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Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice

Assignment on Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice: Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions others have of you in the communities you serve. Views on justice also impact actions taken and decisions made that affect the wider population.

Assume you have been selected as one of three potential candidates for a new position in your local criminal court. The presiding judge wants to understand your views on substantive justice.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word brief describing the origins of the concept of justice and how you believe they are defined today. Complete the following in your brief:

-Explain Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice.

-Compare substantive justice and procedural justice, including how procedural justice impacts wrongful convictions and moral perceptions of racial discrimination, such as the Central Park Five and the story of Brian Banks, a former football star.

-Explain how you understand justice as defined by today’s modern criminal justice agencies. Include reasoning and examples in your explanation to support your opinion




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Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the object oriented paradigm

Subject Code and Title MIS501 Principles of Programming
Assessment Business case study
Individual/Group Individual
Length N/A
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the object oriented paradigm.
b) Design and implement solutions using unified modelling language (UML) diagrams and coding to meet business needs.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2.
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Assessment Task
In this assessment, you are required to undertake three tasks. For each task, it is required that you implement a Python program to solve a business problem presented in the business case. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Module 1.1 to Module 4.1 covered many expressive programming syntax and powerful Python language features. Collectively, they can be used to create sophisticated programs to solve real business problems. In each Module, we focused almost exclusively on particular language features or syntax taught in that Module. In this assessment, you have the opportunity to put them all together.
In contrast with the “toy” practical exercises in each Module, you are presented with close-to-real-life business problems and you are asked to develop programs to solve these problems. Sometimes, understanding the business problems and the associated business rules is challenging in their own. The business logics sometimes need to be determined/inferred/interpreted from the business case and business rules, which then need to be implemented using a programming language. These are the challenges you will inevitably have to address in real life. Therefore, the business case and the business rules in this assessment have been deliberated designed to be convoluted and less straightforward. Understanding the case and the business problem is in itself an integral part of the assessment.
In this assessment, you will demonstrate the following skills and knowledge:

  • Grasp business requirements, rules and logics, and be able to translate them into programming code.
  • Implement programs in Python to solve business problems.
  • Design a program and illustrate the logic through flowcharts.
  1. Please read the case scenario and complete Task 1, 2 and 3 outlined in the attached MIS501_Assessment 2_ Business Case Study Tasks document.
  2. All implementations must be in Python 3 (that is NOT Python 2). Programs implemented in a different language will be marked 0. Programs implemented in Python 2 will be capped at 50% of the available marks.
    MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 1 of 4
  3. You may only use the language features and syntax taught in Module 1.1 through to Module 4.1. You MUST NOT use any other language features beyond what was taught by Module 4.1. Penalties apply.
  4. You may implement the programs in any IDE of your choice.
  5. All programs should be provided with adequate and meaning comments.
  6. Follow Python Style Guide:
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Submit the following four files for this assessment in MIS501: Principles of Programming.
    o o o
    o task3.docx.
    DO NOT zip these files into one file, submit individual files. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.

