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Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process

1) Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process. You need to explain the details of each phase (who, what, when, where, why).PPBEEnactmentApportionmentExecution Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two page paper.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


2) Week 8 Research Paper(attached is the topic and abstract) 

Send in a 7–10 page report describing a significant initiative that has been overseen over the last ten years through the acquisition process. The paper’s content should show that you comprehend the program manager and acquisition procedures that have been covered during the last eight weeks. The abstract assignment turned in during Week 4 should serve as the basis for this essay.

Examine each and every learning objective. Look up the learning aim online and in the library.Together with the title page and reference page, write this 7–10 page paper.This implies that a document with seven pages would really have nine pages, while a paper with ten pages would actually have twelve pages. The title page and the reference page are never counted in a formal college paper.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages of 7 to 10 page paper (the content section).

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


3) Instructions. Each student is required to read a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issue related to this course. The journals must be research oriented, such as those found at Air University or APUS library related journals. The selected article should cite references and have a bibliography at the end of the article. After reading the article, you should prepare a one-page single-spaced abstract of the article and provide the abstract, not the entire article, to the professor. At the beginning of your abstract, please include the bibliographic citation. Your abstract should be succinctly written in a descriptive and informative manner and not exceed one single-spaced typewritten page in APA format.

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Theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing

Purpose of the Assignment: To learn about your writing process. To learn that you have a writing process that can be shaped and reshaped. To learn how to think about that process.

Intended Audience: Instructor. Classmates. Writing teachers. Scholars interested in studying the writing process.

Assignment Topic: What have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory? Describe data that you collect about your writing process over the course of two weeks, then analyze the data to describe your writing process. Use the concepts and terms from the course readings to frame your analysis.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, I want you to examine your writing process and literacy influences and then reflect on your process and influences. You will write an essay describing your own writing process based on a) concepts you’ve learned from the course readings and b) data that you have collected about your writing process. You’ll use discussions and readings from this unit to write a 3-4 page analysis of what you learned from studying your writing process. The idea behind this paper is very similar to that of the Rhetorical Situation Assignment: read and learn what the parts of the writing process are, then compare your own writing process to what you’ve learned and write a paper that a) describes your own writing process using the theory you’ve learned and b) considers what shaped your writing process and how you might reshape it. (If you think about it, that is similar to the first paper, where you learned the parts of the Rhetorical Situation, then analyzed a text that you wrote and described the parts of the rhetorical situation of your text. The third and last paper for this class will also follow a very similar process.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1) TODAY, start creating some data about your writing process. You’ll keep this log for two weeks. You’re going to post the log and a list to a discussion forum/peer review two weeks from today. You’ll also be attaching your writing log to the end of your second essay, the Writing Process Assignment. It’s going to be one of the sources that you cite for this paper, along with the class readings. Make sure to keep up with it as it’s part of the final grade for the work for this paper.

  • Document your writing process every time you write something for any purpose (a class assignment, social media post, blog post, website page, etc.) over the next two weeks.
  • Keep track of all your writing journal notes in a writing log. If it were me, I would print out a paper chart to keep at my desk, so that I can easily jot down notes in it during writing sessions. Then I’d scan it to a file to save for submission later.
  • Look over this sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet Download sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet(just one possible way to keep track of your writing data–you could also create a chart by hand, in Word, etc.): Download sample writing logLinks to an external get an idea of what a writing log should or could look like. The writing log should keep track of:
  • When did you write? Write down the date and time you wrote.
  • How long did you write?
  • Where did you write?
  • What did you work on during each writing session?
  • What course or purpose did you write for? If you wrote for a course, what was the assignment?
  • What was hard about each writing session? What was easy? Why?
  • When and how did you get distracted? What distracted you?
  • How long did you plan for your writing?
  • How many times did you revise your writing?
  • When did you have writing bursts? What type of writing?
  • What types of writing did you write well?
  • What types of writing were you doing when you struggled and when you did not struggle?

Keep all of the answers to these questions in a journal or log. Keep as many notes about your writing process as you possible over the next week or two. 

  • Finally, when you start to write the paper, look over the writing process data from your log/journal and tell us what you are seeing about yourself as a writer. Here are the questions to try and answer as you write your first rough draft:
  • a) What are you noticing about yourself as a writer, and what do you need to do to develop your writing processes?
  • b) Which phases of the Writing Process) did you tend to lean more strongly on?
  • c) Which phases did you spend less time on, or skip?
  • d) Has your experience as a student had any similarities or differences to the student’s experience  in the case study in the course reading from Malowski? To Villanueva’s in the excerpt from Bootstraps?
  • e) What are your strengths in terms of the writing process, and which ones can you work on developing?
  • f) Overall, what have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory?
  • g) Where do you see the potential to develop your writing process and why? What can you say about your writing process or writing processes?

