Writers Solution

Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Week 1 Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.

Required Resources


  • Perkinson, R. R. (2012). Chemical dependency counseling: A practical guide (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
    • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”

      Focus on the descriptions of client perspectives in the “Treatment Works” and “How to Develop the Therapeutic Alliance” sections and how these descriptions relate to the codes of ethics and principles addictions professional should follow (see this week’s Discussion area). Also focus on the information on treatment facilities and group practice to learn more about the need for multidisciplinary teams for your Assignment.
    • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

      Focus on the various types of professionals that might need to be included in the multidisciplinary team.
  • American Psychological Association. (2013). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from

    Focus on the Preamble, which provides a rationale for following codes of ethical principles and standards. Focus also on the General Principles, which sets the stage for other information on ethics violations.
  • The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2013). NAADAC code of ethics. Retrieved from

    Focus on the standards listed in the section titled “The Counseling Relationship” for an excellent overview of expected behavior on the part of counselors.


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Starting the process [Video file]. Retrieved from

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 17 minutes.

Week 1 Assignment

Application: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

Addiction may take many forms. A person may be addicted to a substance, such as cocaine, or a behavior, such as gambling. Individuals who enter into addictions assessment generally have exhibited certain hallmarks of addiction, such as an increase in the behavior, problems in relationships and life functioning, and withdrawal symptoms upon ceasing the behavior.

Someone with a potential addiction may be facing a host of issues. He or she might require medical and/or legal help. A teenager may be a minor requiring parental consent for any treatment and might already be receiving help from a guidance counselor or school psychologist. It is true that individual assessments have unique features and should be tailored to the needs of and aspects related to each individual being assessed. However, there are important steps common to most assessments that allow addictions professionals to gather reliable, valid, and relevant information about the clients they serve, as well as to enlist the best set of professionals to form the multidisciplinary team.

This week, you describe the steps of a standard addictions assessment and reflect on the importance of using a multidisciplinary team.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, including the following:

Chemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide

  • Chapter 1, “The First Contact”
  • Chapter 14, “The Clinical Staff”

Assignment Directions:

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

  • The steps of an addictions assessment
  • An explanation of why each step is important
  • One example of a multidisciplinary team and the contribution each of the team members might make to the assessment

Cite your sources using APA guidelines.






Psychology: Steps of Addictions Assessment Processes

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

The Steps of an Addiction Assessment

            Addiction is a condition that may show itself in different forms, for example, addiction to computer games, addiction to drugs/alcohol and gambling (Perkinson, 2012). However, the diagnosis of the problem usually begins with an addiction assessment.  The main purposes of addiction assessment process are to determine whether actually addiction exists, and whether there are any co-occurring conditions. Moreover, the results from the initial assessments provide useful information for the development of the addiction treatment plan. A successful addiction assessment must be carried by trained professionals, such as doctors, psychologists, therapists and nurses and must follow certain recommended steps.

Assessment Steps

            The process starts by the client filling a standardized questionnaire, asking about the current addiction problem. In addition, the questionnaire has questions related to any treatment history, the effects of the problem on the health of the client, the health history, the behavior pattern, effects and symptoms.

            The second step is a confidential face-to-face interview with the clinician in charge of the diagnosis of the client’s condition (The Association for Addiction Professionals, 2014). In most circumstances that involve the doctor undertaking the diagnostic process, the doctor often checks for other co-occurring symptoms (cause relapse and account for most addiction), which should be treated alongside the addiction problem. If the non-medical teams such as the psychologists, social workers and counselors, carry out the assessment, they have to refer the client to a trained doctor for diagnosis of the co-occurring symptoms. The co-occurring symptoms greatly influence the addiction treatment process. Therefore, it is inherent that its diagnosis is carried out earlier in the course of the addiction assessment process.           The final step is the assessment of the information obtained through the questionnaire, physical examination and interviews. At this stage of…………………………………………







Writers Solution

To reflect means reviewing our inner processes of thinking and feeling. John Dewey, a key originator of thinking about reflection sees it as a special form of problem solving

PROJ5002 Project Management Principles
Assessment 3 Guidelines
Assessment type Reflective Essay
Word limit / length 2,000 words
Weighting 45%
Due date 11pm Sunday Week 6
To reflect means reviewing our inner processes of thinking and feeling. John Dewey, a key originator of thinking about reflection sees it as a special form of problem solving, which requires qualities of open-mindedness, responsibility and self-awareness. Schön emphasises the concept of ‘reflection-in-action’, where the reflective practitioner evaluates intuitive understandings intrinsic to experience as a guide to action. This ‘on-the-spot’ processing is different from retrospective contemplation, which typifies most reflection on learning.
This essay will require your thinking to go through the following levels and have your essay arrive at the third, the critical level.
1. the technical or evaluative level – students typically start at the first level, mostly describing and evaluating their experiences, with little connection to theory
2. the practical or sense-making level – most progress to the second level, making sense of their experiences or learning in the light of theoretical understandings
3. the critical level – students tend to find the third level the most challenging, as it requires a capacity to critically examine the values, beliefs and assumptions underlying their actions.
Learning outcomes
This assessment task is aligned to Learning Outcomes #5:
• Synthesise and reinterpret a past or existing project using PMBOK terminology and frames.
Assessment task
You are required to reflect upon a project scenario where you have applied, or failed to apply, project management theory. The reflection will require you to:
• provide a short description of the project scenario,
• analyse the project scenario with reference to project management theory and quality academic literature, and
• reflect on the project scenario to identify how you could modify project management practices to enhance or support positive outcomes for the project, or in future projects.
Project management theory should focus on the PMBOK Process Groups (Initiating; Planning; Executing; Monitoring and Controlling; or Closing) or the 10 Knowledge Areas (see Kloppenborg 2018, p. 11).
If you have no project scenario that you can reflect upon, you may the experience of project managing the Old Farm House Project.
To help you in this assessment there will be a seminar on reflective writing in Week 4.
Assessment structure
Please follow one of the recommended models for reflective writing (either the Record, Analyse, Reflect model, or the 5R’s of Reflective Writing) to support the main body of your essay. More information on these models will be provided during the Reflective Writing Seminar in Week 4.
Section Section description
Title page Name, student number, word count.
Table of contents If using headings/ sub-headings.
Introduction Contextualise the topic, provide an outline of key theory used and summarise the key insights/ results.
Main body Use a reflective writing model to structure the main body of your essay.
– Record, Analyse, Reflect
– 5R’s of Reflective Writing: Reporting, Responding, Relating, Resoning, Reconstructing
Conclusion Summarise the key insights/ results and restate how future outcomes may be modified as a result of the reflection.
References List of references cited in Harvard style.
Preparing your assessment
1. The academic nature of this essay requires the use of in-text citation and referencing in accordance with SCU Harvard Referencing Standards. Further information regarding SCU referencing standards are available at:
2. As there is such an emphasis on the textbook, all in-text references for the textbook (both paraphrasing and direct quotes) should include a page number or the section number.
3. Word count has a tolerance of 10% over or under.
4. Contents page, tables, reference list, appendices (if applicable) are not included in the word count.
5. Headings are not mandatory but may be included as they assist both writer and reader to follow the line of discussion.
Submission format
Upload as one single MS Word file via the Assessment 3 Submission portal in the Assessment Tasks and Submission folder within Blackboard.
Assessment 3 rubric
Scale 5 Scale 4 Scale 3 Scale 2 Scale 1
Description of situation
20% Description is sophisticated and insightful Description is relevant, succinct and clear Description attempted but lacks clarity or is verbose Description attempted, but lacks relevance Description inadequate
Integration with theory
30% Analysis of situation is integrated with theory and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding Analysis of situation is integrated with theory and demonstrates a competent understanding Analysis of situation is explicitly connected to theory and demonstrates a developing understanding Analysis of situation is somewhat connected to theory, but the connection is loose and/ or implied No connection to theory
Forward casting
20% Student describes in a sophisticated manner how their future practice and/or future self will change, based on their reflection and engagement with theory Student competently describes how their future practice and/or future self will change, based on their reflection and engagement with theory Student attempts to describe how their future practice and/or future self will change, based on their reflection and engagement with theory Student makes an inadequate attempt to describe how their future practice and/or future self will change; inadequate attempt to reflect and engage with theory No attempt to describe how future practice and/or future self will change in light of reflection and/or theory
Reflective essay structure
15% Uses a sophisticated reflective structure that connects experience with three or more theoretical components Uses a competent reflective structure that connects experience with at least three theoretical components Uses a basic reflective structure that connects experience with theory Uses some semblance of a reflective structure No reflective structure; may focus more upon description than reflection; may not use theory
15% Five or more academic references present and relevant, and focus upon the Textbook, the PMBoK, and/or other academic literature, are well integrated and add weight to the analysis/ discussion Three to five academic references present and relevant, and focus upon the Textbook, the PMBoK, and/or other academic literature, and are somewhat integrated Three to five academic references present and relevant, and focus upon the Textbook, the PMBoK, and/or other academic literature though lack integration Academic references are limited to the textbook and/ or PMBoK. Academic references absent or are not relevant (possible sham referencing)

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Information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures

Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment Written assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In response to the issues raised in the ‘online university enrolment system’ case study provided, identify the functional and non-functional requirement for an online enrolment system and build and document a set of use cases for that system.
Requirement analysis techniques and skills are of fundamental importance to a Business Analyst, who is often required to help business users in terms of identifying what they really need in their new systems. This assessment allows you to enhance your requirement analysis techniques and skills by capturing the business requirement of a system, identify “what” the proposed system will do, “how” the system will perform those tasks, and communicate the identified requirement through a set of use case diagrams and their associated documentations.
1. Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece of information provided in the following case serves a purpose.
2. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:
Question 1.
(a) Who are the stakeholders in this project? Please list at least four stakeholders. (2 marks)
(b) Who are the Actors in this System? Please list at least four actors (4 mark)
Question 2.
Identify and list at least TEN (10) major functional requirements for the System. (20 marks)
Question 3.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, identify and list at least FIVE (5) non-functional requirements for the
System. Explain and justify each non-functional requirement. (20 marks)
Question 4.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, build a comprehensive set of use case diagrams for the System using MS Visio. (30 marks)
Please note that the case study has not and does not intend to provide a comprehensive description of requirements for the System. This means that you are required to use your own experience with information systems in general and online student enrolment systems in particular to develop this set of use case diagrams. For example, would Student Enrolment Officers be required to log into the System before performing any tasks?
Question 5.
Based on the use case diagrams you built in Question 4, develop and document two elaborated use cases. For each of the two use cases, please document the following:
• Use Case Name (1 mark each)
• ID (1 mark each)
• Priority (1 mark each)
• Actor (1 mark each)
• Description (1 mark each)
• Trigger (1 mark each)
• Precondition (1 mark each)
• Normal Course (2 marks each)
• Alternative courses (1 mark each)
• Postconditions (1 mark each)
• Exceptions (1 mark each)
(24 marks)
3. Please note that your answers must relate to the case study provided.
Word Count and Layout
• The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 2000 words.
• Please provide all your answers in a MS word document.
• Please note that you are NOT required to copy the questions over to the MS Word document.
Use the question number to indicate which question your answer relates to. • The recommended font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions
Please submit the written assessment via the Assessment link within Assessment 1. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Criteria F P C D HD
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
? Identify at least four stakeholders.
? Identify at least four actors including both human and non-human.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
Identify and list at least ten major functional requirements which demonstrate the following qualities:
? The requirements are functional requirements.
? The requirements are major functional requirements.
? Relevant to the case.
Satisfy the good requirement criteria.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
Identify at least five non-functional requirements for the System which demonstrate the following qualities:
? The requirements are non-fictional requirements.
? Relevant to the case.
? Satisfy the good requirement criteria.
Clearly justified.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Build a comprehensive set of use case diagrams for the System using MS Visio. The use case diagram has the following features:
? Drawn using a professional diagramming tool.
? The diagram is complete.
? No mistakes in the use case diagram notations.
? Relevant to the case.
? Include all the important actors.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Develop and document two elaborated use cases.
? Each element of the use case has been clearly and correctly documented.
Fail (Unacceptable)
0-49% Fail grade will be awarded if a student is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points.
50-64% Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
65-74% Credit is awarded for work showing a more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
75 -84%
Distinction is awarded for work of superior quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
High Distinction
85-100% High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged

Writers Solution

describe a situation where strategic governance processes help develop cybersecurity within an organization

In 80 words or more describe a situation where strategic governance processes help develop cybersecurity within an organization? Give (2) examples.