MIS501 Principles of Programming
Assessment 2 – Business Case Study
Case Scenario
COMP101 Foundations of Computer Systems is a first-year introductory subject in both the Bachelor of Information Technology and Diploma of Information Technology course at ABC University. The Subject Coordinator of COMP101 has engaged you to help her to code a few Python programs as handy tools to solve a number of problems at hand.
Task 1 – Determine Interim Grade Letter (30%)
In this task, you will write a Python program to help the Subject Coordinator of COMP101 to calculate an interim grade letter for a student given their assessments results.
COMP101 Foundations of Computer Systems has three assessments with the following weightings.
Assessment Number Assessment Type Assessment Weighting
1 Lab exercise 20%
2 Report 40%
3 Final examination 40%
Each assessment has been marked out of 100 and the mark for each assessment may be a decimal number with at most two decimal points (e.g., 68, or 68.5, or 68.45). The final mark for COMP101 is the weighted sum of all three assessments, rounded up to the nearest integer. For example, Student A received 75.67/100, 45.8/100, 32/100 for Assessment 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Their final mark for COMP101 is 47 (46.254 rounded up to the nearest integer).
75.67 × 20% + 45.8 × 40% + 32 × 40% = 46.254
For simplicity, in this Task, we will use a bracket that consists of three numbers to denote the marks of a student’s three assignments in order. For example, (75.67, 45.8, 32) denote a student who received 75.67/100 for the first assessment, 45.8/100 for the second, and 32/100 for the third.
The final mark is used to determine the interim grade letter for a student. The Assessment Policy and Procedures of ABC University stipulates the following rules for determining the interim grade letter. The range in the Final mark column includes the numbers on both ends.
Final mark Interim grade letter Description
85 – 100 HD High Distinction
75 – 84 D Distinction
65 – 74 C Credit
50 – 64 P Pass
45 – 49 F or SE or SA Fail or Supplementary Assessment or Supplementary Exam
0 – 44 F or AF Fail or Absent Fail
Students whose final mark is between 0 and 44 (inclusive) may be awarded an F (Fail) or an AF (Absent Fail). If two or more assessments are awarded zero and the final mark is between 0 and 44 (inclusive), the student will be awarded an AF (Absent Fail), otherwise they are awarded an F (Fail).
For example, students with (0, 100, 0) should be awarded an AF because their final mark is 40, and two assessments are marked zero. However, students with (100, 50, 0) should be awarded an F because although their final mark is 40, they only have one assessment awarded zero.
Students who have marginally failed, that is, their final mark is between 45 – 49 (inclusive), may be awarded an F (Fail) or Supplementary Exam (SE) or Supplementary Assessment (SA). If a student’s final mark is between 45 – 49, they will receive an F (Fail) unless they satisfy all the following conditions:
o Their final mark is between 45 – 49 (inclusive). o They do not have any assessment marked zero. o They only failed (i.e., less than 50) one assessment.
Students whose final mark is between 45 – 49 will receive an SE or SA if they satisfy all the conditions above. If the assessment they failed is Assessment 1 or Assessment 2, they will receive an SA and they will be given an opportunity to attempt a supplementary assessment. If the assessment they failed is Assessment 3, they will receive an SE and they will be given an opportunity to sit a supplementary exam.
For example, students with (40, 100, 0) will receive an F (Fail) because although their final mark is 48 (i.e., between 45 – 49), they have one assessment marked zero (Assessment 3). Students with (10,
100, 10) will equally be awarded an F (Fail) because although their final mark is 46 (i.e., between 45 – 49), they have failed more than one assessment (Assessment 1 and Assessment 3). Students with (50, 50, 40) will be awarded an SE because their final mark is 46 (i.e., between 45 – 49) and satisfy all the three conditions above. The only failed assessment is Assessment 3, and they will be given an opportunity to sit a supplementary exam.
The Subject Coordinator has asked you to develop a Python program that can calculate the interim grade letter for a student given the marks for all the assessments based on the business rules described above.
Your program should allow the Subject Coordinator to type in a student’s assessment marks separated by a comma. Your program will then output the correct interim grade letter for that student. In this task, you do not need to allow the Subject Coordinator to type in the assessment marks for another student. Your program can terminate after it have calculated and output the interim grade letter for the first student.
Here are some sample inputs and outputs the Subject Coordinator expected to see when she runs your program. All the green lines are your program outputs, all the red lines are users’ input.
Sample input and output 1:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Sample input and output 2:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Sample input and output 3:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission.
Task 2 – Finalising grades and class performance statistics (40%)
This task is built upon Task 1. You may want to make a copy of, and name it, and you may want to use the logic you implemented for Task 1. DO NOT override
A couple of weeks after the Release of Grade date, all supplementary assessments and exams have been finalised. All the interim grade letters now need to be converted to a final grade letter, that is, the grade letter that appear on students’ transcript.
For HD (High distinction), D (Distinction), C (Credit), P (Pass) and F (Fail), they will not be converted as they themselves are final grade letters. For SA and SE, they will be converted to either a SP (Supplementary Pass) or F (Fail). If the student who have been awarded an SA or SE, passed the supplementary assessment or supplementary exam (that is, they achieved no less than 50/100), their grade letter will be converted to SP (Supplementary Pass), otherwise it will be converted to F (Fail). For AF (Absent Fail), it will be converted to F (Fail).
Each final grade letter carries some grade point value as detailed in the table below.
Final grade letter Grade point value
HD 4.0
D 3.0
C 2.0
P 1.0
SP 0.5
F 0
The Subject Coordinator would like you to implement a Python program that helps her to read in all students’ marks and generate some high-level statistic about the class performance.
In contrast with Task 1, the program in Task 2 will prompt to the Subject Coordinator (the user) and allow her type in all students’ assessment marks. This is achieved by repeatedly asking the Subject Coordinator to type in students’ three assessment marks until she types in the letter “N”. For example, Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
(input finishes)
The Subject Coordinator (the user) may type in as many students’ assessment marks as she wishes. Each line of input represents a student’s three assessment marks. The only way she signals to the program that she has done with inputting is to type in a letter N.
Your program should use an appropriate data structure to store students’ marks.
As you read in students’ assessment marks, if your program detects that the student would have been given an SE or SA, your program should then ask for their supplementary assessment or supplementary exam mark. For example,
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
What is this student’s supplementary exam mark:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
(input finishes) Output
After input finishes, your program will then output the following class performance statistics:
o Number of students: This number shows the total number of students that the user typed in.
o Student pass rate: The percentage of students who received a final grade letter of HD, D, C, P or SP, that is,

