier than expected. Review of System: HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes Tylenil 500mg by mouth twice a


day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months ands no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motivation, ataxia, loss of tingling in her extremities or furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shortness of breath, hac k or cough or sputum. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpitation but mild edema on the right foot. Gastrointestinal: No anorexia, nsasuea sickness, regurgitating or vmitting, loss bowels or diarrhea


Metformin 850mg PO BID for diabetes (She has not taken the medication for a while). Albuterol Proventil inhaler 90mcg MDI 1-3 puffs Q4hr PRN for Asthma (last use 3 days ago). Tramadol 50mg PO TID for pain (Last use this morning). Advil 600mg PO TID for menstrual cramps (Last use 3weeks ago). Tylenol 500mg-1000mg PO PRN for headaches.



Penicillin: Rash/hives Ms. Jones is allergic to cats and dust. She states that whenever she is exposed to cats and dust, she develops runny nose, swollen and itcy eyes. She denies food and latex allergies.


Medical History

Ms. Jones was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2 1/2years. she had tons of astham attack when she was a child, however, denied any ongoing attack. Her last asthma attack was in high school and she was hospitalized. Her last asthma exacerbation was 3days ago and was relief with the use of the inhaler. She reports using the inhaler no more than 2-3times a week Her asthmas is trigger by cat, dust and by running up stairs. She uses Albuterol Provntil inhaler when she experience exacerbations. At the age of 24 years old she was diagnosed with diabetes type2. she had stop takin her diabetes medication, Metformin for a while and does not monitor her blood sugar at home in light of the fact that she is tired of manging it. she reports that the diabetes medication makes her felt sick constantly, and she was uncomfartable. She says she controls her diabetes by watching what she eats and seetle on more advantageous nourishment decision, however, does not appear to be stressed over her regimen. She states that she had a blood surgar checked in the ER a week ago and was told that her blood surgar was high but has forgotten the number. Her first sexaul encounter was at the age of 18 with men. She has used oral contraceptives in the past and stopped using it a while ago. She last visited her OB/GYN four years ago for STI testing which was negative. She reports uncertainty about past partners and STI testing. Her last menstrual period was 2weeks ago.


Health Maintenance

Ms. Jones last eye exam was when she was a kid, and have not have an eye exam since then. Her last dental exam was a few years ago when she was a kid. Her immunization is up to date and report receiving all necessary chilhood immunizations. She received her last tetanus vaccine in the past year. She denies receiving the Human papillomavirus vaccine and the flu vaccine. She has not have the mammogram but had an exam where the doctor felt her breasts around for lumps. She has not had pap smear for the past years.


Family History

Ms. Jones father died in an auto collision at the age of 58. He had hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes (DM2), high cholesterol. she has two siblings, a 24 year old brother who is obese and a 14 years old sister who was diagnosed with asthma and hayfever. her uncle on father’s side was alcohol dependent and her 82 year old paternal grandmother had hypertension and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandfather died at age 65 from colon cancer and had hypertension, Diabetes Type 2, high cholesterol. Her maternal grandfather died at age 78 from stroke and had hypertension and high cholesterol; maternal grandmother died of stroke at age 73 and had hypertention and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandmother is still living and is diagnose with hypertension. She denies any


diagnoses of depression or mental health, thyroid issues, cancer.

Social History

It has been three weeks ago since Ms. Tina had alvohol and drinks socially around twice every week, 4 or fewer beverages when around friends. She denied smoking cigarettes however, she used to smoke pot each of the week and halted or stopped, and has not smoked pot since 20 years of age as it troubled her asthma. She is exposed to second hand smoke when out with companions. She spends sometimes watching television and going out to bars and clubs and also enjoys drinking diet coke. She works as a supervisor at a Mid-American Copy and Ship while in high school and would be completing her bachelor’s degree in accounting. She has never been pregnant, no children and has never been married but hopes to have a family in the future. At the moment she is dwelling with her mother and her sister follwing the passing of her father. Ms. Tina drives her sister to her appointments, for grocery shopping and looks after her mother. She reports being increasingly worried following the passing of her father for a couple of months and did not complete school and reports not having any desire to get up certain days. She has since taking gradually and has gotten back up with school work and acknowledges confidnce is a major piece of her life and being associated with Baptist Church since she was was a child. She appeared to be extemely worried about missing work.


