Writers Solution

Coffee Problem lab.

Lab 01: Coffee Problem

Purpose of Experiment: To perform specific heat calculations and check those calculations using the virtual lab example.


· A screenshot of the correct answer and all calculations and explanations


For this lab assignment, you will need to read the instructions for the Metals Density Problem on the ChemCollective website. After you complete this reading, return to this assignment to read an example problem that will help you to complete the lab on the ChemCollective page.

Go to lab page:

To complete the lab, all calculations and an explanation of how you will make the coffee must be shown in the provided box below the virtual lab. Once the green check box is clicked and the lab shows you have a correct answer, take a screen shot and submit the screenshot of the lab for your grade.

Lab Assistance:

The following will help you to complete out the Coffee Problem lab.

All glassware used in this lab (even the pipets) must be insulated. Once the coffee and milk are selected, you must change the temperature to the initial temperature and insulate the glassware or it will quickly lose temperature.

Hint: the coffee is in an insulated travel mug, so no heat escapes. To insulate a piece of glassware in Virtual Lab, Mac-users should command-click (or open-apple click) on the beaker or flask; Windows users should right click on the beaker or flask. From the menu that appears, choose “Thermal Properties.” Check the box labeled “insulated from surroundings.” The temperature of the solution in that beaker or flask will remain constant.

All calculations and an explanation of how you will make the coffee must be shown in the provided box below the virtual lab. Once the green check box is clicked and the lab shows you have a correct answer, take a screen shot and submit the screenshot of the lab for your grade.

Example question and calculation:

You decided to make hot water for your favorite flavored tea drink. The water, after boiling, was at about 98 ˚C when you poured it over the tea bags. You now have 100 mL hot tea at 98 ˚C and want to dilute the tea and bring it to room temperature at about 25 ˚CTo make the tea to the correct temperature, you will add a portion of cold water at a temperature of 5 ˚C. How much cold water should you add to the hot tea water? (Hint: the density of tea and water is 1 g/mL and the specific heat of tea and water is 4.184 J/g∙˚C).

First convert the volume to mass using density:


Next, use the following equation: q=m×C×ΔTq=m×C×∆T. This problem requires an endothermic and an exothermic reaction; therefore the equation is modified: q=−qq=−q. The cold water absorbs heat and is the endothermic reaction; therefore, the cold water portion is the qq. The tea temperature being brought down is releasing heat and therefore is the −q−q side of the equation. Now we can substitute the m×C×ΔTm×C×∆T for each qq, making sure to keep the signs of each qq.








Convert the grams into mL with the density: 365g×1mL1g=365mL365g×1mL1g=365mL

Once you have completed the calculation, check you work by doing the virtual lab as explained.

Lab 2 Powerade

To access your lab, please follow these instructions— *if you have already done steps 1-10, simply log in to view your course and participate in lab activities:

1. Please go to: 

2. This will bring you to the “Course Key Students” page.

3. Enter the Course Key “GRC19” in the box and click “register.”

4. Create an account by filling in the information (be sure to use an account ID and password you will remember and make a note of it for future logins).

5. Click “I’m not a robot” and “Sign Up.”

6. Confirm your account by clicking on “confirm account.”

7. Read the consent form, then agree by choosing “I agree” and “submit.”

8. Click on “Register” for the Chemistry Virtual Lab Activities with Instructor Sandra Raysor.

9. Click on “Enter course” next to the red arrow to begin the lab.

10. Find the lab required for the assignment and begin work.

Should you experience issues, please contact the PSC at 1-866-693-2211 and let them know you need assistance with labs in the CHM1100 course.

Purpose of Experiment: To modify the concentration of liquids.

All of the instructions for this lab are located within ChemCollective. You will step through this lab completing different tasks on different pages. At the end of each task, you will see a “Correct” or “Incorrect” screen. You are able to try again if you see an “Incorrect” screen. Be sure to take a screenshot of each “Correct” screen. Submit a zip file of all screenshots for this lab activity.

Writers Solution

The problem of the world’s refugees and internally displaced is among the most complicated issues before the world community today


Assessment 3: Individual Written Essay (40%)

Due Date: 3rd January 2020

Word count: 1800-2000 words.

Students are required to write an essay, which includes choosing one (1) discussion point from the list below, and completing the following requirements:

  • Drawing on your research, summarise the important historical events relevant to current values and principles
  • identify historical trends and current ethical and/or legislation requirements relevant to the chosen discussion point.

To describe is to provide characteristics and features. To explain is to provide an explanation of not only how something happens, but why it happens. To discuss is to consider more than one point of view, and provide arguments for and against the main ideas and draw a conclusion.

Use at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles and textbook references. Do NOT utilise sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.