???? + #?? + #?? + #?? + #????


HD represents the number of students who received HD. #student represents the total number of students. Rounded to two decimal points.

o Student pass rate (adjusted): The percentage of students who received a final grade letter of HD, D, C, P or SP. This percentage excludes students who received an AF from the total number of students, that is,

???? + #?? + #?? + #?? + #????

?????????????? – #???? Rounded to two decimal points.

o Average mark for Assessment 1: the average mark for Assessment 1 with two decimal points. o Average mark for Assessment 2: the average mark for Assessment 2 with two decimal points. o Average mark for Assessment 3: the average mark for Assessment 3 with two decimal points. o Average final mark: the average mark for final mark with two decimal points.
o Average grade point: the average grade point for all students in COMP101 with one decimal point.
o Number of HDs: the number of students who received a final grade letter HD. o Number of Ds: the number of students who received a final grade letter D. o Number of Cs: the number of students who received a final grade letter C. o Number of Ps: the number of students who received a final grade letter P. o Number of SPs: the number of students who received a final grade letter SP.
o Number of Fs: the number of students who received a final grade letter F.
For example,
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
What is this student’s supplementary exam mark:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Number of students: 3
Student pass rate: 66.67%
Student pass rate (adjusted): 66.67%
Average mark for Assessment 1: 60.00 Average mark for Assessment 2: 83.33 Average mark for Assessment 3: 46.67
Average final mark: 64.00
Average grade point: 1.5
Number of HDs: 1
Number of Ds: 0
Number of Cs: 0 Number of Ps: 0
Number of SPs: 1
Number of Fs: 1
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission.
Task 3 – Naïve similarity detector (30%)
This task is independent of the first two tasks. You can create a new file and name it
The Subject Coordinator of COMP101 has now asked you to implement a naïve similarity detector that she can use to identify collusion between students in their assessments. Your program will read in two assessment submissions (two strings) in turn and output a similarity score for them.
You can assume that the input submissions have been “cleaned” with all punctuations removed. Each submission is a sequence of words separated by a space. For example, “COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy”
“COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy”
The similarity of two submissions is defined as the ratio between the number of common words in both submissions and the number of unique words in both submissions.
For example,
“COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy”
“COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy”
The common words between these two submissions are COMP101, and, interesting, been, easy. A total of 5 common words.
The unique words in both submissions are COMP101, and, interesting, been, easy, is, an, subject, it, has, COMP301, have, always. A total of 13 common words.
The similarity of both submissions is 5/13 = 38.46%.
You are required to draw a flowchart diagram illustrating the logic of this program. You should use a professional drawing software, e.g. Copy and paste your flowchart diagram in a MSWord document, and name it task3.docx.
Implement a Python program that takes in two submissions (strings) and output the similarity between them with two decimal points. For example:
Enter the first submission:
COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy Enter the second submission:
COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy The similarity score between the two is: 38.46%.
You should ignore the letter cases, that is, “Interesting” and “interesting” should be treated as the same word. You do not need to lemmatise the words, that is, the words “going”, “go”, “went”, “gone” are treated as different words.
You must not use the set structure in this or any other tasks. 0 marks will be awarded to the implementation if you used the set structure.
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission





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Writers Solution

Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the objectoriented paradigm

Subject Code and Title MIS501 Principles of Programming
Assessment Business case study
Individual/Group Individual
Length N/A
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the objectoriented paradigm.
b) Design and implement solutions using unified modelling language (UML) diagrams and coding to meet business needs.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2.
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Assessment Task
In this assessment, you are required to undertake three tasks. For each task, it is required that you implement a Python program to solve a business problem presented in the business case. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Module 1.1 to Module 4.1 covered many expressive programming syntax and powerful Python language features. Collectively, they can be used to create sophisticated programs to solve real business problems. In each Module, we focused almost exclusively on particular language features or syntax taught in that Module. In this assessment, you have the opportunity to put them all together.
In contrast with the “toy” practical exercises in each Module, you are presented with close-to-real-life business problems and you are asked to develop programs to solve these problems. Sometimes, understanding the business problems and the associated business rules is challenging in their own. The business logics sometimes need to be determined/inferred/interpreted from the business case and business rules, which then need to be implemented using a programming language. These are the challenges you will inevitably have to address in real life. Therefore, the business case and the business rules in this assessment have been deliberated designed to be convoluted and less straightforward. Understanding the case and the business problem is in itself an integral part of the assessment.
In this assessment, you will demonstrate the following skills and knowledge:

  • Grasp business requirements, rules and logics, and be able to translate them into programming code.
  • Implement programs in Python to solve business problems.
  • Design a program and illustrate the logic through flowcharts.
  1. Please read the case scenario and complete Task 1, 2 and 3 outlined in the attached MIS501_Assessment 2_ Business Case Study Tasks document.
  2. All implementations must be in Python 3 (that is NOT Python 2). Programs implemented in a different language will be marked 0. Programs implemented in Python 2 will be capped at 50% of the available marks.
    MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 1 of 4
  3. You may only use the language features and syntax taught in Module 1.1 through to Module 4.1. You MUST NOT use any other language features beyond what was taught by Module 4.1. Penalties apply.
  4. You may implement the programs in any IDE of your choice.
  5. All programs should be provided with adequate and meaning comments.
  6. Follow Python Style Guide:
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Submit the following four files for this assessment in MIS501: Principles of Programming.
    o o o
    o task3.docx.
    DO NOT zip these files into one file, submit individual files. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.

