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Process Analysis helpful

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write 3 full pages Informative Essay teaching the reader how to do that job or task. You will follow the organization techniques explained in Unit 6

Here are the details:

1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 6. You may also find the information in Chapter 10.5 in our text on Process Analysis helpful. The lecture notes will really be the most important to read in writing this assignment. However, here is a link to that chapter that you may look at in addition to the lecture notes: (Links to an external site.)

2. Choose your topic, that is, the job or task you want to teach. As the notes explain, this should be a job or task that you already know how to do, and it should be something you can do well. You may ask your instructor for advice if you have a difficult time finding a job or task to write on. Also, think at this point about your audience (reader). Will your reader need any knowledge or experience to do this job or task, or will you write these instructions for a general reader where no experience is required to perform the job.

3. Plan your outline to organize this essay. Unit 6 notes offer advice on this organization process. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that has the four main points presented in the lecture notes (again, while your introduction has those main points, they don’t have to be in the order given in the lecture notes).

4. Write the essay. It will need to be at least 3 full pages long. You will use the MLA formatting that you used in previous essays from Units 3, 4, and 5

5. Be sure to include a title for your essay.

6. After writing the essay, be sure to take the time to read it several times for revision and editing. It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment

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Discuss the process and techniques for communicating with patients who are visually impaired, speech impaired, and hearing impaired.


Discuss the process and techniques for communicating with patients who are visually impaired, speech impaired, and hearing impaired.Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


Describe a process for emergency preparedness within the medical practice.Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


Outline processes to ensure a safe work environment within the medical practice.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.QUESTION 4

Describe the process of how to effectively communicate and handle a patient who is upset or angry.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length

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Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy

Contemporary Hotel Marketing
Assessment Market Research
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a. Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy.
b. Analyse and evaluate market opportunities and trends.
c. Locate, appraise and interpret market and consumer intelligence.
e. Develop a set of criteria to continuously monitor marketingopportunities, to measure marketing success and to determine strategic adjustments in accordance with organisational objective.
f. Formulate a set of key performance indicators to measure thesuccess of a marketing plan and prioritise the marketing activities.
Submission Week 5 – Sunday at 11:55pm (AEST/AEDT/ACST/ACDT)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
You are working in a CBD 4- or 5-star hotel in the City of your campus.
Town Hall Sydney
Flinders Street Melbourne
Wakefield Adelaide
The long-term General Manager (GM) has retired and been replaced last minute, by a senior executive from your Tokyo sister property.
The assessment has been prescribed to develop the students’ ability to identify and evaluate factors that can affect marketing planning and business operations.
Please also note additional articles relevant to this Assessment will be posted under Assessments on Blackboard and in class discussions will assist students to develop the key information required for this submission.
The following should assist your understanding of Assessment requirements.
You have been assigned the task of preparing a Briefing Report for your new General Manager (GM) addressing the business’s macro environmental elements. These comprise 8 elements:
o Political & Legal o Economic
o Social & Cultural o Technology o Environmental o Competitive Analysis o Commercial Partners o Market & Consumer Trends.
What is a Briefing Report
A briefing paper outlines a particular topic (in this case, the macro environmental factors for your hotel). The purpose of your report is to brief your new GM, to bring the key issues to your GM’s attention and alerting him/her as to what they need to know about the environment in which your business operates. In this case the unique characteristics of operating in your City.
A persuasive an effective briefing paper is concise, well-organized and covers the most important and relevant facts.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine this market intelligence, while being clear and succinct in your writing.
Macro environmental Factors to be addressed in this Briefing Report:
o Political & Legal – visas, taxes, government support for tourism.
o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates. o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity o Technology – new technologies affecting business marketing and operations.
o Environmental – Importance of sustainability initiatives in your city and your customers.
o Competitive Analysis – number of rooms in the CBD. Range of accommodation and new builds. o Commercial Partners – organisations or brands that you can work with in your marketing
Source: P.Rix, McGraw Hill endeavours.
o Market & Consumer Research -who is visiting your city?
where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like?
Task Instructions
Please review the Suggested Report Format presented after the marking rubrics in this Assessment Brief. It will assist you to get started with this Assessment.
1. Your submission needs to be ‘business ready’ i.e. professional enough to hand to your GM.
2. Watch word count, be clear and succinct.
3. Consider the task from the perspective of what your GM need to know. This is normally a process of identifying the opportunities or threats to operations within your location.
4. You have been provided with a list of suggested subscriptions, weekly academic text and a range of articles you need to read, research and interpret the key information for your GM’s better understanding of the local business environment.
5. Use headings, subheadings and diagrams, infographics and charts to support your evidence/discussion. Cite sources and remember to interpret information you present.
6. Do not use dated information it needs to be current. You are doing an environmental analysis for this month and this year.
Submission Instructions
To be submitted on Blackboard under Assessment on Due date via the link provided.
Before Submitting.
o Please see marking rubrics and make sure you have not omitted any elements that will gain you marks.
o Please re read and check that sentence structure makes sense, that grammar is correct, word choices are accurate, and opinions expressed are supported by valid sources.
o Resources available to you include articles and chapters posted to or linked on Blackboard. o Tutorials/Workshops will include discussion of this Assessment in particular Weeks 2, 3 & 4 will be important in assisting you to develop your submission.
o Ask questions in class as this assists all students participating in CHM601 and use class messaging to clarify any issues or question you may have.
o Word Count: please observe word count limits as potential penalties apply for significantly exceeding limit.
o The assessment requires the student to read broadly and to be abreast of current issues using various sources of marketing intelligence. Undertake independent research.
o Students should read chapters from assigned text and search out additional academic text to explain the role of situation analysis in marketing planning.
o Give evidence of understanding the various sources of marketing information available to determine trends. Use the subscriptions and recommended reading sites.
o Suggested structure/format for this report is provided within this Assessment Brief.
o Report to be typed 1.5 spacing and formatted following the Assessment Structure using headings and subheadings – referencing the Style Guide and uploaded to Blackboard on time of the due date, in electronic form as a word-processed file.
o Number your pages.
o Students must refer, in text, to a minimum of 12 academic and professional articles, plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th Edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide.
o A school assessment cover sheet to be attached with your paper.
1. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
2. In preparing this report your referencing should be broader than just academic texts and should include: government and official sources such as Australian Bureau of Statistics, local councils, Tourism Australia, Research organisation reports, Consumer and trade media – print and electronic.
3. APA 7th Ed. Referencing Guide
4. Referencing Tool
Academic Integrity
By attempting this assessment, you agree to adhere to the full policies and procedures on Academic Integrity prior to, during and following this assessment.
Work presented for this Assessment can be applied to later Assessments for this subject without penalty. However:
• Do not simply cut and paste. Paraphrasing is necessary.
• Diagrams, graphs and visuals can be directly converted from external sources and applied and cited in your submission.
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Learning Rubric
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Quality of introduction and conclusion
Insufficient introduction & conclusion Satisfactory introduction & conclusion. Good introduction & conclusion Superior introduction & conclusion Excellent introduction & conclusion
Situation Analysis and application addresses
all elements required
Poor understanding of the role of situational analysis. Limited synthesis and analysis
Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment
Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and purpose of the assignment.
Identified critical information and presented effective overview
30% Limited or no discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Adequate discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Good discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Superior discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Excellent discussion of
appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Researched appropriate
sources of information
Limited evidence of reading and referencing to support report. Information presented unsubstantiated. Inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support. Satisfactory evidence of reading and referencing. Literature is presented uncritically. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop report.
Good evidence of reading and referencing.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Superior evidence of reading and referencing. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Systematically discriminates information which is
substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis.
Effective clear
Business Ready
Headings and sub headings
Spelling & word choices
Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Poor structure and clarity of expression. Requires assistance. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Satisfactory standard of writing, presentation and structure. Information and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Good standard of writing, presentation and structure.
Information and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. Superior standard of writing presentation and structure.
Expertly presented; the
presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas. Excellent standard of writing, presentation & structure.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine accurate and specific marketing intelligence. Format and content of this report should be as follows: o BMIHS Cover page o Introduction
o The introduction should state the purpose of your report (to brief management on the business environment for your hotel). You should foreshadow the elements you are about to cover in your report and state why a situation analysis is important to business and marketing planning.
o External Environment
o Environmental Scanning (situation analysis) is about maintaining a watching brief on factors that may be issues that lay outside of the organisations direct control however, you need to be aware of them and the potential impacts. The opportunities or threats to your business.
o Political & Legal visas, taxes, government support for tourism o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity
o Technology- new technologies affecting business and marketing.
o Environmental – more attention is being paid to environmental issues-efficient use of resources, energy management or pollution control; can have a direct impact on the organisations bottom-line and its reputation.
o Competitive Analysis – How many rooms are available in your city, how many of a similar grading? Is there any direct or indirect competition e.g. AirBnb, what is average occupancy across the city? What is the present state of the hospitality industry in your city? Are there any new properties under construction?
o Commercial Partners – brands or organisations you could work with in your marketing efforts. suppliers and distributors of the business – things like additional government funding for say Tourism Australia or Destination NSW or Tourism Victoria may result in more funds for cooperative campaigns.
o Market & Consumer Research – market segmentation- what visitor segments are visiting your city– where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like? What new products or experiences are emerging in the destination and what are the key market segments you are focusing on and what do you know about them.
o Conclusion- summary of key information presented in your report. o References

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What are the main challenges Germany has faced during the reunification process?


Address the following questions in a three to five page paper:

  1. What are the main challenges Germany has faced during the reunification process? In particular, think in terms of problems that can be found in any attempt to unify a country or region. Be sure to discuss why these problems can be generalized.
  2. After reading a little bit on the history of Korea, do you think reunification is possible? Be sure to support your answer with the appropriate resources.
  3. Given the lessons you learned about German reunification in the last module, what are the most important issues facing efforts towards Korean peninsula reunification?

Refer closely to the material in the background information. Cite your sources carefully.

Assignment Expectations

The cases in POL 201 generally call for a detailed analysis of a particular situation. In addressing case questions, such an analysis requires some historical perspective and a balanced and thorough consideration of challenges facing efforts at unification or, at least, the peaceful resolution of disputes between peoples in the nation being studied. Be sure to do some research on your own and cite all references





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Substance abuse or process/behavioral addictions (Alcoholism) and develop a PowerPoint

Research Presentation:

Research presentation instructions are provided below.

Students will select a topic related to substance abuse or process/behavioral addictions (Alcoholism) and develop a PowerPoint (Prezi does not tend to work well in Canvas) presentation on this topic. 

The presentation must be 15-20 slides long (This does not include references) and be supported by at least 10 refereed journal articles, 2 of which must be written within the past 2 years. 

Ensure a reference list is included in the presentation. The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to independently explore in depth a topic that is of interest to you.

The presentation should not reflect personal opinions on a particular topic, but should be empirically grounded (or at least a summary of what others in the field have found). If you would like to use your opinion, please use “I” phrases and only in “implications for clinical practice section.”

Use quotes to a minimum. Points will be deducted for excessive use of quotes. There should be no more than 3 quotes in this entire presentation. (You have my permission to be creative for this assignment, as long as you are following the criteria in the rubric, attached below). Do not copy and paste from websites or literature as Turnitin similarity reports will be reviewed and addressed in accordance to Academic Integrity policies. For this assignment, Turnitin similarity scores above 30% will be addressed. The best way to avoid elevated scores is to paraphrase your research into your own words, then cite your sources. If you copy and paste directly from sources, even if you cite, this can be considered plagiarism.


The presentation should be sub-divided into the following headings.

Review of existing literature.  Summarize what is currently known and, if possible, critique methods used to collect data. Include in your lit review why it is an important issue today and generally what is known in the literature (suggested limit: 6-8 slides)

Gaps in the Knowledge Base.  Identify issues that we do not yet understand related to your topic and future research needs (suggested limit: 3-4 slides)

Implications for Clinical Practice. Based on the research literature, identify the treatment and intervention options that practitioners, agencies, and communities should consider and implement (suggested limit: 6-8 slides).





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Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.

