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Generate ideas for an innovative product or service

Assessment Guidelines
Learners of EduQual qualifications must complete the tasks given in the assignment brief approved by
EduQual. Learners are able to request assistance from tutors about completing the tasks, mark
schemes and grade descriptors. Learners are expected to adhere to policies and guidelines set out by
the centre which includes word/page/slide count, and plagiarism/collusion.
Learners are required to refer to the guidance notes and assignment brief in order to present an
answer that would fall within the required context.
Learners must seek permission and advice when using organisational/business information that would
be considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organisation’s consent is given,
and anonymity is a given requirement of the organisation, then the learner must respect this.
Assessment Criteria and Mark Sheets
The assignment brief will include the mark scheme along with grade descriptors for learners to refer
to if needed. The guidance notes before the assignment questions should be used for reference in
order to ensure that learners are equipped with the information and formats required. Learners are
requested to obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting
information to clarify and help understand the requirements.
The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help learners identify how and where the marks have
allocated and allow them to structure their answers accordingly.
Tutor Guidance
Learners are allowed one piece of feedback for draft answers they present. Any subject-related
questions relating to the module can also be directed to the tutor.
Word Count
It is mandatory that learners adhere to the specified word count given in the assignment brief within
a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the page count depending on
the task requirement, and although a word count may not always be applicable for these, the page
count must be adhered to at all times. All tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) will be
considered a part of the assignment word count.
If the task requires learners to make a presentation, the word count will only be applicable to the
notes provided. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in which case the
learners are also required to adhere to this.
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Any supporting documents used to reinforce a learner’s answer need to be attached at the end of the
report as appendices. Such supplementary material will equip the examiner with the required
background knowledge on the information provided within the report. However, these will not be
considered for grading nor as part of the word/page count.
All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the stipulated page/word counts may be
discounted, and the learners may have to resubmit his/her work for assessment pending
revision/review of their work.
Referencing and Professionalism
To ensure that learners follow a professional stance at all times, they must:
• Use the Harvard system of referencing for all citations and references (including in-text)
• Use professional, formal English in presenting their work
• Refrain from writing in a first-person perspective (i.e. ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘Me’, etc. should not be used
within the answer).
Learners should bear in mind that marks are awarded for professional format and presentation, and
that considerable marks can be awarded for validity and quality of referencing. Therefore, referencing
and professionalism will be assessed in every task.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion will be considered an academic offence and will be dealt with as a serious
Plagiarism can be defined as: the presentation of the work of another author without appropriate
referencing and/or attribution (leading to the false assumption that the learner is the originator of the
Collusion can be defined as a circumstance in which: two or more learners present work with distinct
similarities in concept and ideas.
Learners must have access to valid anti-plagiarism software (e.g. Turnitin) to assess ‘similarity index’
between their work and work that has been published elsewhere. This Turnitin report must be
submitted along with their final assignment scripts for reference purposes.1
Excessive referencing (i.e. where unneeded/irrelevant) will also be considered an academic offence,
which will lead to learners being penalised in marks awarded for structure and format of their work
or, in serious cases, leading to the work of learners being discounted as unfit for assessment. Such
matters will be decided by academic panel along with EduQual.
1 Note that centres must provide their learners with access to anti-plagiarism software or else submit learners’ work for
analysis upon receiving learner assignment scripts. In either case, an anti-plagiarism report must be included with the
submission of any learner work for assessment.
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Task 1
Generate ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on the following key steps:
a) Idea generation
b) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT
c) New product/service planning
d) Market research for the new idea
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Learning Outcome (LO): 1]
Task 2
a) Select a target market for the new product/service
b) Analyse the target market and select an appropriate market segment
c) Identify one main customer group for your new product/service and explain each element of
their consumer decision-making process
d) Explain how ethical issues can affect the relationship between your organisation’s marketing
mix for the new product or service and the behaviour of its consumers
e) Evaluate the impact of the marketing mix’s 4 Ps on consumer behaviour for your selected
[Unit: Entrepreneurship and Innovation; LO2. Unit: Consumer Behaviour; LO2 and LO3]
Task 3
Develop a marketing and integrated promotional plan for the new product/service to meet the
needs of your organisation’s global target markets. This plan must clearly show:
a) Communication processes and current trends in advertising and promotion, including the
impact of ICT and the internet
b) Measurable goals and objectives
c) Strategies for monitoring and control of the marketing and promotional plan
[Unit: Marketing Communications:; LO1 and LO3]
Assignment Word Count
Max. 6000 words across all tasks

Writers Solution

Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process

Module  Discussion

1. Name and describe the major steps in the new product development process.

2. Explain why it is important for companies to continue to focus on new product development, even during a recession. 

Discussion Requirements:

·       Please ensure that the discussion question response is substantive in nature, which includes a minimum of 300 words.

·       Please avoid writing the minimum. Make sure that the response is topic-specific, relevant to the course material, and supported by outside academic sources through the use of in-text citations with the inclusion of a reference section.