MIS501 Principles of Programming
Assessment 2 – Business Case Study
Case Scenario
COMP101 Foundations of Computer Systems is a first-year introductory subject in both the Bachelor of Information Technology and Diploma of Information Technology course at ABC University. The Subject Coordinator of COMP101 has engaged you to help her to code a few Python programs as handy tools to solve a number of problems at hand.
Task 1 – Determine Interim Grade Letter (30%)
In this task, you will write a Python program to help the Subject Coordinator of COMP101 to calculate an interim grade letter for a student given their assessments results.
COMP101 Foundations of Computer Systems has three assessments with the following weightings.
Assessment Number Assessment Type Assessment Weighting
1 Lab exercise 20%
2 Report 40%
3 Final examination 40%
Each assessment has been marked out of 100 and the mark for each assessment may be a decimal number with at most two decimal points (e.g., 68, or 68.5, or 68.45). The final mark for COMP101 is the weighted sum of all three assessments, rounded up to the nearest integer. For example, Student A received 75.67/100, 45.8/100, 32/100 for Assessment 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Their final mark for COMP101 is 47 (46.254 rounded up to the nearest integer).
75.67 × 20% + 45.8 × 40% + 32 × 40% = 46.254
For simplicity, in this Task, we will use a bracket that consists of three numbers to denote the marks of a student’s three assignments in order. For example, (75.67, 45.8, 32) denote a student who received 75.67/100 for the first assessment, 45.8/100 for the second, and 32/100 for the third.
The final mark is used to determine the interim grade letter for a student. The Assessment Policy and Procedures of ABC University stipulates the following rules for determining the interim grade letter. The range in the Final mark column includes the numbers on both ends.
Final mark Interim grade letter Description
85 – 100 HD High Distinction
75 – 84 D Distinction
65 – 74 C Credit
50 – 64 P Pass
45 – 49 F or SE or SA Fail or Supplementary Assessment or Supplementary Exam
0 – 44 F or AF Fail or Absent Fail
Students whose final mark is between 0 and 44 (inclusive) may be awarded an F (Fail) or an AF (Absent Fail). If two or more assessments are awarded zero and the final mark is between 0 and 44 (inclusive), the student will be awarded an AF (Absent Fail), otherwise they are awarded an F (Fail).
For example, students with (0, 100, 0) should be awarded an AF because their final mark is 40, and two assessments are marked zero. However, students with (100, 50, 0) should be awarded an F because although their final mark is 40, they only have one assessment awarded zero.
Students who have marginally failed, that is, their final mark is between 45 – 49 (inclusive), may be awarded an F (Fail) or Supplementary Exam (SE) or Supplementary Assessment (SA). If a student’s final mark is between 45 – 49, they will receive an F (Fail) unless they satisfy all the following conditions:
o Their final mark is between 45 – 49 (inclusive). o They do not have any assessment marked zero. o They only failed (i.e., less than 50) one assessment.
Students whose final mark is between 45 – 49 will receive an SE or SA if they satisfy all the conditions above. If the assessment they failed is Assessment 1 or Assessment 2, they will receive an SA and they will be given an opportunity to attempt a supplementary assessment. If the assessment they failed is Assessment 3, they will receive an SE and they will be given an opportunity to sit a supplementary exam.
For example, students with (40, 100, 0) will receive an F (Fail) because although their final mark is 48 (i.e., between 45 – 49), they have one assessment marked zero (Assessment 3). Students with (10,
100, 10) will equally be awarded an F (Fail) because although their final mark is 46 (i.e., between 45 – 49), they have failed more than one assessment (Assessment 1 and Assessment 3). Students with (50, 50, 40) will be awarded an SE because their final mark is 46 (i.e., between 45 – 49) and satisfy all the three conditions above. The only failed assessment is Assessment 3, and they will be given an opportunity to sit a supplementary exam.
The Subject Coordinator has asked you to develop a Python program that can calculate the interim grade letter for a student given the marks for all the assessments based on the business rules described above.
Your program should allow the Subject Coordinator to type in a student’s assessment marks separated by a comma. Your program will then output the correct interim grade letter for that student. In this task, you do not need to allow the Subject Coordinator to type in the assessment marks for another student. Your program can terminate after it have calculated and output the interim grade letter for the first student.
Here are some sample inputs and outputs the Subject Coordinator expected to see when she runs your program. All the green lines are your program outputs, all the red lines are users’ input.
Sample input and output 1:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Sample input and output 2:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Sample input and output 3:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma):
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission.
Task 2 – Finalising grades and class performance statistics (40%)
This task is built upon Task 1. You may want to make a copy of, and name it, and you may want to use the logic you implemented for Task 1. DO NOT override
A couple of weeks after the Release of Grade date, all supplementary assessments and exams have been finalised. All the interim grade letters now need to be converted to a final grade letter, that is, the grade letter that appear on students’ transcript.
For HD (High distinction), D (Distinction), C (Credit), P (Pass) and F (Fail), they will not be converted as they themselves are final grade letters. For SA and SE, they will be converted to either a SP (Supplementary Pass) or F (Fail). If the student who have been awarded an SA or SE, passed the supplementary assessment or supplementary exam (that is, they achieved no less than 50/100), their grade letter will be converted to SP (Supplementary Pass), otherwise it will be converted to F (Fail). For AF (Absent Fail), it will be converted to F (Fail).
Each final grade letter carries some grade point value as detailed in the table below.
Final grade letter Grade point value
HD 4.0
D 3.0
C 2.0
P 1.0
SP 0.5
F 0
The Subject Coordinator would like you to implement a Python program that helps her to read in all students’ marks and generate some high-level statistic about the class performance.
In contrast with Task 1, the program in Task 2 will prompt to the Subject Coordinator (the user) and allow her type in all students’ assessment marks. This is achieved by repeatedly asking the Subject Coordinator to type in students’ three assessment marks until she types in the letter “N”. For example, Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
(input finishes)
The Subject Coordinator (the user) may type in as many students’ assessment marks as she wishes. Each line of input represents a student’s three assessment marks. The only way she signals to the program that she has done with inputting is to type in a letter N.
Your program should use an appropriate data structure to store students’ marks.
As you read in students’ assessment marks, if your program detects that the student would have been given an SE or SA, your program should then ask for their supplementary assessment or supplementary exam mark. For example,
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
What is this student’s supplementary exam mark:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
(input finishes) Output
After input finishes, your program will then output the following class performance statistics:
o Number of students: This number shows the total number of students that the user typed in.
o Student pass rate: The percentage of students who received a final grade letter of HD, D, C, P or SP, that is,

