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Consideration the “wicked problem” it is intended to address

Write a Backgrounder Paper for the Case Study provided in the attached files. 

The backgrounder paper is supposed to provide some solid, well-researched (and annotated!) sources as a foundation for your discussion about the case. It is NOT supposed to offer opinions, direction, resolutions, conclusions, or otherwise attempt to sway the group in a particular direction.

The better the backgrounder, the less extra research the rest of the group may need to do to support your case study conclusions. 

Further, this is supposed to be a paper — so not just a collection of facts and annotations – but it is supposed to drill down on some specific aspect of the case and provide solid academic research (not Google scans!) that supports the data. It is NOT supposed to survey the landscape of the whole case— too wide, too shallow, and risks trying to resolve the case!

Your task (as an objective ethics advisory panel) is to provide only objective information to support a balanced ethical assessment of this proposed program, and objective information to support any recommendations on whether or not it should be implemented, giving good reasons for your conclusions that also take into consideration the “wicked problem” it is intended to address. The backgrounder paper should only provide objective information from 3-5 resources, not the assessment of the case or any recommendations for the case.

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Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook. You will develop an outline, using the sample below, that includes an abstract, problem statement, and annotated bibliography. Use the UAGC Writing Center’s Writing an AbstractLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

Problem Statement: Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States. You will recall that in the Post Your Introduction activity in Week 1 you identified a social problem. You may use that problem for your Final Paper or choose a different social and criminal justice problem.

Outline: Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final Paper. Remember that papers are expected to define a significant problem faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the problem, and discuss society’s responses to the problem (including public policies and other less formal responses). Your paper should also present a clearly reasoned alternative, supported by scholarly research.

Annotated Bibliography: The purpose of creating a list of sources is to assist you in organizing and evaluating your research.

  • Identify the problem. Be sure to narrow your problem enough to allow a focused examination.
  • Describe the individual, social, and criminal justice system implications of this problem. Discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research data.
  • Summarize what experts say about the problem.
  • Explain what we, as a society, have done to remedy this problem. Consider public policies and other, less formal responses.
  • Analyze to what extent public policies and other, less formal responses are effective in addressing this problem.
  • Propose an alternative solution to the problem.
  • Analyze why the alternative is, or can be, an effective response to the problem. Remember to consider negative consequences of the alternative response.
  • Conclude with your thoughts about your chosen social problem. This is a good place to include personal opinions, assuming you wish to share them in a research paper.
  • Create an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site.. In the bibliography, include the following:
    • Name of the source, including the complete bibliographic reference in proper APA format, as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site.
    • Summary of the source (at least one paragraph) including how this source will contribute to your paper.

In short, define a problem, discuss the response, and provide alternative responses to the problem. For example, your problem could be drug use and abuse, with a focus on prescription drug abuse among teenagers. Your description of the problems should be fact based, relying on expert opinion. Your alternative can be an adjustment of current policy or a new direction. For example, you may propose longer prison sentences, or legalization of all drugs. Be creative, although suggestions must be supported by scholarly research.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


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Artificial Intelligence in Real World Problem Solving

AI870:Artificial Intelligence in Real World Problem Solving:

DescriptionDeliverable Length: 3-4 pages (not including cover page and resource page)

Assignment Details:

Evaluate the impact to society from the use of AI and its impact on business or other industries, such as government, agriculture, entertainment, aerospace, manufacturing, education, and healthcare.

  1. Find a case study or a scholarly article that investigates the issues related to the responsible and transparent use in explainable AI. Identify the industry affected by it, which can include academic use.
  2. Analyze the case study or article, noting at least three characteristics that illustrate the principles.
  3. Find additional references to support or provide counter arguments for your inquiry. These may include videos, conference proceedings, discussions by scholars, and podcasts.
  4. Assess the impact of explainable AI on the industry in your example. What are the problems associated with explainable AI?