·       Make sure amongst your references you include;

Amstrong, G, Kotler, P, Harker, M, Brennan, R, (2009) Marketing: An introduction, Prentice Hall


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Lakewood IT wants to create an IT service department as one of their product offerings

Business Case

Project Overview:

The owner of Lakewood IT wants to create an IT service department as one of their product offerings.  This service department may exist at multiple, company locations and, possibly, in multiple buildings at the same location.  Management needs to determine whether we are suited to expand into this new specialty within six (6) months.  Currently, we have two customer-facing departments: IT Hardware/Software Sales and IT Parts.  If we choose to create a service department, this will add a third customer-facing department to Lakewood IT.  No longer will we need to refer customers to outside repair service companies.  We will be able to sell new IT hardware/software, sell replacement parts, and service the hardware/software. Truly, we will be a one-stop shop for all home IT needs!

As I think about it, I probably did not give you enough information about this proposed service department.  The service department will have both virtual and live technicians to fix the customer’s IT issues.  This will require people to set up the home service appointments, technicians to assess, estimate, and fix the hardware/software, and coordinate with parts department to get the necessary parts for repair. The parts department may need to change their inventory and ordering process to accommodate the larger volume of parts needed with the new service department.


Lakewood IT’s management is asking for additional information in your analysis.  They are tasking you with exploring and researching some options associated with their project.  Management wants you to research IT service implementation options.  More specifically, you must research Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions vs. non-SaaS solutions for IT service departments.  The paper must:

  • Identify and describe, at least, two SaaS solutions and two non-SaaS solutions
  • Describe, at least, two benefits and two limitations associated with each solution
  • Identify one preferred SaaS solution and one, preferred non-SaaS solution as the best options for Lakewood IT.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages,  figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages).  In addition, the paper must use:

  • Times New Roman, 12 pt font/typeset
  • Double spaced lines
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s title page, header, margins, figure, table, and heading formatting
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s writing mechanic guidelines

Please find the attached references below.


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environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development.

Deliverable Length:   400-600 words

Now that you’ve analyzed the environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development. Product design is crucial because new products are being introduced every day. So, while other people focus on that aspect of development, you turn your attention to branding. 

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

This morning, walking into the office, you greet Michelle who says, “I’d like to meet with you tomorrow to develop the branding strategy for the new product. Let’s meet for a working lunch and brainstorming session.”  “That sounds great,” you reply. “I’ll schedule the meeting and order in lunch.”
Entering your office, you begin to think about the items that you will be discussing during tomorrow’s meeting with Michelle.
We haven’t even come up with a product name yet, you think. We also need to work on an advertising slogan or tag line. You know that Michelle has an extensive background in marketing, but you really want to make a good impression and bring a sound branding strategy to the meeting. How are we going to distinguish our product from our competitors? What are the benefits that we are going to highlight in our brand that will meet the needs or wants of our target customers?
You create the following list of items that you need to address:

Identify in one sentence your overall branding strategy or brand image you want to achieve in the mind of your target segment.

Product name
Advertising slogan or tag line
Product attributes
Product benefits


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environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development.

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On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries?

This week, we learned about different types of leadership directives and leadership styles. As a reflection of these principles, visit the website of General Electric, a powerful MNC in energy and power systems, health care, finance, and appliances.

Discover GE’s international operations, learn about its product lines, review its new and existing members on the board of directors, and review its latest annual report. Then answer these questions with a focus on GE’s leadership:

  1. On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries? If so, why, and if not, why not?
  2. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig.13-2), in which country or countries could GE apply each of the 5 management styles? Give examples of each of the 5 styles.
  3. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig. 13-2), which leadership style do you think the GE corporate CEO could implement on a global basis, and why?
  4. Reflect on this Module and this course and explain whether the leadership style you chose in # 3 above matches your skills, abilities, and personality. Why or why not?


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Eggs and poultry product industry

Topic is Eggs and poultry product industry please include it is used for other purposed like meat , write an informative summary of your selected industry.  You may assume your audience is not familiar with the industry you have selected.

  • Your summary should describe the industry, provide examples of innovation in the industry, and include an industry outlook.
  • Your finished summary should be a minimum of 500 to a maximum of 750 words, not including references.
  • You should use a minimum of five unique quality sources of information to get full points.
  • See the full grading rubric for detailed requirements.
  • Reference should also be written.
  • Poor Acceptable Excellent Description of the industry Points: 2 (6.66666%) It is unclear what is produced and how it is produced Points: 4 (13.33333%) The production is adequately described Points: 6 (20.00%) The industry is described concisely Depth of Research Points: 2 (6.66666%) Two or fewer sources of information or sources of information are unreliable Points: 4 (13.33333%) Three or four good quality sources of information Points: 6 (20.00%) Five or more good quality sources of information Examples of innovation and evolution Points: 1 (3.33333%) The information provides a point in time snapshot of the industry Points: 2 (6.66666%) The information includes a point in time view with an example of innovation. Points: 3 (10.00%) The information shows the innovations within the industry uniquely and thoughtfully. Outlook Points: 1 (3.33333%) The student fails to include information on the industry outlook. Points: 2 (6.66666%) The industry outlook is included as a quote from a reliable source. Points: 3 (10.00%) The industry outlook is included and referenced with additional insight and the opinion of the student. Voice Points: 1 (3.33333%) The student’s voice sounds entirely artificial and/or inappropriate to academic writing. Points: 2 (6.66666%) The student’s voice sounds natural and is appropriate to academic writing. Points: 3 (10.00%) The student’s voice sounds natural, is appropriate to academic writing, and is entertaining in one way or another. References Points: 1 (3.33333%) Outside information is not referenced Points: 2 (6.66666%) Some outside information is appropriately referenced. Points: 3 (10.00%) All outside information is appropriately referenced Mechanics Points: 2 (6.66666%) So many grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes that it’s hard to keep reading the essay. Points: 4 (13.33333%) A few grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes—nothing that would slow down one’s reading of the paper for more than a second or two. Points: 6 (20.00%) At most, only a couple of grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes—nothing that impedes one’s reading of the paper


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What gap does this product address for your company?