???? + #?? + #?? + #?? + #????


HD represents the number of students who received HD. #student represents the total number of students. Rounded to two decimal points.

o Student pass rate (adjusted): The percentage of students who received a final grade letter of HD, D, C, P or SP. This percentage excludes students who received an AF from the total number of students, that is,

???? + #?? + #?? + #?? + #????

?????????????? – #???? Rounded to two decimal points.

o Average mark for Assessment 1: the average mark for Assessment 1 with two decimal points. o Average mark for Assessment 2: the average mark for Assessment 2 with two decimal points. o Average mark for Assessment 3: the average mark for Assessment 3 with two decimal points. o Average final mark: the average mark for final mark with two decimal points.
o Average grade point: the average grade point for all students in COMP101 with one decimal point.
o Number of HDs: the number of students who received a final grade letter HD. o Number of Ds: the number of students who received a final grade letter D. o Number of Cs: the number of students who received a final grade letter C. o Number of Ps: the number of students who received a final grade letter P. o Number of SPs: the number of students who received a final grade letter SP.
o Number of Fs: the number of students who received a final grade letter F.
For example,
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
What is this student’s supplementary exam mark:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Enter a student’s assessment marks (separated by comma), type in letter N to finish:
Number of students: 3
Student pass rate: 66.67%
Student pass rate (adjusted): 66.67%
Average mark for Assessment 1: 60.00 Average mark for Assessment 2: 83.33 Average mark for Assessment 3: 46.67
Average final mark: 64.00
Average grade point: 1.5
Number of HDs: 1
Number of Ds: 0
Number of Cs: 0 Number of Ps: 0
Number of SPs: 1
Number of Fs: 1
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission.
Task 3 – Naïve similarity detector (30%)
This task is independent of the first two tasks. You can create a new file and name it
The Subject Coordinator of COMP101 has now asked you to implement a naïve similarity detector that she can use to identify collusion between students in their assessments. Your program will read in two assessment submissions (two strings) in turn and output a similarity score for them.
You can assume that the input submissions have been “cleaned” with all punctuations removed. Each submission is a sequence of words separated by a space. For example, “COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy”
“COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy”
The similarity of two submissions is defined as the ratio between the number of common words in both submissions and the number of unique words in both submissions.
For example,
“COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy”
“COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy”
The common words between these two submissions are COMP101, and, interesting, been, easy. A total of 5 common words.
The unique words in both submissions are COMP101, and, interesting, been, easy, is, an, subject, it, has, COMP301, have, always. A total of 13 common words.
The similarity of both submissions is 5/13 = 38.46%.
You are required to draw a flowchart diagram illustrating the logic of this program. You should use a professional drawing software, e.g. Copy and paste your flowchart diagram in a MSWord document, and name it task3.docx.
Implement a Python program that takes in two submissions (strings) and output the similarity between them with two decimal points. For example:
Enter the first submission:
COMP101 is an interesting subject and it has been easy Enter the second submission:
COMP101 and COMP301 have always been interesting and easy The similarity score between the two is: 38.46%.
You should ignore the letter cases, that is, “Interesting” and “interesting” should be treated as the same word. You do not need to lemmatise the words, that is, the words “going”, “go”, “went”, “gone” are treated as different words.
You must not use the set structure in this or any other tasks. 0 marks will be awarded to the implementation if you used the set structure.
Implement your program in a Python script file and name it You need to submit this file as part of the Assessment 2 submission





