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Does Implementation of Fall Prevention Programs Reduce Falls

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project (Project topic: Does Implementation of Fall Prevention Programs Reduce Falls), if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project. You can use this as reference: American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author. Scope of Nursing Practice, pp. 28-30 Review Appendix D, pp. 99-174 Websites: Explore the quality and safety reports on the National Academies Website Health and Medicine Division (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine): Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) website on workplace safety ( Textbook: Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. (2012). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.





Overcoming resistance to fall project implementation

Resistance to implementation of a fall project may be caused by the organizational culture(Dearholt& Dang, 2012).This is especially in a situation where there is no much teamwork, no incentives for good performance or low job satisfaction. A hospital that also starts projects without seeing them through may also lead to skepticism and cynicism(AHRQ, 2013).

Another impediment to the implementation of the fall project may also be lack of knowledge and motivation by the staff(American Nurses Association, 2015). Staff may not know their roles and responsibilities in the fall project, hence not being keen to be involved.The staff may also not appreciate the importance of the project and hence they may not be fully motivated in implementing it. That fall prevention is secondary healthcare may lead to some staff being dismissive of the project.

Staff resistance may also be caused by the increased workload and disrupted workflows (AHRQ, 2013). Staff at most health institutions are overwhelmed by the workload due to inadequate healthcare staff nationally. Such staff may resist extra roles and responsibilities, especially when these are not crucial in providing primary healthcare. The resistance may be enhanced by the fact that most staff have established workflows and hence may not welcome activities that disrupt their day-to-day activities.

Resistance to change may also be caused by lack of adequate resources(American Nurses Association, 2015).Apart from staff lacking time, lack of tangible resources such as new care products and communication tools will cause resistance to implementation of the fall project.

Ways to overcome resistance in the implementation of the fall project include having a champion in the hospital’s senior management (AHRQ, 2013). The change agent should get a champion for the project by presenting to them the business and clinical case for the project. Such a champion will be able to get the rest of the management and staff on board. They are also more likely to contribute to positive change in organizational culture through influence and or directives.

Resistance can also be overcome by constituting a unit to spearhead the changes(Dearholt& Dang, 2012).The unit should be constituted from members representing the various stakeholders involved in implementation of the fall project. These members will be able to communicate to the implementers the importan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Fall Prevention Programs Reduce Falls ……….


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Limited resources and cost increases of these programs

Many compensation professionals are faced with making decisions over which discretionary benefit programs they must eliminate because of the limited resources and cost increases of these programs. Looking at the discretionary benefits offered by your present or past organization determine which ones you would choose to retain and identify those which you would eliminate. Are these decisions based on the existing demographic composition of your workforce? Please explain your rationale for each. Cite at least two outside sources as references in your initial response. Read about limited resources and cost increases of these programs






Benefits to retain

Life and disability insurance: This is one of the benefits I will retain because when the employee is injured in the line of duty, the company will compensate(McCollum, 2014). Although this benefit is available in many third-party insurance companies, it is important to give assurance to the employee that incase of death or accident in their line of duty, they get compensated, thus minimizing uncertainty among the employees.

Employee assistance program, day care services, and wellness programs: These benefits are significant in the productivity of the employees. Studies have showed that employees cannot concentrate when they are not sure about the safety of their children. Similarly, unhealth employees are not productive(Bonache & Paz-Aparicio, 2015). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that employees concentrated fully in their duties by providing assistance program, day care services and wellness program. These are part of the non-traditional benefits and compensation.

Medical and health benefits: This is one of the very crucial benefits that an employer can extend to the employees. A healthy staff is very productive(Noe, et al., 2017). Many studies have showed that many employees cannot afford good medication and it’s the prerogative of the employer to maintain a healthy working staff. Medical and health benefits is the biggest perk of any employee.

Benefits to eliminate

Transportation services: Instead of incurring a lot of costs in transportation, the company should consider paying commuter allowance. Transportation services is unnecessary cost and it eats into the profit of the company.Paid time off: I don’t find it necessary to an employee…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Kinds of developmental programs

Topic 1: Chapter 12 presents several kinds of developmental programs on pages 423–426. Which of these would be most helpful for you and why? What do you want to learn more about related to developmental programs? Topic 2: Table 12-4 identifies career development tools. These are discussed on pages 417–426. Which of these do you think would be most effective in your career development and why? Identify which career development tool you will address in the subject line of your answer post. For example, Subject: Employee Self-Assessment Tools.

