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You are an IoT Developer at HomeOfTheBrave Ltd and you are about to start a project where you have been tasked with setting up an IoT home office with a remote link to the company’s head office

 Assessment item 2 – Packet Tracer and IoT Development Tasksback to top
Value: 25%
Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
This assignment is comprised of two tasks. The tasks are outlined below.
Task One
You are an IoT Developer at HomeOfTheBrave Ltd and you are about to start a project where you have been tasked with setting up an IoT home office with a remote link to the company’s head office. The project is divided into 2 parts:
• Create a home office with the criteria and devices given in the town of Byron Heads.
• Control these smart devices from the head office which is a few miles north, but across state lines, in the city of Brispain.
The home office includes, but is not limited to the following smart devices:
• 1 x Front Door Lock
• 1 x Garage Door
• 1 x Motion Detector
• 1 x Air Conditioner (AC)
• 1 x Portable Music Player
• 1 x Carbon Monoxide Detector
• 1 x Thermostat
• 1 x Siren
These devices are linked to a Wireless Router, which is linked via an Ethernet cable to a Cable Modem. The modem is connected to the Internet via an ISP known as ALDOT. All the devices are registered on a Remote Server which can be controlled locally by a Tablet that is also connected to the wireless network. The Remote Server is connected to the Company’s Cloud Cluster service (run by SmokeHaze Servers), as well as an external server that the home office uses for media streaming.
Ensure that you add ALL necessary screenshots with the documentation as well as the packet tracer file to be presented to the manager for project approval.
Build and configure the home office. (Refer to the file on the Student Resources named Assignment_2_Help). Save the file as StudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt (using your own student ID and first name). A template exists in the Cisco Network Academy IoT Course.
All screenshots for each step with a brief explanation must be included in the document. Once the Assignment is complete, the student must embed the packet tracer file as an object in the word document as StudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt
Part 1A (4 marks)
The home office is connected to the Internet Service Provider using a Cable Modem. Once that is in place, Add, connect, enable and configure the registration server, tablet and wireless router for the home office. The network must implement security protocols and techniques. You should define a suitable addressing scheme and ensure that your devices get addresses via DHCP where appropriate.
All the devices for the home office as outlined above should be represented in this environment.
Create a DNS name server to resolve the names of the devices in this environment. Use DNS (where FirstName is your own first name) to access the connected devices.
Part 1B (3 marks)
Add the head office in a different city. Use your smartphone and connect it to the head office server. You can use any connecting and intermediary devices of your choice. Log on to the web browser on your tablet/smartphone and manage the devices.
Use your tablet/smartphone to:
• Lock the Front Door
• Open the Garage door
• Play ‘music’ through the Portable Music Player
• Unlock the front door
• Test the siren
• Switch on the Air Conditioner
Part 1C (3 marks)
For the final part of this task, embed the following logic in the main office.
• When the motion detector detects motion, set off the alarm and lock the door.
• Increase the carbon monoxide level and open the garage door (it should also close when the level reduces).
You must demonstrate the operation of each of these criteria.
Task Two
You are given the task of implementing an IoT service by gathering real-world data from actual IoT sensors. This scenario will be explained further in your tutorial tasks.
You have recently been appointed to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
You have been asked to write a piece of software using Python to gather data from the Yanco (NSW) IoT sensor. The BOM makes all data available via a standardized web interface. In the case of the Yanco (NSW) sensor, this data can be found at
The data returned through this API represents the last three days of sensor data, collected at appropriate intervals by the BOM Fog environment.
Your job is to review how the BOM gathers and presents this data at
You will be most interested in understanding the data gathered from individual stations. Once you have done this you are to perform the following tasks.
Part 2A (2 marks)
Install a Linux environment on your workstation, using a suitable hypervisor e.g. VirtualBox. Be sure to install the Apache Web Server and the Python programming language. If you prefer you can build this server on any Cloud computing environment such as AWS.
Part 2B (4 marks)
Write a Python Script which uses the Python Requests and JSON module to download the JSON object outlined before. The program MUST process the 3 days of data from this stream and report:
• the maximum, minimum and average windspeed
• the maximum, minimum and average temperature
Part 2C (4 marks)
Modify your Python Program so that it produces a simple web page as its output. Once that is done, place the script in the CGI-BIN directory so that when it is accessed, it provides the user with a web page containing the above information.
The tutorial tasks over the semester will provide you with sufficient insight to complete these tasks.
When completed, you must prepare a document with screenshots outlining the process you have taken to implement the above. You must include a copy of the script used in Part 2 and you must demonstrate your program working.
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current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.


