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Flexible Retrieval: When True Inferences Produce False Memories

Information Processing

Prior to beginning this discussion, please read and view the following required sources:

  • Information Processing (Links to an external site.)
  • Flexible Retrieval: When True Inferences Produce False Memories (Links to an external site.)
  • Mnemonic Instruction in Science and Social Studies for Students with Learning Problems: A Review (Links to an external site.)
  • Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory are Still Different (Links to an external site.)
  • The Development of Real-Time Stability Supports Visual Working Memory Performance: Young Children’s Feature Binding Can Be Improved Through Perceptual Structure (Links to an external site.)

In your initial post, you will apply what you learned from each of the four articles, but for your initial posting you will discuss the findings and implications for just one of these articles. (You will discuss the other articles with peers in your peer postings so be sure to read them thoroughly.)  The articles are assigned based on the first letter of your last name. Please see the list below to determine which of the articles you will focus on for your initial post based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A through H: “Flexible Retrieval: When True Inferences Produce False Memories”
  • I through M: “Mnemonic Instruction in Science and Social Studies for Students with Learning Problems: A Review”
  • N through V: “Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory Are Still Different”
  • W through Z: “The Development of Real-Time Stability Supports Visual Working Memory Performance: Young Children’s Feature Binding Can Be Improved Through Perceptual Structure”

In your initial post,

  • Explain the empirical research presented in your assigned article, applying appropriate citations and references.
  • Describe, in your own words, how the research relates to the information you learned in the article “Information Processing”.
  • Describe, in your own words, how the research relates to your own experiences as well as how this area of psychology may have affected your past or current beliefs about memory development. Do the research findings refute or support your current beliefs, and in what ways? Are there variables about how we process information of which you were unaware based on our resources?
  • Apply skeptical inquiry to the potential problems that might arise from research in the area of information processing, and relate it to the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

It is recommended that you research articles in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to support your assertions if the required articles do not provide sufficient information. Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length.




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Produce a career development plan using APUS resources, services, and networking opportunities

Career Development

Produce a career development plan using APUS resources, services, and networking opportunities.

Conduct a career search for a position of choice or search other post­graduate choices to share in the discussion.

Argue the importance of civic and social responsibility as it applies to student’s discipline or career choice.


Create a presentation that covers the following in detail:

3-5-7 year plan for your career development–give a timeline of your goals–be sure they are S.M.A.R.T goals! S.M.A.R.T goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. See link for more details about S.M.A.R.T goals.

Needs/Plans for further learning/professional development–what do you anticipate needing and how will you acquire it?

Incorporation of service/giving back in your future career aspirations-provide argument for why this is/is not important to your career plans


Your design should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to read and should not include too much text/data on the slides themselves. Be sure to include additional information the “Notes” section of the slides to support your recommendations and elaborate on your suggestions. Your “Notes” should support your recommendations with references and citations from your readings and a minimum of five other sources such as career sites, Bureau of Labor Statistics, etc.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 8-10 slides.

Your presentation should include a reference page on the final slide in APA format.

Utilize the “Speaker Notes” section to expand upon the bullet points in your slides OR record a video of your presentation and include the link with your submission.

Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia, and similar general websites are not credible academic references.

Grading Criteria:

Please review the grading criteria provided for details on how this assignment will be evaluated.

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Rubric Name: MGMT HRMT PowerPoint Rubric

Assignment 2: Select Artifacts

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Course Objectives:

Revise artifacts from previous coursework throughout the program based on feedback from the instructor.

Organize a significant collection of artifacts in an ePortfolio including projects, papers, and other relevant examples showcasing work completed during the program to demonstrate mastery of the program objectives.

Artifact #1 ==> Paper or Report

Using submitted work from a previous class, locate a research paper, case study, or another report to submit as your first artifact. You will want to spend your time this week reviewing and critiquing your document before submission. You should have all of the following corrected:

Submit your assignment once you have ensured that all corrections have been made. Make sure you keep the final version of the assignment as you will begin loading it into your Portfolio in Week 5. This assignment will NOT be submitted to Turnitin as it was previously submitted by your faculty member.