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Describe the procedural steps in a criminal trial.

Construct an outline of 400-500 words for an essay in which you describe the procedural steps in a criminal trial. Address the following:

How does one determine whether or not they have standing to appear in criminal court? Once standing is confirmed, how does the court administer pre-trial management procedures such as notice, right to counsel, and whether to terminate the proceedings? Why are these procedures required for the administration of Justice?
Explain what happens during each step of a trial including the purpose each step serves. These steps should include, at a minimum, the following: opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, jury instructions, jury deliberations, rendering a verdict, and sentencing.
Analyze and discuss what possible appellate procedures are in place for a criminal defendant. Explain when an appeal may be a viable option, and when it may not.
Include an Annotated Bibliography section with at least six sources, formatted in APA.

Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,†located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style, referring to the indicative annotation protocol.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Procedural Steps in Criminal Trial

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Procedural Steps in Criminal Trial

            Although criminal procedures vary based on jurisdictions, basic criminal trial procedures are the same. The formal process that charges an individual often involves the jury indictment or when a prosecutor files information in court. Once this has been done, the defendant is arraigned in a court of law where they enter into plea of nolo contendere (plea of not guilty) or plea of guilty (Scheb & Scheb, 2014). It is the plea of nolo contendere that makes one stand for trial. This is when the individual knows they have the standing to appear in a court of law.

            The trial process is governed by rules of procedure, which sets out elaborate processes for determining whether an individual is guilty or not. Once a defendant is to stand trial, a pretrial conference is scheduled one week before the actual criminal trial begins (Bergman, 2018). At the pretrial hearings, several issues are determined and rule by the pretrial court. Some of the issues determined and rule include rules for case proceedings, scheduled for trial and other pretrial matters, evidence that should and that should not be concluded can be argued by parties, witnesses to be allowed, venues for trial, and right to counsel if the defendant is not represented at a pretrial hearing.

            The establishment of the pretrial procedures is important in the administration of justice. During the establishment of pretrial procedures, several issues are resolved that ensure dispensation of justice to the defendant (American Bar Association, 2020). The procedures are critical in resolving matters that allow for the efficient running of the trial process. It is during this step in the trial process that all the parties involved exchange important information that could make them be prepared if the matter proceeds to full trial. Also, it is during the pre-trial process that judges receive information about the issues and the parties involved and to establish their authority over the trial process.             The criminal trial process can be considered to be complete if it has six steps; choice of the jury, issuing of the opening statement, cross-examination and issuing of testimonies, closing arguments, jury instruction, and issue of the verdict after jury deliberation (Arizona Supreme Court, 2020). During jury selection, a potential juror will………………………………………………………………………………………………