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Investigate the scholarly literature or research resources to identify good sources of information.25
Analyze the research, noting the characteristics that illustrate the issues related to the topic25
Assess the impact of the topic in your analysis.25
Find additional references to support or provide counter arguments for your inquiry.25
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is required or style specified in assignment).25
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

Top of Form

Bottom of Form


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A statement of the research problem

The Research Proposal
We have worked toward the Research Proposal by first identifying a research problem and building our knowledge of previous studies
relevant to that research problem in Assessment Event 1, the Annotated Bibliography. In this task you develop a proposal to carry out
research related to the topic you covered in your Annotated Bibliography

Your Research Proposal must contain the following;
a title
an introduction including the context and importance of the proposed study (including consideration of relevant ethical issues)
a statement of the research problem
a statement of the research objectives
a well-articulated research question or questions derived from the research problem identified in Assessment Event 1
a brief literature review describing previous studies in the area (refer to your Annotated Bibliography from Assessment Event 1 and other
a clear identification of the methodology (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, action), data-gathering strategies (e.g. surveys,
interviews, focus groups observations etc.) and data analysis techniques to be employed

an explanation of the identification and recruitment of research participants (including sample and sampling procedures)
an explanation of how your proposed design includes appropriate measures in relation to reliability and validity (quantitative) or rigour, or
trustworthiness (qualitative)
a proposed timeline for the key elements of the research process
Length: 2,000 words
Weighting: 40%
Due: Week 5, Sunday 15 January 2023,11:59pm
Marking Guide – Rubric: THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
The Research
overall strong
coherence and
contains all required
elements executed
to a satisfactory or
better standard
The research
excellent and
overall coherence
and all required
elements are
present and all are
of excellent quality
The research proposal
demonstrates very good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of very good quality
The research proposal
demonstrates good
overall coherence and
all required elements are
present and all or most
are of good quality
The research proposal
satisfactory overall
coherence and all
required elements are
present and all or most
are of satisfactory quality
The research
proposal lacks
overall coherence
and some required
elements are absent
and/or of
quality9/12/22, 9:41 amSubject Guide
Page 2 of 3
The Literature
Review critically
discusses the main
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography and
clearly indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study
The Literature
Review provides a
critical discussion of
the main
arising from the
literature identified in
the Annotated
Bibliography and
indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study in a
The Literature Review
provides a very good
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the
literature identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study very
The Literature Review
provides a good critical
discussion of the main
issues/debates arising
from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and indicates the
relevance of the
proposed study well
The Literature Review
provides a satisfactory
critical discussion of the
main issues/debates
arising from the literature
identified in the
Annotated Bibliography
and satisfactorily
indicates the relevance of
the proposed study
The Literature
Review fails to
critically discuss the
arising from the
literature identified
in the Annotated
Bibliography; and/or
does not clearly
indicate the
relevance of the
proposed study
The research
question is well-
articulated and
consistent with the
research problem
The research
question is of
superior quality,
articulated and
demonstrates an
excellent level of
consistency with
the research
The research question is
very well articulated
and demonstrates a
very good level of
consistency with the
research problem
The research question is
well articulated and
demonstrates a good
level of consistency with
the research problem
The research question is
satisfactorily articulated
and demonstrates
satisfactory consistency
with the research
The research
question is not
provided or is poorly
articulated and/ or
inconsistent with
the research
The research
articulates an
approach and data
consistent with
objectives of the
The research
proposal provides
an excellent
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are
consistent with the
objectives of the
The research proposal
includes a very good
articulation of an
approach and data
gathering strategies
which are very
consistent with the
objectives of the study
The research proposal
includes a good
articulation of an
approach and good data
gathering strategies
which are consistent with
the objectives of the
The research proposal
satisfactorily articulates
an appropriate
methodological approach
and data gathering
strategies consistent with
the objectives of the
The research
proposal does not
articulate an
approach and/or
suggests data
gathering strategies
inconsistent with
the objectives of the
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
consistency with
the research
question and
overall research
The method of data
analysis described is
consistent with the
research question and
overall research design
The method of data
analysis described
demonstrates good
consistency with the
research question and
overall research design
The method of data
analysis described is
satisfactorily consistent
with the research
question and overall
research design
The method of data
analysis described
is inconsistent with
the research
question and/or
overall research
measures to
establish validity
and reliability, or
Excellent measures
to establish validity
and reliability, or
Very good measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Good measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Satisfactory measures to
establish validity and
reliability, or rigour, or
Adequate measures
to establish validity
and reliability, or
rigour, or9/12/22, 9:41 amSubject Guide
Page 3 of 3
rigour, or
trustworthiness of
results are evident
rigour, or
trustworthiness of
results are evident
trustworthiness of
results are evident
trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of results
are evident
trustworthiness of
results are not




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Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem

You will write a paper that contains a minimum of 4 pages but no longer than 6 pages for this course as its portfolio project. Your paper will address a topic of global nursing shortage, the topic associated with global health and health disparities.

Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem that we all have been aware of for the longest time. This problem is notisolated only in our country; it is a global phenomenon. As someof you may have heard, there are nursing agencies who bring in international nurses to the U.S. to alleviate the severity of nursing shortage. One may ask if it is ethically justifiable to doso, especially when those foreign nurses are from the developing countries. From the same token, is it ethical for the nurses to come to the U.S. or to some other developed countries, leaving their own countries in a worse public health and a more severe nursing shortage? The answer to this question may vary, depending on whom you ask. What about from the legal standpoints? Does hiring international nurses to come work inthe U.S. pose any legal issues/concerns to us, the nursesthemselves, and/or the nurses’ home countries?

This portfolio project gives you an opportunity to freely explore/learn of the issue from a global perspective. Sourcesinclude published literature from peer-reviewed journals obtainedfrom the BSN library databases and acceptable internet sources (refer to the acceptable resources for writing assignments posted in the course).

In your paper, you will:

Attached is the rubric and additional information. 




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social problem connected to health or health care

For this assignment, you will write a two-page essay discussing a social problem connected to health or health care. Examples of paper topics are as follows: unequal access to health care, universal health care, work-life balance, smoking, substance abuse, obesity, COVID-19, mental health, veteran’s health care, affordability of health care, planned parenthood, and eldercare. Your essay should address the prompts below.

  • Provide some background on the social problem. Discuss how socioeconomic inequality connects to the problem. Discuss how one of the sociological perspectives (conflict, interactionist, or symbolic interactionism) applies to the issue. Apply the concept of sociological imagination to the problem. 
  • Discuss at least one solution to help alleviate the problem.  
  • Discuss how the social problem you discussed impacts you. What steps can you take to help address the social problem discussed in your paper?

APA formatting and in-text citations and references are required. The title page and references page are not counted in the two-page requirement. It is required that students cite their textbook and at least one additional scholarly source from the CSU Online Library. It is recommended that students use additional scholarly sources found online or in the library to support their analysis




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What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

 This is the assignment – Country of choice is Chile: What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

Overview of Final Project: Country Initative Paper – Due end of the course

This project will provide an opportunity for you to increase your depth and breadth of knowledge for a specific country to which you will be assigned in Module 1.

To prepare for this assignment, please review in your Skolniktext: Chapter 17 and see the following video

Find a major health issue for the country you choose and discuss the following:

What is the nature and magnitude of the problem?

Who is affected by it?

What are the risk factors for the problem?

What are the economic and social consequences of the problem?

Discuss which Sustainable Development Goals (page 12 of your textbook) are related to the problem.

List two to three priority strategies to be taken to address the problem and the rationale for these strategies?

Your paper should be between 5-7 pages in length, have a title and reference page, double spaced, in 12 point font Times New Roman (APA). All references and citations must be included using APA format

This paper will be graded using the Country Initiative Paper Rubric.




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Identify a patient safety clinical problem that requires resolution

Assessment Description

From an organizational standpoint, identify a patient safety clinical problem that requires resolution. Using systems thinking and literature from this course and your own research, suggest one possible solution to address the issue. In 1,250-1,500 words, include the following:

Describe the change management strategy you would use to address the patient safety clinical problem.

Describe the stakeholders.

Describe the type of change anticipated.

Discuss how you would engage stakeholders.

Outline how you would communicate the change to all stakeholders. Indicate how often you would communicate progress of the change.

If an adjustment is needed, explain how and when you would communicate what is needed.

Explain how the Christian worldview factors into the decisions you have made.

Three to five scholarly resources, in addition to information from your textbook.


Description of the change management strategy used to address the patient safety clinical problem is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.

Description of the stakeholders is clear and concise.

Description of the type of change anticipated is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.

Discussion of how stakeholders would be engaged is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.

Outline how change would be communicated to stakeholders is clear, concise, and includes how often the progress of the change would be communicated.

Explanation of how and when to communicate adjustments in objectives and goals is clear and concise




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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality

Read each thread and apply with 250 words minimum.

Thread 1

“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” (Jung, Aion, 1951)

Carl Jung wrote the above statement among many other perspectives on human “darkness” or “shadow”. For the Western-Christian perspective, this darkness could be called the sin-nature. For the non-religious, perhaps simply recognized as immoral or unethical. Regardless of one’s particular positioning of morality within an ethical framework of thought; Jung’s “shadow” is a concept well understood by anyone with a sense of conscience and who has considered themselves and their fundamental (often unspoken) motivations. 

While internal, psychological self-work certainly doesn’t have anything to do with an aviation or an airplane, it remains obvious that ethical actions as aviators operate as markers of quality in decision making and the results proceeding such decisions can be monumental in result. This is why ethics are constitutional in forming consistent, positive outputs into the world. In a sense, the ethical boundaries an individual, company or society maintains is the functional basic code for one’s life.

That said, the positive effects of shared-ethics within a culture are clearly beneficial. This is why I believe it is important for virtually any institutional education to be completed, a sense of ethics must be introduced. In fact, it is known that even teaching ethics increases the likelihood that individuals will act ethically. Consider our courseworks material: “Disagreements between Greek philosophers on some aspects of knowledge of ethics and behavior were indicated by Irwin (1995); however, general agreement that the individual who is more knowledgeable on the subject of ethics tends to demonstrate more virtuous behavior…”

Ethics, as a psychological function in the mind and heart, obviously remains something belief based, often tied to circumstance, the individual, and the strength of the general social contract that the individual feels they are in contingency with. Ethics, or the lack thereof, could even be seen as a form of individual identity and values expressed in actions. It is fundamental to who people are, and the cornerstone point of judgment for an aviator or anyone forced to trade in high-stakes work where the realities of life or death are at a singular decision’s manifestation. These concepts tie into the given course work details concerning Behaviorism Ethics Systems and Evolutionary Ethics System. 

For reference, evolutionary ethics systems seek to correlate ethics as adjacent or stemming from evolutionary systems like natural selection. Behaviorism on the other hand traditionally refers to the study of human behavior and why humans make decisions, in this case the context is ethics. Our course work takes the concept a step further in the following.

“Behaviorism rejects the idea of a mind or soul at the outset, because it seeks to adopt a strictly scientific approach to human existence. This approach considers only what we can confirm with our senses.” (Wilkens, 2011)

While arguments can be made for the connections and motivations of natural selection at play for aviation students (desire for survival while flying, avoidance of pain and injury, etc). A more nuanced reality presents itself in the practice of education. Considering that possible death, pain and loss are not the natural occurrences of foolish or unethical decision making when attending to ones education (unlike the natural selection of flying), punishment and reward must be manufactured so that motivation remains intact. In this sense the aviator experiences some degree of the theory of evolutionary ethical systems and behavior. 

Consider the biblical story of Ananias and Sapphira. Their death was not a natural result of their actions, but rather a decision and judgment by a higher power for their actions. This decision to end their lives struck fear in those around them and clearly manufactured a reward and punishment boolean. It is for similar reasons children are punished and rewarded for their actions. At some point in their lives they will be faced with higher-stakes natural ethical issues, or social-ethical elements that will deeply inform their behavior. Adherence to an ethical code generally positions individuals and societies for positive outcomes in all walks of life making reward and punishment systems necessary.

Thread 2

Although I find the variation of ethical theories to be somewhat confusing and often contradictory to their own core claim, I think the efficacy of each ethical approach hinges on the theory’s determination of morality; what and who determines right from wrong. For behavioral ethics, the moral standard is defined by the “processes of environmental influence” (Wilkins, 2011) dictating acceptable behaviors within society, not from God. Evolutionary ethics suggests morality hangs on the idea that instinctual choices are aimed specifically for survival derived from genetic encoding in every living thing (Wilkins, 2011). When considering these two ethical systems as applied to aviation students’ attitudes and practices, studies show students are not immune to the problematic aspects of both moral views (R.Cole, 1988).

