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concept of Privacy and National security.

Assignment: (500 words) What is more important: Our privacy or national security?

Discuss the concept of Privacy and National security. What does society view as important? Locate Statistics to support these findings.

Discuss what you believe is important, use research to support your position.


• These assignments must be typed, double-spaced, written in APA style

Cover page, Reference Page, Intext Citation,

You must be sure to properly cite sources that you used in APA style.

• You must provide a separate reference page for sources used. At least one book or one Academic Journal must be used for your research

o Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If plagiarism is indicated on a writing assignment, you will receive an automatic O on that writing

assignment. Further sanctions can also be taken by the college. Please see your Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for

further information on Academic Dishonesty.

• Consult the Writing Assessment Rubric for further requirements




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Smart Phone Data Privacy

Description: In your assigned Teams, you will select a topic and proceed to work as a team carefully researching the topic. Please note that if you do not equally participate this will be noted and points will be reduced accordingly. This paper is typically 18 pages.

Assignment Paper: See suggested topic ideas on the following page. This work would be completed during the residency weekend. Students will be randomly grouped in iLearn. Each group will submit their research project as a group. Students need to bring their laptops to conduct research, write research papers (SafeAssign reviewed), create PowerPoint presentations, and present their projects orally before the class. Students must attend the residency weekend to earn a grade, there are no exceptions to this rule. Students not attending will earn zero points and a 0% as a grade. Please be note that the totality of all residency activities will constitute 60% of the course grade. Rubrics will be provided by the instructor. Also find attached reference material in iLearn to help you complete and frame your section required below. 

Assignment TOPIC: Smart Phone Data Privacy

1) Planning your Research Assignment

2) The Problem Statement

3) Review of the Literature

Section 1: Statement of the Problem and it’s Setting (Citations are required)

Section 2: Hypotheses and/or Guiding Questions

Section 3: Assumptions

Section 4: Delimitations and Limitations

Section 5: Importance of the Study

Section 6: Review of the Literature

Section 7: Conclusion

Section 8: References





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Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector

Introduction & Overview
This is the ISOL 633 Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment, which is a label that merely
reflects that one of the overarching M.S. Information Systems Security degree program’s Learner
Outcomes (a/k/a, “PLOs”; see syllabus and below) will be tested in your work. This is a
relatively light research and writing project to be done in a group unless your Instructor advises
you to conduct it individually. Although it is relatively light, for example as compared to a
master’s thesis or a dissertation, it is an academic research paper that requires rigor,
commitment, and care.
In ISOL 633 all your work is focused on obtaining the five Course Objectives (also on the
syllabus) and this MSISS PLO:
✓ Program Outcome 3.1- Students determine which laws apply to different types of
business environments.
A successful Portfolio will unequivocally prove that your group has attained the PLO, which is
partially why this is not due until the end of the term (see your course dates for details). Also, a
successful Portfolio will evince graduate-level written English, and conformity to APA Style
guidelines. See the Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment’s rubric for a detailed view about
how to learn the most in this process, and how to earn the most in terms of a grade on the work.
Writing Style and Constructive Requirements
Through experience it is clear that, for some reason, page length is top-of-mind amongst
students’ curiosities. You are required to write at least five substantive pages (excluding Title,
Abstract, References, and Appendices) and no more than 10 without approval from your
If you are familiar with APA Style, which is another requirement, you know that the
parenthetical above points to the main components of this Portfolio Assignment: Title Page,
Abstract Page, Body, References, and Appendices if needed. As graduate students studying in
STEM sciences you must follow APA. There are ample resources in UC’s Library to learn how
to conform.
Besides the Library, you can get all the help desired from UC’s The Learning Commons and its
Writing Center. You have no excuse to fail at these basic style and construction requirements.
This is the so-called low-hanging fruit. Experience shows us that far too few of you will heed
this seemingly simple direction. Please take advantage of these resources lest your excellent
research and analyses never actually gets communicated. Sometimes the mode is as important as
the message. See the course materials for links and tons of help in this vein.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 2
The Research Challenges
Your group’s task is to conduct reliable, valid, scholarly research about one of the following
bodies of law, and then discuss your findings and critical thoughts about it. As a separate
assignment, your group will also present the research and its findings in a way that engages and
informs an audience. There have been and will be many areas of information security and
privacy laws, so select one of the options that engages you, or perhaps relates to work you’re
1. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Financial Sector
Select one American financial institution that frames your research. Describe the organization, its
business(es), its scope, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader
about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the financial sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
financial institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target financial institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the financial sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the organization. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
2. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector
Select one American academic institution that frames your research. Describe the school, its
place in academia, its student body and curricular expanse, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the education sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selectedISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 3
institution was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target educational institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the educational sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
3. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector
Select one American healthcare organization (“covered entity” in HIPAA parlance) that frames
your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its
business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about
your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that
came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law,
and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected
covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that
information too.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws
apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your
selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or
IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the
most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in.
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and
discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic
investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so
be diligent and you will find one to discuss.ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 4
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
4. Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Federal Government
Select one U.S. federal government agency, bureau, directorate, or another organizational entity
in the Administrative Branch that frames your research. Describe the organization, its place in
the structure of the federal government, its scope of control or legal influence, what types of
organizations or individuals are subject to its regulations, and any additional descriptive
information that will inform your reader about your subject matter.
Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the federal government
system that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based
on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, your
selected agency was likely involved in such litigation, or has published their critique of the laws,
so include that information foremost.
In addition to compliance laws that directly target the federal government’s security and privacy,
countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to
discover whether your selected agency has been awarded intellectual property rights (yes, the
federal government both owns and awards IP protection through USPTO) for their trademarks,
patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it maintains or protects its trade secrets. Describe for
your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps
has been involved in. Again, even the government is subject to the laws that it creates in this
In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential
risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics
investigation. Keeping the focus on your agency, and likely also looking to NIST materials,
research and discuss an incident or case in which such the agency or another within its greater
organization was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no
sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to
Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from
compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts,
or otherwise affects the agency. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk
consultant in this section.
Additional Requirements as Mandated by Your Instructor
This Portfolio Assignment is subject to changes introduced by your instructor, whose
requirements supersede these when the two directions appear at odds. As always, work with your
Instructor, ask questions when you’re unclear, and do so as soon as practical.