Think of a project that you have previously been a part of at a past or current place of employment, and imagine that you were appointed the project manager.

  • Describe the process you and your project team would follow for closing the project.
  • Develop a “Lesson Learned” document for your organization and for your project stakeholders. This document must include what went well, what went wrong, and suggestions for improvement in future projects.
  • Discuss how you would adjourn your team in a manner that would encourage them to want to work with you in future projects.

Your paper should consist of at least four pages utilizing APA formatting. Your textbook can be a source, but include a minimum of at least two additional sources that support your ideas, thoughts, and theories.

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1976 Montreal Olympics: Case Study of Project Management Failure

 The journal indicated below describes a national project. Based on the journal, and on your team’s understanding of the project, answer the questions below:DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000332
Journal title: -1976 Montreal Olympics: Case Study of Project Management Failure-
# Question Points
1 Was it an internal or external project? Provide rationale. 5
2 Identify at least 10 major stakeholders for the project. 5
3 What were the needs or expectation of each stakeholder? 5
4 Identify and describe at least 5 most important resources used in the project. 5
5 What was the alternative approach for the project (i.e. if the stadium had not been built, what else could have been done to ensure the olympics still occurred)? 5
6 Based on (5) above, was building the stadium at this location and at this time the best approach to have been chosen? Provide rationale using PV, NPV, IRR, B/C. [1 page] 20
7 Provide two Level 3 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) for this project. These two should be the intial (or planned) and final (or actual) WBS. Explain the difference [2 pages] 20
8 Based on (7), was there an evidence of scope creep in the project? Provide rationale. 5
9 Create one network diagram for the project using the final WBS in (7) above [1 page] 30
10 Use the Level 2 tasks in the final WBS to create one GANTT chart for the project. [1 page] 30
11 Use the initial and final WBS to create two high-level budgets for the project. These two should be the initial and final budgets. Explain the difference. [2 pages] 30
12 Using the risk sources, describe three major (broad) categories of risks in the project. 6
13 Using a table, list at least ten individual risks ranked by severity, and also link each of them to one of the categories in (12) above [1 page] 20
14 For each risk in (13) above, describe at least one thing that was done, or could have been done to mitigate that risk. 5
15 Was there adequate quality management processes in place (including quality planning, quality assurance and quality control)? Provide rationale. 4
16 Was there adequate outsourcing in the project? Provide rationale. 5
17 The journal title indicates this project was a failure. Do you agree? Provide rationale. 5
18 If anyone in your group was appointed the project manager for this project, what would you have done differently to make this project successful? 5
19 Describe at least five major lessons that can be learned from this project. 5
20 Other – Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion (one paragraph each) 10
21 Other – Effective APA (Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, in-text citations, grammar, reference list, etc) 10
22 Other Considerations 5
Side notes:
• Your response should be between 15 -20 pages only, including all auxilliary pages such as Title page, Reference page and Table of Content.
• This research project requires you to tie together the key components of project management.
• Ensure all responses you provide (including numbers and facts) are supported with information from the journal, or where necessary, provide appropriate assumptions and additional information from external sources. However facts from the journal will trump all external sources. This journal including all other external sources should be correctly referenced.
Use effective APA in-text citation to help the reader know exactly where you are picking your facts from

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leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency.

