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Review (pros and cons) and summary of Diet Program 1

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Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly

Unit 3 [GM591]
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Unit 3 Assignment: Case Analysis – Proposed Rocket Assembly Project Paper
In this Assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcome:
GM591-2: Apply process groups to project life cycles.
In this Assignment, you will review a case and research the use of programs and portfolios with projects and provide your recommended course of action.
Your company, Space Systems Technologies (SST), has the mission of assembling commercial and military launch vehicles. SST does no fabrication, it simply provides customers specialized assembly expertise, brings the prefabricated parts of the expendable launch vehicle together, and though an assembly process delivers a completed launch vehicle to the launch facility to be mated with the propulsion system prior to launch. SST Corporation assembles many different launch vehicles for various customers who design and launch the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles, but lacks the necessary facilities and expertise in rocket assembly.
SST is submitting a proposal in response to the Ansari XPRIZE Competition as a sub-contractor to Scaled Composites. SST will assemble the different competitor rockets and ship to Scaled Composites who will conduct engine mating, launch, and test data collection.
Your vice president for engineering must decide whether to incorporate these XPRIZE rocket assembly projects into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly or, have a separate program or, consolidate the effort into a project portfolio. You have been asked to research the use of programs and portfolios with projects and provide your recommended course of action. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following:
● Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly
● Establishing the XPRIZE vehicles into a standalone program, or
● Establishing a portfolio of XPRIZE vehicles
Your paper will provide a short understanding of the situation and problem as it pertains to the mission of Space Systems Technologies, an analysis of each of the options with cited references, a synthesized recommended course of action, and the evaluation of that conclusion from a source reference not already used in your analysis of the problem.
Please go to the XPRIZE website for further information on the XPRIZE Competition. Be sure to focus only on the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles that are part of this competition.
Possible Websites:
The Assignment requires you to conduct research to glean insights related to this case. Possible websites that can assist you are below:
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What is the Google lunar XPRIZE? (2017). Retrieved from
Ansari XPRIZE. (2017). Retrieved from (This website explains what XPRIZE is.)
Scaled Composites, LLC. (2014). Retrieved from
Scaled Composites, LLC. (2014). Retrieved from (XPRIZE Winner)
Aircraft. (2014). Scaled Composites, LLC. Retrieved from
Directions for submitting your paper on your recommended course of action to your VP on how to group the proposed rocket assembly projects.
The Assignment essentially requires you to evaluate three options and make a recommendation to your VP for the most preferred alternative. In completing the Assignment, place emphasis solely on the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles. Please also recall the following:
● Ansari XPRIZE is the vehicle launch competition. The winner receives $10M.
● Space Systems Technologies (SST) assembles launch rocket vehicles and is submitting a proposal to do so.
● SST will be a sub-contractor to Scaled Composites.
Your Assignment should include an evaluation of three options. Your evaluation must include the advantage and disadvantage of the following three options, which are as follows:
● Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly
● Establishing the XPRIZE vehicles into a standalone program or,
● Establishing a portfolio of XPRIZE vehicles
Criteria for the Assignment
● You should begin your Assignment with an Executive Summary of the situation. ● You should conclude your discussion with the final selected recommendation based on the recommendations provided and the next course of action that should be taken based on the recommendation. ● Include references to validate key points, factual claims and counter arguments. ● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project management outcomes.
● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.
● Include a table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly. Assess the process groups in the project life cycle.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your
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recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.
● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.
● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800-words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Submit your paper to the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.
GM591 Unit 3 Assignment: Proposed Rocket Assembly Project Paper
Content (50 pts)
Points Possible
Points Earned
Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.
Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.
Analysis (30 pts)
Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.
Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons, and inferences.
Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.
Writing (20 pts)
Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.
Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).
Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

Assignment status
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foundation of your DBA program.


The final assignment asks you to develop a short research plan that will become the foundation of your DBA program. This plan will evolve as you proceed in your program. Much of this document will be useful in your dissertation, especially the literature review. The headings for each section are in bold below, followed by what is needed in each section.


