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A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients

Prepare an essay that describes techniques for how a large group (i.e. group size 10, 100, or more) can work together effectively along with examples of software teams that utilize that technique.

A non-programming example of large-scale collaboration is the distribution of covid-19 vaccinations across the country to millions of patients. Healthcare workers had to distribute vaccination shots will keeping in mind the social distancing protocol and vaccination expiration dates alongside booster shot timeframes. To reach certain high-risk populations the government set up programs and vaccination sites based on zip-codes – staffed by military and healthcare workers (folks with training instead of volunteers off the street) with an appointment scheduling center and barcodes. They had paper and digital vaccination cards to ensure accurate record-keeping. For your report, please focus on software

production-related concerns.

For example, certain project management techniques may be helpful, or certain leadership structure structures. It might even be the formation of a common agreement, such as a specification file or standards. Please include varying examples in multiple dimensions; such as techniques that could work amongst a team, techniques that work across different teams, techniques that work across different time-zones, or across different organizations. You may reference your experience of group work in this class or any group work in other Brooklyn College classes, however, please try to keep it to examples of producing technical work.

In the spirit of proper essay writing at an academic institution, please ensure that your main argument is clearly identifiable in the first paragraph of the document. Your successive paragraphs should be evidence provided to support your main argument.

Please prepare at least 2 page single-spaced (I” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font) of your points. Be sure to include references with your report since you should demonstrate having done some research for evidence to back up your arguments)

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Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Step 1: Requirements

Write a program that will input a phrase and convert it to pig latin. Put each word in a separate element of a string array. Remove the first letter from each word and concatenate it to the end of the word followed by “ay.”

Sample Output from Program:


* You will be prompted to enter a string of *

* words. The string will be converted into *

* Pig Latin and the results displayed. *

* Enter as many strings as you would like. * 


Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

Original words: Computer Programming is fun to learn!

New Words: omputercay ogrammingpray isway unfay otay earnlay!

Enter a group of words or ENTER to quit: Quit

Pig Latin Hint: 

If a word begins with one or more consonants, move the consonant or consonant cluster to the end of the word. Add the letters “ay” to the end of the word. So, “pig” would be “igpay,” and “latin” would be “atinlay.”

Step 2:Processing Logic

Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements.

Main function

Display the heading

While the condition is true

Prompt the user for group of words or Enter to quit

Display original words

Call function pigLatinString( )

End while

pigLatinString( ) function

Declare and initialize string variables len, counter, start, begin, word and newString

While condition is true

Call find() and pass a space and start as parameters and return the returned value

to start

if start equals to string::npos

jump outside the loop permanently

call substr() function

display the word

update newString

increment start by one

assign start to begin

End While

Call substr()

Update newString

Return newString




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Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

The Complete Guide to Teaching Yourself with the Online Programm Assignment Help

The online programm assignment help is a great way to learn how to become a better writer.

The online programm assignment help is an online website that provides writing prompts and answers for students. It has been around since the year 2013. The site has over 1,000,000 registered users and a total of more than 15 million unique visitors in the last month.

The website provides students with writing prompts and answers for their assignments that are delivered via email or through text message. This makes it easy for students who have busy schedules or who live abroad to get their assignments done on time without having to worry about missing any school deadlines.

What is a programm assignment and what are the types of programms?

Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program. It can be done in different ways, for example, by using a language such as C or Java.

Types of programms:

– Programms that are written in a specific language and designed to solve particular problems. For example, an algorithm written in C would solve problems related to the operations of numbers and data processing.

– Programms that are created using general-purpose programming languages such as Python or JavaScript. These programs can be used for many purposes, from solving mathematical problems to simple games created with these languages.

How to Self-Study Programming with Online Programma Assignment Help

There are many online programming assistance programs. They can help you learn the basics of programming in a short span of time by providing you with clear instructions and assignments.

These programs provide a structured way to learn the necessary skills required for programming. They also offer a variety of topics to choose from, which will help you decide what suits your needs best.

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs’ Pricing and User Feedback

Online Programma Assignment Help Programs are a type of online tutoring services that offer help with homework, projects and other assignments. They are often referred to as online homework help or online project help.

The pricing of these programs can vary depending on the service provider, but they typically range from $5 to $15 per hour.

These programs are a good option for students who need help with school assignments. However, some students have reported that their grades have dropped after using these services because they were not able to complete their work themselves.

