Writers Solution

Perspectives on the Aging Process

Discussion: Top of Form

Discussion: Perspectives on the Aging Process

You may be familiar with the phrases, “You’re only as old as you feel” and “age is nothing but a number.” To what extent do you believe these common sayings? Do you see yourself as younger or older than your biological age? And what are your views on the aging process—is it something to be avoided and feared, or celebrated?

As individuals grow older, they experience biological changes, but how they experience those changes varies considerably. Someone who is particularly fit at 70, for example, might perceive themselves to be in their 50s. And someone who has dealt with significant hardship and ailing health who is 70 might feel like they are in their 80s. Aging adults’ experiences are influenced not only by how they feel but also by how an older adult should look or should act, according to societal norms and stereotypes.

In this Discussion you examine biological aspects of later adulthood, and how these aspects intersect with psychological and social domains. You also consider your own views on aging and how they might impact your work with older clients.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on biological aspects of      later adulthood and the aging process. Identify the biological changes      that occur at this life stage.
  • Consider your thoughts and experiences related to the      aging process and people who are in later adulthood.

By 01/4/2022

Describe two to three biological changes that occur in later adulthood, and explain how the social environment influences them. Then explain how these biological changes could affect the psychological and social domains. Finally, reflect on your own thoughts, perspectives, and experiences related to the aging process. How might these perspectives impact your work with older adults?

Bottom of Form

Required Readings

Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

· Chapter 14, “Biological Aspects of Later Adulthood” (pp. 642–671)

Chapter Review:

Chapter Summary The following summarizes this chapter’s content as it relates to the learning objectives presented at the beginning of the chapter. Chapter content will help prepare students to:

LO 1 Define later adulthood. Later adulthood begins at around age 65. This grouping is an extremely diverse one, spanning an age range of more than 30 years.

LO 2 Describe the physiological and mental changes that occur in later adulthood. Later adulthood is an age of recompense, a time when people reap the consequences of the kind of

life they have lived. The process of aging affects dif-ferent persons at different rates. Nature appears to have a built-in mechanism that promotes aging, but it is not known what this mechanism is.

LO 3 Understand contemporary theories on the causes of the aging process. Theories on the causes of aging can be grouped into three categories: genetic theories, nongenetic cellular theories, and physiological theories. Various factors accelerate the aging process: poor

diet, overwork, alcohol or drug abuse, prolonged ill-nesses, severe disabilities, prolonged stress, negative thinking, exposure to prolonged hot or cold condi-tions, and serious emotional problems. Factors that slow down the aging process include a proper diet, skill in relaxing and managing stress, being physi-cally and mentally active, a positive outlook on life, and learning how to control unwanted emotions.

LO 4 Describe common diseases and major causes of death among older adults. Older people are much more susceptible to physical illnesses than are younger people, yet many older people are reasonably healthy. The two leading causes of death are diseases of the heart and cancer. Alzheimer’s disease affects many older adults.

LO 5 Understand the importance of placing the highest priority on self-care. Everyone (young, middle age, and older) should place a high priority on self-care. If social workers do not care for themselves, their ability to care for others will be sharply diminished or even depleted. Significantly, the intervention strategies that social workers should use for self-care are also precisely the strategies that social workers should convey to their clients so that these clients can improve their lives. Everyone needs physical exercise, mental activity,

a healthy sleep pattern, proper nutrition and diet, and to use quality stress management strategies. Three constructive stress management approaches

are (1) changing the distressing event, (2) chang-ing one’s thinking about the distressing event, and (3) taking one’s mind off the distressing event, usu-ally by thinking about something else. The chapter ends with a discussion of the effects

of stress, and describes a variety of stress manage-ment techniques.

COMPETENCY NOTES The following identifies where Educational Policy (EP) competencies and behaviors are discussed in the chapter.

EP 6a. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks to engage with clients and constituencies

EP 7b. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in the analysis of assessment data from clients and constituencies. (All of this chapter.) The content of this chapter is focused on social work students acquiring both of these behaviors in work-ing with older persons.

EP 8b. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks in interventions with

clients and constituencies (pp. 658–670). Material is presented on self-care interventions that social workers should use in their daily lives to care for themselves. These interventions should also be used by social workers to improve the lives of their clients.

EP 1 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior (pp. 646, 649, 653, 657) Ethical questions are posed.