Assessment instructions
The beginning of creative thinking in business starts with careful analysis of the scenario. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
The world around us is dynamic and ever changing. In order to confront the rapidly-evolving world around us, you need to have a system in place to adapt with the changes. It is absolutely essential to develop a solid understanding of the industry where you will operate.
In this assessment you will undertake a scenario analysis of an industry in which your product or service will compete. The goal is to understand the ins and outs of this industry so that you can build a comprehensive understanding of it. Scenario analysis is a great tool that helps to scan the environmental factors surrounding a business.
Your scenario analysis report should contain the following parts:
Executive summary
Provide a brief overview of your major findings presented in this report. This is where you need to summarise the main points as a result of your extensive research and formulation of your scenarios.
You need to provide the reader with context about your idea. You may consider the following points when writing your introduction: • Provide a “name” to your idea/product/service • Inspiration – where did your idea come from?
• Market addressed – what is its purpose? What needs/wants does it address?
• Opportunity – why did you choose that particular product or service?
• Industry – what is the industry? (describe the level of competition and any barriers to entry in your scenario analysis)
Reflection on the chosen industry
(You will need to include at least 5 reliable sources – No blogs)
Once you have collected your ideas on your selected industry and product/service, you will conduct research. The purpose of the research is to gain an understanding of its trajectory – past, present and future by looking at trends and developments:
• What historical information exists (how/what was made in the past?)
• Existing product/service
o If you are working on something that exists, how is it currently performing?
o What is YOUR idea to improve it? o How can you take advantage of future opportunities through creative and innovative ideas?
• New product/service/idea o If a new product/service, how is the current market being addressed?
o What substitutes/alternatives (choices) exist? In other words, how are consumers currently satisfying their needs? Why do you believe they will find your offering appealing?
• What are the important trends and developments in your chosen industry that you seek to take advantage of?
Note: You need to link your idea with an industry of your choice and conduct your research accordingly.
Analysis of the key situational factors
As a result of your research, you will define the key factors that can influence your decision making. Remember to use tools such as SCAMPER, PESTEL, SWOT etc.
Develop scenarios
• Construct two (2) scenarios (one positive, one negative) and develop a narrative description for each. Refer to Scenario Analysis URL link in Assessment readings to assist you here.
• The scenarios need to be related to the purpose and based on your findings; so, you need to explain why you have created each scenario.
o How feasible is each of your alternatives?
The report must cite a minimum of five (5) appropriate business and/or scholarly sources such as academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals and research articles (use library search). Do not use Blogs.
Ensure you use APA referencing style for all references including intext references. Refer to the ICMS Style Guide for guidance.
Information that is not essential to explain your findings, but supports your analysis (especially repetitive or lengthy information), validates your conclusions or pursues a related point should be placed in an Appendix.
Readings for the assessment Ashkenas, R., & Manville, B. (2018). The Harvard business review leader’s handbook: Make an impact, inspire your organization, and get to the next level. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing.
Bilton, C., & Puttnam, L. D. (2007). Management and creativity: From creative industries to creative management. Milton: Wiley.
Scenario Analysis; Exploring Different Futures
Business News Daily
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Harvard Business Review – Creativity
Innovation Management
Intelligent HQ
Grading Criteria / Rubric
ENT201A Assessment 1 Scenario Analysis – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Depth of reflection on the chosen industry (40%)
Excellent and in-depth reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Good reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. General reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Very simple reflection on the chosen industry with adequate data and contemporary insights. Poor in-depth reflection on the chosen industry.
Analysis of the key situational factors (20%) Strong evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Some evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. Very little evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics. No evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained from the selected topics.
Develop plausible scenarios (20%) A number of plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some plausible scenarios are discussed in a coherent and logical manner. Some scenarios are discussed. Needs further development of the concept. Some scenarios have been discussed, although there is significant gap in understanding. No plausible scenario has been clearly articulated. Thoughts are unclear.
Use of literature (10%) Significant recognised literature is used by following the correct referencing style. No Blog sources have been cited. Appropriate literatures are used by following the correct referencing style. Some appropriate literature are used by following the correct
referencing style
Marginal referencing and minimal usage of appropriate scholarly and academic literature. Poor referencing and no coherent literature are used.
Formatting, referencing (10%)
Excellent referencing Significant references are used by following the correct referencing style Appropriate references are used by following the correct referencing style Credible references are used by following the correct referencing style Marginal referencing. Overall referencing style is problematic and needs improvement. Poor referencing. Arguments are poorly supported with inadequate references
Page 5 of 5





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Scenario analysis is a process of examining and evaluating possible events or scenarios that could take place in the future and predicting the various feasible results or possible outcomes for your venture.
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Explain the steps involved in data mining knowledge process

1. Explain the steps involved in data mining knowledge process

2. Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Assignment

1) Explain the components and the use of the Mining Association Rules.

2) List and Explain the three “Frequent Itemset Generation Strategies”?

3) In Rule Generation, how do you efficiently generate rules from frequent itemsets?

4) In Support-Based Pruning: Most of the ___________________ algorithms use support measure to ______ rules and itemsets. (Fill in the blanks)





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Health policy does not develop in a vacuum, but is created within a complex social, political, cultural, and economical environment. This assignment will examine this environment and its impact on policy development.

For this assignment, after reading the background materials and doing additional research, write a 4- to 5-page paper that examines how politics and economic interests influence the development and direction of health policy and provide at least one historical example (other than the ACA). You must use the Gordon reading from the background materials as a primary source for this assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 5 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).
  3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
    Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
    Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
    Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from
  6. This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.






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Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process

Case Study, Chapter 8: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process 

After reviewing the theories, models, and frameworks from this chapter, consider the following Case Study and discuss the questions. 

Case Study:

Susan Frank is a nurse in a home care agency and she is making her initial visit to a new patient. The patient’s name, Jay Gold, looks familiar, and when she enters his home, she finds she knew him in her former job. Susan had first met Mr. Gold more than a decade ago when she was working on a medical unit at the local community hospital. At that time, Mr. Gold had been admitted to the hospital for diabetes with ketoacidosis. It was at this time that he discovered he had insulin-dependent diabetes. During his initial hospitalization, he was started on insulin and had to learn to care for his diabetes. In the weeks that followed his hospitalization, Mr. Gold returned to the medical unit to see the nurses who cared for him each time he had a visit with his dietician and diabetes educator. As his diabetes came under control, Mr. Gold returned to his outgoing, energetic baseline. He talked to the nurses about his sales job, his wife, and his two daughters and told them how much he had learned in caring for his disorder.