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma Assignment Help Companies That Can Accommodate Your Individual Budget

Programma is an online platform which provides help to students in completing their assignments. The platform provides a wide range of services including assignment help, editing and proofreading. The company also offers a variety of discounts for students and allow them to choose the type of assignment they need help with. Programma’s team is made up of experienced writers, editors and proofreaders who are able to provide assistance to students at affordable rates.

The world has seen a lot of changes in the recent years. With the advent of AI, it has become easier for people to find their own solutions when it comes to writing content or solving problems. With these changes, we have seen many companies come up with innovative




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Programm assignment is a type of programming that is used to create a computer program.

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Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project

Subject Code and Title MIS202 App, Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project
Individual/Group Individual
Length Not applicable
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine and apply web-based application architecture
b) Propose and communicate solutions using web-based design to meet organisational needs
c) Analyse organisational problems and develop solutions using frontend and backend technologies
d) Apply web-based programming concepts to solve organisational problems
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In Assessments 2 and 3, you will turn the website prototype you developed in Assessment 1 into a working website. In this assessment, you will be developing the frontend of that website.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
In this assessment, you will focus on frontend development. In particular, you will demonstrate your HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming skills and apply them in a close-to-real-life web development project.
Task Instructions
This assessment is based on the case study on Student Accommodation. You should first read the case in Assessment 1. You should also read the additional information for Assessment 2.
Additional information for the case
The website will support all the most recent several versions of mainstream browsers, including Safari, Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox. Considering the popularity of mobile devices, this website should also be able to be viewed on a mobile device with a mobile browser, that is, the layout of the website shall be able to automatically adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions.
The company places a high standard on the usability of this website and requires you to develop a website that maximises usability. The following usability considerations must be implemented:
• contextual help tips provided to users when they mouse over a button or an input field;
• client-side validation must be implemented, e.g. prompt to user when their password and confirmed password do not match or if the input is invalid (e.g. a negative number for weekly rent).
All programming code must be well formatted, including appropriate indentation and spacing. Please refer to section 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2 in Google HTML/CSS Style Guide available at
You must also provide sufficient comments in the code. In particular, comments must be provided to significant blocks of code that directly address the functional requirements of this system.
Assessment Task
You are now to develop a comprehensive frontend for the website in the case study using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The frontend must comprehensively include all the functional requirements described in the case study and the requirements you identified in Task 1, 2 in Assessment 1 for each user either described in the case study, or that you identified in Task 3.1 in Assessment 1. The frontend must also satisfy all the requirements in the Additional Information for the case section in this Assessment.
There is NO minimum HTML page requirement nor maximum HMTL page requirement.
You may use frontend web development frameworks or libraries, including but not limited to, Bootstrap ( and JQuery (
General Assessment Requirement
Incomprehensible submissions – Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.
Case study: Assessment response must focus on the hypothetical case study given in the Task Instructions. Any assessment items that do not address the case study may be awarded 0 (zero) marks.
Track changes: If you use Track Changes when writing your assessment, you must ensure that the submitted document is the final and correct version of the document. That is, if your submitted report contains Track Changes or Comments or any other editing marks, it may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility to submit the final and correct version of your report.
Check with marking criteria: Before submitting your assessment, you should check it against the assessment criteria and the marking rubric included in this specification to ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed all the criteria that will be used to mark your submission.
Academic language: All submissions should be thoroughly proofread for spelling, typographical or grammatical errors before being submitted. Do not reply on the ‘spell-check’ function in your word processing program. If, for example, ‘affect’ is substituted for ‘effect’, your program may not detect the error.
Referencing: No referencing required for this assessment.
Submission Instructions: ALL students must submit ONE ZIP file containing ALL HTML/CSS/JS files via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS202 App, Web Design and Development. Physical copies/email submissions are not accepted.
Complete and correct submission: Assessments, once submitted, are FINAL and therefore cannot be modified. The onus is on you to ensure that your submissions are final, correct (correct files in correct format) and complete before submitting to Blackboard.
You are expected to begin this assessment when you begin the trimester, especially as you relate the learning activities (formative assessment) in the modules to this and the other (summative) assessments. Be sure to keep several drafts of your work as well as your notes and any sources you used to draw on when preparing your report.
Extensions will be considered only in extenuating circumstances where the student has applied before the due date. At that point, students are required to provide the latest draft, in case the extension is not granted, and to demonstrate they have earnestly done everything to avoid lateness.
Students are responsible for keeping appropriate back-ups and drafts of their assignments and to submit the correct version.
Torrens University Australia’s policies apply to the preparation and submission of this assignment.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%