Provide a short introduction to your research. Often this is a sentence or two that says why there is a problem, what the problem is generally, and what you plan to do. Essentially, this section gives the reader an idea of what they will see in the rest of the document.

Problem Statement

Identify the research topic. Justify that this topic is both a business topic and an applied topic. (Length: about one-half page)

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Identify a theory or conceptual framework that could be used for your study. Justify how it relates to your topic. (Length: one half to one page)

Literature Review

Provide a three-page literature review that covers the following:

  • History of your topic. Justify it as a worthwhile topic. What is its impact on business?
  • Evolution of your theory. Who came up with it, and how has it evolved?


Discuss your planned methodology. In future courses, you will explore methodologies in greater detail. At this stage, you are simply exploring options as to how you could study this research topic. It is recommended that you avoid mixed methods research as the time involved is significantly greater than a single method. (Length: one half to one page)

Population/Data Collection

Planned population/data collection. If you plan to do interviews, who will you interview? If you plan to collect data from a source, what will that source be? (Length: one half to one page)

Bridging the Gap

Discuss areas you feel you need additional knowledge to complete your research (e.g., statistics if you plan a quantitative study, how to perform interviews if you plan to do a case study).


Bring the entire study goal to a summation. This should be a short paragraph of what you would like to do, why you would like to do it, and what you will need to learn to do it effectively.

Length:  7-10 pages

References:  Include a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journals using your citation manager of choice.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. 

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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Project folder containing your Java program

The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.

In this assignment you will develop a console program that simulates a restaurant menu. The project instructions are as follows:

Program Requirements:

  1. Each item on the menu must have a different price.
  2. Your menu must define at least 10 different items.
  3. Program Requirements:
    • Display the menu to the user.
    • Allow the user to select an item from the menu. (Record the selection in a variable.)
    • Once the user has selected an item, ask them how many they want (quantity). (Record the quantity in a variable.)
    • Calculate the total. (Sales tax is not included in this exercise.)
    • Ask the user to enter the amount of their payment. (Record this amount in a variable.)
    • Subtract the order total from the payment amount and present any remainder on screen as the customer’s “change”.
    • Remind the program operator to thank the customer for their patronage.
  4. Remember to test your program fully to ensure that all functions operate correctly.

Documentation Requirements:

Create a document in Word and add the following:

  • Title page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Create a diagram that illustrates where this data comes from (such as “selected by the user,” “entered by the user,” “item name from menu,” “price from menu,” etc.) and how it is handled by your program (what happens to that data).
  • List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
  • Describe the flow of operation of the program so that a potential user can understand how it works. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.

Project deliverables are as follows:

  1. Create a ZIP file that includes:
    • Project folder containing your Java program (see Program Requirements above).
    • Word document (see Documentation Requirements above).
  2. Upload your ZIP file to the course portal.
  3. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

The practice of project management has been with us for a long time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program. However, the ability of the project management profession to remain viable in an ever-changing world is dependent upon the members of the profession to recognize change, and to adjust to that change for the good of the organization.

Write a focus paper discussing the importance of aligning projects with the organization’s strategic goals. In your discussion, consider the advantages of having the leadership team support the project. Please be mindful that executives are interested in initiatives that promote the vision and mission of the organization.

Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary, commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis, compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable.

Criteria for the Assignment

● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or one that you would like to join).

● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project outcomes.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project organization reflects organizational strategies.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager, and the advantages of their support for the project.

● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and techniques.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and performance standards.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to communicate the project to the organization and stakeholders.


● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.

● A table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.

● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.

● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.

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Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your paper to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.

GM591 Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

Points Possible

Points Earned

Content (50 pts)

Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.


Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.


Analysis (30 pts)

Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.


Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons and inferences.


Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.


Writing (20 pts)

Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.


Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).


Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

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It is strongly recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of your program.

Literature Review Resources 

Topic: Recognizing a Misalignment  between business strategy and IT strategy   (Research paper)

Research the assigned topic and write a 20-page report. Your report must contain an abstract, introduction, body contents (subheadings), evaluation, conclusion, references. The report should be APA compliant (double-spaced, spelling, grammar, references & word formatting).