Grading Criteria:

Please review the grading criteria provided for details on how this assignment will be evaluated.

Due Date

Jun 19, 2022 11:59 PM


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What are the steps to produce a systematic review?

Systematic Review Guidelines and Rubrics

By the end of the semester, you will produce a systematic review about a biological research topic of your choice. Though the final draft is not due until the last week, you will be working on this project incrementally throughout the semester.

What is a systematic review?

A systematic review is a rigorous evaluation of the existing scientific literature that addresses a clear research question. An extensive search of the primary literature is performed in order to locate and assess research evidence relevant to the research question using a pre-specified protocol. This makes systematic reviews more comprehensive than a literature review.

What are the steps to produce a systematic review?

Through a combination of instructor-led lessons and assignment submissions, students will work through the following steps in order to complete the systematic review process (adapted from Pullin, A., & Gavin B. Stewart. (2006). Guidelines for Systematic Review in Conservation and Environmental Management. Conservation Biology, 20(6), 1647-1656.):

Stage 1: Planning the review

TOPIC: Utilization of CRISPR CAS9 in cancer genes

1.) Question formulation

· During the early weeks of the semester, you will choose a paper topic and begin to explore the scientific literature relevant to your topic. From there, a reviewable research question can be articulated.

· A reviewable question is commonly some version of “Does intervention x produce outcome y on subject z?”

· Example A: Does regular coffee consumption decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in humans?

· Example B: Does mercury pollution impact survivorship of freshwater fish populations?

2.) Developing a review protocol

· A review protocol is a document developed beforehand that will guide the review process. It should include enough detail to the methodology that someone else could repeat the same review process; the repeatability of search methods is a key characteristic of systematic reviews.

· The protocol starts by outlining the rationale and objectives of the review.

· From there, it should detail the methods that will be used including

· Eligibility criteria – how will you decide which studies to include or exclude?

· Search strategy – which databases will you use to search for studies? How will you go about your search?

· Data management – how will your data be organized as it’s collected? Which variables will you be tracking?

· Data synthesis – how will your collected data be synthesized qualitatively? How will it be synthesized quantitatively?

Assignment Rubrics


Protocol ComponentDescriptionPossible Points
TitleTitle identifies the report as a protocol of a systematic review & clearly indicates the research topic1
Rationale & ObjectivesOutlines the utility of this review. Provides and explicit statement of the question(s) the review will address.3
Eligibility Criteria:Specify the study characteristics (such as PICO, study design, setting, time frame) and report characteristics (such as years considered, language, publication status) to be used as criteria for eligibility for the review8
Search Strategy:Describe the steps to take to search for appropriate articles including databases, search limits, keywords, and study selection.5
Data Management:Describe how the data collected will be extracted and organized in a spreadsheet and/or any other management tools. List and define all variables for which data will be sought.5
Data Synthesis:Outline the steps that will be taken to compare, synthesize, and analyze data8



Biagioni, A., Laurenzana, A., Margheri, F., Chillà, A., Fibbi, G., & Del Rosso, M. (2018). Delivery systems of CRISPR/Cas9-based cancer gene therapy.

Journal of Biological Engineering, 12(1), 33–33.

Han, Y., Liu, D., & Li, L. (2020). PD-1/PD-L1 pathway: current researches in cancer. American Journal of Cancer Research, 10(3), 727–742.

Iwai, Y., Ishida, M., Tanaka, Y., Okazaki, T., Honjo, T., & Minato, N. (2002). Khalaf, K., Janowicz, K., Dyszkiewicz-Konwińska, M., Hutchings, G., Dompe,

C., Moncrieff, L., Jankowski, M., Machnik, M., Oleksiewicz, U., Kocherova, I., Petitte, J., Mozdziak, P., Shibli, J. A., Iżycki, D.,

Józkowiak, M., Piotrowska-Kempisty, H., Skowroński, M. T., Antosik, P., & Kempisty, B. (2020). CRISPR/Cas9 in Cancer Immunotherapy: Animal Models and Human Clinical Trials. Genes, 11(8), 1–.

Liu, Q., Yang, F., Zhang, J., Liu, H., Rahman, S., Islam, S., Ma, W., & She, M. (2021). Application of CRISPR/Cas9 in Crop Quality Improvement.

MDPI AG. 10.3390/ijms22084206

Lu, Xue, J., Deng, T., Zhou, X., Yu, K., Deng, L., Huang, M., Yi, X., Liang, M.,

Wang, Y., Shen, H., Tong, R., Wang, W., Li, L., Song, J., Li, J., Su, X., Ding, Z., Gong, Y., … Mok, T. (2020). Safety and feasibility of CRISPR- edited T cells in patients with refractory non-small-cell lung cancer.

Nature Medicine, 26(5), 732–740.


Lu, Y. (2016, June 8). PD-1 knockout engineered T cells for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer . Retrieved November 7, 2021, from

Peyambari, M., Warner, S., Stoler, N., Rainer, D., Roossinck, M. (2019). A 1,000- Year-Old RNA Virus. Journal of Virology, 93(1), 1-11. at




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produce a time-scale illustration that is true to scale and reflects some of the important events in the history of the earth

Read the prompt below.  Click on the document link if you’d like to see the prompt in a Word document with alternative text, opens in a new window.  GeologicTimeScaleADA 


To better understand the concept of geologic time, your assignment is to produce a time-scale illustration that is true to scale and reflects some of the important events in the history of the earth (see list below, you only have to put the events in boldface on your illustration). The exercise requires that you produce an illustration to share with the class on our discussion board and that you write a short essay that: (1) discusses why you chose the metaphor you used; (2) shows an example of one of your math calculations; and (3) discusses what you learned from this exercise including your perspective of where humans fit in the grand scheme of things. Have fun! Be creative! No Illustration is too silly, as long as your math is correct, and your choice has meaning to you. Your instructor appreciates unusual and distinctive efforts.  However, if you’re not feeling very creative on this one, just pick a simple approach and do a neat, accurate job.  Don’t get hung up obsessing over your approach, pick something that works for you and do it.  Remember that you are trying to convey a sense of Earth’s entire history with an illustration so neatness counts, color coding is helpful, pictures are also useful.  Email me with any questions that you have.

Posting your Work

You can produce your illustration in any way that you choose.  It can be a Word document, scan of a hand drawn picture, graphic design, video, photograph…. Whatever best shows your work.  It does need to be easily visible and clear so that your fellow students and your instructor can clearly see your work.  You can attach it to your thread or embed it in your essay.

How To

The method used to determine a true-to-scale illustration will be similar for all choices.  Units in the illustration can be in time, distance, volume, mass, etc. depending upon what type of illustration you choose to work with. The general equation used to generate numbers in your illustration which will be true to scale is:

 For example, suppose your illustration uses distance as its “guiding light.” Remember, the use of time, volume, or mass in an illustration would be just dandy. Since we are using a distance illustration as an example here, a football field with a length of 100 yds will do just fine. To find where on the football field, let’s say, the “first oxygen” yard mark would be, you would set up the ratio shown below and solve for X:

HINT:  Divide 2,700,000,000 by 4,600,000,000 then multiply by 100 to solve for X.

The “build-up of oxygen” location on the football field would be (X) yards away from the goal line of your choice!  (The example above assumes that the zero-yard line is the present day and the 100 yd line is the beginning of earth history.)


Here is a great example of this concept from the University of Saskatchewan.  Your illustration will have more dates than this simplified one. 

Citation:  University of Saskatchewan (citationforillustration)


I don’t usually cite Wikipedia, but I found their article on the geologic timescale to be very good.  They also have some illustration examples that might help you get started.  Here is the citation:  GeologicTimescale

Below is a very condensed table of events in our long Earth history.  There is a lot more to our history that is covered in your textbook.  You only have to use the events in bold on your illustration! 