To get an idea of what to aim for and grading criteria:

Look over  this sample final paper for an idea of what the paper could look like. (Link forthcoming.)

Look over the   Evaluation Standards for The Writing Process Assignment

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Process for Planning, Preparing and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation

the PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image. Your audience is the same manager; someone who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how they can use it to help their organization reach its goals.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including:

  • A title slide.
  • An agenda slide.
  • An introduction slide.
  • Body content slides.
  • Conclusion slide.
  • A sources slide.

All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this assignment.


  • Revise your slide deck from Week 5 presentation, taking your professor’s feedback into account.
    • Revise the title slide.
    • Revise the agenda slide.
    • Revise the introduction slide.
  • Develop 10–15 body slides for your presentation that inform a manager how social media can be used to help an organization reach its goals.
    • Overview of issue or opportunity.
    • How a selected social media can be leveraged to resolve an issue or leverage an opportunity to help a company reach its goals.
  • As you develop your presentation, refer to the general design requirements found in Chapter 12 of your BCOM text.
  • Your presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Other submission formats will be returned ungraded. Incorrectly formatted file submissions may be corrected and resubmitted for late credit.
  • Focus your work on clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and appropriate style.

The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Content:
    • Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.
      • Include the title of the presentation, your name, and the presentation date on the title slide.
      • List the key points that outline the structure of your presentation on the agenda slide.
      • Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.
    • Cover the purpose and key points of the presentation in 10–15 body slides with illustrations, images, and graphs/charts that reinforce the key points and purpose.
      • Use Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
      • Use Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the content for your presentation.
      • Use Figure 8.1 Inductive Outline Used in Persuasive Messages Sent in Written, Electronic, or Spoken Formin the BCOM text as a guide while developing the presentation purpose and key points.
    • Conclude the presentation using a single slide for the closing that contains a one-sentence wrap-up statement reinforcing the purpose of the presentation.
    • Provide the required number of two references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references that are added to a sources slide after your closing slide using the Strayer Writing Standards.
  • Format:
Writers Solution

What parts of the process have you liked, and what have you found challenging?


In the first three weeks of the course, we engaged in the writing process: prewriting, analysis, research, and outlining. What parts of the process have you liked, and what have you found challenging? How do you feel prepared for the first draft? Cite examples from your reading to support your post.

Post a minimum of 500 words, and leave at least two references from the textbook or outside readings/research into your analysis. Format attributions with an MLA in-text citation that corresponds with an end-of-post reference listing.


McGraw-Hill. Connect: Composition Essentials. 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2021.

  • Part 1, Chapter 3: Outlining and Drafting an Essa.y
  • Part 1, Chapter 4: Developing Paragraphs for the Body, Introduction, and Conclusion of an Essay




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How does the sentencing process make it easier for a justice-involved individual to identify their need for rehabilitation?

Assignment Content

Imagine you work as a case manager at a probation facility. You are training a new case manager on the relationship between sentencing and rehabilitation and how human services plays a role in rehabilitation of justice-involved individuals. Create an 11 slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes for your trainee. Address the following in your presentation:

(1 slide) Introduce the topic.

(2–3 slides) Describe the sentencing process: How does the sentencing process make it easier for a justice-involved individual to identify their need for rehabilitation? Using examples, how can sentencing persuade individuals into rehabilitation?

(2–3 slides) Explain what sentencing rehabilitation is. Why should sentencing be a part of the rehabilitation process?

(1–2 slides) Discuss the role of a case manager in the sentencing process and how case managers should refer individuals to rehabilitation or other services when it is needed.

(1–2 slides) Discuss the role of the probation manager in the sentencing process. What is a pre-sentencing report? Who gets it? How is it used?

(1–2 slides) Explain sentencing’s role in the entire justice process.

(2–4 slides) Describe 2 evidence-based research studies on a sentencing program or innovative process that supports 1 of the following 4 principles (make sure to define and explain the principle, too): Proportionality, Equity, Individualization, and Parsimony

(1 slide) Include a slide for resources




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Prerelease planning stage of the re-entry process for inmates and offenders to help support a plan for successful rehabilitation upon release

Imagine you are a case manager. You need to identify goals and strategies involved in the prerelease planning stage of the re-entry process for inmates and offenders to help support a plan for successful rehabilitation upon release.