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the assigned and researched topic.

*Need at least 15 slides, can be 15 to 20 slides.

Hints for your slides: Excellent visuals for the topic; background, graphics, and text complement the presentation and are congruent with the message of the presentation.


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Literature Review Resources 

Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • It is strongly recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of your program. You will be adding to this document to begin building a running literature review. You will have five sources in your list by the end of this assignment.
  • The College of Doctoral Studies recognizes the diversity of learners in our programs and the varied interests in research topics for their dissertations in the Social Sciences.Dissertation topics must, at a minimum, be aligned to General Psychology in the Ph.D. program, Leadership in the Ed.D. Organizational Leadership program, Adult Instruction in the Ed.D. Teaching and Learning program, Management in the DBA program, and Counseling Practice, Counselor Education, Clinical Supervision or Advocacy/Leadership within the Counseling field in the Counselor Education Ph.D. program.If there are questions regarding appropriate alignment of a dissertation topic to the program, the respective program chair will be the final authority for approval decisions.Specifically, although the College prefers a learner’s topic align with the program emphasis, this alignment is not “required.” The College will remain flexible on the learner’s dissertation topic if it aligns with the degree program in which the learner is enrolled. The Ph.D. program in General Psychology does not support clinically based research.
  • Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.
  • Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool and use it to complete the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Read at least five empirical articles in your general dissertation field.

In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source:

  1. The APA formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.  – please see attached link.


Maximum Points: 50.0


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General Psychology in the Ph.D. program, Leadership in the Ed.D.

Literature Review Resources 

Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • It is strongly recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of your program. You will be adding to this document to begin building a running literature review. You will have five sources in your list by the end of this assignment.
  • The College of Doctoral Studies recognizes the diversity of learners in our programs and the varied interests in research topics for their dissertations in the Social Sciences.Dissertation topics must, at a minimum, be aligned to General Psychology in the Ph.D. program, Leadership in the Ed.D. Organizational Leadership program, Adult Instruction in the Ed.D. Teaching and Learning program, Management in the DBA program, and Counseling Practice, Counselor Education, Clinical Supervision or Advocacy/Leadership within the Counseling field in the Counselor Education Ph.D. program.If there are questions regarding appropriate alignment of a dissertation topic to the program, the respective program chair will be the final authority for approval decisions.Specifically, although the College prefers a learner’s topic align with the program emphasis, this alignment is not “required.” The College will remain flexible on the learner’s dissertation topic if it aligns with the degree program in which the learner is enrolled. The Ph.D. program in General Psychology does not support clinically based research.
  • Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.
  • Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool and use it to complete the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Read at least five empirical articles in your general dissertation field.

In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source:

  1. The APA formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.  – please see attached link.


Maximum Points: 50.0


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UMUC Psychology Program Goals

You will create a professional planning portfolio that contains a Core section—completed by all students—and either an Employment section or a Graduate School section, depending upon your post-baccalaureate plans. The final section of your portfolio will be a copy of your review paper, which has been corrected according to the feedback you received from your instructor.

The portfolio will be 7 to 10 pages, double-spaced, not including the expected title, reference pages and Career Review Paper. APA format is expected and you must reference yourself when quoting from past papers. Only academic/scholarly sources should be used.  Please only include one title page for the reflection portion of the portfolio and one for the revised Career Review Paper.

 The Core section will contain the following documents:

  • Document 1 – A personal statement describing your immediate and long-term career and life goals, including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate and realistic in terms of your curricular, extracurricular, professional, and personal experiences
  • Document 2- Students will write a paper reflecting upon their educational experiences within their psychology program journey, using the Program Goals as an organizational paradigm. That means you will organize your paper using the Goals. Sections of the body of the paper will correspond to the Goals. This paper should include thoughts regarding successes and challenges, new insights, and personal transformations. This should be at a deep level rather than a surface mention. You must address each of the Program Goals which are displayed below and discuss how you have specifically met that goal, referencing courses, papers and concepts. List the Program Goal verbatim (with proper citation) and then address each component to receive maximum points. You should organize Document 2 by the Program Goals and use headings per the APA Manual.  APA Style is expected and you must reference yourself when quoting from past papers. Only academic/scholarly sources should be used. You should organize it by the Program Goals and use headings per the APA Manual.