20% Web Page Layout And Styling
The overall web page design is professional and the layout is complete (e.g. clear navigation, footer).
The overall styling of the web pages is professional and is suitable for the case study. The website is poorly designed. The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of the basic web page structure.
The styling of the website does not look professional and may not be fit for purpose. The website is not very well designed and there is a noticeable lack of structural components in the web page.
The overall styling of the website is not very professional and there is significant room for improvement. The website is generally well designed and the layout structure is generally complete, but there is some room for improvement.
The overall styling of the website looks somewhat professional and generally fit for purpose, but there is some room for improvement. The website is excellently designed and the layout structure is generally complete.
The overall styling of the website looks professional and fit for purpose, but there is minor room for improvement. The website is expertly designed and the layout structure is complete.
The overall styling of the website looks extremely professional and fit for purpose.

20% teness and relevance
The front-end website covers all major functional requirements for all its users in the case study. All the website pages implemented in the submission are relevant to the case study. Many functional requirements are not implemented.
Many implemented
features are not relevant to the case study. Some of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Some of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. Most of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Most of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented.
All of the
implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented to a very high standard.
All implemented features are highly relevant to the case study.
Responsive web design and browser compatibility The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of The implementation demonstrates thorough and in-

20% The frontend development correctly used responsive web design.
The web pages and their layout adjust to various screen sizes. The web pages and their layout look good in all mainstream browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox). responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of browser compatibility. depth understanding of responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates thorough and indepth understanding of browser compatibility.
Web form design
• Form widgets are selected appropriately, that is, the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data.
• Appropriate HTML5 form
validation features are used.
20% The choice of form widgets demonstrates limited or no understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
No HTML5 form validation is implemented. The choice of form widgets demonstrates functional understanding
of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
Some HTML5 form
validation is
implemented, but there is significant room for improvement. The choice of form widgets demonstrates sound understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form validation is implemented, but there is some room for improvement. The choice of form widgets
demonstrates clear understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form
validation is implemented, but there is minor room for improvement. The form widgets are selected appropriately, that is the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data;
Appropriate HTML5 form validation features are correctly and thoroughly used.
Coding convention and quality of code
• The program follows a consistent naming convention.
• The program is well formatted, including appropriate spacing and indentation.
• The program contains sufficient comments; the implementation of major functions is commented. The code is formatted very little to not at all.
The naming of methods or variables is inconsistent. No naming convention is followed. The code is satisfactorily written, but there is substantial room for improvement.
There are significant errors in code format, and naming of methods or variables. The code is generally well written, but there is some room for improvement.
There are more than 5 errors, but less than 8 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is generally well written.
There are more than
2 errors but less than 5 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is expertly written.
There are no more than 2 errors in terms of naming convention and code format.
20% Little or no comments provided. There is a significant lack of useful comments. There is reasonable amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments

Writers Solution

Sage 50 is a bookkeeping programming which was sent off by Sage Group

Sage 50 is a bookkeeping programming which was sent off by Sage Group. Sage is phenomenal contrasted with other work area stage with cloud versatility. Sage regularly consider new updates which ensures all the vital assignment are done without any problem. Nonetheless, on specific events when clients are endeavoring to redesign their product, they face a couple of difficulties for instance they have burden in overhauling their product to a more current version.

Over all that, it routinely delivers its new updates with new superior highlights and its most recent delivered variation is Sage 2021. Anyway, it is considered as thorough programming anyway at times it happens when Sage gives mistakes like other bookkeeping programming. Sage 50 Update blunder is a typical slip-up that clients for the most part insight during their product update measure. This helper goes with absolute direction for Sage update related botch. For sure, even now and again client see grant ended cautioning message while going to do finance update.

Find-: setup a credit line bank account in sage

The following are some significant issue during update

  • Sage Update Error 1308
  • Sage Update Error 1603
  • Sage Payroll Update Error
  • Sage Update Bits Error
  • Sage Error Retrieving Update Information
  • Sage 50 Will Not Update
  • Sage 50 Update Not Installing

Sort of Error: Sage 50 Upgrade ErrorSage 50 redesign Error is caused when a client is attempting to update Sage 50 programming to a more up to date form. Client will get the accompanying message:

Mistake: “Sage 50 update couldn’t be finished and should be run once more”

You can track down this blunder in Sage 50-U.S. Version. Clients will have a few inconveniences while working after they have experienced this Sage 50 programming. They will not have the option to open any program and their administration delivery might have some blunder.