As a cyber security professional, you will be asked to evaluate different appliances, programs, and methodologies and provide feedback to your colleagues as to whether or not they are good for the company you represent.For this module’s assignment, you are to search for commercially available cyber threat intelligence products that could be used at your company. (Some examples of vendors are Crowdstrike, ThreatQ, Threatstream, and there are many more!) You are to prepare a 2-3 page report that answers the following specific questions:

  • What gap does this product address for your company?
  • What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)?
  • What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long until it is realized?
  • What product do you recommend your company adopt? Why?

Your 2-3 page report can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best answers the questions, but it must be succinct and to the point. While relying on the content of this module will be essential, a large amount of research will be necessary to ensure your report is current with relevant technologies. Feel free to contact vendors and get them to give you a sales pitch. Part of this exercise is to also evaluate vendors. This report will further inform your final project proposal which is due at the end of Module 7





  • What gap does this product address for your company?
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    Writers Solution

    Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data

    Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data. This initial production plan is based on your market estimates of what you intend to sell and produce. The final paper is managing the project to implement your intended new product/service into the marketplace, but you have to create a production plan that is supported by your market forecasts, and that is the purpose of this assignment.

     Prompt: The plan should replicate the techniques in the text and can be submitted in a basic tabular (spreadsheet) format. It must include the following: 

     Estimates of labor hours consumed 

     Estimated number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production For service businesses that do not include inventory or raw goods for the assembly line, the inventory of the support materials/equipment or consumable materials can be used. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

     Create a semiannual production plan using notional demand and inventory. 

     Estimate the labor hours consumed.

      Estimate the number of worker requirements considering a standard work week, current inventory levels, receipts of new inventory during each month, and varying demand levels for each month of production. 

    Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: it is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All APA citations should reference the course text and at least two additional resources.




    CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Create a semiannual production plan for your new business idea, product, or service using notional demand and inventory data

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    Writers Solution

    Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its web- site (, the company calls its product “the miracle worker,” “proven to deliver one to three shades of change.” While tanning is the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are popu- lar in Asia.

     CASE 2-2 Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and Advertising

    Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its web- site (, the company calls its product “the miracle worker,” “proven to deliver one to three shades of change.” While tanning is the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are popu- lar in Asia.

    According to industry sources, the top-selling skin lightening cream in India is Fair & Lovely from Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), followed by CavinKare’s Fairever brand. HUL’s Fair & Lovely brand dominated the market with a 90 percent share until CavinKare Ltd. (CKL) launched Fairever. In just two years, the Fairever brand gained an impressive 15 percent market share. HUL’s share of market for the Fair & Lovely line generates about $60 million annually. The product sells for about 23 rupees ($0.29) for a 25-gram tube of cream.

    The rapid growth of CavinKare’s Fairever (www.cavinkare .com) brand prompted HUL to increase its advertising effort and to launch a series of ads depicting a “fairer girl gets the boy theme.” One advertisement featured a financially strapped father lamenting his fate, saying, “If only I had a son,” while his dark-skinned daugh- ter looks on, helpless and demoralized because she can’t bear the financial responsibility of her family. Fast-forward and plain Jane has been transformed into a gorgeous light-skinned woman through the use of a “fairness cream,” Fair & Lovely. Now clad in a mini- skirt, the woman is a successful flight attendant and can take her father to dine at a five-star hotel. She’s happy and so is her father.

    In another ad, two attractive young women are sitting in a bed- room; one has a boyfriend and, consequently, is happy. The darker- skinned woman, lacking a boyfriend, is not happy. Her friend’s advice: Use a bar of soap to wash away the dark skin that’s keeping men from flocking to her.

    HUL’s series of ads provoked CavinKare Ltd. to counter with an ad that takes a dig at HUL’s Fair & Lovely ad. CavinKare’s ad has a father–daughter duo as the protagonists, with the father shown encouraging the daughter to be an achiever irrespective of her complexion. CavinKare maintained that the objective of its new commercial is not to take a dig at Fair & Lovely but to “reinforce Fairever’s positioning.”

    Skin color is a powerful theme in India, and much of Asia, where a lighter color represents a higher status. While Americans and Europeans flock to tanning salons, many across Asia seek ways to have “fair” complexions. Culturally, fair skin is associated with positive values that relate to class and beauty. One Indian lady com- mented that when she was growing up, her mother forbade her to go outdoors. She was not trying to keep her daughter out of trouble but was trying to keep her skin from getting dark.

    Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the social hierarchy, are considered fair because they traditionally stayed inside, poring over books. The undercaste at the bottom of the ladder are regarded as the darkest people because they customarily worked in the sear- ing sun. Ancient Hindu scriptures and modern poetry eulogize women endowed with skin made of white marble.

    Skin color is closely identified with caste and is laden with sym- bolism. Pursue any of the “grooms” and “brides wanted” ads in newspapers or on the web that are used by families to arrange suit- able alliances, and you will see that most potential grooms and their

    families are looking for “fair” brides; some even are progressive enough to invite responses from women belonging to a different caste. These ads, hundreds of which appear in India’s daily news- papers, reflect attempts to solicit individuals with the appropriate religion, caste, regional ancestry, professional and educational qual- ifications, and, frequently, skin color. Even in the growing numbers of ads that announce “caste no bar,” the adjective “fair” regularly precedes professional qualifications. In everyday conversation, the ultimate compliment on someone’s looks is to say someone is gora (fair). “I have no problem with people wanting to be lighter,” said a Delhi beauty parlor owner, Saroj Nath. “It doesn’t make you rac- ist, any more than trying to make yourself look younger makes you ageist.”

    Bollywood (India’s Hollywood) glorifies conventions on beauty by always casting a fair-skinned actress in the role of heroine, surrounded by the darkest extras. Women want to use whiteners because it is “aspirational, like losing weight.”

    Even the gods supposedly lament their dark complexion— Krishna sings plaintively, “Radha kyoon gori, main kyoon kala? (Why is Radha so fair when I’m dark?).” A skin deficient in melanin (the pigment that determines the skin’s brown color) is an ancient predilection. More than 3,500 years ago, Charaka, the famous sage, wrote about herbs that could help make the skin fair.

    Indian dermatologists maintain that fairness products cannot truly work as they reach only the upper layers of the skin and so do not affect melanin production. Nevertheless, for some, Fair & Lovely is a “miracle worker.” A user gushes that “The last time I went to my parents’ home, I got compliments on my fair skin from everyone.” For others, there is only disappointment. One 26-year- old working woman has been a regular user for the past eight years but to no avail. “I should have turned into Snow White by now, but my skin is still the same wheatish color.” As an owner of a pub- lic relations firm commented, “My maid has been using Fair and Lovely for years and I still can’t see her in the dark . . . . But she goes on using it. Hope springs eternal, I suppose.”

    The number of Indians who think lighter skin is more beauti- ful may be shrinking. Sumit Isralni, a 22-year-old hair designer in his father’s salon, thinks things have changed in the last two years, at least in India’s most cosmopolitan cities, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Women now “prefer their own complexion, their natural way,” Isralni says; he prefers a more “Indian beauty” himself: “I won’t judge my wife on how fair her complexion is.” Sunita Gupta, a beautician in the same salon, is more critical. “It’s just foolish- ness!” she exclaimed. The premise of the ads that women could not become airline attendants if they are dark-skinned was wrong, she said. “Nowadays people like black beauty.” It is a truism that women, especially in the tropics, desire to be a shade fairer, no matter what their skin color. Yet, unlike the approach used in India, advertisements elsewhere usually show how to use the product and how it works.

    Commenting on the cultural bias toward fair skin, one critic states, “There are attractive people who go through life feeling inferior to their fairer sisters. And all because of charming grand- mothers and aunts who do not hesitate to make unflattering com- parisons. Kalee Kalooti is an oft-heard comment about women who happen to have darker skin. They get humiliated and mortified over




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    CS2−8 Part 6 Supplementary Material

    the color of their skin, a fact over which they have no control. Are societal values responsible? Or advertising campaigns? Advertising moguls claim they only reflect prevailing attitudes in India. This is possibly true, but what about ethics in advertising? Is it correct to make advertisements that openly denigrate a majority of Indian people—the dark-skinned populace? The advertising is blatant in their strategy. Mock anyone who is not the right color and shoot down their self-image.”

    A dermatologist comments, “Fairness obtained with the help of creams is short-lived. The main reason being, most of these creams contain a certain amount of bleaching agent, which whitens facial hair, and not the skin, which leads people to believe that the cream worked.” Furthermore, “In India the popularity of a product depends totally on the success of its advertising.”

    HUL launched its television ad campaign to promote Fair & Lovely but withdrew it after four months amid severe criticism for its portrayal of women. Activists argued that one of the messages the company sends through its “air hostess” ads demonstrating the preference for a son who would be able to take on the financial responsibility for his parents is especially harmful in a country such as India where gender discrimination is rampant. Another offense is perpetuating a culture of discrimination in a society where “fair” is synonymous with “beautiful.” AIDWA (All India Women’s Democratic Association) lodged a complaint at the time with HUL about their offensive ads, but Hindustan Unilever failed to respond.