See this text’s companion website at for learning tools such as chapter quizzes, videos, and more.


Nelson, T. D. (2016). Promoting healthy aging by confronting ageism. American Psychologist, 71(4), 276–282

Ricks-Aherne, E. S., Wallace, C. L., & Kusmaul, N. (2020). Practice considerations for trauma-informed care at end of life. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care16(4), 313–329.

Rine, C. M. (2018). Is social work prepared for diversity in hospice and palliative care? Health and Social Work43(1), 41–50.

Required Media: Meet Ray: Age 41 to 68 Time Estimate: 2 minutes

Follow Rubric

Initial Posting: Content: 14.85 (49.5%) – 16.5 (55%)

Initial posting thoroughly responds to all parts of the Discussion prompt. Posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material presented in the Learning Resources, as well as ability to apply the material. Posting demonstrates exemplary critical thinking and reflection, as well as analysis of the weekly Learning Resources. Specific and relevant examples and evidence from at least two of the Learning Resources and other scholarly sources are used to substantiate the argument or viewpoint.

Readability of Postings: 5.4 (18%) – 6 (20%)

Initial and response posts are clear and coherent. Few if any (less than 2) writing errors are made. Student writes with exemplary grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation to convey their message


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Perspectives on the Aging Process


Writers Solution

Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Examine the attributes of academic writing. 1.1 Revise a proposed research topic.

4. Analyze arguments made in academic literature.

4.1 Summarize data in a table per APA Style formatting requirements.

Course/Unit Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

1.1 Unit VII Assignment 1 Article: “Why Editing Matters”

4.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 10 Unit VII Assignment 2

Required Unit Resources Chapter 10: From Image to Text In order to access the article below, utilize the CSU Online Library to begin your research. Boles, J. B. (1996). Why editing matters. Social Science Quarterly, 77(1), 198–203.

Unit Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing. Before writing, as evidenced earlier, extensive reading is necessary to acquaint one with the topical area that can take several approaches that include a broad view of a topic or a more systematic narrower approach (Gray, 2018; Peterson et al., 2017). Eventually, a topical area surfaces, and the writing process begins with first drafting an introduction to the research topic that will appeal to readers. Then, revisions are undertaken to refine the topic in response to additional research, discussion with other academics, peer discussions, dissertation committee chairs, and other sources. Before approval or the next step in the writing process, editing the draft is the final step in ensuring that sourcing, composition, grammar, and style are correct (Ganly, 2020; Greene & Lidinsky, 2018).



Figure 1 Editing Process

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 2



As doctoral students, practicing good scholarship is essential, and developing good writing skills starts with reading. Failure to write properly and correctly diminishes the credibility of the author. The editing process starts with good scholarship, correctly writing both in language and construction, paying attention to grammar, and employing other basic writing requirements. Secondly, the writer must use the correct formatting as required by the journal or university. Here at Columbia Southern University, the standard is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020) or APA Manual. Third, the meaning of words and phrases must be accurate for a complete understanding of the proposed research topic and the writing of the entire paper. Fourth, the editing of any piece of academic work must meet the requirements of the publication journal or the class and university. Fifth, the proposed research in this case (or any other writing) must meet the intended purpose and be written in such a way to appeal to the anticipated audience(s). Sometimes editing one’s work can be difficult because an individual knows what the intended meaning was and may miss what is written on the paper. Several resources are available and might include using software or the university writing center, hiring a private editor, reading a passage out loud, or asking another person to read and comment on the writing. Even walking away from the writing that has been done and returning to read it at another time can be effective in starting the editing process. Whatever tools or system an author chooses, editing needs to be a deliberate and purposeful step in the writing process. The discussion question in the previous unit is another option, perhaps, in meeting this need for editing of work before submitting for whatever purpose. Although there are manuals on writing clearly and properly, the APA Manual has a succinct and clear section on writing (APA, 2020, pp. 111–125). Since doctoral students in programs that require using APA Style already have the manual, this is a good place to start to review writing at the graduate level. An additional way to improve writing skills at this level is to continue to read articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Many publications, as noted in previous lessons, are not as reliable as others, so the source, writing, reputation, and credibility of the journal needs to be considered not only in referencing the arguments presented but also as an example of proper scholarship and writing at an academic level (McGregor, 2018). As discussed in previous units, part of sound argument development is knowing the purpose of your writing, the audience to which it is directed, and he development of sound arguments for your position (Zarefsky, 2007). This purposeful approach is true in research and writing and is at the center of developing a research proposal (Ravitch & Mittenfelner Carl, 2021). Outside of the writing, others will ask for a writer’s explanation of the purpose, approach, audience, appeal, argumentation, theoretical foundations, support, and other determinations central to developing a good research proposal, starting with a well-developed analysis for a proposed research topic. Then, is that analysis correctly and properly expressed in the written statement?