At the point when Sage 50 2021 Update Error Had Occurred ?

As clients endeavor to download refreshes for Sage 50, they experience a Sage 50 Error. This normally happens when certain records are not suitably changed during the redesign from the past variation of the application. Indeed, even after the product is closed, the program isn’t acknowledged by the working framework as being introduced, Anti-Virus holds the establishment of Services back from being delivered, and Peachupd.exe is running as a strategy, the misstep may likewise be the result of a peach.exe running in measures.

 Causes Behind The Sage 50 Upgrade ErrorThe different foundations for this mistake are:

  • Investigating issues
  • Security and firewall issues
  • Missing File organization
  • Mistaken record augmentation.
  • Sage Accounting 21.0 21.1, 21.2 Latest Update Download Failed
  • Update Download Failed
  • This message happens when you can’t refresh the
  • necessary record.

There are numerous clarifications why this could happen,

  • The record is being utilized by different applications right now.
  • Admittance to the predefined document isn’t accessible.
  • Restricted document access.
  • A bad or harmed organization documents.

Find More-: sage line 50 version 9 technical support number

The most effective method to Fix Sage 2021 Update Download Error WarningTo fix gives that occur while downloading the updates anyway
it falls flat, you really want to comprehend the beneath assuming advances

Strategy 1: Restart the framework

Restarting the framework might assist you with fixing this
blunder. When you restart then you want to run the update.

Strategy 2: Make sure that the information way coordinates with the
neighborhood way on the server

In this technique, you really want to actually take a look at the information way on the server. Alongside that check the information way area with the neighborhood information way. On the off chance that they don’t coordinate with one another then you want to uninstall the application and reinstall to an alternate program and information way.

Technique 3: Overhaul the application

In this technique, press the Start choice and go to the Control Panel. Then, pick Programs and afterward Features choice. When you arrive at the program list then, at that point, pick the Sage 50 Accounting and snap the “Change” key. From that point forward, hit “Fix”
and afterward click “Next” to begin the maintenance cycle. Indeed, even you can check all Sage 50 Database Repair Utility which help to fix the issue .

Technique 4: Uninstall and Reinstall your Sage programmingSubsequent to following the cycle and when it finished then download Sage. The most recent downloaded record comprises of the most recent assistance discharge applied. From that point onward, run Microsoft Easy Fix Utility. Uninstall the program through order brief. When the record is effectively uninstalled then close your window. When done then reinstall your Sage once more.

Sage 2021 Payroll Tax Table Update Issues and Problem

Preferably, this article covered the significant data in regards to the Sage 2021 update botch. To learn about Sage bookkeeping programming and the best goal of Sage update blunders.

Find Also-: sage error 1605


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Programming Paradigms In Unit 1, you researched early programming languages and object-oriented programming(OOP)

In this assignment, you will continue your research into different programming paradigms through the evaluation of Structured, Procedural, Functional, and Object_Oriented paradigms. You will be analyzing sequence, selection, and loop, the relational comparison operators, precedence when combining AND and OR operators, and the case structure. Instructions: Part 1: Research – Programming Paradigms In Unit 1, you researched early programming languages and object-oriented programming(OOP). For this portion of the assignment, research the three programming paradigms listed below. Describe each paradigm and how each differs from OOP. Explain which paradigm you believe to be the best for most programs. • Structured Programming • Procedural Programming • Functional Programming Part 2: Programs – Using Decision Logic Structures: 1. Design a program that asks the user to enter the length and width of two rectangles, Rectangle A and Rectangle B. Calculate the area of the two rectangles and display to the user if Rectangle A has a larger area, or if Rectangle B has the larger area, or if the two areas are equal. 2. The Acme company would like a program that they can use to quickly screen applicants’ qualifications for a job in their anvil factory. A potential employee must have a score of at least 85 on their anvil aptitude test and have a college degree in anvil engineering or have previous anvil factory experience. The CIS216 – Programming Principles Structure and Making Decisions program should enter the aptitude test score, a “Y” or “N” for the college degree, and a “Y” or “N” for previous experience. The program should then display if the applicant should be accepted or rejected based on their qualifications. Note: this program should use logic operators (AND, OR, NOT) as required to create a single conditional statement 3. Write a program that accepts a student’s numerical grade and returns the corresponding letter grade. If a grade less than zero or greater than 100 is entered, the program should display an error message. The program should also use a module to determine the appropriate grade. Letter grades are determined as follows: 0 – 59 F 60 – 69 D 70 – 79 C 80 – 89 B 90 – 100 A 4. Write a program that simulates a vending machine. The price of items in the vending range from $0.05 to $0.95. The vending machine only accepts $1.00 bills. Write a program that accepts the price of an item and calculates the correct change using the least amount of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. If a price is entered that is less than $0.05 or greater than $0.95 should display an error message and the amount of change should not be calculated. 5. Write a program that asks a user to enter two numbers and one of the following letters: A, S, M, or D. If the letter A is entered, the program should add the two numbers. If an S is entered, the program should subtract the two numbers. If an M is entered, the program should multiply the two numbers. If a D is entered, the program should divide the two numbers. The program should then display the results. If the user enters any letter besides A, S, M, or D, the program should display an invalid option error message. If the user enters D and a zero for the second number, the program should display a cannot divide by zero error message. The program should use the case structure to determine the correct action to be taken given the user’s input