Susan was shocked to see Mr. Gold’s appearance now. He was lying in his bed with his back to her and did not look up when she entered the room. As she spoke to him, she noted that his color was ashen. His voice was soft as he spoke, and he appeared depressed and lethargic. He had had a right above the knee amputation (AKA), and Susan noted a large scar on his chest. She reviewed his record and found that Mr. Gold’s diabetes had progressed rapidly and that he had multiple complications. He had had a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) 2 years ago and was also being monitored for decreased renal function. He had vascular problems and neuropathy, which led to the AKA. The reason for the home visit was that Mr. Gold was found to have osteomyelitis, requiring 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics.

Mr. Gold is married. He and his wife live in a pleasant, 2-story condo in an upscale community in a quiet retirement area. His two grown daughters are married but visit often. Susan learns that Mr. Gold has not been able to work for a number of years and is relying on Social Security disability and his wife’s part-time job.

  1. Select one of the nursing models/theories from this chapter that will help Ms. Frank in assessing Mr. Gold and planning for his care. Why did your group select that model?
  2. Based on the model selected, what additional information would Susan want to collect/assess?
  3. Based on the model selected, how would Ms. Frank initiate a plan of care for Mr. Gold?
  4. Do you think that Susan would assess and plan differently for Mr. Gold’s care if she used a different model for Mr. Gold? Why or why not?





In this case study, I would select the theory of self-care deficit nursing theory that was proponent by Dorothea E.Orem. The method is vital as it mentions the Parson’s structure theory and Von Bertalanffy’s system theory. This is because the two theories were capable of explaining the issues that Mr. Gold was undergoing in his system, for example, the amputation of one leg (AKA) and the effects that he was going through with the provision of self-care considering she was privy to his past. The theory focuses on the modern realism, and it views the patient as an agent. It portrays a high developed formalized theoretical system, and presently it is being referred to as the theory of self-care science and in coming up with the new self –care plan.  She will utilize Orem’s magnum opus, and she will derive many quotes examples from the past encounters.


According to the appearance of Mr. Gold, it seems that he was lethargic and ashy indicating that he is not being taken care of well at home. Ms. Frank should ask him his state of affairs of interaction with his wife. It also seems that though he is staying in a well up the condo, the finances are down; thus the nurse should ask about his life savings and other retirement insurance policies that were held by him. Finally, though the two daughters were regularly visiting hi, plus his wife was working, Ms. Frank should be asked about their financial relationship with his family and his ailing so that she can formulate an appropriate care plan.


In initiating the care, Ms. Frank should utilize all the additional information that she has received from Mr. Gold plus the physical, physiological and psychological information that is present in formulating it.  The other thing is that she should take care of the other advantageous conditions that can  affect Mr. Gold as he is recuperating considering…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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regulatory requirements on the human resource process

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper examining the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resource process as they relate to the following statement:

Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation.

Explain why you agree or disagree with the above statement.

Focus on employee-related regulations established by the U.S., such as, Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Include a minimum of three references. (Websites such as Wikipedia and are NOT considered references)

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

DO NOT QUOTE any material for this assignment except when using the laws and regulations to help develop your answer…use your own words to show evidence of clearly understanding the material





Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by litigation. This is a true statement since it depicts the effects of legislations as well as regulatory agencies in the US on the employer employee relationship. Litigations are slowly taking over the place of reasoning and a sense of humanity that once characterized the relationship between the employer and the employee. Decision making in the work place is now being informed by the existing laws as well as the requirements of regulatory agencies such as Merit Systems Protection Board, Disciplinary Appeals Board, Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security (Covington & Decker, 2002). The decision to either punish or reward an employee can no longer be entirely subject to the employer’s common sense judgment but largely dependent on existing legislations and requirements of regulatory agencies.

The Fair Labor Standards Act, for instance, gives guidelines on the minimum wages that an employee in either the private or public sector is to be given (Player & Mack, 2004).  . The wages and labor division further regulates the payment of people from other nationality who have been permitted to work within the US. By giving such guidelines, the department of labor has denied the employer an opportunity to use common sense and logical assessment of the employee’s responsibility in determining the rate of pay to the employee. The employer might be compelled to pay his or her employees…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. regulatory requirements on the human resource process………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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