References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.). Ganly, T. (2020). Approaching assignment: A recipe for reflection. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 1–10. Gray, D. E. (2018). Doing research in the real world (4th ed.). SAGE. Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St.

Martin’s. McGregor, S. L. T. (2018). Understanding and evaluating research: A critical guide. SAGE. Peterson, J., Pearce, P. F., Ferguson, L. A., & Langford, C. A. (2017). Understanding scoping reviews:

Definition, purpose, and process. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(1), 12–16.

Ravitch, S. M., & Mittenfelner Carl, N. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and

methodological (2nd ed.). SAGE.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 3



Zarefsky, D. (2007). Strategic public speaking: A handbook. Pearson.

Suggested Unit Resources The section on pages 111–125 of the APA Manual will be helpful in completion of your citations. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.).

  • Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII
  • Required Unit Resources
  • Unit Lesson
    • References
  • Suggested Unit Resources
Writers Solution

Mapping Earthquakes Assessment What is the process involving movement of mantle rock that is controlled directly by gravity?

Review for Mapping Earthquakes Assessment What is the process involving movement of mantle rock that is controlled directly by gravity? Mantle convection is the very slow creeping motion of Earth’s solid silicate mantle caused by convection currents carrying heat from the interior to the planet’s surface.

What is undulation or waves in the stratified rocks of Earth’s crust? Rold, in geology, undulation or waves in the stratified rocks of Earth’s crust. Stratified rocks were originally formed from sediments that were deposited in flat horizontal sheets, but in a number of places the strata are no longer horizontal but have been warped.

What is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock that allows the blocks to move relative to each other? This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake – or may occur slowly, in the form of creep. Faults may range in length from a few millimeters to thousands of kilometers.

What facts are true about the 2017 Earthquake in Mexico? The earthquake caused damage in the Mexican states of Puebla and Morelos and in the Greater Mexico City area, including the collapse of more than 40 buildings. 370 people were killed by the earthquake and related building collapses, including 228 in Mexico City, and more than 6,000 were injured.

What is the balance of incoming and outgoing heat on Earth is referred to as? The balance of incoming and outgoing heat on Earth is referred to as its heat budget.

What are earthquakes? An earthquake is the sudden movement or trembling of the Earth’s tectonic plates, that creates the shakes of the ground. This shaking can destroy buildings and break the Earth’s surface.

Where do earthquakes happen? Over 80% of large earthquakes occur around the edges of the Pacific Ocean, an area known as the ‘Ring of Fire’; this where the Pacific plate is being subducted beneath the surrounding plates.

What are the result of sudden movement along faults within the Earth? Earthquakes are the result of sudden movement along faults within the Earth. The movement releases stored-up ‘elastic strain’ energy in the form of seismic waves, which propagate through the Earth and cause the ground surface to shake.

What surface effect includes changes in the flow of groundwater, landslides, and mudflows? Earthquakes often cause dramatic changes at Earth’s surface.

What can do significant damage to buildings, bridges, pipelines, railways, embankments, dams, and other structures? Earthquakes

How are Earthquakes recorded by a seismographic network? Each seismic station in the network measures the movement of the ground at that site. That vibration pushes the adjoining piece of ground and causes it to vibrate, and thus the energy travels out from the earthquake hypocenter in a wave.

How are earthquakes are categorized? Earthquakes are categorized in two ways – magnitude and intensity. Magnitude indicates the severity of an earthquake using the Richter Scale, a logarithmic, instrumentally determined measurement. Magnitude rates an earthquake as a whole.

Where do earthquakes happen in Georgia? Georgia’s northwest counties, South Carolina border counties, and central and west central Georgia counties are most at risk.