School and stressed over her foot being infected.

Review of Systems

HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes tylenol 500mg by mouth twice a day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months and no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motion, ataxia, lost of tingling in her extremities or in furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shotness of breath, hack or cough or sputu. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpatation but mild edema on the right foot. Gasrintestinal: No anorexia, nasuea sicknesss, regurgitating or vomiting, loss bowels or diarrhea. She has seen increment in hunger thirst. Genotourinary: No igniting with burning urination, no present or past pregnancy. At 11 year old started menstruating and her periods were unpredictable and kept going for 9-10 days and her last menstrual period was three weeks ago. No adjustment or change in bladder or bowel control. Musculoskeltal: No mucsle, joint, back pain or stifness, and previous history of broken bones or wounds. Mental or psychiateic: Denies depression. Endochronology: Denied night sweats however, report of polyuria, polydipsia which began about a month ago. Awakens more than once pernight to urinate and sometimes every hour or two during the

(No Model Documentation Provided)

days. Hematologic: No frailty or anemia and no bleeding. Skin: Dark skinaround the neck and saw some facial hair development as of late. No past surgeries. Denies sexual activites. Last sexual activity was two years back and did not use condom as she was on conception prevention. Denied any sexually transmitted disease.


Ms. Tina weighs 90 kilograms, and she is 170 centimeters tall with a Body Max Index of 31. Her vital signs incorperates Blood pressure 142/82, Pulse 86, Resporatory rate 19, Temperature 101.1 Farenheit, Pulse Oximetery 99% on RA. Her Random Blood Glucose level is 238. Wound estimate or measure is 2cm x 1.5cm deep situated on the ball of her right foot mild erythema around wound site and little serousanguinous drainge. The roght foot wound is swab and sent to the laboratory or processing center for culture and sensitivity. Wound is cleaned with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing that is intact or flawless


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A leader in the aviation field, past or present


The aim of the critical analysis paper assignment is to research and evaluate leadership attributes of an aviation leader to more deeply understand how people deal with difficult situations and become effective leaders who are difference makers and who have an influence.

  • Choose a leader in the aviation field, past or present.
  • Choose two to three leadership traits or attributes exhibited by the leader.
  • Describe and analyze the leadership traits or attributes you choose.
  • Evaluate how the traits or attributes contributed to their effectiveness while executing his or her authority, responsibility and accountability.
  • Evaluate an ethical or moral issue faced by the leader.

Write a 3 – 4 page paper in APA format.  This length does not include the cover page and reference page.  The margins will be 1” on all sides and it will be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt.

You must use a minimum of three references.  Wiki sites will not be used for research purposes.  References will include:

  • at least one published book
  • at least one journal article


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Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?

Instructions: For this essay, you will attend a city council, county council, or commission meeting (or a meeting hosted by a similar government agency or group). You will then provide an analysis of the meeting and determine whether you agreed with the steps and actions taken by the council or commission. You will need to explain why you agreed or disagreed. For students unable to attend in person, viewing a meeting online is an acceptable substitute. The name of the council or commission, location, date, and web address (if applicable) must be included on your title page. Your essay must be at least two full pages in length. You must include a copy of the official meeting agenda as your supporting documentation. Be sure to include the following information in your essay.

  • Include an introduction with a topic sentence at the end of your first paragraph. Example: “The following items from the (fill in the blank) meeting will be analyzed:” and then list each item. These items will then serve as your headers:

Address the questions below in your essay.

  • Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?
  • What community services were addressed in the meeting? In what ways did the council or commission discuss these services?
  • Was the meeting what you expected? Would you have voted with the majority? Elaborate on your response.
  • How do you think voter participation (i.e., votes that elected the officials to the council or commission) played a role in the meeting?
  • When watching the meeting, what community power (e.g., pluralistic, elite) model do you see?

Academic sources should be used, including the textbook, and must be referenced in proper APA Style. The minutes of the meeting should be used as a source





  • Which people in leadership roles and positions were present and participated in the meeting?
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    SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households

    Assessment Title Individual Report Project

    Purpose of the 1/ Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research in the context
    assessment (with ULO of marketing-related business decisions
    Mapping) 2/ Analyse business problems/opportunities using their Market Research skills and

    develop appropriate strategies to achieve a competitive advantage.

    Weight 20 % of the total assessments

    Total Marks 20

    Word limit Not more than 2000 words

    Submission • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
    Guidelines Assignment Cover Page.
    • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm
    margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page
    • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at
    the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.

    HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Report
    Assignment Specifications
    Student will gain experience in applying the marketing research process, collecting secondary data and providing recommendations for and organisation’s strategy
    SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households and
    families, as well as how these structures will change in the next 20 years. This will allow them to plan for the
    kinds of properties that are in demand now and in the future. Using secondary data sources, find this
    information for the real estate developer. This secondary data can be obtained from a variety of credible
    sources, including: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website ( and searching for ‘family
    characteristics’. The most recent publication, released in 2015, is entitled 4442.0 – Family Characteristics and
    Transitions, Australia, 2012––13, available at You can also
    gain some insight from: You may
    also source data from other credible sights.
    Assignment Structure should be as the following:

    1. Introduction
      Introduce the main problem the real estate developer is facing and how the data will be collected
    2. The research Process
    3. 1. Define the Problem
      Clearly explain the problem that requires market research
    4. 2. Planning the research design
      Explain why secondary data will be used in this research
    5. 3. Planning the sample
      Provide information on the sample sizes used for the data you are using (this will come from the research organisation)
    6. 4 Collecting the data
      This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Show the data you have collected. This should be well organised and easy to understand.
    7. 5 Analysing the Data
      This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Explain what the data means in the context of the problem.
    8. Formulating conclusion and recommendations
      Conclude on the research and provide two specific recommendations for the real estate developer. 4. References

    Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing
    Holmes has now implemented a Holmes adapted Harvard approach to referencing:

    1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
    2. Your Reference list is to be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
    3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
      For example;
      Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. and Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
    4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
      For example;
      “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”

    Adherence to Referencing Guidelines is Mandatory
    If students do not follow the above guidelines:

    1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will incur penalties.
    2. Students whose citations are fake will be reported for academic misconduct.
      HC2022 Marketing Research

    Marking criteria
    Marking criteria Weighting
    1 Show the data you have collected. 5

    1. Accurately analyses the relevant secondary data including recommendations 6
    2. Shows knowledge of relevant theory 6
    3. Overall presentation and referencing 3
      TOTAL Weight
      Assessment Feedback to the Student:


    Marking Rubric
    Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

    1 Show the data you have Data collected is very: Data collected is: Data collected is Data collected is Data collected is not
    collected. relevant, well organised relevant, well somewhat: somewhat: relevant, relevant, disorganised
    and easy to understand. organised and easy relevant, well well organised and and difficult to
    to understand. organised and easy easy to understand understand
    to understand and contains some

    1. Accurately analyses the Very accurate analysis Accurate analysis of Somewhat Analysis of the Little to no analysis of the
      relevant secondary data of the relevant the relevant accurate analysis of relevant secondary relevant secondary data
      including recommendations secondary data secondary data the relevant data including including
      including including secondary data recommendations, recommendations
      recommendations recommendations including but with some
      recommendations errors
    2. Shows knowledge of A deep knowledge of Good knowledge of Some knowledge of Knowledge of the Little to no knowledge of
      the theory shown the theory shown the theory shown theory shown at the theory shown
      relevant theory
    3. Overall presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and
      referencing referencing are at a referencing are at a referencing are at a referencing could be referencing are at a low
      high standard high-medium medium standard improved standard
      HC2022 Marketing Research





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    Present national data and trends based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting

    For this assignment,  write a report depicting your analysis of historical crime data for a specific category of crime or criminal issue. Focus your research on one component of the criminal justice system (i.e., law enforcement, courts, or corrections). The data and charts you develop may be used in your Final Paper. For this assignment, you will

    If you choose to write a report, graphically display the statistical data developed for three comparable cities, counties, or states. Incorporate national statistics for comparison. You must include an introduction that presents the focus of the project for analysis. Your report must be at least five pages in addition to the title page and references page. Your assessment may be in bullet or paragraph format below the graphic display. Make sure you standardize your data (usually 1:1000; 1:10,000; or 1: 100,000) and incorporate the scale in a key for each chart.The Statistical Analysis paper or presentation

    • Must be at least five double-spaced pages (if writing a paper) or at least 10 double-spaced slides (if creating a presentation) in length (not including title and references pages or slides) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) or How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.)
    • Must include a separate title page or slide with the following:
      • Title of paper, project, etc.
      • Student’s name
      • Course name and number
      • Instructor’s name
      • Date submitted





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    • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Present national data and trends based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting

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    Writers Solution

    Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day.


    Assignment Overview

    Take the time to think about your past speaking experiences. Were you nervous? What helped you get through this experience? Let’s write about it and discuss it.

    Case Assignment

    After reading and viewing the assigned material for Module 1, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you respond to the following:

    1. Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience. This may include presentations, speeches, performance, theater, teaching, etc. Is speaking in public a talent of yours or is it outside of your comfort zone? Consider why you feel the way you do. What do you like or dislike about your voice, your delivery, your mannerisms, and non-verbal communication?
    2. Address also your role as an audience and listener. What sort of public speaking, presentations, life performances, etc., do you enjoy or not enjoy?

    A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay.

    A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph and guides your reader through the essay.

    The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and closes the essay with a lasting impression.

    Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling.

    Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

    For this module’s Case, you may obviously write in the first person “I” as it is based on personal experience, although first person is not normally used in a formal essay.

    Assignment Expectations

    Write an informative essay (no less than two pages in length) outlining your background and feelings on public speaking, including a self-reflection on your own public speaking skills.





    • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
    • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
    • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
    • Privacy and safety. It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
    • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
    • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
    • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day..

    Get Professionally Written Papers From The Writing Experts 

    Green Order Now Button PNG Image | Transparent PNG Free Download on SeekPNG Our Zero Plagiarism Policy | New Essays
    Writers Solution

    Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience


    Assignment Overview

    Take the time to think about your past speaking experiences. Were you nervous? What helped you get through this experience? Let’s write about it and discuss it.

    Case Assignment

    After reading and viewing the assigned material for Module 1, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you respond to the following:

    1. Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience. This may include presentations, speeches, performance, theater, teaching, etc. Is speaking in public a talent of yours or is it outside of your comfort zone? Consider why you feel the way you do. What do you like or dislike about your voice, your delivery, your mannerisms, and non-verbal communication?
    2. Address also your role as an audience and listener. What sort of public speaking, presentations, life performances, etc., do you enjoy or not enjoy?

    A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay.

    A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph and guides your reader through the essay.

    The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and closes the essay with a lasting impression.

    Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling.

    Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

    For this module’s Case, you may obviously write in the first person “I” as it is based on personal experience, although first person is not normally used in a formal essay.

    Assignment Expectations

    Write an informative essay (no less than two pages in length) outlining your background and feelings on public speaking, including a self-reflection on your own public speaking skills.

    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







    • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
    • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
    • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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    • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
    • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Share your public speaking experiences over the years—from childhood to the present day. Consider your experiences in front of an audience

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