Writers Solution

Designing a training program

You will use the organization selected in Unit 1 to continue your paper on developing training program. This week’s focus is on the needs assessment phase, using task analysis, of the training program. You will be using Figure 4-1 on page 108 as a map for your course project and Unit 2. During the next several weeks, you will be designing a training program. This project will develop during the course with a section on needs assessment, a section on design, a section on implementation, and a section on evaluation. The result will be a complete training program for an organization. You will be using Figure 4-1 on page 108 as a map for our course project. In Unit 1, you will identify the organization you will use for the course project. You will also identify the organization’s competitive advantage, business strategy, and business need. These will be an important frame for the development of your training program. You will want to make sure that your training program addresses the business need. In Unit 2, you will take the next step in the development of your training program by completing a needs assessment using a task analysis. In Unit 3, you will continue the development of training program by adding a section on designing the program using a live instructor led method.


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at


USE this Worksheet for this assignment.

When applicable, you can use material from the U1 and 2 Worksheet.  You can also change your U1 and 2 Worksheet responses for U3 to improve them.

Unit 3 Task Analysis Worksheet

NAME: Mary Smith



            The organization is South County Mental Health Center

Program Title

            The title of the training program is, “How to comply with laws and regulations.”

Business Strategy (FOCUS: one sentence- generating revenue, containing expenses, complying with regulations)

            The business strategy for South County Mental Health Center is complying with regulations

Business Need – WHAT (FOCUS: one sentence stating what the organization needs to do to accomplish that business strategy)

            In order to comply with regulations, South County Mental Health Center must hire staff that are skilled, complaint with the organization, state and federal policies. This include having special licenses if the position they are seeking requires the holder to have it.

Business Need – HOW (Explain how this business need accomplishes the Business Need – WHAT? Who gets trained and what training is required?)

            To accomplish the business needs, South County Mental Health Center must ensure that the staff involved in daily operations are competent and skilled. Since the organization handles mental ill individuals, it is imperative for the staff to have special care and attention. This can be achieved through staff onboarding and orientation program.

Transfer of Training – Near or Far and Why

            The training will use far transfer of training because the trainees are in different stages of personal and career development. Also, the application of the skills and competency will vary depending with area of specialty and position a staff hold in the organization.

Transfer of Training – What Transfer of Training principleswill you use in your lesson plan to address your Near or Far Transfer of Trainingand how? (pages 79 – 83)             The transfer of training will use identical elements, general principles, stimulus variability and support in the work place. The use of identical element is very important when transferring skills and competency from experienced staff to newly hired staff. The identical element will give the trainees the opportunity…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Restorative justice program

In 500-750 words, evaluate the merits of restorative justice programs by doing the following:

Locate a restorative justice program that is currently in use by a justice agency.

Use research sources to explain how effective this type of program is.
Explain if you feel the benefits outweigh the costs, and why.
Use the GCU Library to locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content, no older than 5 years.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Use restorative justice program..


Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at 


Victim Assistance and Involvement Program

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Course Title

June 14, 2020

Victim Assistance and Involvement Program

            Serious crimes perpetuated often produces great impact on the victims and their families. According to Huang (2018) the victims of violent crimes together with their families often suffer physically and psychologically. Suffering is not restricted to the victims of violent crimes, but can have adverse effects on other victims such as rape victims, and victims of burglary. However, all the victims regardless of the nature of victimization require some assistance to cope with life after crime. The federal government has come up with numerous programs that target towards justice restoration among the victims of violence. One such program that is currently being employed is the Victim Assistance and Involvement Program.

            The role that a victim plays in the criminal justice process is continually a subject of discussion. Underwood and Edmunds (2003) points out that the roles of the victims have been reduced to that of an obscure bystander. The Victim Assistance and Involvement Program is one of the federal restorative programs that were initiated to create a balance and offer the victims some form of voices. According to Centre for Justice and Reconciliation (2020) the Victim Assistance and Involvement Program offers assistance to the victims when they are undergoing recovery from crime and when they were undergoing the justice process. The program has two major roles; acts as an advocate for the rights of the victim during the justice process and provide the necessary community support to avert personal crises that results from victimization.

            The major purposes of the Victim Assistance and Involvement Program are to provide legal representation to the victim so that they do not fall victims of re-victimization to the system neglect (Centre for Justice & Reconciliation, 2020).  The author asserts that the program helps in meeting the physical and psychological needs of the victim after they have been subjected to criminal acts. In addition, the Victim Assistance and Involvement Program provide the victims with the opportunity to reintegrate effectively into the society as restored victims.

            The benefits of the Victims Assistance and Involvement Program outweigh its costs. The federal government funds the victims assistance programs, taking substantial funds with the sole purpose of helping the victims settle within the society. Research indicates that Victim Assistance Programs are associated with increased psychological stability. According to Eckhardt et al. (2015), many victims of crimes suffer psychological challenges that can include depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD). However, the use of victim’s assistance programs has been shown to be effective in elevating such complex psychological conditions on victims. Given that crimes will never be eradicated, the victim assistance programs are not only important but offer a cheaper alternative than treatment of psychological effects of crime. The treatment of serious psychological problems such as PSTD can be very expensive to the family of the victims. The use of victim assistance programs offers a cheaper alternative to preventing such occurrences. For restorative justice program..

            The Victims Assistance and Involvement Program acts as a preventive program. Through the program, the victims are helped to settle into the community and continue with their life in a normal way. Without the program, some of the victims could easily sink into depression and PSTD, thus affecting the family and those who dependent upon them. It is imperative that an assistance program be provided to ensure they assume normal life. The program also acts as a way of preventing a possible economic challenge that could result from psychological conditions such as depression. Therefore, the benefits of Victims Assistance and Involvement Program outweigh the costs of running the program.


Centre for Justice & Reconciliation. (2020). Victim Assistance. Restorative Justice. Retrieved 14 June 2020, from

Eckhardt, C., Murphy, C., Whitaker, D., Sprunger, J., Dykstra, R., & Woodard, K. (2015). The Effectiveness of Intervention Programs for Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Partner Abuse4(2), 196-231.

Huang, L. (2018). Unmet Needs and Service Satisfaction of Victim Support for the Direct and Indirect Victims of Serious Violence: Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey in Taiwan. Plos ONE13(2), e0192905.

Underwood, T., & Edmunds, C. (Eds.). (2003). Victim assistance: Exploring individual practice, organizational policy, and societal responses. Springer Publishing Company.





Writers Solution

Implementing an ethics-training program for a public organization

Using the hard work that you put in the Research Paper for Unit VII, you will build a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation to present your findings, and portray the importance of implementing an ethics-training program for a public organization. This is the framework for an actual presentation that you may be asked to make in the future. Use this opportunity to get feedback and put together a “first-rate” presentation!Components of the presentation will include:? five to six abbreviate bullets for each slide, using approximately 24-point font,? a simple but appropriate background for your slides, and? the “Notes View” section below each slide to incorporate the talking points that you would use when presenting each slide.The sequence of slides will be:? Slide 1: Title slide – title of the assignment, student name, course title, and date;? Slide 2: Basis for your research;? Slide 3: Conclusions from your research;? Slide 4: Four Goals for an ethics-training program;? Slide 5 and 6: Cite two examples of public administration corruption;? Slide 7 and 8: Describe two areas public institutions should focus on over the next five years;? Slide 9: Summary (note the key points and why you believe this is important), and? Slide 10: References (APA format).Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.Please use the essay in the uploaded References to creat the powerpoint






Writers Solution

Assessing the DARE Program

The DARE Program and its effectiveness and continued funding has become a source of heated public debate over the past few years, as the program frequently becomes a target of budget cuts, despite its huge popularity with parents. The program is often cited as ineffective in reducing drug usage by those graduating from the program.
Write a 2 page paper.  Address the following in your paper:
    Should the DARE Program be discontinued? Why or why not?
    Are there any other unintended consequences of the DARE Program that should be considered when the program is assessed? If so, what are they and why are they important to consider?Include a title page and 3-5 references.  Only one reference can be from the internet (not Wikipedia).  The other references must be from the Grantham University online Library. Please adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition, 2nd printing when writing and submitting papers. Papers should be grammatically correct.  Lastly, avoid first person and contractions in your paper. You can provide an opinion without using “I think” statements.






Law: Assessing the D.A.R.E Program

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Assessing the D.A.R.E Program

            The United States has the highest number of drug abuse and addiction cases in the world. The rise of alcohol related problems in the country has seen adoption of various substance abuse models and programs to address the problems. While many young people in the country continue to reap the benefits of some of outreach programs, that seek to build highest ideals and character, some national programs continue to absorb huge national funds without measurable results. .Many critics have highlighted D.A.R.E program as one such youth outreach program that have shown shortcomings (West & O’Neal, 2004). D.A.R.E program should be discontinued.

Reasons Why the Program Should be Discontinued…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Prevention Program Design in Your Community


Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course. You have analyzed models of addiction. You also have examined psychoanalytic, Gestalt, and evidence-based treatment models. Additionally, you considered how to develop treatment plans, provide for relapse prevention, and create successful addiction programs. Think about the information you will take away from this course and how it could be used in practice.

How do you create a prevention program that meets the particular needs of a community? How can you determine if a prevention program is successful? This week, you will work toward answering these questions.

Required Resources


Optional Resources

Week 6 Discussion

Prevention Program Design in Your Community

Effective prevention programs should present long-term, repeated interventions to create effective family, school, and community programs. Some communities have already established and implemented a local prevention program, whereas others are still struggling to develop one. Consider your own community, and identify two addiction issues.

To prepare for this Discussion:.

  • Review Chapter 4, “Examples of Research-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Programs” in Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators, and Community Leaders.
  • Consider how you could create a research-based principles addiction prevention program for your community.
  • Reflect on how you will reach all students, families, and community members.

Postby Day 4 a response to the following:

Provide a brief description of your community and the addiction issue you identified. Describe a prevention program you would create to address the addiction issue. Given the demographics of your community, explain how you would get the message out to families, schools, and the community at large.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.






Art: Prevention Program Design in the Community

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Brief Description of My Community

            My community consists of diverse families, with an average youthful population. Majority of the families have average incomes and can afford majority of basic and luxuries necessities in life. Most of the youthful population is school-going children with an average age of about 15 years. Many of the youths struggle with alcohol abuse and violence associated with alcohol abuse. A prevention program that needs to be designed for my community must involve the parents and educators, since most of the drug abuse cases occur among the school going youth. Employing a program that involves the school, families and community, is pertinent in fighting alcohol abuse.

Prevention Program that Would be Created to Solve Alcohol Abuse in the Community           The prevention program that would be ideal in tackling alcohol abuse in my community is the Project STAR program. According to (National Institut…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

strategic Planning Assignment, Program

strategic Planning Assignment, Program: MBAAll points are to be discussed in 2000 to 2400 words.Plagiarism (copy and paste from the internet or other resources) should not exceed 20%.$$$$$$$$$The company in the three tasks is different you must answer for tasks 1 and 2 and 3 as three different companies in real life with talk about its strategy.

The instructions have stated that i use Vista company, you supposed to use three different companies for every task.

Every task with a different company name in real life.

he Name of the companies it’s Optional you can get any three famous company but the answer should be in( strategic planning course only) .Files: Strategic Planning Assignment .docx

  1. Assignment status
    Solved by our Writing Team at
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Imagine you have just taken on the role as leader of an educational program in your specialization and have been told to implement a change process that is part of a district initiative.

  Imagine you have just taken on the role as leader of an educational program in your specialization and have been told to implement a change process that is part of a district initiative. As a new leader, you have yet to establish trust with your colleagues, so that when you start to implement the initiative, you are surprised to get immediate push back from your colleagues. How might you work to shift your colleagues’ dissatisfaction and disengagement and support them in their roles as change agents? What leadership strategies would win the trust of your colleagues and help them see the merits of the initiative?

For this Discussion, you will analyze evidence-based strategies to establish stakeholder trust and buy-in for change and counteract resistance to change.

To prepare:

  • Review the assigned chapters in the Fullan (2016) text. Consider the difference between adopting an innovative program, the complexity of actually implementing it, and why stakeholders resist      change.
  • Read the Gurley, Peters, & Collins (2015); Day, Gu, & Sammons (2016); Covey (2009); and Adams & Miskell (2016) articles. Think about the process of initiating and implementing change, the influence of leadership on change, and how to gain buy-in and trust from stakeholders throughout the change process.
  • Reflect on experiences you have had in your professional practice where staff were resistant to a change in your specialization. What attempts were made by leadership to establish trust and buy-in for the change? What strategies were (or were not) used when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation? As a leader, what strategies would you have employed?
  • Research evidence-based strategies for establishing trust and buy-in from staff prior to implementing change and for supporting staff when they resist changes during implementation.

An explanation of the following:

  • Background information on an experience from your professional practice where staff were resisting a change in a program or practice in your specialization
  • At least two strategies you would have used to establish trust and buy-in from the staff prior to implementing the change. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected      strategies.
  • At least two strategies you would have employed when staff members refused or pushed back during implementation of the change process. Provide a research-supported rationale for your selected strategies.

For this Discussion, and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style and provide reference citations.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Fullan, M. (2016). The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

· Chapter 4, “Initiation, Implementation, and Continuation” (pp. 54–81)

· Chapter 6, “The Teacher” (pp. 97–122)

· Chapter 10, “The District Administrator” (pp. 177–208)

Writers Solution

Bodybuilding training principles for one of the phases of a training program

Create a training script demonstrating your understanding of bodybuilding training principles for one of the phases of a training program (Foundational Training phase, Hypertrophy training phase, or Cutting training phase). The training script should be completed within the following guidelines:

  • 1. State your name, school, or association that you work for.
  • 2. State the training phase that you are designing the program for.
  • 3. Outline the layout of the training program for one training day. (NOTE: Training program should be specific to one of the aforementioned phases of training.) Provide an explanation describing how your recommendations are specific to the phase of training that you have chosen to design the program for.
  • 4. Provide thorough descriptions of the coaching cues you would use for each exercise that you recommend. For instance, if you recommend that the athlete should perform a front squat, state the coaching cues you will use to get the athlete to perform the movement properly. These coaching cues should be written in a narrative format. The reviewer should be able to read your script and get a mental image of what is trying to be relayed.
  • 5. The training script should be for one training day.
  • 6. Include both a warm-up and cool-down routine with coaching cue descriptions for each drill.
  • 7. The script should be 1500+ words typed and submitted in a Word (.DOC) or PDF format. For ease of review, please used Size 12 font in Black.

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Program Outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF Competencies


  1. The Concept Map must visually connect all of the specified objectives  (Program Outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF Competencies) to course work (such as specific discussion board topics, written assignments, exams, lessons, and reading content).    
  2. All items should be labeled, for instance, label the objectives and label the course work you select with name of the assignment/reading/discussion board topic and which week it was introduced.
  3. Use Microsoft Word or a PowerPoint to create a Concept Map. You can use the features found on the “Insert” tab of a Word doc (in the horizontal ribbon on the top of a Word doc page). For instance, if you click on “insert” you will see shapes and SmartArt. You can use a PowerPoint slide with shapes and lines to create a concept/mind map. This is not a PowerPoint presentation, but a PowerPoint slide can be used to “draw” the Map.

Outcomes/Competencies to be connected with course learning: 

MSN Program Outcome #2:

Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes (Care-Focused).

MSN Essential VIII:

Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Competencies #4: Practice Inquiry Competencies

  • Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.

Your Concept Map will visually depict how you see the assignments of the course meeting the outcomes above.

Preparing the Assignment

ViewHow to Create a Concept Map (Links to an external site.)

textbook:  Curley, A.L. & Vitale, P.A. (2016). Population-Based Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Advanced Practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. 


MSN Program Outcome #2 

  • The Map visually connects the Category to a minimum of two (2) assignments. 
  • Each assignment is clearly labeled with week and content topic. 

MSN Essential VIII

  • The Map visually connects the Category to a minimum of two (2) assignments. 
  • Each assignment is clearly labeled with week and content topic. 

NONPF Competencies #4 

Writers Solution

Java program that implements a simple game

Please use the simplest form of Java coding

The game
The objective of this assignment is to write a Java program that implements a simple game. The game involves 4 sheep and one dog who exist in a NxN grid. It is a (greatly simplified) representation of sheep herding with a border collie (see for some more background. If you are interested, there is a famous local sheep herding competition at the Longshaw estate just outside Sheffield, and the next one will be in September 2021 – see ©).
In our game each sheep and the dog are located in one particular square for each turn of the game. The user controls the dog, and the sheep move (mostly) in response to the Dogs position. Note that in English, the word sheep is both singular and plural.
The aim of the game is to herd the sheep into a single square. The game starts with 4 sheep randomly distributed across the grid. In each turn the user enters the co-ordinates (row and column) of one of the squares, and the dog is moved to that square. The sheep should then move 1 square, according to the following rules:
• Each sheep picks a random number between 1 and 6.
• If the number is in the range 1-3, then the sheep moves away from the dog. This should be to the square directly away from the dog, unless this move would take the sheep off the edge of the grid, in which case it should stay still.
• If the number is 4 or 5, the sheep should move beside the dog — i.e., it should move to a square adjacent to the dog. Unless the dog is close to the edge of the grid there are four possible moves, and the sheep should choose one of these randomly.
• If the number is a 6 then the sheep should move to the same square as the dog
• If the dog is on the same square as the sheep at the start of the turn, then the sheep moves randomly to any adjacent square.
• Sheep move either along rows or along columns, they cannot move diagonally.
The task
Your assignment is to implement this game in Java, and you should follow the instructions below exactly:
• The program must include a sheep class that models each individual sheep. This class must contain an instance variable that tracks which square the sheep is on, and
avoid move(int dogRow, int dogCoi) method that takes the Dog’s current square as an argument and updates the sheeps square using the rules provided above.
• A random integer can be generated by importing java.util.Random, creating a Random object, and using the nextint (6) method on the Random object to generate a random integer between 0 to 5 (i.e. from 0 to less than 6), and nextint (4) to generate a random integer between 0 and 3.
• The grid should be of size N x N, where N is an integer between 3 and 9. You can either set N as a constant, or N can be specified by the user.
• During each turn, the program should display a grid that shows the location of each Sheep and the Dog. You do not need to match the example below exactly. Using letters and a simple grid displayed in the command window or terminal, as shown below, is fine. You can use more a imaginative display if you want to. If you would like a challenge, then you can use the updated EasyGraphics class from the Sheffield package for a graphical display. The version of EasyGraphics .java on the Assignment? section on Blackboard has updated capability for displaying colours. However, you should not use other third-party libraries for a graphical display.
• The game should be run from a class called sheepHerding. java which should have a main method. At the beginning of the game, this class should place the 4 sheep randomly on the grid, and then prompt the user for the co-ordinates of the Dog (you can use EasyReader for this. The move (dogRow, dogCoi) method should then be called for each sheep, and the position of each sheep should be updated. The grid should then be re-drawn and the user prompted for the next turn.
• The game should end if (i) all the sheep are in the same square, or (ii) the user enters a number 0. It should print a message to say either -All sheep in one square!- or -User quit- to indicate the event that caused the program to end.
• You should create other classes and methods as you choose to form a structured, Object-Oriented system. Only create additional classes if they are needed. It is possible to write an acceptable solution with only 3 classes, SheepHerding, sheep and DisplayGame.
Example output
Please enter new dog
Please enter new dog
Moving sheep
row: 3
column (0 to quit): 2
12 3
2 I S | | |
31 I S| |
I I D | |
Please enter new dog row:
In this example the grid has size 3; sheep are indicated by S, and the dog by D. The example below shows the final turn from a game where the dog succeeds in herding the sheep into a single square on a grid with size 5 (this is quite a rare occurrence!).