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Understand and apply the key features of advanced Web design and programming features (MVC and Razor)

Developing Web Application
Individual Assessment
March 2021
Individual Assessment:
Weightage: 25%
Report deadline: Week 12
This assessment relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Understand and apply the key features of advanced Web design and programming features (MVC and Razor)
LO2 Create a web application by using web server controls, event handlers, application state, and session state
LO3 Develop client-server applications with form validations using client-side scripting and server-side database connectivity
LO4 Analyze security requirements and build websites with authentication and authorization features
LO5 Enforce quality and reliability to debug, troubleshoot, deploy, and monitor Web applications
In this project, you are required to design and develop your own personal portfolio website. The labs will help you to acquire the basic knowledge to complete the website. It is highly recommended that you complete your lab work each week. You can also refer to online resources.
Web Requirements:
Develop a web application with ASP.NET MVC using C# and RAZOR & Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017. Your website should contain following pages
Home Page Requirements
• You should add a home controller in your project with having index view.
• The purpose of the website should immediately be clear from the home view.
o It must contain the short introduction of yourself and your career ambition. For Example: “John Carter”. Software Developer. I design and develop
ASP.NET web applications o A short paragraph (40-80 words) about your career ambition.
• Make this view more creative than rest of your views. Add images, visually appealing design.
• Try to reflect your style and personality. First impression count!
Contact Page Requirements
• Give this view an appropriate name. In this view you need to add a contact form.
• The form must contain the name, email, and comment fields.
• You must apply the appropriate validation rules on these fields to make sure that use have entered the correct email or name is not just numbers.
Requirements of five additional pages
• In addition to the home and contact pages, you are given creative freedom to design and develop the rest of your personal website yourself with only a few specific requirements, but you must have a portfolio page to show case your projects.
• You need to design and develop five more web pages for your personal website for a total of seven that specifically reflect the career focused purpose of the website.
• Some suggestions (but you may think of your own) are shown below:
o About, Achievements, Bio, Blog, Career, Design, Education, Experience, Gallery, Hobbies, Journal, Ideas, Photography, Portfolio, Testimonials, Travel.
Database Requirements
• In portfolio page you need to list your projects. These projects must include the project title, Year of completion, Company Name, Description.
• You need to create a database for storing each project details as shown below
Title Year of
Completion Company Description
Student Management System 2019 VIT I have developed the student record system where all students’ details are managed.
IoT based bushfire system 2018 AuGov In this system we have develop a wireless sensor network to detect bushfires in dense forest
Timetable Generation 2017 VIT I used a genetic algorithm to develop a automatic time table generation software
• And as a register user you can add, update, and delete the projects.
Submission Guidelines
• You need to put all explanation about the steps you took to create your application, and screenshots of your web application in one report (.doc/pdf) file.
• Submit all your code files and a report file in a zip folder on Moodle before the due date.
• Your submission folder name should be “Project_X_YY.doc” (where X is your name and Y is your student ID).
• The Late penalty applies on late submission, 10% per day would be deducted.
• Incidence of plagiarism will not be tolerated and would be penalized.
Marking Guide: 25 Marks
Task Description
Design Created appropriate webpages using MVC pattern as well as Razor and information is displayed according to the requirements
Database Create database with the mentioned tables, filled appropriate data, allow register user to edit, delete, add and see the details
Controls and
Event Handlers Appropriate web server controls, event handlers, application state, and session state have been used
Quality Enforce quality and reliability to debug, troubleshoot, deploy, and monitor web application

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Solve the Linear programming model graphically, gives all the corner points along with the values of Z and identify which one is optimal. Give reasons.