UMUC Psychology Program Goals

  • Apply major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology to prepare for graduate studies or careers in which psychological training is relevant.
  • Apply basic knowledge of research methodology, statistics, measurement, guidelines, ethical standards, laws, and regulations in order to design, participate in and to evaluate research in a variety of contexts.
  • Apply knowledge of human behavior to inform personal growth, communicate effectively, solve problems, make decisions and interact with individuals, communities, and organizations.
  • Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and where possible appropriate technology and the scientific approach to solve problems related to current and emergent trends within the domains of psychology.
  • Value diversity and different perspectives, tolerate ambiguity, and act ethically to communicate appropriately with various sociocultural and international populations.
  • Document 3 – A current, accurate, and professional-appearing resume or curriculum vitae
  • Document 4 – Choose one of either the employment section or graduate school section described below:
  1. The Employment section will contain the following documents:
  • The results of a computerized job search that yielded at least three job possibilities and a brief report that explains why each of these positions is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.
  • A professional-appearing cover letter that can be modified for specific job applications
  • One Completed letter-of-recommendation request-form for graduate school.  (I understand that the rubric instructs you to write 3).  You will not need to write your professors for this assignment.   Rather, this letter will be used as a template for such a letter if you need to ask for a recommendation later.   Consider it a form letter.  Please see the Letter of Recommendation Request Template Instructions located in the Content section of the classroom under “Week 7”.
  1. The Graduate School section will contain the following documents:
  • Results of a search for appropriate graduate programs that yielded at least three possible programs and a brief report that explains why each of these programs is appropriate for you based on your immediate and long-term career and life goals as described in the first section of this portfolio.
  • A professional appearing personal statement that can be modified for specific graduate programs
  • One Completed letter-of-recommendation request-form for graduate school.  (I understand that the rubric instructs you to write 3).  You will not need to write your professors for this assignment.   Rather, this letter will be used as a template for such a letter if you need to ask for a recommendation later.   Consider it a form letter.  Please see the Letter of Recommendation Request Template Instructions located in the Content section of the classroom under “Week 7”.
  • Document 5 –  A revised copy of your Career Review Paper from Week 3 of this course.

Please combine these documents into one file.  There are multiple ways to combine the documents:-Copy and paste your information or use the following links

Information about your Letter of Recommendation

You do not need to write one of your professors for this assignment.   Rather, this letter will be used as a template for such a letter if you need to ask for a recommendation later.   Consider it a form letter.

In the letter you will be asking a professor if they would recommend you for graduate school, some professional training program or certification program, or for employment. You decide which kind of letter you need or that would be of most benefit to you right now. 

-Choose a program or job from your search.  You only need to complete one letter for this assignment (I understand that the rubric states 3).

-Provide your complete name (and nickname if the professor knows you by that), along with your email address, and complete mailing address.

-Be sure to include the name of the position or program (along with the school, etc) for which you are applying.

-And let the professor know the date the recommendation is due.

-You should let the professor know what classes you have taken with them, in what year and semester, your grade, and anything you did in the class that you would like to point out, i.e., maybe a paper, or you led a discussion on some topic of interest, or perhaps something you really enjoyed about the class. 

-Let the professor know your area of interest and why you are interested in this, i.e., your goals, future plans, etc.

-Let your professor know your current status, and planned date of graduation.

Of course the specifics in the letter would change depending on the professor and class, and area of interest, and program or job for which you are applying, but you would have a good start on the letter, and you would know what kind of things to include.

If you have already done this, then you can borrow some of that information from an email you have written your professor.   But as this is a graded assignment, make sure that you have the necessary information.  You will not send this template to your professors.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here is a website that you might find useful: