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developing strategies for not-for-profit and public health organizations, a needs/capacity assessment is performed.

When developing strategies for not-for-profit and public health organizations, a needs/capacity assessment is performed.

1. Why must this special assessment be performed in lieu of another strategic alternative assessment, such as a SPACE analysis?

2. Provide a hypothetical example to show your rationale for the special assessment process. The example given is open for peer comment and discussion.

Writers Solution

NET (North East Texas) Public Health Center for Healthy Living

Understanding what resources are available for vulnerable populations is an important aspect of holistic patient care. Many patients lack access to affordable healthcare, have a low income, poor health literacy and experience difficulty navigating the system. As a trusted member of their healthcare team, it often falls to you, the nurse, to make recommendations and referrals to services within the patient’s local area that could improve your patient’s long-term health modifications. What public resources exist within your community that are beneficial for your patient population? Please identify and briefly discuss three (things to include: what type of services does it provide, how is it funded, who is eligible).

 For example, in East Texas we have:

  1. The Salvation Army – Homeless shelter, grocery assistance/soup kitchen, rehab programs, after school programs, employment assistance. Government funded.
  2. NET (North East Texas) Public Health Center for Healthy Living – Goal is to prevent illness, promote health, and protect the community. Low cost STD testing, Surveillance of emergency & disaster preparedness, affordable immunizations, monitors vital statistics, provides environmental health services. Sets patrons up with free preventative screens, diabetes education classes, substance abuse assistance, and smoking cessation assistance. Government funded.
  3. P. A.T.H. – People Attempting To Help – not for profit organization that assists individuals with dental, medical, prescription, visual, food, rent, utilities, housing assistance
  4. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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compares & contrasts the roles, functions, and responsibilities of public policing versus private security.

Graduate Level Writing Required. 

Background: As a member of the local law enforcement agency you have been selected to present at a town hall meeting. The town hall meeting takes place in a community of 220,000 residents. The community has a small college, large teaching hospital, and three large public high schools. The community has requested more information on the merits of both private security and public policing.

Create: a 12- to 14-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that compares & contrasts the roles, functions, and responsibilities of public policing versus private security. 

Must include EXTENSIVE speaker notes on EVERY SLIDE.

Address the following:

   – Similarities between public Police and Private Security.

   – Differences between public Police and Private Security.

   – How leadership is different between the two areas, explain the role of both leadership positions.

   – The relationship between public Policing and security w/ regards to the criminal justice system.

   – Essential policies for each role in order to enhance homeland security

Include: Images, charts, and multimedia to explain the points of your presentation.

 -Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

-Provide at least 4 Academic / Scholarly references.

-100% Original Work.

-Must Be Graduate Level Writing. 

Writers Solution

Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards because they have little experience

Conduct research and write an essay that discusses the statement: “Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards because they have little experience.”

  • Defend your statement (agreement or disagreement), and state your viewpoint.
  • Research and justify your position using three references (include complete citations). At least one of your sources must be a peer-reviewed academic source.
  • Present alternative viewpoints (analyze contradictory positions) for why some people may have other positions than your own.
  • Include an example that you have witnessed in your professional experience.
  • Referencing public service, has the perspective of leadership ethics changed over the past 20 years? Using examples, explain why.

Your response should be at least 550 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Writers Solution

Michigan’s state statute that defines what is considered to be a public record that must be made available to the public upon request.

Using library or Internet resources provide a full citation for each of the following items:
(The state is MI and the city is Grand Rapids for all “local” questions)

  1. Michigan’s state statute that defines what is considered to be a public  record that must be made available to the public upon request.
  2. The pre-World War I opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court holding, on re-argument, that a federal income tax was unconstitutional.
  3. The federal statute authorizing the U.S. Secretary of Transportation  to make payments to states for the value of materials stockpiled near  federal highway construction projects in conformity with the project  specifications.
  4. The federal joint regulation of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife  Service, Department of the Interior, National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration, and Department of Commerce, identifying the factors for  listing, delisting, or reclassifying endangered species.
  5. Michigan’s state administrative regulations specifying the licensure process for real estate agents.
  6. The local ordinance in your municipality governing noise.
  7. The most recent opinion of your Michigan’s state highest appeals court  describing the extent to which the state constitution requires that the  power of eminent domain be exercised only for a public use.
  8. A recent federal trial court decision in your federal district describing the standard for summary judgment in federal court.
  9. A law-review article published within the past five (5) years about libel law and political campaign advertisements.

Your assignment must: