Writers Solution

Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

Answer these questions. With at least a total of 150 words or more

Deeds and liens are public documents that are recorded with a government agency like the Lee County Clerk and Recorder. Please answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

2. Why would a General Contractor who did work remodeling a house record a lien?

Read my answer and write a total of 150 words count response

Wounded Warrior Project Questions 1-5.

Are the issues and questions raised in the Wounded Warrior Project case related to the concepts of accountability, performance, or both? How are those concepts related to this case?

It is my perception that the issues and questions raised are related to both concepts of accountability and performance. Our book describes the “narrowest” concepts of accountability for a nonprofit would be to just follow the law. Even if the board is meeting, budgets are met, employee engagement is active and following a strategic plan, it does not mean that the mission is being followed (page 146, Worth).

Three principal mechanisms that nonprofits should be held accountable are to follow the law, abide by self-regulation and to be transparent. Transparency means to show the donors, media and whoever wishes to see that the organization is working towards the mission and following all guidelines.

Performance has two key components; one is performance measurement which will tell what an organization did and how well it did it. The other is performance management, which monitors situations continuously (page 159, Worth).

Melia’s vision for his program was to help Iraq War veterans gain some independence by just helping them with essentials to maintain a quality of life. Because of the success of this program, he expanded the services to include helping veterans into sports programs, employment, and other assistance. Because of the program’s success, he hired additional staff to help him. It was at that time he brought in a former executive of a small non-profit named Nardizzi. In just 6 years, Melia’s program grew into an organization of 50 people and had raised $21 million dollars in revenue. After reading the Case in Worth on page 177, it seemed to be that there may have been some founder syndrome with Melia, because there were disagreements between him and Mr. Nardizzi regarding the growth of the company presenting barriers. Mr. Melisa resigned and Nardizzi became the CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project.

Nardizzi viewed this organization as a “Starbucks”, and it became more of a business model (Page 177, Worth). Nardizzi spent a lot of money on fundraising and continued to increase it. The project had reached 40% of its revenues on overhead and fundraising.

The Mission of the project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The Vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. (Links to an external site.)

Former staff became critical of the focus on the fundraising and performance metrics on the money took away from the commitment of the mission and the vision mentioned above. Accusations were made that the mission was compromised at times just to meet goals.

In 2016 the Wounded Warrior Project was criticized by the media regarding lavish spending by employees on events and travel. There were four different separate investigations, one that included the board of the WWP. The board back the organization stating the expenses were justified. This would make sense that the board would justify because of the intense scrutiny of the media, and this is something they also should have been accountable while reviewing performance measures. It wasn’t until government officials’ investigations, that the board did dismiss Nardizzi as well as the COO. A Former military officer named Michael Linnington was appointed as CEO in June of 2016 and was given the project of restoring the good name of this program. On page 178 in our book, it states that the most important metric for an organization is not overhead but what is achieved. I believe that sentence says it all.

I think that Nardizzi treated this project too much like a private sector to make money (page 177) and did not focus on the mission or ‘end goal’ which was helping veterans. He and the board did not have good accountability because even if the law was being followed, transparency was not clear, and spending was questioned t/out Nardizzi’s employment.

Performance measurement seemed to be available for this case, but performance management was weak. The board was either money focused like Nardizzi or they were kept in the dark about the day to day operations of the project. (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Think back on the responsibilities of governing boards discussed in Chapter three. How do they relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project:

I discussed this in the above statement. It is of my perception that the board that Nardizzi had was either more focused on getting money by fundraising and lost sight of the mission, which was to honor and empower wounded warriors, or Nardizzi did a really good job of being non-transparent. Our book does state that after Senator Grassley’s investigation, some board members were replaces and programs were readjusted to better serve veterans (page 179, Worth). I feel that this governing board may have ‘turned its head’ because Nardizzi wasn’t breaking the law, even though ethics and morals are questionable.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Accounting rules permit nonprofits to allocate some costs between fundraising and programs; for example, the costs of mailing that solicits gifts but also advocates for a cause may be apportioned between those two functions. Some people defend this practice while others say it is misleading to the public. What is your opinion?