Discussion points – CHOOSE ONE:

  1. People with disabilities are undoubtedly among the most vulnerable at risk of social exclusion.”Develop an argument to prove this point. Provide evidence of legislation (past and current), social policies and recent developments that have supported people to move from a status of excluded to socially included. Include a definition and explanation of social exclusion and social inclusion.
  • ”Despite some progress, inequality still exists between men and women. What has led or influenced this inequality in the present day and how do we work to overcome it?” Focus on a key inequality such as employment and wages or education. Develop an argument to prove your point. Provide evidence of legislation (past and current), social policies and recent developments. Include a definition and explanation of empowerment.
  • The problem of the world’s refugees and internally displaced is among the most complicated issues before the world community today.”Develop an argument to prove this point. Provide evidence of legislation (past and current), social policies and recent developments related to the Australian Governments’ policies on asylum seekers. Include a definition and explanation of human rights.
  • “Social justice means recognising the distinctive rights that Indigenous Australians hold as the original peoples of this land.” Develop an argument to prove this point. Provide evidence of legislation (past and current), social policies and recent developments. Describe gaps in service provision between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians. Include a definition and explanation of social justice.
  • Globally, the LGBTI experience of promoting and achieving change and understanding with policy makers and the general population is that progress is extremely slow.”Develop an argument to prove this point. Explain the role of advocacy. Explain the historical events and policy changes that were influencedby various advocacy campaigns.
  • Globally, the LGBTI experience of promoting and achieving change and understanding with policy makers and the general population is that progress is extremely slow.”Develop an argument to prove this point. Explain the role of advocacy. Explain the historical events and policy changes that were influencedby various advocacy campaigns.

Assessment Criteria

Criteria Weighting 100% HD D C P F
Analysis of literature on topic   35%          
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic   30%          
Use and depth of research   20%          
Presentation and referencing: effective and organised essay structure with correct referencing of up-to-date resources and the APA References 15%          
  TOTAL   /40%          
Criteria High Distinction 80% – Distinction 70%- 79% Credit 60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail 0-49%
Analysis of literature on topic   Provides accurate and complete explanations on the allocated topic, drawing on most recent scholarly literature  Provides accurate and complete explanations on allocated topic drawing on relevant literature Explanations of allocated topic and research are generally accurate and complete, often cites the relevant literature. Explanations of allocated topic and research are not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature. Explanations of allocated topic and research are inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature.
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic Shows a deep understanding of the topic demonstrated in conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment Shows an excellent understanding of the topic showing conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment Shows a good understanding of the topic indicating conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment Shows a basic understanding of the topic in conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment Shows poor, insufficient understanding of the topic in conclusions derived from in depth analysis and assessment
Use and depth of reflection A comprehensive analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A strong analysis is developed. Summarises and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A good analysis is developed. Summarises and shows some insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the research Analysis is fairly well developed. It summarises the overall information obtained from the literature reviews and synthesizes adequately the knowledge gained Analysis is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature  
Presentation of summary and correct references used in APA style All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
Writers Solution

Describe the problem from Jeff Bliss’s perspective as well as from Ms. Phung’s perspective.

In Chapter 12, Wardle (2013) summarizes the important characteristics  of a culturally relevant teacher. Use this information as a guide or  resource throughout this assignment to help inspire your thinking as you  apply your knowledge of culturally relevant pedagogy toward specific  solutions to problems facing a teacher with a very diverse student  population. This exercise provides excellent practice over the  application of culturally relevant principles in the design of effective  instructional solutions. You will need to design such instructional  solutions within the Final Project, so it is very important to practice  such skills here. Specifically, for this assignment, you will view a  brief video taken with a cell phone by a student in a high school social  studies class. Student “Jeff Bliss” Mad at Teacher at Duncanville High (Links to an external site.) (Bliss,  2013) documents a meltdown Bliss experienced during his World History  course at Duncanville High School in Duncanville, Texas.

Review the Instructor Guidance before this task. In your paper, include the following:

  • Address the items below based on your inferences and ideas after viewing the events captured in the cellphone video. (2 points)
    • Describe the problem from Jeff Bliss’s perspective as well as from Ms. Phung’s perspective.
    • Explain what probably caused it.
    • Identify who benefits and who loses.
    • Indicate your position on this issue.
    • Discuss how a more equitable, culturally relevant approach to the class could improve the situation.
    • Express how Ms. Phung might respond differently to Jeff’s concerns.
    • Describe any equity strategies you noticed or inferred being implemented in the video. (2.5 points)
    • Suggest at least one strategy for each of the following four  categories that the teacher could have utilized to help meet student  needs in a more equitable fashion: 
      • Instruction
      • Classroom Environment
      • Student Grouping
      • Student Recognition/leadership
    • Describe evidence of any culturally relevant pedagogy in action in the cellphone video. (2.5. points)
    • List at least three strategies that could be used to create a more  culturally relevant classroom. Such strategies might be drawn from the  following areas: 
      • Maximizing academic success through relevant instructional experiences
      • Addressing cultural competence through reinforcing students’ cultural integrity
      • Involving students in the construction of knowledge
      • Building on students’ interests and linguistic resources
      • Tapping home and community resources
      • Understanding students’ cultural knowledge
      • Using interactive and constructivist teaching strategies
      • Examining the curriculum from multiple perspectives
      • Promoting critical consciousness through opportunities to challenge predominant elements of the students’ social norms

If you are enrolled in the MAED Program, it is imperative that you  keep copies of all assignments completed in this course. You will return  to them for the portfolio that you will create in your final MAED  course. This portfolio is a culminating project that will demonstrate  that you have met program outcomes.

Review this week’s Instructor Guidance for additional information  about completing this assignment. Contact your instructor for  clarifications about this or any assessment in the course before the due  date using the “Ask Your Instructor” forum. Then, also using the  Grading Rubric as a guide for your performance on this assignment,  construct your assignment to meet each of the content and written  communication expectations.

Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have  achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion and  submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7