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Digital Footprint: Privacy vs. Security Subscribe

Digital Footprint: Privacy vs. Security Subscribe


In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and how they impact your life (CO6).

Your instructor will set-up two (2) conversation groups this week in which you will select one topic to discuss which interests you.

  • Conversation Group: Privacy
    • Privacy, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
    • How does the electronic environment impact one’s right to privacy?
  • Conversation Group: Security
    • Security, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
    • How does the electronic environment impact one’s personal security?

Using the Richard G. Trefry Library or another credible source, locate and read a quality article regarding digital privacy or security. Be sure to provide attribution for your source in the forum. As you are formulating your initial post consider the following questions:

  • What is the issue? Tell us about it as if we know nothing on the topic.
  • What are the pros and cons of the issue?
  • Why is the issue important?
  • How might the issue impact your life?




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What are the implications of this Act on privacy and the security of medical information?

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Examine the REAL ID 2005 Act. Your discussion should focus on the following:

  • What are the implications of this Act on privacy and the security of medical information?


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Variable Questions and Data Privacy

 Details: Variable Questions and Data Privacy

Variables must vary

Variables are essential part of quantitative research, thus understanding fundamental articulation on variables such as different types of variables, operationalization and measurement and, scales of variables underpin in an effective platform for variables comprehension. In particularly, “variables must vary” posit a significant implications in variables understanding , accommodating fundamental variability features in a quantitative research and comprehension of variables as essential part in a quantitative research. This statement (“variables must vary.”) implies that different units, or participants in a must indicate differences in the variable. For example in one study, gender may be variable demonstrating difference unit or participant. Significantly, one study, focusing on married women will great gender as a non-variable in a study, while married women form a significant variable for the study. Therefore, the statements (“variables must vary.”) are fundamental, demonstrating that different units and participants must indicate different variable in a research study.

Levels of variables measurement

Significantly, understanding the operationalization and measurement of variables are essential strategies for effective data quantification and decision-making in a research study. Scales of variables measurement is fundamental because it provide effective articulation on the relationship between variables and conclusion in a research study for practical implications and conclusion. In a comprehensive understanding of the variables, there are four different level of variables measurement that requires effective articulation and description to effectively operationalize and measure variables in a consistent and accurate manner in a research study. Notably, variable measurement levels including nominal measurement, ordinal level, interval and ratio variables. Nominal level of variable measurement describes one fundamental basic measure that contains two or more mutually inclusive and exclusive categories that cannot be ordered. For instance, a list of states in India Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Maharashtra are nominal variables that require specific rile for effective ordering and ranking. Accommodating rules such as alphabetical order would provide an effective platform for data ordering and ranking States in India in alphabetical order. Similarly, gender, accommodating male, female and third gender is vital examples of nominal variables measurement.

Consequently, ordinal variable describes level of variable measurements in which two or more categories like in nominal measurement of variables. However, ordinal variable can be ranked, accommodating the ranking capabilities in differentiating categories in such variables. Noteworthy, ranking in ordinal variables measurements level do not contain numerical value; hence can only be measure in terms of greater or lesser than. For example asking a student who often they read in day would provide significant example of ordinal variables measurement levels. For instance, frequently, sometimes, yes or no are vital examples of ordinal measurement of variables. Interval is vital level of data measurements that accommodates significant articulation on numerical value and continuum measurement that requires effective articulation. Specifically, Interval variables are variables that have a numerical value, and are measured on a continuum, accommodating equal interval between values and items. For instance a temperature measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit is a vital example of interval level of variable measurements. For instance, the difference between 20 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius is equal to the different between 30 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius. Similarly, the example, 1 dollar to 2 dollars is the same interval as 88 dollars to 89 dollars gives another significant example in interval level of variable measurements. Finally, the ratio variables measures numerical value and continuum, however the ratio values are in absolute zero. This zero on the measurements scale indicating no value of the variable or the unit or items measured is absent at level zero. Some significant examples of ratio variables level of measurement include height, weight, currency, mass, among others. Thus, scales of measurement of variables are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio, accommodating categories, numerical value, and order among other issues in variables instances of variable measurement level.

Discreet and Continuous Variables

Understanding data accommodates quantitative and qualitative data in a study. In statistical analysis, accommodate quantitative data provide significant attention to discrete and continuous variables that posits fundamental characteristics. Discrete variables are variable assuming a finite number of isolated values. In contrast, Continuous variables define variables that assume infinite number of different values. According to the author, understanding discrete and continuous variables accommodates meaning, specific numbers range, classification, assumption and representation (Allen 2017). On one hand, discrete variables constitute complete range of numbers, while continuous variable define an incomplete rage of number. Similarly, discrete variables obtains value through counting while, continuous variable obtain values through measuring. Discrete variables assume distinct or separate values. In contrast continuous variables assume any value between the two values. Finally, in classification, discrete variables describe non-overlapping classification, while continuous variables identify overlapping classifications. For example, the discrete variable is describable with possible values such as 1, 2, 3… while continuous variable can define how far a ball thrown upwards will take to settle, accommodate measurement accuracy for actual value determination. Thus, understanding the comparison between discrete and continuous variables provide a vital platform for decision-making in data usage and operationalization.

In calculation, discrete variables are insignificant information that gives less accurate outcomes for decision-making and process improvement. Accommodating accuracy in using discrete variables requires repeated measurements (Berkman, & Reise, 2012) Therefore, dependability on probability of the actual magnitude depends on the accuracy of the values.

Level of measurement for:

Career field (e.g., accountant, production manager,). This is Nominal level of variable measurement because it describes one fundamental basic measure that contains two or more mutually inclusive and exclusive categories that cannot be ordered.

Temperature in Fahrenheit. This is Interval variables measurement of variables because there are variables that have a numerical value, and are measured on a continuum, accommodating equal interval between values and items.

A job satisfaction survey measured as “disagree, neutral, agree” is an example of ordinal variable describes level of variable measurements because there are two or more categories like in nominal measurement of variables.

Finally, an example, Total sales for a firm is an example of, the ratio variables because it measures numerical value and continuum; however the ratio values are in absolute zero.

Types of a variable

The number of workers in each department of a large organization describes discrete variable because these are variables are variable assuming a finite number of isolated values.

The dollars of revenue earned during a fiscal year is discrete variable accommodating variables have variable assuming a finite number of isolated values.

The number of software licenses available to employees in a firm is an example of discrete variables because, variables have variable assuming a finite number of isolated values

Finally, the average annual salary of middle managers of an organization demonstrates continuous variable because the variables that assume infinite number of different values

Data Privacy

Data privacy is a fundamental concern for business organization and researchers that require pragmatic articulation to ensure availability, integrity and confidentiality of data. Specifically, creating a significant platform for effective data collection, processing, analysis and transmission, security privacy is a vital consideration in data management. In a research scenario, accommodating techniques such as information security practices and data privacy and confidential through a robust data protection strategies such as access control , authentication and data transmission and sharing polices provide an enhanced platform for data privacy. Notably, organizations dealing with customers’ data for decision-making require a robust platform for a secure data protection platform. Specifically, embracing data privacy principles including fair, lawful and transparency, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality and accountability are vital for effective data privacy concepts (Medine, and Murthy, 2020). Therefore, Data privacy is a vital concern that requires real-time solution and technology-based strategies for a secure and safety data management systems.


Allen, M. (2017). Variables, Continuous. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication and Research methods. SAGE Publications

Berkman, E.T., & Reise, S.P. (2012). A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS. Thousand Oaks, California, United States: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Medine, D., and Murthy, D. (2020). New Approaches to Data Protection and Privacy.