EventYears before present
Modern man10,000
Neanderthal man100,000
First use of fire500,000
Homo erectus1,300,000
Linking of North and South America1,500,000
Oldest stone tools1,600,000
Beginning of Quaternary period (end Tertiary/Neogene)1,800,000
Australopithecus (early hominids)3,000,000
Beginning of Antarctic ice caps10,000,000
First evidence of ice at the poles25,000,000
Collision of India with Asia40,000,000
Start of global cooling (to present day)40,000,000
Early horses50,000,000
Separation of Australia and Antarctica50,000,000
Early primates57,000,000
Alps form60,000,000
Beginning of Tertiary/Paleogene period (recent life)65,000,000
Dinosaurs became extinct65,000,000
Rocky Mountains form80,000,000
Cretaceous Period begins (Jurassic ends)140,000,000
Early flowering plants150,000,000
Early birds and mammals180,000,000
Opening of Atlantic Ocean200,000,000
Jurassic Period begins (end Triassic)208,000,000
First dinosaurs215,000,000
Triassic Period begins245,000,000
Final assembly of Pangaea280,000,000
Early trees, formation of coal deposits318,000,000
First reptiles340,000,000
Beginning of Carboniferous/Mississippian period (end Devonian)360,000,000
First insects400,000,000
Early land plants450,000,000
Early fish490,000,000
Beginning of Ordovician period (end Cambrian)510,000,000
Early shelled organisms544,000,000
Beginning of Cambrian period (end of Precambrian time) – rise of multicellular organisms544,000,000
Beginning of Paleozoic (ancient life) Era544,000,000
Early multi-celled organisms700,000,000
Breakup of early supercontinent800,000,000
First known animals1,200,000,000
Formation of early supercontinent (Rodinia)1,400,000,000
Buildup of free oxygen in atmosphere2,700,000,000
Early bacteria & algae3,400,000,000
Oldest known Earth rocks3,960,000,000
Formation of Earth’s atmosphere4,200,000,000
Formation of the Moon4,500,000,000
Precambrian time begins4,600,000,000
Origin of earth4,600,000,000


30% Essay:  Well written, correct grammar and punctuation.  Covers all three of the prompt questions in interesting, accurate detail.  Shows time spent reflecting on Earth’s history, an understanding of geologic time, and thoughtful response to this lab as a personal experience.  Is not overly brief.

70% Geologic Time Illustration:  Illustration is clear, dates are readable, math is correct.  Appropriate use of color, pictures, symbols etc… to enhance understanding of presentation.  Illustration shows creativity in approach and neatness in execution.

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MS Visio (if you have the software) to produce your ER Model.