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

*No copying

*No plagiarism

*APA format

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Apply project planning, technical skills and methods to develop and implement an appropriate solution

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HS3052
Unit Title Capstone Project (Design and Implementation)
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
Assessment Title Individual Assignment – 5: Journal and Self Reflection
Purpose of the assessment (with
ULO Mapping) Each member should briefly summarize key aspects learned from this unit and how this knowledge can help you with your future career.
1. Apply project planning, technical skills and methods to develop and implement an appropriate solution
2. Apply and evaluate project management skills and concepts in problem solving
3. Present the knowledge, skills and ideas acquired through results and discussion with different audience levels
4. Critically analyse and synthesise complex information into a business proposal
5. Communicate using effective oral and written communication tools to a diverse range of stakeholders
6. Demonstrate ability to be an effective, autonomous team member or team leader and to be creative and innovative
7. Review and describe the major privacy, legal, ethical and societal issues with respect to managing digital information and information systems
8. Understand the ICT profession and professional expectations in the researched topic
Weight 15% of the total assessments
Total Marks 15
Word limit 1000 – 1500
Due Date Week 12 Friday 5pm.
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 11-pt Times New Roman font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard style.
Assignment 5 Specifications
This assignment is intended to extend and explore students’ ideas about requirement analysis and modelling, project management and teamwork, whilst simultaneously determining the current limits of students’ knowledge, skills and understanding.
Some of the topic areas, which may give you some ideas as to what you could discuss over the life of the assignment in your reflection.
• Understanding, establishing and defining the problem or opportunity within the organisational context regarding information system analysis, design and development;
• System Requirements (how to identify functional and non-functional requirements; why it is important);
• Importance of requirement analysis and modelling for system analysis, design and development project in an organization;
• Modelling skills and techniques, such as structured, OO and Agile approaches, how to select and when should use them.
• Investigating requirements, what should be considered when selecting right techniques?
• Recommendations and consideration of how the organisation will be affected by any proposed system development solutions.
• System development approaches; How to select a correct methodology?
Discuss a wide range of issues related to the project and teamwork, such as:
• Briefly reflect upon your own experience of participating in the group until now. Did it help you?
Was it worth the effort? How could it be made to work better for you?
• What went right or wrong? If asked to do it again, would you change anything to make the group work more enjoyable and of benefit to your study?
• Briefly discuss how, if you were a member of a discussion and support group, what strategies and methods you think you could use to minimise or overcome misunderstandings that might occur within your group, as a result of language or cultural differences.
• Briefly discuss how, if you were a member of a discussion and support group, what strategies and methods you think are more useful to overcome difficulties that might occur within your group because one or more of your group members is not participating in an appropriate manner, for example, insufficient work or inappropriate behaviour.
• Briefly describe and discuss one topic, issue or question where you think that your knowledge and understanding was clarified, expanded or improved by contributions from other members of your group.
• Briefly describe and discuss one topic, issue or question where you think you made a significant contribution to the knowledge and understanding of other members of your group.
Your assessor expects that you will seek guidance on any uncertainties you may have in completing this assessment to the best of your ability. It is expected that you embrace the opportunity to develop a new skill and explore a creative way of representing your experience in studying this unit and working with group members. It is also expected that all work submitted has already been edited for spelling, grammar, clarity and conciseness.
Marking criteria
Detailed marking rubric is available on Bb.
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Choose an organisation and research and develop a change project plan for a change initiative. The report must address all three requirements belo

Assessment Task 3:
Assessment Task Report: Change Project Plan
Schedule TBC
Learning Outcome Alignment 4 & 1,2,3
Competency Element Alignment 1,2,3
Length 2500 words maximum
Value (% of 100 overall unit marks) 40
Description and requirements
Assessment 3 has three compulsory parts (numbered 1, 2, and 3). As a guide, your total word count should not exceed 2500 words. You have the discretionary control as to how this word count is best allocated.
1. Choose an organisation and research and develop a change project plan for a change initiative. The report must address all three requirements below.
A. Provide the organisation/entity context and introduce the change initiative. [5 marks]
B. Develop a change project plan. The plan should include:
a. Vision and purpose
b. Scope of the project
c. Key drivers
d. Broad goals and measures (e.g. Balanced Scorecard)
e. Actions and milestone (timeline)
f. Stakeholder analysis
g. Relevant attachments [30 Marks]
C. Conclusion explaining and, through use of contemporary academic and professional sources, confirming the robust nature of the change plan and the benefits to the organisation. [5 Marks]
NOTE: The change plan can be constructed for an organisation or part of an organisation (entity). This organisation can be known to the student, be identified through research (case study, online search, etc.) or be conceptual (created for the purposes of this work). If in doubt students should contact the unit coordinator to confirm the validity of the entity chosen for this assessment.
This is to be written as a report with the requirement that Part C to the question, as a minimum, includes use of relevant academic references to support your plan.

Change Project Management Template
Change Project Title:
Date: _____/_______/______ Version: {Version number for this plan/document}
Primary Contact Person: {Change Project Leader}
Primary Sponsor: {Change Project executive sponsor or Chair of the Governance Committee}
Vision statement:
{List the vision for the change project – 21 words or less}
Target of the change:
More than one can be selected People: ? Technology: ? Relationships: ? Processes or Practices: ?
Other {Specify}:
Change Critical Priority Areas
1. {List main priority areas for change }
Goals & Key Performance Indicators:
Change Priority Area 1:
Description: {Short description of the orientation, purpose of this priority}
Goal 1.1. KPI1.1
Goal 1.2.
Goal 1.3.
Goals & Key Performance Indicators:
Goal 2.1. KPI2.1
Summary of actions
Actions/Initiative Due by Status
1. {List the high level actions required to complete the change project}
Change Project Schedule
Key milestones Due by Status*
{List the milestones and dates for key phases and actions in the overall change initiative, e.g. Design, Develop, Pilot, Review, Release, etc.}
Major skill issues
List current status/ research and/or attached skill audit and workforce plan
Stakeholder engagement
List or attach stakeholder analysis
Does an engagement/ communication plan exist for this project Yes No
Budget and risk management issues
List or attach resource and budget information and details
List or attach risk management and associated detail
Sign confirming initiation of plan
Name Signature Date

Version Control
Changes authored by: Approved by: Date accepted:

* Status indicator: Green
(Controlled) Orange
(Caution) Red
NB: The status indication may not be used initially, but may be used once the deliverables are being actioned.

Writers Solution

Project procurement planning details how the procurement process will be managed effectively to achieve the project’s objectives.

13. Procurement MRAnsAnedanagement

Answer question 150-200 word response

 Project procurement planning details how the procurement process will be managed effectively to achieve the project’s objectives. As such, the procurement planning has to be tailored specifically to meet the needs of various projects. Clinker Consultancy has a large internal project to be initiated. To staff this project, Clinker Consultancy is working with People Consultancy to provide three resources for six months. The resources will be part of the team managed by Clinker Consultancy for six months. How would you justify the contract type to be used by Clinker Consultancy for the project? 

Reference article paper  

Reference text book notes below 

Procurement management follows a logical order. First, you plan what you need to contract; then you plan how you’ll do it. Next, you send out your contract requirements to sellers. They bid for the chance to work with you. You pick the best one, and then you sign the contract with them. Once the work begins, you monitor it to make sure that the contract is being followed. When the work is done, you close out the contract and fill out all the paperwork.

You need to start with a plan for the whole project. Before doing anything else, you need to think about all of the work that you will contract out for your project. You will want to plan for any purchases and acquisitions. Here’s where you take a close look at your needs to be sure that contracting is necessary. You figure out what kinds of contracts make sense for your project, and you try to define all of the parts of the project that will be contracted out.

Contract planning is where you plan out each individual contract for the project work. You work out how you’ll manage the contract, what metrics it will need to meet to be considered successful, how you’ll pick a seller, and how you’ll administer the contract once the work is happening.