When do earthquakes happen in Georgia? The Brevard Fault Line, the best-known one, runs from Blue Ridge to Marietta. The Soque River Fault follows the Sogue River in the Northeast, and Salacoa Creek is in Northwest Cherokee County.

What is the theory of plate tectonics? The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle.

What is the San Andreas Fault? The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1,200 kilometers through California.

Why Earth’s core is so hot? There are three main sources of heat in the deep earth. 1 heat from when the planet formed and accreted, which has not yet been lost. 2. frictional heating, caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the planet. 3. heat from the decay of radioactive elements.

How are folds or faults important in earthquakes? A fold is more likely to happen with flexible material and it is what causes mountains to form, whereas a fault will happen with more brittle material and is what causes earthquakes to occur.

What are the types of evidence of plate tectonics? Evidence from fossils, glaciers, and complementary coastlines helps reveal how the plates once fit together. Fossils tell us when and where plants and animals once existed. Some life “rode” on diverging plates, became isolated, and evolved into new species


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Mapping Earthquakes Assessment What is the process involving movement of mantle rock that is controlled directly by gravity?


Writers Solution

Role of Statistical Process Control in maintaining quality

 Assignment 1 Due Week 7 (During your midterm)You are a Quality Consultant for Diagnostic company X
1. Critically explain the role of Statistical Process Control in maintaining quality, quality improvement and determining process capability. Give examples of the types of control charts that can be used to monitor process stability. (20%)
2. Critically assess the role of validation within good Manufacturing Practice Outlining the stages of Validation and parameters required in a validation Report. (20%)
3000 Words
• Incorporate a clear structure
• Use Harvard System referencing (10%)
• Use Arial or Calibri
• Font – size 12 with 1.5 spacing
Introduction: c. 1000 words
• Brief overview of SPC &Validation
• Why & When to use apply SPC &Validation
• Brief overview of Types of Control Charts used in SPC &(Sampling plans used in validation, risk assessment tools and examples of validation guideline– Red text will cover in Lecture 2 & 3)
Body(Must include a hypothetical example of how to apply SPC in Validation of a process) c. 2000 words
Conclusion: c. 1000 words
? Softcopy Due 11.59 on Sunday31st October 2021
? Upload via Turnitin on Moodle
? Check Moodle for this assignment


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Mitosis and Meiosis: The Process of Cellular Reproduction

 Assignment: Mitosis and Meiosis: The Process of Cellular Reproduction


In this assignment you will be comparing mitosis and meiosis. These two processes are how parent cells produce daughter cells. However, they have two entirely different goals. What are the key steps of these two types of cellular reproduction? How does the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis generate variation and explain Mendel’s law of independent assortment? 


You will be creating this assignment inPadlet.

•Go to:

o Click “Sign up for free” if you do not already have an account.

o Sign up and then log in.

o Once in your account, click “Make a Padlet”.

o Then select “Shelf” template and make two columns:

One column will be “Mitosis”

One column will be “Meiosis”

o From there you can select backgrounds images to insert and text.

o When you are finished with your work, click “Share” and copy the link to your clipboard.

o Paste the link in the text box in the assignment in Blackboard.

•Your Padlet will address the following:

o What are the key steps of these two types of cellular reproduction?

Include key differences that lead to 2 clone daughter cells with a full set of identical DNA or 4 daughter cells that are genetically unique but have only half the DNA needed.

o How does the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis generate variation and explain Mendel’s law of independent assortment?


•Your Padlet will be fun and informative.

•You will cite all images used.

•You will use intext citations and references in APA format. You may use your textbook and other internet resources


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The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19

 QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19 READING LINK:- https://peopletalk

Short essay 

QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19 



Select ONE of the four insights in the article. Then, discuss ONE insight that can serve as a guideline and ONE that pause a challenge to any human resource professional managing any small business in the Metro Vancouver area. Focus your discussion on one industry only, especially if you work or have worked in one,  and how the human resource management functions of recruiting, onboarding and training will be specifically affected.


Introduction (use in-text citations when citing)

Body (use in-text citations when citing)

Conclusion (use in-text citations when citing)

References (list your references using APA format)

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  • Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19

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Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device


The newest battleground for the tech giants is being fought over smart home devices. Amazon’s Echo was the first to hit the market in 2014; the smart speaker responds to voice commands and serves an ever-growing range of purposes, such as music streaming, news updates, Internet searches for information, grocery lists, joke telling, takeout orders from local restaurants, and answers to general questions. Furthermore, in homes with other smart features, Echo and its voice personification Alexa allow users to control compatible lights, fans, thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, and locks with simple voice commands. By 2017, Alexa even gained the ability to call or send texts to the contacts in users’ linked smartphones through Echo.

Google’s competing Google Home device did not even hit the shelves until April 2017.67 In some ways, Google Home is more advanced and “smarter” than Echo. For example, its web browsing capabilities are more advanced because it relies on Google’s stellar search engine, whereas Echo is limited to Wikipedia and Bing. Google Home also can sync its audio playback with other devices and Google Cast speakers, providing better playback and the option to insert linked devices throughout the house, such that even customers with big homes can engage in constant interactions with the central device. If a user moves from the downstairs family room, where a Google Home device is playing music, to the upstairs bedroom, as long as there is another device there those elements sync and the user does not miss a beat of the song. Amazon’s Echo does not have such a capability.

Overall, though, the two devices have similar functionalities, with some notable differences in the quality of the services they provide. Perhaps the biggest difference is how “smart” the devices really are when it comes to responding to users’ requests. In a study conducted by the digital agency 360i, Google Home was six times more likely to answer requests Page 205correctly than was Echo. In this study, the researchers asked each device a series of 3,000 questions. Although they did not publish the questions they asked, the superiority of Google Home likely stems from Google’s access to its advanced search engine. In addition, Google Home recognizes more colloquial command words. For example, if a consumer asks Google Home what movies are playing at the nearby theater, then asks how long it will take to get “there,” Google Home understands that “there” refers to the theater, whereas Echo would need the user to cite the specific theater name or location.

Yet in other areas, Amazon’s device takes the lead. Echo is compatible with more smart devices, including about a half a dozen other smart home devices, whereas Google Home is compatible with only three. Regardless of which brand of smart device people use in their homes to control things like lights or appliances, they thus can likely use Echo to help control those operations. Furthermore, when it comes to e-commerce, Google cannot come close to comparing with Amazon for product searches or purchases. The vast customer insights maintained by Amazon help it power Echo, such that it is much better at enabling consumers to search for, find, and purchase the precise products they want at the very moment they realize they need something.

With its earlier entrance, Amazon also has a leg up on the market already; Echo dominates, with an approximately 70 percent market share. Among people who already use voice assistants—such as Siri on their iPhones or Cortana on their personal computers—the three-year head start on Echo means that they likely have already made their purchase, and they are no longer in the market that might be served by Google Home. Moreover, almost half of all U.S. consumers do not currently use voice assistants and these customers do not seem interested in buying one for their homes.

Another hurdle in the market stems from customers’ privacy concerns. Such smart devices are always on and listening for commands. Some customers are uneasy with the presence of a device that is always listening to them. Although the companies offer assurances that customers are not being recorded if they are not directly giving commands, and it is possible to disable the microphone and delete past commands, customers remain wary.

As the first to market, Amazon was able to set the price level for this type of device. Echo currently costs about $180. When Google entered, it priced Google Home at $130.75 However, Amazon also has released a smaller, cheaper version, Echo Dot, that costs only $50. This new device was a huge hit on Amazon’s most recent Prime Day, sold at a special price of $35, which made it the top selling item on Amazon that day.76 In response, Google cut the cost of Google Home to $100.77

Even as this seeming head-to-head competition persists and intensifies, some other tech companies are starting to venture onto the battlefield. Apple introduced its smart speaker Page 206home device, HomePod, in January 2018.78 Along with the functions provided by Google Home and Echo, Apple’s entry features a special focus on music and sound quality. Even its name is evocative of the revolutionary iPod, which changed the way people listen to music. Priced around $349, it is the most expensive option. But for devoted Apple customers, a high price tag rarely turns the tide.

1. Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device.

2. Identify the four determinant attributes that set apart the Amazon, Google, and Apple smart home devices. Use those attributes to develop a compensatory purchasing model similar to the one in Exhibit 6.2. Based on your importance and performance ratings, which product would you buy?

3.Which device features examined in this chapter might have the greatest impact on consumers’ propensity to buy one of these products?

4.Which risk factors might impact consumers’ propensity to buy one of these products?

5.After purchasing one of these products, why might you experience postpurchase cognitive dissonance? What might the seller do to help you resolve this dissonance?

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  • Trace how you might go through the steps in the consumer decision process if you were thinking of buying a smart home device

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Which job(s) are still in process at the end of January, and what is the cost of this job(s)?

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Assessment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has been implementing as a pilot program using a revised/adapted Harvard approach to referencing. The following guidelines apply:
• Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
• The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
• It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
For example;
P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
• All assignments will require additional in-text reference details, which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
For example;
“The company decided to implement a enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
Non-Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
Where students do not follow the above guidelines:

  1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the referencing guidelines will receive a 10% penalty.
  2. Students who submit assignments in which the citations are “fake” will be reported for academic misconduct.
    Question 1 (7 marks)
    Job cost sheets show the following information:
    a) Which job(s) are still in process at the end of January, and what is the cost of this job(s)? (1 mark)
    b) Which job(s) were completed at the end of February, and what is the cost of this completed job(s)? (2 marks)
    c) What are the balances in the work in process inventory, finished goods inventory, and cost of goods sold for March? (1.5 marks)
    d) How does job costing in a service organisation differ from job costing in a manufacturing organisation? (2.5 marks)
    ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
    Question 2 (11 marks)
    a) Discuss the circumstances that would require a business to change from traditional costing to ABC costing? (2 marks)
    b) Takulah Co. Ltd has traditionally allocated its overhead based on machine hours but had collected this information to change to activity-based costing:
    i) How much overhead would be allocated to each unit under the traditional allocation method? (2 marks)
    ii) How much overhead would be allocated to each unit under activity-based costing? (5 marks)
    iii) Would you recommend a change to ABC costing for this company? Justify your answer (2 marks)
    Question 3 (7 marks)
    a) Why do successful companies tend to use the bottom-up approach to establish a master budget? (2 marks)
    b) Green Tea’s data show the following information for the financial year, beginning July 2020:
    July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
    Estimated sales (units) 25,000 25,000 27,000 27,500 28,000
    Sales price per unit $31 $31 $31 $31 $31
    Direct labour per unit $1.75 $1.75 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50
    Labour rate per hour $21 $21 $24 $24 $24
    New machinery will be added in September. This machine will reduce the labour required per unit and increase the labour rate for those employees qualified to operate the machinery.
    Finished goods inventory is required to be 20% of the next month’s requirements. Direct material requires 2.5 kg per unit at a cost of $5 per kg. The ending inventory required for direct materials is 20% of the next month’s needs. In July, the beginning inventory is 3,750 units of finished goods and 13,125 kg of materials.
    i) Prepare a production budget for the first quarter of the year (i.e. July – September). (2 marks)
    ii) Prepare a direct materials budget for the first quarter of the year (i.e. July – September), to include total direct material purchases ($). (3 marks)
    Question 4 (7 marks)
    a) Ally Jones, manager of the Vodafone sales team, has the following budget for her department:
    Billings – long distance $350 000
    Billings – tele card $70 000
    Billings – toll free $260 000
    Required: What type of responsibility centre best describes her department, and why? (2 marks)
    b) A manufacturing company, Mani Co, has two divisions: Division EX and Division YX. Both divisions make a single standardised product. Division EX makes component TEX, which is supplied to both Division YX and external customers.
    Division YX makes product YAS using one unit of component TEX and other materials. It then sells the completed product YAS to external customers. To date, Division YX has always bought component TEX from Division EX.
    The following information is available:
    Division EX Division YX
    $ $
    Selling price 40 96
    Direct materials: Component TEX (40)
    Direct materials (12) (17)
    Direct labour (6) (9)
    Variable overheads (2) (3)
    Selling and distribution costs (4) (1)
    Contribution per unit before fixed costs __________________________________16 __________________________________ ________________________________________26

Annual fixed costs $500,000 $200,000
Annual external demand (units) 160,000 120,000
Capacity of plant 300,000 130,000
Division EX charges the same price for component TEX to both Division YX and external customers. However, it does not incur the selling and distribution costs when transferring internally.
Division YX has just been approached by a new supplier who has offered to supply it with component TEX for $36 per unit. Prior to this offer, the cheapest price which Division YX could have bought component TEX for from outside the group was $41 per unit.
It is head office policy to let the divisions operate autonomously without interference at all.
i) What is the minimum transfer price for component TEX, as per the general transfer pricing rule? (1 mark)
ii) What is the minimum and maximum transfer price which the two divisions can use to negotiate the price for component TEX? (1 mark)
iii) Discuss the problems which will arise if the transfer price remains unchanged. (2 marks)
iv) Advise the divisions on a suitable alternative transfer price for component TEX. (1 mark)
Question 5 (11 marks)
Smarty Inc. Ltd produces two different products with the following monthly data:
P1 P2 Total
Selling price per unit $100 $12
Variable cost per unit $ 60 $ 3
Expected unit sales 21,000 14,000 35,000
Sales mix 60 percent 40 percent 100 percent
Fixed costs $750,000
Assume the sales mix remains the same at all levels of sales.
a) Calculate the weighted average contribution margin per unit. (1 mark)
b) How many units in total must be sold to break even? (1 mark)
c) How many units of each product must be sold to break even? (1 mark)
d) How many units of each product must be sold to earn a monthly profit of $100,000? (3 marks)
e) Prepare a contribution margin income statement for the month. (3 marks)
f) If the sales mix shifts more toward the P1 product than the P2 product, would the break-even point in units increase or decrease? Explain. (Detail calculations are not necessary but may be helpful in confirming your answer.) (2 marks)
Question 6 (7 marks)
Ezy Fixit Ltd has been asked to quote a price for a special job that must be completed within one week. The job requires a total of 90 skilled labour hours and 80 unskilled labour hours. The current employees are paid a guaranteed minimum wage of $525 for skilled workers and $280 for unskilled workers for a 35-hour week. Currently, skilled labour has spare capacity amounting to 70 labour hours each week and unskilled labour has spare capacity amounting to 100 labour hours each week. Additional skilled workers and unskilled workers can be employed and paid by the hour at rates based on the wages paid to the current workers.
The materials required for the job are currently held in inventory at a book value of $5,000. The materials are regularly used by Ezy Fixit Ltd and the current replacement cost for the materials is $4,500. The total scrap value of the materials is $1,000.
a) What is the total relevant cost to Ezy Fixit Ltd of using skilled and unskilled labour on this job? (2 marks)
b) What is the relevant cost of using the materials in inventory on this job? Justify your answer. (2 marks)
c) Explain how short-term decisions differ from long-term decisions of a business and provide examples to support your answer. (3 marks)
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What is the difference between the data view of a system and the process view of a system?

  1. What is the difference between the data view of a system and the process view of a system? Why is this distinction important when designing a new system?
  2. Discuss four reasons that a DFD is a stronger tool for supporting system design than a written narrative of the business processes.
  3. When evaluating vendor offerings, what are the key factors that will help your firm determine the best software product to acquire?





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What is the difference between the data view of a system and the process view of a system?

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What are the major theories that explain public budgeting process?

Assignment #9– Public Budgeting

  1. Required Readings:
    • Chapter 9 in Textbook 1 (See attached)

Textbook 1: Holzer, M., & Schwester, R.W. (2016). Public Administration: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. M.E. Shape.

  • Chapter 11 in Textbook 2 (See attached)

Textbook 2: Kettl, D. F. (2016). Politics of the Administrative Process 7th Edition. CQ press.

  1. Assignment: Based on the reading materials, please write a short essay as a response to ONE of the following questions:

1. What are the major theories that explain public budgeting process?

2. Which function of public budgeting do you think is more important, steering the economy or making political choices?

3. What are the differences between federal and local budgeting processes?

  1. Prepare an original and thoughtful (including references) response of 400 words.
  1. Student participation includes the following attributes:
  • Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the material(s) — this means the inclusion of references.
  • Points are relevant to the discussion in terms of increasing everyone’s understanding and are not merely a regurgitation of the readings. 
  • Care is taken to distinguish among different kinds of information; i.e. facts, opinions, assumptions, or inferences. 
  • There is a willingness to test new ideas rather than remain cautious and safe. 
  • Submissions utilize correct word usage, spelling, and punctuation.


Please read the required readings. See attached materials.

Follow the instructions above and response to ONE of the questions.

You should quote at least three works mentioned in the required readings. The essay should be no less than 400 words in length. Be sure to include the question you select in the document.

Sources cited should be from reading documents.





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What are the major theories that explain public budgeting process?

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