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Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare

Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Healthcare Sector Select one that frames your research. Describe the organization, its components assuming it’s a healthcare “system,” its business in general, and any additional descriptive information that will inform your reader about your subject matter. Describe and define at least one the laws focused on compliance within the healthcare sector that came up during our course. Research the law itself, any legal cases that were based on that law, and the critique of the law that you found through your research. Of course, if your selected covered entity was involved in such litigation, or has published their critique, include that information too. In addition to compliance laws that directly target healthcare institutions, countless other laws apply to them. Use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to discover whether your selected institution has been awarded intellectual property rights for their trademarks, patents, or IP. Describe whether and how it protects its trade secrets. Describe for your reader some of the most prominent criminal or tort risks that your entity faces; or perhaps has been involved in. In addition to risks in the realms of criminal or tort law, every organization faces the potential risk of enduring a cyber-attack or other incident that must be followed by a forensics investigation. Keeping the focus on your organization and the healthcare sector, research and discuss an incident or case in which such an institution was compelled to go through the forensic investigation process. There are no sectors exempt from those incidents or cases, regrettably, so be diligent and you will find one to discuss. ISOL Residency Project: Portfolio Assignment 4 Conclude the Portfolio with your overall assessment of whether the legal system—from compliance mandates, to IT, criminal, and tort laws, to forensic investigations—benefits, hurts, or otherwise affects the institution. Assume the role of information security and privacy risk consultant in this section

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How important is maintaining people’s right to privacy while engaged in traditional law enforcement activities?

write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

There has been a large amount of public debate regarding many of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act as they relate to civil liberties. Using the course materials, the library, and the Internet, research civil liberties and privacy as they relate to law enforcement activities (surveillance, investigation, and so on). Utilizing the information, please answer the following questions, and respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts on this topic as well. You are encouraged to return to this Discussion Board often, because this is a subject that many feel very strongly about. Regardless of your personal feelings one way or the other on these questions, please maintain a professional and cordial tone in your initial post, and more importantly, in your responses to your classmates.

  • How important is maintaining people’s right to privacy while engaged in traditional law enforcement activities? Provide support for your answer.
  • Should people compromise their civil liberties to improve the government’s chances in fighting crime? Provide support for your answer.
  • What civil liberties, if any, are you willing to give up to ensure a safer United States? Provide support for your answer.
  • Where should government draw the line on issues such as privacy and other individual freedoms? Provide support for your answer.
  • Are there any rights that are so sacred that they should never be infringed upon? If so, what are they? Provide support for your answer





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Paparazzi behavior as a form and bullying and breach of privacy rights

Celebrities and the paparazzi who photograph them have long had a strained relationship. Some People consider Paparazzi behavior as a form and bullying and breach of privacy rights. In your opinion, Paparazzi practices are negative or positive?

*Research into the topic and give your opinion. *Support your opinion with relevant arguments and evidence.*Write Minimum 500 words (Maximum 800 Words)Essay (4-5 Paragraphs)* References are required (Minimum 3) in APA format.

* Follow Essay Writing Outline and Guidelines.

1- Add the cover page with Complete Student Information.

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Paparazzi behavior as a form and bullying and breach of privacy rights

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Computer-Based Threats to People’s Privacy

There are many advantages to living in a modern information society. Many Americans enjoy the benefits of online shopping, working from home, and social interaction on Internet-based social media. However, there are numerous computer-based threats to people\’s privacy. Discuss the following:
•How concerned are you about your individual privacy and your online activities?
•How are your personal data protected by companies that collect customer data?
•As an individual, what steps do you take to maintain your individual privacy?
•How would you know if your individual privacy had been violated?






Technology: Computer-Based Threats to People’s Privacy

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Computer-Based Threats to People’s Privacy

            The use of digital media and internet has transformed commerce, global communications and communities. There is now a connection everywhere through the mobile phones, the computers and other electronic devices. However, concerns remain as to how responsive and accountable the use of such connectivity will be to its users (Kellerman, 2010). The use of internet social media exposes one to risks of loss of privacy. When interacting with other users through online and performing other online activities such as shopping, the greatest concern relates to lose of private information. For instance, I am worried to lose my credit card information to online hackers while doing shopping. When interacting with online users through social media platforms, the greatest worry is lose of my passwords and private information which is in the databases of the platforms.

            Many companies that offer online shopping and the social media platforms always store huge customer data in their systems (Ott, 2000). In order to protect such information from hackers, such companies encrypt their systems using strong passwords and computer antivirus. Moreover, such companies provide the customers with usernames and passwords in order to restrict access to their clients.  Although companies have taken steps to protect the privacy of its clients, as an individual it is important to take a number of steps in order to protect one’s privacy (Ott, 2000). When shopping online, I safeguard my privacy by exercising caution when revealing my passwords and shipping address. Moreover, I ensure that I read the company privacy policies to determine their legitimacy and how they encrypt my……………………………..