I think it’s important to have fundraising for nonprofits, otherwise nonprofits would not be able to serve communities without contributions from donors. I also think it is very important to be completely transparent with these transactions and go above the law. If there is a fundraiser or an event, I think it is important to be able to mail out notices or letters to the public to notify the community of these events and I do think it is appropriate to allocate costs.

Our hospital has a foundation department. Anything and everything related to donation or making money, even as small as a bake sale, goes through this department because of conflict of interest.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

The Chapter discusses the view of Renz and Herman that nonprofit effectiveness is socially constructed, that is, defined by what people perceive about the organization. How does that relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project.

My perception is that it is accurate in this case. When Melia started his program, he was focused on helping Iraq War veterans in military hospitals by giving out backpacks with essentials to maintain a quality of life. This was such a good way to give back. News spread of what this man was doing, and others wanted to help him. Once Nardizzi was hired and there were disagreements between Melia and Nardizzi and Melia resigned, it seems the WWP lost its focus on Melia’s passion which was helping the veterans. Once former staff members and news media started criticizing the organization, it didn’t take long for word to spread about the negative reputation the organization was forming (page 178, Worth). Once the media started doing investigation, it didn’t take long for them to find out about the lavish spending and how monies were being spent on other things besides the veterans – it spread like wildfire. Therefore, I feel it can be socially constructed. With respect to the Wounded Warrior Project, I do agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Overall, what is your opinion about the wounded Warrior Project controversy? Did it engage in practices that violated standards of accountability, or was it just a young organization that needed to spend on overhead to grow?

It is of my perception that the WWP did have a conscious when Melia was part of the organization. He initiated the program to help others, he states in the video interview that the program grew way too big too fast. He also states he wasn’t sure he wanted it to grow that big. I believe that Nardizzi was a CEO that was focused more on the money and making money. The board and Nardizzi’s team lost sight of the veterans and the birth of the WWP. I do believe that Nardizzi’s team engaged practices that violated standards of accountability and performance, but I believe Nardizzi’s team was careful to abide by the law, even though they know they were being unethical.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Youth Villages

How are the concepts of effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance reflected in the Youth Villages case?

Effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance are reflected quite well. They have a model which is called “Evidentiary Family Restoration,” that reflect five core tenets (page 180, Worth).

Programs are research based, data drive, and accountable to children, families, and funders. Follow up is a big part of this program, which is so important for the children and families of the program. Youth Village tracks its own members longitudinally at ages 6, 12 and 24 months after discharge. Because of its success with data sets, it has attracted national donors, one who helped this organization gained even more funds from other funders who were participating in Clarks Growth Capital Aggregation Pilot program (page 180, Worth).

In addition, they have continued to improve performance management to track core indicators.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

Which of the approaches to measuring and reporting performance discussed in this chapter are illustrated in the case of Youth Villages?

It is my perception that Youth Villages utilized both performance measurement and performance management. Performance measurements by being transparent about what they did and how they did it. This was showing by having a model. They were very detail oriented by itemizing the amount of children served, staff turnover, physical interventions required, incidents, if any; perceptions by families services; financial performance; compliance with regulatory guidelines and best practices; and success in moving children to less-restrictive environment.

Performance management because by tracking the accurate data this is monitoring the situation on a continuous basis. This is the process of defining, monitoring, and using objective indicators of the performance of organizations.

Youth Villages distinguished the effectiveness it had on the peoples and families by being transparent with its data. This is showing efficiency by measuring the proportion of resources used to produce outputs or attain inputs – cost ratios. Effectiveness is measured by comparing the results achieved with the results. This is obvious with the data reported (page 159 and 160, Worth).

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

If Youth Villages were to apply the social return on investment (SROI) approach, what would be some of the cost savings to society that might be calculated (i.e., the social benefits in dollar terms)?

A social return on Youth Villages’ investment would best be described as that they are giving youths an opportunity to gain a sense of family that was once lost. This program can keep children out of foster care, according to, more than 435,000 children are growing up in these homes currently. This program is giving these children an opportunity to learn family focused living to be a productive member of society and once they are done with school and old enough to move out on their own, either go to college or obtain and keep a job where they can contribute to the economy and lead a great quality of life (page 171 and 172, Worth). (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

How does the view of Renz and Herman that effectiveness is socially constructed relate to the case of Youth Villages?

Renz and Herman board best practices and organization effectiveness can raise questions about the effectiveness of the organization overall, as stated in our book (page 174, Worth).

My perception is that Youth Villages board and CEO are accountable, and the performance is straight on. The organization is transparent with all aspects of the organization making the organization attractive for donors. Because of its strategic organization and following of its core model, Youth Villages has been able to grow and expand by fostering in home services, transitional services and family based care. With respect to Youth Villages, I do not agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective




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Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory.

Assignment tasks/description
BI Report – Part B (Group)
Property Wealth Advisory (PWA)
Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory. PWA provides advice and market research on property investments specializing joint owned property investments for clients looking to diversify their portfolio. The company also cater for individuals who are seeking to be a home-owner in the right locations.
The service offered by PWA is considered a premium in Australia. The recommendations made by PWA is based on real estate data carefully curated through various means, including data from Consumer Affairs Victoria,,, and The company often advertised its ability to select properties in areas that deliver strong yields with minimum risk (i.e., capital growth in a high-growth area), and/or have the potential for added value to increase future returns (i.e., sizeable land for future development).
PWA operates in three states: Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales. The backbone of the operations is a small team of young and talented analysts located in PWA’s main office in Hawthorn, Victoria. The analysts’ role is to go through the real estate data and write a report on the trends, key indicators, market forecasting, and other valuable insights emerging from the data.
An Urgent Task
After your report (BI Report – Part A), your manager was sufficiently confident you would make a great BI professional one day. The manager was impressed enough that you have been inducted into the -A- Team of PWA. The A-Team at PWA is responsible for providing critical analysis to PWAs most valuable and high-profile clients.
PWA CEO just had a series of meetings with several groups of investors who have indicated a strong interest in real estate investing in Melbourne. These investors have been accumulating funds during the pandemic and now ready to put it to good use. However, they are concerned about the housing market volatility. The news in mainstream media seem to oscillate between the prediction of Melbourne heading into an unprecedented property glut and the worst property-bubble burst against the forecast of another stellar growth in 2022-2023.
2020-2021 have been a challenging year for everyone and for a lot of sectors. The real estate is no exception. It was evident that the Melbourne real estate has ‘cooled off’ in 2020. On the other hand, the recent 2021 property auction results indicates a strong performance and a strong (but somewhat unreasonable) growth on property prices in a number of suburbs. However, this could just be a temporary bounce from a depressed market.
These investors have asked for PWA’s insights on the property market. They specifically want to know:
• If the REM bubble going to burst vs further growth is anticipated;
• If it’s worth considering investing in properties in, closer, or further away from Melbourne CBD;
• An estimate of the impact to the value of their investments if the property market in certain suburb/postcodes if the overall property market fluctuates within a threshold of +/- 10%;
• Other interesting insights and foresights that can add value to their decision making and investment.
Note: Do Only The “Red Point”, Don’t Have To Do “Yellow Points” &
Do Conclusion.
A special request from the investors:
One page (A4 size) infographic showcasing the key findings from the report

These are sophisticated and very critical investor groups. They will not be satisfied being given statements and/or recommendations. They will scrutinize the information PWA give them. Hence, the CEO specifically requested the analyst team to also provide strong justification on every insights, information, trends, recommendations and conclusion.
Melbourne Real Estate Market Data
Your team will use the same Melbourne REM data you have used to produce the previous report (i.e., Part A – You will negotiate with the rest of the team as to which version should be used). Our Data Technician has scraped 3 years data on Melbourne Real Estate Market. The 2020-2022 data should be adequate to allow the analyst team to conduct a thorough analysis of the data and write a report. The data technician acknowledges there may be missing values and/or inconsistent values in the dataset, but given the urgency of the request, he left it to the analyst team to contact him (he can be reached through our discussion channel: BI Report (Part A – Individual & Part B – Group)) with specific queries on major anomalies the team encounter in the dataset or when adjudication is required due to the differences of opinions amongst the A-team.
As per usual, the original/initial Melbourne REM 2020-2022 dataset Download Melbourne REM 2020-2022 datasethas been uploaded in PWA central repository (a.k.a., INF30004 Canvas site) ready to be accessed by the analyst team.
In order to help your team making sense of the data, the following data dictionary is provided.
Suburb Suburb
Address Address
Rooms Number of rooms
Price Price in Australian dollars
Method S – property sold
SP – property sold prior
PI – property passed in
PN – sold prior not disclosed
SN – sold not disclosed
NB – no bid
VB – vendor bid
W – withdrawn prior to auction
SA – sold after auction
SS – sold after auction price not disclosed
N/A – price or highest bid not available
Type br – bedroom(s)
h – house,cottage,villa, semi,terrace
u – unit, duplex
t – townhouse
dev site – development site
o res – other residential
SellerG Real Estate Agent
Date Date sold
Distance Distance from CBD in Kilometres
Regionname General Region (West, North West, North, North east …etc)
Propertycount Number of properties that exist in the suburb
Bedroom # of Bedrooms
Bathroom # of Bathrooms
Car Carport size/capacity
Landsize Land Size in Metres
BuildingArea Building Size in Metres
YearBuilt Year the house was built
CouncilArea Governing council for the area
Latitude Latitude
Longitude Longitude


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory.

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Writers Solution

Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory.

BI Report – Part B Word Count Max 1000 Words
Assignment tasks/description
BI Report – Part B (Group)
Property Wealth Advisory (PWA)
Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory. PWA provides advice and market research on property investments specializing joint owned property investments for clients looking to diversify their portfolio. The company also cater for individuals who are seeking to be a home-owner in the right locations.
The service offered by PWA is considered a premium in Australia. The recommendations made by PWA is based on real estate data carefully curated through various means, including data from Consumer Affairs Victoria,,, and The company often advertised its ability to select properties in areas that deliver strong yields with minimum risk (i.e., capital growth in a high-growth area), and/or have the potential for added value to increase future returns (i.e., sizeable land for future development).
PWA operates in three states: Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales. The backbone of the operations is a small team of young and talented analysts located in PWA’s main office in Hawthorn, Victoria. The analysts’ role is to go through the real estate data and write a report on the trends, key indicators, market forecasting, and other valuable insights emerging from the data.
An Urgent Task
After your report (BI Report – Part A), your manager was sufficiently confident you would make a great BI professional one day. The manager was impressed enough that you have been inducted into the -A- Team of PWA. The A-Team at PWA is responsible for providing critical analysis to PWAs most valuable and high-profile clients.
PWA CEO just had a series of meetings with several groups of investors who have indicated a strong interest in real estate investing in Melbourne. These investors have been accumulating funds during the pandemic and now ready to put it to good use. However, they are concerned about the housing market volatility. The news in mainstream media seem to oscillate between the prediction of Melbourne heading into an unprecedented property glut and the worst property-bubble burst against the forecast of another stellar growth in 2022-2023.
2020-2021 have been a challenging year for everyone and for a lot of sectors. The real estate is no exception. It was evident that the Melbourne real estate has ‘cooled off’ in 2020. On the other hand, the recent 2021 property auction results indicates a strong performance and a strong (but somewhat unreasonable) growth on property prices in a number of suburbs. However, this could just be a temporary bounce from a depressed market.
These investors have asked for PWA’s insights on the property market. They specifically want to know:
• If the REM bubble going to burst vs further growth is anticipated;
• If it’s worth considering investing in properties in, closer, or further away from Melbourne CBD;
• An estimate of the impact to the value of their investments if the property market in certain suburb/postcodes if the overall property market fluctuates within a threshold of +/- 10%;
• Other interesting insights and foresights that can add value to their decision making and investment.
Note: Do Only The “Red Point”, Don’t Have To Do “Yellow Points” &
Do Conclusion.
A special request from the investors:
One page (A4 size) infographic showcasing the key findings from the report