Produce an ER Model for the following scenario (presented in Step 1 below) and business need, for the Pythagoras Math Academy.  Reference the attached video (Course Project Ph2 Video.mp4), for a full introduction and demonstration and expectations for this project.Deliverables:
ER Model for the scenario presented. You have the option to use MS Visio (if you have the software) to produce your ER Model.  Alternatively, if you do not have MS Visio, you can use the ERD PLUS (Open source ER Modeling Software) and produce your ER Model. Required Software:MS Visio by Microsoft ORERD PLUS, Open Source Offering. This offering is cloud-based, and you do not need to download any clients. You will need to create an account (username and password), link to this offering follows: Lab Steps:Step 1: Read and understand the Scenario and Business needs presented below. Define and document the ENTITIES, and RELATIONSHIPS, required to address the business needs. The nouns in the scenario below will give the ENTITIES that you will need. Finally, the verbs will describe the RELATIONSHIPS.Scenario and Business Need The Pythagoras Math Academy is in need to develop a database to keep track and control of his students, teachers, and classes offered. Teachers are able to teach multiple courses. But they are required to be certified on the course they are teaching. For example, only a group of teachers are certified to teach Algebra, and other Geometry. Students can take multiple courses. Courses are taught by teachers with the proper certification and have multiple certs as needed.  Courses are taught in one of the classrooms at one of the School’s several sites.Each classroom is optimized to serve the needs for a course (for example some courses might require computer labs and whiteboards). The school needs to keep track of the math courses delivered in each of the sites.Step 2: For this project, you are required to use MS Visio or ERD PLUS to produce the deliverables.If you are using MS Visio follow the steps below:Reference the Course Project Ph2 VIDEO.mp4, for a short demonstration and tutorial of this tool, and project overview/ expectations.Open MS VisioClick on the Software Database Template in the main windowSelect the Database Model Diagram Template to open a new file.Save the File and ensure to have in your file name PROJECT2_LastName_FistInitial.If you are using ERD PLUS.Watch the recorded short tutorial for this tool. Reference the attached video as follows: Course Project Ph2 VIDEO.mp4.From the ERP PLUS main interface, select DOCUMENTS –> NEW DIAGRAM (NAME YOUR DIAGRAM) –>ER DIAGRAM –> CREATEReference demonstration video for how to navigate tool, how to create entities, add attributes, relationships, and Cordiality. Demonstration video attached as follows: Course Project Ph2 VIDEO.mp4Step 3: Define and Database ENTITIESAdd an entity for each Table you identified in the Scenario and Business Need.You will use the MS Visio tool, or the ERD PLUS open source offering to complete this step.Step 4: ADD the required ENTITY ATTRIBUTES  Add the required Attributes for each Entity that you feel would help to define each Entity as needed.Select one of the attributes to be PRIMARY KEY (PK)Step 5: Define RELATIONSHIPSUse the Crow’s Feet Notation.Reference recorded demonstrations on how to use these notations, for MS Visio and ERD PLUS. Reference attached video as follows: Course Project Ph2 VIDEO.mp4Drag and drop (draw) relationships between the entities you defined.Connect the ends to the two entities for each relation.Defined the Primary Key for the parent entity.Step 6: Define CARDINALITY RELATIONSHIPSet the cardinality for each of your relationships defined in Step 5.  For MS Visio: select a relationship line in the drawing area that is connecting two entities. In the Database Properties window, select the miscellaneous category. Select the cardinality for the selected relationship.Step 7: Upload your Work Save the File and ensure to have in your file name PROJECT2_LastName_FistInitial. Rubric:10 points: ER Model (MS Visio OR ERD PLUS)10 points: Entities: Minimum of Three entities are represented10 points: Attributes: Minimum of Two attributes for each Entity. Most would require more than two attributes, and I am only requiring two per entity.10 points: Relationships: Minimum Three relationships are presented.10 points: Cardinality is defined and specific for each relationship with Crow’s foot notation





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Integrated Information Systems (or Technology) are designed to produce synergy and other potential benefits to an organization.

Assessment Weight: 40 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit:

Question 1: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
Integrated Information Systems (or Technology) are designed to produce synergy and other potential benefits to an organization. Yet, many organizations still have disjointed computerized systems. Identify and discuss at least 2 potential issues that can arise from such a situation, and what benefits could be obtained from an integrated system.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
What is the typical construction design of an organization’s database? Why is this design still relevant today and how it is used within the online shopping market industry? Use current peer-reviewed referencing support to justify your solution?
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 3: (200-250 Words) (5 marks)
What is the relationship between a Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence? Furthermore, what are the 3 steps in moving data to the data warehouse environment? Explain each step and their purpose. Provide examples where appropriate. Support your solution with current peer-reviewed in-text references etc.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 4: (250-300 Words) (5 marks)
Many of you are studying marketing or accounting. Pick either stream and describe how IT is used within your industry stream. Moreover, how it benefits employees within your industry and how this helps other businesses and the public, at large. Give your opinion about this statement and provide examples to support your answer. You must also include some peer-reviewed support of your solution.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 5: (350-450 Words) (10 marks)
Describe what you have learnt in this unit this semester, in terms of Information Technology for Business. Moreover, how this knowledge and skill can be utilized by you in your current job or future position. Write your answer in a reflective essay format. You are not required to use references, but may wish in your answer.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type

Question 6: (350-450 Words) (10 marks)
Question 6 Instructions – Firstly, please read the case study below the question and then answer the following case study question.
Case Study Question:
The changing of a current system, typically which is manually driven to a new digital system can impact many stakeholders, of an organization. With this background, identify the issues that the company had in the case study, and ways it could have minimized this change over process. You must discuss and use examples from the case study to prove your argument, and use appropriate peer-reviewed referencing support.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Q6 Case study Reading – Change for the Sake of Change?
The word change does not usually evoke comfortable feelings or create a warm impression. When change is mentioned in business organizations, it often creates anxiety or, in its worst-case, resentment or opposition. Change can be implemented in many ways: through imposition or edict; consensually or democratically; gradually or precipitously. The approach or tone of the execution of change is as important as the basis for change itself.
Consider the example of Springfield, Ohio and employee timecard entry. The local nuclear plant, consisting of 4,000 employees and 200 supervisors, embarked on the implementation of a new online system for employees to enter their timecard data. The timecard entry process involved approximately 30 timekeepers.
The plant replaced several legacy systems with the new online system. The new system combined two systems: an internally developed time and attendance system and an “off the shelf” payroll and human resources system. The challenges of the new information technology system extended beyond its technology components: Employees would have to learn a new process of entering their hours into the system and being paid. The System developer Homer often forget to assess how familiar the system’s stakeholders are with the computer and other skills they would need to use the new system, but the plant administrators knew they needed a sensible and reasonable approach to manage the change. A well- developed information system without an appropriately planned implementation with its stakeholders can often fail.
The plant created a team to manage the change to the new system and develop a change management strategy. The team used several methodologies to ensure that stakeholders were involved throughout the implementation, communicating with key department personnel to “build on existing processes, drawing up communication plans and creating a well-thought-out training
plan.” The team was comprised of several managers from the various financial, operational, and payroll functional departments as well as their local educational institution, Springfield University, led by Professor Lisa Simpson.
From this team, they established a communication process to connect with customer departments. This network was responsible for determining training needs, analyzing a security procedure, coordinating training, and gaining valuable input from the various stakeholders. Ultimately, the goal of this process was to maintain the lines of communication among the employees and other stakeholders. The process involved not simply words, but also actions. In addition, since quality training was an important component of the system rollout, the Information Systems department worked closely with Springfield University to develop and conduct training sessions as well as to provide technical assistance to support employees through the installation.
An essential component of change management is to gain acceptance by the system’s stakeholders. The plant understood that appropriate communication would help gain acceptance and reduce employee anxiety. The final version of the communication plan changed “substantially” from the initial version. As input was received and evaluated, so did the methods and approach to how and what they communicated. Constant and interactive communication through newsletters, emails, surveys, meetings and an intranet site provided timely and constant information flow.
Over 250 issues were reported and tracked during the first parallel test run of the new system. A total of four system changes were approved to be implemented, resolving 255 issues, with only seven issues unresolved before the second parallel test. At the final implementation, the employees successfully used the new timecard system with only six payroll checks processed in error for the first payroll period.
——-End of Case Study and Questions——-

Submission instructions:
• Answer All 6 Questions in the provided answering boxes.
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HC1041
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity.
• Where required, you must adhere to Harvard rules of in-text referencing and your reference list for your answers.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment.
The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Self Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information:
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit.





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A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor

A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor. The minimum demand for each of these cleaning solutions is 1000, 3200, 2800 and 5400 litres, respectively. Two suppliers Chemic and Nevich, are supplying needed chemicals to the CleanCo for production. Due to safety reasons, CleanCo cannot buy more than %75 of the chemicals from the same supplier. Two suppliers’ chemicals have different rates to produce cleaning products. 1 litre of Chemic can produce 0,75 ltr of kitchen, 0,65 ltr of bath, 0,85 ltr of glass, and 0,72 ltr of floor cleaner. The corresponding rates from Nevich are 0,82 0,78 0,55 and 0,75 respectively. CleanCo needs to determine the minimum capacity of the new plant. Model the problem

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Writers Solution

A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor.

  1. A chemical plant CleanCo designs a new plant to produce four different cleaners for kitchen, bath, glass and floor. The minimum demand for each of these cleaning solutions is 1000, 3200, 2800 and 5400 litres, respectively. Two suppliers Chemic and Nevich, are supplying needed chemicals to the CleanCo for production. Due to safety reasons, CleanCo cannot buy more than %75 of the chemicals from the same supplier. Two suppliers’ chemicals have different rates to produce cleaning products. 1 litre of Chemic can produce 0,75 ltr of kitchen, 0,65 ltr of bath, 0,85 ltr of glass, and 0,72 ltr of floor cleaner. The corresponding rates from Nevich are 0,82 0,78 0,55 and 0,75 respectively. CleanCo needs to determine the minimum capacity of the new plant. Model the problem


Writers Solution

Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries

Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MAN304
Subject Name: Issues in International Business
Assessment Title: International Market Analysis
Assessment Type: Individual Written Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 35 %
Total Marks: 100
Submission: Via Turnitin
Due Date: Week 5
Your Task
To undertake an individual International Market Analysis by developing a report to apply a range of international business analytical approaches within a global market context.
Assessment Description
To complete this assessment, you will need to select one firm. The firm can be a private or a public company based anywhere in the world.
A good criterion for the choice of a firm is the availability of public information about its products and services, corporate background and market reputation. Be careful in selecting your firm as further analysis of your chosen firm will be carried out in Assessment 3. You should discuss your choice of firm with your lecturer. Do this early and consult with your lecturer about the firm if in doubt.
You are required to select two (2) countries (Country A and Country B) as potential destinations for the firm to conduct its international business operations. You can choose, any two countries other than the country of origin of the firm. The firm must not have any existing operations in either of the countries you select.
The purpose is to develop a report with recommendations to be presented to the Board of Directors of your chosen firm.
1. Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries. The headings below are an indication of the type of information you may need to be able to collect and use:
a. The ease with which international firms report being able to do business in each country. You can find information about this from a range of sources including business news, official government websites or other online and offline sources.
b. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, Interest Rates
c. Education levels and the labour force skills available
d. Current interest rates
e. Current value of the local currency against the United States (US) dollar
f. Employment rate and average income per person per year
2. Use the following headings in developing your report.
a. Introduction to your chosen firm and its background
b. What are the commercial implications for your firm wishing to engage in an international business venture?
c. Provide an overview of products or services that your firm is seeking to use to expand into the two new countries that you have selected (their entry strategies).
d. What are the key factors/reasons that support the introduction of these new products/services and why do you think that their introduction will be successful.
Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

e. Make a clear recommendation to the Board of Directors of your firm about which country they should consider opening up a new market in and the product/service.
3. The analysis does not require an executive summary.
Assessment Instructions
You must Submit via Turnitin as a “WORD” document
Please remember that you will need to cite the sources you used, so you are required to reference at least 5 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material. In referencing sources, you must apply Harvard Referencing Style to your in-text citations and consequently to the reference list.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
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Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide
Criteria Value (Marks) NN (Fail)
0 – 49 P (Pass)
50 – 64 CR (Credit)
65 – 74 DN (Distinction)
75 – 84 HD (High Distinction)
85 – 100
Analysis of Identified International Issues 10 Your analysis lacks depth, and your interpretation is not relevant to the assessment criteria. You briefly analyse some of the issues and your interpretation is not always relevant to the assessment criteria. You analyse most of the issues and your interpretation is well structured. You analyse and interpret issues thoroughly. You analyse and interpret the issues articulately and convincingly.
Recommendations 10 The quality of your recommendations is poor and/or incoherent. You have drawn some useful recommendations although a more comprehensive analysis of the case study would have been helpful. You have drawn mostly useful
recommendations. You have drawn varied, well-researched and compelling recommendations. You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations.
Research 10 Your research lacks focus because of an unsuitable choice of sources. You have selected some appropriate scholarly sources. Better use of quality sources would help focus your research. Your research is focused, drawn from an appropriate range of scholarly sources. It is obvious that your research is focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources. It is clearly obvious that your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources.
Academic Writing 5 Spelling, grammar and presentation/or grammar is consistently incorrect. In-text referencing and/or reference list is mostly incorrect or non-existent. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors.
In-text referencing and/or reference list is obvious but there are major errors. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors. In-text referencing and/or reference list has only minor errors throughout Errors in grammar and spelling are rare and professionally presented. In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with only the occasional error. Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors.
In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with no errors.