Choose 1 offender from the following populations:

  • Juvenile with no supports
  • Elderly with health issues
  • Female who wants to reintegrate back with her children

Review and conduct research on the following goals related to the re-entry process:

  • Goal 1: Address housing needs of inmates post-incarceration.
  • Goal 2: Assist inmates in obtaining employment post-release.
  • Goal 3: Provide resources for mental health, medical, and substance abuse treatment during and after incarceration.
  • Goal 4: Connect offenders with appropriate government benefits

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word re-entry plan with evidence-based strategies to describe strategies for meeting these goals. For each goal:

  • Describe the goal and how it relates to reducing recidivism.
  • Identify 2 strategies from each goal, and describe how the associated activity will benefit the offender in the long term. Are there any potential barriers based on gender, age, race, or needs of another special population?
  • Describe 3 activities or strategies that would contribute to the success of the client to meet the goals and maintain success back in the community.

Cite at least 2 sources as evidence to support your paper.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.




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an experience you had that may have been difficult to overcome and process

Identify an experience you had that may have been difficult to overcome and process.

Identify a scenario in the corrections environment when an inmate or offender may have experienced a similar situation.

Consider how this may trigger an emotional response for you.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper regarding this experience. Include the following:

  • Briefly describe the experience.
  • Describe how you may be emotionally affected if an inmate or offender discusses the same experience with you.
  • Describe how you would maintain professional boundaries in this situation.
  • Describe the steps you would take to maintain individual self-care.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines




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Informational process writing

Please upload your approx. 800-1,000 word draft as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or.pdf file. It is best to choose a topic that you have experience with.

Process analysis give instructions on how to do something or describe how something is done; those two are not the same thing. The basic types of process writing are: informational, directional, or a hybrid of the two. Informational process writing provides details on topics we would like to learn about, i.e. how something works. An example would be to write about how the heart functions. On the other hand, directional process deals with giving instructions on how to do something. An example of this type of writing would be an essay giving directions on changing a tire.

Regardless of whether you write an informational or directional, or a hybrid, it is critical to organize the steps in the most logical order. The two most widely used methods for organizing a process essay are chronological order and order of importance. Chronological order would work for an essay on how to bake a cake. If you’re writing on how to improve one’s sleep, then you might list things in order of importance rather than chronological order.

This type of writing requires strict attention to details.  You cannot be too specific with this type of writing. You should assume, when writing process, that the audience knows very little or nothing. While you certainly don’t want to write at such a level as to insult someone’s intelligence, write so that it is clear for those who would be novices at what you are describing. Define any technical terms and offer plenty of examples where necessary.

require outside resources and MLA-formatted citations and bibliographies, but you may want to include expert evidence


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entire process of the prisoner disciplinary proceedings

Prisoner’s Rights

Final Exam

Each student shall submit to the instructor this final exam online. The exam answers shall be typed in APA Format, 12pt. font Times New Roman, double spaced and shall not have been turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment. It MUST be submitted in a Microsoft WORD Document. Each answer shall be no less than ¾ of a paper long.

I am also aware of the time constraints and personal life issues of today’s busy college student, along with the temptation to “cut corners” in order to meet deadlines. But beware, any student who plagiarizes, whether it be an idea, written passage, and an entire answer, will receive a failing grade for the entire assignment. Please refer to Post Plagiarism Policy. This exam will be submitted through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism. No form of plagiarism, lying or cheating will be tolerated. Make sure that any quote, statement, or idea is cited and at the end of each answer is the reference.

1. Explain, in detail, the entire process of the prisoner disciplinary proceedings.

2. Define Rehabilitation. Explain the rights and process for rehabilitation programs.

3. Explain what Right to Life is. Discuss the cases involved, Standards and factors.

4. Define Classification. Explain on the general principles of classification to include the effects on transfers, administrative segregation, and what is not allowed to be considered in the process.

5. Define what Parole and Probation are. Compare both Parole and Probation giving the advantages and disadvantages of both.

6. Describe the Parole process to include, but not limited to; hearings, decisions, parole board responsibility, and protest letters.

7. Discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1871. Explain what the Act says, key elements, and examples of how it is still important today

8. Explain the difference between state and federal jurisdiction. Discuss the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity and how it can be used as a defense.

9. Explain the Prison Litigation Reform Act.

10. Explain what the American with Disabilities Act is and how it pertains to the prison system


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Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process

Module  Discussion

1. Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process.

2. Explain why it is important for companies to continue to focus on new product development, even during a recession. 

Discussion Requirements:

·       Please ensure that the discussion question response is substantive in nature, which includes a minimum of 300 words.

·       Please avoid writing the minimum. Make sure that the response is topic-specific, relevant to the course material, and supported by outside academic sources through the use of in-text citations with the inclusion of a reference section.

·       Make sure amongst your references you include;

Amstrong, G, Kotler, P, Harker, M, Brennan, R, (2009) Marketing: An introduction, Prentice Hall


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