As an aviation student, I can testify to the level of dedication and discipline that it takes to become a well-rounded and respectable pilot. Although there are many study guides and tools for guaranteed success in testing available to student pilots, I can understand the temptation to cheat because it was incredibly difficult to become a professional pilot. However, falling into the trap of temptation, cheating, is likely to cost the individual their license, career, and possibly their lifelong dream (R.Cole, 1988). This example is why higher levels of academic programs have begun integrating ethical training (a form of expressed behavioral ethics) into the school’s curriculum, setting a moral standard of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Since behavior ethics has been adopted into aviation academics, aviation students are fully aware of what is determined to be right and wrong and understand that their peers are likely to exercise and exhibit compliance to the prescribed acceptable behavior. Knowing so, other students are willing to follow suit, ultimately reducing unethical behaviors like cheating (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011). Academic programs without the adoption of behavioral ethics applied to their curriculum experience a higher level of cheating among their students; the lack of thereof fails to enforce honesty and integrity among its students (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011), along with other factors that influence the student’s behavior such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and financial support (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011).

What can be learned from the example found in the life and biblical account of Ananias and Sapphira is that leaders do not cheat and do not follow to gain success or advancements. Leaders act in ethical ways that would support the evolutionary ethics system; they are often self-sacrificing for the benefit (or survival) of others so that those followers can carry on. Ananias made a mistake that cost him and his wife their lives; as stewards of property sales, they knew and willingly mismanaged the profits, which were not theirs to reap. This behavior is unacceptable in the moral environment of its time and now. This behavior is also inappropriate from the perspective of evolutionary ethics because Ananias and Sapphira’s actions did not promote survival, at least not for themselves. However, their actions influenced others in their community to fear repeating such behavior (


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Blueprint for Healthy Aging: Statement of the Problem/Challenge

Assignment: Blueprint for Healthy Aging: Statement of the Problem/Challenge

[WLO: 4] [CLOs: 2, 8]

Your written assignment this week is to develop a preliminary draft of the statement of the problem/challenge you plan to address in your Blueprint for Healthy Aging. You will need to identify a specific problem or challenge confronted by current or future aging populations in modern society as informed by the assigned readings as well as your personal interest in a specific topic. Examples include specific health conditions, lifestyle issues, or financial/retirement issues). Based on your assigned readings and additional research on the topic, you will write a two to three page paper which includes a concise statement of the specific problem you plan to address in your Blueprint. Your paper should include a review of the historical, current and future trends of the issue/problem as well as the context of the problem (e.g., specific population affected, geographic location/s, prevalence, personal and societal impacts, costs). You should also discuss why it is important to address the problem to facilitate healthy aging.

Required Resources


Bengtson, V. L., Gans, D., Putney, N. M., & Silverstein, M. (Eds.). (2016).  Handbook of theories of aging  (3rd ed.). Springer. 

· Chapter 1: Theories of Aging: Developments Within and Across Disciplinary Boundaries

· Chapter 2: Concepts and Theories of Age and Aging

Recommended Resources

Web Page

Hurst, M. (n.d.).  Theories of aging: Structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, & social conflict (Links to an external site.) . Retrieved from


In Week 1, you will be introduced to the historical and current importance and role of interdisciplinary theories of gerontology that contributes to our understanding of and ability to respond to the needs of an aging population. Metahistorical, evolutionary, and Modernization perspectives and theories will provide context and frameworks for conceptualizing the aging process and life-course. Despite existing perspectives and theories, there remain gaps in knowledge and understanding for responding to the needs of an aging population in modern times, highlighting the importance of expanding perspectives, theories, and research in applied social gerontology to develop a Blueprint for Healthy Aging in the future.

Your final summative assignment is to develop a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation on the ‘Blueprint For Healthy Aging In The Future’ to be shared with the class on your finalized Blueprint for Healthy Aging. Each week, you will be working on a section of your final Blueprint by way of a written assignment in preparation for the final Blueprint presentation. The final PowerPoint should outline and highlight major points from each section of your blueprint based on your weekly written drafts of each section and feedback provided by your instructor. You should provide three to four slides for each of the six sections of the blueprint, for a total of 18 to 24 slides plus final reference slide(s).

This is regarding Week 1 assignment

· Section 1– A Statement of the Problem/Challenge: This section includes a concise statement of the specific problem you will address in your blueprint including a brief review of historical, current and future trends and context of the problem  (e.g., specific population affected, geographic location/s, prevalence, personal and societal impacts and costs.) relating to the issue. You should also discuss why it is important to address the problem to facilitate healthy aging


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