The procurement management plan details how the procurement process will be managed. It includes the following information:

  • The types of contracts you plan to use and any metrics that will be used to measure the contractors’ performance
  • The planned delivery dates for the work or products you are contracting
  • The company’s standard documents you will use
  • The number of vendors or contractors involved and how they will be managed
  • How purchasing may impact the constraints and assumptions of the project plan
  • The coordination of purchasing lead times with the development of the project schedule
  • The identification of prequalified sellers (if known)

The procurement management plan, like all other management plans, becomes a subsidiary of the project management plan. Some tools and techniques you may use during the procurement planning stage include make-or-buy analysis and definition of the contract type

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bug-free IT project. Because bugs are a fact of IT project life, IT project managers must articulate a process for identifying, tracking, and handling the bugs that will inevitably occur.

There is no such thing as a bug-free IT project. Because bugs are a fact of IT project life, IT project managers must articulate a process for identifying, tracking, and handling the bugs that will inevitably occur. In addition, because technical and business requirements change frequently, IT project managers must also plan to log and track requests for new features and functionality. 

Read the following linked documents: 

· – “Visual Studio – Manage Bugs“: This article describes the process of tracking bugs in Visual Studio, a popular .NET development suite created by Microsoft®.

· – “What Is a Bug and Issue Tracking Tool?“: This article describes the process of tracking bugs in Jira, a popular bug tracking and project management tool created by Atlassian. 

Create a 3-page Microsoft® Word document of a bug tracking process for the project you created in the individual assignments in Weeks 2 and 3. Be sure to differentiate between bugs and feature requests. For this assignment, you will only be tracking bugs. 

Your tracking process must include: 

· – Description of software you propose using for bug tracking (in-house developed or third-party)

· – Description of issues that will be considered bugs (vs. feature requests)

· – Description of who will use the system to track bugs

· – Description of who will monitor the system, follow up with the requestor as necessary, and implement the bug fixes

· – Description of bug-related information (such as a unique tracking number, description, assignee, etc.) necessary to identify, fix, and log bugs 

Submit your completed document.

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Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment

Topic 1: Personalized Project Management and your Personality Conduct a keyword search on the internet for “free personality assessment.” Once you complete the assessment, use the results to address the discussion question. What do the results of your personality assessment suggest are the kinds of projects which would best suit you? Include in your answer what it suggests your strengths and weaknesses are as a project manager, and how you intend to compensate for your weaknesses. Topic 2: Project Management Advantages and Disadvantages Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Vanlandingham, G. R., & Drake, E. K. (2012). Results first. Public Performance & Management Review, 35(3), 550–563. What does this article suggest are the advantages and disadvantages related to launching a major project in any organization where you have worked?

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Project folder containing your Java program

The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.

In this assignment you will develop a console program that simulates a restaurant menu. The project instructions are as follows:

Program Requirements:

  1. Each item on the menu must have a different price.
  2. Your menu must define at least 10 different items.
  3. Program Requirements:
    • Display the menu to the user.
    • Allow the user to select an item from the menu. (Record the selection in a variable.)
    • Once the user has selected an item, ask them how many they want (quantity). (Record the quantity in a variable.)
    • Calculate the total. (Sales tax is not included in this exercise.)
    • Ask the user to enter the amount of their payment. (Record this amount in a variable.)
    • Subtract the order total from the payment amount and present any remainder on screen as the customer’s “change”.
    • Remind the program operator to thank the customer for their patronage.
  4. Remember to test your program fully to ensure that all functions operate correctly.

Documentation Requirements:

Create a document in Word and add the following:

  • Title page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Create a diagram that illustrates where this data comes from (such as “selected by the user,” “entered by the user,” “item name from menu,” “price from menu,” etc.) and how it is handled by your program (what happens to that data).
  • List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
  • Describe the flow of operation of the program so that a potential user can understand how it works. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.

Project deliverables are as follows:

  1. Create a ZIP file that includes:
    • Project folder containing your Java program (see Program Requirements above).
    • Word document (see Documentation Requirements above).
  2. Upload your ZIP file to the course portal.
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