    The women’s association then appealed to the National Human Rights Commission alleging that the ad demeaned women. AIDWA objected to three things: (1) the ads were racist, (2) they were pro- moting son preference, and (3) they were insulting to working women. “The way they portrayed the young woman who, after using Fair & Lovely, became attractive and therefore lands a job suggested that the main qualification for a woman to get a job is the way she looks.” The Human Rights Commission passed AIDWA’s complaints on to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, which said the campaign violated the Cable and Television Net- work Act of 1995—provisions in the act state that no advertisement shall be permitted which “derides any race, caste, color, creed and nationality” and that “Women must not be portrayed in a manner that emphasized passive, submissive qualities and encourages them to play a subordinate secondary role in the family and society.” The government issued notices of the complaints to HUL. After a year- long campaign led by the AIDWA, Hindustan Unilever Limited discontinued two of its television advertisements for Fair & Lovely fairness cold cream.

    Shortly after pulling its ads off the air, HUL launched its Fair & Lovely Foundation, vowing to “encourage economic empowerment of women across India” by providing resources in education and business to millions of women “who, though immensely talented and capable, need a guiding hand to help them take the leap for- ward,” presumably into a fairer future.

    HUL sponsored career fairs in over 20 cities across the country, offering counseling in as many as 110 careers. It supported 100 rural scholarships for women students passing their 10th grade, a professional course for aspiring beauticians, and a three-month Home Healthcare Nursing Assistant course catering to young women between the ages of 18 and 30 years. According to HUL, the Fair & Lovely Academy for Home Care Nursing Assistants offers a unique training opportunity for young women who possess no entry-level skills and therefore are not employable in the new economy job market. The Fair & Lovely Foundation plans to serve as a catalyst for the economic empowerment for women across

    India. The Fair & Lovely Foundation will showcase the achieve- ments of these women not only to honor them but also to set an example for other women to follow.

    AIDWA’s campaign against ads that convey the message, “if she is not fair in color, she won’t get married or won’t get promoted,” also has resulted in some adjustment to fairness cream ads. In revised versions of the fairness cream ads, the “get fair to attract a groom” theme is being reworked with “enhance your self-confidence” so that a potential groom himself begs for attention. It is an attempt at typifying the modern Indian woman, who has more than just marriage on her mind. Advertising focus is now on the message that lighter skin enables women to obtain jobs conventionally held by men. She is career-oriented, has high aspirations, and, at the same time, wants to look good. AIDWA concedes that the current crop of television ads for fairness creams are “not as demeaning” as ones in the past. However, it remains against the product; as the president of AIDWA stated, “It is downright racist to denigrate dark skin.”

    Although AIWDA’s campaign against fairness creams seems to have had a modest impact on changing the advertising mes- sage, it has not slowed the demand for fairness creams. Sales of Fair & Lovely, for example, have been growing 15 to 20 percent year over year, and the $318 million market for skin care has grown by 42.7 percent in the last three years. Says Euromonitor International, a research firm: “Half of the skin care market in India is fairness creams and 60 to 65 percent of Indian women use these products daily.”

    Recently, several Indian companies were extending their mar- keting of fairness creams beyond urban and rural markets. CavinK- are’s launch of Fairever, a fairness cream in a small sachet pack priced at Rs 5, aimed at rural markets where some 320 million Indi- ans reside. Most marketers have found rural markets impossible to penetrate profitably due to low income levels and inadequate distri- bution systems, among other problems. However, HUL is approach- ing the market through Project Shakti, a rural initiative that targets small villages with populations of 2,000 people or less. It empow- ers underprivileged rural women by providing income-generating opportunities to sell small, lower-priced packets of its brands in villages. Special packaging for the rural market was designed to pro- vide single-use sachet packets at 50 paise for a sachet of shampoo to Rs 5 for a fairness cream (for a week’s usage). The aim is to have 100,000 “Shakti Ammas,” as they are called, spread across 500,000 villages in India by year end. CavinKare is growing at 25 percent in rural areas compared with 15 percent in urban centers.

    In addition to expanding market effort into rural markets, an unexpected market arose when a research study revealed Indian men were applying girlie fairness potions in droves—but on the sly. It was estimated that 40 percent of boyfriends/husbands of girlfriends/wives were applying white magic solutions that came in little tubes. Indian companies spotted a business opportunity, and Fair & Handsome, Menz Active, Fair One Man, and a male bleach called Saka were introduced to the male market. The sector expanded dramatically when Shah Rukh Khan, a highly acclaimed Bollywood actor likened to an Indian Tom Cruise, decided to endorse Fair & Handsome. Euromonitor International forecasts that in the next five years, spending on men’s grooming products will rise 24 percent to 14.5 billion rupees, or US$320 million.

    A recent product review in praises Fair & Lovely fairness cream: “[Fair & Lovely] contains fairness vitamins which penetrate deep down our skin to give us radiant fairness.” “I don’t know if it can change the skin color from dark to fair, but mpage2image3006336

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    personal experience is that it works very well, if you have a naturally fair color and want to preserve it without much headache.” “I think Riya Sen has the best skin right now in Bollywood. It appears to be really soft and tender. So, to have a soft and fair skin like her I rec- ommend Fair & Lovely Fairness Lotion or Cream.” Yet “skin color isn’t a proof of greatness. Those with wheatish or dark skin are by no way inferior to those who have fair skin.”