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Development Program and Career Development Tools

Topic 1: Development Program

            Development programs are meant to assist the employees to acquire job-related skills and behaviors. It is very imperative for the organizations to use development programs that focus on the current job position and it is aligned with the employee career path in the future. For example, in the medical field, the development programs are aimed at equipping the medical professionals with the skills and knowledge that facilitate them in the achievement ofhigher performance, increased success levels, attainment of organizational goals and reduced turnover rate within the organization(Gomez-Mejia, et al., 2010). Several kinds of development programs include on-the job-training, retraining, computer-based training, self-direct learning, classroom, and orientation.

            Analysis indicated that on-the job training and development program is commonly used by the organizations to reduce the expense of out-of-pocket and save time. Nonetheless, most organization uses these development programs to facilitate new employees to quickly settle down and helps the present employees to enhance their skills(Daft, 2005). It is important to understand that some of these development programs may have positive and negative impact on the organization due to investment the company incurs. In this case, the most helpful to development programs is on-the job-training, computer-based training, and self-direct learning.

            These development programs play critical role in helping the employees to acquire hand-on experience and improve quality service delivery. I believe these training and development programs will help me gel with other core workers and deliver the goals of the organization. It will facilitate me to acquire the skills and build the knowledge that will be beneficial to me at the organizational level as well as at the personal level(Gomez-Mejia, et al., 2010). I would like to learn more on how the development programs enables the organizations to select and hire employees with the right attitude and skills needed to propel the organization to be successful. More specifically how the development program helps the organization to retain employees for a longtime and minimize turnover rate.

Topic 2: Career development tools

            There are six career development tools that are commonly used by individuals and organization: one-on-one professional career development coaching, creating and implementing career development plan, use of career development software at various stages of career development, career development assessment, colleague and peer reviewing and brainstorming, and employee performance appraisal based on the past and present employers.             Based on my present career, I believe career development coaching…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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The Philosophy of Community-Based Correctional Programs

Complete Written Assignment: The Philosophy of Community-Based Correctional Programs
Community Corrections’ primary function and mission is to protect the community by supervising offenders and reporting non-compliance to the sentencing or releasing authority. The standard conditions of supervision stipulated by state statute, as well as special conditions imposed by the court or sentencing authority, include victim restitution, substance abuse and/or mental health treatment programs, and other sanctions or restrictions. Offenders are monitored through field contacts at their residences, employment sites and other locations in the community.
A probation officer conducts investigations, including pre-sentence investigations, other state investigations and violation reports. For this week’s Assignment you will write a report outlining appropriate referrals which will assist the below offender, Larry Greene, with available resources.
Consider the following offender profile.
Mr. Greene has little motivation to accomplish many things in life. At 20 years old, he has completed some courses at the local community college and maintained a 2.85 GPA. Mr. Green’s parents are very supportive of him, always providing parental guidance and love needed to progress through life. Mr. Green is unmotivated to achieve much in life and likes to spend his days with his friends that are equally unmotivated.
Write a 3–5 page expository essay on discussing the philosophy of community-based corrections programs based on Larry Greene’s profile. Your paper should address the following elements:
• Describe at least three goals of community corrections.
• Identify at least three types of community corrections that would benefit Mr. Greene.
• Discuss how Mr. Greene can engage with community correction programs.
• Discuss a minimum of four benefits of community corrections for Mr. Greene.
• Identify the intended outcomes of Mr. Greene participating in the programs you identified.
• In addition to the course materials, use other scholarly resources to support your arguments.
These questions need not be stated verbatim within the paper, but addressed as part of the exposition of the essay.
Your paper format should be as follows:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Body of the paper (3–5 pages)
  3. References page
  4. Utilize at least two references outside of the course textbook to support your explanation of the topic
  5. Do not use as a reference
  6. The entire work should be in APA format including in-text references and reference page
  7. All text and reference pages should be double-spaced and in 12- point font





Philosophy of Community-Based Corrections Based on Larry Greene Profile

 (Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Philosophy of Community-Based Corrections Based on Larry Greene Profile

            The presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice of 1967 introduced the integration of offenders with their community or society. Rather than being incarcerated, offenders like Larry Greene can be integrated into the community through a number of community programs that have specific goals and intended outcomes. According to (Alarid, Cromwell, Del Carmen & Cromwell, 2008) for community-based programs to meet the objectives of integration, they must provide a form of adaptation so that the offenders are able to utilize their skills in the community. This can only be possible through the alignment of the program goals and the outcomes.             Goals are an important component of community-based correction programs as it allows them to be evaluated on their efficiency, effectiveness, bases of need, and public safety and protection. According to (Alarid, Cromwell, Del Carmen & Cromwell, 2008) one of the goal of the community corrections is to assist offenders to conform to the required behavior as well as monitor their progress. The other goals are to reduce recidivism from the offenders, rehabilitation and to protect the public (……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Juvenile Blueprint Programs

Write a 3-5 page paper explaining the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program. Be sure to include the goals or mission of the program, who it targets, and why you think it has been successful, as well as any other important information you think we should know about the program. You will have to use outside sources for this assignment.
Requirements: on Juvenile Blueprint Programs
• 3-5 pages
• Use at least 3 reliable sources (not Wikipedia) for the topic Juvenile Blueprint Programs







Juvenile Blueprint Programs

Analysis of Juvenile and Delinquency

Diversion programs in the text described such programs as emphasizing a goal of reducing criminal behaviors among adolescents. This is done by diverting youth from the traditional form of juvenile justice systems and providing them with the alternatives to more formal processing. Form the book by Larry on Juvenile and Delinquency, there are more applications of theories, philosophies, including the law in addressing and examining juvenile justice policy issues (Bartol & Bartol, 2017). In this aspect, the writer explores both sides with controversial phases concerning the minors and delinquencies. Keeping juveniles off entering the youth from minor offenses is a crucial step in cutting down the flow of school-to-pr ……………………………………………..

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trong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities

Information Governance

, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. 


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Writers Solution

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making

Managerial Economics.

  it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Below is Course Syllabus. 

Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will acquire and demonstrate enhanced abilities to: 1. Discern the information relevant to making a decision (HSB ISLO #6) 2. Clarify policies and desired outcomes by economic modeling (HSB ISLO #9) 3. Integrate microeconomic concepts with statistical procedures to form alternatives and solutions to business problems (HSB ISLO #6, 9) 4. Develop criteria to evaluate alternatives (HSB ISLO #9) 5. Utilize learned technologies to enhance communication skills (HSB ISLO #7) Learner Outcomes/ Assessments The mission of the Hutton School of Business is to foster academic excellence and student achievement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students are provided with a strong academic foundation in business, and are prepared to become productive, competent, and ethical professionals. The Hutton School of Business provides a learning environment that is characterized by student-oriented instructional methodologies and the development of leadership and life-long learning skills in its students. At the Hutton School of Business, the following broad-based goals for students have been developed: • Students will acquire the relevant disciplinary knowledge and competencies appropriate to their program of study. • Students will acquire effective business-related professional skills. • Students will assess their personal values and connect them to ethical behaviors appropriate to their intended endeavors. Based upon these broad-based goals, the Hutton School of Business has identified the following general intended student learning outcomes (MBA ISLO) for students: 1. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed case study problem-solving skills. 2. Students will be able to identify the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing. 3. Students will be able to apply their findings from the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing to organizational decision making. 4. Students will be able to analyze the opportunities and challenges of globalization. 5. Students will be able to recognize ethical problems and apply standards of ethical behavior in business to managerial decision making. 6. Students will be able to apply appropriate technological and quantitative methods and tools to the 2 solution of practical management problems. 7. Students will be able to demonstrate advanced professional business communication skills. 8. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed organizational, leadership, and teamwork skills for the effective implementation of strategic initiatives and achievement of organizational objectives. 9. Students will be able to integrate theory and practical application across business functional areas for the purpose of strategic analysis, planning, implementation, and control.