These are sophisticated and very critical investor groups. They will not be satisfied being given statements and/or recommendations. They will scrutinize the information PWA give them. Hence, the CEO specifically requested the analyst team to also provide strong justification on every insights, information, trends, recommendations and conclusion.
Melbourne Real Estate Market Data
Your team will use the same Melbourne REM data you have used to produce the previous report (i.e., Part A – You will negotiate with the rest of the team as to which version should be used). Our Data Technician has scraped 3 years data on Melbourne Real Estate Market. The 2020-2022 data should be adequate to allow the analyst team to conduct a thorough analysis of the data and write a report. The data technician acknowledges there may be missing values and/or inconsistent values in the dataset, but given the urgency of the request, he left it to the analyst team to contact him (he can be reached through our discussion channel: BI Report (Part A – Individual & Part B – Group)) with specific queries on major anomalies the team encounter in the dataset or when adjudication is required due to the differences of opinions amongst the A-team.
As per usual, the original/initial Melbourne REM 2020-2022 dataset Download Melbourne REM 2020-2022 datasethas been uploaded in PWA central repository (a.k.a., INF30004 Canvas site) ready to be accessed by the analyst team.
In order to help your team making sense of the data, the following data dictionary is provided.
Suburb Suburb
Address Address
Rooms Number of rooms
Price Price in Australian dollars
Method S – property sold
SP – property sold prior
PI – property passed in
PN – sold prior not disclosed
SN – sold not disclosed
NB – no bid
VB – vendor bid
W – withdrawn prior to auction
SA – sold after auction
SS – sold after auction price not disclosed
N/A – price or highest bid not available
Type br – bedroom(s)
h – house,cottage,villa, semi,terrace
u – unit, duplex
t – townhouse
dev site – development site
o res – other residential
SellerG Real Estate Agent
Date Date sold
Distance Distance from CBD in Kilometres
Regionname General Region (West, North West, North, North east …etc)
Propertycount Number of properties that exist in the suburb
Bedroom # of Bedrooms
Bathroom # of Bathrooms
Car Carport size/capacity
Landsize Land Size in Metres
BuildingArea Building Size in Metres
YearBuilt Year the house was built
CouncilArea Governing council for the area
Latitude Latitude
Longitude Longitude


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Property Wealth Advisory (PWA) is a boutique client-focused property investment advisory.

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Writers Solution

Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties

The Scenario

As a part of the Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties. Based on your Discussion and Strategic Plan results, your company agreed that it was time to launch its nationwide strategy rolling out  the company’s patented dessert brand, “Brain Freeze.”  Your company’s financial information indicates the company now has a healthy portfolio of investments, product revenue, and cash on hand.

The Restaurant’s dessert menu has produced an exceptional revenue stream.  These products can easily be marketed as a standalone venture. The company portfolio includes the Sahara Desert Dish property purchased in anticipation of this day. The properties are all in upscale locations that easily support the Restaurant’s thematic Desert menu.

 “Sally, ‘It’s now or, never’ you state, we need to start the implementation of our Franchise Division.”  Sally was taken aback by your use of her previous statement. Seeming a little concerned about the plan interfering with her entering the competition for the third Gold Star, you reassure her. “If Wolfgang Puck can open up gourmet pizza shops, that’s the only incentive we need to startup our Desert franchise operation.” Sally fires back, “You’re the one studying business law! Why did it take you so long to bring it up?” Sally continues, “Start working on the documents, and I’ll get started on creating the franchise operations menu and food handling processes.”

In your Discussion, you covered all of the eventualities companies face in expansion periods. Your companies initial investment in the purchase of bankrupt properties has placed the company in a growth position. The commercial paper securing the properties is almost paid off. Converting the properties into a new enterprise will reduce the carrying cost and increase the current revenue streams by a minimum of 20%. Franchise Licensing Fees and property leasing rentals will initially bump revenue by approximately 35%.

To start your review, first, research the requirements required to establish a legally recognized Franchise operation.  Using the Strategic Business Plan and the other resources you now have, complete the Franchise feasibility information and determine what steps are needed to enter this highly competitive area. Review the resources and respond to the Assignment.

Your Assignment

Assignment: Feasibility of Franchise Expansion:

This is a Blue Font exercise: Complete the document using a readable Blue Font.

In Assignment 9.3, you will collect data from your past assignments to develop your outline of franchise business information that you will need to complete the final project in Assignment 9.4. To fully understand the nature of a Franchise operation, review the SBA information, Forms 505, 506, and then complete the Questions in the Basic Franchise Document and the Chart in the Test for Feasibility Documents below.

Review Form 505 Drafting Guide, follow the research outlining the required steps and issues you would potentially encounter developing the required document between the Franchisor and Franchisee, the Franchise AgreementDocument 505 establishes various litigation, state, and federal statutory requirements. Review each category listed using the link and review material. You must review this material to comprehend the statutory and legal guidance required to edit and complete the Franchise Agreement in Assignment 9.4.

Review Form 506 list of issues and limits available for consideration in completing the Checklist questions/answers to revise and draft the agreement.  The questions in 506 are stated, for example, as the question below.

  • — Nature and extent of the rights granted to the Franchisees.
  • — Duration of franchise period.
  • — Exclusiveness of franchise.
  • — Authorized use of a trademark.

This question seeks the limits on three grants to the Franchisee, (1) Duration, (2) Exclusiveness, and (3) Authority. The question asks the Nature (Type) and the Extent (Range or scope) of the rights granted to your Franchisees. The Duration issue asks “what period” (how long) will Franchisee be granted to exercise authority over rights in the agreement, such as the number of years the Franchise will last, are the rights exclusive or non-exclusive (This could be a state or local geographic designation (i.e., State of Ohio, or two city block in the southwest of downtown), use of IP and extent of the right(s) granted.

This Assignment does not call for simply checking boxes on the form. The questions require research and business decisions for your company to establish franchise rights and limitations offered to Franchisees during their operation and ownership of a Franchise. Do not approach this assignment as a lawyer but as the owner of a Franchise. Determine your companies business interest, the profit you wish to achieve, and the rights you want to protect in your Franchise business. Your company’s business strategy will determine the right you grant to Franchisees. Franchises become an extension of your Franchise organization and must meet your company goals.

In the next step, answer the questions listed in the BASIC FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TERMS – CHECKLIST. Franchise agreements vary from state to state and sometimes franchise to franchise, so it’s impossible to identify every term and issue for consistency in all situations. Some terms require negotiating between the parties. Redraft the Franchise Agreement using the information you collected in Assignment 9.3 and the 9.4 Checklist. The Franchise Agreement lists the terms and conditions governing your franchise’s ownership and the Franchisee’s rights. This Assignment does not call for simply checking boxes. Provide thoughtful responses to the issues outlining how to operate the Franchise business. Clarify the Franchiees’ operation rights; redrafting the Rights and Limitations Clauses.

The “Test for Franchise Feasibility” Document must be completed using the parameters established in your review of the Franchise operation. Your ratings of the business readiness position required to establish a Franchise Operation will be based on the answers you develop for the Checklist Questions.

  • Assignments required to be uploaded:
    • The Checklist for The Basic Franchise Agreement
    • Test for Franchise Feasibility

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class


CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER  Restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Desert Dish” franchise properties


Writers Solution

Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship

 A Letter in the correct format (2 pages and add the links used from any websites at the end) C: Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship D: Examine how the courts resolve disputes over children You are continuing with your work experience within the family law department at McAddams and Partners Solicitors.

 The Managing Partners were impressed by your work on the formation and dissolution of adult relationships and would like you to produce further materials relating to distribution of money and property and the care of children after the breakdown of a relationship.They have provided you with the details of the following clients:Client : Bashir RafiqueBashir and Molly have been married for 18 years and are now divorcing. They met during university and married not long after graduating. They have three children together, Toni (14), Andrew (10) and Ricky (6). When Molly become pregnant they agreed that she would stay at home to look after the children whilst Bashir would go out to work. Bashir is now a successful architect who owns his own business, earning in excess of £1 million per year. He was able to start the business using the £250,000 that was left to Molly when her grandmother died. Between them they have £5 million assets, which were generated solely through Bashir’s career. Since the split, Molly has secured employment on the other side of the country near where her parents live and wants to move there with the children. Bashir does not want this to happen.Task 1 – TitleTask 1a:You have been asked to produce a letter to both clients, using the information from their case studies. In both of your letters, you should:• Explain and apply the financial and children orders and relevant factors that will be taken into account on divorce/dissolution for each case• Analyse the financial order and orders available for children for each case• Explain and apply the law on parenthood and parental responsibility and children’s rights in both cases• Analyse how the court will resolve the disputes over children for each case.

keep a reference page separate and this is a level UK law work so I would expect that quality for the work


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The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on property market values

 Subject Statutory Valuation
Semester 1 ? 2 ? 3 X 4 ? (Please Tick)
Value of Work 40%
Title The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on property market values
Word Length The report should be 1,000 – 1,500 words in length (include word count)

Semester 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 X (Please Tick)
Student Number
Submission Date
I declare that this work is the result of my own study and application. NO other person had any active part in the final production of this document. I have acknowledged all assistance and sources
STUDENT NAME:_____________________________ STUDENT NUMBER:___________________
Relevance to the brief / context 20
Understanding of issues &
Development of thought 30
Evidence of Research 20
Ability to arrive at conclusions 20
Presentation 10
TOTAL mark awarded 100
Exceptional awareness of issues, supported by reference, wide ranging, objective
Well organised, accurate, structured, not particularly broad
Competent effort, heavily reliant on sources, lacked specific information
General in nature, lacked depth, limited research, weak presentation
Superficial, poor quality information, restricted treatment, poor presentation
Please present this page as the 1st page of the coursework

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Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)?

Assignment 1: Loopnet Search

Please help me search for a retail store property I can lease in the Brooklyn Zip Code of 11201. You must use LOOPNET for your search.  How much will a property like this cost per month? Please do not include links in your post. Please summarize your findings. What type of lease will it be and what expenses will I be responsible for?

Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)? Can you let me know about vacancy rates and rents in this area and how these vacancy rates have changed in the last three months. Not sure where this data can be found but try and look for it. Thank you.

Include your sources in your post.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)?

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Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)

Assignment 1: Loopnet Search

Please help me search for a retail store property I can lease in the Brooklyn Zip Code of 11201. You must use LOOPNET for your search.  How much will a property like this cost per month? Please do not include links in your post. Please summarize your findings. What type of lease will it be and what expenses will I be responsible for?

Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)? Can you let me know about vacancy rates and rents in this area and how these vacancy rates have changed in the last three months. Not sure where this data can be found but try and look for it. Thank you.

Include your sources in your post.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Is there any information on the history of this property? (sales, rents, prior use)

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Misuse of Department Property

Each topic a minimum of 150 words.

Topic 1: Misuse of Department Property

You are an elected official in a small community that has a combination fire department. You recently became aware of an issue where the fire chief approved a piece of fire apparatus being used for wedding pictures at the wedding venue 30 miles from your community. On the way back to the station, the apparatus broke down and had to be towed. The fire chief’s son was the person getting married and he is a department member as well. What are the ethical issues involved in this scenario? What would be your course of action? What political issues might this issue cause?

Topic 2: Legal Impact

Cite and discuss a recent court case involving ethics that is affecting or has affected the public safety field. Briefly describe the major issues and the finding of the court. Evaluate the long-term impact this case may have on the fire and emergency services field as a whole.





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Misuse of Department Property

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A bank robbery would be property theft of money. This example would not be classified as a fraud; however, it is possible to prosecute a crime under more than one category.

the following include a list of crime types that have similarities and differences:

  • Financial crimes
  • Computer crimes
  • Property theft
  • Fraud
  • Counterfeiting

Use the above list to discuss the following:

  • Compare and contrast two items from the above list.
  • Include an example of the type of crime incidents that would be in the category selected.
    • Example 1: A bank robbery would be property theft of money. This example would not be classified as a fraud; however, it is possible to prosecute a crime under more than one category. 
    • Example 2: The use of computers and fraud or theft and fraud or a combination of all of these items may be classified as a white-collar crime.
  • Search for examples of the crimes, classify them in the above categories, and note any statistical information indicating the extent of loss or how frequent these events occur




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