    Here are a few facts from Hindustan Unilever Ltd.’s homepage:

    Lever Limited is India’s largest Packaged Mass Consump- tion Goods Company. We are leaders in Home and Personal Care Products and Food and Beverages including such prod- ucts as Ponds and Pepsodent. We seek to meet everyday needs of people everywhere—to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers and customers and to respond creatively and competitively with branded products and services which raise the quality of life. It is this purpose which inspires us to build brands. Over the past 70 years, we have introduced about 110 brands.

    Fair & Lovely has been specially designed and proven to deliver one to three shades of change in most people. Also its sunscreen system is specially optimized for Indian skin. Indian skin, unlike Caucasian skin, tends to “tan” rather than “burn” and, hence, requires a different combination of UVA and UVB sunscreens.

    You may want to visit Fair and Lovely’s homepage /brands/personal-care/fair-and-lovely.html for additional informa- tion about the product.


    1. Is it ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly effective? Discuss.
    2. Is it ethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote a product? Discuss.
    3. Is the advertising of Fair & Lovely demeaning to women, or is it promoting the fairness cream in a way not too dissimi- lar from how most cosmetics are promoted?
    4. Will HUL’s Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter charges made by AIDWA? Discuss.

    5. In light of AIDWA’s charges, how would you suggest Fair & Lovely promote its product? Discuss. Would your response be different if Fairever continued to use “fairness” as a theme of its promotion? Discuss.

    6. Propose a promotion/marketing program that will counter all the arguments and charges against Fair & Lovely and be an effective program.

    7. Now that a male market for fairness cream exists, is the strength of AIDWA’s argument weakened?

    8. Comment on using “Shakti Ammas” to introduce “fairness cream for the masses” in light of AIDWA’s charges.

    9. Listen to “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect Old Biases,” NPR, November 12, 2009.

    10. In 2014, the Advertising Standards Council of India, a self- regulated advertiser group, issued a new set of guidelines that will ban all ads that depict those with darker skin as being inferior in any way. See /four-ads-wont-see-indian-television-ever/. How do you think this will affect Fair & Lovely as a brand? How should HUL deal with the news?

    Sources: Nicole Leistikow, “Indian Women Criticize ‘Fair and Lovely’ Ideal,” Wom- en’s eNews, April 28, 2003; Arundhati Parmar, “Objections to Indian Ad Not Taken Lightly,” Marketing News, June 9, 2003, p. 4; “Fair & Lovely Launches Foundation to Promote Economic Empowerment of Women,” press release, Fair & Lovely Founda- tion, (search for foundation), March 11, 2003; Rina Chandran, “All for Self-Control,” Business Line (The Hindu), April 24, 2003; Khozem Merchant and Edward Luce, “Not So Fair and Lovely,” Financial Times, March 19, 2003; “Fair & Lovely Redefines Fairness with Multivitamin Total Fairness Cream,” press release, Hindustan Unilever Ltd., May 3, 2005; “CavinKare Launches Small Sachet Packs,” Business India, December 7, 2006; “Analysis of Skin Care Advertising on TV Dur- ing January–August 2006,” Media, Advertising, Marketing Watch, October 17, 2006; “Women Power Gets Full Play in CavinKare’s Brand Strategy.” The Economic Times (New Delhi, India), December 8, 2006; Heather Timmons, “Telling India’s Modern Women They Have Power, Even Over Their Skin Tone,” The New York Times, May 30, 2007; “The Year We Almost Lost Tall (or Short or Medium- Height), Dark and Handsome,” The Hindustan Times, December 29, 2007; “India’s Hue and Cry Over Paler Skin,” The Sunday Telegraph (London), July 1, 2007; “Fair and Lovely?” University Wire, June 4, 2007; “The Race to Keep up with Modern India,” Media, June 29, 2007; Aneel Karnani, “Doing Well by Doing Good—Case Study: ‘Fair & Lovely’ Whitening Cream,” Strategic Management Journal 28, no. 13 (2007), pp. 1351–57; “In India, Skin-Whitening Creams Reflect Old Biases,” NPR, November 12, 2009

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    Fair & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its web- site (, the company calls its product “the miracle worker,” “proven to deliver one to three shades of change.” While tanning is the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are popu- lar in Asia.

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    Write a function called calc_product_cost that returns the total cost of an item after the tax has been added to the product.

    Assignment 2

    Assignment 2 Weight 30% Marked out of 100 Due date: 8 October 2021

    Please submit the CODE in readable format (NOT SCREEN CAPTURE) and OUTPUT for all programming questions. You will submit this assignment electronically in the ASSESSMENT area of the Study Desk.
    For this assignment we will use the Brewers database Chapter 4 that comes with the textbook (script available under link to this file). The script to create the databases is included as a file in Assignment 1 section of the course website as well as Week 2 on the study desk. You will need to run the scripts to create the needed database tables. If you are using your own Oracle insulation the script should work as normal.

    1. This assignment prepares you for the examination and you should consider each hour devoted to the assignment as an hour devoted to exam preparation.
    2. I urge you not to give up if you are unable to do all the questions. Do as many as you can and submit what you have done.
      For this assignment we will use the Brewers database that comes with the textbook. The script to create the databases is included as a file in the assignment 1 section of the Moodle course web site. You will need to run the scripts to create the needed database tables. If you are using your own Oracle insulation the script should work as normal.
      The structures and information about the tables is located in Appendix A (Page 423) of the Casteel textbook. The structure of the tables used in this assignment questions is reproduced at the end of this document.

    Please Read Carefully before starting.
    There are four(4) questions valued a total of 100 marks. You need to provide a well-structured and documented solution to the problems.
    With your code solution you also need to provide the source code in editable format copy and paste in the submission file (NOT SCREEN CAPTURE).
    The resulting output of the running solution you can use the screen capture or text copy and paste into the document. You can use the screen capture features of the OS you are using. For Windows you can use the ‘print current window capture’ key stroke ‘Alt-Shift-Print Screen’. Depending on your keyboard you may have to use the function key as well. You can also use the default capture tool, search for ‘Snipping Tool’ in start menu. For Apple Mac use ‘Command (?)-Shift-4’ and select screen to capture.
    Important Programming Requirements:
    • You must NOT use any Implicit Cursors, or Cursors with table joins, subqueries, set operators, group functions or SQL aggregate functions (such as COUNT).
    • Explicit Cursors should be declared as parametrized cursors when used in functions or procedures.
    • The PL/SQL anonymous block must be ONE block only to call the relevant procedures or functions. Do NOT write a block to perform each task of the specifications.
    Question 1 (30 marks)
    Write a function called calc_product_cost that returns the total cost of an item after the tax has been added to the product. The function has two IN parameters IDSHOPER and IDPRODUCT and returns a number as a result of the function execution. If IDSHOPER or IDPRODUCT or Customer STATE value does not exist in the relevant tables the function should return NULL as the result. You need to return the NULL result explicitly. The function calculates cost of an item based on the item cost and percentage tax charged for the state the customers address is in. (10 marks)
    Write an SQL statement that displays customer details (ID, First Name, Last, Name, State) and total to be paid for each customer for product in the BB_PRODUCT table whose ID is 2 by calling the calc_product_cost function. Rename the resulting filed from the function call TOTAL_COST. (5 marks)
    Write a function called sf_total_order_item_cost which takes in three IN parameters IDSHOPER, IDBASKET and IDPRODUCT. The function returns the total cost on the order for an item for the customer. The cost of the item is calculated by calling calc_product_cost and multiplying it by the quantity in the order. (5 marks)
    Write a procedure (called sp_report_on_products) that takes a single IN parameter Product ID and creates a report to the screen as follows. For every customer in the table create a report using the DBMS_OUTPUT module to print the Customer Last Name, First Name first character with full stop, State, Product Description, Product Cost, Tax, Total Cost, by calling the sf_total_order_item_cost function.
    Format for the line output.
    LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, Product: ‘DESCRITION’ Cost: $9999.99, Tax: $9999.99, Total Cost: $9999.99.
    Example dummy output
    John, C. Product: ‘Some product description here’ Cost: $13.75, Tax: $0.56, Total Cost: $14.31.
    The tax calculated is the sum of tax that each customer would have for all the orders of that product.
    After processing all the customers display the following information.
    Total customers processed XXXX and total tax calculated for all orders is $9999.99.
    Call the procedure from an anonymous block and capture the results. (10 marks)
    Question 2 (20 marks)
    The Brewers Company is concerned about possible unauthorised changes to customer orders that may compromise the companys profit.
    Your task is to create a database trigger to monitor such changes to some important columns in the BB_BASKET table.
    Important Setup:
    Create a copy of the BB_BASKET table in your own schema by using the following command:
    Create a table to store change logs (call the table TMP_CHANGELOG) to hold the following fields IDBASKET, QUANTITY, SUBTOTAL, TOTAL and LOG_DATE. You will need to refer to the relevant table for field types and sizes. The LOG_DATE field will contain the system date.

    1. Create a database trigger with the following specification:
      • fires AFTER an UPDATE on CUSTOMER_COPY table.
      • fires if there is any change to QUANTITY, SUBTOTAL or TOTAL columns of the CUSTOMER_COPY table.
      • fires for each row changed.
      • inserts a first row: the affected IDBASKET column, the OLD values of the QUANTITY, SUBTOTAL and TOTAL columns and the current date into the table TMP_CHANGELOG.
      • inserts a second row: the affected IDBASKET column, the NEW values of the QUANTITY, SUBTOTAL and TOTAL columns and the current date into the table TMP_CHANGELOG. (10 Marks)
    2. Test the trigger with the following specification:
      • Go ahead and make a change to CUSTOMER_COPY table by issuing the following command:
      SET QUANTITY = 99, TOTAL = 99.99
      WHERE IDBASKET = 12;
      (5 Marks)
    3. For second test write a DML statement that sets the SUBTOTAL value in CUSTOMER_COPY table for the IDBASKET 12 to 50% of the TOTAL value currently recorded for that row. (5 marks)
      Provide copy of your code and capture of the execution output.
      Question 3 (30 marks)
      This question has a few section (procedures and functions) described. You are free to write helper procedures or functions but they will have to have high cohesion and low coupling (do one thing only and not be reliant on external values).
      1) Create a PL/SQL procedure called sp_shopping_month which has an IN parameters for the year and the month. The procedure will display to the screen the following information for each basket created (DTCREATED) for that year/month. The information needs to be retrieved using an explicit cursor. (5 marks)
      Basket BASKEID has a total of BASKET_TOTAL plus SHIPPING total cost of order BASKET_TOATL_PLUS_SHIPING
      2) Write a function called sf_total_shipping which takes in the date parameter and returns the calculated cost of shipping for all the baskets which have been created in that year/month. (5 marks)
      3) Write a procedure called sp_uncommitted_order_month which reports on all the baskets created but where the order has not been placed (ORDERPLACED) for all the baskets in the table. The output should be as follows. (5 marks)
      There are COUNT numbers of orders created but not finalized with a total of $AMOUNT.XX and total shipping cost of $SHIPPING.XX.
      4) Write a procedure called sp_report_shopping_totals that will produce the following output in the format specified bellow. The procedure needs to use explicit cursor/s for each year starting with the oldest year and produces a summary of the shopping for that month.
      The years and month output needs to be in ascending order.
      Example dummy output only as a guideline. You will need to replace the uppercase fields with the necessary values
      Year YYYY
      Basket BASKEID has a total of BASKET_TOTAL plus SHIPPING total cost of order BASKET_TOATL_PLUS_SHIPING
      Basket BASKEID has a total of BASKET_TOTAL plus SHIPPING total cost of order BASKET_TOATL_PLUS_SHIPING
      Total Shipping for the month $SHIPPING.99

    Basket BASKEID has a total of BASKET_TOTAL plus SHIPPING total cost of order BASKET_TOATL_PLUS_SHIPING
    Total Shipping for the month $SHIPPING.99
    Year YYYY
    Basket BASKEID has a total of BASKET_TOTAL plus SHIPPING total cost of order BASKET_TOATL_PLUS_SHIPING
    Total Shipping for the month $SHIPPING.99
    Total number of baskets processed COUNT total income of all orders is $AMOUNT.99 total shipping cost $SHIPPING.99.
    There are COUNT numbers of orders created but not finalized with a total of $AMOUNT.99 and shipping cost of $SHIPPING.99.
    (10 marks)
    Write an anonymous block should only have to call sp_report_shopping_totals which will contain the logic to display the requested output. Your solution for the final output needs to use the functions and procedures defined previously. Due to the data in the tables you will only have one year on the report. Your code needs to work when more data is added. (5 marks)
    Provide copy of your code and capture of the execution output.

    Question 4 (20 marks)
    a) Write a stored function called is_number which takes one IN parameter and returns a number if the input can be converted to a number otherwise the function should return an appropriate result. The function needs to correctly identify if the parameter can be converted to a numeric value. The function should work in PL/SQL as well as with SQL statements. (5 marks)
    b) Write an SQL statement to use is_number which passes in test values is_number(‘123’) and is_number(‘12a3’) and returns the result. Provide the SQL code and captured output. (make sure you change the quotes if copying from this document as Word uses the wrong characters for single quote characters) (5 marks)
    c) Write a stored procedure called sp_number_conversion which has a single IN parameter and a single OUT parameter. The IN parameter takes in a string to convert and the out parameter will contain a message depending on the success or fail of the conversion operation.
    On success
    ‘Converted ‘Input_Value’ to value XXXXX’.
    On failure
    ‘Unable to convert ‘Input_Value’ to a number’.
    where ‘Input_Value’ is the value passed to procedure as the IN parameter. (5 marks)
    d) Write an anonymous block of code that will loop and break up the string below into sections and pass them to sp_number_conversion procedure. Print out the result from calling the procedure for each data passes into the procedure
    String to process
    ‘12345, 3.14e3, a123, 123a, 12a3, SixtySix, -12.34, +12.56’
    (5 Marks)

    Table Structures with field types







    1. Specified procedures, functions with the requested parameters
    2. The code executes without error messages.
    3. The code produces the required output.
    4. The code addresses the specification and provides a solution to every element in the specification.
    5. The code is well structured and, where applicable, adopts an optimal and sophisticated approach to PL/SQL.
    6. The programing units have been separated into necessary functions and procedures.
    7. Exceptions need to be catered for appropriately in procedures and functions.
    8. Cursors used as specified in the specifications.
    9. The code is well commented and well structured.
      Academic misconduct
      Please ensure that you do not share any information about your assignment with anyone. Do not accidentally leave printouts or USB drives that contain your assignment details where someone else can access them. Make sure not to store your assignments on a computer where another student can access your assignment.
      Academic misconduct is unacceptable and includes plagiarism, collusion and cheating. You will find further explanation if you follow the link on the USQ home page to -Current Students- or
      • This assignment must be all your own work
      • The source of all information must be correctly cited and referenced
      • Do not leave printouts for other people to access your work
      • Do not leave USB with assignments plugged in public computers
      Assignment that do not adhere to these requirements have the potential to be deemed to be the result of academic misconduct. Please make sure to read the USQ policies.
      Should you have any queries regarding this assignment, please do not hesitate to email the course examiner.
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      Late submission of Assignments
      Students can apply for an extension of time, to submit an assignment, at any time up to the deadline. You will see a specific Assignment extension request submission has been set up for this purpose. Any requests for extension must be made there and follow the USQ policies (Assessment:, Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances:
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