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Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

  •  Topic 1: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

Principles of Project Management

Subject Code and Title PROJ 6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 4 – Personal Reflection
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words
Learning Outcomes Successful completion of this assignment will result in achievement of the following subject learning outcomes:
1. Understand PMBOK knowledge areas and process groups and their role, relevance and impact on project management best practice and PMI’s Code of Ethics.
2. Critically compare and contrast project management approaches and their appropriateness for managing a variety of project types.
3. Apply appropriate project management tools and techniques, paying particular attention to risk management.
4. Critically reflect on the leadership styles necessary to succeed in a range of project management situations, and their personal capacity to succeed in those situations.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday First Half of Module 6
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
At the beginning of your learning journey on this subject, you were encouraged to reflect on your learning experience and knowledge obtained from the learning modules through discussions and participation. This assessment will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning, document lessons learned, identify global project management practices you hope to adopt in your career. In short, your reflection is a tool for developing knowledge and professionalism in all matters relevant to you as a project manager and leader.
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By the first half of Module 6, you will be required to submit a 1500-word reflection of your learning throughout the subject using the given/approved case study.
Your reflection should include project management knowledge you have gained throughout the previous learning modules in this subject and appropriate use of additional resources related to this assessment.
Based on what you have learnt in this subject, describe project management practices, implementation and competencies of the project team that result in success and/or failure in the given project. Critically analyse how you could do to enhance or improve success rate of the project.
Include references to readings and additional resources discovered.
Output and Submission:
Submit your completed assessment at the first half of Module 6.
Assessment Criteria
This assessment will be graded using the Learning Rubric below. It is worth 20% of the marks available for this subject.

Learning Rubrics
Attributes Fail
(0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
communication Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Expertly presented; the presentation is
25% ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. evidence are presented in a way that is not evidence are well presented, mostly evidence are very well presented, the logical, persuasive, and well supported
No effort is made to keep audience engaged, audience cannot follow the always clear and logical. clear flow of ideas and arguments. presentation is logical, clear and well supported by by evidence,
demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and
line of reasoning. Attempts are made to keep the audience The audience is mostly engaged. evidence. arguments.
engaged, but not always successful. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Engages the audience, demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic, demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity.
Knowledge and Limited understanding of required Knowledge or Thorough Highly developed A sophisticated
understanding concepts and knowledge understanding of the knowledge or understanding of the understanding of the
25% Key components of the assignment are field or discipline. understanding of the field or field or discipline/s. field or discipline/s.
not addressed. Resembles a recall or discipline/s. Discriminates Systematically and
summary of key ideas. Supports personal opinion and between assertion of personal opinion and critically discriminates between assertion of
Often information information personal opinion and
conflates/confuses substantiated by substantiated by information
assertion of personal evidence from the robust evidence from substantiated by
opinion with information research/course materials. the research/course robust evidence from the research/course

substantiated by materials and materials and
evidence from the research/course Demonstrates a capacity to explain extended reading. extended reading.
materials. and apply relevant concepts. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
Reflection No attempt to demonstrate Little to no attempt to Inconsistently The reflection The reflection
connections to previous learning or demonstrate draws connections demonstrates demonstrates
50% experience. connections between between the connections between connections between
learning experience experience and the experience and the experience and
and material. materials. materials. material from other courses; past
Analysis is defensive or Sometimes Demonstrates a non- experiences; and/or
lack of depth. defensive or one- sided in analysis. defensive ability to critically appraise and discuss on the topics. personal goals.
Demonstrates an open, non-defensive ability to critically appraise and discuss on the topics.