Solve the following linear programming model graphically:

Maximize    Z = 3 x1 + 2 x2Subject to: 

2 x1 + 4 x2 ≤ 22-x1 + 4 x2 ≤ 104 x1 – 2 x2 ≤ 14×1 – 3 x2 ≤ 1×1, x2 ≥ 0

(a)  Solve the Linear programming model graphically, gives all the corner points along with the values of Z and identify which one is optimal. Give reasons.

(b)  Find the value of the slack and surplus variables at the optimal solution only

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Computer programming <a href=>assignment help</a> is something that most computer programming understudies have as of now knew about in their lives. Most of understudies are using computer programming assignment help online to jettison their assignment help related concerns. Numerous nations worldwide have become center points of highest level Universities and Colleges. Many presumed Universities follow severe confirmation method, so understudies who are now examining in these Universities have displayed extraordinary legitimacy.





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Programming in java 1) and the sixcharacter subject code (e.g. ITC206).

Task 1
Value: 12 marks
For this task you will create a Subject class, whose instances will represent the subjects for study at a university. A subject will have a name, just a String, and a subject code, which is a six-character String. The first three characters of a subject code are alphabetic and the last three are numeric. The first three characters define the subjects discipline area. A subject code must be unique but do not need to check subject name for uniqueness.
You will also write a TestSubject class to test the use of your Subject class. In particular this will maintain an array of subjects. In order to manage the uniqueness of the subject codes, your program will need to display information about existing subject codes as well as checking that any new subject code supplied by the user is not the same as any existing subject code.
The following state and functionality should be provided for the Subject class:
• Two fields will hold the subject’s name (e.g. Programming in java 1) and the sixcharacter subject code (e.g. ITC206).
• A constructor will allow a name and a new, validated subject code to be provided when a new subject is created.
• Getters will provide access to the attributes.
• An accessor method called codeMatches will return a boolean value indicating if the subjects code matches the string argument provided. -Matches- is used here in the same sense as for the matches method of the String class.
• A toString method will return a string containing the subject code and subject name.
To assist with managing subject codes and their uniqueness you will provide the Subject class with some class methods as follows (you may add more method9s) if you need):
• An isValidCode method will accept a string that is a possible new subject code, and return a boolean indicating whether it satisfies the structural requirements for a subject code (i.e. first three characters are letters and last three characters are digits).
• A codeExists method will accept an array of Subject objects and a possible new subject code. It will return a boolean indicating whether that code has already been allocated to one of the subjects in the array.
Your TestSubject program will perform the following sequence of actions, using good design techniques such as in the appropriate use of methods:
• An initial array of Subject objects will be created from any data in a file that was previously saved by the program (not using programming in java, just open a text file and write subject name and code and then save the file). You need to read those data from the file and process other requirements (using java programming)
• The user interaction will then proceed to allow the user to add one or more new subjects to the array. If the user wishes to add new subjects, the existing subjects should be displayed. Each subject code entered by the user should be checked against the existing subject codes. The user can enter any new subject, but only non-existing subject codes and their names should be added in the subject list, otherwise, give opportunity to enter new code if the entered subject code already exists in the list. The user should be given the choice of repeating the processing for more subjects.
• When the user has finished adding subjects, and only if subjects have indeed been added, the program will overwrite the data file with the updated data if anyone open the file using file explorer, he/she can see the all subjects including the newly added subjects.
• You may use an ArrayList to implement an array if you prefer and it is appropriate.
You need to submit java files and sample output (for detail please see marking guide and presentation below).
Task 2
Value: 8 marks
Design a class named Octagon that extends GeometricObject class and implements the Comparable and Cloneable interface. Assume that all eight sides of the octagon are of equal size. The area can be computed using following formula:

Draw the UML diagram that involves Octagon, GeometricObjects, Comparable, and Cloneable. Write a test program that creates an Octagon object with side values 5 and display its area and perimeter. Create a new object using clone method and compare the two objects using compareTo method.
GeometricObject class can be found in textbook. It is also given below





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Programming in java 1) and the sixcharacter subject code (e.g. ITC206).

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